Then the wife of the terror suspect ahmad rahami is on her way back to the United States with escort after being questioned about the new york and new jersey bombings. Puerto rico this morning waking up in the dark, the island without electricity after massive power plant fire. She faced tough questions of skyrocketing cost of epipen. The central bank saying that the case for rate increase has strengthened though. Take a look. Up about 1 on the each of the mayor averages, we are heading to 2 gain this morning. In asia overnight higher across the board. Holiday in japan. Major averages between a third and one half percent. All this morning and joining me to talk about it fox business Dagen Mcdowell and etna health ceo you didnt call me the ceo. Maria they pulled out of obamacare, but athena. You probably do not join the program. Big brother is moving onto Better Things and the stick is moving away. Maria we will talk about that jonathan. Thank you so much. Good morning, everybody, breaking news, North Carolina under a state of emergency after second night of violence protests over Deadly Police shooting of a black man in streets of charlotte once again. Four more officers injured. Cheryl casone with the latest on this violence, cheryl. Cheryl yeah, maria, quite a night in. Angry march through Downtown Charlotte last night. Take a look at the pictures, hundreds clashing with police, some of the crowd somebody in that crowd opening fire shooting another protestor, that victim is in Critical Condition this morning. Now police say the crowd looted the nascar hall of fame and a western hotel, governor pat mccrory had to Call National guard to control chaos. Well, chief spoke last night. Is there any doubt that there was a hand and that a gun recovered near him at the scene . Absolutely no doubt whatsoever, no. Cheryl chief denies the claim that he was holding a book and not a gun. The crowd got too aggressive last night. The protests erupting over night. We have reporters and we are getting more details as they come in. Maria Hillary Clinton and donald trump reacting to protests, watch. It needs to become intoll rational. Look, i know i dont have all the answers, i dont know anyone who does, but this is certain. Too many people have lost their lives who shouldnt have. I think stop and frisk in new york city it was so incredible the way it worked, we had a very good mayor, but new york city was incredible. Maria rod wheeler joining us. Rod, good to see you, thank you very much for joining us. Good morning, maria. Maria tough morning. Something needs to be done about the climate of violence in the u. S. Right now. What do you think needs to change to combat these protests . Well, the first thing thats very important is that all the facts and circumstances come out, maria, in terms of what happened yesterday. Now, real quickly as you know, there were two narratives that came out of charlotte yesterday, the family of the victim was saying that he was carrying a book, the police chief said, no, thats just not true, he had a gun in his hand. Police chief also corroborated that, maria, with independent witness statements, right now it sounds like the police it was a good shooting, continue to investigate, but what the police have to do to keep the calm down in the city is to be very transparent and they also need to make this investigation a very swift and fast investigation and communicate with the community. Dagen looking at these this violence from afar, does it seem like that the Charlotte Police werent prepared for this . I know charlotte very well and the area where the violence broke out, charlotte is a very small city and in this area and really like an outdoor mall and unthinkable to imagine this kind of violence in such a kind of small enclosed area. Looking at this, do you think the police were caught off guard . You know, i dont think that they were necessarily caught off guard. Charlotte is a very progressive city, believe it or not, and actually very progressive for African Americans so i was a little surprise that had this riot tack place in a city like charlotte. We would not anticipate that. Now, the police had resources out there last night, the National Guard will be moving in later today, probably any minute now, theyre going to be moving to the city of charlotte and providing support and resources to the Police Department in case this violence erupts again later on today. Maria you know, they were many protests shouting black lives matter last night. Critics of president obama is to blame for violence, what should he be doing now . Im not so sure if we can all put the blame on president obama, although i must say the buck stops at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. The president needs to come out as well as loretta lynch, the attorney general and explain to the community that they are on top of this, make sure that it is a fair and just investigation and theyre going to monitor, let me tell you quickly, maria, this situation is more about the shooting that happened yesterday. This is an american problem. Its not a charlotte problem. You and i talked about this back during the ferguson incident, baltimore incident, this is all about social justice, Economic Justice in this country and the Police Department unfortunately is baring the brunt of all of this. Maria youre right. Peter. Peter one question that must be looming for a lot of people. Its great to hear president ial candidates weigh in but what happens at a local level, how do you find yourself asking questions convening, who would you get together in the room to pull the right people together to discuss how to solve it on a Community Level . Right, you to pull together the local Community Leaders, they have a lot of local Community Leaders in charlotte. Clergy, youre talking business people, people from the community. These folks have got to come together with the police. Let me also tell you real quickly that the police chief in charlotte is an Excellent Police chief, hes really good, fair police chief, this is a city that can can come back and hopefully come back soon. Dagen donald trump, rod, called for the broad use of stop and frisk, he certainly talked about it here in new york city, what do you make of that . You know, i dont like to jump to conclusions or jump out there and say, yeah, we need to start stop and frisking again, the problems that we have right now that we are seeing in charlotte and other major u. S. Cities is more than just stop and frisk. As i indicated earlier, its a lot more involved than that. Sure, stop and frisk can assist us in Law Enforcement to catch bad guys, we need to look at social justice, education, jobs all of these things will play a significant role in bringing our nation back. But at the end of the day, we need strong leadership in 1600 pennsylvania avenue,ism to emphasize that. Maria what would you like to hear from president obama today . I im not really sure if i want to hear from president obama. If he has to say anything, hes going to give the Police Department the resources they need to investigate this case at the same time give the city leaders the resources they need to get people back to work, get jobs in the city, make sure the Educational Programs are working for that community. These are the kinds of things and leadership, maria that we need out of our strong leader coming out of the white house. Maria Jonathan Bush. I think youre right on the underlying economic point. North carolina is a liberal sophisticated city, not on the edge cities which underlie it is fact that the underlying patience level that people have, any kind of disconnected disempowered even middle class is tight, the real issue in the president ial campaign for me is that underlying sense. Am i standing in the edge of a big uncloud field. Youre sensitive anyway. You dont see how youre going to grow and define yourself and be unique and american. The fact that its North Carolina, its exactly kind of that the underlying root issue. Maria you agree with that, rod . I totally agree with that. Whats happening in North Carolina, it really speaks volumes to all of our communities across the country and if you really look at the guys, i know that we dont have a lot of time, the economic policies of the Current Administration just has not worked for everybody. They havent worked for African American and specially African American males and females. I think thats going to be the driver behind the next election. Im not a trump supporter or anything like that or hillary supporter, we are listening, all of us, black, white, we are listening to see who is making a change and provide real leadership. Maria the policies are the policies impacting everybody. Its just the lower end in terms of income are getting squeezed worst than anybody. When you consider obamacare, that is the biggest expense for everybody whether its if you take all the gdp growth and take out the health care, checkbooks goes down. Thats where the campaign went crazy. The mainstream candidates were like, everyone would like a little more but we are in an environment of Economic Growth but what they didnt do is subtract the growing wedge thats healthcare costs and look at tend of the bank account of gdp which has actually been going down. Maria its not a specific policy that has hurt African Americans, its the policies in general youre right. Maria have squeezed the lower end significantly. Rod wheeler joining us there. Tensions growing high over skyrocketing hike of epipen. Lawmakers were not buying her explanation. We will get into it next. Plus, puerto rico is in the dark this morning, details of what caused a massive blackout leaving one and a half Million People without power, stay with us. Its my worst nightmare. Every second that power is out, my citys at risk. Siemens digital grid manages and reroutes power, so service can be restored within seconds. Priority number one is keeping those lights on. It takes ingenuity to defeat the monsters that live in the dark. This man creates software, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this Vice President , this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Ubb insured. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. We ship everything you atcan imagine. N, and everything we ship has something in common. Whether its expedited overnight. Or shipped around the globe,. Its handled by od employees who know that delivering freight. Means delivering promises. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Maria welcome back, we are learning new details this morning about the suspect in new york and new jersey bombings in particular about those closest to him. Cheryl casone with the story. Cheryl the wife of rahami is returning to the u. S. After speak to go investigators in dubai, asking the police to find these two men pictured. Surveillance photos saw them removing device and if you have seen them, contact the fbi. Also the criminal complaint against rahami omits a direct reference to isis but note comments on Osama Bin Laden and alqaeda. A photo he makes reference. Law enforcement tells rahami is conscious and reportedly shot ten times. Over a million residents of puerto rico are waking up in the dark after a fire knocked out power to 1. 5 million residents. The fire erupting causing transmission lines to fail, government officials are calling the failure a serious event and governor padilla says he assumes complete responsibility. Airports, police stations receiving first priority. Here in this country capitol hill, mylan ceo Heather Bresch, claiming it offers rebates and offers to customers. Listen. Parents dont have a choice. If your child, loved one has to have this it better darn well be in the backpack. They raised the prices, the reason being, i believe, to get filthy rich at the expense of our constituents. Cheryl she also complained about the fact that they dragged her mother into all of this. Thank you. Maria sure, cheryl, thank you very much. With Jonathan Bush this morning. What is the defense of raising prices this way . So much when we know theres a generic version that only cost half as much as the epipen . The underlying problem here is everybody is feeling more and more squeezed. They dont feel like theres any more room for the healthcare dollar, in their purse, somebody shows up with a notable widely used price increase on a notable widely used product and becomes a national issue. Fact that thats a political issue at all that somebody decides to stupidly raise price too quickly to piss people off, thats dumb business. Maria it wouldnt a congressional issue if we werent in this environment. Dagen they use it political issue because it involves children. Its juice for the legislators. Dagen the government wants them to negotiate prices. They want use them as example and using bresch to let the government negotiate drug prices. Maria it doesnt change what wells fargo did, 2 million fake accounts. Dagen he got what he deserved from elizabeth warren. 