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11. Deirdre Hillary Clinton slamming donald trump on the state of the economy. This is risk reward. Im deirdre bolton. Hillary clinton blasting donald trump as too dangerous to lead the Worlds Largest economy. Donald trump responded with our own lou dobbs just moments ago. Her record is terrible. And you know, she is crooked hillary. Lets face it. She is crooked hillary. She always has been and nothing will change. For 18 years people havent had a real wage increase. In some cases now theyre working two jobs and making less money than they used to make. People are tired of incompetence. Theyre tired of being ripped off. Theyre tired of some cases it is not incompetence. It is politicians wanting to take care of their friends who own corporations or run corporations because nobody can be that stupid to do what theyre doing. Deirdre that full interview coming your way on lou dobbss show. At 7 00 p. M. Eastern time. Its a conversation you will not want to miss. Speaking of, my political power panel is here. Democratic strategist, tamara holder. Conservative radio show host and trump supporter, gina loudon, thank you all for being here. Curt, which candidate is better for the economy . Well we, you know, no one could be worse than hillary. Hillary represents the disaster that has been the last seven 1 2 years. Look im not big donald trump supporter but hes right. The middle class is getting crushed. You know who is getting rich . Hillary clinton and her pals. Theyre getting rich. If youre living in a coastal city like los angeles or san francisco, or new york, let the good times roll. And i know, im a lawyer in a blue state. Im doing fine. But you to 30 miles east of here, deirdre, and its poverty. Its hopelessness. She is a disaster. She has zero credibility. Deirdre okay, im going to pick up, curt, on what you said. Tamara, i like you to address this, to curts point, trump tweeted out, hillary defrauded america as secretary of state. She used it as personal hedge fund to get herself rich, corrupt, dangerous, dishonest. That is one of the tweets that he put out as she was speaking. This is your candidate. How do you see it . Well, i see it as a man who is very good at 160 characters and calling hillary a fraud, calling her crooked, and just like your other panelist he is not a trump supporter per se, im not necessarily a hillary supporter. Im not a huge fan of hers. She is obviously made some very big errors like saying that she was so poor when she came out of the white house and obviously all of the payments she made from speeches but this is, your question is, what can donald trump do about the economy . You dont have to like Hillary Clinton. Donald trump is terrible for the economy. He wants to build a wall. He doesnt like arabs. So arabs wont do business with him. Mexicans will not do business with him. Where will he get all the business . Where are our International Friends . He is terrible for the economy and this is beyond 160 character tweet. Deirdre all right. Gina, picking up there, how do you see this . Because really at end of the day a lot of people supported donald trump and supported senator sanders. We know that he is all but officially out, because they were both talking about jobs. At end of the day, this is what matters to people . Yeah, and at the end of the day americans realize there is only one candidate remaining in this general election that is actually ever created an actual job, deirdre, and i think that is what people are looking to. He has tremendous record of success in creating jobs. His plan for the economy is solid and substantial. And it is based on guess what . Free market principles. Not one hillary supporter that i have ever spoken to can name one thing that hillary wants to do for our economy that is free market based. If you want to create a socialistbased economy, go to some other country and run for office f youre running in america. We are capitalist, free market and everything donald trump knows for and has experience in. Thats why americans are supporting him in terms of the economy. Americans favor him, hands down over Hillary Clinton. Deirdre a man who says a man who says he pay his exwife in dress and man doesnt believe women should be paid the same deirdre i feel like that was offthecuff, which obviously donald trump everything he says offthecuff. Informal dont want to get into hillarys record with him. We could stipulate, i think we could stipulate that Donald Trumps personal failings, i dont think they measure up to hillarys personal failings but on the economy, she wants to continue the disaster that is the obama presidency. She has nothing new to offer. My gosh, make College Affordable . I know. How about cut off subsidizing leftist friends in act academia. Bill clinton made 16 million bucks deirdre student debt. Mortgage debt is actually the largest amount of debt in the u. S. Economy and it is crippling for middle class families to say the least. Tamara, curt, gina, thank you all. Glad to have you here. Thank you. Deirdre donald trump seeking support from evangelical leaders today in new york city. Id like to thank all of the wonderful christian leaders and christian voters who have supported me. We want to uphold the sanctity and dignity of life. Marriage and family, as the building block, of happiness and success. Religious freedom, the right of people, of faith, to freely practice their faith. So important. Deirdre with me now, is an evangelical christian and Small Business owner. He attended this event earlier today in new york city. Im so pleased to welcome to the program craig huey. Thanks very much for joining me. Thank you. Deiirdre so i wantnt to actualy you to show us this here, security at new york city was so tight. So were people looking at that with fine print . Make sure it is not from six flags . Absolutely. I tell you there were