Look at the implications of showdown and whether we will see another one on election day. On capitol Hill Janet Yellen on the hot seat, she faces the House Financial Services committee a week after Interest Rates are unchanged and likely get grilled on wells fargo deal as well. Hes losing out on 41 million. Amazon takes on the shipping industry now at after turning the retail word on its head. Ups and fedex on cross harris. We have details on amazons dominance. Anything can happen. We were looking at the negative in the morning and we ended up seeing moves. Up almost 1 . Ftse and the cac quarante also higher this morning n. Asia overnight, mixed action, nikkei average in japan hard hit. Other majors mixed. Elon musk going to mars. Vision to send people to the red planet in the next years. Will you be buying a ticket . Joining my to talk about it Fox Business Network Dagen Mcdowell and kevin kelly and tony with us this morning. Dagen good morning. Maria big day. Kevin awesome week so far and even a bigger day. Dagen i love we will talk about the New York Times is spinning Donald Trumps response to the debate. Maria oh, yeah. Dagen oh, yeah, setback provokes trump, golden moderator lashing out. Kevin Miss Universe keep in mind the New York Times endorsed Hillary Clinton as well. No shocker there. Maria thats typical. Coming up former reagan economic adviser, president and ceo of duke energy is here, ncaap and president cornell and Kevin Mccarthy and tray gowdey. Stay was. Breaking news overnight. The world is mourning the loss of shimon peres. Cheryl yeah, maria. Shimon peres has died, suffered a massive stroke and condition start today deteriorate according to israel. One of the israeli politicians that were present at the new United Nations birth, he earned the nobel peace prize. The clintons said to be taking time off the campaign trail to mourn the loss to what they say was a true and treasured friend. Netanyahu praising peres. Shimon devoted his life to our nation and pursuit of peace. He set his days on the future. He did so much to protect our people, he worked till his last days for peace and Better Future for all. Cheryl peres talked about how its okay to be different in the world. Listen to this. Democracy is not the right to be equal but equal right to be different. What america and president obama did great is to legalize the right to be different. Cheryl president obama is mourning the loss saying, quote, peres was guided by a vision of the Human Dignity and progress, that he knew people of good will could advance together. Again, shimon peres, one of israels leaders. Retired after a sevenyear term as president. He was Prime Minister, maria, three times. Again, Hillary Clinton take taking time off to mourn the loss to what she and bill clinton say was a true friend. Maria great leader. Condolences from us. Scott brown, senator, good to see you, thank you so much. Scott good morning, maria, to you and your viewers. One of my first foreign visits was to israel. Amazing time. I had an opportunity to not only meet the Prime Minister but the former president and he is the loved leader obviously in that country. Before the creation of israel and obviously there till the very end, respected not only by his peers but by allies and foes a like. Maria i loved when he came to the studio and joined us for opening bell. Hes incredibly loved and thats why we are seeing incredible showing today. Meanwhile senator donald Trump Campaigns in iowa today. Hillary clinton teaming up with Bernie Sanders following mondays most watched debate. 84million viewers tuned in, now we know the numbers. Trump and clinton commented on the debate. Listen to this, i want to get your reaction. Very big important moment talking about important subjects including jobs and immigration, you folks know more about immigration than anybody, immigration is such an important subject and our military and vets, taking care of our vets but it was an interesting evening certainly in big league, and definitely big league. Did anybody see that debate last night . [cheers and applause] oh, yes, one down two to go. Maria what was your reaction to the debate, senator . Scott i was there with fox and friends. I thought Hillary Clinton won by a hair and there were singles and doubles, no home runs by either candidates and no major mistake but to have donald trump in first real oneonone debate going up against a seasoned politician, with all due respect to Hillary Clinton, she shouldnt be waiving with a flag. Its going to be interested in two debates. Its a threegame playoff like i said to mark cuban. Dagen its Dagen Mcdowell. Will donald trump do the work is the question . Because it did look like he didnt prep enough, at least thats the appearance from the outside. Will he honker down and listen and follow direction . Scott boy, dagen, thats a great question. I will tell you easy questions, they were really easy questions and he should have had responses. I would have said, whoa, whoa, excuse me, we are talking about the Clinton Foundation and the intersection of money and politics with you in the last 30 years. Maria he didnt, senator. There were lots of opportunities. Scott he has to do it next time, maria. All the pundit class, political consultant class are not trying to maybe deliberately but essentially say that it was a clear win for Hillary Clinton. A lot of the polling after ward indicate a totally different story. Time hill, cbs. That being said, regardless of who you think won or lost, will it actually move polling numbers . I dont think it did but maybe tweak temporarily. This is what im observing. People like you and others, i have done debates, you have seen debates, sophisticated beltway kind of folks who watch it say, Hillary Clinton did a great job. When people are getting reengaged in politics and zeroing in right now, man he was talking to me, he was talking about vets and those are the voters that he needs to get. Maria its incredible that hes continue to go lead. Thats what i was saying yesterday. I felt like, yes, she came out the winner, but we didnt learn anything. It didnt change the vote. He was who we knew he would be and shes who we knew she would be. Kevin Bernie Sanders kept hitting on the wall street transcripts. I think the strongest thing donald trump said was that shes been doing this for 30 years and if she wanted to do the change then, why didnt she do it then. Im disappointed in donald trump, he didnt hitter on libya, there were so many opportunities that you see him do it at rallies and talks about it and doesnt hit home. Dagen that lit a fire under her and you see more of a real person. Shes energized and you saw that on the campaign trail. That works to her advantage because she struggles with who the heck is she in front of american people. She showed genuine and enthusiasm. Kevin he needs to start bringing things that shes part of the establishment and entitled and that didnt come across. Maria yesterday wilbur ross something interesting. Called her secretary, and we accomplished that. Thats what their strategy was. Scott i agree. Seven seven kevin sorry, senator, go ahead. Scott be president ial, act president ial but also show that had hes feisty and not be a pushover and to think that Hillary Clinton is exuberant about her performance, once again, she barely squeaked by. He wasnt asked a tough question. She wasnt pressed on the email scandal and benghazi, she wasnt pressed on crushing businesses. The edge to her and the next two debates are really critical. Maria did everybody see what howard dean said about donald trump . Dagen he accused donald trump of having a cocaine problem. Maria thats right. Look at the. Notice trump sniffling all of the time, coke user. Scott i have a comment about that. Howard dean is a jerk and to he will go down as the guy yelling and scheming after a big speech and no one really alleged that he was drunk or used drugs at that point. Have someone who is a physician and leader in the Democratic Party belittle and demean our nominee and allege his on drugs is inappropriate and he should be held accountable for that. Maria it was pretty low. Senator, good to see you, thank you so much. We will talk to you soon. Wells fargo phoney accounts taken ceo on bank account. The bank closed back 41 million from the ceo. Amid backlash over the banks practices, thats next. Back in a moment. This woman owns this house, with new cabinets from this shop, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Seconds can mean the difference between life and death. For partners in health, time is life. We have 18,000 people around the world. The microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and Work Together in real time to help those that need it. The ability to collaborate changes how we work. What we do together changes how we live. Upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at vonage. Com business maria welcome back, night of protests in the san diego suburb after police shot and killed a black man in a strip mall. Cheryl casone with the details. Cheryl yeah, maria. The police chief is defending the officer and the man was erratic and pulled something from officers and pointed at officers. Cell phone video from a witness and Police Officers acted correctly. They first try today subdue the male and they had to open fire. This happened yesterday. The chief did not say what the man was holding. Dozens of protestors gathered at the scene claiming the man had hands up and hands up dont shoot. This video seems to support polices claim that he was a threat. The National Guard is standing by to help flood victims in cedar rapids is the river that runs to iowa city, authorities evacuated 10,000 residents before the cedar river had a chance to flow over the banks. The second highers level ever. The city built a makeshift levy along the river, so far held strong. We will keep you posted on that. Janet yellen to testify before the house Services Committee this morning. Likely focusing on the feds decision, the oversight of banks but she could also face other questions on Monetary Policy and decision not to raise rates ahead of president ial election. Testifying before that same committee tomorrow, wells fargo ceo john stufferf, wells fargo announced its going to call back b 41 million from stumpf where customer accounts were breached and money went missing in some instances and bank under fire resulting in 2 million accounts opened without customers consent. Wells fargo is going to launch its own independent investigation. Maria all right, we will be watching that. Thank you, cheryl. Dagen 121 million roughly. Kevin ken and this is unvested stock so far. The only thing they can actually call back. Maria they have to do something. Real calls for john stumpfs head. We dont know. Coming up shares of Deutsche Bank this morning getting a boost. Some relief after sharp selloff, a bailout might be out of the question, however, what the german bank struggles could mean at banks here at home. We will take a look at Deutsche Bank issues. Your next move could be to mars. New plan to send humans to mars within just ten years. We will check out the viability of that. Youve watching mornings with maria. Back in a minute the pursuit of healthier. It begins from the second were born. Because, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. As a Health Services and Innovation Company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. So while the world keeps searching for healthier were here to make healthier happen. Maria welcome back, Deutsche Bank getting a break this morning. Stock is rebounding just a bit from alltime lows yesterday. Ceo saying in interview that the bank does not need Capital Increase or government assistance. Theres breaking news that we want to get to. Uncertainty over the bank remains risk for the Broader Market. Joining us fort portfolio manager. Thanks very having me, maria. Maria if they go down, theyve going to have to sell the portfolio and thats going to impact the Broader Market . Correct. The counterpart risk. If deutsche goes down, who is behind it. The same thing happened with lehman, we are in a pretty good market environment in alltime highs so the market might be able to absorb it better now than in 2008. Maria what do you think, kevin . Kevin people would start pulling assets away and thatll be systematic throughout and its not just a Deutsche Bank issue but the entire European Central issue. You name it, the minute that market locks up in the financing market and no Business Activity is happening. Youll see it come in through manufacturing numbers and investor confidence. It would be very bad. They have 2 trillion in assets. Maria breaking news. Dagen Deutsche Bank a few things going on acknowledging the severity and selling insurance life for 1. 