Transcripts For FBC Risk And Reward With Deidre Bolton 20160427

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Addressing crowd there in indiana. This is risk reward. Im deirdre bolton. Ted Cruz Campaigning today ahead of next tuesdays contest in the hoosier state. Fox businesss jeff flock is on the ground. He is in indianapolis. That is where donald trump will also be holding an event. So, jeff, you are sandwiched between cruz and trump. How is it all going . Reporter you know, deirdre, the funny thing is im old enough to have covered in 1984 the event when Walter Mondale named a, the first woman vicepresident ial nominee. That was geraldine ferraro. I dont know if this quite as Historical Impact of that, but may just have the impact of switching the narrative today on a day after donald trump had such a tremendous victory and made an important speech. Now were all talking about ted cruz again and that is what he needs. He has got to get people here in indiana to, you know, keep him or keep trump from having won this state, to keep his bid alive. I am at a trump rally though, the impact here is not that great. These guys are sticking with their guy. I would also point out this is an opportunity though to focus with a woman back on the front burner after yesterdays comment by trump that Hillary Clinton is playing the woman card. Ted cruz played his woman card today. There is the famous statement trump made in Rolling Stone interview when Carly Fiorina was in the race. I think the quote was, be sure i got it right, look at that face. Would anyone vote for that . That may come back to haunt him as well. But something coming back to haunt fiorina and cruz, a tweet, donald trump put out today with some video of a appearance that Carly Fiorina made on cnn when she was still in the race talking about ted cruz. Listen to what she said. Ted cruz is just like any other politician. He says whatever he needs to say to get elected. Reporter i have a feeling, deirdre, in this campaign before its done well see a lot of peoples previous statements played back for them, to some chagrin perhaps. Deirdre . Deirdre jeff, thank you very much. We appreciate the coverage. Many are wondering what senator cruz is doing, announcing a running mate after he lost so badly last night. Now senator cruz, he had to field that question. Here are the reasons. She is careful. She is measured. She is serious. She doesnt get overly excited, she doesnt get rattled by whatever is getting thrown at her. [applause] you know, we all saw that. When in one of the earliest debates carly confronted donald trump. Deirdre our political power panel is here. From the national review, katherine timpf, and democratic strategist chuck rocha. Welcome to you both. Kat, i want to start with you, first and foremost what do you make of the strategy . Normally vp picks are announced at convention and normally when you are a true presumptive nominee. Ted cruz has a long way to go. Absolutely but there is nothing normal about this election. There never has been. So this doesnt surprise me because nothing does. Were talking a little bit more about Carly Fiorina now than we are about ted cruz. So even though, her popularity, her favorability peaked around 30 , who knows whether she will help or not, but were not talking as much about why he failed so bad last night. Were talking about the fact that this could, this is proof of that. But at least drawing some. Focus today. I dont know what choice he has at this point but other than do something maybe a little bit crazy. Deirdre maybe a little bit crazy. To your point, sucked up some oxygen from Donald Trumps fivestate win last evening. Chuck, i want to bring you in, the gop side not only happening last night t was a good night as well for Hillary Clinton. To the extent politico is actually reporting that Sanders Campaign staff, there are some members being let go as we speak. So, what is your take on where the democratic side goes next . I think its a smart move by sand is. I read the same thing. Seems like that he will refocus all the efforts on california. A big state with wealth of delegates. Smart move for him. He created a movement within the democratic party. Hillary clinton and democrats need one thing to make sure they win in november, that is Bernie Sanders supporters. If she does win the nomination she can not get that without his supporters around momentum and all the young people who showed up. They have to be much like republicans with donald trump watch how you treat Bernie Sanders. He remaininged field how you run campaigns with grassroots fundraising. Deirdre chuck, i like what you said there. It is true if you look at Hillary Clinton with all exit data, she is not popular at all with millenials. Most millenials clearly dislike her regard lets of party. That is interesting point you feel like, she cant be too harsh on sanders because she does want those votes. Ted, getting back to you, as we look ahead to indiana, we at fox news at least put out a poll showing fox news is in the lead in indiana. If trump wins indiana is that cruzs waterloo . Is he finished . I dont know. A lot of people who dont like there are a lot of people who dont like donald trump and really dont like donald trump. Never trump people are really never trump just as much as the Trump Supporters are super protrump. He is the best bet they see as anybody potentially maybe somehow stop him even though looking less and less likely every day. More