Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20161005

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Hurricane, we have the latest on the storms path ahead. Outrage after california petitions to become first state to offer for illegal immigrant spending your tax dollars coming up. Wall street journal this morning reporting that the company is building bids this week, one person making the case, sales for ceo. What he says twitter is an unpolished jewel. Thats coming up. Plus, paying for your money atm fees. Markets expected to open lower. Concerns of a Monetary Policy weighing on investors around the world. In europe declines across the board as well. Snapping a sixday winning streak in the euro zone. The other averages mixed as you can see there. Coming up this morning joining me to talk about it Dagen Mcdowell, recon capital kevin kelly and Fox News Contributor judy miller. Good to see you, judy. Thank you. Dagen good morning. You want my quick take. Tim kaine was the goal to look like and act like a troll during the debate that makes Hillary Clinton warm, if you fuzzy and motherly. He should have said, hey, hey, shut up. Im in charge. Shut up. Maria youre right. We have a lot to talk about this morning. Dagen its early. Maria steve forbes is joining us. Former republican vice Vice President ial candidate himself herman cain. Donald trump puts himself first. If donald trump he said the ways you said in the way he said them, he wouldnt have a fraction of the insults that Hillary Clinton level when she said that half of our supporters were a basket of deplorables. The thought of donald trump as commander in chief scare us to death. Theres a reason people question the trust worthiness and thats because they are paying attention. Hes called mexican rapists and criminals. I dont like saying that in front of my wife and mother. Most of what you said is completely false and the American People know that. Maria joining me right now two time president ial good morning. Maria first give me your reaction. What was your take from that debate last night . Well, theyre both qualified. I was uncomfortable watching senator interrupt governor pence so many times. They were strategic and planned ahead of time. I thought that pence did well with eye contact and spoke to people directly and seemed more present for the audience. Maria yeah, i think bret interrupted pence. It hurt him. Kaine came prepared to debate donald trump and not mike pence. He was debating the wrong guy. Vice president ial debates are known for flubs, i think it was a misstep and calculation by kaine. He reminded me the kid that asks for more homework, nobody likes that kid. Maria me too. It was a strategy. Every time pence, governor pence brought up the Clinton Foundation, emails, clinton lies, thats when he really ramped it up and interrupted him, talked on top of him. That was the strategy, dagen. Dagen something that the wall street editorial page points out because its not a natural bully, it didnt come naturally to him and seemed abon or abnoxious , you watch this debate and start thinking, well, im annoyed by this man. Maria first question she asked about leadership and he blew up the question. He talked about why he trusted Hillary Clinton so much. Kaine did. Actually i think what they were doing is reminding people of all the terrible things that trump has said. That was the only point of tim kaines interventions was to say this is about trump, this is about the most terrible, unqualified scary man to be president. He did not want to debate mike pence at all. Maria he didnt. Dagen you dumped your whole Research File on the floor, did you . Thats how it came across. Kevin biggest thing that came across from tim kaine is he was interrupting the American People, we were trying to see honest dialogue back and forth, not only did he interrupt pence, he interrupted us. It went for this tit for tat, if anything, it turned everything off. Dagen these two guests can talk about this. There was a lot of substance in there if you can kind of part the weeds and get through the noise, a lot of substance that they covered. Maria i thought governor pence had a command. Lets go through the grades, how do you think they did . I think pence got an a and kaine an f. Kaine dismissed her from the getgo. She was never able to gain control after that. Maria was that the strategy . Every time pence brought up anything negative kaine went for the kill and started insulting donald trump. Obviously, there was a strategic play that was unfolding throughout the debate. Thats what politicians do in debates. Theres a strategy. Unfortunately, though, the more interruptions that occurred two things happened, number one it certainly interrupted pences flow but the other thing it did is actually i think it demeaned senator kaine who bysof accomplishment for his own right and for the Clinton Campaign to send him out there and to do a destroy mission on donald trump, didnt do senator kaine justice because he has the kind of resume that would make for a legitimate, serious Vice President ial candidate. Maria by the way we have to talk about the moderator. When you were looking at the Vice President ial candidates, one of the most important things to think about is something would happen to the person in the lead of the ticket, do you want to see this person as president. That was on display last night. Do you want to see governor pence as president or senator kaine, judy . Look, i think both men were quite distinguished. They were assertive and absolutely in command of substance, its unfortunate that mike pence didnt get to articulate an entire thought without interruption, but look at the quality of those two guys. I was struck repeatedly by a hardbeat away looks pretty good even though you disagree with kaines style. Kevin you need to figure out what candidate you want on a prolife and prochoice situation. They had substance that you could separate from each other. Should, you know, Hillary Clinton or donald trump not be president and they had to step up and serve dagen they covered everything. They covered the economy, taxation, tax cuts, more spending, health care, Social Security even, all the Foreign Policy issues, whether it was iran, the rise of isis, russia, you name it. Even the social issues. Maria you have to give good marks to the moderator for that. She was well prepared in terms of the questions but the anchor and debate moderator Elaine Quijano because she kept interrupting candidates and interrupting more pence than kaine. Governor thats absolutely false. Governor. Gentlemen, please. Gentlemen. They concluded that there was no reasonable prosecutor who would take senator kaine, governor pence, please. Maria how did she handle that . What factors of interruption played in debate. I felt watching from home that kaine wasnt being interrupted. Kaine kept interrupting pence but the moderator elaine was interrupting pence as well . Well, you know, first of all, i think the moderator under the circumstances did a fair job and i dont go along with the criticism of the moderator because you had two candidates who were determined to get their point across. Kaine much more aggressive and the second point is remember towards the end of the debate as candidates went on and on, the moderator came forward, that question was about north korea and there was a moment where like it was almost funny because they went way off topic. So, you know, i think considering that you had these two political pros there, i think that i think she did well and i dont know who could have done any different. You cant be too much a task master as moderator because that doesnt play either. Maria thats true. I wanted maria there and someone who would have slammed the table and say, please stop interrupting. Dagen the key to doing television is knowing when to shut your trap and taking breath and letting the other person speak because his attacks would have been more effective, tim kaines if he had picked his spots and she had no control. She didnt know when to let them talk and when to rain them in. If anybody comes away follow the debate from anything that tim kaine was out of character and pence was the real deal. At the end of the day its going to be a distant memory by the time we reach the main match on sunday when the two main candidates appear together in a town hall. Maria great point. Thank you. Thanks. Maria fox business will take you live, 6 00 p. M. Eastern, join trish at 6 00 followed by lou dobbs and cavuto, join us live at mornings with maria at 6 00 a. M. , we will have the best post debate analysis for you after that second president ial debate monday morning. Hurricane matthew rips through cuba, we are following the path of the storm next and let the bidding begin for twitter. The social media form set to start filling offers this morning. Coming up. Ive invested a lot in this game. And the returns i get out, are measured in reps. Competition. Sometimes its audibles. Bright lights. Celebrations. Its huddles. Camaraderie. And games played. At Td Ameritrade we believe the best investments are the ones that matter most to you. Ronald reagan said Something Interesting about proliferation, the problem with Nuclear Proliferation is some fool or maniac could trigger a catastrophic event. Thats what the president warned us. Senator, thats pretty low. Maria more clips from the big event last night. Hurricane matthews through cuba. Cheryl category 3 storm is responsible for at least 11 deaths across the caribbean. Five of those happening in haiti, youre looking at our satellite map, that number we should say expected to grow as the hurricane makes its way towards the United States. The storm made landfall yesterday packing 145mile per hour winds and pounding rain. Matthew washed out a key bridge in haiti and left roads under water. The west of the tip of the island is in the dark in the morning so no immediate reports of any serious damage thus far in cuba but the storm is there right now we should say and in the United States South Carolina nikki haley plans to order Evacuation Order before storm arrives there. In florida florida urged families along the coast to prepare for direct hit and gather three days worth of supplies. Matthew is expected to make landfall tomorrow. Most airlines are offering travel wafers for anybody forced to change plans. If you want to cancel, you will not be charged, american, united, delta, all have plans in place to help their flyers to ease what is certainly going to be a messy situation for travelers and then, maria, in businesses this morning, twitter is expected to start accepting business week, right now sales force is leaving the push to buy the social media network, that company ceo says its a price brand, google, wallet disney, both also rumored to be on the hunt to buy twitter. This could cost upward of 20 billion whoever gets the winning bid but no guaranty that it would come high enough to convince the company and, of course, leadership to sell, maria. Maria we will be watching that one. Interesting. Mike pence and tim kaine sparring and what it means to the state of the economy, we will check in on jobs coming up. Americans are paying for more than ever to get their money more on just how much banks are charging for for using out of networks atms, more on the story coming up. This man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this Vice President , this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Bp engineers use underwater robots, so they can keep watch over operations below the sea, even from thousands of feet above. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Theres a fundamental choice for the american electorate. You want your hired president in Hillary Clinton or your fired president in donald trump. Honestly, senator, you can roll out the numbers, people in fort wayne know different. This economy is struggling. The answer to this economy is not more taxes. Maria issue number one for voters, the economy, not just the hot topic of debate while donald trump and Hillary Clinton focus on jobs on the campaign trail, watch. Since china entered the world trade organization, hillary and bill backed deal, 10,000 factories have shut down or left the United States. We are going rewrite the rules. We are going to create more fairness and by creating more fairness, we are going to give people more of a chance to have better jobs with rising income, we are going empower those companies willing to take the high road, companies that helped create good jobs. Maria this coming ahead of fridays all important government jobs report, job creation of 175,000 jobs created in the month of september. Joining us right now chief economist jeffrey cleveland. Jeffrey good to see you. Good morning. Maria your expectation for the jobs number . 