2 billion, that will help boost Capital Position but by very little. There was a report from germany that the government was working on a contingency plan for Deutsche Bank as its selling assets and the German Finance Ministry has denied that report. Let me finish that the German Government is not working on rescue plan. Maria Angela Merkel said, we are not going to help no aid. Kevin they are trading 73 cents on the dollar that can convert to equity. Thats why Deutsche Bank is saying could be significant. It could come into play. Whats going to happen, how far are they going to push it like they did with lehman . Nobody thought it would be under. We dont know. We are going to have to watch and see what happens. Maria the capital issue is really the one. Do they have enough capital to deal with 14 billion that the owe the department of justice, for example . Its hard to tell with reporting quarterly its hard to tell transparency. Dagen not much money. Following the brown sales as well. Kevin is that where people should position . One of the interesting things about european is they have low equity exposure. The average has 20 equity exposure whereas here in the u. S. So more assets should flock the u. S. We are near alltime high. Its just a matter of how the market absorbs it. Maria real quick, 3. 6, how are you allocating that money . At or near alltime highs. The s p is still underneath the highs. But the speculation is there, its just a matter of getting the s p with the nasdaq and we could be off to the races. Maria does the election affect markets . You saw markets drop up and down, like the mexican peso. They change from time to time, thats how markets move and trends follow and people make investment for whatever the market could do. Maria if trump wins, what does the move and if Hillary Clinton the market do . Its a tough call. Maria youre here. Dagen you saw in the debate, looked like hillary was winning and the betting markets gave her a 4point additional edge to win. The market wants Hillary Clinton to win and with the peso, that said, the market also thought the fed was going to hike and they didnt. Kevin people say the market is going to go down because of Donald Trumps uncertainty in policies. They know Hillary Clinton is a crony capitalist and will continue policies of last administration and thats just the fact of the matter. Maria at some point the 15 Corporate Tax has to be positive. Dagen higher taxes will be negative. [laughter] kevin that will bring flow of money back. Maria good to see you. Coming back a brawl and the fight for swing states and in the aftermath of debate. More coming up. Stay with us. At old dominion, e see freight. As a combination of products and customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Maria good wednesday morning, everybody, im maria bartiromo, it is wednesday september 28th. Top stories right now 6 30 a. M. On the east coast. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton focusing on key swing states this week as they used performances on first debate to rally up support. I got a chance to say a few things about what i want to do if im so fortunate enough to be electled as your president. You have this oldfashion idea that if im asking for your vote i should tell you what i want to do. Her only experience has been a failure. Look at everything she has touched has been failure, one failure after another after another. She bragged about how she traveled all over the world and you know where it got us, nothing. Maria latest on the race for the white house, pardon me. Dubais airport grounds flights over drone, yeah, we have to tell you the details on this one coming up. Wild fire in Northern California grows at a fast pace. More residents evacuated. Blaze is threatening hundreds of structures now. We will bring you there. The government at risk of a shutdown over funding for flint, michigan, lawmakers are looking for a compromise, these before the federal government runs out of money. Amazon looks to take on fedex and ups now. Thats next in the companys cross hairs, the Online Retail giant moving into shipping. Futures this morning pulling back after pretty good rally yesterday. Its really a flat situation. This may very well change. Right now the dow industrial to open 6 points. In Europe Markets higher across the board. Run of the reasons is Deutsche Bank is rebounding after a tough couple of weeks. Dax in germany up 1 as Deutsche Bank leave the financial doubt. Nikkei average in japan better than 1 . The others fractionally moving. E listen musk going to mars. Entrepreneur laying out position to send people to mars. Will you be buying a ticket . Coming up. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton pushing hard in swing states. The candidates are neck and neck in pennsylvania and colorado. Democratic strategist tom with us. Good to see you. Both candidates hitting the trail today. Trump will be in iowa, clinton in New Hampshire. What do you see as really striking you, is the campaign in battleground states really crucial now as we its more crucial to its more crucial to donald than it is to hillary. The reason is that the democrat goes into this election with 242 lek treal vote electoral votes. Maria hillary goes with 242. She needs 270. There are battleground states, florida, North Carolina, colorado, New Hampshire, iowa and nevada. She has to get shes doing pretty well on pennsylvania thats not on the list. Maria theyre close in pennsylvania. Im telling you maria fine. I think shes going to win. So donald has to get mr. Trump, donald has to get he has to get these of six to seven states because of the deficit he has going in. So hillary needs is going to need pennsylvania about 10, 12 electoral votes and so she can get it from colorado and New Hampshire or nevada or florida or just florida and she wins. So, yes, they are very important and theyre very significant and its a big struggle and shes going to give her all in every state and let me also tell you that the other advantage that she has other than the advantage is the groundgame advantage. Thats a Pretty Simple concept. Maria tony, can he do it . I think toms structural premise is right. Generically every democrat goes with mathematical advantage. I would argue this is probably the one Election Year which conventional wisdom is being turned on its head. Donald trump this week pulled ahead in some key battleground states including the one we talk about the most, ohio. Looks the same way in florida, North Carolina, nevada. Hes now dagen in nevada now hes hitting the northeast, traditionally not very good terrain and whats troublesome for hillary is this campaign is moving to the state that is you dont have on the list because theyre not competitive but they are now. Pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. All within 3 points, i agree with the generic argument, i think its really getting changed with the dynamic created by Donald Trumps candidacy. Dagen on a state by state basis, how much would a debate performance impact that . Is it more about their presence and presence of surrogates and the presence of the grassroots operatives in the state versus a televised performance like that . You see democrats now conceding that the first debate performance even if they think Hillary Clinton won might not actually move numbers on the ground. He specifically mentioned pennsylvania, michigan, hes talking to that bluecollar worker who feels completely left out of this economy, who thinks trade deals have been working against their interest and if you see some of the aknock dotal focus groups, those are the people responding most. Dagen i talk today a major democrat and the reaction after the debate is Hillary Clinton talks down to us. That was the reaction. Its just that was their demeanor. Theres only one of me here and let me respond by saying, that its cristalball gazing as to what is going to happen and with respect to the argument about the points that hillary got out of the debate, remember what we are looking for here. She needs a solid 2 to 3 points which will come from her people or our people and people who are leaning towards her and then she wins. Shes never going to convince trump people. So i believe that whatever you say about what some democrats say to you which i credit that its our people, two or three points and she wins. Kevin i think an important question too is in the battleground states how does a thirdparty play a role, whether its jill stein, gary johnson because you see a lot of millennials not coming over . Do you think they will have impact in a florida . We dont need all, we just need 7 to 10 points. There are problems and problems going on in garys campaign. You may have heard things that i heard. Maria what are you hearing . Dagen the fact that she wasnt on the debate stage which we asked him is going to hurt him. A difference in opinion in the ticket. The fact that shes outspent [laughter] we would like you to stay. The fact that shes outspent him 8 to 1 and either tieing her or leading her, number one. Number two, enthusiasm. You had her in North Carolina with 1500 people, you had him in florida with about 10,000 people with another 6,000 waiting outside. How much does the spending and the enthusiasm concern you . His numbers based upon spending are astonishing is the word and the reason is that the people who support him are not substantive, they dont really care about debate points. Maria youre saying theyre deplorable . Dagen somebody not substantive i didnt finish the statement. [laughter] the statement is there is one element of substance that is the primary element and that is up the system. Donald trump does not represent change, he is the change. And thats thats a literal fact and thats what they want and there are a lot of them and thats what this election about. Maria shouldnt they want that . They havent seen incomes move. They feel like they havent had a shot. The economy is at a crawl. Shouldnt agencies and governments are politicized. Dagen when she says shes going to be a champion of Small Business, i about fell over. She is the ruling Political Class and they have done jackall for Small Business. Dagen, theyre all out of knee slapping and head slapping moments, and that might be one of them but the greatest one of the debate is i have a great temperament. I think its a question of what you see as oppose today whats said. You cannot talk about your character, its what people observe. So i think there have been kneeslappers on both sides. These campaigns have not been the greatest not been boring. Not the greatest in the world and the candidates are flawed in large measure, but in the end the choice is going to be about whether you want a trump type or you want a hillary type. That i think at this point after this debate which was pretty substantial. Maria not substantial in terms of content. What did we learn . How important is the Vice President ial debate . Not very. The answer is by comparison not very. Dagen no, no, its going to be exciting. [laughter] dagen its going to be exciting, kevin. Have you ever seen anybody buttoned up than mr. Pence . I mean, seriously. Maria i cant get this out of my mind. Believe me. I cant get the believe me out of my mind from the convention from kaine. Kevin maybe we will have real answers. Pence certainly is. Maria good to see you. The enemy arrives. [laughter] maria the clock ticking to include fund to go help Flint Residents deal with leadpoison water. Inside of elon musks plan to send people to mars in the next decade. Back in a minute i had so many thoughts once i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot. What about my wife. What were building together. And could this happen again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . I spoke to my doctor and she told me about eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. But eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Knowing eliquis had both. Turned around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless you doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if its right for you. Maria welcome back. Lets check futures. We had a pretty good rally yesterday. Mixed market this is morning. We are looking at fractional moves right now. A couple of names we are watching on the move shares of nike, the company reporting better than expected earnings. Results by sales in Olympic Games in rio. Investors are concerned over slowing demand for the brand. Futures orders missed expectations and as a result the stock is going to be down today as you will see there. Watching microsoft. Bloomberg reporting that theyre planning to drop by vladimir putin. A drone causing major flight delays at one of the world east most busiest airports. Cheryl Dubai International airport closed for about half an hour after drone flew in air space. Its not the first time that drones have delayed flights in that airport. Back in june similar incident caused airport to close for an hour. Part of an effort to headoff a Government Shutdown this week. This agreement worked out between Speaker Paul Ryan and nancy pelosi. The house is going to vote today an annual amendment to provide 170 million in emergency se leaf towards flint toxic water problems which continue. Lets head out west. Wild fire destroying four homes in california, flames damaging ten others, the fire starting in gas area near highway 101 yesterday. Cause of fire under investigation. Finally this, maria, elon musk isnt kidding about sending you to mars, in fact, he says he can do it in the next decade. Listen. [inaudible] cheryl taking mars seriously. It would be able to carry up to 200 customers. 