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The suspect may have planned an even bigger attack. The Dallas Police chief said he had planned to carry out a larger attack involving explosives that wouldve had devastating effects throughout the city. With me now someone who knows about the work being done right this instant behind closed chords. Doors. Aside from going through social Media Connections and physical search of johnsons blondes gains what else is happening . Good evening to you. The investigators in dallas and as you know i was there the entire weekend and i spoke with a number of the investigators. What theyre looking at now is whether or not the suspect in this case who is now deceased whether or not he have any assistance from someone else. We do know and they had been able to link him to the new black Panther Party where he was a member of the organization for about six months. They put him out of the organization because they said he did not want to follow the chain of command. They are looking at that. They are looking at some of his family members because his sister posted her support for what she did and the actions that she did by killing the Police Officers on our website. There are a number of things that investigators are trying to figure out now. But the most important thing is whether or not this guy had help. Deirdre ron, what is the most Important Information that they can glean right now . If this attack was meant to be bigger and i heard you say if other people were involved somehow. When they executed the search worth of his home which was located in mesquite, texas, i drove out there over the weekend , they actually found a whole lot of arsenal. They found a huge arsenal of weapons, ammunition and they found kevlar bulletproof best. As we all know its a chemical that is used to make bombs. They really believe that this guy the suspect was really determined to create more havoc than he did and more deaths. Thankfully they were able tofore did that. Deirdre so the black nationalist group, black panthers they joined that protest this weekend. I will show a quick clip and i want to get Additional Information from you. Here is the clip. When do we want to . Justice. Now. Deirdre would you say that they rejected johnson because he wouldnt follow the chain of command but overall how tense are these times when you reach out to people and people in lawenforcement. When i talk to journalists much older two people say this is a return to the 1960s level of violence . You know what they say, no, they say this is worse than the 1960s levels of violence. Let me tell you i really quick the new black Panther Party is much different than the old original party, the new party is more focused on violence and being vile little and hostile. Theyre not worried about what is happening in the committee. All they want to do is bring death and destruction primarily to white people and that is their words not mine. The old party on the other hand in contrast to that, they have Community Programs they have some controversies as we all know. There is a huge difference between these two groups. When it comes to Law Enforcement , we are very concerned. This new party because if you remember in ferguson it was a new black Panther Party members that were trying to purchase guns and bombs so that they could harm the Police Officers in ferguson. We are really concerned about it but we will continue to track them as well. Deirdre how does it make the job earlier easier or harder with social media . Weve seen it make it easier to organize weve also seen it easier for better or worse very upsetting material. There are many people who say and speculate that scene that facebook streaming live killing of that young africanamerican in minnesota, the fact it was put on facebook was part of what made johnson snap if you would . That probably played a role in his behavior and his crazy behavior by shooting at the police but i dont think that was the only thing. This attack that he carried out against the ins and the said Police Officers have been planning for some time. And maybe the shooting of the two africanamerican males start sparked at this time but social media does play a role but last but not least i would tell you this the new black Panther Party is really hijacking the black lives matter movement. That movement has some validity to some of the arguments and people are listening to that. They are not necessarily violent at all. With the new party is trying to do is try to attach themselves to this group so they can get the exposure as well. Deirdre thank you for your insight. We are glad you are with us. Deirdre speaking of black lives matter the former new york mayor and sarah palin and Rush Limbaugh claim that lack lives matter exasperates tension and shows racial divide. Here is a former mayor. Black lives matter and other things manner but its racist. But when you focus in on 1 of less than 1 of the murder thats going on in america and you make it a national thing and all of you in the media make it much bigger than the black kid who is gillett getting killed in chicago every 14 hours you create disproportion. Police understand it and they put a target on their back. Every cop in america will tell you that if you ask them. Deirdre my political power plant is here. Power panel is here. It is good to see all of you. Our people can pleading that the message with being anti police . A lot of protesters are saying those terms. I think they are. The reason why this is happening is because everybody takes extremely emotional and i think a lot of white americans dont know what its like to be black and white they are seen but at the same time there are no facts or very few facts when it comes to police in shootings for black lives matter to make its case. Theyre upset about a lot of Different Things but are not focusing on solutions. They are drawing attention to something they cant necessarily prove deirdre kristen, i want to ask you