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Need to know ahead of those numbers. We are coming off of another record close for the dow industrials, 24th alltime high this year. Futures indicating a bit of a pullback this morning, fractional move coming off the high. Dow industrials set to open up ten points and whether or not that changes things. The european markets are mixed, european indices as you see there, majors are flat. In asia overnight gains across the board to report, fractional moves, nonetheless but in the plus column. Planet of the apes swinging back into theaters full Box Office Preview later this hour. Joining me to talk about it Dagen Mcdowell, kings View Asset Management scott martin is here and research chief, Research Officer. Good see you. Dagen great to see you, coming up we were at the Berkeley Center for the third stop at the Connor McgregorFloyd Mayweather. You interviewed him. Dagen youve gotten paid, not so much. We have a very heated debate about who can win fight. I will put money down on the fact that it will be a pay per view record. I agree with that. Quite animated. They were very excited. Dagen youve never seen trashtalking like that. It hit a new low. Maria i want to hear all about it. Special report from dagen. Coming up this morning americans for tax reform. Arkansas congressman is here, counsel to the president , trump, Kellyanne Conway and former nfl star jack brewer. President trump is departing from paris for washington right now at this hour after celebrating bastille day. When he returns to the nations Capitol Health care reform. Senate republicans unveiled a reworked version of the bill to repeal and replace obamacare yesterday. I aims to win conservative support by letting insurers offer a lower cost plans while offering moderates billions to combat opioid abuse and help consumers with skyrocketing costs. Meet offing the minds here. President trump tweeting about the effort, republican senators are working hard to get their failed obamacare replacement approved. It will be at my desk pen and hand waiting to sign that legislation adding on the pressure, the president tweeted this, so important representative senators under leadership of the Senate Leader mcconnell. Get health care approved after seven years of obamacare disaster. Must happen. After all of the years of suffering on obamacare, republicans must come through. A president talking a lot about the Health Care Bill this morning but the effort is facing additional head nguyens, so far two senators, yesterday we heard from Kentucky Rand Paul and maine Susan Collins said they are a no on the updated bill. Joining us to weigh in House Freedom caucus member florida congressman ron disantos. Is this going to be enough . Maria, you have some u. S. Senator who is ran for years and years on repealing and replacing obamacare, they were helped by contributions from grassroots conservatives all across the country because they were told if you just give us the senate and the white house, we will be able to make this a reality and so its frustrate to go see people who have run on that who have voted to fully repeal this not even be willing to do this is not a full reveal. Its a compromise bill, to say it goes too far, your rhetoric for years and years all those votes you never meant and that is what really get Republican Voters back home upset when you have the rhetoric back home and you come to washington and do something totally different. They have got to get it done otherwise its going to be a huge disappointment for all the people that sent them there. Maria do you know if there are other nos at this point, have you heard more pushback. We know that the republicans cannot afford any more nos since Susan Collins and rand paul have publicly said they are not buying into this. What im hearing is is that nobody else is not gettable. I dont know that theyre there yet. Theres definitely a path to do that and they are trying to work on the details and they made good changes adopting the cruz, freedom agreement, key to unlocking reductions in premiums because at tend of the day, theres a lot of move lg parts of obama care, taxes, medicaid, you to lower the premiums, that has been the hammer to the middleclass families across america and so i think that its a compromise package. I think theres probably something in it for everyone so i do think they have a path to 50. Dagen congressman, its Dagen Mcdowell, but you have republican senators standing by Obamacare Tax increases. 0. 9 payroll tax and they stay in, they will continue to exist and so how do republicans step up and say, we stand for democratic tax increases . Well, we shouldnt say that. Dagen thats exactly whats going on. Maria yesterday right here. I want to repeal all of obamacare. Thats what we promised and thats what we should do. I look around my chamber and the senate and unfortunately even though everybody who is a republican ran on the same things i did, not all of them are willing to do that, youre in a situation, can you roll back significant portions of obamacare but, yeah, those tax incra eses that theyre not going to roll back, it seems thats whats going to happen in the senate bill that will cost jobs. The Tax Foundation say you roll back the investment tax, 100,000 jobs. When you tax it more you get less of it. Its just bad economics. Congressman, you mentioned this this isnt a full repeal. Half baking it and isnt better to move something thats a full repeal. I know thats going to upset one donald trump but isnt that the better solution longer term for the American People. The president has endorsed this as well, neuter obamacare, defund it and repeal all of the taxes and you have have that take effect a year, year and a half down the road so you time to legislate a replacement and that may have been what we should have done in the beginning. To me we have gone down the road enough. We have to see if we can get over the finish line. If not, we should go back to 2016 bill, everyone on record is supporting that, doing it and you have a window where youre able to legislate. I dont think youll get a lot of help from democrats on replacement but if youve already signed repeal into law, then at least they would have incenti have to want to have some sense of this in the senate particularly some of those democrats and republican states. Congress, im a Small Business owner and youre talking about this time frame, you know, maybe a year, year and a half. I got a letter from my Insurance Company that said my premiums are going to go up 38 including my employees, what do you tell Small Business owners who are waiting here. A year and a half is not doable as a Business Owner and if youre going to sit there and go back to original obamacare, what do you tell Small Business owners . In terms of burdens of Small Business, you repeal that immediately. I was saying about replacements, some of the things that have been talked about, give Congress Time to legislate if you did repeal first and replace later, but i want to do all of this immediately. I dont think realistically anything thats done now will affect the 2018 rates because the policies are being formulated. It is important to get this in place so that for 2019 rate that is are going to come out in fall 2018 that people start to see differences and see more options and more affordability and so i think thats very important and i dont think that theres a lot of time to waste in that respect. I would have liked to have done this in january, that would have been the easiest way to do it. Thats what we promised. Maria what do you think about rand pauls argument, look, the republicans are going to go down with the spiraling down of obamacare because this is not a full repeal. I recognize this is a lot to completely repeal it and then come out with a replacement later, the transition period is going to be tough and expensive but, i mean, you did promise a full repeal, what about rand paul ideas dont jump on a falling ship. Well, look, i will support a full repeal. Thats the number one thing we promised. I think thats the easiest thing to do. I just know, maria, from having talk today colleagues and you talk today members of congress as well, you have some members who just will not support that right now and so i can sit there and say thats the only thingly vote for. The problem is if i cant get 218 votes for that, if they cant get the 50 votes in the senate for that and maybe there comes a time where we will be able to do that because the current product doesnt succeed in getting the votes, i dont know, but i can tell you having gone through this debate when we did it in the spring, i was in conference meetings, we have republican members who get up and just say i want to repeal obamacare but i dont want to repeal this part or the other part. When you start going that way, you dont want to repeal it at all. Yes, the clean repeal would have been the preferable route and i would absolutely support that if that was put in front of us today. Maria let me switch gears to the reaction overnight and thats the president travel ban, a federal judge in hawaii ruling that grandparents and other relatives should be exempt from the ban which bars people from six muslim countries from coming into the u. S. More specifically this decision means that grandparents, grandchildren, brothersinlaw, sistersinlaw, aunts, nieces and cousins of those people in the u. S. Now count as sufficiently Close Relationships do gain entry into the country, do you agree with this, what do you make of the ruling in. Thats an obama appointed judge. I think that this bonafide relationship that tomas, alito pointed out, its going to be difficult to administer, they were right about that. I think this Supreme Court gave this window for a liberal judges like to guy in hawaii to drive a truck through and the bottom line is hes not doing the law, hes basically doing politics. He feels that cousins and second guesses and inlaws should be allowed to come in even though the president s order says no and to me its a policy issue thats important and even more important who should be making the decisions, do we want the commander in chief with authority of congress, political branches who are accountable to the American People or do we want some unelected judge making determinations without any basis in law. Hes asserting that this is the case. I think it was a bad decision. I think it may end up getting revisited in the meantime by the Supreme Court or certainly higher courts but ultimately, what the hawaii judge did will not be upheld by the u. S. Supreme court. Maria congressman, real quick on taxes, are versions happening right now in terms of tax reform, are you looking forward. Is there going to be as much debate on tax package as there have been on health care. The goal is to get on the same page, border adjustment tax, those seem to be we will move beyond things like that and hopefully have a consensus of principle, lets start legislating this very soon and i want to be debating and voting on this when we get back in september. Maria all right, we will be watching. Congressman, good to see you. Thank you. Maria coming up, flooding in wisconsin to tell you about. Details on Recovery Efforts after a governor declares state of emergency there. We are watching banks this morning. They are coming out with secondquarter earnings, citigroup, jpmorgan among institutions reporting before the opening bell. We will have the numbers, tell you what they say as soon as they hit the tape. The preview coming up. Think again. This is the new new york. We are building new airports all across the state. New roads and bridges. New mass transit. New business friendly environment. New lower taxes. And new University Partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. Learn more at esd. Ny. Gov at the lexus golden opportunity sales event before it ends. Choose from the is turbo, es 350 or nx turbo for 299 a month for 36 months if you lease now. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Maria welcome back, breaking news out of jerusalem this morning. Cheryl casone with the story. Cheryl this happened within the last hour, maria. Two Police Officers are dead after a shootout with three gunmen at one of jerusalem holiest sites. The gunmen also dead another person is hurt, we are learning the shootout happened at temple mount, remember President Trump and melania were there just a few weeks ago. Well incident well, back here at home scott walker declared state of emergency for three counties and activated the National Guard after widespread flooding there. We want to bring you the video from ohio, a driver being rescued from a car stranded in flood waters. Look at this incredible. The National Weather has extended Flood Warning until later this morning in several parts of ohio. In earnings news, season is kicking off today with several big u. S. Banks that report this morning. You have Jpmorgan Chase, citigroup, wells fargo all to release quarterly results. Jpmorgan expected to post higher earnings but analysts expecting eastern to go come lower. We will have, of course, maria, as soon as they are released, trading revenue, big question back to you. Maria of course, we are also watching what happens next, scott, in terms of the Bank Earnings, theyve gotten the goahead to ramp up the dividends. You saw really good stress results weeks ago. Whats interesting to me, maria, the Interest Rate curve, the Interest Rate curve with the fed hiking has flattened, remember the heart of the bank earning situation, borrowing short from the fed, lending long to us the consumers. They make the spread. The fed is hiking the shortend and that spread is narrowing therefore putting pressure on Bank Earnings. Maria are you worried about this quarter . I am concerned about because there hasnt been the favorable move in Interest Rates but theres a chance with some confidence back in the economy, we have seen Business Confidence numbers and Consumer Confidence and hitha knows that, our banks are willing to lend. Maria what do you think . To your point, yes, youre totally right. The margins are 60yore low 60year low. Thats right. The other thing the market by in large has been favorable to the financials in i will say 30 to 45 days. This is was a techled rally for many months of the year and you start seeing tech fade and banks stepped up in the forefront to pick up slack. This can be a preview of coming attractions of what could be a good second half for the banks. Dagen watch the trading revenue. The cfo of Jpmorgan Chase said that trading revenue fallen 15 this as of late may and invests or want some sort of guidance not only if Second Quarter but quarters to come. We should point out at least in jpmorgan, estimates have been all over the place. They were at a high i think a buck 66 a share and they have come down, maybe because they have come down, getting closer to earning state, i guess any potential bad news would be priced in at this point. Maria Trading Volume, volatility has been no where, right, thats certainly something that the banks would have liked to see in the last quarter but its been really quiet. How many ipos theres been this year . So far its been maria President Trump attending bastille parade in paris before attacking health care and taxes. Take a look at agenda straight ahead. One Media Company reporting what reporters can say on twitter. The controversial new policy. Stay with us. At fidelity, trades are now just 4. 95. 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Gary im speechless. Gary this puts my ford truck to shame. James ill tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. laughing pcountries thatk mewe traveled,t what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. So when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. Im everything. Im from all nations. I would look at forms now and wonder what do i mark . Because im everything. And i marked other. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. Maria welcome back, Washington Post implementing a new policy concerning behavioral of employees on social media. Tracee carrasco with the story. Tracee the Washington Post owned by amazon Ceo Jeff Bezos has implemented a controversial new employee policy that prohibits conduct on social media that, quote, adversely affects the post customers advertisers, subscribers, vendors, suppliers or partners. In such cases post management reserve it is right to take displainary action up to and including termination of employment. All of this reported first by the washingtonian. Are work to go revise it and policy went into may first and applies to the entire company. A spokesperson tells jeff bezos was not part of the team that determined the policy. People worldwide are reluctant to what news organizations are selling. Gets into tricky territory here. Maria in other words, this is about the maybe stream media and what theyve been doing, dagen, and now people are reacting to the Mainstream Media and theres fights on twitter and on social media. Dagen i think that anybody, any adult who cant control themselves on social media has bigger problems. Maria yeah. Dagen it does get ugly. Maria i know. Yeah. Dagen youve seen individual reporters fly off the handle with other reporters. You name it. And i think if you i look at it like if you want to keep your job, you better care about what you attack on social media. Why do you need guidance, reminder to keep it clear here, keep it adult. The also thick Washington Post, maybe thats cya on their part, if you went off the handle on social media, we have the right to discipline you or do something because we told you this was against company policy. Think about it too, advertising revenue is how the paper makes money if youre going to be a threat to that, of course, they will come down on that. Its 2017, its a different set of rules. Everyone you would think that people would have the way we interact with people. Listen, i wouldnt fly off the handle to someone just because i was angry and person but i feel like twitter has this shield and it makes things that you can react the way you want. Dagen the last company that i called out it actually wasnt the company but it was a delta gate agenda that was to rude to group of people who had just missed i remember that tweet. Dagen missed connection, the Woman Working at this gate at this airport this flight was really nasty to customers. Did they reply, do you remember . Dagen they did acknowledge it and actually direct messaging me trying to find out the womans name. Maria interesting. Dagen she deserved it. [laughter] dagen it never happens to me and its always a passenger. Maybe next time. [laughter] dagen one on every flight. Maria that is wild. Tracee, thank you, tracee carrasco. The results after this break. Honda recalling over a million cars. The model with the sensor batteries could potentially set fire. Back in a moment when youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . 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Nows your chance at completely baby crying slow jazz music fly me to the moon and let me play bell ringing audience cheering it will be the biggest tax reform in the history of our country. It will be much easier than overhauling health care. The Budget Proposal might indicate otherwise. New doubts this morning cast on the white house claimed that it will balance the budget by 2027. More than a million honda accords need to go into the shop this morning. We will tell you about it. Rockets this morning. Jc morgan chase all out with their Second Quarter her Second Quarter numbers before the opening belt this morning. They could be market moving. Other averages we are coming up with another record close for the dow. The 24th record high. We are expecting a bit of a pull back there. They look like this. The other majors are really flat on the session. Gains across the board. Fractional moves nonetheless. We are to get behind taking behind the scenes for a look at the new planet of the apes sql ending this weekend. Great to see everybody. It is friday and we are talking about tax reform again. President trump optimistic about his plan for tax code overhaul. Especially when it is compared to the fight to repeal and replace obama care. I think after healthcare taxes will be so easy. You will pick up the final vote and you lose four votes over here. Its a very tiny little road. It goes through out the country. How healthcare is much tougher than texas. We are talking up massive tax cuts. The biggest in the history of our country. Joining us as america for tax cuts. Do you think tax reform is going to be as easy as the president says. Its going to be a lot easier than healthcare. There was a lot of essential special interest money that brought all of the various interest groups. And it was a plan that was written for the with interest groups. You can imagine the opposition that those republicans that are trying to get obamacare repealed have run into. On tax reform is onedimensional. Healthcare and the regulations in the taxes and the spending is three dimensional. When you look at this idea that some people would like to see this revenue neutral. Or maybe there is a debate on the corporate rate. Or is it going to be paul ryans 25 percent. And then there are all of these deductions. Are we going this direction are that direction further. And as an easier debate to have. There are very important things to decide. I think the president is quite both on Corporate Income and passthrough income on all of this. 15 . It makes us competitive with the rest of the world. It makes special interest deductions less interesting or important to everybody. Taking the corporate rate down to 15 also takes the Corporate Tax gain tax debt 15 . It will be a tremendous thing. There are some real opportunities on healthcare as we move forward we do have to decide or deficit neutral. There are number a number of ways to make it longerlasting and deeper than within the power of the house senate in the white house. With respect to some of those that are circulating. They are talking about maybe raising the high end rate. Does that complicate the simplicity of we are going to cut taxes across the board. The president has said nobodys rates are going up. Almost all of the republicans in the house and senate had signed that house pair protection plan. It wasnt a good idea its not something theyre looking at going forward. Were going to reduce rates and this is a consensus issue. All rates are coming down no rates are going up. The only debate is how far we can get rates down for individuals as well as for companies. The way that it stands now these republicans are seen by the tax increases. On investments the Investment Income tax 3. 8 and this is on wealthier americans. Nine percentage point tax reform. How did these republicans look at themselves in the mirror and say i am for these tax increases. Its pretty bizarre. What we had is almost all of the tax is a get repealed. Its a wonderful list of all the stupid tax increases. But it appears they are going to leave those two taxes that they talk about in the special surcharge tax right now. Tax reform is when those two bad ideas can and should be taken out. Everybody i have talked to said yes we want to get rid of them. That makes it too complicated in their mind. But there is a tax cut who could not reform taxes and leave that 3. 8 is a direct attack very damaging into growth tax increase its gotta go. It will reduce the total Corporate Tax rate. Wearable revenue come through. Do you need something and do you want something to be revenue neutral or how long of a time do you have before it has to be deficit neutral. After the window you can set it up. We had been doing ten years recently its been five and seven before. The goal is to get deep progrowth tax cuts for as long as you can as permanently as you can. We need a growth because there are millions of americans who during the obama years never got jobs with the recession formally ended. The Congressional Budget Office is casting doubt over the Budget Proposal this morning. The federal deficit would total 720 billion in 2027 under the plan. The difference is the Trump Administration is projecting healthier Economic Growth. They are at 72. 