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Find out how how long you will have to wait. No nude, no problem. Plus parkts look like this. Futures indicating higher opening. Quarter percent higher on Dow Jones Industrial. Visit day on the Economic Calendar today. Expected to show a decline of one tenth per can he be the and you will hear from the bank of england. No action expected out of bank of england. Right now fractionally higher moves, quarter percent on ftse in london. In asia nikkei and honing song open for trading. Holiday elsewhere. Hang seng in london in hong kong rather, pardon me, twothirds of one percent. A move to los angeles doubles the value of the rams but pails in comparison to the most valuable team. We will tell you who tops that list coming up. Now we know why Kim Kardashian takes so many selfies. Sharing makes you happy. Join me to break it up all down, principal and economist lenor and mike murphy and pollster lee carter joining us today. Good morning, everybody. Big stories on tack today. You have seen big changes in the polls. It has been fluid, its a weekbyweek race. Maria 11 days away from the first debate and about 50 days from the election. Incredible moment in time. We are talking about it this morning. Alan is with us today. Editor in chief laura is going to join us and republican Vice President ial nominee indiana governor mike pence this morning. You dont want to miss a moment of it. We will bring you the exclusives coming up. Donald trump is set to deliver major speech today where hes expected to outline economic plan. Peter is outside of trump headquarters, peter, good morning to you. Peter good morning, maria. Trump is riding a wave of good polling among five on likely voters. He thinks hes the only one running for president who understanding how much their laws have eroded under president obama. It used to be, think of this, is this true, it used to be cars were made in flint and you couldnt drink the water in mexico, now the cars are made in mexico and you cant drink the water in flint. Trump last night alluded to problems and that appearance came after he talked about his own physical titness that featured a rare personal critique by trump. He feels healthy enough to serve come january. If elected at age 70, oldest person to ever enter the oval office. What do you think you have the stamina to be president . Just about the same as Ronald Reagan and hillary is a year behind me. I feel as good today as i did when i was 30. Later on this morning, trump will be here in new york for a speech for the Economic Club for new york where we were told there wont be new policies proposals but hes going to lay out ideas that he has been making for the last several months as one big package and we are very serious how it is received, maria. Maria part of that package, peter, 15 Corporate Tax rate that he says is going to move things. Peter, we will get back to you. We want to bring in texas congressman. Congressman, good to see you. What do you want to hear from donald trump today . Well, the kind of things starting off just what you said, if we went to a 15 Corporate Tax rate, you would not be seeing plants moving to mexico. You would see plants moving to the United States. You would see better Drinking Water in flint because they had the entry moving back to make that happen. So that i cant imagine anything better than starting right there. 15 Corporate Tax rate, you know, we have the highers Corporate Tax rate in the industrialized world and i made a trip with other members of congress a few years back and we talked to numerous ceos in china that were there with their plants and and wanted to know why they moved industry here and labor is so much cheaper and what we heard over and over was that the best workers in the world, the best efficiency is in the United States, but they move to china because china would work a deal 15 Corporate Tax rate, some of them would get a lower rate starting off and move up. By the time that we started paying serious income tax, we had already paid for our state of the art plant. So wouldnt it be great to see those plants being built back here again and it can happen at that tax rate. Maria i totally get you in terms of the tax rate and impact. I know you do. Maria let me ask you this congressman, youre a conservative. Youre all about making sure spending is in check, making sure that the budget is not busted. Here you have a plan that people are saying is going to cost trillions, how do you pay for it . Are you comfortable with this kind of renew intake . I dont think you do pay for it. If he follows arthurs advice and make changes to the tax code, kevin brady is talking about, then you wont have to figure out how are we going to pay for this give away program. People will be able to keep so much more of their own money that they wont need those kind of giveaways, the one on child care, its wonderful. What i would rather see paying women to have children out of wedlock, we are going to make sure that you are able to take care of day care so you finish high school instead of paying people, rewarding them people to drop out. The government should not be in the business of luring people away from their potential. Maria sure. Its refreshing to have a president listening to people who know that is not the way. Thats the way you spend trillions and you dont improve the poverty situation at all. Im very encouraged. Mike congressman, its mike murphy. I agree with the points youre making. Today we are going to get mr. Trumps economic plan and we have heard for weeks, he needs to hit on the economy, he needs to focus on the economy, thats his strong suit and thats Hillary Clintons weak suit. Wait, if hahs thats her weak one, whats her strong suit . [laughter] mike i think with trumps plan today, i think he has hit it in the right time. Well, now that he has the momentum hes coming out today. I was wondering if you can speak out to that. I think youre exactly right, mike, i havent known trump. I have met him a few times but like andrew talked about, you know, hey, i may not be that bright, i think trump is brighter but he always knew how to gather smart people around him and im thrilled with what im seeing and i know mike pence is about to be on your show. He was on the hill this week. Pulling mike pence around him, i was just really encouraged when i saw mike on the hill again, mike and karen were up here. It was just such a great feeling to see mike here. I see great days ahead. You have somebody on the hill right now that disdains and mike pence, you want to hug him when you see him. Im looking forward to the advice hes getting, the things hes going to do and i think we can get away from the giveaways and let people keep more of the money. I think youll hear more of that today from trump. Maria that certainly will resinate with people. Let me ask you, congressman. House republicans reach an agreement to avoid floor vote. How did the gop come up to this decision, people are angry that there has been no accountability whatsoever after the irs targeted conservatives. I think there would have been absolute furry and worked to suppress the vote by conservatives on whats the use if we had taken a vote today and you would have seen loyal republicans to the establishment step up and vote to table the effort to impeach the lowhanging fruit of the most corrupt irs commissioner. I mean, hes been up here and lied to people on the hill over and over. Thats a crime to lie to people on the hill. He has helped and he deserves to be impeached and removed from office. So i think it was a Huge Development last night for the Republican Leadership to say, you know what, lets dont suppress the vote and cause republicans to throw up their hands and stay home. Maria right. Lets go ahead we are going to have another one and as i understand its going to be next week and we are going to be able to take this issue on and i hope that it goes as well as i would expect and then we have an impeachment. Whether we are able to do it before the election or not. I think conservatives should be encouraged as they were last night when this agreement got reached. Maria i agrees this broader narrative congressman, and real quick, please, you have the irs targeting conservatives, Loretta Lynch meeting with bill clinton and the fbi not even recording the interview, not on the record, it just feels like all of these agencies have become politicized, is there anything you can do about it . Well, yeah, you start by holding somebody accountable and if the Republican Leadership had sided with the democrats and table this action, there would have been an awful lot of people just throw up their hands but they havent done that and i applaud paul ryan and jeremy for stepping up to the plate and saying, we are not just going to throw this table this action, we are going to step up and we are going to give a chance to make it happen. We are going to encourage conservatives that finally we are going to step up and have some defense of the institution. The senate hasnt stepped up yet. They are still letting the senate run over them, harry reid run over them. Maybe they will take courage from what they see us doing, you saw the Freedom Caucus taking a stance last night. I work with them closely and they ought to be applaud where we have gotten to today. Maria thank you. Coming up republican Vice President ial nominee mike pence in the studio right here live 8 30 a. M. Eastern. Stay with us for that. Republican president ial nominee donald trump, we will be right back. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Remember here at ally, nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. Whos with me . Im in. Im in. Im in. Im in. One, two, wait, wait. Wait wheres tina . Doing the hand thing . Yep we are all in for our customers. Ally. Do it right. We are all in for our customers. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Maria welcome back, a security scare, here is cheryl with the details. Cheryl yeah, maria. The fbi saying a passenger on board the flight while in the air reported a suspicious a device on the boeing 737, the plane did an Emergency Landing in denver. The item seemed to be a threat. Moving overseas to taiwan, last night rains and winds whooping across the island, 44 injured, more than 400,000 households did lose power. Heavy winds and rain to china where the storm this morning is continuing to be monitored. And apple presale are through the roof, the iphone 7 plus is already sold out worldwide, the phone was scheduled for release tomorrow but now apple wont have the model for sale in stores, however, customers can still place orders online, presales up nearly four times more than they were from the previous two. Water proof, no headphone jack, the iphone 7 and iphone 7 plus will start at 649 and, maria, really quick, the version of the iphone 7, the new black color is sold out as well. Looks like they got a hit with that as well. Maria i like it. Ups adding 95,000 workers for the upcoming holiday wish list. More on the shipping companys hiring plans and temporary workers in general going forward. The secret to Kim Kardashians happiness would be on instagram. The habit that might make the reality star the happiest person. Coming up, stay with us. As a combination of see products. And customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. The mistay connected. Elps us the microsoft cloud offers infinite scalability. The microsoft cloud helps our customers get up and running, anywhere in the planet. Wherever theres a phone, youve got a bank, and we could never do that before. The cloud gave us a single platform to reach across our entire organization. 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Jon i think we are going to get decent numbers and Consumer Spending has driven expansion and its important that we get decent numbers because we are not getting strong investment right now. Inventories are up and down. If we dont get good report, another weak growth in our hands. Maria yesterday we got the great report that is income have been going up, jon, how how should we read the numbers. Jon we should finally be getting to a point with unemployment down with 4. 