a followup question. Texas Lieutenant Governor called protesters and dallas hypocrites for running when the sniper opened fire expecting men and women in blue to turn around and protect them. So this is just part of the position that Law Enforcement is in right now what is your opinion . It is a horrible position have been put on. When i went on facebook they are saying things like the police and dallas deserved to be shot in this kind of rhetoric is being reinforced by the highest levels of our government. Deirdre maybe not Everybody Knows but the police chief thhas actually done so much and with dallas considered one of the most understanding communities between the Actual Community and the police force. He have made three months Movement Towards more transparency. If theres any model in the u. S. For what the police force should be like is dallas. They didnt deserve to get shot. I think its despicable that were seeing the highest levels of government officials and not just to find the shootings but we need to make it very clear that there is no excuse and we will not tolerate this kind of violence. Otherwise they will probably be more attacks like this. Bringing in a point that chris and dismayed. Jay johnson has yet to call this a hate crime even though the shooter set essentially im gunning for white people. If you substitute any other word in their size white it becomes a hate crime what are we missing. I think jay johnson and every single case has always waited for the investigation to be conducted on both sides and nobody is condoning violence on either side. In fact another police chief even talked about how there is a problem in the police force. He said that there are militarized weapons been handed to 25 years old. They are iraqi war vets and the only job they can get are in the police force. There is a culture and the police force that needs to be reformed. Not every Police Officer is violent the one that takes more money. What i was gonna say is is not true about president obama they decided to weigh in on some situations and we saw sell with tremont martin. I will say this. They waited for investigations. They said this is a racial hate crime even though they might have not had used those terms and i will say this the government is not Backing Police who really have the hardest job in the world because they dont have any trust for the community and Everyone Wants to jump on them for one little thing. It is really tough to police americans. Its not in either or situation and its not like the police force is been ignored they are highly funded. Even the fbi director said so. The problem here is you have a community that is hurting, its been targeted and thats not debatable. We had thousands of videos being out a people like that. Can you make an excuse for that . There is no excuse for that. We dont know what the Police Procedure was or the incident. We seen that in new york. As many people are shot by police every year. Look at the washington post. They put out a report on this. Why people make up a larger percent of the population so we expect that. Within minority communities there is a larger percent of crime happening for the population. Of course theyre going to be more run ins with the police. White smoke just as much weed as americans and they are arrested at a higher rate. Deirdre i would say to your point affluent is more of a class issue. They can go and had access to the drugs that they want where as whereas poorer classes are buying them on the streets. We have to leave them there. I want you all to come back. Thank you. More on politics of the Dallas Police shooting. Jay johnson as we had been talking about he is hes not ready to call it a hate crime. He says he has some choice words. We are back in a minute. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement™, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Weinto a new american century. Born with a hunger to fly and a passion to build something better. And what an amazing time its been, decade after decade of innovation, inspiration and wonder. So, we say thank you america for a century of trust, for the privilege of flying higher and higher, together. Deirdre was the shooting and dallas a hate crime . They are still doing an investigation being conducted a lot of other resources in the federal government so its still relatively early. Deirdre secretary of Homeland Security jay johnson not calling the Police Killings a hate crime. He wanted to vote kill white people. Former secret service officer. Thank you for the time. Are you surprised about the lack of characterization of have hate crime. And someone made the comment if you substitute any other word in their besides white maybe it would have gone faster. Theyre absolutely right. Im disappointed that had to tell you that. Im not surprised because this administration cant possibly be that accurate. Jeh johnson is a relatively smart man. Theres no way he is that dumb. The criminal said in his own words as reported by Police Officers at the scene i am there to kill white people. Is that not the very definition of a hate crime. Deirdre one to my guess just said waiting for the details to come in. Is that enough of a detail . We had five dead bodies that we have a guy who taunted police in a negotiation for two hours who had to be blown up using a plastic explosive because it would not become out and mocked the killing of five Police Officers in the department of Homeland Security secretary for the greatest country on earth cant admit this is a hate crime. This guy cannot be this ignorant yes we doing this to gaslight us or annoy conservatives and republicans. There is no other radicalization. Deirdre because of a back on the hazard perspective and insight that most people dont have what are the next best steps because one of my prior guest just said a lot of people are telling him he think thats true that the racial tension or see now is actually worse than in the 1960s. It is ive never seen it