security after security to make sure that people had registered in advance. They showed their i. D. You couldnt get through. Started off with several hundred people, moved up to 1,000 attendees. Over 1,000 people evangelical leaders and this was a conversation with donald trump. Deirdre so i definitely want to talk about faith issues but because youre a Small Businessman. Right. Deirdre this is business channel. You heard my conversation with the panel. Why do you support him as a Small Business owner . Well, as a Small Business owner, i have had 30 years of creating jobs, and i have seen with my ad agency, Companies Going out of business because of these regulations and taxes that Small Businessmen are experiencing. I have created thousands of jobs myself. I have created millionaires. And what i know is that people cant do it with todays regulations. Donald trump offers hope. Hillary clinton offers a terrible continue ages. Deirdre craig, something that maybe people who dont have Small Businesses dont realize is how much of administrative overhead, when you talk about regulations, you have to be paying lawyers on retainer. You have to pay compliance depending on regulations, that is really crippling is it not, for a Small Organization . It is horrific, i have to pay three employees worth of regulatory costs. Plus i have to make sure that what we do is compliant which means many times we dont even try to do something we should do for clients. It is strangling the economy. Deirdre hats off to you. Weve been successful in the face of all of that. I want to shift gears. Evangelical community is so important for this country, first and foremost. It is important or been considered a, lets say point of strength for the republican party. Right. Deirdre so how do you see donald trump . Because he is not a traditional candidate . No, he is not. People of faith, evangelical christians, some 60 million voters, and in 2012, about oh, 39 million did not vote. This is a sleeping giant. Sleeping giant. They didnt like romney and didnt like different candidates. What trump has to do is motivate the evangelicals. And this is a hard task. That meeting when it began, 1 3 of the people were against trump. 1 3 were neutral and 1 3 were for trump. Deirdre what do you think is the most Important Message that he can deliver to that community . What is at the heart of the matter . He already has done it in one respect. That is the supreme court. Three or four new judges will be appointed by the next president. We can not have Hillary Clinton appoint those judges. And evangelicals recognize that. In addition to that, the top question among 50,000 questions sent out in nationwide, was on religious liberty, a Small Business owners and employees. That is the number one issue. And he has addressed that. Deirdre that is fantastic you came in to talk to us about that. This perfect crossover as you say faith issues and business issues. Craig, thank you very much. Thank you. Deirdre good to see you here. Craig huey with me there. Well shift gears, move more international if you like. Quick check on markets. Investors eyeing this vote. Will the u. K. , big question, leave the European Union or not . On thursday it is going to be a huge focal point. You can see how markets are moving in anticipation of that. Charlie gasparino, my colleague is in london on the ground. Charlie youve been speaking with many people on the street. What are they telling you because this vote looks close . It looks close, bookies, professional gamblers trying to game this, basically it will move towards remain negotiate e. U. Polls are showing a different story. Much 50 50, evensteven. That is where we are. I will say this the Financial Community here is, theyre not quite freaking out but theyre about that close. They are worried about massive market turmoil, trading of british pound, other securities. Affecting u. S. Markets. If there is a vote to leave the euro. They believe it is going to be turmoil. What every trader we spoke to today, told us, about that does happen, likely a bank holiday. Votes get tallied thursday night, early friday morning. Friday they will shut down the Banking System if they vote to exit. If they dont vote to exit, it will be business as usual. That is where people are right now. A lot of concern from the Financial Community. That you know these polls are close enough, that it could sway and they could vote to exit and that would cause a lot of market turmoil. Back to you. Charlie, well be counting on you for coverage. When you talk about freak out, a lot of people saying if london, if u. K. Does leave the e. U. , a lot of european banks with headquarters in london could leave london. That could potentially hurt local economy. There is flip side of argument of business people, sick and tired of going to brussels every time they need to make a business decision. Charlie gasparino, thank you very much. With us there from london, england. After putting attorney general Loretta Lynch on all the sunday shows to push the Obama Administration talking points, well there was a 180 and in fact the unedited orlando terrorist transcripts were released. My guest says the white house hung the ag out to dry. Colonel ralph peters is my guest next. Every day you read headlines about businesses being hacked and intellectual property being stolen. That is cybercrime. And it affects each and every one of us. Microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cybercrime. We use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. When it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. Were building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer. 