8 growth under the president s policies. That is what the differences. If they are seen as not balancing the budget is this going to be an issue. Congress can address joint tax. Its the key decisionmaker a key decisionmaker for how tax reform takes place. It doesnt have to defer to joint tax. But one of the things we have to do when this is over is rethink the models and joint tax models they need to be transparent and they need to explain why they are so wrong about obama care. They have a very bad track record about what is good to happen until they can apologize to the American People by being off by a factor of two. Why would you organize your reforms around what you know our faulty estimates and they have not even corrected the mistakes they made in the past nevermind apologize to the congress and the American People for having been so dramatically off and for politicizing their decisions to make obamacare look better. Or they are not any good at the job. On their model so that the next time that we do this we better models. I dont mind if cbo wants to do it. When you look and say they got it wrong but the other people got it right and we dont need that. If theyre going to get wrong like that. It has really been up for criticism. Thank you so much. The Live Streaming media player. And then house of cards snacks and emmy nomination for best drama. The other breakout shows that topped the list is straight ahead. [music] i want to celebratei and live my life. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. You on a perfect car,rch then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. I want to celebrate and live my life. Welcome back. Another record high reached yesterday for the dow industrial. This is off of the lows of the morning. And we are we are waiting on Bank Earnings. A couple of names we are watching. Shares of mylan this morning on its own generic version of a Breast Cancer drug. The shares are down nearly 15 in the last year. Microsoft wants to bring skype to your cars dashboard. Bmw has worked to implement that skype for business. Drivers can take phone calls. They are up 33 percent in the last year. Cheryl good morning. Honda is recalling more than 1 million of its accords because battery sensor can short out and shore out and possibly cause a fire. Honda says it knows a four engine fires right now. Luckily nobody has been hurt thus far. All of the fires were in states where salt is used on the roads during the winter. Honda is going to replace any faulty sensors and we should say the stock right now is down nearly 6 so far in 2017. There might be a new stock to tell you about. The wall street journal said the streaming device maker is seeking evaluation of a billion dollars. They recently hired Morgan Stanley and citigroup as underwriters on the ipo. Plus there is this. The American People dont know what is best for them. I know exactly what they need. They have done again. They led the emmy nominations. They had first place though. Ninetyone. It didnt make the cut this year because of the later start date. But thats off the cards. I love the Great British bakeoff. Im using that to stream it. No monkeying around this time. Plane of the apes is hitting the theaters. Cant beat spiderman for the number one spot at the box office. [music] crash monkey this is the new new york. We are building new airports all across the state. New roads and bridges. New mass transit. New business friendly environment. New lower taxes. And new University Partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. Learn more at esd. Ny. Gov casper makes one perfect supportive and comfortable. Premium foam layers. Breathable for airflow. Perfect rebound, plus perfect lift. Pick your size, you get 100 nights to test it out. Test the layers, be a layer, casper. I enjoy the fresher things in life. Fresh towels. Fresh soaps. And of course, tripadvisors freshest, lowest prices. So if youre anything like me. Youll want to check tripadvisor. We now instantly compare prices from over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Go on, try something fresh. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. That was a clip from the war from the planet of the apes. This is the final installment in the refurbished trilogy. Michael this looks good. It is good. Probably the best of the trilogies so far. Its one of the better reviewed of the three movies and what i loved at about this franchise is that each movie gets better and better. And this one in particular plays a mosh. So that how that happened youll be doing that a lot. And director matt reeves who told me all about this latest installment. You have seen them rise and now it is time for war. We sat on the brink of war. They had been suffering. In a really bad way. And hes trying to find some way to get through this. He gets pushed by the extremes of war and the cycle of these films if you think about this like caesar the last leg has to be the thing that turns him into the figure if it wasnt for him we want to be there. I fight only to protect things. What was that like as an actor. It was amazing to actually get to this point of his life and then be a completely different being. And then combined with that was his evolutionary journey. It was a very competent mix. So good and intense. It has been dominating the box office. Grossing over 117 million out of this. Even if it falls 40 it would be right up there near 40 to 50 million. The summer blockbuster boasts the best hold on any thing and that many years. The best thing about that. If we are seeing women take on a stronger rolls and hollywood i think the roles are so much better even though 2016 was down in terms of the leading roles for women. The characters are just so great. I caught an 8yearold girl with her father and she said it so great to see the girl beat up the guy in the movie. Thats a good time to be raising girls. Were breaking news right now. The earnings and revenue both above expectations. The numbers are better than expected here. He compares to 24. 9 in expectation. In the terms of earnings pressure. A per share. A dollar 82 per share. In the release listed the u. S. Consumer remains healthy. The market revenue was down amid lower volatility which is of course what we predicted. The stock is up one and a quarter that is a big move. Its probably going to lift the broader markets this morning. Can we show futures right now. Its been down this morning we will see if this turns around and given the fact that jp m is up. Better than 1 right now. Take a break and we when we come back more on the Bank Earnings. I wanted to know who i am and where i came from. I did my ancestrydna and i couldnt wait to get my pie chart. The most shocking result was that im 26 native american. I had no idea. Just to know this is what im made of, this is where my ancestors came from. And i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. Its opened up a whole new world for me. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. Tgif. Thank you so much for being with us. It is friday july 14. Your top stories right now 7 00 a. M. On the east coast. President trump departs paris. With french president taking part in the annual parade there. The president is headed back home to the battle over healthcare. Mitch mcconnell taken to the floor to push the legislation that he unveiled yesterday. Things are not likely to turn around. It is time to rise to the occasion. The American People deserve better than the pain of obama care. A key provision in this bill pending for the crisis. And even a fed chair showed how they were doing that. The big story for markets hitting the tape moments ago. Both of those are above expectations for the quarter. Better than expected. The stock is up better than 1 on those numbers. Lets take a look at futures. Just by a fraction. That is pushing it higher. The tao reaches 24th alltime high of 2017. Gains across the board the best bid on toys. It is changing the stores to lure in parents. A repair man gets trapped inside of a money machine in texas. In the ansi new baby is going viral. The official announcement of her twins and shut them off. Kings View Asset Management. The Research Officer. Great to see you. Good morning. The profits came in. The profits were much stronger than anybody expected the revenue came in at 26point 4 million. It was a stronger lending offset it was expected. The weaker trading is interesting because there has been this talk of what is volatility going to pick up. Its certainly not going to be ipo. Interesting to see. Not only is a Business Confidence it Business Confidence and Consumer Confidence increasing but so is credit worthiness which makes the risk available for the bank to take. We have these numbers here. They are more than the estimate which is 24. 9. We know that jp morgan wants to increase the dividend. You have seen the financial sector. There have been comments within it. There is a massive stock buyback potentially in the cards here leading up to the next 18 months from now which is the biggest that weve seen since the financial crisis. We should point out that in the release the consumers are doing well. What do they say about the Overall Health of the economy. We will see a real boost in this. Retail sales have been one of the areas we are watching to see how strong the consumer really is. The counselor to the president. Jack brewer is joining us as well. Do stay with us. From the revised senate Health Care Bill. For the port the Federal Reserve chair was waiting on the particularly among working age men. Many individuals with less education are so finding it difficult to be placed in jobs that are middle income jobs. This intensified during the recession but it is a much longer lasting trent. It is likely tied to the opioid crisis. Good to see you allie. How big of a problem is this among millenials . Sema this is happening especially between prime age may. It is dovetailed with this opioid addiction. Thats what we see. You can see a lack of Economic Opportunity and an increase in medicaid you aussie see an increase in opioid addiction. Going from 2 million to 45 million is a big step in the right direction. Yellen is also right that you have to address the Economic Opportunity issue thats here. So as a Small Business owner where do you see reform going for this. Would you want to see some sort of tax break for that Small Business owner or where do you see it going. This is such an intangible conversation. We want to know the solutions. The time and purpose. It eliminates and decreases that chance of them becoming addicted to opioids or any kind of drug. It is always the answer to these kind of things. We want to talk about expanding things like obamacare but it just doesnt work. Obamacare but it just doesnt work. And something no one brings up where they talk about this crisis with a solution. The responsibility of parents to make sure that there children dont start using up those drugs when they are young. The way that the prescriptions have been cracked down upon. It hurts the very people that need these drugs. The people with severe chronic pain which is untreatable otherwise. It something no one ever brings up. It is something that is very hard to regulate. Its very intangible but those are the things we need to be investing our time and energy in. There are better ways that we can spend our energy and helping kids learn not just dont take drugs it would take personal responsibility in your life is going to be exponentially better. I think the tough thing obviously is getting the kids off the drugs. But also keeping them all. Not only getting the kids off of the drugs. What is the effort there. With respect to moving forward once a child or young person is off of the drugs itself. I think at some point we mentioned earlier you do have to take on personal responsibility. What the cost for the country is im not exactly sure. We have a president who said he is going to address the epidemic through creating jobs and creating a better economy. That is going to cost us much less overtime. Then having them on medicaid or providing them with entitlements. In providing them with jobs. That is going to lead to a Better Future for young people and taking on the personal responsibility. The comments are a day with the Justice Department announced that. With the prescription opioid abuse. They called for bringing back the anti drug program. It is well known among the millenials. Great idea here. They show they that dare did not help. I hate to beat a dead horse because ive said this over and over again but if you dont want someone to use drugs you have to give them something that is better. It has to be more than education. He goes back to providing with them the opportunity to go to a technical college. And there are 70 so many economic and family issues. The stats show it just doesnt work unfortunately great insights from you. I just want twopoint out scott moore moran we were talking about that because a Company Reported better than expected earnings and revenue. Its up 33 percent. I know that the numbers are very strong. Here is why. It is not just an Interest Rate issue