Transcripts For FBC Risk And Reward With Deidre Bolton 20160608

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an extension of the obama disaster. >> people understand they are the future of the america and they intend to help shape that future. >> let's go out and make that case to america. thank you, god bless you, and god bless america. deirdre: after an historic night there are reports billionaire charles koch is open to meeting with donald trump's team. he shattered the republican primary vote record by 1.4 million votes. hillary clinton won in california. she had 30% has votes in the state compared to her 2008 victory. joining me, fox news correspondent geraldo rivera. what did you make of it? >> i think we have the could candidate. we sorted the noise out and the also rans and the stubborn hangers on. >> just sorting through all the names. someone on this set predicted these two people in july of last year, but i'm not bragging. deirdre: you have to. >> i think they underestimated donald trump more than anything else. when you see the terrorist attack in tel aviv. you understand what's at stake. which of these two candidates is prepared to deal with an emergency of that nature in a volatile regional and volatile world. i think an argument can be made that trump's approach would be a fresher approach. he says he's neutral between the palestinians and the israelis. maybe that's what we need to undo this roadblock. we have two competing ethnic groups living side by side. it's horrifying, this murder in tel aviv. over 200 palestinians have been killed, israelis have been killed. deirdre: you can argue the united states needs someone more hawk i shall or more neutral. >> if they want the more hawk i shall side they would -- the more hawkish side they would take hillary clinton. but i think it's an error not to see the historic nature of hillary clinton's nomination. in my view the fact that she is the first woman ever will gradually sink in and win her credit with a vital portion of the electorate. deirdre: there were people who said in 2008 that she didn't play the so-called women's card and it hurt her. i'm interested that you think -- deirdre: i think voters want to pick the best candidate. >> i remember when an exasperated bill clinton said how tragic the first woman has to step aside for the first the african-american. from a pragmatic point of view, i think now she begins to consolidate some of the women voters who see an historic aspect to her candidacy. and i think also trump did a very good job in term of toning it down. it was -- he was very on cal, he was fiercely anti-hillary. but he wasn't off the reservation. deirdre: he used a prompter which he criticized for other people. even billionaire mark cuban saying trump will have to grovel for cash. cuban is more or less supportive of hillary clinton. he says he will have to become tamer if he want to raise money. now we get word charles koch may support his campaign. >> he must be disciplined. he can't go off on mexican judges and talk about his personal items at trump university and so forth. let that all be litigated. the trial is not until the end of november. he can brush off the democratic charges. focus on the issues. i would like to hear both candidate speak on this violence in tel aviv. what is the plan now? how do you promise to go forward now to solve this? deirdre: somebody asked me in the office, which candidate is going to take less from my paycheck. so we want to hear more whether it's foreign policy in reaction to a tragic incident in tel aviv or what does it mean for the and worker. i want to ask you from a legal point of view. secretary of state john kerry ordered the state department to look into an edited video. someone within the executive affairs office ordered part of the video to be edited. it featured a discussion about nuclear negotiations with iran and the implication is the state department edited parts of it to show less risk to the u.s. by signing this accord with five other nations with iran. what do you think -- this is a strong statement the secretary of state is saying, we should look into this editing. is it too little too late? >> the too late part is, it's never too late. but the pace their self-examination up until now has left a lot to be desired in hillary clinton's various private emails and so forth. they say 75 years to comply with all the record requests. 