200,000 jobs, the last three months 230,000. I think some where around 200,000 is a reasonable guess. Maria is that enough to move needle in economic growth. We all know the issue in this country and its a very small growth level . I think we are talking a growth of 2 this year. We are not seeing 3 type of growth that forecasters for many years have plugged in and hoped for so i think 2 is more of the rate of the economy. Thats the reality we are in. Kevin everybody is so focused on job numbers, jobs, jobs. The most important data point is today, it came out last month and the number was at its lowest in six years and it was actually one of the things showing that its a leading Economic Indicator and we are approaching more towards the slowdown, we are getting longer, so what do you think about that coming up. People are focused on the jobs but what about cmi. If you look at what candidates talk about, steel and manufacturing and if you look at the economy and how its structured. It was services pmi, it could have been a fluke. I think thats the caution from that one month of data that we saw last month. If that does move back in a positive direction, thatll be a good sign. I dont want to make too much out of that month but it is important on folks on services because thats the bulk of jobs. So 60 of our economy relies on this number and so people were talking about being a fluke, it would have been in response to the british referendum that was an august number and people were thinking slow down because of that. Dagen can a policy fixed, could it happen . It could. When you think about the big things that keep news 2 growth world instead of 3 growth world, its structural factors. Dagen jimmy, name them. Youre talking about fiscal policy, tax policy, problem for me regulatory, how do you get new firms, they start small but they get big. Its not just Small Businesses, business that is grow and bloom. Thats the beauty. Maria sounds like youre supporting donald trump. Im not supporting any of the candidates, maria, but i think if you do look at a lot of candidates are saying and youre an investor, that could be dangerous. I think theyre telling a story that they want to pitch and that might not be the reality. I think investors need to focus on the reality because thats going to help determine the markets. Kevin we havent come close to that this year, you saw the imf1. 6 . Maria 1. 4. First half in gdp sorry, maria. Its volatile and difficult. I think the second two quarters will pick up. Maria Jon Hilsenrath was here yesterday. The economists are lowering estimates for the next couple of quarters. Yeah, in the last couple of days we have seen them come down a little bit when we saw realtime trackers of Third Quarter gdp, i still we can get 2 for the full year which is not terrible, its not a recession, i think if we roll the tape back to this group january and february of this year, a lot of people worried about a recession, 2 growth is not a recession. 200,000 jobs per month is not a recession. Infrastructure way to boost jobs, spark growth, is that realistic, do you see that happening . I think thats a great talking point. I dont think its realistic that those types of programs are going to be implemented quickly. Its not just the president that has the power to do that. You need a host of other characters. Dagen 300 billiondollar infrastructure last december, why are they talking about hundreds of billions of dollars more . Sorry. You talk about one that reduce the debt. Theres a quarter a third of a trillion dollars thats going to be spent on highway and infrastructure. Maria not going to happen. Everyone think that is we need growth so we need to spend, how can we quickly spend more, lets do a stimulus program, sounds good. Growth is new ideas, now knowledge, allowing to blossom. Thats growth. You cant flip a quick switch to get that. Politicians dont want to talk about that. They will talk about the 300 billion stimulus, thats easier. Pleasure. Maria be tour to tune in friday morning for our analysis and join us on friday morning for that. Donald trumps running mate talking tough on putin even though trump has taken a different tone. Why china could take the why china could take the spotlight in Quarterly Earnings report, back in a moment healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. It begins from the the second were born. Er. Because, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned every day. 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But you dont sweat it because you and your advisor have prepared for this. And when the best offer means youre moving to the middle of nowhere, the boys say they hate the idea. But you pretend its not so bad. And years later at thanksgiving, when one of them says what hes thankful for most, is this house, you realize you didnt plan for any of this you wouldnt have done it any other way. With the right financial partner, progress is possible. Maria good wednesday morning, everybody. Welcome back. It is wednesday october 5th, top stories right now 6 30 a. M. In the east coast. Fiery faceoff last night. Mike pence and tim kaine clash on first president ial debate last night in virginia, they focus on a number of issues including Foreign Policy. The small and bullying leader of russia is now dictating terms to the United States to the point where all of the United States of america the greatest nation on earth just withdraws from talks about a cease fire. Donald trump again and again has praised Vladimir Putin and its clear that he has business dealings. Maria did the Vice President ial candidates make their cases for the running mates . We will discuss coming up. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton hitting the campaign trail today. Hurricane matthew leaves a trail of death and destruction meanwhile we have the latest on Mass Evacuation in the u. S. Obamacare for illegal outrage after california petitions to become the first state to allow illegal immigrant to buy insurance on the exchange. Plus reading private emails. Yahoo secretly scanning emails for the nsa or fbi. The technology xreans speaking out on the controversy. Plus, paying for your money, atms in high. How much have you paid recently . Markets expected to open down this morning. Concerns over Monetary Policy weighing on investors around the world. In europe declines half a percent to three quarters of a per can he be the. In asia overnight, mixed performances. The market is closed in china for the week for a holiday. Are you ready for some football with they taylor swift . Fiery exchanges and numerous interruptions, blake berman is in farmville, virginia with the very latest, good morning to you, blake. Blake hi, there maria, thats certainly the headline coming out, all of the interruptions back and forth last night between mike pence and tim kaine, by no means is this an official number but one of the producers put the count at 39 interruptions for tim kaine, 19 for mike pence and keep in mind, this was just a 90minute debate last night. We will give you one example here as the two sparred over the current state of the economy. The policies of this administration which Hillary Clinton and senator kaine want to continue have run economy into a ditch, we are in the slowest economic recovery since the great depression. 15 million new jobs. Than the day that barack obama with Hillary Clinton at his side and the Poverty Level and med ian include dramatically. Honestly, senator, you can roll out the numbers in the sunny side, people in scanton know any different. Blake another exchange, the candidates a lot of times they were sticking up for their president ial nominees, often debated which campaign is more divisive. Just trying to keep up with the insultdriven campaign. You know, im just saying facts about your running mate. I know you cant defend him. Governor kaine. Dont put words in my mind that im not defending him. Most of what you said is completely false. I will run through the list of things. Senator, please, this is his blake the Trump Campaign, they were trying to frame tim kaine as unhinged, that was the words of the Trump Campaign manager kellyanne conway. Maria, thank you. Maria blake berman, Foreign Policy also focused last night specially as it relates to russia and president Vladimir Putin. You have to be tough on russia and lets start not praising Vladimir Putin as a great leader. Donald trump and mike pence have said hes a great leader and donald trump no, we havent. Senator kaine still sits loyal soldier, i get all of that in saying that the Foreign Policy of Hillary Clinton and barack obama made the world more secure, the whole putin thing, america is stronger than russia, our economy is 16 times larger than the russian economy. Hillary clinton knows exactly who this guy is. Shes not praising Vladimir Putin as a good guy. Maria joining us right now former u. S. Embassador, senior fellow and Fox News Contributor john bolton. Embassador, good to see you, thank you so much for joining us. Your take away from the debate last night. Well, i thought that pence was the clear winner, i mean, tim kaine may get the 2016 award for ankle biter of the year both in substance and style, i thought pence held his cool, he maintained his discipline and he made the points particularly on Foreign Policy that needed to be made. Maria one thing that he said that i think really resinates with people is that the American People know and no matter how much mud is thrown, theres a reason that donald trump is where he is in the polls, its because people are so over the lies and the politics and i think people people see through it. What do you guys think . Kevin i dont think anybody believes that Hillary Clinton, a lot of the policies that shes come out with are going to come into effect because she says whats most conveniently for her to get elected. Senator ceab said kaine when yolook into an eye you see kgb. Hes leading a nuclear power. President obama has been played by Vladimir Putin and for donald trump says what great leader he is for russia, that does not make the case, that doesnt give americans comfort that he is going to stand up to the country that is trying to consolidate its own hold on power and expand its hold on power. I think thats an area of vulnerability, i think tim kaine hit it hard last night and effective. Maria if Hillary Clinton know who is that guy is in terms of putin and is onto russia so much, how come president obama whispered a couple of years ago, i will have more flexibility after the election and how come we have been in business with russia all of these years, now all of a sudden who he is . She try today reset. She understands it didnt work. Every reporting that ive done from washington on that relationship between obama and hillary on russia suggest that she is much tougher, much more skeptical of the russians and i think putin knows that and thats why hes trying so hard to be aggressive in syria and consolidate gains for bashar alassad. Dagen didnt it drive home the fact that it is the president s policies and a lot of what Hillary Clinton wants to continue that has created world disorder, growing world disorder, not just russia but particularly with iran and what is happening in syria . With all due respect to judy, if i were Vladimir Putin sitting in my office in the kremlin, theres no doubt in my mind i would want Hillary Clinton elected president. Shes weak, shes indecisive, she supports the new agreement that putin is well from violating, ballistic and missile forces, building underground control centers, this is one of her principal achievements. She hasnt learned anything. I think that putin understands that she is obamas third term and let me come to this question of what trump said about putin, he said hes a strong leader. Thats not praise. Thats an objective reality specially compared to the pattycake leadership that weve got in the white house. Theres no indication whatever that if Russia National interest crossed the american National Interest which they do in many cases that trump wou respond accordingly. Maria lets not forget about the project back in the 90s when we were all talking all countries wanting to be the hub for Technology Innovation and Hillary Clinton willingly encouraged American Technology companies to invest in that project in russia and inadvertently gave away National Security secrets. If the russians want Hillary Clinton as president , why would the hackers be leaking all of this material which is aimed at undermining the democrats. Let me answer that question. Maria go ahead. We dont have access to counterintelligence analysis here but we do know that fbi director james comey that he believed Foreign Services had hacked into the clinton email server but he couldnt find evidence and he didnt expect to find evidence of who it was because