9 where the expansion is starting to spread a little bit more widely to wider segments of the population and thats what we are starting to see in those numbers that came out yesterday, but the problem here and whats behind such an important factor in this election is it took so long to get here. We are in the eighth year of this expansion, why is it taken seven years for finally to be trickling down to the rest of for population . Mike thats a good point, jon, its mike murphy, good morning, by the way. A conspiracy theorist could say the numbers are getting strong before the election. Does any of it matter or are we just focused on the bank of japan and the bank of england and ecb and the fed here . Is that really the only thing driving the market right now . Jon Central Banks are certainly a huge factor in stock markets and we have seen that in the last week. There was talk about the fed raising rates on friday and the market tanked and people became less worried on monday and turned around the other day. Theres certainly a lot of concern. What we are seeing in japan right now and what we are seeing in europe is that Central Banks are reaching the limits of what theyre capable of doing to get economies going and even markets going. Negative Interest Rates have been a bit of a flip particularly in japan, potentially in europe so theres really not much more the Central Banks can do in those places. Its a slightly different story in the u. S. Mike slightly different. To that point, do you think the fed needs to hike even if they dont necessarily want to hike or have the data to hike but they want to hike so they dont end up like the bank of japan or ecb . I dont jon theyre point of view is theyre not going to be raising rates because the economy is growing so slowly and inflation is low. Theres not a lot of room to go up higher and as a result theyre just taking it really slow. I wrote a story earlier this week saying that it doesnt look like theyre going to make a move in september. They sent signals that perhaps they would go in september but it really looks unlikely right now. They wanting to extremely slowly and one of the things reasons they dont want to go slowly they dont want to end up in the position of japan and europe. Maria so no move likely next week when they move on the 25. We are waiting on the bank of engine land, england and this is whats most important to voters. Lee the economy is the number one issue to the voters on both sides of the aisle, what the voters are saying they dont feel that jobs are Unemployment Rate is what it is. A lot of people are saying that the numbers are inflated. Maria they dont trust the number. And that number is back to the levels we havent seen since 1970s. Thats when women hadnt fully entered the workforce. Who cares what the Unemployment Rate is. Look at what the population that could work is actually working. Jon i think whats going on here is the unemployment is low and doesnt pick up workers who have been on the sidelines but i think for the dismay with the economy that we are seeing in the polls is this accumulation of disappointment, like i said earlier, its taken more than 7 years to get the unep employment rate back below 5 after the financial crisis of 07 to 09. Its taken a long time and people have suffered through that and theyre not forgetting just because we are at a point now where unemployment looks like its lower. Theres been accumulation of disappointment which is carrying its way in the polls, i believe. Maria it feels that way. Jon, good to see you, Jon Hilsenrath joining us there from the journal. Coming up, donald trump interrupted at a Campaign Stop in flint yesterday, what Hillary Clinton may have to do with the awkward moment next. Then the rams move from st. Louis to los angeles making the team twice as valuable as it was just last year. Coming up how does your team stack up on forbes list of team valuations. Coming up youre surprised how much you both want kids, and equally surprised you cant have them. So together, you adopt a little boy. And then his two brothers. And you up your Life Insurance because four people depend on you now. 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The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Thats why a cutting edgeworld. University counts on centurylink to keep their global campus connected. And why a Pro Football Team chose us to deliver fiberenabled broadband to more than 65,000 fans. And why a leading car brand counts on us to keep their Dealer Network streamlined and nimble. Businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. Maria good morning, everybody, welcome back, im Maria Bartiromo, it is thursday september 15th, here your top stories 6 30 a. M. On the east coast. Back on the trail Hillary Clinton gears up for her first event after nearly collapsing on sunday but while in michigan yesterday, donald trump faced a tense moment, watch. Everything she touched didnt work out. Nothing. Now Hillary Clinton i invited you here to okay. Maria we have the latest on the race to the white house plus an email scandal hits another former secretary of state. New revelations after Colin Powells email was hacked. Hit on camp newton, why some are saying why its not enough, no nudes, no problem. Playboy sales rising after major changes to the magazine including taking out the nudes. Mawture dow industrial expected to open better than 50 points. Busy day ahead on the Economic Calendar. August reading of retail sales coming up. The expectation is a decline of one tenth of a percent in retail sales. In europe stocks edging higher, next hour we are going the hear from the bank of england. No action expected in terms of the bank of england raising Interest Rates in any way. Flat markets until we get that decision. In asia, looking at holidays, nikkei down at quarter percent overnight. Plus now we know what Kim Kardashian takes so many selfies, new research out says snapping pictures and sharing them makes you happy. Trump interrupted in church yesterday, the republican president ial candidate was stopped during his remarks by a pastor of a church in flint, michigan. Trump against speaking against the towns water crisis when he turned attention to Hillary Clinton. Reverend interrupted him. Everything she touched didnt work out. Nothing. Now, Hillary Clinton mr. Trump, i invited you here to okay. Maria before the visit to the church the pastor posted this on facebook, today is our day, we have a chance to show donald trump that this nation is filled with intelligent, wise black citizens of integrity, what he will see is how we are braving a manmade catastrophe. He will not use us, we will educate us. Lee, the pastor said he we wanted to address the water crisis but she really wanted also trump to shut up. Lee yes. The bottom line is donald trump has been reaching out to the Africanamerican Community any way he can. He is going to places that are not friendly. Its important that hes doing that. Maria did she set him up . This is a political season. They invite him there to the church. He starts talking and she says, no, we just wanted to thank you, we we wanted to hear your thoughts on the water crisis. Mike of course, she set him up. I dont think donald trump has done anything to offend the black community or use the black community, quite the opposite, hes pointing out that democratic leadership in these black communities have really weighed on the people and he said, give me a chance, what do you have to lose. I think it was a set up. Maria what did she expect him to say . Its election season. Maria the election is 50 days away. And youre inviting a candidate. Im sorry, he talked about his opponent. There are plenty of times that you have ground rules before you go and what youre supposed to say. It seemed that he wasnt aware of any ground rules before he went because had that happen, he had gone in with a prepared remark and he had to change direction. I have to say he handled it pretty well and then beyond that, when you see him out there and he had great lines when he was in flint, but the line where he said, you used not be able to drink water in mexico, totally true. If you remember when Hillary Clinton went to unfriendly territory, he didnt bounce back so quickly. He is on a strong run right now and talking on the issues that matter most to the americans. I think he has handled hillarys health crisis. Its not the strong scary donald trump that people have maria just his reaction to the pastor at the church yesterday, how calm and he just said, okay, thank you, thank you and then he left. I thought to myself, he cant wait to get out of there because hes getting a cold reception and yet he was very professional about it. Lee very professional. Maria this is a new donald trump or pivot for sure. Lee absolutely. The voters have been saying for a while i was afraid to give him the benefit of the doubt, right after the convention he seemed like a another loose cannon, he has reigned back, National Security, immigration. Maria and Hillary Clinton. Lee and Hillary Clinton. And hillary, on the other hand, has been falling and its been really tough couple of weeks. Maria unfortunately. Literally falling. That collapse was actually quite scary. Havto tk abt thcoli wellmail guy becse the leaked emails causing stir in washington. Here is one email. Powell refers to bill clintons history with women. She screws everything she touches and trump is a national disgrace. Powell is a respected figure in washington. What do the emails reveal to you . To me that he is thinking what most americans have been thinking. I think he likes Hillary Clinton, he obviously doesnt think shes a good candidate. Hes worried about the same things about donald trump that Many Americans are. I dont think theres anything in the emails that are going to do huge amount of damage because theyre not slanted one way or the other. I feel sorry for colin powell. We all thought about him about statesman and there are things maria cover of the New York Post today. I wont even well, thiss mi kekey tell my kids all of the time, you dont want to put anything in writing. This is a commercial for snapchat, whatever you put out disappears in 24 hours, anything you put in writing was retrieved. Back then i dont think we were aware of the fact. Maria now we are all aware of it. Lee i think this is just the beginning of what we are going to be seeing throughout the next 50 days we are going the see a lot more and im sure a lot of people are concerned about what they have written over the last, certainly a lot of the emails are written as recently as august. Who knows who is next but it is certainly not the next. Maria he has another october surprise. So we will see what he comes out with in terms of the Clinton Campaign. Theres something wrong about reading the personal emails that colin powell wrote and he had no expectation that this would ever become public, but it is what it is. And this is the life that we live. Mike such a respected figure but this is what happens. Costly to be one person in public and another person in private. Maria thats right. Good point. Lee hes a class act. You know what, he hasnt gone and fought it and pointed fingers and said maria in fact, those are my emails and im done talking about it. Lee thats the way you put something to bed. Maria thats interesting when tim kaine was asked about it yesterday, im not going to comment on the emails because we dont know if theyre true. Meanwhile we know they are true actually because colin powell said, yes, those are my emails. I wonder if hes setting up us for the october surprise if they have that answer, if its that disastrous. Wow. Lee to me the theory that donald trump was behind all of the leaks, it has to go right out of the window because a lot of the emails were very much against donald trump. Why would he release emails . Russia is to popular and its not going to be only about trump. Theres the whole other country out there and whole other world that looks at what russia does. Maria i dont know thats even true. Its their narrative. The public has followed. Coming up next, republican Vice President ial nominee mike pence is going to join me 8 30 a. M. Eastern. We will talk to govern o pence about what we are going to hear today. He has the economic plan as well as the count down to the election. Republican president ial nominee donald trump will join us tomorrow morning right here, dont miss it so join us for that. Coming up Playboy Magazine gets more popular, surprising reason for success. Time warners latest deal out of this world, how star wars is boosting the company. Have the details on the deal. Stay with us. Back in a minute. Theres a lot of places you never want to see 7. 95. [ beep ] but youll be glad to see it here. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. If only the signs were as obvious when you trade. Fidelitys active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, Creative Business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov before it became a medicine, it was an idea. A wild whatif. So scientists went to work. They examined 87 different protein structures and worked for 12 long years. There were thousands of patient volunteers and the hope of millions. And so after it became a medicine, someone who couldnt be cured, could be. Me. Maria good morning, welcome back, everybody, take a look at the markets right here. Futures pointing to a higher opening. 60 points on the Dow Jones Industrial average. Time warner headed for a galaxy far, far away. The company reaching a deal with disney for the tv rights for the star wars library. The deal includes the rights for the force Awakens Movie as well as future films row one. It is close to 275 million. We are also watching sea world, california governor jerry brown approving legislation to ban killer whale shows and breeding in the state. Sea world has a plan to abandon the program to focus on Educational Programs instead. Arrest on arson fire of mosque attended by omar mateen. Here is cheryl with the stories we are watching now. Cheryl 22yearold joseph was arrested in port fierce yesterday. Extensive damage on sundays fire but no one luckily was injured. Omar mateen opened fire inside the pulse nightclub in orlando on june 12th killing 49 people. Arson happening at the mosque that he attended recently. Well, maybe hugh her fer didnt hefner didnt have it right. Playboy is now safe for work. Still not even 10 get magazines through stands, most through subscriptions, management at playboy say they are encouraged. People who take selfies become more confident and comfortable with their grin and apparently this lady seems to love herself, Kim Kardashian falling into the category. 1500 photos her day. She likes herself. She didnt say why she took so many selfies. [laughter] maria people love it. Can he recall cheryl she has a lot of fans. Maria other people like her too. Do you feel happy when you take a selfie. Lee i dont. [laughter] mike you have to give some credit too, shes taken the selfie thing and turned into her emoji business that made her a fortune. She might be happy because of the money shes making. Maria laughing all the way to the bank. Lee theres not a bad selfie for her. Maria come on. [laughter] maria still to come, nfl hits fines for hit to cam newtons hits. Valuations for each nfl team. We will tell you about it. Stay with us. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Maria welcome back, all Football Players want to hit hard when they make a tacklement one nfl pros hit harder. Jared max. Good morning, to you. Jared you want to use your head as a helmet, youre going to get fined. He got him in the head with the helmet, one of four that newton absorbed. Marshall was not flagged for a penalty, the nfl has punished him. Reportedly a 24,000dollar plus fine for use of helmet. Stewart is safety for the broncos, he was flagged and fined as well over 18,000 for his helmet to helmet hit on cam newton in the final minute of the game. More fines could be coming, miller and bradley also used their helmets to hit cam newton in the head last week. By the way, yesterday the nfl announced it is pledging another 100 million toward independent medical research and engineering advancements to make the game safer. Rankings are in, who is the most valuable team in the nfl . Despite the fact that they havent wont the super bowl in 20 years is the dallas cowboys. And the st. Louis rams now the Los Angeles Rams make a huge move, they are now sixth, but lets look at the top five. Dallas cowboys come at 4. 2 billion valuation followed by the patriot, new york giants 3. 1 billion, the 49ers 3 bill and the Washington Redskins at 2. 95 billion. Meanwhile the st. Louis rams to moved to los angeles to become la rams 2. 9 billion. 100 increase from one year ago. Congratulations to the Los Angeles Rams. Nfl week two is going to kick off tonight with a new kind of look. Its the jets and the bills in buffalo new york. Twitter is coming out with an update to its app today and this update will allow twitter to work with apple tv and amazon fire, microsoft x box so you can watch Live Streaming video while browsing twitter feed. Perfect time. Week number two as jets and the. You dont have to have a paid tv subscription, you dont even need a twitter subscription. Im a huge apple tv guy. Whether it be watching look at your pictures, videos or streaming youtube so you can mike will you stream the game on apple tonight . I have two tvs in my living room. [laughter] maria so you could watch two different games at the same time . Jared hooked up to the system and i will watch it on the other the twitter on the apple feed. Mike youre downloading apple for this or jared with apple tv, it should be there. It should be there. Im sure i could also bring it up on my phone. Mike i think you will need to download which is a huge boom for twitter. I dont think it will show up. I dont think its built to apple tv. A lot of people will be downloading twitter to stream. Jared they may do it on their phone or maybe you have to do an update. I have been using it lately like the same thing for twitter, watching concerts, seems so wrong for what the artist put onto it. Theyre holding up and filming and you go to twitter app, apple tv, living room tv, next thing you know, youre watching it. Maria its really good for the person at home and twitter but not so good for the content maker. This is going to be a boom to twitter. Mike theyre not paying big money for this and the downside, i think, is next to nothing. The upside could be huge for this. If they get this right, the dollars will be rolling in. Jared they have the audience. Lee one of the reason that is people get cable is so that they can watch live sports. What does that mean for cable . Generally, if you want to you can ask to put a certain code because you have to have a subscription to local sports network. Sheer no code done. This was a deal made between twitter and the nfl. Also made deals with the Major League Baseball and nba. The sky could be the limit. Maria what are the networks saying about this iniar jar it rattles everybody. Mike a lot of target about twitter being an acquisition target. Maria because you think they finally figured out how to monetize if they are showing live sports. Lee are they going to be doing the same kind of advertising . Mike we her about espn getting dropped and affecting disney and if twitter went out and bought disney for next to nothing and live stream events, it could replace a lot of people who are cutting the cord thats affecting espn. Maria no wonder apple just hired a Time Warner Cable executive. Jared max with the latest there. Coming up Donald Trumps economic plan. We are getting inside look from Vice President ial nominee mike pence at 8 30 this morning. We will talk with mike pence. Stay with us. This woman owns this house, with new cabinets from this shop, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Who dont have access thto basic banking,on people but that is changing. At temenos, with the microsoft cloud, we can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. Everywhere where theres a phone, you have a bank. Now a person is able to start a business, and employ somebody for the first time. The microsoft cloud helped us to bring banking to ten Million People in just two years. It traformg ouworl oot d lithetedi ta to e opa healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at vonage. Com business what this means is the Obama Administration continues to prepare to close the prison for good. The pricing scandal the question she will face next week coming up. They go beyond the net seven. This could be a bigger issue than the company thought. All over the world we are seeing this. You can be a populist candidate. He said the only thing i ever said was we were both wizards under the sheets. Can you imagine a woman boasting about her sexual. In a judicial lawsuit. Despite the ongoing case of the former president dismissed in the email investigation as a closed case. But people are still focused on this. Listen to what bill clinton said. Now we know after all of the speculation over this we were told this is the biggest problems in the end of world war ii. Finally the Washington Post said i think weve have about enough of this. The Clinton Campaign brushing off this email investigation the truth is is the emails are indicating that there was a pay to play owing on at the Clinton Foundation that she was in fact getting access to those who donated to the foundation is that not resonating. It plays into general narrative about the pay to play. Alter american politics. She wants to overrule Citizens United i think she would probably move closer in that direction than her opponent. This is a more general problem in america. Its fair to look at the emails and hold it against her. And he gets fair to look at the tax returns and failure to disclose and hold that against trump both candidates have to be much more transparent. An athlete who is trying to get a job with the nba has to subject himself to Major Medical and forensic examinations. To me watching former president clinton of speaking for hillary he has lost a lot of his charisma. Wh yen see president obama out he is a great campaigner. But is he helping Hillary Clinton and her cause should he be focusing on his fulltime job. When you have someone as charismatic as president obama and he gets out there for her some people say i wish Hillary Clinton were as charismatic and good. When hes a surrogate. I dont Hillary Clinton for many years she is so experience and so smart. Im always amazed while people have such negatives about her. Then understand why she doesnt project and cut public income public what she projects in private. Part of the genesis for your book is the whole negativity. Have you ever seen this before. I start my book that way. It is the fact that in this election more people will be pulling the ballot against the candidate than in favorite. Theyre very high on both sides. The worst thing is democracy by default. They were shocked when it succeeded. When you look at the enthusiasm on the democratic side there seems to be a lot more enthusiasm on the republican side. There is no question about that. Theyre very dangerous. It can result in the election of extremes. Were seen it all over the world. The right is rising in england. Thats why i think we need a centrist stable predictable experience president and the white in the white house to offset what is going on in the rest of the world. I hope she will when although i understand she has been an imperfect candidate in many ways. One of the things im seen is the idea of people looking down at populism. Im looking at Trump Supporters with disdain. It is really backfiring. Is not galvanizing people to say i want to support someone else. I dont think that has to do with gender. What is that. Romney made a similar mistake when he talked about 48 you dont generalize there are very decent people who will vote for donald trump. But im not can demean the people i have friends who are going to vote for trump or against clinton and we have to respond to their needs instead of calling them names. That was a very bad mistake. You never say negative about whole bunch of the people. She was winning the high ground and then she fell into the same trap. Its can hurt her. Apparently no longer the closer. Do you think he can still be the strong target. He used to be the guy who just rallied everybody and it doesnt feel like that same impact is happening. Can he still be the strong surrogate that he was for hillary. I think she has to win this election by herself she can hope that people like president obama. When they get into that voting booth they see her image and they want to know whether she will be in the oval oval office for four years or eight years they want to know who she is can a port to the Supreme Court. They get to reshape the entire Supreme Court which means a womans right to choose gay marriage money in election. Separation of Current Church and state. And trump said he wants that. The idea should be enough to frighten a lot of people. The book good to see you. You can get on kindle. Thank you so much alan. Congress is set to take shots at the mylan labs. And then afford shifting jobs to mexico. The backlash over the automakers plans to move smallc. We are back in a minute. Its a very specific moment, the launch window. We have to be very precise. If were not ready when the planets are perfectly aligned, thats it. We need really tight temperature controls. Engineering, aerodynamics a split second too long could mean scrapping it all and starting over. Propulsion, Structural Analysis Maple Bourbon caramel. Thats what were working on right now. From design through production, Siemens Technology helps manufacturers meet critical deadlines. I think thisll be our biggest flavor yet. When you only have one shot, you need a whole lot of ingenuity. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Welcome back. The ceo of mylan labs will testify before Congress Next week. Here cheryl with that story in the headlines. So her appearance over the House House Committee follows public outrage. It soared since 2007 more than 500 percent. At the same time the salary jumped in nearly 19 million just last year. The leaders said they will also look at ways to encourage greater competition in the epipen market. Its used to treat lifethreatening allergic reactions most of the time it is for children. Lift is the perfect designated driver. They will try to reduce fatalities. It says that starting tomorrow and they are providing up to 80,000 free rides on weekends between the hours of 10 00 p. M. And 2 00 a. M. But the free rides well only be available in new york state colorado illinois in florida. After you find a code you will be directed to a site where you can claim it. It will be automatically dropped into your account and you will have that credit to use. Finally this. They dont always get along. But this story out of austria takes things into a different level. A local paper reports an 18 year yearold girl is suing her parents for posting more than 500 embarrassing pictures of her on facebook since 2009 without her permission. Some of those pictures are said to include potty training diaper changes the daughter said she ask her parents to take the photos off of facebook her father refused he claims that since he took the photos he is the right to publish the images. A court date has been set for november a little bit of an edge up. And shes like look take the potty shots off of facebook. There has to be bigger issues in that family. More former good time obey detainees getting released. Is the market still the safest place for your money. We will check it out ahead of a the Federal Reserve meeting next week. We are back in a moment. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. Heres the plan. You want a family and a career, but most of the time you feel like youre trying to wrangle a hurricane. The rest of the time, theyre asleep. Then one day, hr schedules a meeting with you out of the blue. And its the worst 19 minutes of your career. But you dont sweat it because you and your advisor have prepared for this. And when the best offer means youre moving to the middle of nowhere, the boys say they hate the idea. But you pretend its not so bad. 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Hi, john. announcer vo so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. Introducing one talk another way verizon connects your business better. Learn how at onetalk. Com. A volatile couple weeks for the brackets. My next guest said the quarterpoint move should not be a problem regardless and he helps overseas the 100 billion dollar portfolio. Dave calhoun. Good to see you. Thank you so much for joining us. Talk about what youre doing in terms of private equity. Really its an interesting sector. It is a popular sector and i think it will popular for very sound reasons. As an operator in the life of an operator having that. It would be maybe liquid if you would think about it that way. The opportunity to create value inside that company is significantly greater. And i think the money is understanding that more and more and beginning to characterize as is a liquid but much higher return. I just dont think it ends. That is where the job creation is. I think they are seen some in traditional business. The one thing i wanted to ask you private equity gets a bad rap about the negative jobs but you have saved thousands of jobs and help companies survive. Tell us about your view on that. We are investors. The private equity is there. Didnt want to get out. My personal experience we basically have a challenge in moving from an analog measurement world to a digital one. It took time and patience it took a lot of money. With exciting skills to bring to bear for that company. The old adage about taking it out. I hope the world is beginning to understand that. He has been on this program to say basically were not in to buy a company and then fire everybody and flip it, change it and then take it public and get out. You guys are in companies for the longterm. Almost all of these companies we are in an operating we continue to see improvement opportunities. When they get a little shaky almost all of the competitors we face run. That quarter matters so much to them. We run an early stage venture fund. We dont have a hundred billion dollars in startup funds. I suspect as we move forward technologies 3d printing robotics and all of the things that are being built in startup fashion our job is to actually get involved in those early think about it more in terms of growth capital. To bring what we do to this other big portfolio. What i want to know is we talk every morning about a lack of growth in the economy i know you did a deal on energy recently. Telus from your standpoint where wheres the growth in the economy right now. I would love to all the policymakers i have never been more optimistic about what technology will do for industry in general the opportunities are huge. Both those that serve consumers and all of these interests. All of them benefit from that. Youre talking about organizing data. In using data and then synchronizing your relationship with your customer in ways that others cant. It is a race to do that. Better ways to understand demand its really fascinating but i have never seen it and been more optimistic about it. Technology is really supporting technology. As an industry it is not creating the same amount of jobs that it might be displacing. We need to get an administration that is goodness up or a three and half gdp. The education and training all of the different ways that you can train to do these different kind of roles and jobs. We should be doubling down on that and there should be a soft landing for those who cant make that transition. How long of a runway at does tax reform give you. They see regulation on ride. Its real. We feel it every day. Its not getting any better. Its difficult to articulate each item that gets in the way there is no doubt in my mind it just slows down everything about a companys performance both in the public and private markets. Its just not helpful. And unwinding of some of these rules obama put in how many new rules just this year it was like 6,000 pages. Well that unleash new economic growth. Its the opportunity right in front of us. We need to software as soon as possible. Lets not criticize ford. Theyre doing but there with their head to do to compete globally big car demands are up so they every aligning their production facilities. Companies can complete compete globally. When youre operating a company you are simply focused on beating the other guy. You have to take them on. Both of these guys had experienced boots on the ground doing this advice would be very helpful. You must be seen more interest in private equity. These hedge funds are not performing and theyre adding more money to private equity. They are a bit of a derivative of the public market. We are at a very different world. We are there to fund and build companies from the start and we hold onto them for long periods of time in some cases they have to get out. They had tripwires in there. They have to sell. Thats opportunity for us to jump in and take these companies over. Would you say that you are selling more or investing more. That is another opportunity if we think theyre very highly valued. We should begin to liquidate good to see you. Thank you so much for joining us. There is more still to come u. S. To travel to cuba returns. We ship everything you atcan imagine. N, and everything we ship has something in common. Whether its expedited overnight. Or shipped around the globe,. Its handled by od employees who know that delivering freight. Means delivering promises. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Welcome back. Thank you for joining us. Here are the top stories. The final push to election day. The New York Times poll shows the tightening race. Hillary clinton leads a donald trump by only two points now in a headtohead matchup. And in the fourway race they are absolutely tied. This is clinton is returning to the campaign trail today after taking a break following her pneumonia diagnosis. Hes focused on jobs and the economy today. A used to be cars were made in flint and you couldnt drink the water in mexico. Now the cars are made in mexico and you cant drink the water in flint. One company is encouraging young voters to get more involved in the political process. The controversy as to dictate knees were caught. The startling admission from the tsa coming up. And samsungs battery problems they may be getting worse its going to be on the note seven now. Details on the latest model affected. Take a look at futures this morning. On a day that we got a pretty good Economic Calendar. We have the august reading of retail sales coming out. It did however signal that a rate cut could be on the way. Markets are mixed right now. This is what markets it look like. With holidays in china and korea. It was up two thirds of 1 . Hillary clinton back on the campaign trail again. After being diagnosed with pneumonia. With the latest now from greensboro North Carolina. Good morning. The message here in greensboro well how to lift up our children in families to make sure they can all live up to their godgiven potential. This will be the first time we have seen her since she left the campaign trail on sunday. Clintons campaign released a letter from her dr. Talking about her treatments. She is recovering while she continues to remain healthy and fit to serve as president of the United States. Here is how her former husband the former president her husband bill clinton described her illness. And then there is the emails that got so much attention yesterday. He expressed concern for Hillary Clinton. They certainly hope this is there. Thank you so much. We will be watching that. Two more of the 17 prisoners they had returned to fighting for terrorist organizations. Its now calling for the closing altogether. They are returning to terrorism. When you look at this rate. In the latest case this isnt something new. They are going right back into the right. They were battlefield detainees. You cannot prosecute because they are wartime detainees and they were caught and detained based on intelligence that you cannot use in a courtroom. Has a very special facility in the that has to be maintained for this very dangerous. Its incredible. I was at a conference early part of this week. I want to ask a question. They talk about some really significant things that are changing in the military. The destabilization. If you look at the share of the global gdp. China has gone from three to 15. What kind of exposure. I published an article exactly on this. With the capabilities of china, russia and isis. Its in the military review for the viewers. Its a very disturbing trend. We are downsizing at a rate that has created an armed force in america that is a fraction of what it was in the past. You look at the number of naval vessels we have. With less than half 20 years ago. Is that twice as safe as it was 20 years ago. If you look anywhere africa the middle east asia the world is on fire. Look at russia. Look at china with the fake island it is creating to establish military installations. Look at north korea. This is not a time where we should be reducing our footprint. With to get ready for whats around the corner. At the same time were going to get in those areas. They are getting hammered by a new surge in Illegal Immigrants into texas. That is a 24 increase just since july. Is a concern as more people try to cross into the United States and we know that the president is saying open arms and people are questioning the vetting process. Youre absolutely right. The National Security concerns are being held hostage too political and ideological motivation. I talked to the cdp officers. Its not been driven by common sense approaches look at the tax in europe. They already had the attackers. One of them was on a fourth syrian passport. It is absolutely real. As a threat that cannot be ignored or wished away because we want to be nice to refugees. We know for voters National Security and immigration are two of the top issues. What should they be looking for. Theres a lot of fear what are the answers and what we should be looking for as a candidate. I would take what he said and i would modify it. The idea that we will stop all muslims how are you to do that. How Many Americans here would pass a religious test. It doesnt make sense. But if you modify it and say please note refugees right now from active war zones because the director of the fbi said we cant bet them. And that is just common sense. The charity is not a suicide pact. It has a lead. Led. Let me give you the figures. We had killed or arrested 110 isis terrace in america. The last one to three weeks ago very close to where i am. This isnt something that is hypothetical. It is real. Always a pleasure to see you. We will see you soon. When it comes to healthcare, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. For partners in health, time is life. We have 18,000 people around the world. The microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and Work Together in real time to help those that need it. The ability to collaborate changes how we work. What we do together changes how we live. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Im raph. My name is anne. Im one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. Dont let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because were here, were here, and weve got your back. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Legal help is here. Across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, Creative Business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov welcome back the issue could be getting worse. It may extend beyond the note seven device. That is a concern now. California man is suing samson in new jersey claiming that a galaxy s7 edge badly burned his leg. He suffered second and third degree burns to his white right upper leg. In the meantime the plan to roll it out next week in south korea. It will prevent the batteries for charging about 50 . Its unclear when the update will come to the United States. Moving overseas. Venezuela was forced just show them at a control. Spiraling out of control. They are waiting in supermarket lines all day just to discover that the deliveries never arrived and that there empty. The monetary funds said the inflation will likely hit 720 this year. And donald trump sounding off on fords latest production decision. Ford is moving all of its small Vehicle Production to mexico. Long before i said lets run for president. The republican president ial nominee said any fords that are made in mexico our gonna get slapped with attacks. Donald trump get to be here in new york and today he is expected to outline his tax policy proposals. And you have mike pence coming up as well. You ran chrysler. What to make of this move. My guess is what is happening there is a very strong consumer demand for larger vehicles. In the Auto Companies love it. Its a highermargin product. They are moving small choirs to mexico to mexico is so that they can put new product in there. Larger suvs into trucks. As long as oil is downgasoline n people i can buy bigger cars. The issue is not to criticize what these are doing to keep their business alive we are focused on the competition and how we compete. The Corporate Tax. That solves problems for everybody not only auto but caterpillar, general election general electric. When you have a tax rate of 35 one of the highest in the industrialized world and youre competing with the tax rate of 14 in ireland for example what kind of money are we talking about here. People need to understand and secondly profitable they are to find a place where it is. I am competing against them. I was competing against other companies for me to compete globally i was in outsourcing it was being globally competitive and thats what i have to do to compete to be able to keep my workers employed its not about cut and and burn its about global competitors. We all agree competition is global now. Is not based just in the u. S. I dont know why it has been so difficult to get tax reform going. You have to compete and win. I always talk about reducing my family population because when you eliminate that then youre affecting the entire family. With to do what we have to do to keep our families working in the United States. We will see if donald trump is right. Thats what he said because he expecting that people are going to respond to his 15 Corporate Tax rate. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Combining technology in politics. It was founded in 2014 to create engagement and politics. Is Building Tools to help express your civic identity. Matt good to see you. Thank you so much for joining us. There is a whole group of people out there who are on social media and want to get more engaged. Explain how this works. What we think abouts were trying to help them express their political identities and then use that to connect that to other likeminded people elect candidates who reflect their values and then maybe most importantly hold them accountable after the election. I see your funding recently and knowing that it was silicon valley. Im out there in california a lot. Very liberal community for the most part. Is your company any political bias or does it aim to be down the middle. The same tools available to everyone. We dont bias it in any way. You might think that they would skew left. Theyre actually leading on the platform right now. Hes actually up by a couple of points if you look at just the portion of our audience who we verify as actual voters its about that even right now. So tell me about where you are with your app. How many viewers, subscribers and when will it go public everybody can join today. You can get the app we are still in a testing phase. We are learning and rolling out a lot of features and trying to understand what people do and dont like to engage with. To date weve have about 7 million debates on the platform. Just in the last two months as we started to roll out our ballot guide to all its starting to see how social pressure might get the turnout on election day. They are looking for new ways to engage the pluto process. We are just try to get people connected to one another. Down the road if there is a role for candidates to play and trying to make a case we will probably let them do that. We are 100 focused on voters. They are split between hillary and trump we have seen more engagement around donald trump. Hes actually leading on the platform right now. Its pretty much dead even. We also try to organize the platform around issues. There is a lot of discussion going on about student debt and civil rights is really a range of debate topics. One of the top issues for sure. It has been great having you today. Thank you so much for what you guys do. He is life with me. What to expect from the economic speech today. Everyone said its so hard to be a musician, but i cant imagine doing anything else. Now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. Im always hopping on the train, running all over portland. I have to go wherever the work is. Trains with innovative Siemens Technology help keep cities moving, so neighborhoods and businesses can prosper. I can book 3 or 4 gigs on a good weekend. Im booked solid for weeks. It takes ingenuity to make it in the big city. Im booked solid for weeks. [ yes. Yes. ] uhhh, youre really getting the hang of this. Anncr want feedback that helps . Verified reviews. Another reason to join angies list for free. This new ac guy is not that good. No hes not. Anncr. need a job done right . Search toprated providers on angies list. Join for free. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. To folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain. Shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. To everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. Make sure your doctor hears you too i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. If you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, dont suffer in silence step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. Tell em cedric sent you. Back i am Maria Bartiromo it is thursday, september 15 here are top stori8 a. M. Fit to serv Hillary Clinton back to trail after nearly collapsing on sunday donald trump fearing up for Major Economic speech in new york today attacking president obamas involvement in hillarys campaign. The campaign extensively for secretary clinton day job has a busy schedule certainly is going to look for every opportunity that he can to advocate for secretary clintons election. I watched obama yesterday. Why isnt he working . Why isnt he working . Instead campaigning for crooked hilary who is paying for that big plane i just within. Latest polls showing hillary headliner lead shrinking the latest poll numbers your computer is watching you apparently the latest on fbi director comeys warning to laptop owners across the country you want to hear this prosecutors reportedly investigating wells fargo we will hear from headed of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on scandal coming up markets higher take a look at futures caught a gun of about 60 points, we are expecting a rally, and things have improved the last 30 minutes on day that weve got a pretty good Economic Calendar to set tony waiting on august underwritinged of retail sales out in 30 minutes expected to be down1 10 of a percent mixed performs in europe bank of england study said not moving on Interest Rates bank of england did signal a rate cut could be on horizon mixed in europe asia only nikkei hang seng open for trading other markets there closed, but nikkei down 1 1 4 percent the future of footwear weve got a look at sneakers made of wool buzz building they look comfy joining me to break it down, hawkins with us mike murphy and lee carter great to see everybody great slow so far. Great to be here. Maria a lot a candidate interview this morning he do stay with us bottom of the hour republican Vice President ial candidate mike pence is live join us for that coming up dont miss it new cbs New York National poll kick off right there shows the 2016 race is even tighter now with Hillary Clinton at 46 , and donald trump at 44 among likely voters donald trump breaking down his economic plan today, when he delivers a major speech at the Economic Club of new york expected to detail tax policy Regulatory Reform the child care plan we heard about this week joining me right know editor in chief Fox News Contributor laura ingraham. Hear to talk good copper futures in europe, [laughter] good on that. Okay. Fancy studio low ceilings look at this thank you very much now we took you know you know what to expect. Exactly. Talk about it on radio. What are you expecting to hear from donald trump. You i think more clarity on his plan to renew america i think the criticism of trump for months has been oh, general rallities make America Great humming again everybody happy holy pops now nittygritty of things we saw the other day child care exemption exactly what ant regulatory mentality will i mean tax simplification. I think he needs to do that. I am not sure if specifics are going to move needed but i think reyou a assures more moderate Republican Voters not a guy just has a reality show brand he is a serious policies, and i have seen commentators on this network take them very seriously, frankly find them very persuasive. How do you pay for that stuff you talked about it on your show, you know sounds great to have a 15 Corporate Tax rate to have all this stuff for women and families when it comes to child care do you believe this can be paid for. Well, better be or people if people like the president we are expecting to you know, cries of more debt people are going to throw him out after four years ivanka her point on this is that 2. 