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Alassad, President Trump reacting moments ago. I think what happened in syria is a disgrace to humanity. He is there, i guess he is running things, so something should happen. Welcome to risk reward, i am in for deirdre bolton, major evens on day 78 of trumps presidency be we start with the latest. To adam shapiro on the ground. Reporter vote to confirmnism neil gorsuch is expected to take place tomorro afternoon. The senate changed decades of precedent it infocused what many people call a nuclear option, lowering threshold to en debate on a Supreme Court nominee and prevent filibusters. Like the one that democrats were using. Republican senator Lindsey Graham worries that change will make senate more part son. Partisan. It will have an effect on judiciary. Not a good one, in the future judges will be selected by a single party, no requirement to reach across the aisle. Reporter Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell said that democrats forced the issue when they refused to drop the filibuster and allow a vote on judge gorsuch. Our democratic colleagues have done something today that sun precedented in history of the senate, unfortunately it has brought us to this point. We mead to get pass that unprecedented partisan filibuster. Reporter senators are eager to go home for their easter recess, they are expected to confirm judge gorsuch to Supreme Court give or take an your around 7 p. M. Friday. Playing out the soap oper untithen. Thank youdam. The senate, in hour 4 of up to 30 hour of debate before judge gorsuchs vote before tomorrow night. With us now judge jenin is here, so great to have you. Good to be with you. So much to talk about, start with gorsuch, why are the democrats digging in their heels, this is what the American People say they are sick of. This is not about gorsuch this is about donald trump, that is partisan hatred, this is why Congress People are held in such lowest team by the American Public. I was enthralled with him, he has intellect and background, one reversed in 10 years, all democrats voted for him to be on circuit course, and he had one case reverse, and they say he is not in the mainstream, he does not support women, are you kidding . This is all about donald trump, democrats are going to have to eat their own words. The American Public sees this. The public voted for donald trump because Supreme Court justice was an american part of their vote, americans will remember this long after the vote. Do you think it could be bad for the republicans in they are forced to change precedent with this nuclear option. They can arg you that but the American Public wants people to get to work, lk how long it took trump to get his cabinet, look how long it has taken them to get him on the Supreme Court. We need to get to work, the American Public is tired of this kind of only thing they done accuse gorsuch of was being in a motel room with a 6yearold, this is craziness. Lets get to work, that is what americans want. He was unflappable, i watched all this. He was incredible. That is why it is shocking that the democracies are acting like 5yearolds. Right, babies, babies. People we put donald trump into office, that is what American People wanted they said no more business as usual. Drain the swamp, the swamp is in high gear. They are and you have people like Elizabeth Warren who said this man is the epitome of everything bad about donald trump, she actually predicted that donald trump is going to get indicted and his case is going to go to Supreme Court, and neil gorsuch will be there to rule on it. Hey, did you forget about Hillary Clinton when you endorsed her, did you for get everything that you are for is pretty much in connection. This is nation els naked politi we juant to go to work. Think about it donald ump 78 days, it is like he has been in office for 6 years atthispoint, he has done so much and so many battles. I do to switch gears with you. Devin nunes stepping aside from the probe in the alleged russian meddling in the election. Somebody tell me what this meddling is. Do you think he potentially broke the low by leaking quote leaking in the pros Conference Information going the white house, is there a law to be broken here. You know, cheryl, i dont want to be partisan, i really dont, even im fed up with it. What i want is for people to number one be strong, number two not accuse. I think that people are too quick to step down, i think that nunes was tired of it, he should have stayed and bought it. The dems are pros at throwing dirt. It was bill clinton that took 500,000, the speech in russia, clinton in middle of sale of uranium to russia. I did not see any hearings into that. That was our money going to resources in russia. Now the republicans are whimping out saying, okay, i wont be involved, that is ridiculous. How does this affect the russian investigation, does it kind of hurt it. Well, yeah, they could say that republicans they had to back out, Jeff Sessions did the right thing, i know how he thinks but he could have stood his ground stronger. You sit across from a table who knows who the 20 people are in a room with you. You know but, you know, they tried to the right thing its crazy. Liz move on to your new fox show. Thank you. Tomorrow night . Tomorrow night, you the jury, it looks fabulous. Well, you know america has been fascinated with trials, as i have been. And this is a first time in history of television they know that america actually gets to vote could we have best attorneys in country who try the cases. You will recognize most of them, these are cases ripped from headlines, you will be familiar with them we have a huge live audience, a great set, then america at the end is the jury, they get to actually vote on their fox now app and text, and then america the jury will tell you, who wins. Lets show the viewers a clip. Good. Watch. Somebody died. Okay. You killed her. In a country divided. Are you a racist . We hand the full power of the law to the biggest jury in history. Welcome to the new face of american justice. This is you the jury. Oh, man, that is going to be a killer show. Wow. Cant wait to watch. And vote and you know well tabulate the voting right away. Well let you know, i am fascinated to see what america think, hot button issues, water of cooler issues. I will be in front of my tv tomorrow night with my phone. Thank you. Tomorrow night, remember you the jury on fox, tomorrow night. 