it was so sophisticated. Let me get this straight, the smart Intelligence Services in russia hacked private server and the dumb Intelligence Services hack intoed the dnc. I think we should be looking at that as a possible false flag operation. Maria russia shouldnt be in syria, russias economy plummeting. Vladimir putin needed conflict. Thats his currency. He needed to insert russia in the syria conflict, isnt that truth . Theres no reason for russia to be in syria, obama allowed it, russia inserted themselves and now here we are russia is protecting assad. Thats the bottom line. Russia is playing a weak hand very effectively, putin has reinserted russia into the middle east not just in terms of a new air force base, combat missions out of iran but getting back in egypt since the first time in the 1970s, selling weapons to egypt while American Power from the pakistan has been diminished. Hes not doing this because america itself is weaker but we had weak leadership including four years when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. Maria embassador, thank you. We appreciate it. Embassador john bolton joining us. Fox Business Network will take you live next sunday night. We have a full program packed, join us 6 00 p. M. Eastern with trish, shes going to kick off the Intelligence Report at 6 00 followed by lou dobbs and niel cavuto coast to coast. Join us live at 6 00 a. M. Mornings with maria, smartest conversation with our post debate analysis. Monday morning october 10th, coming up next your tax dollars could be helping provide to illegal immigrant. Have the retailer is plan to go bring in millennials, thats coming up. A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and complicated. Thats why at Cancer Treatment centers of america every patient gets their own care manager to coordinate every aspect of their care. The care manager is making sure everything is flowing well so the patient can continue to get their treatment. We are the link between the patient and the doctor. The care manager coordinates all of the patients appointments, scans, chemotherapy. We can do paperwork or contact their employers or set them up with home health. Thats what brings most people into nursing; you get to connect with people. Thats what i love about being a care manager. Meet the care managers at ctca. My name is collette. Lindsey jodi stacy our nurse care managers are with you every step of the way so you can focus on your fight. Cancer is a long journey and i want to do everything in my power to take the stress off of your shoulders so you can enjoy your life at home. Learn more at cancercenter. Com caremanager Appointments Available now. Maria markets under pressure. We have a handful of economic reports out coming. Thats what will set the tone. It is jobs week. Selling off this morning ahead of the open. The loss was not as bad as expected. The company sees improving Market Conditions including tighter supply. Stock is looking lower. The parent of taco bell, kfc posting results after the close. Last Earnings Report before the company spins off China Business and expect earnings to rice, 90 and 28 cents. California wants to be the first state to offer obamacare to Illegal Immigrants. Cheryl casone with the story and headlines. Cheryl seeking a waiver from obamacare in order to allow Illegal Immigrants to buy insurance on californias health care exchange. Governor brown signed a bill back in june that allow it is state to request a federal wafer that wafer waiver would allow 400,000 Illegal Immigrants to receive health insurance. Hillary clinton and donald trump responding to bill clintons comments about obamacare. So youve got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care and then the people are busting 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverages cut in half. Its the craziest thing in the world. Trump saying that president bill clinton was being honest. Hes absolutely trashed president obamas signature legislation. He said its the craziest thing in the world. I bet he went through hell last night. He went through hell. Honestly, there have been many nights when hes gone through hell with hillary. [laughter] cheryl meanwhile clinton trying to defend her husbands stance and comment. We have to fix whats broken and keep what works and thats exactly what we are going to do. It is challenging to try to make sure that this important step toward providing insurance for every american is fixed and not repealed. Cheryl bill clinton himself now saying that the Affordable Care act did a world of good and the republican efforts to repeal it were a terrible mistake. And then finally this, shades of big brother, google, microsoft, facebook, they did not scan incoming user emails for the federal government. That is after reuters reported that yahoo had built such a system last year. Discovery of Software Program led to departure of yahoo chief Information Officer at that time. Yahoo says its a law abiding company and the journal says its not clear that yahoo ever gave the government any information. That was the chart for you. Finally, this, maria, atms reach high, the average cost for using an out of network atm, get this has increased to 4 and 57 cents. Fees are made from atm owner and fee for account holders bank for using another bank. 4. 57, back to you. Maria thats crazy. Cheryl thats a lot. Maria at t with new gig. Thousand taylor swift will be spending her super bowl, next afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Trying to keep up with the insultdriven campaign on the other side of the campaign. You know, im saying facts about your running mate. I know you cant defend him. Dont put words in my mouth that im not defending. Youre not. Im happy to defend him. Maria a heated debate last night but the baseball diamonds with just as hot actually, jared max with the highlights of the first playoff game that went into extra innings, jared. Great stuff, maria. Edwin encarnacion says take off to the north, aye. They advance to play the rangers. The wild card tonight. Tim tebow goes to scottsdale scorpions. How does one protest another protest. In response to marching band at east carolina protest, espn says it will not broadcast saturdays game against florida. Every sponsor ive talked to last week shameful and a message needs to be sent. No longer a blank space. Concert on the eve of the big game, shake it off taylor swift, will headline presuper bowl. Fans will be able to access tickets through at t promotions and marketing campaigns. Maria thatll be fun. Jared great baseball last night. Maria tonights big game, right . Mets and the giants tonight. Great pitching matchup. [applause] jared not wanted me to wear a mets shirt. Maria you should have. Too big for you. Dagen hes worried about jinxing it. Kevin sales are going to skyrocket. Maria mornings with maria will be right back healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Maria good wednesday morning, im Maria Bartiromo, it is wednesday october 5th, top stories. It included a lot of intense interruptions, the candidates clashed over a number of issues including keeping america safe. America is less safe today than it was the day that barack obama became president of the United States, its absolutely inarguable. Secretary clinton knows maria Hurricane Matthew barrels towards the United States right now. Mass evacuation already ordered along the east coast. We will bring you there. The latest on devastation after slamming haiti. Thousands of Small Business customers accounts were also affected. Federal safety regulations are probing the ford f150 over complete loss of brakes. The chip credit cards have been annoying enough to customers but may prove to be expensive. Credit card customers are being sued for forcing stores to install. We will discuss the bells and whistles from googles phones. Concerns of Monetary Policy weighing investors around the world. Dow industrial to open at 20 points. The zone was set negative snapping a 6day winning streak. In asia overnight, mixed performances there. The market is closed in china for the week, but the major average fractionally moving. All the stories coming up this morning. Joining me to talk about it fox business Dagen Mcdowell, kevin kelly and Fox News Contributor judy miller. Great show, you guys. The big story the debate. [laughter] dagen interrupt us. Maria that was the big take away last night. Dr. Sebastian georka is with us. German federal minister of defense is here and alabama senator Jeff Sessions will join us. That will be something to watch, multimillionaire investor foster freeze also joining us. A lot to come this morning. We kick it off in the race for white house, a fiery Vice President ial debate last night between governor mike pebs and senator tim kaine, watch. Donald trump has built a business through hard times and good times. Hes employed tens of thousands of people in this country. We have seen americas place in the world weaken, we have seen an economy stifled by more taxes, more regulation, a war on coal and a failing healthcare reform come to be known as obamacare. That makes me smart. So its smart not to pay for our military, its smart not to pay for veterans, its not smart not to pay for teachers. An insultdriven campaign. If donald trump had said the way you said in the way that he said them, he wouldnt have a fraction of the insults that Hillary Clinton level when she said that half of our supporters were a basket of deplorables. She said they were irredeemable, they were not america. Maria joining us this morning former Hillary Clinton Campaign Mark pen and steve forbes. I think independent voters saw a pretty good debate. I think kaine hit equivalent of sacrifice fly ball. He went in there and make the case against trump. He was going to hit all the antitrump statements and he did effectively, but he didnt look as good doing that and i think pence really had to in some ways that he could do the things that donald trump didnt do which was not take the bait all of the time and i think he did successfully so as well. Maria he definitely did not take the bait on that. In terms of Kaine Steve Forbes was that effective and interrupting or did it actually take away from him . It actually took away, he overplayed his hand. I think it took away in what biden did to speaker ryan, speaker ryan in 2012, he overplayed that hand and he actually hurt the cause. What people took away from the debate, pence, calm, cool, collected, did not go down rabbit holes, not president ial, he heard himself, he hurt her, he hurt himself and pence just calmly making the case and Foreign Policy. This has been a disaster, home, health care, i wish that they had health care more but pence clearly was the dominant figure, thats what people take away the dominant figure. Maria i agree with that. Dagen mike pence puts pressure on donald trump to perform at a much higher level on sunday and im sure thats not lost on donald trump. Well, i think that it goes to show, i think in terms they always say Vice President ial debates dont matter at the end of the day, but i think what trumps people are going to hit, look, trump makes appointments, he makes cabinet secretaries, what you see here is that his Vice President ial pick superb and thats the take away. Hes going to have a good team around him and in terms of prepping on sunday, i think, i hope the Trump Campaign takes away dont go down those rabbit holes and dont take the debate, hit the economy, hit National Security and he will do fine. Maria is that going to be hillarys strategy on sunday night, interrupt, name call and make sure she points out trumps problems . I dont think itll be name calling, i dont think shes going to stay back from really aggressively prosecuting the case against donald trump. Twothirds of americans dont think donald trump is qualified, they think hes temperamental unfit. Kaine was making that case and hillary made the case last night. I think shes going to continue to press that case. Thats working for her because even though both candidates are not well liked by the American Public, trump is seen as nonacceptable as the president ial choice particularly increasingly with women and i think the Hillary Campaign is getting enthusiasm out of voters than we were seeing earlier on. Kevin hey, mark, its kevin. Why isnt it resinating in the polls. We have seen time and time again that shes not able to take this election and run with it and this morning in the journal they have former Bernie Sanders supporter who said shes either going to vote for Hillary Clinton or not vote at all. You have millennials who just dont believe Hillary Clinton. Shes pandering to them saying, i am going to give you free education. What can she do to counteract that . All trump can do is stay on message and he can take it from her. All trump needs to