5 billion dollars a year for 6 week Maternity Leave something i never, ever have been in favor of subsidizing, and they think they can get that savings with the Unemployment Insurance that employers carry get savings there we will see a i think a lot of people are going to be examining that so that people are going to dig deep i think growth not debatable growth is better than handouts, so helping one to get a job and give them an opportunity, is better than giving handouts. A handout i think that is the wrong way to look at it the American People have been hammered by poor leadership in washington for decades goes back to second term george w. Bush skyrocketing debt we have had terrible trade deficits from china since they came into wto wages stag naitsdz wage report i know ytackled it yesterday a guy 50 years old or woman 50 years old 3w5s 3 in 19989. That person, on the medium wages adjusted for about inflation making the same money from 1999 only in this twisted World Politics would that be considered some type of reason for celebration. That is what exactly. It tax rates going up spending more the government, i am not making more, since 1999 government makes more all this talk about that we need to keep tax rates really high we dont have a tax receipts problem we have a spending problem. Growth will spur more revenue into treasury we need we need getting 1. 7 gdp next year. Talking about it look, Hillary Clinton has to do same thing we have done 7 1 2 years how has that worked out obama up there, Shirt Sleeves this is great things going well then you talk to actual people trying to make it in this city, and all over country real americans like, wage increase what a vacation in three years. Hill returning to the campaign trail in North Carolina taking few days off to recover from pneumonia is that having impact on campaign three do as or just that donald trump has actually done better obviously, we see what happened in the polls she hasnt been around. I dont think so, i think really in the end this election is coming down to whether you think we are in a right path right now, if you think things are actually going in a pretty good direction you know Hillary Clinton is woulding to continue that direction, if you think we need to have a you disrupter in washington change status quo i have seen the what happens to people in washington most people i think in the end will believe it is time for a real change in d. C. You one of the things i notified that people are looking at donald trump had a great few weeks but were coming into important. Is he preparing what should we look for what expect. I would be surprised if he is going to do at a typical preparation i give unsolicited advice on radio show every day. I love that about your show. Here is my advice probe will never take it i think he is he is going to prepare in his own way i have no idea i do i do think it is going to be really important i think Hillary Clinton going to do well in debate would i be surprised if she didnt show up she has every point gamed out, look the way i prepare for debate do i debate. Are you going to do it play one of the are you going to play hillary . No, no, no, no. I love speculation would love to do it believe me no, i am not doing that buttive, that type of preparation is helpful. Ronald reagan did that type preparation he was one of the best stage performers knew how to money on plooidz dominate a stage he knew it was important to work on prompter work on your hand motions work on the way you you appear to the room. Appearance is real important. He has done this changed did he meaner the way he reacted to the church yesterday, where they you know. Other cable can havels making a big deal look he was up braided by woman came over how many republicans have gone into these frankly uncomfortable unfamiliar vougs and said there can be a better way . I applaud what you are doing for your community. There is going to be a better we forward you can life better life with a government that serves the people you are not the servant of the government it is the other way around republicans have not done that are we were he go begging mitt romney to do that begging mccain to do that they just couldnt do it. Trump should keep doing it shows a different shied we want heart compassion we know strengths heart important especially for female voters. Line about water in flint, cars in mexico. Great to see you. Good to see you guys. As you so much for skwoing us we will be listening on the road laura ingraham. Republican Vice President ial nominee mike pence will join me live in the studio 8 30 a. M. Eastern stay with us for 20 minutes tomorrow donald trump will join me live on the phone tomorrow morning 7 30 am eastern, dont miss it we will be right back. Beep ] but youll be glad to see it here. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. If only the signs were as obvious when you trade. Fidelitys active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. Thwow, its nice. Ew 2016 chevy malibu. Lets check it out. Do any of you have kids . I do yes. This car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parents see how their teens are driving. Oh, thats smart. It even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened. Will it keep track of how many boys get it in the car . laughter cause that could be useful. This is ahead of what my audi has for sure. Wish my beamer had that. I didnt even know that technology existed. Im not in the market for a car but now i may be. Lize. Maria Department Justice reportedly issuing subpoenas to wells fargo over opening of mills fake accountsed a a. M. Shapiro. Reporter fox news learned at a federal investigation into potential criminal activity at Wells Fargo Bank could lead up to ceos office, the the wall street journal reports federal prosecutors in new york and california have subpoenaed difficulties from the bank recently paid 185 Million Dollars in finds and restitution part of a segment with Consumer Financial Protection Bureau the bank is fired more than 5,000 employees, part of a scam, that created additional accounts transfers customer funds between accounts without permission from wells fargo customers in exclusive interview with fox Business Financial Bureau Director said the Investigation Continues could lead to managers who run the bank. When you say managers of managers how did i got all the way up to the coe. Some of that is being determined. But i think that it has been, acknowledged by the bank that the fiergs firings of employees included hundreds not simply front line employees xhilth fraudulent acting but people managing people and managing the managers goes up chain a good ways. Ceo in interview with the wall street journal did blame the scandal on employees, who didnt honor the bank culture said there was no incentive for wells fargo employees to do bad things the cfpb should says it worked prooefl with prosecutors will turn over information from wells fargo investigation if requested to do so interesting that learning from lenore it wasnt Consumer Financial Protection Agency that initially found this wrongdoing it was l. A. Times that tripped over it. Right, you had the cfpb gets complaints the l. A. Times found this pattern what was going on a the key here maria, as that the bank was firing employees, all the way back in 2011 for this very what is call illegal activity by federal regulatory, if the bank new in 2011 employees were conducting illegal activity what did the bank do to stop it . Why didnt they stop it . And how high up does it go . Really good questions thank you. We will follow your reported a a. M. Shapiro there. Cheryl fbi director james comey is recommending that everybody put a cover on their computers webcam the idea to prevent somebody from hacking into your computer looking at you without permission but because this is mr. Comey told a security conference putting a cover over webcams one of the sensible things everybody should do he places a piece of tape over his webcam moral better safe than sorry facebook ceo mark zuck zik he are patterned agrees the image of zuckerbergs desk showed he uses a piece of tape to cover the webcam on macbook pro. Maria that is neshl who on panel has tape on top of their keb cam. I do not. You do . I am going to do it. I can hear companies starting right now covers for webcams new businesses started scary but you need to have it obviously. Yeah, you know, you dont know how far it goes, do you need to do it on your phone too same thing. Scary. The bank of england leaves rates unchanged will fed follow what you need to know ahead one of opening bell from hillarys health to feds move to mexico mike pence joins me to talk about the race to the white house back in a moment. Cant help myself, i am a fool in love with you is it a professor who never stops being a student . Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions . Your personal success takes a Financial Partner who values it as much as you do. Learn more at tiaa. Org [ala m beeping] the highly advanced audi a4. The mistay connected. 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With comcast Business Internet and wifi pro, they could be. Just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and youll reach your customers where their eyes are already on their devices. Order up. Its more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. You dont see that every day. Introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. Comcast business. Built for business. Maria we are watching markets in morning in particular european markets the bank of england votes to leave Interest Rates unchanged, we signaling cut could be on the way in u. S. Futures indicating a higher opening this morning but has been a volatile situation investors waiting next weeks Federal Reserve meeting, where the conseasons that you say we will not see an increase in Interest Rates by fed next week markets to open about 75. Jim a pleasure to see. You lovely to see. You thank you so much surprised with a we heard bank of england today. Nope . Nope . Well, was not the moment o great and good projected, and there was no need for urgency no urgent action was taken you know, i think it is helpful from time to time to look back see what our masters at it Central Banks achieved over the decades of manipulations and interventions, onceuponatime the pound sterling was worth one quarter of one ounce of gold one quarter of one ounce day almost today value in gold, is 0. 000994 an ounce. There has been you know a 99. 99 devaluation of the up and down in connection with them gold since 1931, and people have become inured desensitized to interventions manipulation of Interest Rates as you presentation of Interest Rates to the purchase of government bonds, with money that didnt exist until monetary conadjudicatory it from thin air but that is the regime, and in if we talk about what the fed will do neksz week, talk about what boe bo is not going to do i think once in a while say what those this my friend socalled this settled fepseudospinies. Manipulation here you mentioned the lehman brothers, today is 8year anniversary of when dont times fly. Big fan of work looking back 8 years now i think, the numbers roughly 672 Central Bank Cuts globally since lehman 673 or fewer because it is not works. That is kind of my point, if you look at equities market especially in u. S. Right near alltime high froms that standpoint it has worked. My question though is at some point, it turns out the fed or bank of japan or ecb pushing on a string doesnt work they actually them out on it, can that cause what happens then. People have been buying government bonds, at negative rates of interest what this means to ordinary intelligent people when you buy a new car drive out of the lot instantly losses value a negative yielding bond as soon as you own it you are a loser, never before in i have the of Interest Rates goes back 5,000 years have we had this setup, in securities, and people have forgotten i think, who are not realized just how radical how unprecedented is this is this marketplace in government bonds so not working in short. Today we have a market where i buy bonds for Capital Appreciation and i buy stocks for yield, i mean that is completely insane. And yeah, it is worked with stock prices because if we looked at actual keep pe ratio constant with all of this monetary similar lsu given in a corporate profits recession s p today would be 20 below where it is. If we hadnt had all that Monetary Policy induced inflation and how much money