anymore. Its showing the loan demand is up. It rocketed up and if you look at that chart there. We have to repeat that. And then its kind of flatlined. Make that next leg up. It looks like that Loan Portfolio is pretty strong. The stock is on the move. And it looks quite attractive. The president is in paris. It also marks one year since the trump attack that killed 86 people. John roberts is life in paris on the ground. Of the president on his way back into the nine states is going to his golf club rather than the white house. It was a great honor to represent the United States states. The president was the guest of honor here. It was in part to mark the 100th anniversary of the entry of the United States into world war i back in 1917. It let off with a group of u. S. Troops and 200 among them for the various military Services Including five soldiers who were dressed in uniforms. In the fridge president very thankful that the unit states made the decision that it did then to get into the war. This is also to mark defiance against the radical islamic terrorism because it is the oneyear anniversary as you mentioned at the top of the horrific terror attack in the coastal city of nice. A terrorist took a truck mowing down some 500 people. It spelled out the words nice. And then there was a moment where the u. S. And french flags were displayed at the entrance to the concorde. And theyre taking the microphone talking about the enduring friendship between the United States United States in france saying that the president was a testament to the fact that this friendship will stand the test of time. While it was all about pomp and circumstance in remembrance today. Yesterday there was some points of disagreement in particular under the paris climate accord. He was very critical of the president s decision to withdraw from the president the paris accord. We need to make it great again. They suggested that maybe the withdraw is it a completely done deal. Something could happen with respect to the paris accord. We will see what happens. We will talk about that over this coming time and if it happens that will be wonderful. If it doesnt it will be okay also. We will see what happens. So it may be that President Trump is using the threat of a withdraw as leverage to try to get a better deal. French president said his he is not to let that get in the weight way of the bigger relationship. Coming up another surgery for Steve Scalise to tell you about it. He was upgraded to fair condition after fighting an infection. The very latest along his path to recovery next. The retailers big bet on toys. Welcome back police had arrested a second person of interest in the case up for missing men in pennsylvania. We should say the arrest came after a drug dealer confessed to killing the foreman after he felt cheated or threatened during drug transactions. The 20 on suspect and then burned the bodies as a familys farm. Another surgery for House Majority whip Steve Scalise. The louisiana lawmaker needed at the procedure to treat that infection. It also entered for others. We should say his condition has been upgraded to fair. Facebook planning to introduce a cheaper wireless headset next year. It will work without a phone or a pc. It will allow users to digitally interact with the content. Shares of facebook up at 36 percent from just one year ago. And then retailer jcpenney placing a big bet on toys. They are planning to add toys shops to all of its more than 1,000 stores. It is less dependent on clothing. And something of a back to the future move. They actually did this more than 40 years ago from their christmas catalog. The stock down more than 44 so far. Still have the train pulled into new york city. They take over the big apple to talk about the biggest boxing match of the year. Plus twins running the world. They make their dazzling debut. And how she made the announcement back in a moment. 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Potsch then i have a real treat for you today. Michael awesome. Potsch im going to show you a next generation pickup. Michael lets do this. Potsch this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. Gary super cool. Potsch the bed is made of highstrength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. Jim aluminum is great for a lot of things, but maybe not the bed of a truck. Potsch and best of all, this new truck is actually gary all laughing oh my. Potsch the current chevy silverado. Gary im speechless. Gary this puts my ford truck to shame. James ill tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. laughing wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. The circus that is the pre fight promotional to her. The most high profile about ever featuring a mixed martial artist who is going to box maybe one of the greatest boxers of alltime. Its bound to set payperview records. It made its third stop in as many nights last night in brooklyn. And did not disappoint the tens and thousands in attendance. And there they are ladies and gentlemen Just Announced july 2. At the Berkeley Center in new york. You think new yorkers know how to trash talk you seen nothing yet. Looking good baby. You want to see a faceoff in new york city. This is what you been waiting for. August 26. Its an 800 milliondollar fighter. Hes bankrupt and youre about to be. When you come to Connor Mcgregor i have a tremendous amount of respect for his skill set and why he has been able to do and with him being very confident basically he is a big fan of floyd. This given the payday. This is something i will be dealing with for the next three years. Everybody is can want to box someone now. Just because this fight is happening. Two of the right guys in the right place at the right time. Will this be the record payperview. It is difficult to say whether it will break the existing record. We could have something here that could threaten our surpass it. Lets talk about the potential records. Payperview costs a little bit about a hundred dollars. 2015 was that record. 4. 6million buys. So far the way this is tracking the odd makers. They think that it could be 4. 9 million. The whole point of this in the trash talking was to convince the public that he has a shot and actually defeating the best defensive boxer of all time. He is a fighter but hes never had a professional boxing match. How is he going to go up against Floyd Mayweather. I will say one thing. Precision beats power. That is his approach. To landing a punch. Can it happen. I could go on and on about this. These two knuckleheads showed up late and missed the entire rope line. This started about an hour and half or two hours late. It lacked the kind of energy and is as that they have. They go on to london today. But they have to keep up the steam and heat. How much could he make. Mayweather promotions is promoting the spout. He owns owes the irs about 23 million could bring in 250 million from this. Connor mcgregor this is one reason he is getting into the ring. And that is money. Hes probably going to make north of a hundred million dollars. His career earnings are about 9 million. He will easily exceed that in one fight. Even if he takes the first punch. There are a lot of questions to be answered. But Connor Mcgregors birthday is today. That is some of the in the end. He has it to inch additional reach. And hes hes a heck of a lot younger. They have lifts on. He have platform sneakers on. We will take a break and when we come back we will overhaul health care. And then janet yellin testifies for a second day on the hill. We are back in a moment. [music] [brother] any last words . [boy] karma, danny. Karma [vo] progress is seizing the moment. Your summer moment awaits you, now that the summer of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event. Thithis is the new new york. E . Think again. We are building new airports all across the state. New roads and bridges. New mass transit. New business friendly environment. New lower taxes. And new University Partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. Learn more at esd. Ny. Gov maria welcome back. Good friday morning thanks so much for joining us i am Maria Bartiromo it is friday july 14 your top stories right now 7 30 a. M. On the east coast. President trump closes out trypt to paris with a baning sitting on military parade to Mark Bastille day president leaving for home with renewed focus on domestic o agenda a flurry of tweets about health care the importance of repealing and replacing obamacare. Federal reserve chairwoman janet yellen draws a road map for more rate hikes Balance Sheet wind down markets reacting to testimony for the senate yesterday, and House Financial Services Committee Day before Bank Earnings in focus this morning Jpmorgan Chase at a double beat earnings revenue above expectations stock up trading down now, earlier initially numbers first came out up better than 1 saws pulling back almost 1 1 2 of 1 lowe breaking down numbers as wait earnings from wells Fargo Citigroup as well markets flat on the session dow industrials, saw a brief pop on the heels of the jpm numbers have reversed, are negative territory. We are coming off a record close for the dow industrials, of course, yesterday 24th record high reached yesterday, 4th this year, Vice President mike pence spoke about the stock market rally yesterday listen. There is almost three trilliondollar increase, in stock market values, of this administration. People are more confident in many quarters than every before you see that reflected in the stock market and investments americans are making. Maria in europe this morning mixed o performances ft 100 down a quarter of a percent asia overnight begins a across the board, here too fractional moves very close to the unchanged line, and unexpected withdrawal a texas repair man gets trapped inside an atm machine how he let customers snow he was stuck inside what took place then. Plus beyonce fans crazy in love with new twins adorable debut on social media, we will bring the pictures coming up, first, though, hour top story this half an hour battle to overhaul obamacare President Trump ramping up pressure on republican scenarios tweeting this morning so important republican snows under Leadership Senate majority leader mcconnell get Health Care Plan after search years obamacare disaster must happen the bill has to no votes senator rand paul we heard from ad yesterday told us he is a no and here is why. You know i pledge to the voters to repeal obamacare i think it is a disaster. But the dill. Repeal it, it keeps half Obamacare Taxes, keeps most of the obamacare reiterations, keeps most obamacare subsidies creates a giant insurance bailout super fund about 200 billion dollars. This isnt repeal by any maintenanmaens shape or form. Thanks for joining us how are you. What about that how could you spr a bill deepens subsidies Obamacare Taxes, and creates a whole new Entitlement Program as senator rand paul just said . Well, that is like Senate Released their draft i am sure members of the house are going to be studying it today see reaction in the senate. The Main Objective that we have in both houses lower costs for families premiums skying o rocketed deductibles skyrocketed choices collapse that is the goal we will be looking at senate bill in respect to goals. Okay. So in other words, it is not a goal of yours necessarily have to remove the taxes in obamacare . I think in the house senator paul rand paul makes a good point, which is that in the house bill wepeel all the taxes, and we just the Regulatory Regime bulk with eye we want to a shift powers back to the states, contraceptive and flexibility back to the states. So it is true in senate draft released last tonight maintained taxes in my view controversial in the house. Congressman, the wjzy editorial page describes this keeping these tax increases in the senate bill, as the g. O. P. Essentially capitulating to Progressive Opposition moderate reps folded amid completely about predictable tax cuts. How does this play out when you go to sit down and do tax reform because this is a tax and spend liberalism that is that is republicans are trying to prevent as east helping the as helping middle class. Right cutting taxes reducing regulations we think lowers the price of health care the access to health care, and we need the senate help creating a more Competitive Health care marketplace. You make good points as i say controversial here in the house. In most recent draft by the senate. Congressman lets move forward in time here, i am concerned look at the razorthin margin in senate with respect to to votes lets say it doesnt pass what happens after that you got o to recess coming up a lot of things promised by president Regulatory Reform tax reform what do you think happens if this doesnt pass the senate. I think members in both houses want to reform the failings of the Affordable Care act law broken people failed families being hurt we need to stay do our work get fixed so we can focus on things that also we think will help grow the economy, like tax reform something i am very interested in, continue our effort to right size regulatory burdens on the economy, and keep the signs of Economic Growth moving forward that we have seen the recently. How come colleagues are interested in talking about lower taxes to tax bill blood test okay leaving higher taxes in obamacare. I didnt say i was, i didnt say that people in the house were but apparently some in senate that are, so that is the challenge. Maria that is the challenge, so what are you going to do i mean is there a plan b, if it doesnt come to a vote in the senate. Well the plan b we have passed our bill in the house. We are waiting for the senate to come up with their best idea that they think cannot only pass the senate but come back and pass the house, that will get President Trump support. So we are at that we are legislating is hard time consuming doesnt always fit with expectations whether the leadership in both houses or American People i know one thing. American people are saying look we have been hearing about repeal and replace for seven years, so, yeah, it is hard but how long at an it take sir. We passed ours as i know a few months ago so now waiting in the senate, i am as eager as everybody else to get Health Care System right. Congressman it says would reserve. 