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On ground democratic strategist chuck roach that as well. Chuck rocha. This is happy, senator cruz in his element from the birdseye view. Agree. Everyone is cheering. Trump is not here. I think he is enjoying that. Seeing complete nonestablishment guy here getting that support. Deirdre okay. Chuck as far as what is going on with the race, we know that donald trump chose not to go to cpac. So to kats point, ted cruz is getting more speaking time and more oxygen. Where is the way forward in your view for the gop candidates . Look theyre all trying to catch donald. Up until now they have been like a bunch of small children throwing rocks as at a train goes by. Aint nothing they can do to stop it. As political consultant you have to think what does donald trump have to gain or lose by dissing folks at cpac . He continues to buck the system. Most people who run in republican primary would never dream of skipping cpac but donald trump has done things all along myself as political consultant would be crazy and selfdestructive and disrupt his entire campaign. Every time he comes out bigger and better. I believe this will be another instance. Deirdre kat. Im not surprised he is not here. I will be surprised if he was here. People will say if he says anything about he would not be here. What is going to say . Why isnt he there . Deirdre why isnt he there . That question will loom. He regretted not participating in the debate in iowa. This is obviously different format but he is choosing to be absent which in fact is strong statement. What you think of dr. Ben carson. I wrote two days ago, i wrote down the quote exactly, he didnt see a political path forward. He already land ad job as National Chair of my faith votes. Do you think when he speaks shortly we will hear he is stepping out, kat . Absolutely. There really isnt a path forward. He has to step out. You know what . I really like ben carson but there is no particular reason he should be president. He has a lot of other things he could be doing and really well. Likeable guy. I will miss him. Missed him in the last debate. He needs to drop out to let votes go other places. I think he realized that. He must have. The sources are telling fox news, as weve been speculating that dr. Ben carson is expected to say he is suspending the campaign this afternoon either in his speech at cpac or at the press conference, q a session afterwards. So, chuck, to kats point, if dr. Ben carson drops out, how does this change the race . I dont think it changes it immensely. I think people expected him to run out of vigor and fire eventually. I think that deirdre who gets his votes, chuck . I think a certain point of those votes go between cruz and trump. I think his followers are more conservative, to the trump point i think they were more christian. To the trump point, believe it or not wanted somebody who was outsider and not a politician. That is donald trump lock, stock and barrel. Deirdre speaking of donald trump, earlier today he made a comment on the former president ial candidate mitt romney. Mitt romney as you know was on with neil cavuto earlier here is Donald Trumps comment on mitt romney. I dont like mitt romney. I hate people that think theyre hot stuff and theyre nothing. He is disloyal guy. He is elitest. I dont consider him elite. I dont consider him elite because im much richer than he is. Deirdre couple terms to define here. Elitist. Idea of being a conservative, not a true conservative. Kat, did mitt romneys speech help or hurt any of the candidates . I dont think it did any good for what it was intending to do. It helps trump perhaps. It certainly didnt hurt him because mitt romney represent exactly what people are wanting to rebel against, establishment guy. Not to mention that he why he would be criticizing someone elses campaign. Almost anybody could have given a speech like that have impact he wanted to have. The worst person to give a speech like that. Deirdre many people say he didnt endorse anybody, left the feel and anybody listening to him potentially very confused. Chuck on point who is conservative and who is not, why did donald trump skip this event . I think he skipped it to say exactly what his followers want to hear. Ive been doing campaigns a long time, what i would be telling donald trump to say im going to have conversation with voters. Im going to kansas where we have election coming day. I will head down to orlando, a state winnertakeall, march 15th, 16th, excuse me. I need you. Instead of going to washington elite with son curve tiff politicians im conservative. That is why theyre sporting him now. People sick and tired of being sick and tired. They want to hear that message and worked for him so far. Why abandon whats been working . Deirdre why brandon what has been working. Part of that is certain amount of vulgarity to be honest. He responded last night to marco rubios small hands attack. This is during the debate. Listen in. He hit my hands, nobody has hit my hands. Never heard of this one. Look at those hands. Are they small hands . [shouting] he referred to my hands if theyre small, Something Else must be small. I guarranty you there is no problem, i guaranty it. Okay. Deirdre