than just about cruz. He has all the people and this entire movement kind of backing him up to an extent. Even though maybe he should get out, there is argument he should get out if that happens, i dont think he will. Deirdre well as you have both said, rightly so, this is a unique cycle. Thank you both. Kat timpf and chuck rocha there. Thank you. Big news for the Cruz Campaign but donald trump dismissed cruzs vp pick. He is millions of votes behind. He is hundreds of delegates behind. What is he, four or 500 delegates behind. He has got no path to victory and he is naming a vicepresident ial candidate. I guess that is cute. His whole campaign has been based on psychology. But psychology is no good and its a not working because, you know what happened yesterday was a disaster for them. It showed weakness. It showed how weak they were. And shouldnt be naming anybody now. To me it looks ridiculous. He will not get the nomination. Deirdre former president ial candidate, one who has endorsed donald trump is with me now, dr. Ben carson. It is great to see you again. Thanks for being with us. Pleasure. Deirdre what does this strategic move a lot of people calling senator cruzs pick just move to make a pick this early, a hail mary pass . What does that mean for Donald Trumps strategy . Well, im not sure that it is going to have. Of an impact on Donald Trumps strategy. Obviously hes going to be considering very carefully his vicepresident ial possibilities as well as many other cabinet positions rushed into anything. The position of chief seng tiff this country is one going to require cooperation of these people and talent from a lot of people. He has no intention of being an emperor. But he wants to treat this very much like he is treated his businesses. If you look at trump businesses around the world, what he has done is appointed very competent people. He doesnt try to micromanage them. Deirdre which as people say make sure the jobs are being done well. Deirdre a true sign of leadership. I want to come back to that, especially in reference to this speech, the first Foreign Policy speech at least on a National Platform that donald trump gave earlier today. But i have to ask you, dr. Carson, there are numerous people who wish strongly that you would be Donald Trumps vp. Will you consider it . I have heard that. You know, i would much rather be outside of the government as an advisor. Able to speak extremely freely, like i do now. I love that. To continue to work with the American People making American People understand what is going on because they have wisdom if given the right information. Deirdre im sure you can write your own ticket, who is the best vp pick . A lot of people say a trumprubio ticket would be great. For those perhaps have forgotten, senator rubio has a lot of delegates. He has a large number of possibilities. I think the real key is making sure that you get somebody who shares the same kinds of values. You know, he is very interested in saving this country. So somebody who actually recognizes that we are in a enormous amount of trouble somebody who understands the financial danger that were in right now, that is one of the things likely to knock us off most readily. Somebody who understands isis is really existential threat to us and begins to do the right kinds of things. If you have a alignment on those kinds of things, you know, the other things will come along. Deirdre i feel like you just gave as you hint there with the financial aspects. So im going to absorb that, but i want to mention because you mentioned isis, what did you make of trumps Foreign Policy speech. They say this looks great. He is looking more president ial. On the flip side, critics say he still did not offer a lot of details and there were numerous contradictions . Well he was very president ial, there is no question about it. Very much like with the israel speech. But, people will criticize no matter what you say. You could give the most detailed speech ever, he spent to so much time on that and didnt talk about this you dont worry about stuff like that. He does demonstrate there is significant grasp of major issues going on. Bearing in mind, there are incredible people on his policy team and who will be coming to his policy team. People, we have a lot of confidence in. And he understands that i is not going to be a monarch. He will listen and he will set the right tone and direction for those who are working with him. Deirdre dr. Carson, do you have any insight that you can share on the timing . Because i think if he began to name more cabinet member, potential cabinet members that could change conversation for him too . Well, you know, those conversations are ongoing. People are looked at very carefully right now and considerations and vetting is all going on. So, i dont think it is going to be terribly long. I think you will also hear very soon about people who will be considered for the supreme court. I think many conservatives will be very pleased when they see that list. Deirdre dr. Carson, we thank you as always for the time. Glad youre with us. Dr. Ben carson. Thank you, my pleasure. Deirdre with us, former president ial candidate and supporter of donald trump. So speaking of donald trump, you are looking at, you can see a bit of a dark podium but his crowd is there nonetheless. He will be speaking at a rally at indiana famed College Basketball coach bobby knight expected to appear with the republican president ial