274, at least 300 of addon cost was creating all the way down to distribution line. Its fine to go after bresch. Maria very good point, peter. Why is she the face of it when everybody getting thats a good point. Dagen light a fire under the fda and make them approve more genetic competitors of the epipen. You invent a drug, 80 million to prove that its safe. 400million to get it past the fda. 68 of the drugs that get past passed dont even get used. Why take 400 million out. Hey, the government is not going the pay for it but at least we can get it into the market to create alternatives to the tinny few that make it. Maria good point. We will talk more about this. How the feds rate hike could affect your investments coming up next, more on when gasoline pumps are expected to return back to normal. Back for more mornings with maria. When a moment turns romantic, why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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Maria joining us right now chief economist Jon Hilsenrath. Jon, good to see you. Jon that answer was in response to a question that i asked yesterday about about trumps criticism that the feds keeping raise low to support the Obama Administration as everyone just heard it denied it. Maria sure. I mean, shes denied that and talked about that before, but that was obviously the question given what youre hearing coming out of the campaign trail. What was your take away from her commentary about Interest Rates, about where we are in the economy right now . My take away is that this is a fed, leader of the fed that doesnt feel a great sense of urgency about moving rates up. The bank of england, they are all looking for ways to stimulate their economies, you know, the fed wants to raise rates but theyre not going to do it in a hurry, thats one take away, the other one is if theres a lot of Division Building up inside of the place because there is a growing camp of people that are ready but the fed is being held back by a few doves as we call them who dont want to move rate this is year. Yellen has a divided institution on her hands that she has to navigate in the next months. Dagen jon, if you look at the forecast, 1. 8 a year over the longer run. Lets go start awry yacht on that. Dagen that smells to high heaven. Dont they acknowledge that they are part of the problem . Jon they dont acknowledge that they might be part of the problem but i think what it speaks to is that we cant keep looking to Central Banks to solve the economys problem, they are looking 1. 8 growth in an environment where Interest Rates are really low. Obviously low rates are not doing the trick, they are not they are not the source of faster growth and economic vitality, so, you know, maria, weve talked about this a lot during election campaign, where is the debate in this election in this leadup to this election about growth, about whats going to cause Economic Growth . Thats really the central problem of our time. Maria we were predicting two this year and went down to one. The Economic Data is till weak. I have to hear about how robust is the economy, what movie theyre watching. Maria exactly. Peter Balance Sheet is up to 4 trillion. She did for the first time want to hear fiscal stimulus, somebody else help, congress, president , pull the horse here. Maria the fact is that regulation is what is hurting business and whats the one thing that the administration [inaudible] we tried fiscal, monetary, whats the one thing we havent gone . Maria roll back of regulation. Reagan with the airlines, find a place and break it open and let a feeding frenzy canobolize, theres so many places. What happened when you dont, weirdoes build up like the guys in wells fargo, overregulated banking space. Let the guys free to move, a lot of them gets wiped out and happy. Maria this is what we are hearing, hes in health care, jon. Jon, real quick, december rate hike . Jon i think in december and everybody is going to yawn, why did it take so long. Maria Jon Hilsenrath, have a good day. Thank you so much. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton setting sights on battleground states now. What swing states want from voters. Riders clash with police, we have the next developing story. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Maria good morning, welcome back, everybody. Im Maria Bartiromo, happy thursday, it is thursday this morning, september 22nd, youre top stories 6 30 a. M. On the east coast. Breaking news, protestors, rioting in North Carolina. Protestors looting the nascar hall of fame, Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant and several hotels. At least one person shot and four more Police Officers injured as demonstrations turned viral last night. Hillary clinton and donald trump weighed in. No one is worthless, no one is less than, we are all of value. Inner cities, can you say never, but certainly one of the worst stages in the history of the inner, the democrats have as mostly uninterrupted, nobody else. Interrupted and you see whats happened. Maria more on that plus brand new fox news poll highlighting key swing states including North Carolina. A suspected gasoline attack on u. S. Troops, details on that coming up. And relief for drivers of the south, pipeline that triggered shortage has been reopened. Blue bell taking product off shelf. Markets continue to trade higher, the Central Banks saying the case for rate increase has strengthened nonetheless money moving to stocks after big rally yesterday. The mayors up about 2 right now. In asia, theres holiday in japan, nikkei average closed overnight. Another bestselling book series heading big screen, vanished, one of the film stars here in the studio. Green Party President ial nominee jill stein, former insync members and we have a lot to talk about. Dont miss it. A big show coming up. Breaking right now state of emergency in North Carolina, peaceful protest deinvolved into angry riot in charlotte forcing the state governor to Call National guard, left four officers injured at one point someone in the crowd opened fire heading hitting another protestor. Civilian hitting another civilian. That man in Critical Condition. The crowd looted the nascar hall of fame and Buffalo Wild Wings and governor had to call the National Guard to help get crowd under control. The citys police chief says he had a gun and post serious risk to officers. I want to bring in congressman marcia blackburn, thank you so much for joining us. Whats your take on the North Carolina Police Shooting and the protests . I will say the charlotte mayor and the governor deserve some credit for acting swiftly, getting the National Guard and working to get the situation under control, and it is my understanding theyre working through the investigation and we will wait to see what the police have to say. Its a heartbreaking situation and our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones, to those who have injured and hopefully get that under control that today. Maria its a heartbreaking story. Mr. Scotts family says he was holding a book. The police say he was holding a gun and thats why he was shot because he wasnt stopping. Do you believe that the president ial nominees need to come out and Say Something here, providing Real Solutions to bring the police and communities they serve together . This issue is getting worse. It is and i think the police deserve our respect in allowing them and the cities to do their investigation before there is conversation about this. Let them figure out exactly what happened and then, you know, maria, at some point we have to look at how the inner cities are going to be worked with to get back to some of the jack kemp and working with the cities to make certain that there are opportunities in those cities and i also think about Rudy Giuliani and some of the things he did as mayor in new york and the broken window series and how they moved in and revitalize it had communities and the communities coming together to Work Together to make that work. Maria yeah. Im certain we are going hear more from the mayor of charlotte, police chief and also the governor today. Dagen just really quickly in terms of two president ial candidates, its worth noting that donald trump looked at the tulsa shooting separately than the shooting in charlotte and i think that thats why you have to look the violence and the underlying unrest are a bigger important, as important subject but hes looking at both shootings separately. He made the comment about tulsa, oklahoma, to me it looked like he did everything he was supposed to do. He was measured and careful. Hillary clinton yesterday in orlando she lump it had shootings together. Its at least worth noting that the care that he is using in handling, discussing the two shootings. Maria its important to see what their tone is and how they approach this situation . Yes. That is so true. And, you know, in these instances where youre looking at the public good, i think its imperative that we realize the agencies that are there, the officials that are there. Lets show them the respect and lets allow them to do their job before theres piling on or weighing in, lets all give them that measure of respect that is going to be necessary to work with the community and work with all of the groups that are involved and be able to handle this and here again lets begin to address root causes rather than just addressing the symptoms. We are not going to get past this until we do. Maria Jonathan Bush was talking about it earlier and the tenure of the economy, i want to ask you about the fresh fox news battleground polls, in North Carolina, for example, fourway race donald trump leads Hillary Clinton by 5 points among likely voters with 45 support, clinton with 40 while gary johnson has 6 and Green Party Jill stein is not on the ballot in the state. Congressman blackburn, president obama won North Carolina in 08 but mitt romney in 2012, how do you feel about donald trump in the state, are you comfort that hes going carry the state . I think youre going to see donald trump carrying North Carolina and several battleground states. The polls are trending the right direction for him. You have so many people who are entrepreneurs who are focused on Different Technology businesses and, maria, they want to make certain that intellectual property is going to be protected, fcc is not going to come and overrun businesses, whether it is health care, banking services, they want the ability to stand up those platforms and not have a federal agency shutting them down, fining them, running them out of business and in the case of manufacturing, having the epa or osha saying, hey, we are going to fine you until you close your doors. People are tire offed this. They want the economy to work, they want to be forwardlooking in the economy and bureaucratic regulation is just killing people out here, so they want it over with. I also think probably that trump access is sort of grounding rod for anker when things break out and emotional repercussions of the anger, thats a beautiful soil for the donald to the play in. North carolina opening up into a bleeding wound of frustration probably helps him. North carolina has been an interesting example of a state that was on economic decline and turned around. Theyve embraced trying new businesses, creating new middleclass jobs, i wonder dagen become more liberal at the same time, thats why people turn their nose up at donald because hes donald because youre angry and dont know where to put it, before there was charlotte, i was thinking hillary is going to get it because theres enough growth, nobody wants