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[ barking ] [ washing machine running ] partys on know what your pets are up to with xfinity home. Xfinity. The future of awesome. See the secret life of pets, in theaters july 8th. It will be primary a partial transcript of his calls with the hostage negotiators. You say partial. What is being left out . What were not going to do is further proclaim this individuals pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups and further his propaganda. The reason why were going to limit these transcripts to avoid revictimmizing those who went through this horror but it will contain substance of his conversations. Deirdre one day after u. S. Attorney general Loretta Lynch went on the sunday shows circuit there was a big change from the top. The white house reversed course and released the full transcript of the orlando terrorist. Including terms islam and isis. Retired Lieutenant Colonel fox news strategic analyst ralph peters is with me now. Colonel, always glad to have you. Hi, deirdre. Deirdre in your opinion did the Obama Administration humiliate the attorney general . Well, certainly embarrassed her. Loretta lynch, our attorney general, is a very intelligent woman with a very good track record in legal realm. And she is too smart for this. But clearly some neostalinnist at the white house decided that American People were so stupid, were so stupid deirdre or so delicate somehow . Muslims are too delicate. Were too stupid. So they wind up insulting everybody. It was worse than wrong. It was stupid. It was like a child hiding behind the sofa with his leg sticking out. After all we had already heard about, all we already knew about the nightclub shooter. Deirdre no, i figured she would be furious, right . Well, she must have been. Clearly the white house is slow rolling the clinton, various clinton investigations. It is just the wrong thing to do. And by the way, when the white house panders to radical and subversive muslimamerican groups that pretend to represent lawabiding muslimamericans, we actually harm those communities. The average muslimamerican does not want his or her child exposed to hate speech in mosques but we facilitate it. Deirdre somebody used a phrase of the bigotry of low expectations. Right. Deirdre which seems to ring very true. Zuhdi jasser. Deirdre how outrageous was it that the transcript was edited to begin with . Even if you listened to edited version it was clear what was going on . This was absolutely stupid and orwellian and it is censorship. To censor our highest Law Enforcement officer as we already censorship training courses for fbi, it is orwellian it is doublespeak. If we cant discuss islam seriously, good, bad indifferent, how do you deal with islamist terror . The way you do that is make it go away by not describing islamist terror. It is like 1984 and alice through the looking glass. I have never seen anything like it. Deirdre speaking of never seen anything like it there is a lot of tension now in the u. K. , you heard from our colleague charlie gasparino. Yes. Deirdre billionaire investor george soros one who says things will be crazy in the markets if britain votes to leave the European Union and just as many people think that it is a perfectly reasonable, justifiable and solid decision but im wondering from a military standpoint what are the implications . I was, as far as the markets to, everybody panics like, at first shot all the ducks take off. It is a appalling. As investor i would love britain to stay in. If i were british i would want to be out. As far as military implications go, much the same with the economic implications. Everything is exaggerated. Both sides exaggerate what will happen. In fact, no matter what happens, there will be a great muddling through. In fact, the British Military might be somewhat freer to act but on the whole it would be a wash. This is about the e. U. It is not about nato, which is different. The e. U. Has never been effective militarily. So strategically, to shift from merely militarily to strategically across the board, economically, politically, everything, whether or not it is good for britain, it would actually long term be good for the e. U. , deirdre, because the e. U. Has grown too big, too unwieldy, too unmanageable, too dictatorial. It needs to be smaller and lighter and try to do a bit less. And by the way the brits, there is this huge cultural divide. The Atlantic Ocean is narrower than the english channel. The brits, one of the problems they are having they have traditions of individual freedom and social freedoms did not previal or pertain to Continental Europe where things are always more regulated. Youre seeing not just economic issue but a cultural issue and strategic issues. And again, if i were a brit i would want out. As an american, i dont think i have a right to an opinion. As an investor i want britain to stay in because markets just panic. Deirdre its a good septic analysis. Why we love you colonel ralph peters. Thank you. Love you, deirdre. Deirdre next time, next 48 hours well talk a lot about this decision. Well keep you uptodate. Meantime what happened today . Oil, take a look. 2 lower. Back from the highest level in more than a week. Investors of course monitoring the decision about the u. K. Vote. If you look at how all of this affects you at the pump, goose prices have dropped for nine straight days. Todays national average, 2. 