candidate. Obviously huge endorsement in that hotlycontested state. Well bring you there as soon as both people appear at the podium. Meantime, Willie Robertson was at the trump event. If you watched our coverage you saw him right alongside of donald trump. The duck dynasty star will be there to share what the meeting was like last night. A member of Cruz Campaign will be with me to talk about the donald trump Foreign Policy. My Foreign Policy will put interests of the American People above all else. Has to be first. Has to be. This just got interesting. Why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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Senator cruz lost a lot of ground last night, in fact worst by most estimates. So to what extent is this vicepresident ial announcement pick just a desire to keep the attention off of last nights rout . Look, last night was expected. Anybody you asked, particularly from the Cruz Campaign, would tell you april 26th would be a bad day. That is very friendly territory for donald trump. And this was expected. This has been factored into a lot of numbers that people are talking about for the convention. So this is not a big surprise. Now, talking today about adding Carly Fiorina as Vice President , brilliant choice. Fiorina is good choice, great campaigner and makes a great contrast with donald trump. 70 of the women in america have unfavorable feeling of donald trump. They dont just dislike him, they despise him. He sue commercials people talking about the things donald trump said about women. This sets up beautiful contrast between donald trump and cruzfree rena campaign. Deirdre judson, Carly Fiorina is guest on this show. She is amazingly accomplished women. I want to ask you with he refere to idea okays again campaign play. This statement was attributable to donald trump on vp announcement from senator cruz. I will quote here. Given the fact that senator cruz has millions of votes less than me, is being clobbered about on the delegate front, this is a pure waste of time. Cruz has no path to victory. He is only trying to stay relevant. So, what is your reaction to that, judson . Lets face it, the First Casualty in a Trump Campaign is the truth. Donald trump has got a huge problem. He is not getting to 1237. Were going into indiana where cruz will do very well. You have washington, montana, california where cruz will do well. Trump has no viable path to 1237. Finally about a month ago donald trump woke up and realized, oh, wait a minute, choosing a republican nominee is about the delegates. It is not just about having these massive events where his ego can be stroked. It is about the delegates. Deirdre judson let me stop you there, i dont mean to cut you off, when you speak about delegates, there are very few polls for indiana. Fox news did do one. It shows that donald trump is tracking ahead, right now, of senator cruz. So if indiana does not go the way that senator cruz expects or hopes, what happens then . Well, i think it is going to go the way he expects it will. But this is all the way to california and to the convention. Because no matter how you, even the most favorable projections donald trump still doesnt get to 1237. And, you know, im sorry, donald, you need to understand the rules. You need 1237 to win. If you dont get that, it is up to delegates. If he cant win on first round, second ballot, senator cruz is going to win. Deirdre the point, donald trump is only candidate who actually could win in that first round but i take your point, judson. I thank you for your time. Were glad youre with us. Deirdre, thank you so much. Deirdre with me there, founder of Tea Party Nation and cruz supporter. If you saw our coverage last night are and watched Donald Trumps victory speech along with us, you saw our next guest right beside donald trump. Duck dynastys Willie Robertson what it is look to be there and share his thought on todays first Foreign Policy speech. We laughed at all over the world as we have been many, many times. I am benedict arnold, the infamous traitor. And i know a thing or two about trading. So i trade with e trade, where true traders trade on a trademarked trade platform that has all the. Get off the computer traitor i wont. cannon sound mobility is very important to me. Thats why i use e trade mobile. Its on all my mobile devices, so it suits my mobile lifestyle. And it keeps my investments fully mobile. Even when im on the move. Ahhh. The eclass has and driverassist systems. S fully mobile. 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Last night if you were watching our coverage you saw Donald Trumps victory speech, but by his side you saw new Jersey Governor Chris Christie and celebrity Willie Robertson. Now donald trump, jr. Tweeted out a photo with willie and his wife corey robertson. Youre looking at that photo right now. With me, duck dynasty star and host of Willie Robertson podcast on foxnews. Com, Willie Robertson. Welcome. I imagine it was pretty celebber to . You dont know how these things will turn out, but when it turns out in your favor, the family was excited. To be joyful and excited. Just a night to celebrate. I just happened to be in new york. Deirdre so it worked out. He invited me over, you want to come hang out, i said sure. Deirdre when youre not sure how thee events go, was there tension . For wisconsin, there are other places, even iowa i guess you feel like you have a lead and go in it doesnt turn out. You never know. When