to go to break the glass an pull the anger button but when this happens people want to express anger. Let me give you another thought on that. I think you have to look at the rural areas of so many states and the fact that they cannot exercise Economic Opportunity and growth and theyve lost a lot of manufacturing jobs and it is because they do not have access to broadband, they do not have some of the transportation infrastructure that is necessary and in their communities they feel are just whiterring and fearful. Maria thats an important point. A lot of that thats out there. The Small Businesses, mom and pop shops, you know, the entrepreneurs that were there that felt like they could build out a business in a certain county or in a certain region of the state and it is very difficult now. So i think that plays into it in a state like North Carolina. Also, youre going see that in ohio and i think its when you have donald trump up 5 points in ohio, they look at him and see Economic Opportunity. They look at Hillary Clinton and think, oh, great, the federal government is going to grow, my taxes are going up, regulation is going to cause me to shut my doors. Maria if you want to see something change, you probably are not expecting change in Hillary Clinton as she has said this wants to be steady and build on the president s policies. Let me ask you this, we want to turn to the clinton email chaffetz mentioned that the hearing schedule today with pagliano is on, we know he blew up the last subpoena. Now the Oversight Committee has paul, who the committee may have delete it had Hillary Clinton emails that were under subpoena. Whats next in investigation in your view, what should we be looking at in terms of catalyst here congresswoman . What youre going see is a administration from chaffetz to push for getting to the bottom of this. Somebody had to make a decision to use bleach bit, somebody had to interact with readit, you had networks that probably saying, my goodness, why did we ever take that job. People are expecting to know the truth from Hillary Clinton, the dye deposition and pattern of deceit goes through public life, they want to cover these things up. They want to hide them and very difficult to do with the emails, with the trail that is there as digital footprint that it leaves. Maria, whether it is the email scandal, whether its the Clinton Foundation scandal, youre going to continue to see things come out where we are finding new things every day. Maria congresswoman good to see you. Thank you so much. Congresswoman blackburn. Do stay with us for that live. Still to come, good news for drivers in the south, meanwhile the pipeline causing prices to go up, pipeline has been fixed. Blue bell recovering cookie doug ice cream. Details that you need to know next. Back in a moment. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Everyone thought i was crazy to open a hotel here. Everyone said its so hard to be a musician, but i cant imagine doing anything else. Now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. Im always hopping on the train, running all over portland. I have to go wherever the work is. Trains with innovative Siemens Technology help keep cities moving, so neighborhoods and businesses can prosper. I can book 3 or 4 gigs on a good weekend. Im booked solid for weeks. It takes ingenuity to make it in the big city. Maria welcome back, we are expecting a higher opening for broader openings today. Futures indicating a gain about 60 points in morning. Rally continues on the anticipation that we are not going to see higher Interest Rates for some time. Shares of apple, the Technology Titan was looking to invest in british car maker in order to boost electric car project. Stock looking higher today. Watching viacom, ceo will step down midnovember. Cutting dividend in half from 40 cents to 20 cents a share on the dividend. Stock has been down better than 12 this year on viacom. Isis believe to have attacked u. S. Troops in iraq with a chemical weapon. Here is cheryl with the headlines. Cheryl u. S. Military is carrying out tests to see if a an agent and came close to iraqi forces, no injuries reported but first chemical attack on u. S. Forces in iraq since they return to the country in 2014. Meanwhile the pentagon is reportedly trying to send 500 additional troops to iraq, this comes as the u. S. And iraqi forces are preparing for a Mayor Campaign to take back the city of mosul from isis. Headlines to give you, good news for drivers in the southern part of u. S. , the gaspipe line that was shut down earlier this morning due to mayor leak now back in operation, Colonial Pipeline estimates 336,000 gallons leaked from that line, the shutdown caused surging fuel prices, georgia, tennessee and even in the carolinas, colonialpipe lines field prices will return to normal in the next several days. Finally this to tell you about, another recall at blue bell ice cream, recalling products over source that can be contaminated with listeria and no illnesses have been reported, maria, thus far. Voluntary recall by blue bell. Shipments to Southern States because we love blue bell, recalling multiple products and they did temporary shutdown last year, same issue but luckily so far no illnesses. Maria we will watch that one. Dagen texas take offense of being called southerners. Texans are texans. [laughter] maria bestselling series vanish hitting the big screen,. There are two billion people who dont have access to basic banking, but that is changing. At temenos, with the microsoft cloud, we can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. Everywhere where theres a phone, you have a bank. Now a person is able to start a business, and employ somebody for the first time. The microsoft cloud helped us to bring banking to ten Million People in just two years. Its transforming our world. Anybody finds out what we have been doing, its going to be bad. Nobody is going to find out anything because we are going to find them. This is our time. Everybody is asking why am i still here. Maria thats a clip from the new movie vanished left behind. Joining me right now is actor Jackson Hurst who play it is character of eric harlow. Our viewers know you best for your roles in drop dead did i diva and scandal. Tells us about scandal. Good movie, love triangle, the action, the evil, its good stuff. Maria we were talking in the commercial about dark versus others, you gravitate towards dark series. Theres something about it you sink in and lose yourself in it and toabt really have to worry about the way you look or hitting your mark a lot of times. In the film world, that type of stuff i just love it. Maria this movie questions purpose and faith, life choices, what made you gravitate toward that . You know, i like the idea they compared it to the hunger games, that type of stuff, that gave it that much more appeal to me. Plus, we had found out, my wife and i found out we were pregnant. Maria congratulations. Thanks. So that kind of added a little more appeal too. Maria that is excellent. Let me ask you about the other actors starring in vanished, how do you Work Together . Tell us about the dynamic onset. You know, we had fun, we goofed off a lot. But on screen theres a lot of chemistry. Maria i love your story because you were a double business major, you worked at citigroup, what a transition. I started at baylor and went to mexico. I got more serious about the acting and kind of had a double life. Maria that was your priority but you were going in business because you did well and you were making money. It was the smart thing to do, i guess. I dont think anybody can argue that going into acting is necessarily the smartest thing to do with your life. Maria congratulations, youve been busy, you have a lot of upcoming projects as well. Ncis lai shot a few episodes of that and airs sunday. Im in the premier of season 8. Maria distribution has changed so much with streaming and things like hulu and apple tv, does that dictate how you choose projects . I try not to get wrapped into it. It changes so fast that you cant even keep up. For instance, vanished is doing a onetime event, you know, thats the way maria yeah, i know. Thats on the 28th, onetime event. I was going to ask u you about that because thats different than what youve done in the past and what you are doing with the upcoming projects. Documentary is a fathom event. Musicians have done it. This is the first time this type is risking it. Maria we will watch you on sunday. Vanished left behind, next generation comes to the big screen for that special one night only event. We will talk to former insync member. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Im claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. Smokings a monkey on my back. It was, it was always controlling your time, your actions, your money. It had me. It had me. I would not be a nonsmoker today if it wasnt for chantix. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. Some had seizures while taking chantix. If you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Most common side effect is nausea. Its me in control now. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Chaos in charlotte to report. Good morning everyone. Here are your top stories at 7 00 a. M. On the east coast. Protesting, writing them into a second night last night. They now does clear a state of emergency. The nascar hall of fame among that. Both president ial candidates highlighting the importance between the communities that they protect. We are safe when kim immunities respected the police. Ive been privileged to spend a lot of time with mothers who had lost children and young people that feel like as far as our country is concerned their lives seem disposable. I spoke about instances like were having today. And we want to see that unifi as quickly as possible. Those are two problems that we have to get unified and taking care of. Maria the latest on the white house coming up this morning. But we know after she was questioned by the fbi when they stopped her and the united arab governments about the new york and new jersey bombings. Heather bresch faced tough questions over the epipen. The very latest on this. No change in Interest Rates. It has in fact strengthened. I between one and 2 . They stopped trading in japan. The country cannot keep it satellite in orbit. All of the stories coming up. Good to see you. Thank you so much for joining us everybody. Jill stein stops by. Joe is joey the tone is with us. Former secretary of health and Human Services. Stay with us though. It is breaking news now. A state of emergency in North Carolina. Another night of violence and protesting. It leaves at least four officers injured. A lot of questions this morning because hundreds of angry protesters marched through downtown to charlotte last night. Following up peaceful prayer visual. They fired tear gas into the crowd to try to get that situation under control. Someone opened fire. Were trying to get you an update. In the police say that the protesters also eluded the nascar hall of fame as well as Buffalo Wild Wings in the westin hotel. They have a coral in the National Guard to help the Police Control the chaos. They spoke it to fox news with Megyn Kelly Megan kelly last night about the violence. Listen. We are were trying to disperse the crowds. Now they become very aggressive. Its time for us to now restore order. They also told megan there is no doubt that scott had a gun on him at the time of the shooting denying claims that he only had a book on him when this all went down. He did pose a threat. Because theres this other Narrative Police say no he was shot because he we think he was reaching for a gun. Ted williams, thank you so much for weighing in. Your reaction to all of this. What you have here is an out of control mob i think the authorities are a little late in trying to take control. As of now they had declared a state of emergency they brought the National Guard in. I really believe that shouldve actually happened last night. Its very troubling that a lot of businesses were looted. Just think about this. There was a young man keith scott shot and killed by a bought black Police Officers. There were individuals who decided to peacefully demonstrate but then you got what i sought out in ferguson missouri