do is stay on message. Obviously easier said than done. Maria youre right. Look, i think that she could emphasize her program on college more, i think i think youre youll see programs millennials comes out in the next debate. A snowball in effect has been set off, we have seen her increasing in all the polls and i thought pence did well, kaine delivered message and i dont see this breaking the cycle which has gone against donald trump the last week. Maria steve forbes, let me get your take on the Bernie Sanders supporters, trump and clinton are in this war to win undecided. Senator Bernie Sanders is campaigning on her behalf but the candidates themselves are taking different approaches to win over dependents, watch this. I want to get your reaction. She will put you out of business and she said she will put you out of business. Out of control. Worst than obama. I know that you know people who were thinking about voting for him, right . So i am respectfully asking you to stage an intervention before its too late. Maria how do you feel about this strategy . Well, this race has always been temperament versus third term and the last week its been about temperament up to the first debate it was third term. Hes got to get it back to four more years of this, chaos overseas, declining stagnant economy at home and stick to that, mark was very funny, can he stick to the message, i think he know that is if he doesnt score in this debate, its going to be seen as over and you cannot leave with that impression. Maria yeah, you make a good point. He could learn from mike pence in that debate last night. We will see. Donald trump hasnt shown you dont have to be a nerd in terms of a policy, you just have to make the point, do we want four mo years of this. I have a good tax proposal. I want to cut taxes, she wants to raise them. I want to put the patient in charge, just hit those themes and he wins. Maria mark, any thoughts of what clinton said about obamacare, its a Crazy Program . Clearly i think president clinton walked those comments back a bit, he strongly supports obamacare, but clearly maria he said what he said. We know the walking back is politics. The message thats come out with is shes open revisions of obamacare and i think thats probably comforting message overall. Maria shes open to revisions even though shes going to build on obamas policies . Sort of the amended, dont end it, pence came out and going to completely dismantle it. I dont think the americans want it dismantled, they want some of the issues that have evolved over time fixed. I think thats the position shes taking and thats a reassuring position for voters out there. Maria good to see you both, gentlemen, thank you. Dont forget to tune in of the second coverage of president ial debate. 6 00 p. M. Eastern right here on the fox Business Network. Join us live at 6 00 a. M. The following morning right here on mornings with maria for our post debate analysis. Smartest conversation in the morning. We will see you monday october 10th as we navigate what we heard the night before at the esidential debate number two. Hurricane matthew lees trail of devastation across caribbean. Take a look at the pictures. The massive storm heading to the United States, the latest on the path straight ahead. Most popular cars under investigation, ford 150. What you need to know next at old dominion, we ship everything you can imagine. And everything we ship has something in common. Whether its expedited overnight. Or shipped around the globe,. Its handled by od employees who know that delivering freight. Means delivering promises. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Sprint . Im hearing good things about the network. All the networks are great now. Were talking within a 1 difference in reliability of each other. And, sprint saves you 50 on most Current National carrier rates. Save money on your phone bill, invest it in your Small Business. Wouldnt you love more customers . I would definitely love some new customers. Sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. Switch your business to sprint and save 50 on most current verizon, at t and tmobile rates. Dont let a 1 difference cost you twice as much. Whoooo for people with hearing loss, visit sprintrelay. Com. We asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. Now give up half of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Maria welcome back, Hurricane Matthew toward the u. S. And the bahamas this morning leaving behind a trail of destruction in haiti and cuba. Cheryl casone has all the details now. Cheryl yeah, we are looking at the new details on matthew, category 3 storm already responsible for at least 11 deaths across the caribbean. Five of those are in haiti, theres your live weather map. That number expect today grow, we should say as the hurricane makes its way towards the United States. Now the storm made landfall yesterday in haiti packing 140mile per hour winds and pounding rain, matthew washed out a key bridge in haiti and left roads completely under water. The we shall tip of the island is in the dark this morning so no word yet on deaths. No immediate reports on serious damage in cuba but the guantanamo province is taking a serious pounding right now from the reports that we are seeing. Now here are the United States, empty shelves and long gas station lines are being reported this morning across the southeast as coastal communities prepare to flee Hurricane Matthew, South Carolina governor nikki haley plans to issue Evacuation Order today to give a million residents time to leave the coast before the storm arrives. In florida, governor rick scott urged families to prepare for direct hit and gather three days worth of supplies. Well in business headlines this morning, wells fargo account scandal apparently is going beyond the consumer. According to letter seen, senator told stumpf that thousands of Small Business owners were affected by the banks practices, his committee wants more information, wants Business Owners affected by the fraudulent activity at wells. 10,000 businesses, theres been no comment as of yet from wells fargo. And the government launching an investigation into complaints of brake problems in ford f150 pickup trucks specifically complete brake failure in some instances. They are investigating 2015 and 2016 model year f150s with 3. 5 litter engine. The bestselling vehicle in north america, the national Highway Traffic Safety Administration says theres been 25 consumer complaints so far. And a judge is giving Small Businesses the green light to sue the countrys biggest Contractor Companies for being force today install those chip readers at the checkout counter, base owners claim that its expensive and do not reduce fraud and do not eliminate either. They have to pay up whenever a shop uses a stolen credit card. The banks use today pay and now the business has to. The lawsuit of 6 billion, american express, visa, mastercard, discover, the lawsuit we want to be clear, though, has not class action status. If it does, thats a game changer for the banks. Maria thank you. Sparring over the war on terror. Mike pence and tim kaine go head to head over running mates fitness to be commander in chief. 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Built for business. Maria welcome back, both governor mike pence and senator tim kaine addressing Foreign Policy in last nights Vice President ial debate. There is a threat that needs to be dealt with today. We all lived through that day as a nation and it was heartbreaking and i want to give this president credit for bringing Osama Bin Laden to justice. The truth is Osama Bin Laden led alqaeda, our primary threat today is isis. She doesnt want to acknowledge that we stopped the Iran Nuclear Weapons program. You didnt. He doesnt want to acknowledge i just did. A good thing and not a bad thing. Maria joining me right now the World Politics and the author of defeating jihad, dr. Sebastian goerka. Good to see you. Good morning. Maria your reaction to the debate . I think hillary has a problem in her choice of vp. Thats the first kind of executive decision of somebody running for president. Hillary showed that she picked somebody who is rude, obnoxious, makes things up again and again and mr. Trump showed somebody who is cool, calm and collected and has control of the facts. This was not a good night for hillary. Maria i know what you mean about the rude because tim kaine did interrupt a lot and that was the strategy to stop pence in his tracks from what he was saying. What did he make up . When youre saying he made stuff up. He distorted the quotes of what mr. Trump had said, all mexicans are rapists. Maria right. This is absurd, this is argue arguing and when he says, well, we killed bin laden, no you didnt, no you didnt the seals killed Osama Bin Laden and whoever had been president whether it was republican or democrat would have given the go once we found him. They may have killed bin laden under obama administration, but now we have isis and isis is many times more dangerous than alqaeda. Even when he talked about factual events the spin was falaciuos, maria. Dagen if you want to talk about like someones temperament. Thats the criticism of donald trump. I dont know how that disqualifies tim kaine from being the running mate of Hillary Clinton, did he put in a good performance, no. Was he rude, yes, did he say things that werent ub true, absolutely yes. The military in israel like it is iran deal which is absurd. Maria ridiculous. Totally absurd. As i was on social media last night there were people that were not National Security experts that were instant i will saying this is wrong. Benjamin netanyahu lets be honest, we have two candidates that have negative figures that we have never seen before in a president ial run. What happened last night . One of the unpopular teams showed a Vice President ial candidate that made them look even more unpopular. So the fact is what has to be addressed, the issue of popularity was addressed by one side last night and it wasnt the hillary camp. I want to ask you dr. Goerka, really isnt the whole point of what tim kaine was doing last night to remind voters of all of the really offthechart things that trump has said about Vladimir Putin and countries ought to have nuclear weapons, alliances dont matter, wasnt that really what he was doing . Maria that was the strategy . Yeah, absolutely. Clearly it was the strategy, when you do the math, somebody did the math this morning, he interrupted governor pence every one and a half minutes, so you can have a strategy and execute it properly. The point was to score points against governor pences boss, it totally failed because all it did is made ine look like an aggressive individual who is unsympathetic who is working for somebody who we already know that is unsympathetic, clearly that was a strategy badly executed. Maria i dont think people are not going the like that. Every time pence wanted to explain the iran deal, kaine got in his face and started interrupting. We didnt hear him finish his thought. I think people are angry about that. They we wanted to hear policy and substance. Kevin its ashame because tim kaine dismissed the moderator the entire the entire debate. One of the overarching things that we we wanted to clarity on were russia, north korea and because he kept going back to taxes, foundations and things like that, we couldnt get substance from the Clinton Campaign on how they would address those issues. Maria we did talk about the tensions with russia specially as it relates to syria and this morning john mccain wrote an oped saying we need to stop assad now or face years of war. Listen to this. I want to get your reaction to syria. Donald trump and i are committed to suspending the syrian refugee program. We want to people people out if theyre dangerous. Donald trump said keep them out if theyre muslim. We wont do it based on discriminating against you from the country you come from. Youve got to air on the side of the safety of the people, senator. Maria russia should not be involved in this conflict. They inserted themselves and now russia is defending assad even though everybody wants assad to be taken down. Look, assad is a bad man. Hes not as bad as his father but hes a vicious, vicious autocrat. But the fact of the geopolitical support, there is no solution to syria unless assad goes. What does that mean . Does that mean the white house is prepared to go to war with russia to get rid of assad . We need to have a dose of reality come out of the white house and i think thats what you saw from governor pence yesterday. This isnt about people you dont like or people you like, its about whats the reality on the ground and the safe haven, the safe zones is a far more realistic proposal than anything else coming out of the white house an