10billion, obviously the tickets wont be cheap. They will go for about 200,000, maria. Let me add this fun factoid, longterm goal to build civilization of a million people. I will be cheering for you from earth. Maria youre not going to go . Cheryl oh, god, no. Im sure a lot of people are going to wanting to if they can afford it. Maria amazon looking to expand. Plans to take on ups and fedex now, the big business of amazon is next. Im jamie foxx for verizon. In the nations largest independent study by rootmetrics, again, verizon is the number one network. Hi, im jamie foxx for sprint. And im jamie foxx for tmobile. both and were just as good. Really . Only verizon was ranked number one nationally in data, reliability, text and call and speed. Yeah. And youre gonna fist pump to that . Get out of my sight. announcer vo unlimited isnt a good deal if its on a cutrate network. Switch now and get our best deal. 20 gigs and four lines for only 160. All on americas best network. Maria this stock will not quit. Amazon hitting another lifetime high yesterday finishing with 19th record close of the year. This is the wall street journal reports, the company is laying the ground work for its own shipping business to compete with ups and fedex. Joining right now Consultant Firm liz don. Good to see you. Thank you so much for joining us. First it was retail and then movie companies, theyve got their own content and now the shippers. Yeah, its a really impressive move and one thats important to them. Obviously shipping costs have been on the rise for them but theyre really banking on reliability, reliability is a core part of their offer and so they need to be there for their customers and be able to deliver quickly and efficiently and so i think its an important move. Maria a friend of mine had an ugly sweater contest, really, during christmas and all the people in the office had to buy from amazon, the sweater was there within 3 hours. Dagen exactly. Thats realtime delivery. Essentially whats the fallout for their businesses. According to wall street journal article its saying that it could be a billion dollars more for ups. I think its twofold. The direct revenue but also the fact that they can bundle a lot of those deliveries from amazon with other things that theyre delivering. Its could be a massive impact for businesses. Does this eventually go out to marketplace and actually directly compete for other customers . It looks like theyre aiming to offer it to other potential retailers and i think thats an important an important think. Retailers are looking for another solution and every retailer thats online is suffering with delivery costs. If they have cracked the code and offer to retailers, thats a good way to introduce itself into the conversation and with some retailers that they havent been worked with. Kevin i think one of the things people should take away is theyre not going to displace ups and fedex, this is their core competency specially with the supplychain management. Amazon is pick to go choose where it has Delivery System because its very expensive. They have contracts not only with ups and fedex but also the u. S. Postal service. This has to do with contract negotiations. To amazon getting back, when i go on amazon, a lot of times im not buying from their warehouse, im buying direct from the retailer. Right, you know, that is a Great Service for some retailers but are just looking to capture, you know, all of those amazon eyeballs, if i can feature my product on amazon, you know, it might be better than going through a whole sail relationship and might be more advantageous if i can pay fulfillment charges. So, in some ways, businesses that that theyre setting up are supportive of smaller retailers and smaller brands. Where are they in the whole drone Delivery System that we keep hearing so much about . You know, i dont know too much about the drones. Im terrified of the idea. One just shut down an airport. I saw that. I think theyre being eated and theyre very sophisticated. So youre right, i dont think thairl going theyre going to completely back away from ups and fedex but will look for creative alternatives to reach customers. Maria from a trading perspective, valuation, does it ever become a problem since we have reached alltime high . Kevin they could cut costs and become like apple, they continue to reinvest, i would rather invest in a company thats renewing over and over, here we are talking about retailer. Number one Cloud Computing company thats growing and growing and growing. Maria thats a good point. Virtually every business. Liz, good to see you, thank you so much for soining. This handshake can mean just as much as the war of words. We are taking a look at body language back in a moment with mornings with maria. Youre not a cook, if you dont cook. Youre not a firefighter, if you dont fight fires. Or a coach, if you dont coach. And you cant be our leader, if you dont lead. Our next president needs to take action on Social Security, or future generations could lose up to 10,000 a year. Were working hard, what about you . Hey candidates, do your jobs. Keep Social Security strong. 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Maria i am maria bartiroma. The nominee is back, Hillary Clinton and donald trump, bill clinton is focused on trump and his tax returns. I think there is a strong probability he hasnt paid federal taxes a lot of years. If not paying taxes makes him smart what does that make all the rest of us . Maria Hillary Clinton will be taking a break from the campaign trail traveling to israel for the funeral of shimon peres. The former president and Prime Minister died after suffering a stroke. He was 93 years old. Federal reserve chairman janet yellen on the hot seat, one week after the central bank decides to take Interest Rates unchanged. Where was the oversight . Yahoo facing the scrutiny of congress, senators demanding are answers over the Company Security breach affecting 500 million customer accounts. Why it happened two years after it happened. Tyson is recalling 100,000 pounds of Chicken Nuggets. Details coming up. Huber makes a push for food delivery, find out where the service is headed next. A deal clear the hurdle for 100 billion mega merger approved by shareholders. In bed of shares rising on the news this morning, markets flat this morning, futures up 11 points, s p 500 where it endeded yesterday. A broody good rally yesterday and the day started negative. We have seen a reversal, perhaps looking at a higher open for broader averages, markets are higher across the board. The dax index in germany up 1 and Deutsche Bank shares rebound after a tough couple months. In asia mixed performances of the nikkei average down one and 1 3 . All those stories coming up, joining me to talk about it is dagan mcdowell. Kevin kelly and republican strategist, great to see you guys. Focus on the battleground state. That will move this election one way or another. What you see happening is the stubborn move, people still analyze the selection, traditional and classic election. It is not, beginning to see that pan out. What is an actual battleground state, maine is the battleground state and that is not something that happened since the 1980s, donald trump is within a deck of pennsylvania, she loses pennsylvania she is in big trouble and dont forget this is the point campaigns make all along, rustbelt, realignment of those states, michigan, the Ohio Republican party. Cavuto we have a great show. Join us, the president and ceo of duke energy, Cornell Williams broke the naacp president and ceo, Kevin Mccarthy with us today, South Carolina congressman, the House Judiciary Committee member trey gowdy stopping by, Hillary Clinton and joe biden slamming trump over his taxes yesterday. Watch. When i confronted him with the reasons he wont release his tax returns and i got to the point i said maybe he paid 0, he said that makes him smart. He acknowledged he didnt pay taxes because he said because he is smart. What in the hell is he talking about. Maria joining me is art laffer, good to see you. Thanks for joining us. Is this legitimate from the Clinton Campaign that donald trump does not pay taxes . Of course not. The point is very simply can you imagine how large his tax returns are, how many schedules he had, filed in different states, different partnership deals, i would bet those tax returns fill and auditorium room in all the different countries, he hasnt even seen his own tax returns i would guess, i havent seen mine. You have professional tax return people do it and what i think donald trump should do is just have the people who do the tax returns for him say these tax returns are legitimate and follow the law in the us, end of story. Maria is he hurting himself by not releasing tax returns . What is he hiding . He is not hiding anything. This is all done legally and correctly. He said he knows how to do this, they are loopholes and he knows how to close down all those holes. I one to know what he will do in the future, not what he did 5 years ago in his tax return. And you are hitting the nail on the flock. He needs as he continues with tax returns, and wall street speeches, and a great policy, and it is at 10 . We going to benefit, donald trump doesnt need to tell them what to do to get jobs. You dont need some Government Entity to tell them that, they know how to do jobs. Maria the point is he is not communicating, and explain why a Corporate Tax rate. And he needs to connect those dots, not everybody understands this stuff the way he did. When you pull that clinton, that is the way we one to look at this. The Trump Campaign takes a lot of time and spend a lot of effort talking about other issues other than taxes, growth and jobs output. They focus on it nonstop like reagan did. Dagen have you talked has he talked to anybody in the Trump Campaign since the debate . Talked to donald trump . Are they listening to you . Steve moore and larry kudlow, dont think they ever listened. Maria they had a big fundraiser, they raised 18 million yesterday alone. Dagen in again his surrogate and his advisers makes so much sense but is he going to take the advice . This is where you use James Carvilles phrase it is the economy, stupid. That of all people care about,. Com output, employment, not what i you where or what you say. You knew all the time 15 Corporate Tax would do enormous good repealing obamacare. How fantastic is that and then you get rid of those executive orders that pile regulation on regulation and cut personal tax rates and sit back and the economy will cure itself. It will happen. Two think Hillary Clinton said, her husbands economic policy, clintons 90s policy in regulating wall street and cutting Capital Gains, bring free trade agreement, did she almost confiscate her own modernday more socialist liberal economic policy, number 2, called a trumped up trickledown, your theory is getting a bad rap. It has gotten a bad rap. I supported bill clinton more than twice. I felt bill clinton was a great president , he cut Government Spending dramatically, ran surpluses in the budget, cut all sorts of taxes, got rid of the retirement