as as bad for Police Officers in my 41 years on the planet. It has never been bad. He needs to have that moment where he acknowledges that maybe he has been wrong on this issue in the past but this is a time for both sides to get together and start speaking responsibly about the issue and its also time for him to stop making comments about the use of force situations before he has the facts. He has no information at all that they were racially motivated yet he jumps in front of the most powerful microphone he sends dog whistle say that they are in that he wonders why there is social unrest. There is social unrest because of barack obama. Deirdre since 2013 there have been numerous instances where National Guard has been targeted. I want to ask you to respond to a comment from one of your fellow brothers in arms that sheriff david clark maybe making this comment to me on friday. I will just paraphrase that he is essentially talking about Hillary Clinton and he actually came out pointblank and i will quote him here he is a straight up cop Hillary Clinton is a straight up cop hater. She has said white people need to listen, donald trump has said i am the law and order candidate. This has become a political conversation how do you see it again from the point of view from your expertise . It shouldnt be a political conversation but youre right it is. Knowing Hillary Clinton like few others i will say to americas Police Officer if you think of a friend in Hillary Clinton you are sorely mistaken. She is not your friend you are a political pawn political pawn for you. She will use you for whatever she needs and she will scrap you at the most inconvenient moment when you need her support the most. She is absolutely not a friend to americas Police Officers. Thats a fact. Deirdre thats a fact. She needs to court the africanamerican vote on whether she is right she sees this as a step in that direction. She understands she doesnt have within the black community the support that barack obama had. She knows shes having trouble with the white middleclass workers. She is trying to triangulate against donald trump. She is using the cops as a political pawn to do it. She cares about getting votes and thats it. Shes doing exactly what barack obama did jumping to conclusions before she has the it is really sad. When it comes to finding a moment. The comment does not match. We will play both and you can hear it for yourself. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in rochester, with worldclass botox. And in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov i think its very hard to untangle the motives of the shooter. As we have seen in a holy range of incidents with mass shooters, they are i definition trouble. I will leave that does a colleges. Deirdre president obama said it was difficult to know the dallas shooters motive. The police chief david brown made a definitive comment. We are convinced that the suspect had other plans and thought that what he was doing was a righteous and believed he was going to make Law Enforcement and target Law Enforcement and make us pay for what he sees as the efforts to punish people of color. Deirdre joe is back with me. Sheriff thank you for rejoining the show. Whos take do you think understands it better . The Dallas Police chief he is there and doing a great job of really it was sad of what happened to the officers. I have an emotional problems myself because i was a young, with the toughest beat in america in washington dc. Have a lot of assault against me made a lot of arrests but the racial component never came out. That was years and years ago. Now everything seems to be racial. The president laid the groundwork in 2009 when it white officer arrested a black professor and even at that time we back then he said that more hispanics and blacks are being arrested than others then he have to do a Little Summit ranking beers with those two people at the white house. I set i think it set the tone about the president. By the way in dallas is it may be a hate crime. I call it zero wastrel type i call it a racial type crime. They always send someone down in other situations and do a big investigation on the racial component of the situation. I had had two of my officers, two deputy sheriffs, one was shot recently because a white guy shot him because the deputy gave him a ticket the night before. And i just had a substation shot by a hispanic with a semi automatic weapon trying to kill my deputy going in there. Ive said for this years this is a war on cops. Many people dont believe that. Deirdre i want to ask you sheriff, what are the next best steps . If the administration wanted to get serious about supporting the police what with the comment would the comment be from the white house right now . The president sets the temp tempo not only with his federal bureaucracy but with the people. The people of this country, he ought to start going out and admitting there is a war on cops and to ask to send the troops out there to prove it instead of all of this mickey mouse comments semantics and other things. Get out front and defend our Law Enforcement. This is what trouble do when he is president. A few hours ago donald trump spoke and he said i in the law in order candidate and i know you have backed him and i am assuming that is a pretty big reason why you have endorsed him . That is one reason. The other reason is he has got to speak out. He has told me many times that he is going to defend our police in veterans. And veterans. I take him at the word. It will be a different game when he becomes president. Deirdre we are glad to have you here. Thank you. After the Police Ambush they are forced to remove this cartoon. We have it censored for tv in the same time frame timeframe my next guest said facebook put up this huge black lives matter site and its headquarters that big tech might have to take responsibility for its reach and we come back. Im just a guy who wants to buy that truck. And im just a guy who