9 p. M. Eastern. Thank you. Coming up a historic meeting, President Trump. West palm beach hosting chinese president xi jinping at his maralago estate in florida, earlier this week. North korea fired a balliic missile off the waters of east coast. All that coming up. On risk reward. Liberty mutual stood with us when a fire destroyed the living room. We were able to replace everything in it. Liberty did what . Liberty mutual paid to replace all of our property that was damaged. And we didnt have to touch our savings. Yeah, our insurance wont do that. Well, there goes my boat. Ive spent my life planting a sizesix, nonslip shoe into that door. On this side, i want my customers to relax and enjoy themselves. But these days its phones before forks. They want wifi out here. But behind that door, i need a private connection for my business. Wifi pro from comcast business. Public wifi for your customers. Private wifi for your business. Strong and secure. Good for a door. And a network. Comcast business. Built for security. Built for business. Ways wins. 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This is a hash tag resistance filibuster that does not make any sense. Cheryl a lot of it, at no time did i get a sense he would try to reverse the law as is. Several different laws that have been in play for 30 years. What is the problem with him in is it because he is note merit garland or they are so fearful that a new sheriff, as in trump is in town, they want to discredit the had the. Most superficialy, yes, they feel they are cheated out of merrick gore land gar land and they are never going to t over that. Gorsuch stands for, is idea, i am here to read the law, interpret the law, and let results fall where they may, liberals are more interested in a resultsoriented movement. I saw a headline today, with Mitch Mcconnells picture on twitter, said rest in peace u. S. Senate. You know this is a new president for confirmation, but what does this mean going forward, for senate, i am tracking 10 or 20 years. I think it means very little, precedent of the you never filibustered a appointees. Thomas was highly controversial. This is a return to the status quo, pre2000, where Chuck Schumer came up with the idea it was okay to start filibustering judicial nominees. Cheryl amazing to me, that we talk about this is a Supreme Court of all things should not be political. Right. Cheryl but it is. Do you think that court will be in anyway shape or form affected by this. I dont think the way it is confirmed will affect it. I think gorsuch, you saw it in the hearings this a man with a judicial temperament, he may help pull along some swing vote the. Well see. But he is for my moneya representative of what is a Supreme Court justice should be. Cheryl what do you think is going on in Trump Administration in general . Internal politics happening there . There are a lot of powers at play right now, is paul ryan because of what happened with healthcare, has he lost credibility with the white house. On the surfat surface it seems they are all working together, but read between the lines not so much. Reporting is that trust is gets strained. The speaker and the president are still on the same page of wants to pass the health care bill. Cheryl on a business channel we this done because we a tax reform done. We saw healthcare fail or pulled, we thought oh, boy. What does this mean for tax reform. Does it weaken President Trump, who really ran on tax reform, the economy. We that. Not a great sign for tax reform. It did you not kill tax reform. Whatever happens to the while bill, they are health bill they are going to try to get tax reform over the hump, it will be complicated and take longer than they think, it will seem dead a couple of times but they will make a real college try on that. Cheryl we hope so. The stock market like likes it so far, rich great to see you. Thank you. Cheryl thank you so much. Appreciate it. Cheryl a lot is happening out of washington and in florida, president obama hosting chinese president xi jinping for two days, we have former u. N. Ambassador john bolton, saying this is the most important meeting that President Trump s in first 100 days. And Rex Tillerson says that steps are underway to remove syrian president Bashar Alassad. I think tha brokerage Obama Administration had a great opportunity. They set us back not only in syria but in many other parts of the world, because it was a blank threat. I sneeze. There goes my sensitive bladder. Sound familiar . Then youll love this. Always discreet. Incredible protection. In a pad this thin. I didnt think it would work. But the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel for incredible protection. So i know im wearing it. But no one else will. Always discreet. Ive discovered incredible. Bladder leak underwear that hugs every curve. Cant tell im wearing it. Can you . Always discreet underwear. For