the vote comes out you never know what the span of victory will be. Certainly you want to win. Deirdre a lot of drama. With it being such a sweep, it was a good time to be there. Deirdre willie, let me ask you this, you obviously support donald trump. We know your dad supports senator cruz. Are you having family political fights . We have interesting conversations about politics. We dont all think alike. Were on the right side of things. Different candidates we have different opinions of. I have been able to spend time with mr. Trump. Talk to him offcamara and hear his ideas. He won me over. I liked him immediately he came out. I wanted something in the system to change, really on both sides. There is so much gridlock. I think a lot of people are fed up with politics as usual. Mr. Trump certainly offers something different. Deirdre willie, let me ask you this, you have this political life but youre obviously a celebrity in your own life. Weve had guests on the show, celebrities from hollywood who support donald trump but there are numerous others who dont. For example, lena dunham. She said, actually if trump wins, she is going to move to canada. Sherr, samuel l. Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg say they will leave the u. S. If trump becomes president. I want to get your take something that happened last night. Donald trump was on the way to be with you guys. Go to the victory speech. Nick at this minaj time 100 dinner and incorporated Donald Trumps name and vp joe biden essentially into the lyrics saying it was dedicated to both of them. As a celebrity how do you see this cross between a celebrity and being political . Well, i think it is always, it is always tricky because, you have a fan base wherever that fan basis. Theyre made up of all kind of different people. Kind of like college football. If i say who i like and who i am pulling against someone will be upset. Deirdre someone will be offended. Right. Someone will be upset. Im drawn to this because i want the country to change. I want it to be good. Im okay, with, if someone else wins the nomination on the republican side, i would be fine supporting them as well. Certainly want some change. From the democratic side i dont see anything that attracts me, you know, from mrs. Clinton or Bernie Sanders not where im at. Even if that happens im not leaving our country. Im not just bailing out. Im not leaving this country. It is a great country. There is reason why were here. I hate that. I think theyre trying to say this is so bad im going to leave the country, i guess theyre trying to warn people of how upset they are. I heard it from the other side as well. I heard people say, if we get one more democrat president im leaving the country. Well see if they really do that. And if they want to do that, i guess it is their right. Deirdre one thing weave learned this year, democracy requires participation. We are seeing record numbers in some places come out and thats a good thing. Deirdre thats a great thing. Thats a great thing. People are interested. Certainly been entertaining. Watching as much as i can and well see. Voters will decide. I will go with the American People. Not the one i want. I will stay here to fight for change and keep doing what im doing. Deirdre rather mature view of things, enlightened view. Were glad to have you here. Thank you for the time. Thank you. Deirdre Willie Robertson a trump supporter, duck dynasty star. You knew that catch him with the Willie Robertson podcast, on fox news radio. Com. Were moments away from donald trump speaking at a rally in indiana. Famed basketball coach bobby knight will be appearing with donald trump. That is a huge endorsement from the hoosier state. Well take you there as soon as it starts. Hollywood celebrities such as George Clooney openly criticized trump. His wife is entering the conversation. Find out why. Trump giving first Foreign Policy speech today. Former Reagan Defense official kt mcfarland with me next. Well go through it. After losing thousands of lives and spending trillions of dollars, we are far worse shape in the middle east than ever, ever, ever before. Which allergy . Eees. Bees . Eese. Trees . Eese. Xerox helps hospitals use Electronic Health records so doctors provide more personalized care. Cheese . Cheese patient care can work better. With xerox. Thats it. How was your commute . Good. Yours . Good. Xerox real time analytics make transit systems run more smoothly. And morning chitchat. Less interesting. Transportation can work better. With xerox. Poallergies . Reather. Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Thank you. Ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. I order b14. I get b14. No surprises. 