what i saw in milwaukee wisconsin and what i saw in baltimore maryland and that is outside agitators coming in and stirring the pot and taking over and lastly that demonstrated they owned the town and did whatever they wanted and the injured people and they looted and even shot an individual. Maria its very concerning. I want to bring into the conversation charlotte mayor. Can you give us the very latest developments right now what can you confirm for us overnight that has taken place. We did have a civilian injured the best that we can tell right now it was a civilian on civilian shooting. The person is in Critical Condition in the hospital. At least one officer injured as well. We have many hours of violence protest in the uptown there were some businesses that have windows smashed i think our officers work very hard to protect our citizens and protect our property there were a lot of good efforts by folks here to try to keep it peaceful we have to remind folks the scott family who are anxiously waiting the results of the investigation their wishes were for a peaceful protest. They put that tweet out and made sure that people stayed calm and did not loot buildings exactly what we saw last night. What is your strategy to bring people together. All of our city councilmembers are reaching out to their leaders in their districts Community Leaders and working to pave a path forward and constructive dialogue. We want to continue our efforts where we work very hard for them to know each other on a personal basis. But also as collaborative. We actually have b for Community Policing we want to remind folks of that achievement in that tradition into remember that collaboration and cooperation really are the charlotte spirit. Do you know when or if the video of the shooting will be released. There are reports that theres a body camera video of other officers. It was put to rest the debate of whether he have a gun were still in the middle of an investigation. Our policy has been if it still ongoing we do not release pieces of evidence we want to head everything in place to complete the picture and make sure that the investigation has the highest integrity we also are following the wishes of the scott family. I think they will see it today. Its not clear there were different body cameras and some movement and what when exactly how transparent that footage is and how complete it is. I do hope to see that in the next couple of days but while the investigation is ongoing we will not be releasing it. I thank its important for the community that we do have that complete picture and a complete evidence. People are wondering why we havent seen the video yet. I do believe that it may help to quell some of what is going on there in charlotte. Even if you dont want to show the video to the public that you should bring leaders in and the community and show them the video or at this stage im sure that theyve done a forensic test of that gun and they can show a nexus between keith scott perhaps in a gun. And that is significant. How long are you expecting to keep the state of emergency in place . Were hoping is short of time as possible. I dont know how many peaceful protests are planned. It did turn into something more violent so were going to be working on that throughout the day with our Emergency Responders and hopefully we can keep this in place as short as time as possible. We will see both soon. The fallout from her testimony on capitol hill is next. The major failure for the companys space agency is all next. Its back in a moment. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. If only the signs were as obvious when you trade. Fidelitys active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. Its a very specific moment, the launch window. We have to be very precise. If were not ready when the planets are perfectly aligned, thats it. We need really tight temperature controls. Engineering, aerodynamics a split second too long could mean scrapping it all and starting over. Propulsion, Structural Analysis Maple Bourbon caramel. Thats what were working on right now. From design through production, Siemens Technology helps manufacturers meet critical deadlines. I think thisll be our biggest flavor yet. When you only have one shot, you need a whole lot of ingenuity. With new cabinets this wfrom this shop,house, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Wheyou wantve somto protect it. E, at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. With an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Welcome back. A firefighter assigned to a major wildfire has died. Thirty say that ryan ostler died and another firefighter overturned on a highway. His father worked for the same department the fire has burned nearly 20 square miles since it started back on sunday it is now is now about 45 contained. While an entire wnba team this is the first such protest involving an entire professional sports team. It follows the lead of the quarterback who said he wanted to call attention to the oppression of black people. And finally china said its lost control of its first space station. Do where the debris will land. Most of it will burn them as they enter back into the atmosphere there hoping to begin the gigantic Space Program and this is a very big hit to their program. Theres more still to come. The staggering amounts of americans now on painkillers. She wont make the debate stage but the message is going far from unhurt. She will join us live back in a moment. The microsoft cloud helps us stay connected. The microsoft cloud offers infinite scalability. The microsoft cloud helps our customers get up and running, anywhere in the planet. 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It is true there is layer upon layer of vigorous that comes off of this product we have the crazy little kook with his drugs and driving his price way up. The idea the idea that congress is involved in someones pricing choice is a dumb choice to piss off every member. These epi pens go into the backpack a huge majority of their sales every year are in the august month and then trickles off. When you hit this in august as parents are stressing out your asking the larger issue is that healthcare is so freaking Expensive Health healthcare costs in august in that same month went up a full percentage point and just that month. Made a mandated law they have to buy everything you either get the allyoucaneat buffet or you get a fine. Thats where we are right now. Nobody can tuck in a little bit here or there those things are illegal now. And you verbally tight vertical monopoly that has come over the last couple of years most doctors have exited their practices and sold out to big systems. Once you bring children into this. As a great political bat for them to use. I want twopoint out the price increases were like through the roof i dont think anybody is debating that i want twopoint out that this is not a drug that some child has to take every day every week you have to have a stockpile i understand you need to have your epi pens and you have to refresh them every year but mylan had stepped up and they have coupons they patient reimbursement programs for the epipen where you qualify if you make less than 97,000 a year. In terms of peoples hardship if people are feeling a hardship this is the underlying driver of frustration in panic that its not really going out. The fed has already tried everything they could do. Everybody is on the edge not seen a lot of big open opportunity so the person that raises the price of the epipen the anchor is really the anger at the iceberg that was stuck on top of the problem. The real issue is that where the only industrialization that is not force a negotiation with the Drug Companies on their price companies. Everybody feeds at the trough. But where is the sitdown session with the government in these Drug Companies same were giving you this pipeline how do we cut that price there are so many levers. The amount of time it takes to get a device or a drug through the fda cuts the number of numbers. They want medicare to negotiate the drug prices. Right now its against the law. Even new healthcare editorial hub we started this. Its in a great place. An incredible exhaust. About 10 of all medicine now happening on one internet based system. This is how i know when all of the epipens are going out. What is interesting as with all of this talk you actually seen doctors starting to wane back about 9 over the last two years down after theyve realized the unintended consequences. You can look at it in realtime. Were hoping to do a lot more of this in the years to come. Alabama is three times the amount. Weve been talking about racial tension huge difference between asian patients and white patients white patients get the most and then asians have to much. People who need them and have cancer if to jump through fiery hoops to get prescriptions and other doctors are just writing them for addicts. How do you balance it. Just looking at the look at the impact of your choices how are doctors who took the oath to do no harm how could they have let this happen there are situations where the get 30 or 50 or 40 pills that they need. Why are we making patients be in pain. Addicted. With the power to predict plane dash back pain is an outrageous disgrace i hold the doctors responsible is a big problem. Theres more coming up. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. When youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. Including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Nows your chance at completely clear skin. Just ask your doctor about taltz. It is thursday september 22. Breaking his protest riots. The governor declaring a state of emergency. The nascar hall of fame at least one person is shot in for more Police Officers injured. The demonstrations turned violent. The family of the man killed by a Police Officer will see footage of that today. There is still much we dont know about what happened in those incidents but we do know that we had two more names to add to a list of african africanamericans killed by Police Officers in these encounters. Its unbearable. And it needs to become intolerable. In my opinion that was a terrible situation. Weve seen others police are aware of that too. The company will confirm massive data breach. What you need to know coming up. How much the oil giants will spend to restore damage to natural resources. Were expecting a gain at open this morning. The case for a rate increase has strengthened. We will probably see out rate increase in december. Better than 2 right now. Higher across the board as well. An average closed as you see there. Were talking about the new business venture. We are looking at the latest somebody in the crowd opens fire she did another protester that was a civilian killing a civilian. There there with the latest. What can you tell us. He is in Critical Condition. Good morning to you. A number of joggers on the street. Braving what you might call a white rain here is washing away the smell of teargas. He is littered with it teargas canisters fired at laissez by police. There is a number of businesses, duke energy for one. All telling their employees today to stay home. Police were badly outnumbered and seemed ill prepared. For Police Officers were injured lastly from about eight to about 10 00 it was mayhem on the street of charlotte as a through rocks and bottle rockets. They finally started to move in. That one person who was shot was shot by a fellow protester during one of the malays there. Theyre unclear the Police Shooting of keith scott. According to social media reports witnesses and video and pictures all backup the idea. He either moved towards police that is what they fired upon. Take a look at the police chief defending his officer. Is there any doubt in your mind that the gun was in his hand. Absolutely no doubt whatsoever now. The van star was looted as well. As this really about Police Shooting. The National Guard takes the streets of North Carolina. This is a big swing state. There at play in a state here. Dr. Jill stein joins us now. Before we talk about the election had to get your reaction to the violence in the state of emergency in charlotte. How would you handle it. I think we badly need the escalation. Whether he have a gun or