bladder leaks. Cheryl President Trump and chinese president xi jinping meeting for the first time today, in florida, trade and the economy will be front and center. As threat of north korea grows, possible punitive action will certainly be on the table. We bring inflation berman who is in blake berman, who is in palm beach, i would like to know what is for dinner. Reporter probably something good we got a note from pool that chinese president , has arrived over there. This is not efficiently a state officialy a state visit, but it has that feel. It is a 24hour or so visit, Administration Officials say they want to get to know each other, two leaders, start off the relationship, set the quote, framework, for the governmentins to work together. Trade as you know president has been talking about this and how it relates to china for better portion of 18 months. And north korea. Listen to President Trump early this morning setting the table for what may happen on next couple of days on fox and friends. You mention chinese president , what can we anticipate. It will be interesting, nobody really knows, weve not been treated fairly on trade for many year be no president has taken carry of that the way they should have. We have a big problem with north korea, well so what happens. Hope to get to bring leverage on issue with north korea. Well see what happens, well be in there pitching, i think were going to do well. Reporter major note with president , here in florida, were told he has been briefed or be, by National Security as vidas adviser mcmaster, with how it retails in syria. Cheryl so much for those two leaders to discuss, this is the biggest meeting he had since he has been president , a lot for you, to follow,. Reporter well take it. Cheryl n my next guest call President Trumps meeting with chinese president the most important meeting so far, he said this relationship will be defined between washington and beijing, that could define 21 century, numbers me now, former ambassador to the u. N. , john bolton, you are the guy on the topic. President trump on the campaign trail, every rally was china, china, china. So much anger he directed when it came to trade and debt. But in a great oped in journal, you argued that you say north korea. I think you have to explain to xi jinping, i think trump is capable of that, he has a different world view from barack obama. So from the domestic American Perspective trade is at the top. But from bigger strategic picture that president needs to display, the imminent threat is north korea. And the fact it is getting close by our own military estimates of being able to drop a Nuclear Warhead on american targets, in very near future. That is unacceptable. China has to step up, it says it does not north korea to ha Nuclear Weapons, it has been sci schizophrenic for last 25 years, it needs to change. Cheryl you say only real way to en the threat from north korea is to reunifi the peninsula, by remerging north korea with the south. Also, that would not be popular with a chinese who would have a double threat . I dont think so, i dont care from north korean regime thinks. And what china could do to them would eliminate them. It wait, backing up a moment, do you feel that are you talking about removing leadership of north korea . Getting kim jongun out of power, is that your ultimate end game, then. A step toward theor a reunification of the peninsula. North korea has on multiple occasions said, well agree to eliminate our Nuclear Weapons but never had slightest intention. As long as that regime is in power, they will see deliverable Nuclear Weapon as their whole card. You have to do is en the regime. Only longterm stability to the peninsula will come through reunification. I think it is in chinas National Interest to know that, there are obvious issues, but there is a way to work a deal that is satisfactory to china and United States. Cheryl chinas military basketball, over past 8 years under president obama, you military budget, over past 8 years under president obama gained ground. And our military budget we fell, we pulled money away from our military, that is now set up to change with President Trump. You said that prob president obama had a no drama policy. In connection with china territorial claims in the South China Sea and east china sea, Obama Administration policy was essentially prayer. They could negotiate with china as equals that would never happen, our naval present diminish our ability to maintain these are International Waters and they are not going to be allowed to become a chinese lake, that disappeared. President trump has to up press that a pressimp impress that as well. So these issues are call coming up along with the huge increase in chinas military capability, you mentioned its budget has increased dramatically, and ours has fallen, it is more of an increase than we think, lookingal for example pay of a chinese servicemember compared to american servicemember. It hardly even comparable, law budget figes understates the increase in chinas capacity in last 10 years. Cheryl i wish i could be a fly on the wall tonight at their dinner, the chinese are biggest holders of american debt, i am out of time but you will be back on to talk about this. Thank you so much, it was great to have you tonight. Thank you. Cheryl ambassador john bolton. Well, susan rice, has given two different answers, about the unmasking of trump transition officials who were caught up in the sur sur surveillances with more en officials, well debate. But first President Trump, denouncing syrian president Bashar Alassad for a chemical weapon attack this week. What does that need to be . General jack keane will join us, coming up. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say if you love something. Set it free. See you around, giulia asads role in the future is unclear. With ask that he has taken it would seem that there is no whirl for him to govern the syrian people. It should be allowed to happen. Something is can happen. The Trump Administration is bashing his etas chemical weapons attack. He killed dozens of his own people including children that were asleep in their beds. Th announce steps underway to form a possible international effort. They could be called upon to strike in syria training me now. As is the fourstar general jack keane. President barack obama said there is a redline cross. How many lines have we seen cross. Barack obama stopped her from going into syria. Do you think its serious. I think it was a moment when our president came to grips with the horror of what took place as a result of this gas attack. I think it affected them personally and humanely. A sense of accountability because now the president of the United States and he has a Global Leadership role. All of that said i think hes determined to take some kind of action here. And it remains to be seen what thats like. He has a range of options available to him. We look at these horrific pictures and it is sickening. Asad is backed by russia. There is a concern that this could be the start of a major global battle. How far will they go in particular into the russian dictatorship. I think we can put aside the fear of a conflict with russia here. Frankly, if we work were to conduct a military strike we would do it with standoff cruise missiles from the surface and sub surface ships. Theres already two there. And the targets and the likely targets would be the infrastructure. He has six operational fields that he uses in the infrastructure around there is not just the airplane certainly but the fuel storage. The maintenance, and the spare part warehouses. We could take all of that down in one night on those six airfields if we wanted to. Is it possible that we could find out where that chemical agents are in syria and do a strategic attack without harming more civilians because thats the first thing i think that is a concern that more innocent syrians are going to die. I would assume that some of these are pretty will hidden as they had been in the past. If we knew the location yes, the real thing is to take away the delivery means. That would have a much higher pay off a military perspective than actual chemical weapons themselves. The arabs have wanted to be involved a long time ago. What have they done. Im trying to give you an answer. They had offered assistance many times to president president obama and his refused him every time. To go after asis and he aces and he has refused all of that. The president does have great visits with three arab leaders here. He has revitalized the relationship with the arabs to the point that used to be now is the time to follow up on and get their participation and get their counsel and their advice the other option thats worth trying obviously if we shoot some cruise missiles. We could provide some safe zones for some of them to be able to seek refuge. It is compensated setting them up to shore. I think its worth and effort. It is the right thing to do to save some lives. I think Many Americans are tired of hearing and seeing these kind of things. We shall see. I think there is some hope now. Thank you very much. A texas sheriff is under attack for shielding over 200 criminal illegal aliens from deportation despite state law. It will will talk about that coming up. The first, republicans say that the former security adviser susan rice to testify before a grand jury to see if she on mask the names. Our panel in a debate that coming up next. At crowne plaza we know Business Travel nt just business. Thethis. a bit of this. Why not . Your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. Which is what we do. Crowne plaza. Were all business, mostly. The House Intelligence Committee temporarily stepping down his committees probe into russian meddling in the election. This after controversy exploded over his trip to the white house last month to view intelligence documents. The congressman said several leftwing activist groups the charges are entirely false and politically motivated. Mike conaway well now lead that probe. A conservative lady at radio host. Is this the strategy of the democrats. On the side of the democrats to get them out. Its turned a little political. I think certainly. Democrats are not unhappy today about this. There are a lot of republicans who arent as well. Devon devin nunes putting himself in a very precarious position. I dont know who knew i was in there. And then going to the Administration First before informing and then clearly trying to create some sort of haze around Donald Trumps arrest initial accusation. There is a lot more to still find out. The bipartisan approach that the Senate Intelligence committehas been taking towards us. And hopefully we will have that as well now and hse committee. We are seen mixed opinions. Some say it was the right thing to do because they were using him as a distraction but the real investigation do you agree with that. I think most people like to see classified information remain classified. I dont agree that he should have stepped out. I get really tired of seeing the republicans always try to do the right thing and always try to appeal to bipartisanship while they contend and continue to fully and try to make a case where there is anything. I think we all know that there is no wrongdoing here. I dont think the ultimate outcome is going to be a