some saying it was a schoolyard dustup. More than a president ial contest. Cat, your take . My mouth was hanging open when i heard that i felt like i was watching people arguing in frat house instead after president ial debate. Every time i think it cant get worse, discourse cant get lower, something happens to make it even worse. It is pathetic. That is not issues that matter to me, hand size is not why im going to vote or not vote for a candidate. Deirdre not particularly president ial. Deirdre all right, stay with me, kat and chuck. Sources telling fox news that ben carson is expected to say he is suspending his campaign during this afternoon at his speech at cpac or question and answer question with journalists afterwards. Were waiting for dr. Carson to begin speaking. Well bring you there live. You can see ted cruz still on stage there with our own sean hannity in a q a, informal q a lesson. Former nixon speechwriter ben stein is speaking out, donald trump is dangerously misinformed. Find out why he is saying that. Two decades after o. J. Simpson was acquitted of murdering his wife and her friend with a knife, a knife has been found on the grounds of his former home. It is being dna tested. Well bring you the results. Last nights debate got so heated, ted cruzs top spokesperson from cpac is with us next. I understand the folks who are supporting donald right now, youre aingery, youre angry at washington he uses angry rhetoric. But for 40 years donald has been partof the corruption in washington that youre angry about. When you think what does it look like . Is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student . Is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves . Is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the Natural World . Whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. Tiaa. Being hacked and intellectual property being stolen. That is cybercrime and it affects each and every one of us. Microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cybercrime. We use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. When it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. Were building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer. When it comes to the fithings you love,. You want more. Love romance . Get lost in every embrace. Into sports . Follow every pitch, every play and every win. Change the way you experience tv with x1 from xfinity. Deirdre breaking news, sources are telling fox news that dr. Ben carson is expected to say that he is suspending his campaign this afternoon, either at cpac, during his speech, or with questions and answers with the journalists afterwards. Much staffers from dr. Ben carsons team have apparently been told they will be receiving their last paycheck on march 31st. We are waiting for him to speak at any moment where he may officially suspend his campaign. You do recall two days ago he said he didnt see a political path forward. Speaking of the race, tons of fiery comments traded last night, all four candidates were in the mix. He hit my hands. Nobody has ever hit my hands. I never heard of this one. Look at those hands. Are think small hands . Donald trump mocked ebb with personal attacks. Does anybody ever deserve to be attacked that way, is donald trump. Dont other we are about it little marco. Lets hear about it, big don. Dont worry about it, little marco. Stop fighting. Is this dewait you want to play out during the general election. Breathe, breathe, breathe. You can do it. Lying ted. I know its hard, i know its hard but just when theyre done with yoga, can i answer a question. Guess what, it is march madness and wering up to the place, my turf, okay. Deirdre frontrunner donald trump announcing earlier would not participate in cpac. Here is what his spokesperson said on countdown to the closing bell. He is the candidate that had more press conference than anyone. He is the one that takes the tough questions. He goes to the debates, knowing that the moderators and his opponents are going to dog pile on him. Mr. Trump is not speaking at cpac this year because we have an election tomorrow. Deirdre Cruz National Campaign Spokesperson ron nehring is with me now from cpac. Ron, senator cruz looked great up there. He seemed at ease, more in his element except for last night in some other contests. This is his crowd, right . Oh, it sure is. Ted cruz is at center of conservative movement that is at the center of the Republican Party. This was a tremendous address here today. Then with sean hannity coming out for q a, really, really tremendous response. I was stunned by the volume and standing ovation that he received. I can understand why donald trump didnt want to be in this room. He should have been here. He should have kept his commitment. But he is not. Ted cruz owns this crowd here at cpac. Deirdre do you think that is why donald trump decided not to go . He thought that ted cruz would suck up all the oxygen . Im not in a position to psychoanalyze donald trump. Im not sure anyone really is but ted cruz made clear he thinks that people should keep their commitments. Donald trump should have kept his commitment to the organizers. He knew the election was taking place, was running for office. As