wants to sell him that truck. So i used truecar. It told me what other people in the area paid for the truck i want. And because were a truecar certified dealership, i already know the truck he wants. So were on the same page before he even gets here. Its fair. And its fast. Look good . Looks great. This is how car buying was always meant to be. This is truecar. Deirdre facebook finally removed the cartoon showing violence against the police. It was rejected from that group but he ranted on the page just days before he killed five Police Officers and wounded nine. With me now center for Security Policy executive Vice President jim hansen. So i know you are looking for the image and it looks like facebook finally took down but it took a day and a half what you make of the companies, Community Standards or the metric of judgment of promoting graphic violence. After all we have seen isis able to recruit and some other disturbing content go out. Here is what really concerns me it stood up for multiple days and they received multiple complaints and the issue is whether it is graphic or not it supports terrorism. It was a cop having his throat slit in the same way that isis have been doing that in the verbiage on the graphic said our bg panther or save your black community by any means necessary. One thing to note the killer in dallas painted the letters are be in his own blood on the wall. I think he was trying to paint that. It was a call for terrorist violence against police and facebook knew about it for days and let it stay up there in violation of their own policy against allowing terrorists supporting stuff on their site. Deirdre you described the situation really articulately but whats it going to take for facebook, its very easy for a company to say we a social Media Network and we have more than a billion followers but at some point they have to actually take responsibility for their reach. What are the best steps in your view . I think they have a policy if they will follow it consistently and not follow it politically correctly. They seem to be more apt to censor thing they disagree with then things than they support. They have a signup in front of their location supporting black lives matter which is fine they also show videos where black lives matter supporters are chanting death to police and things like pigs in a blanket fry them like a bacon. At some level they have to take responsibility for creating an environment where inciting violence is allowed. They dont allow it for other terrorist groups and they shouldnt allow it for anyone calling for acts like that. Deirdre jim hansen thank you very much. I just need to bring our viewers up to speed. There is a large protest going on right now. And the Trinity United Church of christ is joining black lives matter to protest the Fatal Shootings of Alton Stewart alton sterling and castile. That is alive shot right there. Osama bin laden sought his directing revenge on the u. S. The navy seal who killed his father is next. [announcer] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. Legalzoom has your back. For your business, our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Deirdre one of osama bin ladens son said he wants revenge for his fathers death saying if you think that your sinful crime has passed without punishment than you thought wrong. We will continue as striking you and targeting you in your country and abroad. My next guest is a navy seal responsible for killing osama bin laden. Robert oneal oneil is with me now. Always good to see you. Thank you for coming in. What do you make of this threat . This is a third time hes done in under a year. They had been grooming him in a leadership role. Right now its a leader of al qaeda. He ordered them to stand down in 2013 just because they wanted to be under the radar on now. Hes actually talking to a pretty large audience. They have a lot of fighters. Then they are in more countries than isis. They have let them take some of the reins. From a cynical perfected perspective it seems like isis is lunching out. They are happy to get anybody from anywhere. They want people that can go there or train and fight. Or people that can kill somewhere else. Al qaeda wasnt really that way they were a little bit more picky. It is the same form. They want the islamic state. A lot of the radical cities have wanted this forever. It was the first to actually do it. Do you see a great distinction it is saying that they will kill even muslims. Or even people that did not seem as conservative they saw them. They see it to different ways. And then they hate each other. They hate everyone that doesnt believe exactly what they believe. They dont care who they kill. They will kill their own if they blaspheme or Say Something wrong. Weve seen evidence of that. They are going to deploy additional soldiers. What is your take on how the administration is handling the regional right now . At the slow realization that they want to start pushing them back they will need a lot of support of the americans. They just took the airfield, kate west, it is a largest city been being held by isis right now and they realize that they need american support. American leadership needs to be everywhere in the world with this airfield. They will be able to land cargill air force in there. We would be able to fly an aircraft in there. Eventually they will move to syria which they need to do. Deirdre rob, come back. Robert oneil with me here. The soul the Trinity United Church of christ joining black lives matter protesters in the course this is a voicing concern about the Fatal Shooting of the two men last week. We will continue to bring the very latest from chicago but that right now is how the scene looks. Fortythree years after watergate said Hillary Clinton is the name richard nixon. Mark ash is with me next. Im one of im 100 confident. It is being carried out it will be results. Im 100 confident this is a cure review that was requested it is being carried out