Hillary Campaign. The safe zones are hillarys idea that she promoted and barack obama rejected. She always wanted to do more and did not mike pence adopt the safe zone policy last night, did she not say it was Donald Trumps trumps policy . We know what obama has done. How do we know hillary wanted Something Different . I think we know from the reporting what happened when david pertraeus, when the military, they wanting to start arming the rebels, barack obama is shutting down. Thats her problem. She has to separate herself. Maria shes not separating herself. Shes going to build on obamas policy. She cannot separate herself because she was a member of the cabinet that actually instigated our disastrous syria policy. The idea that suddenly things are going to change, the chaos in syria is in part result of her secretary of state tenure under the obama administration. Those are just facts. Maria yeah. Good to see you, thank you so much. We will see you soon, sir. Donald trump was not on the debate stage last night but the tax returns made appearance, thats for sure. How mike pences defense against tim kaines criticism. How the big box retailer is betting on millennials. Back in a minute afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. It begins from the the second were born. Er. Because, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. As a Health Services and Innovation Company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting. Maria welcome back, i am maria bartiroma. We are glad you are with us, 7 30 on the east coast, fiery faceoff, mike pence and tim kane at their only debate in virginia focusing on a number of issues including jobs and the economy. Policies of this administration which Hillary Clinton wants to continue to run this economy the clinton plan would grow the economy by 10 million jobs, the travel plan would cost 3 million jobs and donald trump, why would he do this . His tax plan helps him. Maria did they make their cases . We will talk about it, social media and its reaction, donald trump and Hillary Clinton hitting the campaign trail, trump in nevada, clinton in washington dc. Bracing for impact, Evacuations Ordered in the United States after Hurricane Matthew leads a trail of death and destruction. The storm slamming haiti and barreling toward the east coast and a second black box recovered, from inside the commuter train on the deadly new jersey crash ahead. It is going to be able to christmas for google, unveiling its blue pixel smart phone taking on samsung and apple, 7 hours of power from charging, 15 minutes, the smart phone wars coming up, target targeting millennials, how they are changing the way they do business for allimportant younger shoppers. Will you like the new target . Futures showing markets under pressure. We are seeing a rally here, s p 500 and the nasdaq bouncing off of lows, where it end the day thursday. We see some selling but it comes back in the last 20 minutes, we get the september adp report and a look at the Service Sector with the ism report taking the tone for markets. Europe declined across the board off of lows in europe, the s p 500 half of 1 , the british Prime Minister teresa may says it is too early to know what kind of deal britain will make with the eu. In asia mixed performances, the market closed in china for the week, other averages fractionally moving overnight. We kick it off with the Vice President ial nominees clashing over their plans to create jobs in an effort to address voters latest concerned this election cycle. Do you want a fired president and donald trump . That is not a hard choice. Independent analysts say the clinton plan would grow the economy by 10 million jobs, the trump plan would cost 3 million jobs. You can roll out the numbers but i got to tell you people in scranton no different, people in fort wayne indiana no different. This economy is struggling. The answer is not more taxes. Maria this as we await the jobs report friday morning which we will be all over. President ial candidate herman cain, good to see you, thanks to joining us. What was your reaction to the debate last night . Tim kane is expected was well scripted and mike pence was poised and polite. Mike pence was poised and polite and knowledgeable and cain was well scripted and throughout a lot of random numbers and that is how and why he continued to interrupt mike pence. As you listen to tim kane, dont want to confuse him with herman cain. As they continue, tim kane sounded like a used car salesman throwing out random numbers and was well scripted on all the liberal attack talking points against trump and pence. If i had to rate the debate last night i would give mike pence a b plus was the only reason he didnt get in a is tim kane kept interrupting him. Tim kane would get an absolute d because it was ripped it, liberal attack dog talking point and that came through to me. Maria it was definitely scripted. That did not resonate. Hillarys people on a roll, donald trump shooting himself in the foot again and again but strategy working for them scaring the American People about donald trump as a strategy that works and tim kane did that last night. The current tax code is littered with special interests and only benefits the Biggest Company and wealthiest people, and attacks that. Hillary clinton is a crony capitalist, and tax returns when the real issue is making the tax system more fair and benefit all people, and raising estate tax. And democratic strategists say that as well. Maria dicey, donald trump being on the front page not having paid taxes for personal income taxes. Not a winning point for them. You can jump in here. Americans hate taxes. Who in their right mind likes paying taxes . It is different, what might resonate is get the contractors, paying taxes is awesome. I love writing a check year to the irs. I would agree with you. Wasnt apparent to most viewers last night, one of the architect of obamacare said it best, lack of transparency is a huge political advantage and based in part in the stupidity of the American People. Obamacare isnt transparent, a lot of to attack points the tim kane brought out last night is based on lack of transparency and continuing to talk about donald trump taxes, tax returns where they make a lot since i dont is a hunt in their opinion. Maria jonathan gruber, a name from the past when on this tax plan, what i find interesting is mike pence laid out what donald trump is trying to do, lower taxes, rollback regulations but tim kane doesnt have as cohesive a message. Listen to this exchange on how mike pence talked about the tax issue and defendant donald trump. Those tax returns that came out this week, faced some pretty tough times 20 years ago but like virtually everyone including the New York Times not long ago, net operating loss, the whole riff about not paying taxes, people saying you didnt pay taxes, donald trump has created tens of thousands of jobs. Maria i will give you some did governor pence do a good job defending trumps decision to hold off on releasing tax returns . What about the overall message in terms of the economic plans . I think he did a great job. The other thing is only a couple sheets have come out. I have said repeatedly i dont think he should release his tax returns at all. That is a liberal Pressure Point they keep pushing because all that would do is take a multibillion dollar tax return and give the nitpickers more places to make assumptions. Based on a couple leaked sheets, imagine if they had the entire tax return. It would be the fuel they want to throw on the fire and make assumptions and accusations like tim kane did last night over and over. Maria we will leave it there, herman cain. Good to see you. Foxbusiness will take you live to the president ial debate sunday night, kick things off with trish for the second president ial debate and the next morning will be equally important as we have analysis in the morning, mornings with maria, coming up next Hurricane Matthew wreaking havoc in the caribbean, state along the gulf coast bracing for impact by planning to evacuate, tracking the storms have next, google going blue for christmas, the new smart phone just in time for the holidays straightahead. Im just a guy who wants to buy that truck. And im just a guy who wants to sell him that truck. So i used truecar. It told me what other people in the area paid for the truck i want. And because were a truecar certified dealership, i already know the truck he wants. So were on the same page before he even gets here. Is fair. And its fast. Look good . Looks great. This is how car buying was always meant to be. This is truecar. Maria Hurricane Matthew leaving a trail of death and destruction in the caribbean, this is in cuba, the storm setting its sights on the us and South Carolina ordering 1 million residents to evacuate. Janice dean and it in the business center. Mary reporter made impact passed cuba with a direct hit from a strengthening major hurricane. Here it is, wents at 115 m but i see some strengthening in its forecast, hurricane warnings in its path and a hurricane warning now for the east coast of florida. They havent had a hurricane warning on the east coast of florida in eight years so im concerned with complacency, listen to your local officials, if they tell you to evacuate you need to do it and listen to them. Thursday evening coming very close to the shoreline of florida and here is the track, a new track at 11 00 am and with each track we get new information. Bottom line is if you live anywhere from south florida to the carolinas, midatlantic you need to pay close attention because if the storm comes a little more westward that could mean the difference between a category 3 hurricane and tropical storm. That is why with every advisory it is so important, cant stress enough listen to your local officials. If they tell you to evacuate you need to do so. This is a serious situation. Maria we will continue covering that. Now the latest on the investigation into the deadly train crash in new jersey, federal investigators recovering a recorder, heres cheryl with details. Cheryl investigators analyzing the second data recorder from the new Jersey Transit train, should contain speed and breaking information. Another recorder was not functioning the day of the crash that killed one person and injured 100 others in hoboken, new jersey last week. This is a headline, google imagining a world where your phone will make dinner reservations by voice command and your speakers give basic advice like how to play, the smart phone it hopes will compete with iphone has 649, a larger version 7 70, google says the battery can run 7 hours after 15 minutes of charging. The new wireless speaker will compete against amazons echo, a new Virtual Reality head set, there is googles closing value, 802. 79 was the final trade, moving into premarkets. Lets talk about target, hoping to bring millennial customers by opening smaller stars in College Towns across the us, wall street journal reporting some new stores will stock product like ironing boards, twin size sheets, the pingpong balls near the beer, no childrens toys or strollers will be anywhere in sight. The chief executive said they may open hundreds of these and it could be a huge part of future growth and try to compete with amazon. Back to you. Maria as is everybody but a fiery night in virginia as tim kane and mike pence went head to head, the most talked about moments in social media next. In the market for a new car . You should skip the dealership, surprising place where you can get new wheels, back in a minute. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacementâ„¢, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Is now open. 