test, the biggest Capital Gains tax, put in welfare reform. What more does the supplyside economist want than that, he did that, was wonderful, hillary is the opposite. Maria his message is straightforward, lower taxes, rollback regulation, a very specific and straightforward message. Her message is more cloudy. We dont know her economic plan. We know she wants to raise the estate tax, she talks about infrastructure but it is not as simple. She is saying his message is straightforward, take him off message and that is what she is doing. That is why he has to stay on message. James carville would never let bill clinton get off message, it is the economy. Bill clinton won because George Herbert walker bush raised taxes. That is what happened. Maria she came back after telling us about her pneumonia, she came back after being on the trail for three days, relive the birth or issue, taking him off message at the debate the other night. Lets talk about his father, talk about the birther issue. We didnt hear a lot about the message. Hillary doesnt do her own message, she wants to raise taxes and give people with too many freebies even more freebies and it will destroy the economy. That is her message. That is it. Growth versus redistribution. That is the total maria you know what papers are writing about today . The New York Times, big spread in the new york post, Miss Universe from 20 years ago, Miss Universe, i will be blunt, she won a beauty pageant that didnt involve a ton of competition and gained some weight, donald trump owned the pageant and made an issue out of it and that is what we care about, that is what we care about, that is ridiculous. Maria keeps falling for the bait at every turn instead of sticking to the message that would move the needle. You are right on that, do the voters take the bait as well . I dont think they do. I think trump wins in a landslide, voter turnout in the primary republicans versus democrats shows clely publans e rely tivad. Ifou lk wh hapned ste, lal a fedal wervel e reblics ha takecontl ogoveors, statlegiatur theousend thsenate, we have one left to take over and we will do that this november. What does donald trump do in day one to fix this economy . I hope he hires steve moore to run his economics and get out of the way, go back and play golf. Dagen is that going to be that is it. I hope so. And people dont need it anymore. When a couple is unemployed, husband and wife, you are very serious, cool lunch programs, it is a luxury. Maria no one is saying anything about the entitlement, we know where that is where the money is. No, i am not, not yet. E a boom ty going on, medicare. Going i would make sure you have Social Security for people who need it but once you hit a boom, prosperity, you dont need this welfare, you can bring it down very quickly and that is when you cut Government Spending when you dont need it. Maria we will leave it there, good to see you, thank you so much, great conversation, coming up the debate over stop and frisk, why former new york mayor Rudy Giuliani says donald trump is out an apology over that issue. Check your freezer. A new recall affecting over 100,000 pounds of Chicken Nuggets. Back in a minute. Maria the senate about to enact a president ial veto. Dagen they are expected to override president obamas veto of a bill that would allow the families of 9 11 victims to sue saudi arabia. Critic of the measure say they are looking at how it can be scaled back it becomes rob. Nancy pelosi plans to vote to override the president s veto. Family should have their day in court. There is concern the president expressed a very legitimate, families we address concerns in the legislation. Dagen the vote in the house can come tomorrow. The administration it believes the bill would make the us vulnerable to retaliatory lawsuits that could put american troops in legal jeopardy. Fbi director james comey telling lawmakers the agency will review alleged new york bomber ahmad khan rahami, reports that was known to the fbi for two years, comey saying intelligence Law Enforcement agencies are concerned a surge of violent extremists will move from isis control areas in syria and iraq into western nations to commit terrorist attacks. Finally this to tell you about. Tyson foods voluntarily recalling more than 130,000 pounds of Chicken Nuggets after the Company Received reports that plastic was found in some of the nuggets. Tyson said the fully cooked Chicken Nuggets were sold at Costco Stores nationwide, no injuries have been reported. Maria from solar to coal, energy a hot topic in the race to the white house. Coming up ahead of election day. How uber plans to cash in on the gift card craze this holiday season, back in a minute. Maria duke energy agreed to pay a 6 million fine for us bill from a power plant that could at the river on the North Carolina virginia border as the country of largest Power Holding companies in the process of acquiring piedmont natural gas, 6. 7 billion, lynn goods chairman and ceo of duke energy. Thanks. The piedmont deal is a big deal, when do you expect that to close. Anticipating closing by the end of the year earlier than that. The move to natural gas infrastructure, we are excited about being to the finish line. Maria investing in natural gas, why is that where you see growth at duke . Natural gas is an important part of delivering energy, producing power and solutions for customers, we see power generation, gas generation, and piedmont, important solutions. Maria we talk about energy space. He wants to tap into energy resources, is there growth in america. It powers the economy, energy has to be front and center. And energy will always be part of the conversation. And we will continue to lead and grow our infrastructure. Maria cant talk about energy and what is happening in the industry, a whole host of new regulations with the epa. Can you characterize that part of the business and whether or not the new Regulatory Framework impeded growth. Regulations are something to deal with, and our industry in particular regulating at federal and state level it is part of our decisionmaking process. We tried to challenge and look at these regulations and say how we position our company to be successful in that environment. Maria can you do that . Regulations coming at you that way . We work hard every day to do that but we have been decolonizing as an example, 28 in carbon over the last we 10 years and we will continue to look for investments. Maria duke headquartered in charlotte, violent protests last week, you told employees to stay home, you were in charlotte, give us a sense what that was like, the shooting, what that did on the ground . It has been a challenging time, really heartbreaking, this is not what anyone wanted in charlotte. Talk to people in the city, everyone looking for ways to move following the trust of the community. My focus is on their safety, we made a decision on thursday that working at home was a good decision, very dynamic situation. We were back at work on friday, over the weekend monday and tuesday so we are in that process. Maria it was a smart decision to keep people at home because we saw what was going on in the street. But that is emotional for so many of you who work there. I have been in charlotte for ten years in the city we love, the duke has been part of for 100 years so we want to be part of working with Community Leaders to rebuild the trust that is important for any city, charlotte included. Ithao often. Congratulations on fortune magazine, you have been every year one of the most powerful women in business and the world, what advice can you give other women in terms of climbing the corporate ladder, in terms of dealing in a mans world . Find something you want to do, but you are passionate about, it is an honor to be part of duke energy surrounded by great business and something that matters, energy is important to our community. If you can find that, that is a good platform. Maria i tell people work hard but find something you love so you can get up in the morning and love it and work are doing it but got to be tough. Women working in the oil industry. Of course. A lot of men, diversity is important for many, women, minorities find a diverse workforce, that is the community we serve and i think there are opportunities in energy for women. Find a way to make it work. Maria do you think the energy space represents job creators . This is one space you see highpaying jobs a lot of jobs we talk about relating to energy, they werent higher salary . I am proud of what the industry has produced, i look at the opportunities, alignment, for people to work, engineers, finance, one of the largest employers in our area, an opportunity to create a career which is a rare thing. Doing quite well as oil prices have plummeted. Is that an area, growth to the economy. The production of natural gas has been a game changer, low cost resource in a period we are trying to do, and natural gas is a carbon source of generation and a great opportunity to put that resource to work to the benefit of our economy. Maria piedmont closes by your end . Hopefully sooner. Maria Rudy Giuliani doubling down for stop and frisk, to call the practice unconstitutional. Regulators demand answers, and accounts were compromised. At old dominion, we see freight. As a combination of products and customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. For the best deals on electronics, travel, even shoes. So why not loans . Visit lendingtree. Com today and get up to five free loan offers from competing lenders in under two minutes. 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I explained a policy like stop and frisk in chicago where it is going crazy could save thousands of lives just like it saved thousands of lives in new york city under mayor Rudy Giuliani. Teachings we have to do this together and live together. Hillary believes it is possible to say black lives matter and so do police lives. Maria the naacp lays out a plan calling on candidates including donald trump and Hillary Clinton to pledge to remove funding for Law Enforcement agencies that engage in discrimination. Yahoo under fire over a Security Breach lawmakers looking for answers and why it took two years to disclose 500 million accounts were hacked. Huber make the push into food delivery. Find where the Ride Hailing Service is headed and futures near the flatline, we expect a higher open from broader averages, things have diverged for the stock market. Dow industrials extending the rally. Europe to bank trading higher, a rebound after a tough couple months, helping the dax index better than 1 as is the cac quarante in paris, mixed performance kemeny k average in japan 11 3 , shanghai china down one third of 1 . Rudy giuliani is defending the use of stop and frisk. He says the policy helps reduce crime by 85 and donald trump was right at the debate from lester holt for interfering. Whether or not in a place like chicago you do stop and frisk which worked well, worked well in new york, brought the crime rate way down. It was found unconstitutional, it did not do what it needed to do. The africanamerican the Community Within the inner cities has been so badly treated, they have been abused and used by democrat politicians maria lets bring in naacp president Cornell Williams brooks and homicide detective criminal defense attorney and Fox News Contributor ted williams. Thanks for joining us. Lets look at the stop and frisk situation. Stop and frisk is a morally wrong hearted matter of public policy, wrongheaded policy, what we found in new york city was the policy stop and frisk resulted in thousands, 5 million stops, 90 of innocent people being detained and dehumanized, 80 of those individuals, africanamerican and latino. And in new york city, this was a policy that not only unconstitutional, discriminatory but was ineffective, smarter, more strategic ways of bringing down crime, then criminalizing a group of civilians who are innocent. Maria that could not be any more different than what we are reading in the journal in an oped from Rudy Giuliani, he is saying the opposite, that we know there is evidence that it took crime numbers down in new york. Cornell is not wrong the was found the stop and frisk in new york to affect the disproportionate amount of society meaning black and latino but let me say from the onset stop and frisk is constitutional. There is a case, carrie versus the state of ohio, Supreme Court decision that makes it constitutional. What happened in new york was it went before a Us