9 payroll tax 3. 8 percent tax Investment Income on individuals making above 00,000 dollars couples make 2 1550,000 dollars isnt that Small Business owners, and, you know, basically, not middle class but these are people that you want to that are providing health care to people that need it. How how do we have groveer norquist on saying he is going to cut taxes an hour ago you are saying that no in this specifically, we are going to keep taxes in here . You are talk being to me as ime as if i am in United States senate i am not i am in house i voted to repeal taxes, we invite to you bring on republican senators to erect. We have been and we had rand paul on yesterday, and senator paul basically said look i am a no. This is too many taxes too many subsidies you heard what he said, so why not go down that why not say okay. You know what i am going to join with senator paul because i dont agree with this i am going to let obamacare implode . Well i think that that is one of the things that could happen here if we dont pass a repeal and replace bill that fits the parameters that i have laid out this morning, then we are confronted with keeping obamacare as it is. And how is that . It is failing the American People that is to me the bigger movitator we waent affordability access for families we have not seen that as a result of seven years of obamacare. Does that obstruct the whole agenda this Conversation Health care before tax reform to save money on overturning all the taxes, trillion dollars over 10 years, i mean if you dont get a bill out of the senate to the president s desk, that all of you can agree on, does that mess up tax reform happening later this year sir . I dont think so in the sense that i think it may change what is contained in tax reform it may change the direction of tax reform it is not the one that those of us in the house, would prefer, but we can use reconciliation for fy 18 budget cycle considering if we get a budget down in both houses we can use that as the vehicle, to to do tax reform. Jay congressman one last thing we are not going to let you off the hook on this a story that every year gets lost Medicare Social Security Trustees report comes out we found out yesterday Social Security and medicare face o can gos depletion 17 years Hospital Fund 12 years 2029 when are you all getting on the stick about fixing this. A lot of us in house talked about asked Budget Committee chairman black to increase the reforms that she proposes for mandztory spending we cant really get our fiscal house in order in america until we face three quarters vlth of the budget in mandatory spending in my view a that was one of the good things about house bill it reformed long term Medicaid Budget shift cigarette it back to states creating more innovation to save at state level the kinds of reforms weve got to make if we want our fiscal house in order for the United States. Fair enough fair enough we will see how much twum medicaid reform comes out of Health Care Revamp if it ever moves in the senate. We know what has done on with medicaid characterize for us the last 10 years what happened to medicaid . What happens to it im sorry i missed that first part. Last 8 years what happened to medicaid characterize what happened as program scomand expanded included more than brined pregnant we expanded way beyond congressional intent for Medicaid Program for, for kids, our developmentally disabled we have expanded to able body working people no requirements work seek work do volunteer work one of the realisms in the house bill was to offer the ability to have flexibility to have work requirements something we have seen very successful in reform of our programs for those who are most in need. These are the kinds of situations though where messaging becomes that much more important right dagen we talked messaging republicans trying to communicate what they are trying to do if you look at medicaid slowing down growth yes for good ran, program mass expanded tremendously but you need to explain that to American People because the dems on the left are going to congress saying you are krushcutting off medicaid here are numbers are i doing that sufficiently. I think we can do a much better job we are slowing the growth of this program making sure the program is helping the most Vulnerable People program was designed for listening to governors how to Design Flexibility to give them the ability to create maid programs in their state unique to state to their population challenges. Next challenge, you know congressman you have to think about, too you got to talk more about the state about their responsibility here because i know, illinois, my home state that is where a lot of people are worried about the states taking over responsibility because they are worried about state capabilities. Maria exactly congressman we will see you soon we appreciate you joining us this morning. Thank you so much congressman hill the subject we talk about all the time messaging. Well be right back. I didnt know where i was from ethnically. So we sent that sample off to ancestry. My ancestry dna results are that i am 26 nigerian. I am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. I put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. Because its a hat, but its like the most important hat ive ever owned. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. Tape stock right now is down, but lets take a look at numbers here, brian thank you very much, Second Quarter, beating expectations 1. 28 a share versus 1. 21 expectation that is on earnings per share revenue above expectations 17. 9 billion dollars versus 17. 37 billion dollars stock worsening right now what do you think. J. P. Morgan up a percent now dropped down, my i guess is what has to do with maria if Trading Volume. Trading volume slow and then frankly the Investment Banking ipo merge Acquisition Market not strong other than loan voluntarily up everything is disappointing. A major issue for jpm. Germane dime says consumer looks good you have rollback in financial regulations which is a big part of the tail wind for financial entities since election. I dont know why any is a surprise, going into these quarterly numbers we knew volume was down in terms of volatility, and Trading Volume in particular was going to be down teller weighting the numbers, but when you go behind details, it was okay quarter, trading was down that as was a portion m a down. Look it is a testimony from janet yellen, two days ago, she is talking about being ease loose with money again potentially not so hawkish to me worries me a little bit wrpt with respect to banks you need longer term Interest Rates levitate the current is. Stocks up 33 gain jpm since november 9. Would you put money to work. I would you see the fnltz live again very good since november 8 most came before january. Rolled over you are right. Ipo, about outlook m a outlook still put money into this. I would the banks if you look at charts some earnings numbers, they are starting to level off starting to build that base i think takes to next leg up you are not buying it huh. I animal not buying it we have to have yooimz long term stories the banks have been a leadership in the market for sure we keep watching these moving this morning but moving lower, a scare in the air to report Cheryl Casone on that. Cheryl yeah, we have got headlines this morning as well, this could have been one of the worst disasters ever in commercial aviation, airbus jet coming within 100 feet of crashing into two four planes ready to take off sfo last week 140 people onboard, issue canadian air safety regulatory say instead of lining to up land on runwayplane prepared to touch down on parallel taxiway to right of other jets in the darkness of san francisco, and just cant make this kind of stuff up a guy in texas receipt slot in atm begging for help he was stuck inside atm, the man got stuck behind diminish bank of america trying to change locks set on notes to people there is the note help me i am stuck call my boss, somebody eventually saved the guy he got some help, really quick, lets show you picture because very excited about it, yeah, a little bit of this beyonce twins a month after born posted a picture of herself Holding Babies on instagram names are sir carter, roomy i send back to you note they have trademarked those names. Okay. Baby name. Wow, all right coming up a business that is ripe for success millennials flocking to the restaurant that only searchers avocados weve got them here next back in a minute. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Maria Holy Guacamole one cafe cashing in only healthy food friend opening the worlds first avocado bar, joining us right now cofounders of avocado Alessandro Francesco alberto. Good to see you all thank you so much for joining us, congratulations, your restaurant is very popular among millennials we talk about avocado toast all the time where did you get there idea. Basically here in new york last year, and realized really hard to find some food and Offering Health tasty things you can find so talking with francesca, you know what type of food very healthy and tasty avocado making a lot of avocado recipes, a chef, so we developed around this. I love this idea avocado, say it. Because basically spanish mix of english avocado and spanish part because mexican very cool saying this, the menu concludes, smooth jooes toast burgers chocolate mousse using avocado k you build a business on just avocado. It is very versatile food so you can combine with including different ingredients from all over the world, to see, we made beautiful. You are head chef. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And in italy so i am not a professional chef but i always passionate about food kitchen, so when they brought me in this project i started to using avocado every dish. Tell us how it i resonated you are thinking about a second lotion. We are, overwhelming everywhere in the world guests from australia, visit us currently looking for second location in manhattan. You released avocado body scrub tell me about this. Yeah, so we, avocado only good as food has a lot of Good Properties also for skin we partnered with company in brooklyn developed body scrub selling last week online in store, a Great Success we are a few dozen we are happy a lot more can be done with beauty. Are you working on online portion of it can people go online and get products. Yes, yes, they can absolutely if they go on, find a link can buy online, tshirt scrub congratulations thank you so much. Thank you. We will be right back. Urt, but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Us. Im Maria Bartiromo friday july 14 bastille day top stories 8 00 a. M. On the east coast, Bank Earnings driving action on wall street j. P. Morgan citigroup bettered earnings highlighting voluntary volatility in the quarter weighed on trading revenue waiting on wells fargo bring numbers when they hit the tape at this point, the stocks were up now they are down j. P. Morgan shares down 1 wells fargo down one and a third piers citigroup off a fraction third of a per cent higher on citigroup, fuse indicating markets will open fractionally lowerthanexpected, dow industrials down fraction s p 500 also down a fraction, nasdaq up though this morning coming off another record high for the the markets yesterday dow industrials hitting 24th record high of the year. To look at european indices ft down a pert of a kwaebt cac quarante up fractionally in asia overnight close to flatline gains across the board saws there quite fractional moves across the board in asia President Trump leaving paris this morning, top issue upon return, repeal and replace of obamacare. Truly do believe the senate Health Care Bill is the beginning and the end of obamacare we will return American Health care to a system based on time honored principles free market competition, personal responsibility, and state based reform, above all else will give American People in other freedom when it comes to choices on health care. We will hear from council to the president Kellyanne Conway this morning, plus new exemptions for the travel ban hawaii judge adds grandparents others to list we bring that coming up amazon Public Sector your conversation up for sale . At the giant new move raising privacy concerns at amazon, tim tebow, hit one out of the park a walk off home run doing pretty well on field all those this morning joining me to talk about it Fox Business Network Dagen Mcdowell king view safest management vote. Officer mart sin Research Officer herzog with us great to see you you, too. Good morning. Dagen good morning. Maria markets moving Bank Earnings out, better than expected as you predicted but stocks are down. Markets moving wrong direction, post analysis lets say of numbers kind of disappointing looks like to the Trading Volume fixed income side j. P. Morgan side there, as well as the fact that m a ipo activity, Investment Banking stuff is not looks very strong, so anything that is being made up on loan volume brought down things i mentioned. Revenue below estimates at wells fargo revenues 22. 17 billion, that is below estimate, all the way up 24 billion on revenue at wells fargo revenue light here but the earnings are above expectations, so the revenue was actually 22. 17 billion, that is below the estimate 22. 4 billion on estimate. Stock down 1 but earnings are better than expected 1. 07 versus 1. 02 similar story here correct first miss maria on arranges, on revenue side top line there easy to be on bottom line the top line interesting maybe fallout from scandal about a year ago, all those accounts opening, illegal for people. Cant get out from under the rock because of that scandal for sure, we are watching bank stocks, of course, top story this hour however President Trump returning from paris with a tax agenda celebrating bastille day with frechl president Emmanuel Macron now turning attention to fight to repeal and replace obamacare tweeting this morning, saying, republican senators are working hard to get their failed obamacare replacement approved i will be at my desk pen in hand after suffering through obamacare republican senators must come through, as they have promised joining me right now to talk more about this counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, good to see you a pleasure good morning i think. House went at it twice finally out with a bill passed to senate, what does senate do . Rip it upstart again instead of voting what is president going all this you know, Division Within the house and senate . We dont look at it as division we look at cooperation negotiations, and all being done without democrats not a signing one will come to the table maria democrats accomplished two big ideas on health care reform, even though so many have admitted that it is flawed it needs to be fixed there are Many Americans suffering remain uninsured cant meet cost of premiums deductibles one of the a democrats idea bailout Insurance Companies that is not plausible if it with a temporary fix two a follow the federal government takeover of health care, that also does not have support among the public. Let alone in the Senate Republicans are working on this, all the principles are still there, to allow people to expand the contributions to Health Savings accounts for the First Time Ever to allow you to use hsa money to meet cost of premiums, we hear from people all the time they have this insurance card it was worse possible outcome for them because, the government looks at them as quote insured and they cant use the card they simply cant access the system because the premiums are too expensive new bill would add a number of Stability Fund measures one is additional 70 billion dollars on top of what is already there, we went from state flexibility governors decide how the monies are spent because they know populations best 45 billion dollars for opioids, and i think all the that the free market competition, making sure that the 1300 plus crohns that have one insurer no choice at all, may being sure that the 83 you sure does pulled out of exchanges with two doed more promising for next year, are feel like market is stable can go back in selling poilz ted cruz amendment in there as well with intent to cover more americans. I know for sure, look you are seeing effort to try to come together, but then youve got the ceiling that we want to repeal, we are not getting a repeal, that is what senator rand youll apple is saying came on the show yesterday basically saying i am a no, i am not going in the spiraling down death spieshl obamacare bill out of senate has taxes subsidies, Big Government no, it if this doesnt come to the floor for a vote in the senate, kellyanne there is a feeling let it fail obamacare implode like it is already move to tax reform or truly you will not be able to get tax reform without getting something done on health care. Look our options on table maria remember, this is not just a Campaign Promise it is a moral imperative mills of americans suffering what about 6 1 2 million in 2015 did to fork over money to irs through taxes and penalties rather than enter wonderful system obamacare, not, i think even though people dont feel it is full repeal or a full it is exactly what they want, the fact is Vice President pence has been just spectacular on capitol hill working with republican senators puts it best says this is the beginning of the end of obamacare this is a seven 1 2 year sinking battle ship going to turn around slowly but we have to chip away at it because there are people suffering you look at cbo he projections, 23, 24, 25 Million People effectuated, 18 Million People have coverage right now 10 or 11 mill we know people are out there suffering we know this is a huge scomoement many people do not get sponsored benefits government sponsored benefits those millions of people hair dressers plumbers carpenters self employed cut out of the system too expensive, and too topdown, so we want to make sure that those people have access to coverage, is perfect no, i am one doesnt think you can put perfect before good because to do nothing means that people still suffer in obamacare, these insurers have no faith in exchanges 19 of 23 failed, the koofrj is not real, so we want to make sure that people always ins what were solving for what is the problemsolving here the problem were solving is obamacare so that i think you make a really good point and i think that was one of your jean uses when you came on to campaign, back last year, because you know how to message, i know how to communicate, what is really important, that is what you have done in your career. And yet the republicans have a problem with it kellyanne come on they are not discussing this as if it is Peoples Health care they are talking about well, we have to save money we have to do the messaging out of gop needs help. Is that something that you can advise them on . How he come they are unable to communicate to the American People what is really important right now, and they allow the dems to come in with their own talking points, about oh, your cutting medicaid we know they are trying to slow growth things they need help in terms of messaging isnt that straight. These right we are up against people willing to scary americans, and not tell truth to them, the biggest lie of all if you like plan keep plan if you like doctor keep doctor lies coming ever since on obamacare you are right i think so incredibly important to put people forward, who truly are obamacare victims so many visits us at the white house i sat in round tables with president secretary tom price, hhs, cms, Vice President pence these people very real stories they consider themselves victims of obamacare you are correct to have them out there make them household names so people understand this is not just for economists this is not for politicians to assess but there are people, who are suffering, and that there are some easy fixes can be done through this bill, it is also, this president , has been much more of involved than other president s in the past major pieces of legislation, but now telling senate do your job get that bill on my desk i got my pen in hand i am ready to sign it. But also has it also has to keep faith hold true to the principles that he has put forward, that he talked about for many, many months, free market care i stabilizing markets helping people suffering. Because talked also about lowering taxes is he go to go sign something that actually keeps to Obamacare Taxes in the there . Right in the Investment Income tax payroll income tax right now in senate bill those taxes are there is the president going to sign that. New senate bill does haves that president will assess what the senators put on his desk, it is not there yet, we cant speak hypothetically that is a different that is a different in inside bill there are other differences additional money, for the Stability Funds more governor flexibility, flexibility to states, and, of course, thank you for pointing out maria, that medicaid spending will increase over the next decade, and that those who are lying otherwise to scare people do disservice not Winning Senate seats next year because of it this resistance obstruction is hurting americans a acute Bumper Sticker slogan for a while precious now hurting americans we are pointing it out thanks for mentioneds tax reform i can tell you we have been working on that for a long time it is fever pitch as well a white house can work many different major initiatives reform packages at the same time weve got really the full force effect of cabinet members legislative affairs mark schur pushing this forward to talk about value of fairness simplicity true middle tax cut package reform the code, gosh we spend billions of dollars billions of hours feels like every, millions of hours billions of dollars every year trying to comply with this he doed california donnian byzantine hurts people cant afford fancy lawyers to help comply with basic provisions. The president has been optimistic about a plan for tax code overhaul especially compared to fight to repeal and replace obamacare here is what he said in interview with pat robinson your reaction how easy ez this will be in temperatures of same page on atrium here is President Trump. I think after health care, taxes are going to be so easy, really, health care is very hard. Health care hard because you do something a little bit this way, and you pick up that final vote and lose four votes here now you it is very tiny little road two feet wide goes throughout the country. So health care is much tougher than tax i i think tax are going to be very the plan is talking about massive tax cuts biggest tax cut in the history of our country. Kellyanne dont you have the similar fights behind shooepz borderadjustment tax no borderadjustment tax, deductions what staes what goes he Corporate Tax rate President Trump wants 15 paul ryan 25 , are we having a deja vu all over again in a month talking about tax reform package . We are going to have a continuing negotiations conversation, i mean that is what big issues and American People deserve maria nobody saying here is only plan. And, you know, yes or no up or down, so there is a lot of discussion happening, i sat in many meetings robust honest i think that what we will end up with a very good tax plan also you and i should point out for the viewers also, that this isnt just tax reform it is about 3 plus growth, that is really the for People Energy investments infrastructure welfare reform. Good to see you see you soon Kellyanne Conway. At fidelity, trades are now just 4. 