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There was a lot of standout quotes, there was a fair amount of Fact Checking, when tim kane said they supported Vladimir Putin and they did not that was a big moment as well and they got tim kane on saying israel supported the iran deal, there was a lot of Fact Checking on twitter last night. Dagen a lot of complaining about tim kane talking over mike pence, the talk over in general, lack of a moderator but tim kane, a lot of the people i follow are more conservative commentators but hillary supporters were like tim kane is not doing favors. Liberals came out, mike pence was more president ial and tim kane was overheated, hillary got him riled up, he thought he was going to win and back mike pence into a corner, he kept pivoting out when they brought the tax issue, he went to the Clinton Foundation, no trapping him so tim kane should have played it a little better. Maria the most retweet theed the post was from donald trump after the ebay, mike pence won big, we should be proud of mike. Does this mean a majority of twitter users agree with trump . This is the most what do you think . Trump messed up using twitter, he didnt do mike pence. This is where you dont but the twitter handle in. Could have gotten him another 40 or 50,000 followers but messed it up. God knows what is going on in that living room. Tim kane, 44 tweets, he actually is putting in the handle, he needs to help him out with twitter a little bit. Maria did he make a mistake starting of a suite with mike pence and only people following mike pence and donald trump see it. The most amazing thing about this debate from modern media is how available it is, it was streamed all over Facebook Live but the format is fundamentally broken. These candidates are not young guys that they have come of age in a time they have gotten so good at it they are better than tv personalities and need to go back, i was a captain of the debate team, a very structured format, these open formats dont work. Maria 54 of facebook conversation was for mike pence making 46 about tim kane. He older users on facebook compared to twitter. What do these suggest . I am not as comfortable with facebook numbers as i am with twitter number, twitter is not governed by the algorithm facebook is. It is hard to see that. Im not saying they have a bias to one party or the other but there is terminology or catchphrases where facebook and amp them up in the rankings in a way twitter doesnt do. Maria do we know who is following and reading tweets . Are undecided voters watching this . There is an element of the filter bubble. People who support these candidates are following them, unless you are a media professional or pundit you follow donald trump if you support donald trump so i agree with you but there is no doubt his social media base and what he has done to cultivate it on twitter is 30 higher than hillary has. This is a new paradigm shift in getting your news, that is the biggest take away from last nights debate. This will be a watershed moment in american elections because candidates communicate directly, Donald Trumps entire rise in the party was due to a twitter account. No fundraising no Television Commercials and the American Public was able to get this on every possible platform and at the same time there was less truth and more confusion and no ability to know what was going on, the Debate Commission has to rethink how they do this, last night was not a desk in the center of the room to calm these down. Dagen made it work. I would have smacked the desk and said stop sneaking. We will see you monday. Still to come mike pence and tim kanes war of words, stay with us. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, Creative Business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov sprint . Im hearing good things about the network. All the networks are great now. Were talking within a 1 difference in reliability of each other. And, sprint saves you 50 on most Current National carrier rates. Save money on your phone bill, invest it in your Small Business. Wouldnt you love more customers . 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Body language 1w5s,000 words one expert reads candidates shares three simple body language tips for the rest of us success in business that you can use Hurricane Matthew barrels toward United States this morning, massive evacuation already odded along east coast the latest on deadly storm path plus devastation after slaumg latei this morning Southwest Airlines, you want to pack your bags with fares as low as 49 bucks round trip a catch we will bring you that catch coming up costco known for bulk shopping to customers driving away with much more the store chain one of the best places to buy new wheels, yes lying cars at costco, fuse this morning look like this, we have seen nice rally in the last 30 minutes take a look where we stand. Weve got Dow Jones Industrial average up 20 points a lot of Economic Data on tap later this hour the september adp report, that is going to give us a window into what jobs numbers look like on friday. Then 10 a. M. We get the Service Sector report with ism report usually a mover. Concerns over on Monetary Policy on investors around the world europe declines across the board, snapping 6 day winning street ft 100 down a third of a percent at major averages in the eurozone asia markets closed for holiday this week, but other majors up fractionally kospi flat on session in korea, coming up joining me to talk about it fox Business Network Dagen Mcdowell recon capital chief Investment Officer Kevin Kelley Judy Miller active show. Great morning . Good morning. No one interrupted close to 39 times so far. Made worse moderator kaine trying to hit trump on all negatives all Opposition Research they have done on it she made it worse you are trying to stop them and change the subject, and move on to different things, some point, you know, lowester holt all criticism of him at least he let them fight it out beginning of the debate that first half hour. Also he was in charge, she clearly wasnt she was constantly looking down at notes, wasnt listening to what they were saying i dont think there is anything wrong with stopping and saying hey, both you guys, cut it out. I am in charge, when i point at you you can talk but when i tell you to shut it you doggone well shut it, i will shut it for you probably right get a lot of conversation this morning to talk about that, coming up, former German Federal minister of defense with us alabama senator Jeff Sessions with us multiamerican investor, Stuart Varney weighs in dont mays moment big hour this morning we kick it off right now with top story Vice President ial debate a proxy fight both defending top of tickets, blake burman has the latest. Good morning to you blake. Reporter hi maria, good morning to you, i interrupted you there, i didnt want to do that. It was an accident that was theme certainly last night, though, coming out of this no major gaffes that campaigns will have to account for in days but one interruption there after the next i believe it was kevin kelley just dropped that number of 39 and 19 the unofficial account by one of our producers, 39 interruptions last night by tim kaine, 19 by mike pence it was on and on consistently throughout the tonight we play one exaggerate here, as kaine tried to holed pence accountable for some of the comments that donald trump has made throughout his campaign, listen. When donald trump says waim should be punished, or mexicans are rapists killers. John mccain not a hero showing who he is. Senator, you you ripped out that mexican thing again, look, can you defend it. There are criminal aliens in this country, tim, who have come into this country illegally pepper at any rateing violence and taking owe against also said and many of them are good people, you keep leaving that out of your quote. Many clips throughout the morning it was like that, all nightlong, just backandforth between the two, while kaine tried to make pence of the for some comments, on the flip, the strategy from pence and the Trump Campaign, was to make tim kaine try to account for the policy positions, especially on Foreign Policy, that Hillary Clinton has made, and has uh talked about last four or eight years the from both spiedz trying to portray kaine unhinged clinton folks saying pens was looking past this election, and potentially keeping eye on 2020 maria. All right, thank you blake burman latest there joining us right now former jen defense minister economics ministers gutden bering good to see you. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me. I want to ask about europe an definitely Deutsche Bank first take on debate your reaction to last night. I came back from debate to london last night, and with that, a lot of expectation mood deteriorated rapidly first of all, moderator disaster some mildmannered the beginning then interrupting each other turning to culture of conversation, and then not too many enlightening moments but in nutshell i think pence won it, it is he seemed to be even from a european perspective president ial that was last thing i gather before i went to sleep. Middle of debate or after. The middle of the debate i felt it was early in the morning. So i mean, with regard to the to the International Discussion Foreign Policy did you get anything from either of them or just too much interruption annoying in terms of substance. They tried at the least we must not forget the Vice President is a coelement, to europe, other places the international stage, so the expectation from european perspective actually quite high to see what do these guys have to say honestly nonhas ever appeared on a stage to be recognized, internationally. ; senator kaine makes it on Foreign Affairs committee but not afying so far, so i think they did at least tried to russia,ed a veers a couple other things what they missed to do is to talk about the intertwining lines to sent a signal abroad say this might be the new administration, this might be our approach just apart from decisions if something happens in case of crisis. I am glad you brought it dagen hard to make those connections when you have people interrupting each other as i interrupt kevin, it is hard to tell that narrative when you have a moderator who isnt in control and two candidates one, in particular, who is interrupting. Were having slow Global Growth one of the biggest concerns especially internationally i am glad you brought that up seems banks looking for goounz from Federal Reserve getting clarity is there a focus on central bank in a fed rate hike in december acceptance not kirns a lot of governments abroad want to see lower currencies there stronger currency here. There has been for years, of course, one of the most significant signals central bank can send comes from over here, and the expectations are high, yes on the other hand we are dealing with very awkward situation, specifically in europe, where you have the less Interest Rates policy cb bank of england trying to juggle with brexit decision we might talk about that later on. Maria lets do that. These are the things that need to be put into place as well there is a lot of expectation that finally see a serve the term not just delay, delay, delay. We are going through purchasing managers indices in europe they are all below what a they were in august, the imf, yesterday, cut their Global Growth forecast, what is your take on the Economy Today . And i want to get your take on the Deutsche Bank element here, because a lot of people i mean, who who said recently that Deutsche Bank is the biggest risk to the global economy. Biggest Systemic Risk not only biggest risk. Imf said that. In terms of , back around the globe, so people in berlin are nervous in london are nervous frankfurt they look at a bank that is interrelated to so many other aspects globally, that the impact of going down drain enormous there is misperception a couple people talking about liquidity problem doesnt have a clit problem has an equity problem to become a globally player in the investment banking, didnt work out properly, so the the problem right now, is what is to do what kind of signal to send. And what actually could be expected toward Deutsche Bank we dont have a settlement yet regarding the fines from u. S. , it is, of course, there were some rumors might be less 5. 4 billion even if it. Sorry i do want to ask you kind of. Point out, that that discussion about the the u. S. Government sticking it to Deutsche Bank talk about 5. 4 billion, about it is still a lot and with respect to of the little reserve Deutsche Bank has for litigation, and purposes and other things, so then a couple unrevolved issues, russia might loom on horizon on Money Laundering issues that was not been settled other things a lot of uncertainty what should chancellor do stay silent didnt have last week said no bailout big selloff. Exactly. Lets just say would lap she did bring it up would it be bunds bank or ecb bunds bang ceded control on a lot of matters a point perfect tension especially with greece who would bail them out if there were to be one not saying there would be. First of all, hope that there wouldnt be any there would be the most damaging steps ahead of reelection next year a poll in germany is indirect tie to taxpayers money 80 against it she has to go extremely careful not to tamper with that topic too intensely if it comes to the next step i dont expect probably could be most tempting the most temperature tempting option. Maria great to see you. As much so much casey, there tune in for special coverage second president ial debate live 6 pm eastern on monday as we navigating what we heard the post debate analyze on mornings with maria coming up next Southwest Airlines giving you scomoo us to fly away for less than 50 dollars, there is a catch, we will tell you what it is next and forget car smell one Candle Company capturing scent of a brandnew iphone. Upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at vonage. Com business i just saved thousands on in less than a minute, i found out how much home i can afford. 