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If i can save this much, then i could actually maybe upgrade a little bit. announcer save on your next car with usaa car buying service, powered by truecar. Donald trump made his Foreign Policy peach earlier said his theme would be make America First. And shake off the rust from american Foreign Policy. Some people thought trump was president ial. This was a different speech from donald trump, there were teleprompters there, this was prepared, only 125 people or so in the room, a suit and tie kind of crowd. It was a 40 minute speech on World Affairs and public Foreign Policy. How he sees american Foreign Policy. This is a more broad view, not specific details or numbers. Donald trump is candidate who talks about how he likes to have flexibility and unpredictability. He said if he were to be elected commander in chief, isis days are numbers from there on after. And he would try to ease tensions between u. S. And russia, but he would know when to walk away from the table. And he would have a better respect from china because they respect his strength. Several points he went after Hillary Clinton trying to tie back, clinton with president obama. Here was trump from today. I challenge anyone to explain this strategic Foreign Policy vision of obamaclinton, it has been a complete and total disaster. Reporter just afterwards, ted cruz, his campaign realized a statement, said, i am quoting the speech, few speeches in Campaign History have raised graver problems of Public Disclosure and accountability by a president ial candidate, they say, this speech is the most dramatic evidence thus far that donald trump fails the president ial test. More speeches like this from trump are planned down the line, this is one of the pivots that well see from here on out. As trump potentially moves forward to the general election. Deirdre blake, i appreciate coverage on both sides. With us from dc. Donald trump said if he is in white house he will chart a different course from the post cold war order that lacked a coherent policy, with me now, former deputy assistance secretary of defense under president reagan, kt mcfarland, what did you make of the speech, you are a defense expert, have you served 4 president s, your take . Okay, i think that donald trump broke a lot of china today, you would exec expect he would be critical of Hillary Clinton and barack obama but he was critical of george w. Bushs Foreign Policy as well, that is the big difference, he is charting a very different course. He is not same old, george w. Bush, interventionist, big spending government republican, he is a different kind of republican, she really channel he is really channeling back to reagan years even kissinger and nixon, a strong Foreign Policy with a defense build up, not because we use it to intervene in civil wars but use it as an exam told others exacter e charge el t as an example to others, you afact us, you pick a fight with us be we will beat you. If harkens back to Republican Party when republicans president won wars, we had a golden era of american Foreign Policy, i thought it was pretty good. I can tell you one thing, not only are democrats going to panic but a lot of conservative republicans are going to panic a lot of george w. Bush republicans are not go to like it. Deirdre i hear what you said, or all you liked it, but there were some inconsistencies, i heard reagannesque language as well, but, are lay this message was important to become a ally, but he argued in favor of unpredictability. How do you do both . If you talk about no coherent Foreign Policy, if you look at last 15 years issue yes, we toppled dictators but we did not stick around to encor encourage new governments, and then you have toppling of dictators, and trying to nation build but that was not successful. They caused a lot of instability in these countries they got involved with. From has not been any coher renher herrance coherence and we have been unsuccessful, and nato, were not getting our allies too contribute enough. The nato treaty of written on a time that europe was its knees in world war ii, we never renegotiating that treaty with them, they dont even keep that contribution they are pledged to do, i did not find inconsent stancey, it was understanding that it is a more complicated topic than just a couple of sound bites. Thank you, kt. Thank you. Deirdre kt mcfarland there. First, George Clooney wife, jumping on the trump bashing train, well tell you why, scott brown is with me next. 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I quit smoking. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. When you listen to what leading candidate on the republican side has been saying about building walls and excluding mexicans, saying that there has to be a shut down, and you look at what he says, in that infamous speech. He kept saying, they only one jihad. They dont believe in our way of life, they dont respect our system. When he says they, you watch media coverage, people think have been saying do you mean 1. 5 billion people in the world who fit that description . Deirdre George Clooney said that donald trump does not scott brown is with me now. Thank you for being here. What do you make of so many celebrities weighing in whether for or against politicians . Is it part of the processor do they go too far. But once again they represent one vote, i think they think they have more clout than they actually do, i dont know why they pick canada, to move, why not mexico or someplace else. Deirdre at least in place warm, show your good judgment. I dont think that her comments or his comments have any relevance in this election, especially after that had this outrageous fundraiser, saying it is terrible that money part of the process. Deirdre 300,000 dollars for that is obscene. Deirdre later on, even George Clooney, even though he hosted it, admitted it was obscene. So what, you know, it is hypocritical. We need to make keep and make America First that and i get it, he has been saying that. Deirdre because when you are a senator, you served on a few different committees. Again you agree with kt on this idea that Foreign Policy speech of pretty good, also his first we should