not. Clearly this was a case that was initiated the cops. There is an issue here of aggressive policing in the context of another shooting just a couple days before in tulsa, oklahoma, in the case of a man who have his hands at have complied with Police Orders whose car had broken down in the street that was another tragic shooting were followed on the footsteps of another young teenager holding a bb gun that was mistaken for a weapon. In all of these questions its a videotape that keep running over and over. Were stuck in a loop theres been about 700 cases of death at the hands. This is all about Aggressive Police in bad behavior. I have not seen the video and i look forward to seeing the further evidence. This isnt just a case of aggressive policing there are background elements here in which there is fear across the board. We live and in a garrison state now. In a society decided by fear. But also the fear and the hatred we have to get to the bottom of it. It is pervasive in our society. In a society where everybody has gods and everybody guns and everybody is quaking in fear. Its a set up for tragedies like this. President obama has been criticized for jumping the gun and calling a situation before we actually have the details of which is why i ask you as commander in chief how do you handle this but youre very adamant that its in it is the police fault. You cannot set this aside from the context including the murder just two days before have a gentleman in which there was very clear video where he was compliant absolutely with Police Orders have a hands up over his head we see video after video. You cant separate this from that context. Jill stein in the case of the shooting end of charlotte North Carolina the police chief said adamantly that scott wasnt repeatedly warned to drop his gun when he got out of his car and then went back and the officers gave a loud and clear verbal commands which were all so heard by many hard by many of the witnesses. Are you saying hes lying . What im saying is this guy was sitting in his car not hurting anybody for some reason the police were passing by. Thus not thats not what they just said. They do not believe he was sitting in his car. People have guns in the society. What was his crime that have initiated the Police Interaction with him. If the police story is true that he sitting there with a gun we dont know thats the case why did the Police Initiated contact with him. Its like in the case in tulsa where we had clear document evidence that this guy have his hands up in the air and was compliant with Police Orders. We see this in case after case. Is not to say that this is the whole story. Lets just say, people are up in arms and feel like they are on the firing lines simply for sitting in the car while black. If youre the president right now he would be moving to punish the police . [indiscernible] i would be working with police to train them and escalation techniques not aggressive intervention that precipitates this kind of a crisis. Have you called for a truth and Reconciliation Commission and what is i can look like. Is not like 12 people appointed from around the country. This is a process. A communitybased process. We are a garrison state. In which we hold biases about each other. We need to sit down and share our human stories and try to to try to get on the same page and try to get to the bottom of the biases that has become ingrained in us. Maria we want to move on and look at the actual video youve said its un democratic to exclude you from that debate. Yesterday i spoke with mike mccurry he is also the cochairman of the president ial debate listen to what he have to say. He knew almost a year ago that he would have to get to 15 we announce it and we are required by law and precedent to have what we call preestablished adopt objective criteria. We set the number at 15 and frankly some members thought that was too hot low some thought it was too high but there was precedent for 15 and that seems to be a reasonable number. So youre nowhere near 15 do you think its on democratic to not had you on the stage. This is a Democratic Party operative is speaking here. The commission is composed of representatives of the democratic and republicans party. The largest voting bloc right now of americans is independent people who had repudiated the parties in this race the vast majority of americans dont open Hillary Clinton the highest ratings are not liked not trusted ever in our history. Theyre saying they want other candidates in and these candidates are widely disliked. In 75 percent of the American Public is saying they want all four candidates included. We have a right to know who we can vote for. Join our campaign to open up the debate. What is the most important policy we need to be aware of that will create jobs from jill stein what is it . Calling for a new deal that got us out of the Great Depression the creation of 20 million. Dot jobs that would revive our economy. Where are these jobs coming from there so many local Business Enterprises in green energy. They revived the economy and they tackled climate change. We appreciate it. We will be right back. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. When a moment turns romantic, why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. 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Engineering, aerodynamics a split second too long could mean scrapping it all and starting over. Propulsion, Structural Analysis Maple Bourbon caramel. Thats what were working on right now. From design through production, Siemens Technology helps manufacturers meet critical deadlines. I think thisll be our biggest flavor yet. When you only have one shot, you need a whole lot of ingenuity. Welcome back. The president of syria strongly blaming the United States for the collapse of the ceasefire. In an interview with the Associated Press they reject accusation that russian planes hit and aid convoy to he also said that the deadly strikes last week were intentional. American officials said they were an accident in the meantime president obama said the situation in syria hunts them constantly and makes him ask himself what might have done differently along the course of the last five or six years. Yahoo makes it affirmative. The Technology News website said that a hacking attack still information up up to 200 Million People. Exxon mobil over an oil pipeline break. And investors are responding to a federal investigation. There is a stock in the pre market. Many believe companies well had to worry about regulators scrutiny. The second 8330. They will start operations by mid 2013 2017. It will run on the Verizon Wireless network. Joe is the tone with the new stage we will talk to him about his hotdog business thats all coming up next. This is the allnew 2016 chevy malibu. Wow, its nice. Lets check it out. Do any of you have kids . I do yes. This car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parents see how their teens are driving. Oh, thats smart. It even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened. Will it keep track of how many boys get it in the car . laughter cause that could be useful. This is ahead of what my audi has for sure. Wish my beamer had that. I didnt even know that technology existed. Im not in the market for a car but now i may be. Seconds can mean the difference between life and death. For partners in health, time is life. We have 18,000 people around the world. The microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and Work Together in real time to help those that need it. The ability to collaborate changes how we work. What we do together changes how we live. From boy band to food stand. The Small Business owner he joins me now. Its like dancing to wieners. They opened the first hotdog. Even on the food network. I do have a little bit at the culinary world. I was going get a hot dog and the little paper costs exactly. They turned away. I always wanted to do something and a lot of celebrities they slept their name on something they dont know much about. They dont know anything about the business. So this gave me a really good chance to be handson with everything. Its been a great process and an exciting and. Its only been like a week or so. So you been on chopped on the food network who could have picked any food to build a business how come hotdocs . The majority of the world loves a good hotdog. We have a little bit of that. It actually has that sampler of all. They are a hundred beef. He opened the first kiosk last week. Everything has been great. I was actually very humbled. It was a four hour wait. The most gratified thing was people were cool with it. They knew the kiosk it was gonna take a little time. Ive been keeping it small just to graduate and grow. And then all the sudden but if it takes. Im amazed when i see the lines they just want the ease they want to fast they want it now. We are just working a little bit in florida. And maybe go across the country and have fun with that. Is small be happening every place for every city. Obviously with malls around this time is a little slow. Coming up. Will talk more about the increase in price and the epipen. Mornings with maria next. 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Good thursday morning welcome back i am Maria Bartiromo it is thursday, september 22 your top stories 8 00 a. M. On the east coast, breaking news protesters rites looting extendeding into second night in charlotte governor declaring state of emergency nascar hall of fame establishments damaging by protesters at least one person has been shot four more Police Officers injured as demonstrators turn violent jvr roberts giving update. I think our officers work very hard to protect our citizens and protect our property. And i even saw in crowd working to be between protesters and police, and, you know, there were a lot of good efforts by folks here, to try to keep it peaceful. Coming up weve got donald trump Hillary Clinton reactions to the unfolding situation, plus brandnew fox news poll highlighting swing states including North Carolinab first debate. Wife of terror suspect rahami on the way back to the United States with a government escort right now. Coming up what we know after she was questioned by the fbi, in United Arab Emirates they interposedh intercepted her there. Puerto rico waking up in dark a massive power plant failure a fire we bring that to you in markets higher opening for broader averages the highs of the morning Dow Jones Industrial average expected up 70 points, no change from the Federal Reserve yesterday. That was expected. The Central Bank Says case for a rate increase has strengthened jon from the wall street journal says expect hike in december market posting stron gangs cac quarante up better than 2 germ an. Dax incomes ft 100 up 1 1 3 percent higher across the board in asia similar the markets closed in japan overnight, for a holiday. China space plan crashing down the country cannot keep satellite in orbit big story there as well all coming you mean joining me to talk about it Dagen Mcdowell, former Goldman Sachs partner peter kernen with us and Lea Gabrielle good to see you joining the conversation stay with us trump sr. , Economic Advisory with us today former second of health and assume services Kathleen Sebelius will join us and host of Varney Company Stuart Varney will weigh in dont miss it we kick off with breaking neNorth Carolina under state of emergency second night of violent protests anger over deadly prolife shooting of black man into streets of charlotte again one protester shot at the very least four Police Officers injured that protester right now is in Critical Condition, this morning, after being shot by another civilian, police say riotters lootsdz as in carvahal hall as well as Buffalo Wild Wings and westin hotel a lot of damage there, North Carolina governor mccrory had to call in National Guard to help Police Control the crowd protesters broke out tuesday night, after police shot and killed keith lamont scott, the chief says scott had gun posed a threat to officers there are questions now swirling this morning, over a body cam footage of the incident people want to see that video they want to know he in fact was holding that gun last hour mayor jefr roberts told me exclusively scotts family will see the