District Court judge who found it to be unconstitutional meaning stop and frisk but what then transpired is it went up to the Second Circuit court of appeals and the Second Circuit reversed and the Us District Court judge and removed her from the case, bill diblasio came in and he has suspended that program. Maria another officer involved shooting, police in a san diego suburb shot and killed a black man who they say was acting erratically, pulled an object in his pocket and pointed did it it at the officer, on this video, it he is right in front of the police officer. Dont know about the shooting stands, it his days after the protest in charlotte and tulsa, oklahoma. I bring this up because it is in the news but the naacp is asking candidates running for office to sign this new pledge in the wake of officer involved shootings. Tell us about it. The naacp added all president ial candidates should take a pledge to protect our lives in which we call upon president ial candidates, local and state elected, within the first 100 days of assuming office, call upon the Police Departments to collect data, to change this policy, to defund those Police Department that engage in a pattern and practice of discrimination. When a young black man is 21 times more likely to use lose their lives to the police than their white counterparts, when an unarmed black man is 7 times more likely to lose his life at the hands of police, we have a crisis in america, and ineffective, and unconstitutional. Stopping and risking racial groups is unconstitutional and discriminatory and ineffective. Maria you dont see it that way. Be change i think if you notice there is a Justice Department Civil Rights Division that will go into ferguson and elsewhere and if they find there are abuses that they can in fact act in the venues, a Police Accountability board, police and community, we have to find a way to get these two to Work Together, you need Law Enforcement but you need citizens to trust the police and that is happening out here when you look at killers like the look on mcdonald case where this guy was walking down the street and shot and killed. I want to go back to stop and frisk, there is a word, stop questioning and frisk and that was enforced 20 years where i lived, lived a couple years ago in college and in that 20 years we had two mayors, bipartisan, four Police Commissioners all keep this policy, making new york the safest big city in america, and made safer, the most highly vulnerable neighborhood in the city to crime, and africanamerican communities made safer by stop and frisk, how could you deny at the very least when the front page of the New York Times just yesterday said we have murder rates biking in this country, the highest since the 1970s in st. Louis, milwaukee, baltimore, cities across the country, how can you take away tools to reduce those crimes, particularly those in the Africanamerican Community safe. The crime rate in new york is low, the crime rate historically low. Stop and frisk is not the only tool in the Law Enforcement in terms of bringing down crime. The way the policy is carried out. If you had investment bankers, lawyers, people in wealthy neighborhood stop again and again and again, having people pack them down, treat them inhumanely as criminals, this would not be tolerated and the fact of the matter is civil rights, Civil Liberties coexist with the constitution and our need to bring down crime. The fact of the matter is this is an ineffective and discriminatory tool and not singularly responsible for reduction in crime in new york city, who was responsible, before he left, he will tell you, not the sole reason the crime rate dropped in new york city or elsewhere, and not discriminated against or criminalized young people who brought crime rates down. Maria what is it like in chicago . The chasm of distrust with community and policing. The table to help them, and Police Departments, we have to defund Police Departments engaging in bad behavior. Maria the number of murders and killings outweigh so many others. When is it going to be too much in chicago . We have a culture of irresponsibility in terms of the Police Department. Maria irresponsibility in chicago . No accountability. Maria dont know if you can blame the state on the murder in chicago. Where you have hundreds of millions in legal settlements, where you have instances of Police Misconduct without talking to witnesses. The Police Department in the Police Department and the turnaround, with Police Misconduct we have a problem. Maria final word real quick. There are black on black crimes and we need to call that out also. That is a sad commentary in our society and that is going on in chicago. Maria thank you so much. Lawmakers demand answers from yahoo, affected 5 million account, they want to know why it took two years to handle it and here is a gift you may not want to regift, uber unveiling gift cards in times for the holiday, where you can buy them next. This man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this Vice President , this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Sprint . Im hearing good things about the network. All the networks are great now. Were talking within a 1 difference in reliability of each other. And, sprint saves you 50 on most Current National carrier rates. Save money on your phone bill, invest it in your Small Business. Wouldnt you love more customers . I would definitely love some new customers. Sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. Switch your business to sprint and save 50 on most current verizon, at t and tmobile rates. Dont let a 1 difference cost you twice as much. Whoooo for people with hearing loss, visit sprintrelay. Com. Maria a deadly typhoon slams eastern china. Cheryl one person killed when the typhoon hit that region, structures collapse and flights were canceled, it has weakened to a tropical storm. It killed four people and 600 in taiwan, causing 10 million in damage. Back at home six senators asking Marissa Mayer to explain why the company did not disclose the massive Security Breach fast enough, lawmakers sent a letter calling the company at handling of the fiberattack unacceptable. Yahoo announced 500 million accounts in 2014, a spokesman said the company would respond in a timely and appropriate manner to that letter. Huber making news on two fronts, a new way to pay for the ride rolling out gift cards, 35,000 Retail Locations across the us over the next few weeks, these cards which can only be used in the us available at stores as well, walmart, target, cbs and the company Food Delivery Service will become available in two dozen countries, in 27 us cities, six nationally, Service Starts tomorrow in amsterdam, the company will add dubai, johannesburg, six others by the end of the year. We love her, i love her, maybe you dont, milestone for a dell. Super bowl halftime. Cheryl all right. Billboard says the pop singer at latest album 25 reach diamond status after selling 10 million copies, the second diamond album after her 2011 album that passed the 10 million mark this year, that reach the 10 million mark, 25, 10 months, released in november of last year. Maria that i read she would take some time off . A decade almost, she wantss to be a mom. Still to come the feud between donald trump and Hillary Clinton you may have missed, what we can learn from their body language on the debate stage, back in a minute. The pursuit of healthier. It begins from the second were born. Because, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. As a Health Services and Innovation Company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. So while the world keeps searching for healthier were here to make healthier happen. Maria lets check futures, and open for the wider average, in positive territory looking for a gain of 6 points. It is down a fraction and the nasdaq looking at a gain this morning but the International Markets are higher, yesterday we had a good rally in stocks that may continue today. We had a handful of economic reports coming out this week that will likely affect the tone. Opec up 1 on oil at 35. 14 a barrel unlike sweet crude right there. The first president ial debate between Hillary Clinton and donald trump was more than a war of words, the candidates body language spoke volumes about what they were thinking. Joining us with analysis of the body when we do but dealing with expert tonya ryman, thanks for joining us. We are excited about this segment because you will also tell us the important body language we use and what we can use in business so we will get to that. Lets start with donald trump. He took a sip of water, you thought that was significantly she went for the glass of water early and often while clinton refrained. What does this tell us . This shows, when we become nervous hour salivary gland stop working as well as they normally do so we get cottonmouth, we get anxiety and need to drink more. It typically wouldnt be an issue but he drank over and over and over again. Hillary not drinking at all, it does demonstrate there was a level of anxiety. Maria could it be he had a cold or something . He was sniffling . That wasnt sniffling, it was deep breaths in. What youre trying to do is lower your heart rate and calm yourself down. When you become anxious you do that, i need more oxygen. Maria he switched from calling clinton madam secretary to hillary during the course of the debate. Watch this. In all fairness to secretary clinton, is that okay . I want you to be very happy. Hillary has experience but it is bad experience with we have made so many bad deals during she has it is bad, bad experience. Maria what do you see here . You see but you hear, notice the shift. And when happy or angry or sad we shift our language as well. We see the pressures on, the pressure is on so they go from donald to mister trump to donald trump and from hillary to secretary of state, mrs. Clinton, shows a shift in mindset going down different patterns. Maria you say he was nervous. They were both nervous, the first president ial debate, they had no idea what they were in for going in. And expected level of anxiety. She is more polished because she was doing it so long. Maria she answered a question in her email scandal. We were talking about the burden americans have to pay, you have not released your tax returns. The reason nominees released their returns for decades is voters will know if their potential president owes money or who he owes it to and any business conflicts. Dont americans have a right to know if there are conflict of interest . I dont mind releasing the diamond are a routine audit and it will be released and when it is finished it will be released. He raised the issue of your emails, you want to respond to that . I do. I made a mistake using private email. If i had to do it over again i would obviously do it differently. Maria notice something together can. Three things. When donald first says that did you see the smug contemptuous smile on her face like okay, after that, a sign of superiority. Im looking down my nose at you. That is what she is doing because she practiced so much, talked about it, she feels superior about it, last thing she does which contradict that is a shoulder shrug. In actuality she left her head up and shrugs her shoulder, contradiction in terms, she is a i am. But that says i dont feel that good about the answer. Maria interesting. Let me switch gears and ask about people in business and the more important things, how body language tips for success in business. A bunch of them. When you are first meeting someone you do an appropriate handshake. Some people dont think that is important. If you realize the relationship you have with somebody, it carries a lot of weight, first impressions, when you shake someones head if you do it the wrong way it leaves a bad taste in somebodys mouth, shake hands, watch. As we do this. I come to you and go like this what do you think im trying to do . Trying to dominate you because you want to make sure you do that. If you have something that comes up and it is weird, you Say Something about it. Maria thank you, we will be right back. If its on a cutrate network. Switch now and get our best deal. 20 gigs and four lines for only 160. All on americas best network. Maria good wednesday morning i am maria bartiromo, it is wednesday september 28 here are top stories the east coast, breaking news one of israels debilitates pleerdz has passed away, former israeli president Prime Minister shimon peres died is offering