of earlier today he was still confirmed speaker. He should have let speaker know. Give them the courtesy of letting them to know he was going to come. Causes a lot of logistical problems for organizers who have done a tremendous job putting this event together. Deirdre speaking of low gist cool difficulties, subject of New York Times off the record tape came up last night during the debate. Here is what some of the candidates had to say about it. Let me say that on the issue of the off the record, that is not up to the New York Times, that is up to you, donald. If you tell the New York Times to release audio they can do it. We will see what your true views are on immigration. Had a meeting with New York Times, things were at their suggestion and my suggestion. I think being off the record is very, very powerful thing. I will say this, these three gentlemen have gone off record many times with reporters and they want to honor. I will always honor it. I will say in terms of immigration, almost anything else, there always has to be some, tug and pull and deal. Sometimes you ask for more than you want and you negotiate down to the point. Deirdre do you think donald trump should release those tapes . It could be from the New York Times. It could be from donald trump them self. You heard marco rubio saying, donald, this is up to you . Yeah i think this is really important question because really goes to what nomination process is all about. Producing a nominee for the Republican Party is only part of it. The other part of it is making sure we have candidate who is wellvetted by the voters and making sure that voters have complete information about our candidates before they cast their ballots. Donald trump is keeping his tax returns secret, with very, very sketchy excuse that theyre all being audited. He could produce the letter from the irs indicating he is being audited and still release certain Financial Data for those years where he is not being audited. He refuses to do that. For the tape, release the secret tape that the New York Times. He has the ability to release, cause that tape to be released. He wont do it. It begs question as to why. Deirdre ron, we thank you. Ron nehring with me, Cruz National spokesperson. Dr. Ben carson taking the podium well listen in. Thank you, thank you. Absolutely delighted to be here. My wife and sons and their daughters are there. Thank you. [cheering] i want to thank you, i want to thank all the people who have worked so incredibly hard on my campaign. The volunteers, one young man, braden joplin, who even lost his life for something that they believed in with such fervor. And, it is an experience that i will never forget. Interestingly enough a lot of people said to me, you know, in order to really make it in this cycle, you have to be loud and boisterous and you have to be willing to attack people and you know, interestingly enough i used to be like that. [laughter] there was a time when i was particularly in, jr. High School Junior high school and in high school. I could come up with some stuff that would really embarass people and the people who are running today, boy, i could come up with some stuff, let me tell you. But you know what . I left that stuff in high school. You know. [cheers and applause] you know the things that affect us now are so incredibly important. And, one of the things thats going on in our nation ive noticed as i traveled around, wonderful americans every place, every part of our country. But so many of them are angry and are afraid. And the problem when youre angry and afraid is that you tend to make bad decisions when youre angry and youre afraid. What we have to do now is sort of calm down use amazing intellect god has given us. Brain. Billions and billions of neurons remembers everything you have ever seen. Remembers everything you ever heard. Process two million bits of information in one 2nd. There is reason he gave us Something Like that. So that we can extract information from the past and process it and project it into the future. And think rationally and logically, instead of just react ing. Dont need to have much of a developed brain to simply react, to react in fear. Animals can do that. Lizards can do that we are human beings. We must really start to think about right now in america what we need is leadership. [applause] many people, many people have said, who are you going to endorse . Well, let me tell you exactly, let me tell you exactly the criteria when one should use when utilizing that brain. If were talking about somebody who is going to lead america and the world, you need somebody who has demonstrated significant accomplishment in their life. Number one. You also need somebody whose ideals and policies are clear and easy to find with your intellect you carnival wait them. You need to look how they treat others and how they treat their family, because thats how theyre going to treat the American People. We need to see what have they done for america, someone who wants to lead this nation, should in fact, have demonstrated in their life that they are trying to improve life for people in america. We should also look at people they work with, who are those people . How do they, what do those people have to say and how have they been able to collaborate with people to get things done. All those are very important factors. Somebody who can check the box with all of those will make incredible leader. Also somebody who is ethical. What we need in america right now is trickledown ethics. Very important that we get that. [applause] conservatives should not be ashamed of capitalism. Weve had those who tried to make it sound like a bad word. [applause] it is not a bad word. It has produced the highest standard of living anybody has ever known but what we must do as conservatives is to make sure that we couple capitalism with compassion. That will be a winning formula for us. Recognize that in this couldnttry we have 330 million people. Sounds like a lot of people but compare that with china, 1. 