75 years. my daughter will be a grandma, my 10-year-old. i think it's good the secretary of state john kerry ordered a probe. the state department it seem very incapable of examining itself at least so far. as james rosenberg, a great story, if they are altering the historic record to make themselves look good, there may be criminal activity going on. i don't know. but i think that we have to absolutely determine what happened and what was the intent. was it to alter the historic record? was it politic as usual or something that was criminal. >> our colleague james rosen did a fantastic job. thank you for putting last night in context for us. wonderful to see you. geraldo rivera there. a quick programming note. fox news channel. bret baier has an interview with hillary clinton. we are going to bring you up to date on a story moving the market. the u.s.c. joint indicated it is open to talks to morning and the german company says it's willing to slash out $62 billion in cash. so this would be one of the biggest get-togethers ever. especially painful hard cash. with me now, the person who brings us the exclusive. charles gasparino. charlie: this was a closed conference. we spoke with attendees and received a deutsch bank private memos on his remarks. lately there has been almost no news on this. markets discounted the deal like it's not going to happen. bayer put up money but baumann says it's not enough. baumann said bayer is open to continue constructive discussions on the merger. they are prepared to proceed immediately with due diligence. here his where the rubber met the road. he said talks about take place in private for now. so there are talks between the two despite the fact that monsanto rejected the bid. >> i want to ask, how likely is this to go through at all? a lot of times the u.s. government balks. >> it's not just the u.s. government, it's the e.u. he says monsanto is comfortable with the rationale on the deal. but it wants finance and regulatory. there are talks going on right now. both side seem interested in doing this deal. can't tell you it's going to happen, because those are the hurdles. the financing, meaning you got the money, i think they do. where it becomes a little gray is in the regulatory. are they going to get the ement u. approval? will they get u.s. approval? valuation? that means up the price. they want more money. deirdre: monsanto wants more money for its shareholders. >> my sources that have close to monsanto tell me their bankers are working overtime essentially on the notion there will be an increased bid. whether it happens or not, we'll see. deirdre: we'll be watching those players and seeing what happens to the chemicals group overall. big picture in november trustworthiness is a key idea. swing states, and which candidate they pick will be a big part of it. rasmussen reports two states with 47 electoral college votes shifting from tossup status leaning democrat. we are looking at florida and ohio. then you have colorado, nevada, virginia, new york shifting slightly from likely democrat to safe democrat. scott rasmussen with me now. great to see you. we have some good data here. we were showing the map. long story short. if donald trump wins all the states that mitt romney won in 2012, plus three swing states, he has the big prize. >> yes, he does. and there is another path through the midwest. the problem is none of these states are leaning his direction right now. and hillary clinton is getting a little bit of a bounce. today hillary clinton is ahead and she has momentum. deirdre: we know senator sanders won more than 20 state, and a lot of them are in the midwest. and we have had senator sanders supporters on this show who say if senator sanders is not the democratic candidate, i'm going to vote for donald trump. it may seem like a leap. but that's what a few people have told us. based on your polling, does that make sense? >> i love my polling company a few months ago. but based on the experience i have seen, hillary clinton supporters said there is no way we'll support barack obama and they ended up supporting him. we have two unpopular candidates among the general public and we'll get back to the normal partisan divide. republicans who don't like donald trump will say i can't vote for hillary clinton, and democrats who aren't enthusiastic about hillary clinton will say i can't vote for donald trump. deirdre: we always say at the business network, it' it's jobsd money. it's jobs and money and a sense that no one is listening. the midwestern rust belt voters are saying the republican party and the democratic party left us. the political leadership is running. deirdre: shah thank you for sharing your points with us. scott rasmussen with me now of the leading polling company. last night hillary earned the title of the first female nominee. my next guest says she has earned another title offing about the first candidate to be under investigation by the f.b.i. to reach my goals. so i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it's supposed to do release its own insulin. trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it should be used along with diet and exercise. trulicity is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes and should not be used by people with severe stomach or intestinal problems or people with type i diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. trulicity is not insulin and has not been studied with long-acting insulin. do not take trulicity if you or anyone in your family has had medullary thyroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 or if you are allergic to trulicity or its ingredients. stop using trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis n that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting or if you have symptoms of thyroid cancer, which may include a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. medicines like trulicity may cause stomach problems, which could be severe. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and any medicines you take. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. with trulicity, i click to activate what's within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a non-insulin option, click to activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. okawhoa!ady? [ explosion ] nothing should get in the way of the things you love. ♪ get america's fastest internet. only from xfinity. >> it may be hard to see tonight, but we are all standing under a glass ceiling right now. deirdre: hillary clinton clinched enough delegates last night to become the democratic presidential nominee. as her critics point out, she is also first nominee to be under investigation by the f.b.i. welcome. daneen, i want to ask what you make of hillary clinton becoming the first female nominee. in some respects i wish people would stop talking about that it's perfectly obvious she is a woman. and i think if people want to vote for her it should be on the candidate. >> it should be the individual and what they bring to the position. what are they bringing to the table. that applies to any job situation. as you pointed out at the launch, the first female democratic candidate under f.b.i. investigation. that's a big concern for her. deirdre: i want to go to sarah on that point. is that overshadowing? it seems like it is whatever other historical markers have been met? >> hillary clinton has been running for path for 18 years or however long you wanted to call it. as a lawyer i can tell you being under current f.b.i. investigation isn't good for one's candidacy. but i think that the clinton campaign desperately needs this to be about her gender to consolidate the and materials voters who have been disaffected. but the question is will it work when there are so many other things associated with hillary clinton. it will be tough to overcome given there is new f.b.i. information coming out every day. dewere if you were on her team what would you be telling her this second. >> i disagree it many the first female nominee in our history. her voters want her to respect it. when it comes to the investigation. when it comes to the investigation, she has been cooperative in this investigation for many many months. and there has been no wrongdoing found. with tens of thousands of dollars spent daily and no wrongdoing has couple. deirdre: she has not testified and she said publicly for months at a time, i isn't wait to speak to the f.b.i. but by all accounts she has not accepted that invitation. >> her personal team has been in touch with the f.b.i. all of her aides have talked to hem over and over again. if you want to talk about somebody not cooperating, donald trump is under investigation for fraud and he slings racist comments at a judge. deirdre: it am not being investigated by the f.b.i. the state department changing course. secretary of state john kerry look into the edited video from a briefing some people say was meant to frame the discussion on iraq. >> they should have been doing this yesterday. americans want answers. for this to have happened, it was 8 minutes of missing tape. this wasn't a glitch. when it comes to bureaucrats and politics and politicians, no one is held accountable. deirdre: i will say better that john kerrive is look into it. hillary clinton being interviewed by bret baier tonight at 6:00 p.m. bernie sanders supporters attacking donald trump supporters. a "huffington post" writer is saying there is logic in violence against trump supporters. contrast it with other publications who have put employees, sanctioned them for similar comments. trump supporter joe arpaio for his thoughts as well. poor mouth breather. allergies? stuffy nose? can't sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right. >> oh, my god! they are throwing eggs at her. deirdre: the "huffington post" published a piece that justifies violence. the "huffington post" made this statement. whatever your personal beliefs regarding violent resistance, there is an inherent value in forestalling trump's normalization. violence accomplishes this. sheriff joe arpaio joins me. what do you make of the writer writing this piece, freedom of speech, but the "huffington post" rrp allowing it to be published and supporting the writer. >> you have got to talk about that news article, ridiculous. anybody that violates the law and beats people up, destroy police cars, they should be in jail. it's a violation of the law. to blame donald trump is ridiculous, too. deirdre: inciting violence seems to be on the edge of the law. >> i'm the expert on demonstrations. i have had sharpton lead 10,000 people against me. everywhere i go i see accept descrait straightors. but i see a different situation going on. it's getting more violent. you have got gang bangers getting involved and using this as an excuse. i'm concerned about donald trump's safety. he has taken a lot of heat and he's not fair, period. vox being one of them. when some of their writers made comments that weren't as strong, that person was sanctioned and put on leave. there are some parts of the press who don't want to be sanctioned. >> they hate