95. We cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. Fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. Gunmen opened fireeye trying to get details for you but two Police Officers are confirmed dead after a shootout with three gunmen, one of jerusalems holiest sites gunmen also killed two people seriously injured taken to nearby hospital shootout happened at temple also popular place for tourists right now police have that entire area closed we should add that the president was just there a few weeks ago with first lady. Okay. We are watching right now walmart stock higher in premarket Goldman Sachs upgraded the Company Rating from neutral to buy price target 84 as there are on 76. 15 premarket up 1 1 2 shares of target also higher in premarket Trading Company said comparable sales to increase this quarter profit should top expectations good news for once. And then this news on disney they have unveiled video at images of star wars themes park ahead of d23 he thinks large scale model of the park going to be on display this sunday the star wars park to debut at disneyland disneyworld not until 2019, so going to have to wait for real thing disney up 5 from one year ago. And, finally, this, who knew that taking a selfie could be destructive look at this. This oh, my god. Destroyed 200,000 as there are worth of art at Art Exhibition crouched down to a piece trying to take a selfie you saw domino effect, took six years for artist to create that exhibit two seconds to destroy it. There is a picture. That is a good selfie. Oops. Wow. If they knew what happened. Sounds like something i would do. On camera not just selfie but closed circuit following on cafe table breaking it you name it. Good shot thank you, coming up all bets off why draftkings fan dual terminating planned merge today after we heard about this combination and have been hearing about it for the last several weeks a pictureperfect weekend, how Jimmy Buffett inspired home state alabama to end ban on margarita pitchers. People would ask me in Different Countries that we traveled, what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. So when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. Im everything. Im from all nations. I would look at forms now and wonder what do i mark . Because im everything. And i marked other. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. When you switch to progressive. As easy as saving 600 winds stirring. Too treacherous for a selfie. [ camera shutter clicks ] sure, ive taken discounts to new heights with safe driver and paperless billing. But the prize at the top is worth every last breath. Here we go. [ grunts ] got em. Ahh. Wait a minute. Whole wheat waffles . [ crying ] why your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance. Maria welcome back fan fewal draftking calling off merge, megamerge amid mounting pressure from regulatory, draftking ceo announcing termination in a statement reading in part we believe it is in the best interests of our customers employs investors to terminate agreement to merge and move as farred as separate company, 1st century fox is investor in draftkings, jack brewer great to see you announce merge would create a company that would have controlled 90 more than 90 of u. S. Market for paid fantasies sports not going to happen Fantasy Sports changed not just football basketball baseball tripled overall valuations based on participation sports almost 0 population in u. S. Participate every year, in Fantasy Sports you a chunk talking about something around for about five or six years. I think my my dad and i every weekend fan dual matchup dad late 60s sorry to give age away, i mean so easy to use or pick team get your position, fill out salary and pop in it there it is on, like so easy that they made sight accessible for everybody in the state. That is key why viewership is so high because you can watch the game you care nothing about watching one player rooting for fantasy game it has changed sports. Not just men playing women as well demographic definitely changed you are talking the population what percentage are women versus men. I think just 20 . Of the total population majority i think over 89 men women talk about similar tebow wow did you see him former nfl quarterback outfielder hitting first walk off homer for st. Lucie mets last night watch this. Look at that maria 54. Talk about return investment and now viewership getting is doing good job 6 home runs this year bat being. 240 actually got burned have up a level in the Minor Leagues doing well. Awesome. That is the thing. I love to see how brady does in another support. Polarizeing in the day you get to in other mother figure out what a great guy feels memorial warmed up sometimes guys people root against for the heck of it, you want to root for him. Learn about him find out about him a great guy. Who are you rooting for for the money fight dagen was there yesterday at pr event blockbuster event to surpass existing record by mayweathers fight against pacquiao 4. 6 million buys you spoke with the president he white. His chances of defeating Floyd Mayweather what dana white said. Everybody is saying it is impossible. Every great boxer, fought mayweather never able to beat him. That is fight mcgregor is 28 years old southpaw hits like a truck if he hits mayweather in 12 round fight will hurt him so we will see what happens. Maria wow. See what happens. Dagen you it can mcgrego has will become no shot. Ia because if you get into 6, 7, 8th round this man never fought 12 round fight, long time so we dont know how good shape he is in. Dagen mayweather is the gravest defensive boxer all time put that out there, but brittle hands. And not known as a puncher if he lands one punch could being no him on back side. No doubt if mayweather kept up defensive skills going to be easy night for him just moves so fast this guy is a marketing genius you see i think this fight will have 5 Million Viewers i think make over 300 million dollars. Trying to get this his head. Dagen i dont think it will work with mayweather. You think mayweather not mohamed ali great of all. Maria momo mohamed ali greatest of all the. Earnings on wall street wells fargo mixed citigroup j. P. Morgan double beats bettered bettered earnings and revenue all three stocks down citigroup was up earlier we check stocks when we come back Sweet Success one of the names on forbes 30 how he built an empire back in a moment. Yes. So let me ask you this. How does diabetes affect your heart . It doesnt, does it . Actually, it does. Type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. And with Heart Disease, your risk is even higher. You didnt know that. No. Yeah. But, wait, theres good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease. Jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. Jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease and lower your a1c. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. This may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. Do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So now that you know all that, what do you think . That its time to think about jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. Maria good friday morning thanks for joining us. Im Maria Bartiromo, friday july 14 your top stories right now 8 30 a. M. On the east coast, Bank Earnings setting the tone on wall street, as well as retail Sales Numbers hitting tape worse than expected j. P. Morgan citigroup reporting betterthanexpected low volatility however weighed on trading revenue for both and stocks trading down, declining mortgage revenue hurting wells fargo missed expectations on revenue, to look at stocks down across the board, results driving Market Action this morning futures indicating lower were indicating lower for broader averages look about what has happened, since with retail sales number just came out cpi just came out retail sales unexpectedly down we were expecting retail sales up 1 10 of a percent for the month of june retail sales down 2 10 of a percent worse than expected look at market reversed course now trading up, nasdaq up quarter of a percent 15 points higher dow industrials coming off 24th alltime high yesterday. Continuing gains right now 6 points, in europe mixed for major averages to look fractional moves ft 100 down a fraction dax up a fraction, in asia overnight, gains across the board here you are talking about really slight moves fractional moves upside across the board, President Trump on his way home from paris now, coming home to the battle of health care however, the counselor to president Kellyanne Conway joined me moments ago weighing in on what is happening in capitol hill. This new bill, of course, would add a number of Stability Funds, measures one is additional 70 billion dollars on top of what is already there. We want state flexibility so governors decide how the monies are spent because they know you are in populations best 45 billion dollars, for opioids, i think all that the free market competition, making suring that the 1300 plus counties that have one insurer no choice at all. This coming as senate bill now is facing headwinds with two no votes already, on the table. Sue Susan Collins rantd paul amazon alexa conversations for sale giant possible new move raising privacy concerns this morning weve got details coming up talk about a messy highway descent a truck carrying eel, eel, spills all over the road a slimy mess, ooh, eel. Dagen my worst Jimmy Buffett inspired home state to end bad on margarita pitchers we explain, top story half hour banks releasing quartering earnings this morning j. P. Morgan citigroup betterthanexpected earnings revenue wells fargo posts mixed results joinings us on the phone, is whalen Global Investors whalen global advisories chairman investment banker chris whalen on phone good to see one on good morning. Thank you for joining us reaction out of bank sector this morning . On the phone kind of what i expected, you know revenue up small, costcutting is still a big component for all three banks. And interestingly wells fargo hurt on mortgage line very important business for them, environment in Residential Mortgages right now is extremely tough. That is what wells fargo said in stock down 1 1 2 also weak Trading Volume, we know that, that volatility has been nonexistent so okay quarter even though numbers maybe betterthanexpected at jpm, citigroup would you buy banks today . No i think they are fully valued you know we wrote about it in a post yesterday, the expectations of the street way head of the results of the bank. And really no cat lit to drive revenue accreditors things of this nature all theos, will rise, that will take a a chunk out of earnings as we finish the rest of the year. Looking at regulatory environment, as well as the stress test banks all passed some with flying colors what do you make of environment for banks second half of the year what has been a pretty hohum year for to financials postelection runup that we had, end of last year . On the phone when you enhancing heads of agencies it is helpful. That is good news. The bad news is probably not going to make any big legislative changes. I think the only thing that congress is probably going to get to some point is relief for small banks, in terms of regulation. And the rest of it is going to get kicked to next year i think the earliest. You are not expecting tax reform do you think that impacts markets do you think we are going to see a selloff as a result of that . On the phone look, maria the expectations coming out of election have been way ahead of reality you know how hard to get things done in washington the best of times. And i think what you are seeing here is that the hope of relief from 8 years of suffering under democrats is still there but a matter of getting it done because they havent been able to do Health Care Even broad tax reform to get to regulatory realism for banks is probably third or fourth on list. Check Market Reaction stay with us chris we bring a in Nicole Petallides on floor of New York Stock Exchange nicole you are seeing early trading stocks are down, what is your take on the banks this morning . Well, speaking with traders their take overall they have done pretty well knew trading revenue would be light, overall you can see the stocks are down about 1 1 2 wells fargo, and j. P. Morgan citigroup off a little bit less than that the big picture comparisons to brexit last year tough comp overall you have to understands that revenue coming in 26 points 4 billion j. P. Morgan great benefited from short end of jeeld curve we know flattened out some three write a hikes in december march june helped banks but on long end what happens . The lending the lending was so key overall for banks, j. P. Morgan in particular we got notes from Conference Call cfo marion lake at j. P. Morgan saming functioned income performance this quartering typical of the highed and lows not not look fog make changes talks trading revenue saying quote we did pretty well, pretty well in the circumstances. So overall i think people are pretty much ultimately happy they knew trading revenue would be light, but it was lending that helped along as well. Maria a great point nicole we expected that we would see trading, volume under pressure because of lack of voiblt a that is what we got even though stocks are down, Nicole Petallides thank you. We will watch your roshth all day can we talk retail sales for a moment real tales expected to be up 1 10 of a percent you thought a good quarter you know for month of june retail sales down 10 of a percent worse than expected. Are the apple of the reason why, you are right i do think going to be positive, i think what were seeing a higher savings rate americans are start to save more, it was 5. 