4 billion. India 1. 1 billion. It means we need to develop all of our people. We cant afford to have 20 plus of our people not graduating from high school in technological age. We can not afford to have 5 of the worlds population and 25 of the inmates. We need to look at a government that has policies that destroys families rather than pulling Families Together because you need that family unit in order to strengthen america. [applause] our pillars of strength, our faith and your family. As those things are being eroded, you see what is happening to our nation. We the people have to be the ones who really push these things. The government is not pushing it. The government, they dont understand what compassion is. They think patting somebody on the head, saying there, there, you poor little thing i will take care of ail your needs is compassion. That is just the opposite of compassion. That is making people dependent on the system that is the worst thing you can do to anybody. [applause] so what we must concentrate on is the path, the bridge, that allows people to move out of the state of dependency, and become part of the strength and fabric of this country. That is how we come strong as a nation. Fewer people we have to pull along, more people that become part of a productive side of america, the better life will be for everybody. That is what we have to keep in mind. [applause] we must recognize, we the American People are not each others enemies. You know, its, i think, nefarious group of individuals who are making every attempt to divide us as americans, and what we must begin to really concentrate on is having conversations with each other and talking through our differences, finding resolutions. A reason we have these amazing brains. If were fighting each other the time, it makes it excessively easy for those who are really all our enemies, the radical islamic terrorists who want to destroy us. We need to understand that. [applause] why would we make their job easier for them by trying to destroy ourselves . We need to identified those people in our society who are always trying to splinter us too, believe me they are not our friend either. You also need to think about our future generations. This is an area that concerned me immensely. Thomas jefferson said it is immoral to borrow from the next generation. Think about that. [applause] here we are in a situation where 19 trillion . And it is going to be 20 trillion next year . Think about the impact of that. The fed has to suppress the interest rates. They dont necessarily want income to rise either because were in such a difficult economic situation. But think what happens to the american dream. When joe the butcher can not go every friday to the bank like he used to put five or 10 of into a savings account to watch it grow over the next decade because there is no growth, there is no incentive to do that. Same thing with the bond market. Only place money can be made is in the stock market. Well, who can invest in the stock market . Welltodo people. And hence what happens . The income gap grows. So along come Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton talking about this income gap, and they say it is evil rich people. It is not evil rich people. It is evil government that keeps driving our debts up to these levels. That is what is causing the problem. [applause] and, we must be able to identify where the true culprits lie. The government keeps growing because it feels it is one who can solve our problems. That is a mistake. You know, it started in the 20s with the wilson administration. Kept multiplying. By the time we got to the johnson administration. Youre talking, we the government are going to eliminate poverty, remember that . The war on poverty. How did that work out . 