problem in terms of nunes stepping aside temporarily. This is a Conspiracy Theory and i think most americans know that. Weve never heard any proof in all of this this has become these are conversations. Someone from the trump team was having coffee with some of that owned a restaurant degree where as a collision. We dont know where it is yet. We know we have a number of intelligence agencies. They said that there is a reason to be having an investigation. Director comey came forward and talked about a couple weeks ago. And then a further release that came out the week after. When they first came out there and said he had reason to believe that there was evidence of the wiretapping and the incidental collection. I think everybody on both sides of the aisle and we do have that even though gina thinks were the only ones who are on that rabbit hunt to find out what happened between tween the trump team in russia the polarization that were dealing with when it comes to washington right now. The one thing i have to remind our viewers is that donald trump was real estate mogul trump and if youre in realty in new york city you are dealing with russians and saudis and chinese. As an nature of doing real estate. Is a connection to russia been mischaracterized by the democrats maybe. I think its been completely blown out of proportion altogether. You look at Hillary Clinton met with russians. Multiple times. There is nothing here they have proven over and over. They had been investigating. Talk about carter page for me. There is real evidence in you know this and not only this the American People are not interested. Are you interested in a russia collusion with trump. They are more issued interested in the economy. There is it in a good economy every sigel time. Take a look at the polling. The American Publics interest. The economy will always be the number one issue. What are you you and the democrats joined President Trump in an effort to create the job that he is already created in unprecedented numbers. Even just in the units is but globally. All of the things that they say they want that they said they wanted all the way through the campaign they are happening under President Trump and yet i never hear that as a topic of discussion for you or other democrats. Tomorrow we are going go to a new jobs number. We do really care about the economy and jobs i think there is a little bit happening. Im out of time. Its great to have you. A new report says texas released more legal immigrants than any other american county. In some of them are charged with guns, we will find out how long they can continue aching the federal laws. We will be right back. 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Are they putting peoples safety and lives at risk quacks. The absolutely are. I was county executive as an example. In 2009 we have a spike in crime due to the ms 13 gang and we have actors. So we put together within our Police Department and entity that worked very closely. I left in my successor cut off a cooperation the cooperation with the federal government in that regard. And then went before a number of leftwing organizations. As far as detainers go as much as we did before. The following year in one community alone seven young people were murdered. By ms 13 members. It makes a difference. So under this policy that county jail only honors request for those convicted of crim like murder and sexual assault. Otherwise a warrant is needed. Does this seem fair. They will have the authority to pick and choose which federal laws they which wish to advise five. The Immigration Law to 87 which says that when a request is made for the detainer. They shall abide by the request so they been coming up with this nonsense and its only voluntarily a request to the feds. The waters were muddied several years ago when jeh johnson the Homeland Security director under president obama have made this statement that it was just voluntary for states he have no authority to do so. That would have overturned congressional law section 1373 that said localities in set localities in states must provide the federal government for information regarding illegal aliens who are arrested. Speemac Texas Governor greg abbott being canceled canceled one and half million and state funding. Do you think they are going to follow. Thats with can have to happen. There has to be some kind of accountability here and let me say this. The message matters. At that only that they are putting our residents in jeopardy but when localities and mayors say were going to give drivers license to those illegally. Were going to give you that. And now organa let you out of jail free it sends a message to the rest of the world does come on over. And youre here forever. Thank you very much we will be right back. When i received the diagnosis, i knew, whatever it takes, wherever i have to go. Im beating this. Ctca is definitely on spf those changes. We really focus on taking the time with each individual patient so they can choose the treatment appropriate for them. I empower women with choices. Its not just picking a surgeon. Its picking the care team, and feeling secure where you are. Visit cancercenter. Com breast Appointments Available now. Making money with Charles Payne is next. Good evening. Were going to expect a hear from the president later on this hour. The potential military showdown is firing up big time in syria President Trump hinting at punitive action. Telling reporters that something should happen. Blake berman as life is life with the details. This has morphed into the searing issue and what the president and the menstruation

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