video today. Policy was hen investigation still ongoing we do not release pieces of evidence but want to have everything in place to complete the picture, and to make sure that the investigation has highest integrity, we also are to scott family want to see that video they will be seeing the it today i understand. Mayor roberts defended the Police Department response to the situation, as well as the rit riots host of david webb show Fox News Contributor david webb good to see you. In our reaction to all of this a tough morning. Tough morning but that decision showing the family provide at least a piece of it that confirms what the police what the police chief said corroboratedwitnesses records to have said will help the family there is another story going on here the store is why move from where the incident originally occurred to uptown section yesterday, there were nation of islam leaders on networks around the country, calling for a move into economic areas targeting economic areas. Targeting them by rioting a lot different than saying we are going to have comic booking impact a secondstory a articulated strike to tear down community the relationship, using the this incident. Maria so you are saying, there is one story, of the shooting and we want to see video we want to wait we want to before we rush to legitimize the other story which is wrong is they want to create disruption in areas of economic strengthen look at uptown kind of an outdoor area very gentrified the people go to clubs restaurants i have been there myself know people in that area they are going away from where they load nearby in walmart where the incident occurred shooting occurred now going out this is what a has been going on playing out youve got grow ups operating in carolinas led by referenced bar beer others active the head of naacp youve got divine leftist approach to tearing down these relationships taking advantage of these dense we want ignore that. Dagen does also very what is endgame is my question. Because, again there is protesters people peaceful protests drawing attention to a problem, in this nation, division, a great divide, if you will. But the loath, the violence. Where does that get us. Jin it up one thing playing out many have s seen video of young girl screaming going to be shot at school home wherever says by the police, we have a problem now where there are parts of the black Community People in that community actually believe that no matter where they go they are the target of a policemans gun, when someone believes that, and that exists as their world, that creates a dangerous environment where someone may react. When they see a Police Officer, we do need to deal with that, she was absolutely we have a way to prosecutor them cops dont like bad could bes dont like bad shoots makes their job much harder now we have other things a guy, a riotter i dont call protester that brings a gun to a riot in uptown area and shoots someone else, youve got to consider that now of potential for guns in the crowd, you have the potential of people traveling into that area with intent breaking into stores. Longer about black lives matter this is about a much more dangerous part that person in Critical Condition right now actually. You know this is whole situation completely out of control you mentioned last night the interview with our journalist Steve Harrigan trying to get voices heard attacked himself but you mentioned, mayor roberts, and you know she is essentially holding back showing video to public if so clear what police every saying is true, that this man did have a gun the police were threatened why not get it out there why not institute a curfew immediately. She was the video first. The last hour said here k exclusively the family will see that video today. Absolutely. Sounds like the right move. See video first. At the same time, i mean you have riots journalists being attacked, attack agitanother journalist. Get into that area of compelling interest for the Community Versus the legal aspects of this because there is a case that has to be dealt with that could could be an issue for the city, i agree show it to the paem, the family can carry the message if they are he hopelessness about it, unfortunately, until it is shown to everyone, but even then but curfew. You can show this video to the entire city to put on every cell phone, in those riott riotterk dont care about that. She hasnt seen video, by the way, not just determination and has have same opinionis amazed at that. And implication is she is calling the chief of police in charlotte a lion. Very pointed question she didnt answer. Overarching a move to come on show immediately have that opinion. Also juices terms like deescalation training other things, i would like to take legislature to a real shoot motion scenario and see how she reacts, every time a journalist goes on one of these they find out the difference as you know someone has been trained difference between decision you make in a split second, to squeeze that trigger. That is training is important but is is important for the public as well, because police cant deescalate if public wont go along what should this city do more bhoornl should cities not in the hurricane that are no the in the probable charlotte is doing preemptively to say what can we learn to carry on. To point of community trains police vice versa reestablish reps when these things occur you need to shut them down we have to stop the belief if we give them a safe space a time coolingoff period let ep them riot at mall in baltimore that is supposed is to change it you have to have tough effective fair police when riotters start shut them down i watched this through the night as here going from studio to studio, and i want looked at it i saw Police Officers they basically held back, for lack of a better term, from doing their jobs. Wow, incredible situation, still developing thank you. David webb with latest there millions without pour in prosecutor latest on outage left nearly entire island in the dark, plus another company jumps on the pumpkin crazy mcdonalds take on salty and sweet back in a minute. Theres a lot of places you never want to see 7. 95. [ beep ] but youll be glad to see it here. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. 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Introducing one talk another way verizon connects your business better. Learn how at onetalk. Com. Maria welcome back new developments this morning in the investigation into the new York New Jersey bombings. Cheryl the wife ofa Ahmad Khan Rahami is expected to arrive in uask from the united emirates very soon investigators believe she could help better understand rahamis alleged past, rahami unconscious unable to speak with fbi agents about attacks multiple surzr surgeries for gunshot wounds in shootout with police. Fbi looking for these two men who took a suitcase they found on a city street in mid down moved explosive device left that device behind, Authorities Say they are potential witnesses not suspects. The fbi i omitted isis link in criminal complaint against rahami the complaint only notes rahami makes references to terrorist affiliated with alqaida. Headlines this morning a massive blackout in puerto rico nearly one and half Million People without fire after major fire knocked out lefbt yesterday Puerto Rico Power Authority says two transmission lines failed businesses universities government offices closed early chaos on load the governor says it will containing hours to ray damage get things running today. Tesla motors a major upgraded to auto pilot system a rallyout of the update makes system rely more on radar started yesterday auto Pilot Service has come under fire for allegedly causing several accidents tesla maintains auto pilot is not at fault the stock a tiny bit higher premarket as you can see there. Mcdonalds is taking pumpkin creates a to new level restaurants there are selling get this, pumpkin k chocolate french fries, fries dribbled with chocolate sauce sand pumpkin sauce in time for halloween no word if trying it here it continues, any weird food items, debuts in the world i bring you right on. Thanks cheryl coming up new polls for donald trump key battleground states what you need to know before the first debate monday night. Hottest trend cock tice on ice we are showing you the newest way to spice up cocktails check that out in new york. Very cool back in a minute. The microsoft cloud helps us stay connected. The microsoft cloud offers infinite scalability. The microsoft cloud helps our customers get up and running, anywhere in the planet. Wherever theres a phone, youve got a bank, and we could never do that before. The cloud gave us a single platform to reach across our entire organization. It helps us communicate better. We use the microsoft clouds advanced analytics tools to track down cybercriminals. This cloud helps transform business. This is the microsoft cloud. Audi pilotless vehicles have conquered highways, mountains, and racetracks. And now much of that same advanced technology is found in the audi a4. With one notable difference. 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Maria well back new fox news poll this morning finds trump leading clinton in key battleground states fox news john roberts the latest. Good morning. Reporter good morning to you got to be alarm bells going off Hillary Clinton Campaign Headquarters findings new fox news poll came out late yesterday in battleground state ohio donald trump leads Hillary Clinton 4237 a 5 point margin in tar heel state leads 4540 look at this in nevada, he leads her 43 to 40 that is a big turnaround from way things with not long ago donald trump leading among independents by 20 points that is double the support that Hillary Clinton has now why is all this important . Because donald trump is behind by seven points here in the keystone state of pennsylvania, but if he puts together a combination of ohio, florida North Carolina iowa nevada may be hampers maine can get to 270 take oval office in pennsylvania all day today obviously the events that happened last night in which are the over last few days heavily on his mind here when is what he followed fox friends this morning what he would do as president to try to bring the country together. There is no unity the level of hatred rocks threaten everything happening so sad to see you know this is United States of america it is so sad to see. But there is just no unity there has been unity message smouf that has to get out starts with leadership. Donald trump will be talking about that today, at conference in pittsberg talking about energy unlike headline hill says wants to reduce dependence on fossil fuels donald trump is proamerican Energy Development this conference mostly about fracking as you know so important to the economy in pennsylvania really has led to a new renaissance in American Energy production back to you. Maria he is saying he can tap into resources in this country create Economic Growth as a result and jobs thank you. We will get back to you straight biopolls joining us right now steve, trump senior Economic Advisory ceo federal savings bank, good to see you steve thank you so much for joi trump leading now in battleground states that are so critical to him actually winning this election. I think mr. Trumps message getting across to American People i think has a clear eyed approach to leadership the way communicating that resonating with american supporters you are seeing that in the polls and in commentary from folks on the street. As you look at the landscape you are seeing donald trump mature as candidate how are you finding his economic and growth plans . Are they hitting with resounding thud on target how are people reresponding. I think if you understand mr. Trump he is a guy gets up every day goes to work you better lace up shoes if you are going to work with that guy every day i think with he delivers his his tax policies, his thoughts around deregulation, thoughts around unleashing energy and also trade renegotiations they hit squarely at middle of what americans folks that are producing jobs and want to create jobs, care about. Look at this report, from the committee for responsible budget, that came out with numbers yesterday. They say that there they have go to rights tag fiscal guide to 2016 election looking at Donald Trumps plan they say that the plan would increase debt by 5. 