19 trillion later we have 10 times more people on food stamps, more welfare, poverty, broken homes out of wedlock birth, crime incarceration, everything is not only worse, it is much worse. That is what happens when the government starts doing things it is not supposed to do. They need to read the constitution. That is not their job. [applause] taking care of indigent. That is our job. That is our job. We the people. Not the government. And maybe, maybe the government did read it, maybe they read the constitution, they got confused when they raid the preamble, where it says, one of their jobs is to promote the general welfare. They probably thought it meant to put everybody on general welfare. That thats not what it means. [applause] but thats what happens when you have a government that is way too big. And im hopeful that maybe some people now that i am leaving the campaign trail yeah. [shouting] [cheering] i know there is a lot [applause] well, thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. [cheers and applause] but. But ill still be heavily involved and try to save our nation. Ill be included in a lot of things called my faith votes. An organization that will try to help the Faith Community to help them realize how important their vote is. In 2012, 25 million evangelicals did not vote. The margin of difference was only 5 million. It gives you some idea of how important that is. We have to get these people registered and we have to get them to understand that they have to play a role. A lot of people in the Faith Community, they say gods got it under control so i dont have to do anything. One of the ways god controls it is through us. And, you know, just brings me to the whole topic of our faith as a nation. We are in the process of allowing the secular progressives to drive faith out of our country. You look at, you know, one deirdre you are seeing dr. Ben carson on stage there at cpac. You heard in his speech that he will still be involved as he said it, in trying to save our nation. But he did very clearly state, im leaving the campaign trail. You saw the crowds reaction. Obviously he has many fans in that crowd. He got a standing ovation. He said a lot of people love me, but a lot of people are not voting for me, and thats okay. We are back. Kat, who gets dr. Carsons vote . I would think ted cruz. Hes a loveable guy, though. Dersh you can feel that even in the crowd, even through the tv. You can feel people do love and respect him. Im feeling it and im a dirty socially liberal lib rarian and i want to give him a big hug and tell him hes wonderful. He keeps giving speeches like this to whoever he supports, people will wants to support. Deirdre he has i given a hint of somebody he would endorse, then he talks about the qualities of leadership that hes going to be encouraging other people to support. And hes talking about his new role in trying to organize evangelicals and make a difference in their vote. Chuck, how does it change the race . It changes the race. The momentum he had and the values he stood for, there are a lot of people who still supported him. He had a loyal group of followers. I think mat overthem go to cruz. I think a portion will go to trump. But the bigger proportion will go to cruz and trump. He made a name for himself in the christian and antiestablishment world. Hes using this opportunity to lift up his voice. I think we havent heard the last of ben carson. A lot of these guys need to figure out a way to reach out. Especially if you are trump or cruz. Somebody just like we were talking about, somebody who is nice. Deirdre its kinds of hard not to. He comes across as a gentle person. He made me laugh at the beginning of the speech talking about how he could have traded insults with everybody but close to leave high school behind and saying humans are supposed to be a little more evolved than lizards who have the capability of responding. Thats funny from a scientific points of view. Could he be on the ticket no matter who leads it as the vp . Its tough, you hear him giving speeches like this. He has every right to think that. It could have been a debate situation. He talks about fruit salad, he doesnt look so strong anymore. Thats all part being the vp. That makes me sad, but i dont think so. Deirdre still a few innings to go. Thank you so much. Good to have you there with me to hear that decision. Dr. Ben carson, officially stepping out saying a clear phrase, im leaving the campaign trail. For reactions in his decision, economist ben stein is with me now. Great to have you here. What do you make first and foremost . What do you make of dr. Ben carson stepping out . I think if he had been giving speeches like this all through the primary season he would be the nominee. This is a stew pen dousely great speech. I never heard him give such a great speech and i have been following him or months now. This is by far his best speech. I hope somebody can make him Vice President or i hope he runs again the next time. I was very impressed with his speech. Deirdre kat said im a libertarian and i still love him 367 people gave him a standing ovation. But there are questions about whether or not he could more or less guide the economy. Which candidate have you heard from, ben, that you think this makes sense, it makes sense for jobs and it makes sense for businesses. I hate to say this because i never voted for a democrat. I dont hear any of the republicans saying anything that makes much sense. We are running this incredibly big deficit that will crush our grandchildren. Nobody is calling for higher taxes or cut in government spending. There is no easy or difficult path. Deirdre in fairness. Last night during the debate all four candidates were calling for cutting government programs. Two candidates said we should decrease the irs or do he way with it all together. Some other suggestions, department of education. So they are doing