you are willing to pay for every dollar of earnings, but does that really something we want is it contributing to a healthy economy just to have to being prices going up when we have a recession on expect a expenditure in businesses recession corporate profit a recession capex a recession durable goods. I agree with you, i think question for jim would be you know can this to the point i think completely right i think the market does need some sort of correction to get this excess out can fed extract. One cant a are a by tries about these unprecedented 5,000 years of history seems odds against he a happy ending. When there is the sheer the nearest intimation Central Banks stepping back there is a terrific rumbling in these markets that manipulated to upside, you know, it is it is seems to me our politics is as much as our economic pronouncements give insight into consequences of asset manipulations people feel as if it is unfair as if grinch connecticut should not be only place in the country that is doing great. What is your feeling on the backdrop right now of the economy we are hear 5 minutes away from retail sale number another window monthly width into consumer how would you characterize backdrop. I think it continues to sleepwalk the economy does if onec can invoke that it is neh meaning not quite bad certainly not good. Doesnt give it is what our economy lacks characteristic american dynamism people are searching for i am not sure they find them in politics i think that is what people i think are searching for. Great to see you. Thanks so much for joining us, new polls show donald trump continues to close the gap on Hillary Clinton gop Vice President ial nominee governor mike pence will join me when what Campaign Needs to do to take white house this november i is live. He is next, back in a minute. Its scary when the lights go out. People get anxious and my office gets flooded with calls. So many things can go wrong. Its my worst nightmare. Every second that power is out, my citys at risk. Siemens digital grid manages and reroutes power, so service can be restored within seconds. Priority number one is keeping those lights on. It takes ingenuity to defeat the monsters that live in the dark. Across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, Creative Business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. hush my darling. man snoring dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. woman snoring take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. Maria welcome back good morning. Im Maria Bartiromo it is thursday, september 15 here are top stories 8 30 a. M. On the east coast. Back on the trail Hillary Clinton gears up for her first event after nearlying a collapsing on sunday, donald trump is preparing for a Major Economic speech in new york later today. Hillary sent me here to tell you if you want to vote to make america daybreak like 50 years ago have at it, do it. But if she wins she is coming back for you because we all deserve a chance i am. I am running to reverse these policies and to create a future of prosperity for all americans, three words, jobs, jobs, jobs. And that begins with a new America First trade policy. Latest on race to the white house ahead markets this morning looking higher we are a minute away from retail sales report for august, takened Dow Jones Industrial average, is expected do open up 75 points, expectations for this number down 1 10 of a percent retail sales in the month of august as you can see markets poised to rally we will see what that is 30 seconds europe mixed bank of england held ratesz the bank of england did signal a rate cut could be on way for britain, in asia overnight markets mixed only nikkei in japan hang hang seng in japan o for trading. Sneakers made of wool the buzz building we tell you why we kick this half hour right off, with our top story that is the race to the white House Republican president ial nominee donald trump, set to put the economy front and center this morning at a speech at new york Economic Club, issue today. This coming as trump slams fords announcement it plans to move all of its small car manufacturing plants to mexico. Watch. I think they the made announcement today they think i am going to win i better stop it i have a way of stopping them basically when they make their car they think they are getting away with this fire all employees in United States move to mexico when that car comes back across the border into our country that o now comes in free were going to charge them 35 tax. And you know what is going to happen they are never going to leave. Joining me right now republican Vice President ial nominee governor mike pence governor good to see you. Thank you for joining us do you think at the end of the day should donald trump become president you Vice President ford straps the plan. Well look, donald trump has a plan to get this economy moving again, after 7 1 2 years that stifled the american economy, and the avalanche regulations higher taxes obamacare war on coal the slowest economic recovery since greet depression donald trump on issues of trade, on he lowering taxes on rolling back regulations ending war on coal all represents 180 degree turn from where barack obama has been, and where Hillary Clinton wants to take us, and so i have ever confidence you are going to see manufacturing come roaring back in america, we are going to make america more whos pitble place to make cars to build things, but we are also going to have smarter tougher trade deals, that caused American Companies to think twice about making kind of decisions ford nounz. What do you think is crux most important part he has come on this program talked about 15 Corporate Tax rate what impact will that have. I think enormous. Is that most important part of the plan. I think i actually think every part of it is important i think lowering marginal rates for working families Small Businesses ending death taxes once and for all, but recognizeing that we have one of the highest business tax rates in the industrialized world and we are literally our driving companies and driving capital out of this country, donald trump and i understand that, and lowering Corporate Tax rate to 15 going to make it will possible for businesses to make decisions that keep jobs and opportunities here, but i actually think of equal importance to the tax reductions and getting tougher on trade, and ending the war on cool is rolling back that avalanche of regulation out one of washington, d. C. , when carrier announced pulling up stakes taking 1400 jobs, from the state of indiana this year i had folks in my office that run that company, and they told me that part of it was that all of their competitors were already in mexico why we need to reform nafta renegotiate it as donald trump has advocated the other part they said that avalanche of regulations the department of energy, in their business alone maria, there were 50 new rules in the last two years, rules come out about the size of a phonebook for a company. Yeah. 50 new rules came out that only applied to their company and to their a industry, that kind of red tape, is stifling american jobs donald trump is going to sign a moratorium, on any new regulation, the day he becomes president , and in addition to that, we are going to repeal all of the obama executive orders that are as i stifling growth creating tremendous burden on american jobs. Direct compact we have seen a recession in terms of business spending businesses not putting new money to work because of regulatory hurdles that you are talking about what would you say is the most onerous out there is it doddfrank is it obamacare . What is really the crux of the pro about when it comes to regulation or ho too many. Of course, theres too many it is it is almost incal accountable to assess the amount of regulation poured out of this administration would i say a couple levels so are manufacturing excuse me so strong in the state of indiana regulations out of Department New jersey eps stifling growth costing jobs, but on the Small Business level, maria, obamacare is a job killer, i have lost the kunt of the number of Small Business owners in the state of indiana if i attractively around the country as candidate for Vice President told me they will not hire that 50th competent stop at 49 that is to avoid the additional strictures that come under obamacare going to repeal obamacare in entirety going to bring forward the kind of Health Care Reform donald trump will describe in the weeks ahead that will build on free market principles, and on allowing states to notice of reform medicaid the way we started to do. Of you to walk a balance here it happens to be today is 8year anniversary of whether lehman o brothers went bankrupt we know that partly the Regulatory Environment is pendulum swung so far because of happened in 2008 crisis, how do you walk this balance of ensuring that youve got the right structure of regulations in place, but it is not overbearing, and really strangling corporations stopping them from investing. Well, number one you asked that question. Instead of driving policies that promote consolidation Banking Industry prethat ends what happened during that collapse happened with all the Financial Institutions in the country frankly it happened with a handful of larger investment banks, that got involved with all of these different boutique financial instrumentalities your Community Banks out there banks in the state of indiana solvent strong, but washingtons answer always i always like to say washington does two things very well. Nothing and overreact. Washington, d. C. , overreacted with massive new regulations, that ultimately now is raising cost of lending cost of being in Financial Services driving consolidation, weve got to pull it back weve got to ensure real vitality in financial markets. I want to ask about child care o proposal ivanka trump women next to him you hit on something a moment ago that was trade i think one of the worries people even supporters of yourself and mr. Trump people worry that the trade upset is going to create a lot of disfunion if redoing nafta a o deal with china redoing all trade deals does that create disruption at a time we actually need stability. Well, look. Donald trump and i both are free traders we support free trade we understand that exports support jobs in the United States, imports lower cost of goods, for the American People, we recognize all of that but the the simply truth is the 20 years on into nafta it has been much bigger winner for neighbors to the south than for American Worker that announcement by ford announcement by carrier in indiana i was in scranton pennsylvania yesterday policies of this administration have been brutal to families, in that community. And so you know, what you are going to have in donald trump is summon does just what he did in mexico city going to sit down with our partners, going to roll sleeves up negotiate in a way that is tough, and fair, and make sure that our trade deals are a win for the American Worker, and for american zbloobz so that may not include new tariffs then. That is what people are worried you tut new tar any of these place is that going to make products for expensive for the average consumer. I think it has got that old saying things have to be a winwin weve got a lot of trading relationships out there today people have access to the most powerful economy on earth we have very limited access to their consumers their economy, and china is chief among those. Countries with whom we do business i think donald trump is just a guy who is going to have the ability to sit down, find out what we can agree on, but then, drive a hard bargain and make the kind of deal that will put American Workers fissure. You were in pennsylvania idea donald trump in pennsylvania earlier this week with daughter ivanka going through greater detail child care plan includes Tax Deductions for child care costs incentives for employers to providedchild care at workplace you are a conservative youve got a great following, and support from the republican party, and the conservative movement but this is this is going to cost money you know we talked about two and a half billion dollars just fMaternity Leave you comfortable with this plan. I am we are not talking about mandating, anything on businesses we are talking about creating opportunities for working families and working women in this country to be able to bring a child into the world, and have the