stroke, two weeks ago. He was 93 years old, Hillary Clinton will be taking a break from trail to travel to israel for the funeral this friday. Ahead of that campaigns focusing on ski swing states as they come off that first debate. Anybody watch that debate last night . [cheers and applause]. Whoa. One day i am she is candidate of yesterday. And ours is the pain and with the people of the future. [cheers and applause]. Hillary clinton defended every major failure that she helped to create. Fbi director comey grilled on expect a hill over investigation into Hillary Clinton email scandal outrage comey said he was proud of the fbis work. On Hillary Clinton os emails expect a Hill Janet Yellen on hot seat facing House Financial Servicers Committee a week after central bank decided to keep Interest Rates unchanged she may also get questions on wells fargo scandal bank ceo forfeitureing most pay this year he is losing out on 41 Million Dollars over failed grewed million fake accounts, pro motioning key in growth the study shows milestone hard tier hit for women fighting inequality at the workplace, futures o hovering are on flat line expecting higher opening from broader averages fractional will extended yesterdays rally in europe hire crop of Deutsche Bank is rebounding a tough couple months on worries Deutsche Bank higher dax up better than 1 as cac quarante in paris the ftournament 100 as well up 1 in asia overnight mixed performances kneecake down, down, hang seng in hong kong up a fraction, a botched marriage for Yankees Stadium ring missing a happy ending those stories this morning we are talking about it with Fox Business Network Dagen Mcdowell recon capital chief Investment Officer kevin kelley republican strategies tony fayed great to see you. Rerejoicing that is what you get you yankees. Wow, joining conversation this morning South Carolina congressman and House Judiciary Committee member trey gowdy with us host Varney Company will weigh in as well stay with us. As we continue, we kick off this hour top story world is mourning the loss of former israel president Prime Minister shimon peres died at 93 afterward condition worsened a major stroke two weeks ago, democratic nominee Hillary Clinton says she will take time off to campaign trail to travel to israel for the funeral joining me House Majority leader California Republican congressman Kevin Mccarthy thanks so much for joining us. Hi thanks for having me on. I know you issued a statement, on perezs passing saying a man loved america loved his country, your thoughts this morning . Well, my condolence to israel the peres family i knew him well many times met would have i am in israel and in america, and he had an unabout believable character ability a softspoken man woerdz said you would always remember i recommend one time him speaking in rotunda receiving the gold medal, what he said was he knew about americas exceptionalism said america was the greatest country to ever be on the face of the earth greatness came from not what america took but what america gave would give the ultimate sacrifice of life so another country could have freedom with that freedom strongesh rights. He understood what america meant worked for that for freedom and liberties forever. Beautiful thank you is for sharing that we know that is why you get up every day do what you do i want to switch gears talk about this country race to would i a potential Government Shutdown things will shut down in three days without a deal seem genetic on funding for flint, michigan can you take us through obstacles you are facing. I think we fixed this last night, to work on flint problems it is a bill Water Resources bill, passed in the senate had work on there with flint as well we are able able to work out amendment last night, with john and congressman, and they will offer that amendment today that will go into the bill that is on the floor of the house so that will be working through the process, and go to conference. And then, the continuing resolution on senate i think that will free the continuing resolution up that will Fund Government till december so we can go through election then go through appropriation process when we come back, i believe we will have it all done here if in the next day or two so that we look at pictures so extraordinary why request has be the more been done in terms of of that crazy democrats saying unfair water crisis has gone on a year no assistance louisiana gets 500 Million Dollars for floods that occurred last month. You will not the democrats blocked funding for louisiana in the senate they would be the be able to move forward there are some things we are able to do here, a lot of people have a lot of different arguments about this the change of the ep a 2011 to force cities to use chemistry especially when have a lot of lead types one of the biggest challenge we have epa knew of this situation did not inform individuals kept that information for months on end. And government oversight has looked at that we have been studying it will as we go forward we are going to work very closely to make sure we solve this problem there are many cities across america water is a major issue not only just in flint but in california as well. You dont see Government Shutdown this week then congressman. No, i do not, i see us getting this solved in the next 48 hours. Here is tony. Congressman how long will a continuing resolution take us to at least the one that is currently being comoesnegotiate. A couple months december 189 because as you know there are 12 appropriation bills that Fund Government all moved out of the out of the house committee, 6 moved off the floor, havent had it finished in senate this will take a short term path to election right after election we will come back do washington, finish that work, and get all the funding bills done. So going through the election perfect segue about a year ago the idea that donald trump would be republican nominee there was kind of doomsday scenario we were going to be devastated in the Senate Already looking tough because of the way the elections this year were shaping up a lot more blue states than red states, potential for even losing the hours, about a month out how do you see it because doesnt seem as if those doomsday predictions will pan out necessarily. About i dont believe so, if you look at the election held day republicans would keep control of senate keep control of the house if you look at a 538 it says 54 last time i am looking at it couple days ago, of the probability of donald trump winning the presidency so in the last month it has fundamentally changed now i will tell you, the president ial race does affect mouse and Senate Raises when romney lost the house, by 4 points, lost presidency by four points, we lost 8 seats in the house, when mccain lost the presidency by seven points we lost 21 seats. As of right now, there is not one incumbent republican incumbent in the house that is losing in any poll that i have seen. Okay. So you dont see so then it sounds like you are more confident you are not going to actually lose seats in the house. What about the senate. Well, we start in different place redistricting three seats taken from republicans strongest majority since a 1928 there will be changes but i also see places where democrats lose too in nebraska, in minnesota other seats. In the senate it is an advantage to the did democraticallies simply from fact more republicans up for reelects you look at current numbers they have given up on ohio,you look at rubio running in florida, the and when you look at harry reids requirement joe hecht amazing member his seat for congress is more democratic seat than statewide this is a seat i believe republicans will pick up. Congressman let me ask you about Economic Growth i know useful done a locality on innovation and looking for growth i want to get to that in a second donald trump has been talking about this is economic plan includes 15 Corporate Tax rate, do you see manager like that passing would that pass the house . We have to pass Something Like that. Growth will solve so many problems, in america. The biggest challenge we have today is the lack of growth, 2 or less for the last 8 years. This idea we are managing decline of americans instead of growth of america, this will solve so many problems as we move forward, when you look at the republican plan in the house that we put out called better way dealing with tax reform dealing with poverty, dealing with regulation, these are all things that we a sat down with donald trump about, about he worked with us we have worked with him, growth will solve so many problems in our future. Congressman you put it out,why didnt it go anywhere . We are. We roonlt went through it if you check the house floor, we are moving bills off the better way each and every day part of putting together not just tax plan but replace to obamacare if you look on floor yesterday, adrien smith had a bill with coo ops obamacare put two billion dollars into 23 cooops, 16 have failed or about to fail, when obamacare does to those people who bottle Health Insurance through coops he pshd them with mandate taxing them, so we put a bill that actually stopped that look obamacare is failing on its own, we put out a plan that actually changes all that. The i have gone referring to broad tax reform that any true conservative has been craving year after year after year, and the republican candidates talk about it and then it never happens. I tell you tax reform is not easiest thing to past for the first time inside the the house, we put out a better way and actual tax plan that we sat down with donald trump on. I look at all the disruption in politics, and i say the number one cause of that is lack of growth. The middle class is worth less today than 8 years ago causing havoc problems throughout america around the world we need to solve growth problem. You passed two bills recently Startup Community that crowd funding being a, getting investors enabling to join with k larger investors in terms of starting a business you felt would lead to growth. Yeah, we also started if you own 1 less of the company you got options in there that you werent taxed on it when still a private company, until you went public. Because when you think about the economy, and you look at places, in the economy, we have these companies called they are startups that grow at 20 a year double every two years, they make up 4 of startups account for 70 all new jobs what if we expanded created new ones we are at lowest point 18 years new startups. I love that one empowering stoke ownership that is very interesting and you are right i think it will encourage people, about quick, do you think what would be Hillary Clintons tax plan . Would you be able yeah. I think Hillary Clinton and even if you looked at debate the other. It she is status quo thinks government controls all dictate from washington instead of unshackle what holds us back i starting First Business 19 years old, that is what put me through college, we need more entrepreneurship and unshackle what holds us back removing regulation that means letting people keep more of that what they earn letting them compete on o levelplaying field i would never bet immense america, remember what shimon peres says he understood greatness of arica lets unshackle that unleash that an rest of our ability to grow. We will leave there it congressman good to see you thanks so much. Thanks for having me. We pressure it, coming up fallout over wells fargo phony account scandal hitting ceo where it hurts his wallet 41milliondollar toll next as be able teams prepare for a ring one nervous fan struggling to find his proposal nightmare next. Its simply the best this man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this Vice President , this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Maria investigators find mobile missile lawn cher moved from russia into Eastern Ukraine before Malaysia Airlines plane was shot down, Cheryl Casone with the story. Cheryl a big story in 2014, maria, a dutch led Investigation Team is telling victims families they have proof including communications that missile lawn cher came from russia investigators say the lawn cher moved back into russia after malaysia air also jet crashed. That attack on that plane killed all 298 people onboard that was july of 2014. Russia has denied allegations that pro s moscow rebels in Eastern Ukraine were responsible. Stanford, in california offering to pay students to attend Business School but yes there is a catch students have to agree to work in the midwest at least two years, the idea stanford wants to funnel talent to underserved regions where economy can get a boost this mba executorship will pay three students 160,000 dollars over two years to attend the university. You get a stanford degree at the end come on folks, finally thyy stadium 29yearold man dropped to one knee before girlfriend to propose during the middle of the 5th inning pulled out Engagement Ring from pocket but the ring fell to the ground and ballpark seconded desk intense search went on and on five minutes he began to cry ghoifs finally found it on pants leg the crowd roared he gave her the ring. I mean boy. Yeah, i mean if this happened at mets stadium would it had been different. Yankees stadium baseball game divorce in two years. [laughter] thank you. Still to come wells wells co jon stumpf under fire over is it scandal as he prepares to of it before congress for a second time that is next jrm regulators crack down over consumer Data Collection ser concerns, back in a minute. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. 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Maria welcome back, chairman Federal Reserve janet yellen set to testify before house panel on supervising banks day as questions are being raised about the recent scandal surrounding the wells fargo two million phony accounts, more in the state good morning. Reporter janet yellen expected to get hammered by house members over Bank Regulation wells fargo scandal she will take the heat today, and wells fargo ceo jon stumpf will get it tomorrow before House Financial Services committee, committee is no friend to the fed or big banks, wells fargo under investigation, for opening as many as two million phony accounts as you mentioned, has fired 5300 employees paid 1285 Million Dollars in fines, yesterday wells announced stumpf many surrounded stock button uses worth 412 Million Dollars the former head of Community Banking will give up 19 million but some lawmakers want to know where was the fed when all of this was happening. It is one of the wells main regulators has not announced penalties against a bank or investigation of its own into scandal yellen said last week the fed expects big banks to have robust systems of Risk Management auditing compliance that it will focus on banks employee incentives going forward. Maria peter thank you so much so we have Federal Reserve and supervisor to the banks, weve got Consumer Protection office, also supervising banks and consumer business and yet as welcome. Exactly two million accounts and make it looked like they have got all accounts to get more money uncovered this is investigative journalist, l. A. Times had to uncover this years later starting to unravel and you actually had the federal government start to investigate. And actually lay down fines but what is what is frustrating here playing through election cycle that they are not admitting any wrongdoing or denying wrongdoing, listen, would you he when he got in front of congress he said listen, he said it is not scam didnt commit fraud yes, you did. You hurt people you opened up accounts, hit fica scores credit cards open that is the problem going to say in for front even if he gives up 41, and 19 million there is hundreds of millions of dollars ahead without. Dagen all i harder grilled in front of senate panel he didnt have anything to say, particularly to liz warren, of course, government answer is more government. Government answer to this will be more regulation. Maria that is it is a fair question, to say, are they asleep at the wheel again . Most certainly their argument is always going to be dont let private sector dont let shareholders be johns swas on San Francisco Federal Reserve Advisory Committee in that is the problem you see this that is happening people worried about crony capitalism everybody in bed with each other if you are if you are a big bank, and you are on these you are going to be hands off going to be able to do what you want. In your point the one i worry about what does the government then do to react to situations like that to justify more regulation, and more involvement . And in this wells fargo case, they are justified certainly this has to be sort of policing of this matter as we sit here today for now, 15 years, a man has been literally politically persecuted prosecuted Hank Greenberg. Absolutely. Not one witness against a minimum not one pieceed a miss i believe evidence. 7 out of 9 charges dropped. That is the bad sides. Eric. I had picked up where spitzer left off. One scariest words in language i am from government i am here to help. A host things politically motivated. I am glad you mentioned Hank Greenberg disgusting fighting same fight decade later 11 years, headed of fbi in hot seat on capitol hill over Hillary Clintons email scandal jim Comey Congress not finished grill director comey over decision not to prosecute former secretary of state. How company is turning to technology as it looks to revamp theme parks. Back in a minute. Opportunities arent always obvious. Sometimes they just drop in. Cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. We enable you to reach Global Markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. Cme group how the world advances. Upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at vonage. Com business maria good he wednesday morning welcome back i am maria bartiromo. It is wednesday, september 28, your top stories right now 8 30 a. M. On the east coast, battleground donald trump Hillary Clinton focusing on key swing states this week use performances at first debate, to rally up new sport are more controversies over Hillary Clinton email scandal fbi director james comey being grilled on capitol hill over Agency Investigation into have you ever private server. My goal in this case was to treat people as it is in my entire career, fairly without regard to their rank in life. This case was done in that way, and the decision was made in that way. So i think, to do otherwise would have been too tired i want very proud of the work i know generated controversy i am very proud of the work we did. Maria outrage ahead seaworld make changes to rely less on killer whales investing in Virtual Reality. A study shows milestone harder to hit for women finding inequitably in the Workplace Futures flat line looked at higher opening for broader averages this morning backandforth throughout the morning dow industrial to extended yesterday at Economic Data on tap august durablegoods orders out moments ago, and they were unchanged durablegoods orders unchaks for the month we continue to see inability or unwillingness on the part of Big Companies to invest in large big ticket items durablegoods orders are flat, in Europe Markets higher across the board Deutsche Bank shears rebounding today that helped many averages in fact dax in germany off better than 1 cac quarante also up 1 , in asia overnight mixed performance nikkei in japan down 1. 3 , overnight, Hillary Clinton email skeenl before the House Judiciary Committee this morning, fbi director comey in the hot seat today answering questions as to why the former secretary of state was not charged despite evidence that she mishandled classified information. Secretary clinton said there was nothing marked classified on email either sent or received was that true . That is not true. Secretary clinton said i did not email any classified material to anyone on my email there is no classified material was that true. There was classified material emailed in this case given the importance unusual transparency is in order although there is evidence he potential violations of the statues regarding handling of classified information our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Maria if there was no evidence of criminal activity, why all the immunity for clintons staffers like cheryl mills for example joining us right now congressman trey gowdy served on House Judiciary Committee good to see you thanks very much for joining us. Yes, maam thank you. To look there is a lot of conversation this morning on social media, they like what you are doing, and they want to hear more. Tell us what you are looking to get from director comey. Well, maria it is not just secretary clinton wasnt prosecuted no won was prosecuted the person sent classified material wasnt prosecuted the person she forward it to the person who destroyed federal records, the person who used bleach, no prosecutions in this case so you have five get out of jail free cards, and no jail so i get the fact that comey says he handled this just like any other case. I did it for 16 years, it is unlike any othcase i have seen. Why do you think no prosecutions at all i mean we know first of all, that Loretta Lynch met with bill clinton on her plane, two days before hillary spoke to the fbi we know that the fbi did not record the interview and they took notes and released those notes friday before labor day, why . What is behind are they just politicized. Well, i dont know, i mean i dont want to say is it politicized yes is this a political matter yes. I disagree very much with director comey that does not mean he is crooked it just means he is wrong, so if you look at the immunity agreements, you are immunizing people from what that is my question to him what you dont give immunity to laptops there is no Bureau Prisons for laptops, there are bureaus of prisons for people so if you gave immunity to cheryl mills for what what those it classified information she a had on computer . Was it a role is in the druks of federal records you are immunizing five people there is no prosecution, and you are adding an element called specific intent to a statute that says gross negligence that is unusual director comey i dont think you would do that for Hillary Jones or Hillary Smith but you did it for Hillary Clinton. Congressman kevin kelley my question to you is is is real crime the obstruction of justice we started to see more emails come out subpoenas served as you alluded to pleech bit used hammers to destroy devices you had somebody one someone that was employed talking about how they want to scrub her names from emails you had president obama, uses pseudonym seems like obstruction of justice coverup no one go aheading heads rolled no fines Nothing Happened is that where the real issue is can we actually see something be done on that front . Well, the the details in chronology if you say she had this arrangement she took emails with her after she left state department never bothered to ask for emails back until Congress Asked for them then you start seeing the chronology, preservation order subpoenas and then the druks of federal records and her own lawyers going through and sorting out what is yoga, what is work related the reason you o dont see prosecutions for druks of records because everyone was i am newed pagliano immunized, Heather Samuelson i am newed cheryl mil immunized when you are giving incubate to people actually part of the aiding and abetting of the druks of records who is left. Normally fbi would use a subpoena or search warrant not in this case but what is your endgame . What do you want . I want a Justice System that people respect, and that is why i started off on saying it is not just Hillary Clinton, no won was prosecuted the person who originated class of information not prosecuted what i want is people to have confidence in an agency that is supposed to be represented by ballooned folded Woman Holding a set of scales for those of us used to do it for a living it is very important that people have respect for it. You dont think jim comey is crooked but are people within fbi crooked. No look, the department of justice gives immunity, not fbi. It is the prosecutors. Face pressure his boss is Loretta Lynch. Right, the same person who met own the tarmac with the spouse of a target of the investigation 30 minutes to talk about golf and grandkids not a person in the world spending 30 minutes talking about golf and cannedkids with so if yous of one under investigation he is a witness she said some emails that were personal were to her husband there is conflicting evidence whether or not he sent email potentially he is a witness the whole thing looks terrible it is it is for jim comey to explain that there is a benign or innocent explanation because right now it looks like there is a different Justice System running for president as opposed to running late for kids softball defame. Congressman going back to document dufrn from fbi