that. But its true no candidate is saying raise taxes. Those are pennys in the deficit. Thats like what you buy a pack of gum with. We have got defense increases. There have got to be higher taxes. Not just on millionaires and billionaires. There have to be higher taxes generally. Nobody is telling the truth about that on the republican side. Its got to be done. And mr. Trumps plan for purposely starting a trade war with mexico and china is the single Worst Campaign idea i have ever heard. Its lunacy to purposely set out to wreck trade relations with gigantic powers like china and mexico. Deirdre as our moderators pointed out, a lot of the trump math does not add up. When he talked about not necessarily fair trade, but what he called smart trade, there was applause like ben carson is getting right now. Why is that . I dont know what smart trade even means. He has an idea in his head we are going to stop trading with china until they send jobs back to the u. S. Deirdre currency evaluations. We like currency different not hurting the dollar, its helping the dollar. It means the things we buy at the Electronics Store are made in china are cheaper. The idea the chinese are hurting us by sending us good quality products at a low price is a fantasy. Any time we start attacking china and putting on tariffs they will slap back. Less u. S. Agricultural exports. Great powers do not get pushed around. China wont get pushed around and neither is mexico. Deirdre i want to go from big picture to the smaller data point. There is still a few facts i would love your opinion on. One is manufacturing jobs are down, mining jobs are down. People who have jobs, they have them, but they are not getting raises. And the labor Market Participation rate is still at lowest its been in a few decades. The great one is the headline. How do you see the maybe market in the u. S. . The reason the unemployment number of is so low has to do with the calculation of the labor force. Any time people leave the labor force, they are giving up. It makes the unemployment number look better, and its not really better. There is nothing thats going to make wages go up except more and most labor force Getting Better educated. The educational system in this country is in the state of freefall collapse. Nobody, not mrs. Clinton and not anybody, not bernie, nobody is addressing the educational collapse and thats key. We cannot have a firstworld nation where 50 of the High School Students are functionally illiterate. Dethere are donald trump has clearly come out and said no more common core. Out of 3. Countries that the oecd measures, the u. S. Spends the most and is the lowest as far as peoples level of education. So he is actually addressing those points. Hes mentioning them. But hes not address any kinds of cure for them. By the common core, the idea of saying common core is the problem, its saying if its a 110 degree date the fault of the thermometer. We have an awful lots of children from broken homes. No father, no discipline in the household who are not doing any homework and are not learning to read or write. The level of functional illiteracy in the inner cities of america is breathtaking. There has got to be a tremendous cracking of the whip in terms of making students do their homework. But by having parents stepping in. And i think its up to people like old people like me above 65 to step in and be mentors for the kids who dont have families or fathers to help them. Charter cools are brilliant. Its stunning that the education unions have so totally demolished any moral structure within the Democratic Party that they will not allow Charter Schools to be a subject. Deirdre ben stein, thank you, sir. Sources saying dr. Ben carson will officially suspend his campaign. You heard him say it for himself. He said im leaving the campaign trail. He hinted at an endorsement but did not name a name. Fox news will be bringing you more coverage on those events and more coverage on the primaries. Ill be with neil cavuto and lou dobbs. We are back in just a few minute. D dramatically. It wasnt too long ago it would take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome. Now, we can do a hundred per day. With the microsoft cloud we dont have to build server rooms. We have instant scale. The microsoft cloud is helping us to rebuild and reinterpret our business. This cloud helps transform business. This is the microsoft cloud. I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me. With onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. 