note. A continued failed attachment with benghazi and libya. It better to have limited Foreign Policy and be willing to learn versus bad Foreign Policy, senator scott bowen thanbrown thank you. Great thank you. Deirdre donald trump will be speaking amendment momentarily at a rally in indiana, john kasich not spending money campaigns in the state, famed College Basketball coach bobby knight will be appearing with donald trump, that is a live shot there, well bring you to the podium when they appear. Deirdre facebook shatters estimates skyrocketing after hours, our stock expert will tell you whether you should buy if you dont already own. Does your mouth often feel dry . Multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. But it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. Thats why theres biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isnt. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. 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You know, there are two things that viewers care about when they look at facebook. Are were seeing increase growth in mobile ad sales, why, because if you are not selling on line, hit the bricks and go home, as long as that accelerates, which we are, this is golden, valuations are getting higher. Sector they spending on capax, spending same amount of money on servers so we go on app, we do this. The load time is nothing, as long as they do though two things, i dont care how many eyeballs or anything else. Only matters on one thing, are they capturing ad dollars from companies that are selling online. And are they make sure the experience is seamless, people forget how expensive it is to make that load, right now you have to hold your nose if you want to buy, i prefer to buy on sale, i would rather have something about trump or election bring market down a few before going into it, if you hold it if you own it, hold it. I like what you said, lee, if you own it, hold it. And if you can afford to pay up a little bit for shares, 82 of Company Total ad revenue from mobile, your point is big. Incredible. Deirdre thank you lee. Short, sweet, to the point on target. Lee munson with me, portfolio wealth adviser president. Deirdre trump saying that Hillary Clinton plays the gender card to no avail. Radio host said that trump is right, find out why. We ship everything you atcan imagine. N, and everything we ship has something in common. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fastacting, longlasting relief. It immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. For fastacting, longlasting relief, try doctorrecommended gaviscon. Deirdre donald trump will be speak momentarily in indiana. John kasich decided not to spend any money in that state. Famed basketball coach bobby knight will be at that event. After a fivestate sweep, donald trump says he considers himself to be the presumptive nominee. On that note, it seems he is anticipating a general election between him and Hillary Clinton. I think the on the card she has is the womans card. If Hillary Clinton were a man, i dont think she would get 5 of the vote. The only thing she has going is the womans card. The thing is, women dont like her. Deare here is Hillary Clintons response. The other day mr. Trump accused me of playing the quote woman card. Well, if fighting for womens healthcare and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the womens card, then deal me in deirdre she says trump is right. On which level . Hillary clinton is playing the womens card. Lets look at her tenure when she was United States nor from new york. She didnt even engage in equal pay. She only paid her female staffers 72 cent on the mans dollar. Hillary clinton knows how to talk a big game, but she doesnt follow up with her actions. The Clinton Foundation has accepted millions of dollars from middle eastern nations that engage in heinous actions toward women. I think smart women will look at donald trump and say here is a guy who has created thousands of jobs for women. Hes engaging in equal pay. Even his own lawyer says there are more women in executive positions, or at least as many as men in the trump organization. Women voters are smart. They can look at Hillary Clinton and ask themselves, are they pandering for the female vote. Deirdre Hillary Clinton says if she were elected, half her cabinet would be women. Governor huckabee says thats insulting to women because thats implying they have to be chosen because they are womb inand not because they are the best candidate. Hillary clintons top six Campaign Staffers are all white men. I dont see women at the top. So even if we look at a current circumstance which is her race for president. The top six Campaign Officials are men. So if she want to champion women she could have done it. And we havent seen her actions back up her words. Deirdre thank you, adriana cohen. Thank you for joining me on risk and reward. Making money with Charles Payne starts now. [ ] charles good evening. I have tons of breaking news. So settle in. We are moments away from a donald trump rally in indianapolis where he will be introduced by former hoosiers basketball coach and legend bob knight. Ted cruz named his Vice President ial nominee. But first as we await this move from donald trump we want to dig into his Foreign Policy comment from earlier today when he called for an overhaul of the strategy we have taken abroad. Take a listen

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