trump and they slant stories. i have to use myself sometimes as an example how i feel. but that's not me. trump is a great guy and i supported him from day one. he has a heart. my wife era is very sick and trump has called her two or three times. he doesn't need my wife to get to me. he hooked me right at the bat. he does have a heart regardless of what you hear. deirdre: he cares about you and your family. >> i bring that up because i'm tired of all the garbage they direct towards him. he's a great guy. but you will never know it by some media people that go around trying to get rid of him. the people voted for him. it's the people that count, not the media. deirdre: sheriff, that's well-said, we wish your wife the best. thanks for being with us. coming up later a seattle man says vandals destroyed his pro-trump signs by setting them on fire. he's going to rebuild them in spots that are 10 feet taller. my next guest says zuckerberg is blocking pro-gun posts. my next guest says his freedom of speech is being stepped on. we are back in just a minute. >> we feel we have a pretty big responsibility running this big networking community to help prevent terrorism. deirdre: facebook says its. i is to shut down hate speech in order to fight terrorism. my next guest says facebook is suppressing his free speech. the ceo said he saw a 50% decline in user traffic as of february. tim, welcome to the program. do you blame facebook for the decline in traffic to your business' site? >> i don't think it's fair to say it's facebook it's basically people likely against guns. what happens is they can go on to our facebook page and mark it as spam or basically report it. then what happens when they keep hitting us and hitting our site is we make less reaches and impressions on our facebook fans. so basically we don't get our voice heard anymore. deirdre: did you contact facebook and say people are spam knowledge us on purpose and it's slowing down our reach? >> absolutely. we have a great relationship with some people at facebook. our social media manager reached out to one of their vice presidents and they were trying to work on it. but it's not an easy problem for them to fix. deirdre: why did they tell you it's not easy to fix it's an amazing company with a lot of talented engineers. >> and we have a lot of talent at our company, too. but there are a lot of issues we would like to solve in a day and we can't. they would have to manually switch over each page to not be penalized from the spam report. and they have million as and millions of users. so they will have to change their codes to actually block this terrorism. i don't know how else to say it. people who are against guns can get on there and penalize us. it actually significantly impacts our business. most of our business is online at a lot of that traffic is driven from facebook. deirdre: let me ask you if you feel you yourself, your peer, other business people are losing confidence in social media? it seems like across the board some people are spending less time. i have a stat i want to give you. countries sampling time spent on the floor, facebook, snapchat, and twitter down 10% from last year. is there a bigger point to extrapolate. >> i heard that exact stat yesterday when we were talking about this situation. it's something to look into. we relied heavily on our social impressions on instagram and facebook and all that stuff. when we see trend declining. we way attention. this trend is more like a cliff. it was february when we saw the 30-40% decline in our ability to reach our fans. deirdre: which almost implies it's strategic. >> i can't assign ill intent to facebook. i believe it' not an easy problem to fix. all it take is 1,000 people -- i don't know how many people it take. but when you start getting flagged as inappropriate and spam and get reported, you get penalized on facebook. i hope they are working on -- economists in general rely on facebook. deirdre: you seem like a reasonable person, a long cal businessman. we wish you all the best. i thank you for your time. coo of alien holsters. a deadly shooting in tel aviv happening moments ago. israeli police say four people are dead and wounded. two palestinian gunmen disguised as orthodox jews opened fire in one of the most crowded markets in central tel aviv. the attackers have been identified. they are alive. we'll update you with the details as they come in. $420,000 in gift and free scholarships. the woman known as skew backa mom is being accused of taking advantage of white privilege. new york city's mayor gives taxpayers a $200,000 bill for taxpayers a $200,000 bill for his transgender ad campaign. my next guest asks why the city is spending on this but cutting back on anti-tear rim measures. with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at deirdre: that video went viral. chewbacca mom is a stay at home mom. she is facing criticism after receiving $400,000 in gifts and scholarships for her family. a writer of daily dot criticized her. it's true the real reward for online success tend to fave celeb lit who are white. content derived from black users often sidelined as a part of monolithic black twitter. daneen. it's