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If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. And click to activate your within. The market. Redict but through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Deirdre sources say dr. Ben carson will officially announce hes suspending his campaign. He was just giving a speech at cpac you heard hip say im you heard him say im leaving the campaign trail. You didnt hear him endorse anybody in particular, but you did hear him talk about the Leadership Qualities citizens should be leaning towards. What does this mean to the race . You probably saw and felt the standing occasion for dr. Ben carson himself. One of his best lines was when he said everybody here loves me, but nobody will vote for me. He has risen to National Prominence with this campaign. He has taken over a nonpartisan Christian Group called my faith votes. He will be working to get christians to the polls and getting his message out. He has known evangelicals for decade. His Prayer Breakfast was where he caught my attention. He has been on peoples radars for many, many years. His share of the vote i would suspect would coalesce behind ted cruz. Deirdre he has had support for new from numerous people for many years. While i have you, i want the shift gears and look to the other side of the aisle. The f. B. I. I investigating Hillary Clintons aide for sharing the password to have access to classified information. If thats found to be true, what happens next . Thats a lot of trouble. While Hillary Clinton may be more difficult for Law Enforcement to take down because she is so powerful, her aides are not. If they start getting picked off, that will be embarrassing. The problems of the super rich. Having a private server at your house in the hamptons is hard for people to relate to. This is the kind of thing like Chris Christie in traffic that resonates with people. Why would you give your password away. Conspiracy theories as to why donald trump chose to not go to cpac are brewing. My next guest is a millennial. He says its because Young Conservatives are revolting against donald trump. Find out why. The campaign in the last year donald trump has mocked everybody with personal attacks. He has done so about people on the stage today. He has done it about people who are disabled and every person. Deirdre donald trump canceled his appearance at cpac today. What do you make of that decision . Im not surprised by it. Im glad ben carson did it. It shows he cares about the movement more than himself. Ben carson brought to this race a quieter conservative approach. It shows our party can have frontrunners who are africanamerican and cubanamerican that speak to an audience. He has so much goodwill from so many conservatives. Deirdre we hear it and feel it through the tv screen. I want to ask you about the fact donald trump was supposed to be there and canceled. What are people there saying . People think he was afraid of the young audience. Half of the people here are Young Conservatives. Donald trump does the worst among any lenalls than any other candidate. He loses any len a. M. S to hillary 7030. Young millennials wanted to hear from donald trump, but they dont like donald trump. They dont think hes reaching their generation. They think the other conservatives left in the race are the ones speaking to them. Deirdre among the people you are speaking with there, ted cruz i assume has the most support . I think ted cruz has a lot of support. If you look at the polling. Marco rubio is the on one who pulled even with Hillary Clinton in the general election. We are covering a student for rubio event. The question is, what can cruz and rubio do to win this race . They have to get together and for a rubio ticket and bring the conservative movement together. They will have to get creative when it comes to winning florida. Deirdre we are back in just a few minutes. We are expecting ben carsons press conference to start. D well bring it to you as soon as it does. By being a more adventurous student . Is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves . Is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the Natural World . Whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. Tiaa. You stay up. You listen. You laugh. You worry. You do whatever it takes to take care of your family. And when its time to plan for your familys future,. Were legalzoom, and for over 10 years weve helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. So when youre ready, start with us. Doing the right thing has never been easier. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Deirdre to recap, some of what has been happening this hour, dr. Ben carson is speaking from cpac earlier saying quote, unquote, i am leaving the campaign trail. He said a lot of people love him, they just wont vote for him. He had a warm reception, standing ovation at cpac. He didnt quite endorse everybody but talked about the qualities of leadership that he thinks that citizens should be picking a nominee based on. He also said that he was not up for the high school dustups that were going on during the debate. Some of which you probably saw last night. He said he had already gone to high school and was trying to move past that. We will later on fox business continue coverage of dr. Ben carson. In the meantime, charles payne, my colleague is here. Making money starts right now. Charles breaking news, donald trump kicks the conservative Political Action conference to the curb. Last minute decision to focus on campaigning rubbing many the wrong way including his rival, ted cruz. So donald trump is skipping cpac. [booing] he was told there were conservatives that were going to be here [cheers] so with us to further drive the stake through the spiritual heart, also dr. Ben carson signaling his exist from the president ial race and teasing criteria for endorsement

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