32 doll per gallon. When we come back, orlando terror attack prompting some in the Lgbt Community to support donald trump. Prompting others to register guns. Gay latino turned donald trump supporter is my guest next. Tokyostyle ramen noodles. Freshly made in the japanese tradition, each batch is small. Special. Unique. Every bowl blurring the line between food. And art. When you cook with incredible ingredients. You make incredible meals. Fresh ingredients. Stepbysteprecipes. Delivered to your door. Get your first two meals free blueapron. Com cook. The Lgbt Community, these are people that had a place, this was a place of safety, a place where people felt safe. If you think about it, what the violation that took place, that was allowed to take place, that violation that took place, and weakness on behalf of your leadership. Deirdre donald trump on the orlando terrorist massacre. When are now supporting donald trump as they feel are his support for their community. Pink pistol saw the skyrocketing. With me now. Vice president of the log cabin republicans of orange county, california, welcome, you say you became a true trump supporter after the massacre in orlando. Why is that . I became a true trump supporter after the massacre, donald trump became the first republican nominee to finally acknowledge the Lgbt Community, and reach out to the Lgbt Community, both for support, and to make sure that were welcomed in his candidacy. This really made me feel more excited to support him and make sure i can do everything that i can to make sure he is elected in november. Deirdre this breaks a lots of stereo types, most people think that lgbt supports the democratic side of the ticket this case Hillary Clinton. Right, most of the Lgbt Community right now, is supporting Hillary Clinton. But, i think after this horrible terrorist attack, i believe a lot of those supporters are undecided people, they have come to the trump train. Because, donald trump is not just fighting for lgbt, communities, she fighting for all american he is fighting for all americans, he wants to make the country secure. Deirdre nester that is a great point, the idea that safety trumps i am not minimizing the decision made on gay marriage, you are saying physical safety is more important than any civil change, not that it has to be binary. Of course,. I have had a lot of leftist liberal tell me, donald trump does not care about gay marriage, but gay Americans Care about jobs, we care about our border, we care about health care, and education it is not necessarily about gay marriage. It is also about being able to live our lives, the way we want to live them could regardless if we want to get married or not, and donald trump, i believe is the right candidate for us. Deirdre nester, i am glad you brought up those points as well, you cant look at any community as a money block, you worry about job, rent, and security no matter what your orientation. I want to ask, what do you say when you do talk about politics with some members maybe you are trying to recruit or people who dont see your point of view . I tell those individuals, is look, donald trump is the candidate that republicans primary voters, including myself, picked. He is at unlike all of us not unlike all of us, i feel he can finally bridge the gap between the American People and the Political Class in washington, d. C. I tell these individuals, that donald trump has not been a career politician. And he has not been part of washington d. C. Longer than i have been alive. To a lot of these people that is important, because, they feel like our government is broken, they feel there is a professional Political Class in washington, d. C. That does not care about the American People. And i believe that donald trump does. I believe he is doing this because he cares about the country. Deirdre nester, you and your organization will have a lot more support after this conversation. Thank you so much for sharing your insights, were glad to have you here. Thank you. Deirdre nester moro jr. , Vice President of log cabin republicans in orange county, california. Since were on the theme, we want to show you where gun stocks closed. Person arrested for attempting to kill donald trump was an illegal immigrant, border share paul babeu will tell me where he sees the weakest links after this. Deirdre an Illegal Immigrants plan to kill to donald trump t weekend, Michael Sanford try the to steal a officers gun to carry out the event, an assassination he had been planning for a year. With me, sheriff paul babeu. It was revealed that sanfords visa expired. He was in u. S. Illegally, what does this say about communication and a subject you are an expert on immigration . Underscores the problems with our immigration system. It is just not Illegal Immigrants that come across southwest border, it is also 40 of nearly 20 million illegals who are here are people who originally lawfully came here, and have over stayed their visa. There is no consequence, so why should they ever leave because there is no real tracking mechanism in place, or enforcement. This Michael Sanford who 20 years old came from california, over to las vegas, with explicit intent as he said in his own words after he was mirror and mirandaizeed to kill donald trump, he did not expect to leave that venue, he goes into this secure area, and strikes up a conversation with a Las Vegas Metro police officer, then goes for the officers gun, in an effort to use that gun to kill donald trump, outrageous. Deirdre this is outrageous, and reinforces how lucky we are to have you, teams such the yours, who really have to be paying attention, if someone is chit chatting then changed course that requires just being alert. Ryan lute absolutely, he told this officer he wanted to get a autograph in donald trump. Police officers, were trained from the first day in the act academyy to always protect our weapon, fight like it is our life it circumstance we never want it is, we never want that weapon to be used against not just us but anyone else, the other officers around took him into custody, he faces what could be 10 years in prison. Deirdre which for trying to hatch a lot like this seem a plot like this seems light. I want to ask you, if you dont mind in the wake of orlando terror attack, donald trump spoke about profiling, different from racial profiling, but he was criticized anyway, i want to play his comment, and then get your thoughts. Profile suggesting some well have to think about as a country, other countries do it you look at israel, and at others, they do it. They do successfully. You know, i hate