3 trillion dollars. I think, i think, most folks especially like me trying to good at math would think that is fuzzy math i think mr. Trump economic advisories laid out 3 1 2 complete economic recovery terrific growth at 4 reducing debt i think between the message points, of there trump policies going to see not soninlaw complete recovery not only a growth in jobs, but but more people getting on the tax rolls, selfpaid plan, and an spree of in the economy debt paid down. Dagen conservatives who listen to him on the fence, sometimes he sounds like a screaming liberal when he came out and said hey Hillary Clintons Infrastructure Spending i am going to double it Government Spending we doubled national get 8 years at 12 trillion dollars not talking about cutting entitlements, neither is Hillary Clinton she is talking about, expanding about medicare for more not touching Social Security whatsoever he talks when it comes to spending on some issues he might as well be a democrat quite frankly. Well that is an interesting point dagen mr. Trump made it very, very clear there will be no cuts in Social Security or medicare reduction. That doesnt make some he conservatives happy if where money is. Worrying about the solvency of medicare going broke in 12 years. I know he doesnt win being nevertheless when you talk about i am going to spend half a trillion dollars on Infrastructure Spending. When you do the math you can show how you gain 75 basis points, in gdp growth through tax reduction, 75 base points in deregulation and money saved there, as well as unleashing American Energy renegotiating our trade policy. Rolling back rates. Exactly correct how you are going to pay for it three trillion dollars, in regulator xens need to be rolled back. Not looking at Growth Numbers that will come out of 15 Corporate Tax rate. Only thing that is hard for me to judge, is when you say, i am going to do this to cut taxes i can math matter chee assess it how do you assess the ability of trump and administration to cut these regulations, because this is something that everybody is running for president always says i am going to cut hillary not saying it. May be one. What is donald trump going to do to ernestly cut i think spelled out very, very clearly getting involved Public Sector as well as private sector need to give Committee Specific guidelines they believe burdensome can quickly be rolled back to create immediate sooifgs we know especially do have the doddfrank a ton of Consumer Protection banking regulations come into effect cost hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars pendulum swung to a far have you applied for a mortgage last three years five years . You better bring a phone book of paperwork has gotten ridiculous you can verify everything you need protect consumers but union sanctity in the marketplace. Obama scary responsive for a lot of families. Back to one of the important issues to get out the jet you know when we see battleground states tight 9 11 polls, a lot of margin of error places like, nevada, very heavily clinton more open areas that is the blan for trump to motivate people to get out and vote have in this election. That is a phenomenal question at the end of the day mr. Trump is out there every single day, talking to voters, he is rising the spirit and motivation of that 150i8 you will seent majority they are going to vote bottom line not taking time off not resting this man is moving at the speed of light, talking to real americans he sees himself as real american. He certainly does, spectacular. Quick before you go the fed didnt do anything yesterday what you are running obviously a major bank was it right move not to do anything what is your take on this. I think raising Interest Rates would have been a big mistake i think we have a very soft underbelly to our economy unless we roll out changes specificity outlined by there mr. Trump i think we remain on very, very soft ground. The ceo mylan comes up swinging yesterday defending the price hike of epipen in front of Congress Former steak of health human seniors Kathleen Sebelius will weigh in. Should apple speeding ahead with electric car plan the luxury car maker tim cook and company may be eyeing to do just that. Back in a minute. We make every vehicle to be eyecatchingly beautiful. We make them to be exhilaratingly agile. We make them to be meticulously engineered. And for the cla we also made it. For this. The 2017 cla. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Im claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. Smokings a monkey on my back. It was, it was always controlling your time, your actions, your money. It had me. It had me. I would not be a nonsmoker today if it wasnt for chantix. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. Some had seizures while taking chantix. If you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Most common side effect is nausea. Its me in control now. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. I am Maria Bartiromo thanks for joining us it is thursday, september 22, your top stories right now 8 30 a. M. On the east coast, breaking news, protesters riots looting extending into second night in North Carolina governor declaring state of emergency mayor told us earlier she is hoping this is shortlived, nascar hall of fame moneyidamagy protesters at least one shot four more Police Officers injured demonstration violent charlotte mayor roberts telling me earlier the family of a man killed by police will see body camera footage of the shooting today. Both donald trump and Hillary Clinton weighed in on tens while on the campaign trail. History has shown us that the strongest growth in our economy is inclusive to based growth when everyone can contribute to our prosper 70. I totally understand Africanamerican Community has suffered from discrimination. And that there are many wrongs that must still be made right. I want to make america prosperous for everyone. Fiery hearing on capitol hill from mylan cre Heather Bresch faced tough questions over skyrocketing prize of ep ponzi yesterday we bring it to you, obamacare democratic Law Enforcement pushed for public option details on that regulator environment in Health Care Markets higher expecting higher for barragroad averages we heard from Federal Reserve no change in Interest Rates expected the case for increase strengthened Jon Hilsenrath on earlier from the adjournal saying expect a rate are increase in if december in europe strong begins a off between 1 and 2 1 2 we have seen market rally on air cac quarante best in paris up 2 and a quarter asia overnight gains across the board a holiday in japan nikkei average closed when it comes to unifies forget cubed or crushed taking a look at growing craft ice business for cock tays weve got it going on right downstairs outside the building so we are going to take you there, ceo mile ann Heather Bresch defending epipen price very he increase yesterday mylan increased price from epipen from approximately 100 to 600 dollars last seven years bresch claiming people assume how much mylan makes here epipen, that is wrong she said. I know there is considerable concern and skepticism about pricing of open penz i think being people incorrectly assume we make 600 dollars off each pen it i will simply not true, recent ep pep price increases have not yielded the revenue to mylan many assume. She said mylan makes 50 dollars on each epipen joining us former Secretary Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius secretary good to see you. Thank you so much for joining us. Glad to be with you. What is your reaction from that defense yesterday . Well i frankly find it shocking, that any product that has been on market as long as epipen suddenly rises in price 00 , and 600 a life an death product people need epipens or allergies for childrens allergies a terribl example of pricegouging in the pharmaceutical industry show a she has been saying it is a system secretary she said look, when you consider the fact that there are about 5 parties out there that get a take from the 600 dollars youve got a distributes, territorial yooufruth farms sig benefit managers is it so bureaucratic it is hurting the comheer. I dont think a bureaucratcratic system nothing justifies 600 price increase for a product on the market a very long time whatever the rationale it seems about making money, mylan may not make as much money as people might think, but they are clearly making money off this dramatic price increase and it puts lives in jeopardy. What do you do you do control. There has been no respectful and development has not been new rationale for this kind of price increase i think that is what consumers are now able to look at in a very transparent way raising prices because they can raise prices this is not a government controlled system. Okay, but fdas fault . How come not approving more devices to compete with epipen how come we havent seen more pat he isnt generics to compete with this thing so there could be more competition on market and prices would go lower . Well having been very familiar with fda 5 and one half years i think safety and security as well as it is efficacy standards in United States Gold Standard in europe products go on market dont kill you but may not work at all. America has a system where you have to both be safe and secure which is very important as well as the product has to work. So assuming that fda hasnt founded yet a product that meets both of those standards they are streamlining their processes, we get products on the market very quickly but they have to meet both stands comparing american regulation to European Regulation is often looking at two very Different Things there are lots of products in europe go on market more quickly but dont work at all. So you dont think that it is taking too long then to go through this process for companies. Well i think it is appropriate every i think it is appropriate to look at at those processes which we did over and over again peggy hamburg former fda commissioner streamlined a number of products they have fast track approval process, that lots of products drugs and devices moving through much faster pace i think that Continuous Improvement is important what you dont want to do is sacrifice pace for products that are not as secure or work for patient. Yes congressman chaffetz schedule have ever bresch if name brand version is different from generic listen to this is. What is the difference in the generic version . Just a name . It will be we will it will be the same product without he to auto injector. 