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A good read threw, basically for friday you are seeing the the wall street journal came out said economists expecting 165,000 we may see that, that is actually below the average weve seen all yearlong when has been 182,000 last year, our pace was 229,000 jobs right at 4. 9 rate we paid one fed target jobs. 154,000 adp sept market minestroned Dow Jones Industrial average up 30 points, Hurricane Matthew setting sights on bahamas trail of destruction in haiti and cuba. Cheryl this category three storm is already responsible for at least 11 deaths, across the caribbean five of those happening in haiti. That number, expected to grow as hurricane makes its way towards the United States. The storm making landfall yesterday, in haiti when it hit haiti packed 145mileperhour winds pounding rain, matthew washed out key bridge in haiti left many roads underwater also say western tip of the island is in the dark this morning, so right now there is no word on deaths or injuries, that part of the island. There were no immediate reports of any serious damage in cuba, but guantanamo province taking a serious pounding right now, here in United States, empty shelves long gas station lines reported across the southeast as coastal communities prepare to flee Hurricane Matthew, South Carolina governor nike haley plans Evacuation Order to give one million residents on coast time to leave before the storm restrictives in Florida Governor rick scott urged families to prepare for direct hit landfall as mentioned last hour gather three days worth of supplies. Well, headlines this morning, as we ares airlines launching a blockbuster fare sale air carrier offering round trip fares below 100 bus on dozens of routes 49 dollars each day on some shortest routes that is increase the increase up to 129 dollars for the longer flights, still greet deal ends tomorrow 11 59 pm if you can get seats we should say in a that time for costco gm teaming up with gm for hollywood sales event costco going to offer 30 different gm cars until january 3rd, costco sold nearly 50,000 cars last year, go to costco buy a car and lovely dips for your holiday spread. For devoted apple fan a candle sneldz like brandnew mac take out of box a soy wamount ofx candle mint, peach basil sold out on web site 24 dollars sold sought in one day, the first day. You love your mac i guess. I think i am sticking to pineapple flavor. Too far to be like a mitch a. C. What happened to lavender. I will catch my hair on fire no candles i am so not a chicken chic no understand kasnooelz Vice President ial debate last night am alabama senator Jeff Sessions will weigh in what candidates had to say coming up next live that 140 characteristics cous c up to billions a bidding war goes on the company is up for sale, back in a minute. I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me with onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. It should be used along with diet and exercise. 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Maria welcome back a fiery Vice President ial debate two chdz headtohead on immigration listen. It really does begin with our us reforge donald trump has called for extreme vetting to people coming into this country so we dont bring people into United States who are hostile donald trump and i are committed, to suspending the syrian refugee program. Donald trump said keep them out of if muslim focus upon danger. Joining us alabama senator Jeff Sessions good to see you thanks very much for joining us. So much to talk about in terms of immigration you have been architect of the plans i want to ask you first your reaction how the candidates did in terms of talking about this subject, and also, what the moderators question was how to stop homegrown from happening in this country, whereas you have got maniacs inspired by isis first your reaction to last night. Well, i thought they had a pretty good discussion about it, although you know how these debates are you didnt really get to the depth of it you o would like to see i think one of the things we need to know fully if we have donald trump as president can end lawlessness at border this is very achievable best thing about it would be once the world knows the border is closed people will stop risking their lives to come to america, unlawfully creating the problems that we have today. With regard to islamic middle east earn terrorists immigration from terrorists areas of the globe we need to be very careful people do o not the constitutional right to demand entry into United States, and any rational common sense government will look at an area where we have terrorism coming from, be careful about who we admit there. And, finally, flow of immigration into america must serve National Interests protect americans from crime drugs and those kinds of things, and we really maria should be a lot like canada give a point system, you apply to come to canada, they ask at your education, more education, is more points, if you have technically skills more points, if you come to canada with money to invest, to create jobs you get more points, those that is the kind of thing we really need to Start Talking about, also. Maria are you able to communicate this message and have it resonate with the people, when you really have to walk a balance of talking about this extreme vetting from the most dangerous countries as a way to keep americans safe but, also, walk this balance of not having the u. S. Appear closed and that you are having this brush stroke you know attitude to all foreigners . Maria i am glad you asked that. Donald trump is firmly committed to immigration. He is not in favor of eliminating immigration, he plooefrz that it plays a role in our marketplace we certainly have Seasonal Workers that are critical to america, nobody not i or anyone else is talking about ending that. But we are at a point where the flow of labor particularly low Skilled Labor into america is pulling down wages creating problems that dont need to be created weve got to get serious about how we handle immigration, first and foremost the lawlessness must end, and then we need to focus on flow that advances our economy and our peoples safety, and job prospects. Senator kevin kelley i really appreciate your comments on the points system canada uses isnt one of the bikes talking points overlooked here what is happening in germany with refugee crisis we know if we open borders only takes one with terrorist to come in and we know that isis has declared that they want us to open borders will use refugee system immigration system to come into here do we have to look at germany to see that is the examine will what would happen here . Absolutely. Weve got to look at germany and all europe just common sense donald trump says we need to pause we need to slow down here figure out what is going on, and do it in a in a proper way. For example the refugee they have hidden number of crimes committed by refugees, my committee has found out there are a lot of them being committed, terrorists crimes committed by refugees, also, from 2012 to 2015, almost 90 of the middle eastern refugees are on food stamps. So we need to ask what is happening here. They dont count that in the cost they dont count medicaid in the cost they dont count hospitalization state and local costs imposed by refugee flows, from abroad, so we need to really evaluate that, and you can say or protect 12 people in the middle east from in a safe zone for cost of one coming to america, so we have to ask about the cost, too. And try to do what we can as a good nation, to protect people from danger, but that does not i mean that everybody in the world in a war torn country has the right to demand entry into United States. Maria yeah, at this point, is donald trump making that cas case . I think so. You know, uses bold strokes, he is a clear in his language, and that communicates to people, i think effectively we do need to know that he is listening to experts, he does know nuance here not trying to end all immigration, and he does only consistently say we need to try to help those displaced persons in syria, and other places, that we can help. Senator good to have you on Program Thanks so much. Thank you. Very good to see you scenario Jeff Sessions there it might have been the Vice President ial debate but donald trump had pays on the stage running mates defense of his tax returns. To tweet about twitter might find its in the middle of a bidding war how the social media giant is expected to fetch next. Didh good wednesday morning i am Maria Bartiromo wednesday october 5 your top stories 8 30 a. M. On the east coast, this morning, a fiery faceoff lastight mike pence tim kaine clashing first only Vice President ial debate last night in virginia, focused on a number of issues including taxes. When a guy running for president will not support the troops, not support veterans, not support teachers, that is really important. First and foremost donald trump sports our troops donald trump sports or i veterans. Maria he wont pay taxes. Donald trump paid all the taxes do you not take deductions . Senator honestly. Its is about our troops. I understand what you have to change the subject, i understand why you want to change the subject. Maria body language worth a thousand words three of simply powerful body language tips success in business we all can use coming up donald trump Hillary Clinton hitting the campaign trail again trump in nevada clinton fundraising in washington, d. C. , with four days until their next matchup, debate number two, sunday night, bracing for impact Mass Evacuations ordered in United States murky matthew loaves a trail of designate and strucks destruction tragedy toward east coast right now twitter intelligent giant will field bids this week according to the the wall street journal, the journal says sales fors ceo wants that company says twitter is unpolished july ahead we will drink to that, earnings out for Constellation Brands lead with Beverage Alcohol Company that includes corona stock to watch coming up, futures, looking good, we had is a complete reversal of ask fortunate had ad. P jobs number out Dow Jones Industrial average up 40 points opening of trading september adp reading 154,000 jobs created in month of september, that was below expectations, markets viewing that as no chance to fed raises rates in slow compromise i. Europe declines across the board, but here too the markets are off their worst levels of the morning, ft 100 down a third of a percent in asia overnight markets closed in china for holiday other majors mixed nikkei average in japan up one half of one percent, trumps taxes, making an appearance on debate stage last night, senator kaine calling trumps credibility into question going after his tax returns, governor penz came to running mates defense. His tax returns showed he wouldnt through very difficult time used the tax code the way it is supposed to be used did it brilliant. With regard to the taking taxes the rift about not paying taxes, people saying didnt pay redactions, donald trump has created tens of thousands of jobs, and he paid payroll taxes. Talk about that. Senator i am going to give you o he he stood onstage last week and when hillary said you have not been paying taxes he said that makes me smart, so it is smart not to pay for military, smart not to pay for veterans, it is smart not to pay for teachers, and i guess all of us who do pay for those things i guess we are stupid. Wait a minute, do you take all deductions that yoare entitled to . Joining me multimillionaire investor trump supporter thanks so much for joining us. I am delighted to be here, jackson hole to sear time with you good morning, everyone. To you. You are lucky one we see that background of jackson hole looks gorgeous right now first let me get your take from a business standpoint,you are a business guy, you know what moves the needle on economic growth, who had right story last night . Well i think it is quite disgusting to here senator kaine say because you dont pay taxes you are not supporting troops or teachers, that is just a classic left wing demagoguery, here is thousands millions of people dont pay taxes many of them are teachers and military guys going through tough financial times, so in the implication is that because the law says you can take a loss 18 years forward doesnt mean he took it 18 years forward he would have made enough next three, four years to use up tax loss he the left ability to distort things other distortion doesnt like yourio because parents are mexican no one appointed out the fact he is a member will have a raza san diego