easy to laugh. i want to go through some of the gifts. kohl's gave $3,000 worth of good. disney world vacation. and southeastern university promised free tuition for her and her family, any member, which is essentially a $400,000 value. the writer has a point. but if these businesses are so desperate for publicity, they are also making a business decision. >> these are private businesses. i think the video is hilarious. she has become famous now. but these is also thankful and grate new. she is a christian woman. she does media interviews and is always saying how grateful she is. but the left sees race involved no matter what it is. deirdre: i feel like if the businesses want the publicity, that's their decision. speaking of emotional topic. new york city lost a transgender bathroom campaign. look past binge and blue, use the restroom consistent with who you are. this campaign cost $265,000 to taxpayers, and at the same time in the local press we read about nypd's anti-terrorism bun the getting cut. it's a concern over what is being spent and where. >> it's about priorities. it's more important to cover new york city and the citizens in regard to terrorism and keeping people safe versus progressives pushing their views on the many. it's very expensive. that money could be spent elsewhere in the city. deirdre: new yorkers could face six-figure fines if they don't call people by their proper no noun. a man's trump signs were destroyed. he says he's going to put them back up 10 feet taller. >> the wall just got 10 feet taller, believe me. you both have a perfect driving record. >>perfect. no tickets. no accidents... >>that is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. >>yup... now, you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? 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are you putting signs back up or increasing the security around your personal property? we still have a long way to go until november. >> this is true. each homeowner has been dealing tbhit their own way. i said the sign just got 10 feet taller because i like president trump's quote about the wall. i think immigration is a bipartisan issue all of america needs to get behind. this absolutely has nothing to do with race. this has to do with freedom of speech in america and the way we express ourselves. i believe president trump is the candidate that will texas this huge issue. and like i said, it's a bipartisan american issue. >> we wish you luck and safety for yourself, your wife and your property.irdre: six officers wee charged in the freddie gray baltimore murder case. the attorney representing two of the accused baltimore officers is my guest next. >> i heard your calls for noor justice, no peace. however, your peace is sincerely needed as i work to deliver justice on behalf of freddie gray. healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card. poallergies?reather. stuffy nose? can't sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right. deirdre: trump versus clinton in november. 6:00 p.m. a you are in fox news national poll will be released on where each candidate stand nationally. in the meantime there is a new legal development related to the death of baltimore resident freddie gray. he died a week after he was arrested and placed in the back of a police van where prosecutors say he suffered a fatal injury. his funeral was followed by rioting, looting and arson. six police officers were charged. one was recently acquitted. lawsuits against the state's attorney marilyn mosby charging false arrest. the attorney representing the officers, michael glass. we did reach out to mosby's office and did not hear back before we went live. but about your case, legal experts are expressing scepticism about lawsuits s a high bar for you. is it not? >> it is a high bar. but we feel very strongly about our case. the other thing i should mention is that absolute immunity extends so far as a prosecutor acting within the scope of their employment. if they go outside the scope of their employment they are no longer enjoy absolute immunity. so our theory of the case is that when marilyn mosby gave her press conference and made statements that appeared top assuage the crowd, she really went outside the coach her employment and doesn't enjoy absolute immunity. deirdre: to what extent did her press conference move the needle for you? if you were evaluating the caser are not supported by evidence, these charges were brought for a different reason other than prosecuting criminal conduct. and our theory is it was done because at the time of the prest behind these charges was really to offer these officers up as a sacrifice to appease the crowd. deirdre: thank you. we are glad to have you here to talk about it. its an important case. michael glass, he represents two officers as it relates to freddie gray's death. charles: good evening. stocks moving higher today. and we finally did it. the dow above 18,000 and the s & p above 2,000. hillary clinton and donald trump are about to go head-to-head in the race for the white house. there may be some relief for veterans waiting for healthcare. se

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