608 dollars now you are going to have a generic of a generic, and that is going to be 300 dollars . Yes. Is that easy. I have never seen anything like this. I am speechless. Well i am too, mylan owns the patent, so making a generic of their product means making same product i assume just putting it in a different wrapper and charging half price means they he could lower the price in half for everybody, but they have chosen not to do that so now they will have their own product repackaged for some people at half the price, they are offering some kind of coupon deal to some people at some at a much lower price so i have no idea what the Company Strategy is, except for making money making money on the stock price making money for executives which does seem to me to put lives at risk in a very important product where no new research no new development no new additions have been added to the epipen just price. Maria i am all for free markets but that did sound pretty damning. After all the criticism, that you are under okay we will do it for 300 call it a generic, let me move on, secretary case democratic lawmaker are pushed for public option for obamacare, look this would create government run insurances that compete with private companies amid recent woes of Companies Like aetna United Health care talking about losing a billion dollars, on the Affordable Care act because of these you know, they have got losses, look. You oversaw the launch of obamacare we all know there were problems with launch nobody knows better than you here are still problems, secretary. What needs to be down to Affordable Care act . I dont think there is any question that this is still a a new market, and the good news for a lot of people is that they have competition, they have price choices and they have full Insurance Coverage in ways that they never had a choice in the old individual market about um lots of people locked out maria with medical, couldnt get insurance at all if they had any choice it was one Program Rates doubledigit year in and year out so there is n and most people in the new marketplace can find plan for about 75 dollars a month. That is an incredible price gift for folks getting a full range of Insurance Coverage, and Preventative Care for themselves and their kids, so these markets are growing, there is more competition, right now, in the markets than before, i think what the democrats are saying is if there is a market where there is a monopoly where people dont have a choice, we should relook at a public option, to create that choice. But we see private insurers moving into markets they have never been in before, and, you know, now there are 20 Million People Medicaid Expansion or marketplace have full Insurance Coverage for themselves and their families. Maria but s secretary gentlemen more insured this law is bankrupting companies, this law is making it very expensive for Companies Big and small. They are laying off workers they are complaining, the Insurance Companies pulling out losing a billion dollars on it something has got to give even individuals are saying, my Health Care Costs now i am paying 800, 1,000 a month, is it there fair to say this was a failure . I dont think it is a failure at all, we have the lowest rate of uninsured that this nation has evergreen frankly the reality is that overall Health Care Costs have grown at a slower rate since the president signed this law in 2010, than ever recorded in history. Medicare growth down private insurance policies growth actually at slower rate overall medical inflation is down so no this is hardly a failure, does it mean health and support do we need to look at aspects of the law . You bet a very fledgling market i am a former insurance commissioner i have watched markets grow, and Companies Move in and out of the private individual coverage market over and over again. What you havent seen maria which everybody predicted is, of course, drop coverage that has not happened people have not been, dumped in the street employer coverage stronger than ever so i think all aspects of the system are beginning to Work Together, and the new markets will will take a while to sort out, we need to relook at risk corridors look at special enrollment periods but people are getting full Insurance Coverage in a way they could have never gotten before Affordable Care snookt is there a way to make it cheaper . Well i think, i think continuing to look at prices, insurance is still regulated at the state level and there are states have done very good job making sure that, again, pricegouging not going on rates justified with the cost, and competition works, i am a big believer in market place competition it will was part of the framework of the law if you have more insurers competing, rates are far less expensive for individuals. And as i say, most of the individuals can find a plan in the market with full Insurance Coverage for 75 dollars a month, that is a pretty good deal. All right we leave there it secretary good to see you thanks so much for about joining us. Nice to see you again. Kathleen sebelius there, still to come regulators clearing the way for boeing to fly to iran latest on this controversial deal next president obamas term coming to end enwhat is he leaving behind for the next president Stuart Varney will weigh in, back in a moment. Thwow, its nice. Ew 2016 chevy malibu. Lets check it out. Do any of you have kids . I do yes. This car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parents see how their teens are driving. Oh, thats smart. It even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened. Will it keep track of how many boys get it in the car . laughter cause that could be useful. This is ahead of what my audi has for sure. Wish my beamer had that. I didnt even know that technology existed. Im not in the market for a car but now i may be. Be overwhelming and complicated. Thats why at Cancer Treatment centers of america, every patient gets their own care manager, to coordinate every aspect of their care. Its a long journey, its very complicated and we try to help them through that. We are available 24 7. If a new symptom occurs in the middle of the night, we are there to help. The care manager coordinates all of the patients appointments, scans, chemotherapy. The last thing any patient really needs to worry about is how am i going to get here, how is insurance going to handle this . One of the great things we do is help them manage their symptoms at home. We as care managers want to take as much stress off the patient as we can. Meet the care managers at ctca. My name is mena. Collette jodi vincent stacy our nurse care managers are with you every step of the way so you can focus on your fight. Learn more at cancercentererer. Com caremanar Appointments Available now. Welcome back, donald trump and Hillary Clinton vying to move into White White House what will next president inherent from president obama as he gets ready to move out horticulture of Varney Company Stuart Varney good morning stu. Good morning, maria i hate to be to be caustic and sharp edged but with 47 days you are laughing but with 47 days left to the real presidency 47 days to election, we are looking at a string of failures. From president obama. And i think that is a real danger signal we have riots in charlotte the back of these is race president obama first black president has not cooled racial tension, that is a failure. The economy is the worst recovery from any recession since world war ii, and we are spiraling down. That is not a good legacy to leave. Terror. The president will not call it what it is he will not say is almost a i think terror meanwhile, hands are tied domestically isis here we koont deal with it properly we refuse to name what it is in Foreign Policy abject string of failure we have syria iran nuke deal russia reset china in Pacific North korea nukes migrant crisis one thing after another which are failures i think a very, very sad thing to be saying about any president but i think it is also a dangerous time with were going into we have the worlds beacon of light it has been dimmed. Maria look the other that he was tow truck to go black community, at a rally, and said do it for me. Do it for my legacy. Yep. I will be insulted if you do not vote keep this legacy alive. This was one time we have seen real passion of fire, from the president. Yeah. He was fired up. Less than 24 hours later, he was subdued, he was reticent reluctant to come forward and seek forcefully about anterior we just had a anterior attack in america he had no passion about it nonwhatsoever. He said dont make any pronouncements about what it is. Stuart see you 10 minutes. Yes you will. We will hear more from stuart the top of the hour Varney Company every day 9 00 a. M. Eastern after morni mornings with maria. Bottom of next hour opening bell names to watch, keeping eye on boeing, the company now allowed to sell plans to planes to irana it was grand a license by u. S. Treasury department boeing with airbus part of the deal that will send nearly s 20 aircraft to that kin. 120 aircraft to that country. Shares of apple this morning news reports yesterday tech titan look to go invest in british car maker mccollar tony boost rumored electric car project mcclaren denied any such talks. Choices no longer what about a recolletangle the cold trend heating up the cocktail market, when mornings with maria continues. Ice. Cold at night, you are willing to sacrifice our love maria crosscountry right now, bar tenders specific shapes to craft a cocktail joining us right now cofounder o to thank you i am ice expert. Right. Thank you so much for joining us we have been watching from something for yourselves. How did you begin this got into this. Well i started studio with my father, he was a master sculpture i grew up playing with ice, i grew up alaska everybody plays with ice but i did, and, you know, finished art school career, and went to see what we can do, i kind of looked in backyard i knew that was ice something that i can do, we worked with this special clear ice, also a known long time this is something that bar tenders can really cherish, use, and connect with right people, and started to really explore the possibilities. Maria is that round ice cube you are holding. This is kind of halfway between a cube and more this morning, but in a beautiful you know rock glass really brings out the color, and the beauty. Ice. Yes. Ib to sell more drinks. Definitely one hundred percent that is good for bourbon. Drinks more precious, and clarity of the ice really brings the color that is meant to be, and the singularity maximum moois the chill. You see in restaurant. You see a lot of these happening in. Dolphins, whatever. Is there something about ice that changed in the last a little bit that is all of a sudden, creating this euphoria popularity. Well, ice is heart of an important part of the process and beginning to end from shaking to finish. So you know, and the big ice is really brings out everything that is beautiful that is the bartender meant it to be, really changed experience itself so it is really point of no return once you experience our ice. Cool thing about it too you can do different colors as well correct. Different colors, as far as food colorations. Play with that, for us, you know it is really that the purity of the water that is involved, working with the spirits all that, you can play with colors by adding color gels Different Things shooting the alcohol the shooter down ey ice, how long like this. Big ice like this in general 6 to 8 hours before losses deal slower melting ice than conventional. Thank you. Thank you. Really beautiful actually, and fun out here. Take a cold day a cold day. Well be right back. When it comes to healthcare, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. For partners in health, time is life. We have 18,000 people around the world. The microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and Work Together in real time to help those that need it. The ability to collaborate changes how we work. What we do together changes how we live. Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions . Your personal success takes a Financial Partner who values it as much as you do. Learn more at tiaa. Org its scary when the lights go out. People get anxious and my office gets flooded with calls. So many things can go wrong. Its my worst nightmare. Every second that power is out, my citys at risk. Siemens digital grid manages and reroutes power, so service can be restored within seconds. Priority number one is keeping those lights on. It takes ingenuity to defeat the monsters that live in the dark. Welcome back, final thoughts here. A great show, thank you for joining us and thanks to our panel ists upstairs. I love it here in new york and of course, if you get to florida, check out a hot dagg and italian ice. Maria now youre into hot dogs. Thank you for joining us. Peter kieranen, thank you for being here, Dagen Mcdowell and Lea Gabrielle. Varney company. Stuart here we go. You caught me maria, i was talk to go one of our guests, i wasnt quite ready, but i am now. Here we go. False claims on social media. Thats what started it, and the rioting in charlotte is not over. Good morning, everyone, the governor declares a state of emergency. The National Guard has been called out. One person shot critically wounded. Tuesday a black man shot by a black Police Officer posts on social media, said he was holding a book. Wrong, say police. He had a gun. Violence and looting for a second night in charlotte. Now, this is now an election issue. Hillary clinton needs the black vote. Donald trump needs to make inroads with black voters, both are responding to Police Shootings. Bring back stop and frisk, thats what donald trump says. Weve got to do better, too many people have lost their lives. Thats what Hillary Clinton is saying. To the polls, which do not yet

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