3 3 5. excuse me now 5. 5 seeing that increase. Staifgs are a it. Savings rate people are not spending more, we are seeing consolidation of retailers you see every other headlined especially center i cant believe it another store going out of business series eliminating a lot of brickandmortar stores, you know. Thank you amazon. All Amazon Effect youve got to watch out for retail anything outside of amazon, simply. Should we be afraid of recompanies may get into real estate . Reits. Traded down creates your take on real numbers . On the phone retail to have you place to be, seismic changes going on if i look particularly at the market where a lot of you know properties have been financed very, very tough situation, casebycase, but you know the whole model for retailers is being torn apart, i really think it is going to be a tough place for investors to participate for a while, retailer investors jay keep an eye on automakers weakness there in terms of sales, you saw particularly for the American Auto manufactures and weak sales there does lead to layoffs worth keeping eye on. Talking about euphoria in the economy yet dagen you and i point out every day equivocate sports you are talking autos yesterday tax receipts not all that, the fed raising rates. Dagen up to lawmakers in washington to keep putting Little Something in the punch bowl. Under 2 until we get report for 22, not good. Tax reform if we get it if it moves needle chris thank you so much for weighing in chris whalen on the phone we take a break when we come back a slimy spill accident dumps thousands of pounds of live eels on to road, coming up, alabama took picture ban on ice Jimmy Buffett inspired home state to overturn that boozy boycott, back in a minute. Welcome back Tennis Channel Court reporter fox business, i am jonathan novak, venus is just one win away from claiming 6th wimbledon title, 37yearold took out home favorite in thursday most semifinals williams out classified british number one 62, book her spot in 9th final all england clib venus oldest single finalist in major since Martina Navratilova reached the match in london in 1994. She will face former french open champ preclude away opponent over an hour. Wimbledon prime time on tennis channel has you covered hits air 2 pm eastern. I accept i take easier trails than i used to. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. But no matter what path i take, i go for my best. So if theres Something Better than warfarin, ill go for that too. Eliquis. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Im still going for my best. And for eliquis. Ask your doctor about eliquis. baby crying slow jazz music fly me to the moon and let me play bell ringing audience cheering margaritaville. Former president jimmy carter in hospital this morning Cheryl Casone with details. Cheryl that is right maria jim. Dagen carter taken to hospital in canada, as a precaution, after he became dehydrated at habitat for humanity building project spokeswoman says 92yearold former president is receiving rehydration, didnt appear in serious medical danger luckily. Well listen up if you own an alexa gadgets reporting amazon may give third party dworpgz access to what you say to the Voice Assistant experts listen up could help better apps for alexa going to raise privacy concerns how much will do you want alexa to know amazon considering to help compete against google, apple. No comment from amazon, on this stock slightly higher premarket, up more than 33 overall, on the year. Okay, i know you are eating breakfast my creepy you out i go the to show you a section of highway oregon, covered with eels accident happened after a truck carrying 13 containers of eoe. Ls vundz on highway driver hit brakes in Construction Zone that is what ended up happening, all right, then finally, there is this. Margaritaville cheryl dont mess with Jimmy Buffett when tequila large quantities home state alabama backing off ban on the sale of pitchers of marking propriety as, he popular laced margarita with song, some restaurants stopped selling the drinks, last month on orders from the state. But the state luckily ended the ban yesterday, the brief ban based on old rule that makes it illegal to get this adulterate alcohol, the state determined they were illegal each grass could have different amount of alcohol if beer in a pitcher that is okay but you know a margarita watch out backed off luckily. Sangria other stuff in pitchers. The thing tequila turns into like devil woman. Not you. [laughter]. Do that sometime. Tequila. Yeah i got to do that. All right in case you may have had it a great week on mornings with maria to look at some top moments from the program. You said that you will not support the Health Care Bill in its current form why not . You know i talked to voters to repeal obamacare i think it is a disaster the bill doesnt repeal it, it keeps about half of the Obamacare Taxes, keeps most of the obamacare regulations, it keeps most of the obama subsidies creates a giant new insurance bailout super fund of about 200 billion dollars. This isnt repeal by any means shape or form. I think make it better may not be everything i want, but i am not going to let the perfect get in the way of the good. President quite frankly, has done everything that he needs to do on it but it is now up to the senate the house passed the bill, we passed one in the house, so you know come on, United States senate. More than two million followers social media also named, the doctor by people magazine. My job is not only educate people but prevent problems from happening in the first applies what i look forward to lawmakers taking that into consideration. Focus make it a Corporate Tax rate instruction and drop it by a lot they can get it done right away. To raise federal funds rate target Interest Rate to raise this at a time janet yellen hers says the economy could be weaker than she expects or stronger than she expects. What is Overall Energy outlook from your standpoint and will it include nuclear. The United States now has the possibly and i think will very quickly not only become Energy Independent but we will in being energy dominant. 10 less trump hundreds more effective he raised i brow said exactly what are you talking about my tweets. I think the most accurate parallel Arthur Miller great play the crucible about the salem witchcraft trials what we know wakes up in morning knows donald trump did something horrible overnight i wonder what it was. If that is knew politicize i think great floo donald trump is president it is over everybody. 90s trending right now, and airfa over years fans reaching out on social media elsewhere saying bring zina back. Poured by amazon unbelievable the programming good right now. I think we are going to a major shift right now how we think about the economy, it is the amazon economy. Brandless to sell at low Price Company eliminates what you call a brand tax explain. So the brand tax is a fee that you and i everyone here has been paying for things that we buy every day, are better doesnt need to cost more everybody deserves it. We are dying to talk about kardashians decided our interviewed kardashian knows stuff a smart marketeer. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Maria welcome book investing in detroit has been a long road to recovery since struggling city filed for largest municipal bankruptcy in country history now known for revitalization efforts one business thriving the first chocolate in 40 years, thanks for joining us. Thank you thanks for having me. Congratulations, first of all what is bonbonbon. Makes bonbons. Definition what a bonbonis, an art form we get to do whatever we want with it. So he all the same shape and size then we fill them with whatever flavors are in play are inspiring us at that time, ultimately bonbonbonmeans good, goodies. I am a blair that have daning how about you. Dagen absolutely, what is it like, being in detroit like what is upside for you . Given what you just financial conditions . You know, the best thing about being in detroit right now as an entrepreneur is that we have such Amazing Community here. It is it is an amount of support that i i dont think i have seen in any other city. Not just because my family has been here for so long, are but even new comeers feeling a lot of love for investing here. Investing Time Resources coming visiting the friendly nature the way that people get behind ideas and get behind togetherness here is absolutely unmet. Isnt that great you are selling pieces of chocolate for 3 apiece, struggling city people rally pay 3 for a piece of chocolate what kind of response are you seeing . It is absolutely overwhelming. We have operated on retail only because up until about two months ago, we were making everything out of 650square foot kitchen entire growth of business entire success of business has been based off detroit market cant get enough, the exciting thing about it is that having been entirely based in the city, it is cool to know how successful something that is seen as being so luxurious can be in a place where people are not really acostumed to thinking of it as luck you are pous blue collar chocolate shop doesnt need to mean it is amazing chocolate. Shake shack, you are planning retail space then expanding to markets tell us a little bit about that. So we have our retail space as well as manufacturing, we went from 650 square foot space to a 6,000square foot building opens up next wednesday. So we are thrilled about that we do popups all over country all over the world opening or i on line store in october like a fully integrated system makes you feel like in retail store in detroit you can try it the way we want you to try night cool stuff thank you so much we will watch developments congrats to you. Thank you so much. We Love Learning about Small Business, and the growth stories there we will be right back final thoughts from allstar panel. We are building new airports all across the state. New roads and bridges. New mass transit. New business friendly environment. New lower taxes. And new University Partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. Learn more at esd. Ny. Gov one laugh, and hello so i tried always discreet. I didnt think protection this thin could work. But the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. Snap so its out of sight. And out of mind. Always discreet. For bladder leaks. People would ask me that we traveled,ntries what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. So when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. Im from all nations. It puts a hunger in your heart to want to know more

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