friday which i think had a massive he reflation cheryl mills Hillary Rodham clinton personal friend chief of staff attorney was given a computer also allowed to conduct hers as hillarys lawyer stefshdz as witness so as a prosecutor why would you give immunity to somebody not charged with a crime if you dont use immunity were there tools people are starting to say there was 5k motion mechanism could have been used by prosecutors in this case that would have been much more suitable for cases like this, there is incubate does immunity suggest bigger coverup . Immunity is weird in this case you use grand jury subpoena a search warrant i heard comeys explanation yesterday that is lawyers computer so you have attorneyclient peripheral matters the problem you have lawyers who are also fact witnesses may also be targets of the investigation. And one day she is being immunized one day interviewed next day sitting in on headliner hillarys interview with fbi, that is unprecedented. Director comey can say what he wants those of us who used to do this for a living know that you would never allow another witness to sit in on another witnesss interview, it just doesnt happen. Congressman what is your timing we are 40 days away from the election, it is really outrageous that it has come so close to election where Hillary Clinton would win does it all go away if she wins . I hope not, you know, there are a number of entities in our society that provide oversight executive Branch Congress you and media there is also the voters i think the voters they are the real jury initialling i think voters are smart enough to say you know what . If this had been me or Family Member i dont think we would have been treated this favorably by Bureau Department of justice i am counting on jury that meets november 8 to do perhaps what doj did not do to say you know what . This isnt right. Maria what about email we have not seen perhaps could indicate payforplay situations where she was basically, getting access to u. S. Government the greatest country in the world while they were paying her husband and the Clinton Foundation. I was kind of surprised clinic fogs didnundation didnt you mean monday tonight i think it more work to be done there by congress and executive branch doing investigating maria if you dont have confidence, in Fbi Department of justice, then you are not going to have confidence in the outcome of that clinic foundation, investigation. So i dont think anyone thinks there are 30,000 yoga emails, there is something she thought was bad enough to use product called bleachbit i dont think it was yoga. Then coordinaper an aide of was under oath said oh, no i was trying to preserve emails, we know he is a guy with the hammer. Yeah, you dont preserve emails by taking a hammer to them but you also dont preserve emails by using bleachbit and if you really want to preserve emails dont set up your oriental server use state gov. Intent there good to see you thanks very much joining us we will be watching. Yes, maam thank you. Trey gowdy up next Hillary Clinton calling out donald trump economic plan, during the debate. I call it trumpedup trickle down, because that is exactly what it would be, that is not how we grow the economy. Maria so how do you grow the economy mrs. Clinton . The Stuart Varney will weigh in, then Economic Growth to Career Growth women are lagging when it comes to advancements in the workplace next do you worry if youve saved enough for retirement . Are you or your spouse 62 or older . 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Maria welcome back, 45 minutes away from opening bell for a wednesday, market have been up, down, up again we are looking at fractional move opening of trading this morning we need to get to durablegoods orders out unchanged but actually estimate was down 1. 4 that is better than expected, not a great report though, we are watching shares facebook this Morning Company invoicing to appeal a riling by german about residents that banals messaging service what is that from collecting and storing user data Facebook Says willing to work are with request regulators to address concerns there are nearly 35 million user in germany, seaworld this Morning Company unveiling the latest changes in brand revamp Virtual Reality rides, educational intirment new orca encounters seaworld investing 175 Million Dollars in those projects Hillary Clinton says her opponents economic plan, is trumpedup trickle down, economics that will not stimulate growth joining me host of Varney Company and Stuart Varney. She is dead wrong right from the start headlined in my opinion she is dead wrong. Trfr trumpedup will not grow economy a per jurortive word going to 1980s for this what they said about Ronald Reagan great expansion plain fact is if we dont have growth in our economy, we cannot restore prosperity to great mil class you cant do it youve got to have growth trump gives growth cutting taktsdz can you go to regulations Hillary Clinton does not in my opinion does not give us growth, she would simply tax rich redistribute wealth and keep with that regulation that is what we have done 8 years, we simply do not have robust growth. To me, it is very clear. Trump gives us growth hillary does not hillary is dead wrong. Talks about Economic Growth but find one lineitem in that economic plan of Hillary Clinton growth oriented. She thinks spending taxpayers money by government is going to create growth stuart you know what which has my back side when she talks Small Business about that she is out there for Small Business understands, we have heard that for decades part of the Political Classes crush very entrepreneurships. Why is that it these days, we have far fewer business started business startup at alltime low i believe generational low because of regulation Hillary Clinton would not lift the Regulatory Burden of Small Business would increase it this is pure nonsense. She thinks if she keeps saying it people will believe it stu she keeps saying. It may be she i is right. Lynn rothschild on show yesterday said it robert wolf said it saying she is helping Small Business we remind them if you raise taxes on high oest he wereers guess what that hits Small Business you are raising taxes on Small Business admit it. History judges that lowering tax rates work to grow the economy. History suggests last 8 years, you raise taxes and you increase regulation you dont get growth. History is on maria may i include you in this on our side of this argument. Yes, exactly thank you. Great conversation we will see you 10 minutes for more, join stu stop of the hour Varney Company every day 9 00 a. M. Eastern after morning mornings stu will be back next first promotion is key for growth the milestone getting harder harder to hit for women fighting inyeeblt at workplace next. Just like that, a moment turns romantic. So why pause to take a pill . And when youre having fun why stop to find a bathroom . With cialis for daily use, you dont have to plan around either. Its the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. 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Persist concerns about gender inequality in the workplace says women 30 less likely to be promoted to manager joining us two women companies partnered, rachel, and mckenzie sr. , partner lorena thank you so much for joining us tell us about the report and why women seem to be falling a step bind so that biggest finding is that critical promotion from entry levels manager, men far more likely to get pro motorcade, women asking for promotions negotiating for higher pay pushed back when they do, we know women are asked for more more likely to be called aggressive, out for themselves, intimidation that matters. Still the case so that like 20 years ago still people are saying you are aggressive if you ask for promotion i cant believe it. It is true. Women should not be from actual asking for that pro motioning or ray they want to get promoted. Here is good news we know that women who ask for more more likely to get it than woman who dont makes sense you dont ask for wont get it good news is women are getting results, the bad news is they face pushback when they ask. Is it related to becoming mothers do you think that management either even a woman in management is concerned about a woman being out of the office for extended periods of time. We know that actually for child bearing years there are a lot of women have home responsibilities as well as a primary work responsibilities, the really interesting thing we found in the report is that for men who face that same circumstance they also doubt whether they want top jobs so we think just saying that women have children, and that is an excuse and may be they dont need that, is not sufficiently, the other thing i think what something you are keying in on the first piece as rachel was saying you have to ask for it good news people are asking also, receiver has to provide opportunities men and women leader are not providing enough opportunities for women to come up through ranks. For women out there watching what is the best way to ask i think takeaway is should they approach a mentor have another woman that is, you know adamant talk have them coach through is it aligning interest with company what is best way. One of the things that is interesting studys show where women negotiate for others equalizing as effective as men the problem when they or he got for themselves. This is rooted in stereotypes we know that men supposed to be aggressive, advocate for themselves be leaders so we celebrate them when they do, women we expect nurturing Collaborative Team oriented face publicback one biggest things they can do sie not i but we it is good for the company for the organization the way to focus defuse pushback they unfortunately if a is. What about you i was going to say a huge role that men can play here as women ask they have to be received, and men can actually create opportunities instead of waiting for a woman to ask how about seeing who is talented saying maria we think you would be fantastic for this role being her champion why leave her by hers to negotiate every projection and raise it is more than that, daytoday, include challenging assignments getting hard feedback that allows to you grow develop, so there is more than just a moment at the o promotion daytoday work experience. Training what kind of training should women take on as they move throughout their yerz. One of the things we know women get less access to training, and other opportunities like lorena said women and men not having same experiences in the workplace this matters because not just the right thing do it is smart thing to do we know and then as diverse teams perform better that access full population women and men perform better not just right thing to do it is the smart thing to do. Training is not something in a classroom training happens on job we learn best in line of fire. So for women, one of the things we found that creasingly over time fall into roles hr finance role, but we have to remember to give women the round trip ticket back to the positions of power, that lead to the top spot. 46 of the workforce women this is entry level only a handful 19 make it to the c,suit thank you very much for sharing that final thoughts from allstar panel when we come right back. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says, you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Stuart . Final thoughts. Watch how democrats react when Hillary Clinton n in their minds does not improve polling numbers i have Many Democrats say if she does not gain after this week she is in certifies trouble. Market with Deutsche Bank concerns wells fargo stay away from banks stick with xijzr exchanges if looking into financial stocks. Tomorrow my final thought tuna in tomorrow you never know what we will say. See you tomorrow have a great day Varney Company begins. Stuart i will take it thank you very much indeed now the clinton camp thinks election is all out befr media cheering her on think she won, good morning it was a buoyant jubilant Hillary Clinton hours after the debate was celebrating, eagerly answered reports shot of ball questions on plane had emergency feeding on wild held view she won the debate. This morning, the media picked up on that theme and they are piling on trump giving Hillary Clinton a free pass. No tough questions, pandering to their candidate nothing new in that look at this New York Times says he is sectionist becaus

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