the concept of profilicking but we have to use profiling but we have to use common sense, and we have to use our head, it is not the worse thing to do. Deirdre what your take on difference between profiling and racial profiling . There is a clear difference, were in business of facts, clues, and evidence. And in Law Enforcement when we get information about somebody or a group of people, that meet certain criteria or description, that is who we look for. If you just called in, and said, hey there is this white guy who has a shaved head, and a blue shirt, and wearing a blazer running down the street, they will look for me. Right, so, you dont have to be a law man to figure this out. That, if we have a whole set of criteria were looking for we should be laser focused on them, not on elderly women coming through a tsa check in an airport, this is what so obscene, and we have to identify who the enemy circumstance is and beagresstestify pursue them, and be aggressive to pursue them. Take them into custody before they could cause any harm to american citizens. Deirdre sheriff paul babeu thank you for joining us. Thank you. Deirdre tesla owner, elan musk is largest shareholder of the companies he owns about 20 in each. And this combination would essentially mary his two marry his two biggest Silicon Valley start ups. Solar city because it is target up, around 21 . And one former cia operative stuck overseas, she said she did not participate in a controversial rendition program, but he is in a go to jail but she may go to jail, the attorney who handled her u. S. Litigation is joining me, saying she has is joining me, saying she has been abandoned by the Obama Administration. Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis and a 200 savings card deirdre a stormer cia operative said she has been abandoned by president obama and Hillary Clinton, as her tenure as secretary of state. She says she has been left to plead her case in after overseas court on her own, and may face jail time, at issue her alleged participation in rendition, controversial act of transferring suspects to be interrogated in a country with fewer regulations on Inhumane Treatment of prisoners, with me now her lawyer who represented her. Mark zayde. Shshe now has an italian legal reputation in italy. I assume you represented her because you believed her, did she participate or even if she did, was she following orders . There was no evidence what so ever of any substantive nature she participated in this rendition, she was about 150 miles away skiing with her son. On vacation. When the rendition happened. And the only evidence the italians produced was an email that mentioned the name sabrina. And Everything Else was pretty much nonni non nonnic existen. Deirdre how did this happen . They turned on all of the americans, it was a very were a botched intelligence operation, what we know of comes only really from the italians a few americans who have spoken about the case, u. S. Government has stayed silence the Obama Administration and bush administration. Deirdre could Hillary Clinton as former secretary of state, somehow clear the record . She could, i september her ii i sent her two letters, one i sign personaly, the other from my associate, the first letter when she was secretary of state was classified then, i was unable to send it or show it to anyone in the media, which is why no one heard of it i think that was done deliberately to minimize my chances to publicize sabrinas case, then we ended up suing, i got her legal reputation paid are in in italy by u. S. Government, but we were unable her diplomatic immunity which i think she should have it. Deirdre she is the only american facing these charges, she is the only american potentially facing jail time, is that right . Ha is right, when the italians went after everyone there was about 26 american names most were fake names, but about 6 of them were real, individuals. And couple of them have been pardoned by the Italian Government for some reason, but sabrina had never stepped in italy, because she has been living in portugal there was a european arrest warrant out for her and they snatched her, now they are go to extradite her legally from portugal to italy, she will be only person, not even an italian has faced any type of criminal changes, and u. S. Government has done nothing, at least publicly to help her. Deirdre i am glad you are here calm talking about it maybe they will receive a few more letters on her behalf, it does sound botched indeed, thank you, mark for the time, mark zayde with me now. I to to make a note we reached out to state department and not received a response. Deirdre former navy seal, tells Hillary Clinton to stop talking. In a new nra video, he trains every day citizens how to protect themselves, he said that thear 15 is a the ar15 is a weapon for every day american with training. He is my next guest. 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Deirdre you are tapping next to the glass desk. I can do the same here, play a game, and just do Something Like this on my head or, on my shoulder. Amazing. The idea here that was you know, what is going on today with sorry, what is going on today with virtual reality, reason not only to see and observe but also to given put that are sophisticate neighborhood this does not seem intrusive at all, a lot of people complainting about google glass, not wanting something to their face. What about up inherent danger, texting and driving. Do you worry about that. We cannot take charge of people doing stupid stuff, but whatever you can do with your hand, in rea real life we want o convert it to virtual life. Put it in your hand, from that moment on every Movement Connects the dots. Deirdre ron than so much a r u. S. Navy seal is telling Hillary Clinton to stop talking in a new nra ad this man is my next guest. 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