association, why he is not he just a member of san diego Lawyers Association la raza one time wants to reunite swier southwest with mexico why he wants to identify with that group people dont realize that curio obama appointed to gave a law firm, the right to prosecute the case with trump that law firm gave 2 7,000 dollars speaking fees, to bill and headline hill Alberto Gonzalez hispanic attorney general of United States said trump is very justified being concerned about a conflict of interest. Dagen as trump supporter so close to election why in citation would you bring up judge curio a problem created by trump for himself when it has been put to bed . Well, because it is an example of the s distortion that occurred last night, dagen if you look at the whole idea of of he hates mexicans okay, do we retrump said a lot of people are good people coming across the reason i bring it up point by point by point where they are just telling outright lies of what he said, he doesnt hate mexicans has 1100 people working for him hispanics in florida alone ,so just i just think if you look at all distortions the American People need to hear that they are distortions. I agree with distortions i do think strategy on the left is just to Say Something even if it is exactly what your problem is, like now calling payforplay, we know that is from the Clinton Foundation, but whatever it is then just get in line, then distort things that happens over and other again, but i think the point dagen is making is that trump should not constantly be on defense. Right . He foondz himself defending all this stuff rather than talking about his economic plan, by the way, sound like could move needle on economy lowering taxes rolling back regs. I think you you are probably right, but the fact that trump fights back, is why he has gotten as far as he can no republican before has fought back i love to see that. Why arent people bringing up the fact Hillary Clinton kwu imagine gets subpoenaed for emails destroys them what american o would not go to jail for that you look at nonentitlement a guy did same thing she did a smaller scale is fined 7500 dollars on probation two years clearance revoked he cant apply for another one there was a left wing reporter that just tore in donald trump, made every single thing that donald trump said that was not obnoxious, said how i am voting for him because we have to have a return of lay, because if clintons get in no idea what will happen if we dont have return of law. And i applaud donald trump for the fact he fights back sometimes strength of fighting back every strength has negative sometimes his fighting back comes across as clumsy, and message i spend a whole half day with donald trump, jr. , yesterday talking about messaging, and i dont think the republicans should talk about donald trump should talk about reducing the Corporate Income tax to 15 we at you to say take third hasty corporate rate in america 38 to 39 bring it in line with rest of the wod china, 20 , russia 25 , eurozone, 24 and one half percent if you suppress that way in line with rest of the world sells to the American People a lot better than allowing the leftist to say he just wants to reduce tax for rich people. You make a lot of good points. Do you not think that donald trump, is as a candidate for president from the republican party, should release his taxes, and every president has done for decades . Well, i dont think any president should have to reduce this is taxes, that is private information and if he violated the law that will come up and come up in audits if irs is clear that should not be anybodys business i would like for nobody to have to reveal that a lot of people dont run, because they maybe some cause they dont want to have revealed but if you look at the major theme that all of us had we have to get beyond what she did, and what he said, i read about benghazi all stuff if we get American People concentrate how would your life maria sit down a piece of paper each one lister how would your life be different under donald trump policies versus Hillary Clinton, School Choice she es it he is for it worker permits, he is for it she is against a it, you look at the whole idea they have a plan to defeat isis they have been in to our 8 years how do we have isis where it is if they have all good ideas defeat it look at the threat of global jihadism, School Choice you look at immigration policies if donald trump can bring a re yun ooitsdz economy where differences if a nasty comment about john mccain is that the lawlessness that bothers a lot of people, i mean is it not bother you judy, that if you are like fbi has been plitdz the state department is politicized, that you know she was able the Clinton Foundation people were able to destroy, about computers in you know, in exchange for immunity . Of course, it bothers me the double standard bothers me, but whenever you dig really deep so far we have not been able to find a single example of decision that Hillary Clinton made as secretary of state that was affected by those what about she did not she was not involved in that decision, in d dispositivestive way wasnt. She was secretary of state. That was not her decision. She did not she did not have there is no indication that she made any decision because of a contribution to the foundation the foundation. She was secretary of stated. The foundation that doesnt mean she absolutely determines policy, she was overruled again and again. Secretary of state. The president of the United States she was implementing that policy she disagreed in many will respects, often but privately, she was a good soldier you can talk to her about that, but she she is tougher than man she would be replacing. Good to see you. Thank you. Okay. Quick. I just okay. I just want to inject i was on cnn said about Charles Krauthammer said she sold the approved 20 of the iranian leases to sum guy donating do Clinton Foundation has not been vetted yet why everybody vetting did she benefit from donation of the Clinton Foundation in return approve the sale lets find out what the truth is. Thank you. Byebye. Byebye. Byebye. This woman owns this house, with new cabinets from this shop, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Maria welcome back, about 45 minutes away from opening bell for wednesday, markets looking good up 50 points on Dow Jones Industrial average referral this morning after adp number names watching twitter shares up big the wall street journal, is reporting the company is fielding take over bids this week, one of the top candidates, sales force says mark wants the brand and twitters trowill have ve of data constellation brazilian up new high better than expected revenue strong beer sales raving guidance, first Vice President ial debate between governor mike pence senator tim kaine may be remember most for numerous intrurpgs by exaggerates win over undecided voters Stuart Varney weighing . Do you shout at tv maria. Yes. So do i. [laughter] i was shouting up a storm last night i found tim kaine, about the most annoying politician i have seen in a long, long time. We counted i know you are laughing. Maria 39 we are counting too. It was 70 interruptions on part of tim kaine. That is what that is the fast news count i didnt do independently count not statistically valid may be 70 interruptions man was rude always always always in attack mode. Never pointing out what hillarys programs would be if she were the president of the United States i thought very unsatisfying, it wasnt a debate it was ill informed argument i felt pence won he looked president ial calm i think could give good pointers for donald trump come sunday night that is where i am coming from. See if he picking up pointers we you a agree talking about that this morning interruptions annoying. I was shouting. See you 12 minutes, Varney Company begins top of the hour 9 00 a. M. Mariner after mornings with maria join stu in 10 minutes a war of words in virginia Vice President ial the body language of Tim Kaine Mike pence spoke volumes what you can learn from candidates later this hour, stay with us. We ship everything you atcan imagine. N, and everything we ship has something in common. 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Call unitedhealthcare or go online now. Maria welcome back, governor mike pence senator tim kaine faced off only Vice President ial debate but body language might have revealed more than talking points, joining me right now, by popular, body language analyst tanya good to see you thank you very much so candidates hand shaky always anticipated moment, lets watch i want to get your reaction. [cheers and applause]. Interesting pence sort of walked into him shook his hand what did you make of that. You know kaine takes hand touches his arm, right pence needs to neutralize that does double handshake grabs with both hands at end a power struggling what does kaine do taps him on back kind of leads him, so the person who touches more is obviously, going to be okay. So that is his i am touching more i am more dominate in the position. That was by did he sign he wants to be the man. Kaines Opening Statement also very telling watch this. Hillary told me why she asked me to be her running mate said the test of a Clinton Administration will not be signing of a bill or passage of a bill it will be whether we can make somebodys life better. What do you think. Well you know when he is opening his statement one of the things we you noticed throughout entire debate eyebrow stays up extended periods, if you are watching eyebrow normally would be emphatic emphasis i mean this with all might but in his case it is consistent throughout the entire debate, so it is questionable why that eyebrow stays up so often because normally it means i feel good about what i am saying you also notice a chin during this point i feel good about what i am saying. I thought first question o moderator asked lets talk leadership most important thing for Vice President ial candidate could you step into the shoes kaine didnt answer that he basically used that whole time to tell us why he hillary so much. Did eflecting left and right. Kaine saying trump is the youre fired candidate. Do you want a youre hired president in Hillary Clinton or a youre fired president in donald trump i think not a hard choice. Let me say i appreciated your hired your fired thing, senator, you used that a whole lot. [laughter]. Pence trying to play cool what did body language. Pence did very well there, he held he looked he looked form mibl very. Verip president ial cape looked like losing it cape looked agitated may be a little too exuberant, pence had polished look came across very poll snooishd your hired versus your fired you know a scripted line. One point pence brought up like the reagan line there you go again, thinking really going back . You have ways to make anyone more successful in business, we want to talk about your tips body language what do we need to know in terms of getting ahead in business. One of the most important things is by contact, so when you are talking to somebody in professional world this is culturally based cult yourself feel strongly about eye contact one way or the other the best thing is to hold eye contact on your point look them eye nose triangle break to left or right dont break down if i am looking at you look down i submissive. I know that nobody trusts anybody doesnt look at ice. I am like what is going on. You dont want to hey, how are you what is going on, you want to make sure that you look and then you breakaway slightly, in this eye nose triangle make the person comfortable the other thing you want to do pif oft towards them shoes in rapport when you are standingings up talk fixing my legs go this way body torso this way delis a disconnect means i want to keep going. Why smile differently with memorabilia what is that about. Women smile more obama quite often when they smile like hillarys come across dipsymen smile more powerful i say hillary needs to smile less uses that as a mask, may be we need to see more smile from pence other than the looking down and cracking up. Thank you so much, thank you. We will be right back no smile in there. Across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, Creative Business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov for joining us. Have a great day, everybody we will see you tomorrow. Stuart start shouting at tv. Maria i will im sorry. Stuart the story pence won, kaine was annoying, lost control good morning, everyone. What stood out were governor tim capes endless aring interruptions talked over governor pence annoying in the extreme. And hardly pm kaines ticket to attack donald trump all nightlong clinton policies unmentioned, he was helped by moderator she did not reign in

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