kind of leave that allows them to get a good start in their life and have cost of child care covered while in the workplace i think an idea whose time has come using Unemployment Insurance resources, to backstop for businesses that continue offer those benefits this is really about recognizing the Important Role that that working mothers play. Yeah. It was a great point. In the workplace. A great point that you made and that donald trump made that these rules have not been changed. That is right. Maria o he in daukdecades mos people have dual income families the woman is out there working. That is right a lot of people at the allow people fully deduct child care working many years i served in congress she was a schoolteacher we both worked kids in school we are a family that has you know, made our own way so many other American Families have i think what you see in donald trump and the great vision of his daughter ivanka on this, is such an outstanding executive in her own right and a mom i think brings a real brings a real sense of compassion and understanding to this proceeds out of the man, that is going to be our next president in terms of how you pay for it you get this economy growing again maria for heavens sakes there is a whole lot you can do in this country including balancing our budget if you get this economy growing at 3 or 4 percent even more, Donald Trumps economic plan again you announced top of the show that he and i will be at the Economic Club here in new york he will be laying out that plan once again today we really do believe in many leading economists believe just what those john f. Kennedy loader marginal rates when Ronald Reagan loader marginal rates when donald trump does same kinds of things, and adds tougher trade deals ends the war on coal rolls back the avalanche of regulation were going to see this economy come roaring back have resources to meet needs of the this country. Impressive to see donald onstage with his daughter and all of those women we had Marsha Blackburn on, this week, right after she was with donald trump, downgrade that senated with women hes got to crack the womans vote is this the beginning of that. I think it is a continuation. Of a message in this campaign, that that. Are you seeing any evidence that more women are we are. I will tell you i was in scranton pennsylvania yesterday campaigning with donald trump and for donald trump. Their just as many women at rallies as men we are seeing tremendous enthusiasm people people are starting to to hear this man, hear his heart hear his mind. And also, as we go into the final phase of this campaign i think people will take a closer look at his long history in business, youve known him a long time a man who has recognized the enormous importance of women, and men in his organizations. And empowered them with great positions, and trusted them with great about responsibility on equal basis, and i think people are starting to sense that this is a man wants to make America Great again, for the women and men of this nation. Maria obviously health issue has become front and center Hillary Clinton and donald trump both releasing some medical records yesterday there are questions that remain, about both of the specifics of their health will you also be releasing your health records, by the way. Yes, we are we have requested that information from our physician i did a physical a couple months ago, and so we will be putting that information out i think the American People have a right to know that information, i pleased that donald trump announced a few weeks ago he would release his medical records who are not democratic opponent did that but you know when American People are going to ask smn to step into the role of the highest office in the land leader of the free world, understanding that that person has the energy and the health and stamina to be able to do it i can tell you, campaigning with donald trump, around the country over the last several months, he is up early out late, he energized to make this country great again i have every confidence he has the energy and stamina to really turn this country around. By the way, he is going to be should he become president , the oldest president elected very close to Ronald Reagan have you actually personally seen specifics on his Health Beyond what weve seen that one no, i havent asked to. I have a hard time keeping up with him to be honest with you, he is a few years older than me most days doesnt feel that way. He is the said he will be age of Ronald Reagan, age 70 if elected president i tell you youngest 70yearold i ever met. Definitely seems it we are a week away from first debate game on governor, is it possible that he is really not preparing . I think i mean donald trump has been preparing his whole life for this debate i think have reason able to step on to the stage, 17 candidates, and acquit himself one night after another in primaries is because this is not a man, that is poring over briefing books studying facts memory rooidzing catchy lines he is speaking straight from mind straight from heart straight from a lifetime of experience building and creating things, and greatest nation on earth. We know resonating governor great to see you. Thank you so much good luck on your debate in october governor mike pence we will be right back. As a combination of see products. And customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Remember here at ally, nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. Whos with me . Im in. Im in. Im in. Im in. One, two, wait, wait. Wait wheres tina . Doing the hand thing . Yep we are all in for our customers. Ally. Do it right. Hey hows it going, hotcakes . Hotcakes. This place has hotcakes. So why arent they selling like hotcakes . With comcast Business Internet and wifi pro, they could be. Just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and youll reach your customers where their eyes are already on their devices. Order up. Its more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. You dont see that every day. Introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. Comcast business. Built for business. Comcast business. So what else is new . Humm. Shes doing good. She needs more care though. She wants to stay in her house. I dont know even where to start with that. First, lets take a look at your Financial Plan and see what we can do. Ok, so weve got. Well listen. Well talk. Well plan. Baird. Thwow, its nice. Ew 2016 chevy malibu. Lets check it out. Do any of you have kids . I do yes. This car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parents see how their teens are driving. Oh, thats smart. It even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened. Will it keep track of how many boys get it in the car . laughter cause that could be useful. This is ahead of what my audi has for sure. Wish my beamer had that. I didnt even know that technology existed. Im not in the market for a car but now i may be. Maria welcome back, ford motor announcing plans to move plucks all small cars to mexico donald trump said he would slap any ford made in mexico with 35 tax if president joining me host of Varney Company stuart varney, good morning to you. Good morning, maria i think this is a political opportunity for donald trump. Talking pure politics here. I think a gift for the donald trump as well, he is trying to win over white workingclass voters. Auto workers i think this is just a gift to him. Moving those small car jobs to mexico, is a gift to him in a very important state, michigan, and upunited Oil Workers Union says they might be on trumps side on this one battling this move to mexico then you have trumps solution 35 tax on any car made in mexico, that comes back into the United States. That is quite an extraordinary solution, is it not . So i sum it up this way a political opportunity for donald trump but going to run with it, it is economics just business, for the Ford Motor Company going to run with it who wins in november might have a lot to do with who are not ford actually moves production lines to mexico. That is what he said the at the end of the day, watch they dont do it because of what they will know i will do should i become president , a lot more on this see you in 10 minutes. Top of the hour dwinz every day 9 00 a. M. Eastern after mornings with maria join stu 10 minutes time the kick in kickstarter the show start up that aims to be the most comfortable shoe in the world. Got to get my hands on these. Back in a minute opinion. announcer vo who says your desk phone always has to be at your desk . Now, with one talk from verizon. Hi, pete. Im glad you called. announcer vo all your phones can Work Together on one number. You can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. Take your time. Im not going anywhere. announcer vo and when youre not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. Hi, john. announcer vo so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. Introducing one talk another way verizon connects your business better. Learn how at onetalk. Com. Maria welcome back kick starter to feet the San Francisco based startup that makes shoes from sustainable wool source in new zealand claim they have the most comfortable shoe in the world with release of the wool runner this year the kuo founder right now auburns cofounder joining us right now with mike murphy sporting shoes, good to see you thanks for joining us. Thank you for having me. Explain the concept of wool shoes how did that come about why is that the most comfortable in the world. Yeah interesting, you know if you look at when you are walking down the treat you see tons every sneakers you have for the last few years, and 09 people that you see Walking Around do to not use for athlettic performance why is polyester fake leathers form of choice we said what is more comfortable than that why not extremely luxurious premium wool from the sheep of new zealand crafted a really beautiful shoe that we use from new zealand 20 thickness human hair soft creates air bubbles how wool is produced off sheep keeps it warm when cold keeps you cold when hot out incredible miracle fiber i think Show Companies have not used more premium tougher than cheap and. You said the material the fabric as good as mikes suit you are an investor in this company. Through venture fund invested proud to be the company doing phenomenally well joey put together a great utopia of investors that have put a lot of money into the company the company is doing great. I would ask what is the plan with the money what is the next plan what can we expect from all this. Yeah, so mike fantastic investor appreciate it, we so we did seed round back in 015 in august then recently just capitalized again with sevenmilliondollar round led by group founded by Howard Schultz his pattern show youard schultz ceo founder of starbucks so we are in situation trying to make a lot more shoes to keep up with demand that we have having capital to do that big purchases into hold critical probably mortgage investing in new Materials Development trying tome up with suite of new producing stands for same as thought iffully made not screening with logos but thoughtfully designed sustainable thoughtful production in raw materials. I think my feet are going to toe to be happy when i put these on what reception are you getting this is not i mean you call it a sneaker but do you wear this for athletics or just a shoe to wear. Dirty secret in sneaker business lions share not for working out just Walking Around there is no need to have massive logos High Performance engineered onto your feet what we decided to do is make we call this have runner but kind of a new zealand term the heritage of our company my cofounder the people incredible. Thank you. Retail for 59 terrific i think very much 95. Stay with us. Do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. The mistay connected. Elps us being satisfied. The microsoft cloud offers infinite scalability. The microsoft cloud helps our customers get up and running, anywhere in the planet. Wherever theres a phone, youve got a bank, and we could never do that before. 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The trump surged in other polls. Hes ahead now in ohio, florida and nevada, a big factor is hillarys weekend disaster. Her insulting comments about millions of americans and medical coverup. Today, another big policy speech for trump at the

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