it will be revolved. It will be resolved. I will be fully flexible with this investigation. I have fully complied with every rule. In all my years of public life i have never objected justice. I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material. I did not believe we were handling criminal activities. That was not my motive. Deirdre my next guest said after 43 years Hillary Clinton is in the new richard nixon. Mark aesch is with me now. Mark, walk him. Welcome. Where the biggest similarities. What a beautifully edited piece that you put together there. It was nicely done. I think it stems from the paranoia. As you cut the peace it shows the outcome of all of that but it all stems at the paranoia i think with the American People need to be reminded of is a very young Hillary Clinton 43 years ago actually set as a staffer on the Judiciary Committee helping to write the articles of impeachment for president nixon. He set up an electronic recording system outside bows of traditional government. It sounds very similar. Deirdre and there is a new pullout that shows 56 of people do not approve of the decision to forgo pressing charges against Hillary Clinton does that surprise you . I think if we went back to the summer of 1974 and we watched the same ratings with president nixon you would see the same thing. I wrote, if the Hillary Clinton uptodate had just listened to that Hillary Clinton 43 summers ago she already lived through this month why does she want the sql only put her on the defense side of the table. Deirdre to what extent do you see that credibility issue is going to hurt her in november . Here is a challenge. So you imagine being a campaign. And you can just imagine the champagne corks popping up. It was not that it was criminal. It is hard to celebrate the fact that he said they appear to be less sophisticated than he thought there were. Not exactly a ringing endorsement. If you cant work your email server lets go negotiate with iran or the folks in moscow not a ringing endorsement. Deirdre what kind of response are you getting from the book so far . It has been remarkable. It lays out how to make government work and how to produce results and i think what people think today do we want to hire the woman who spent her entire adult life creating the government the people are so frustrated with or do we want to go outside that space and hire someone who has never worked in government and recognizes the frustrations that people have. Deirdre thank you very much. We wish you well. He is the author of saving america. Take a look at the major rally on wall street today. S p 500 hitting a record high. Tech heavy nasdaq closing at a session high for this year. Stocks are getting a boost from an investor friendly election in japan and still buzzing from that stronger than forecasted jobs report on friday. We want to show you the images from the chicago i black lives matter protest is growing. Protesting the Fatal Shootings of Alton Stirling and philandro castile. We will continue to bring these shots and monitor the activity for you. Facebook is introducing endtoend encryption. It is a feature that only ices will be interested in. D a missi in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Deirdre facebook users will be able to have crypted chat with their friends and they will not be able to be cracked. This seems like a bizarre time to be launching this when we talk about social networks fighting them. It doesnt make sense to slow down technology because there are bad actors. Agreed, agreed, agreed. Facebook is making a compromise by making this an optin feature. Many of the apps are going the way of total full encryption including facebooks whats app. So the more sophisticated users will enable it and the rest of the world will not. Deirdre what do you see about evolution which is completely normal for all Tech Products we use. But letting Law Enforcement having access in some sort of way. I heard people say congress should get involved. But for the Tech Companies it doesnt become up to them case by case what to do. Thats a tough one. Here i am presenting as a security professional. That is my primarily concern. Securing the corporation and the data. Securing privacy, it all matters. So when you leave a back door open, right, for government officials, that can also lead to criminal hackers getting access as well. So thats very touchy ground you are on. So its important to consider that before you enable congress to make those decisions. Deirdre i want to ask you about Something Else which is zany and fun. Gamers going crazy over his new app piptd an augmented reality app. People spend on average 43 minutes. You look through your cameras phone and you see a pokey man creature. It seems some burglars are essentially luring people into dark alleys to rob them. Burglars with guns and a kidnapping. A potential kidnapping was just reported. The geo feature that lets anyone know where you are or where lured to, even having a craigs list ad that anybody can use that against you and figure out your location. They can come to you. You can go to them and they can assault you, rob you or kidnap you. Deirdre well be talking about facebook when we come back. Actually, facebook well tell you closed up, and you have amazon closing at another record high. Something Charles Payne and i have talked about before. I want to show you where the markets closed. You can see the dow, the s p 500 and nasdaq higher on the day. The s p is at a record high. Thats a quick look at whats going on. Charles payne will have more for you on making money. Charles more investors hopped on the rally train. The a p500 is at a record high. I have got some guidance to update your portfolio to make some money. The head of the house Law Enforcement caucus joins us. The antitrump campaign is still not over. They are still at it. First Dallas Police chief david brown highlighting the overwhelming responsibil

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