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We are living in a whole different world, no respect for law and order, and a respect for anything or anybody and this has to be dealt with very harshly. We have got to do more to understand that this is a war against these terrorists groups, radical jihadist groups, a different kind of war. We have to be smart how we wage it but we have to be determined to win it. Maria donald trump postponed his Vice President ial announcement in the wake of these attacks which come just days ahead of the convention raising new security concerns. Investors around the world reacting to the news, Stockton Europe lower with traveler stocks and airline related Companies Taking the hardest hits. Futures are flat, traders digesting this news off of strength on earnings, turning to markets in asia the market was mixed, the nikkei average continuing its momentum in terms of market action. Joining me this morning to talk about it and break it all down, dagan mcdowell. Former Fbi Joint Terrorism Task force member steve rogers with us and capitalist founder jonathan koenig, thanks for joining us, your thoughts on the attack this morning . American blood, french blood, israeli blood, the blood of the west is being spilled on our streets. They have taken this war and brought it to the western world. Maria breaking news out of nice, france, 84 people have been killed including two americans. Amy kellogg joins us on the phone, good morning, what can you tell us . Reporter i have been wandering around the last few hours. It is a city that is completely zoned out and sad. I have seen tears and empty looks on peoples faces. It was an indiscriminate attack. Russians were killed, americans, a ukrainian was killed, we will be learning more of the coming hours, 50 children hospitalized for their injuries, middle east earners, and International Playground for people, they were out celebrating the fourth of july for the french, bastille day, the driver of the truck has been killed, this attack was talked about i didnt imagine it would happen. Questions about how they reached the barricades, close to vehicular traffic last night. Statements coming out from president and bob, on behalf of the American People condemning in the strongest terms what appears to be a horrific terrorist attack which killed and wounded dozens of innocent civilians, directed my team to be in touch with french officials and offered anything they need to investigate this attack and bring those responsible to justice. President Francois Hollande saying we cannot deny was a terrorist attack, we demonstrate vigilance and show determination that is unfailing. What was interesting to me having followed the attacks, president Francois Hollande was quick to call this a terrorist attack before we had much information, he came out, he knew what it was. France has been in the crosshairs taking more hits than any country in the European Union and he extended the state of emergency but it has been extended now and they are asking more police on the streets and people wondering how this is found. Maria does it surprise you no one has taken responsibility . They dont always take response ability. If isis was behind it, it remains to be seen. We need to find out more about the tunisian french man, he acted alone, that will be important to understand or whether he was backed, there were weapons in his truck, he did have aweapons may not have active. Maria we will get back to you as news develops this morning, amy kellogg live on the ground in nice. Former cia covert operations officer, Global Intelligence security firm, what is your initial reaction and what about the question of no one taking responsibility yet . Amy is correct. It is not consistent. Al qaeda and isis, they dont claim immediately, sometimes they claim acts at the end of the day they werent responsible for but find it useful for their agenda. In terms of reaction to this attack, groundhog day. There is a certain sense of anger but it is more frustration. The frustration on the streets whether in france or germany or across the eu and the us, this sense of now what . How do we continue to process these attacks . It is not good enough to finish off Something Like this and say look at the intel failure. Typically the go to, figure out how did this happen . It is not an intelligence failure, we dont go to the real key 30,000 foot problem which is we want to parse these things and say is it al qaeda, isis, is it inspired, directed . Doesnt matter from there perspective. We have been fighting the same enemy for decades, we say this constantly. It is the same. Whether they are coming under one banner or another in a sense it doesnt matter. The beef is the same. Maria it feels they are getting stronger. President Francois Hollande extending a state of emergency for three months to hit isis even harder. Dagen mike, why france in particular . With the 10 attack since charlie have do terrorist attack earlier this year and a year and a half, what is going on in terms of cells that are in the country, radicalization and lack of intelligence potentially . You decca to an important question and part of it is a selfinflicted wound when talking about the problem france is dealing with and other parts of the European Union. If you look at foreign fighters that have traveled to syria for the Islamic State, for the past handful of years, there are 80 countries where foreign fighters have come from and the numbers are squishy but on average if you land 30,000 or so foreign fighters who have traveled to syria and iraq, that is more total than the foreign fighters over a tweet in your period the traveled to afghanistan and if you look at the countries where foreign fighters have come from over the past few years, at the top of the list is tunisia, then saudi than russia. Number 6 is france. This gentleman came from tunisia and had french citizenship and the bottom part is if you think of those 30,000 or so fighters traveling to syria from iraq, maybe 30 to 40 returned home. Part of this is an operational statistical function of the fact they have more people who returned to france over the past few years who are committed, who have been on the battlefield and are motivated to continue the fight in the west. Maria we know there are extremists in france, areas where people do not even go, certain muslim communities will not assimilate into the rest of the community. Part of it is for years, decades the theory in france, germany, the uk, celebrate your own culture. In the us we still tend to say you come to america you are Americans First and we do a better job over the years, not perfect, trying to blend people into our own culture whereas over there it was an active campaign, it is your identity. They have done this to themselves, they realize the danger that has created. The horse has left the barn. Maria the british people said no more, we are getting out of the eu. President obama condemned the attack issuing a Statement Last night, this is what he said, quote, on behalf of the American People i condemn in the strongest terms what appears to be a horrific terrorist attack in nice, france was killed and wounded dozens of innocent civilians, we stand in solidarity and partnership with france, our oldest ally as they respond to this attack. Both president ial candidates came against it. What do you make of the way this was done, is this a new way terrorists are taking a truck and planning it into people . They are changing the way of warfare, weapons of war. They cant get guns or Samurai Swords or explosive so they use vehicles and this was very effective. The president comes out with this statement as he always does to light up the white house, Hillary Clinton has echoed that. Donald trump is the only leader in this world willing to take isis on. That is what they understand. They fear the might of the United States and have to use it. Maria as soon as this came out donald trump announced on gretas show that he would postpone his Vice President ial announcement and Hillary Clinton called into the show and talked about getting tough but didnt offer specifics. The frustration on the part of the president is enormous. Last thing he wanted was for his time in office to be defined by the war on terror. His focus is elsewhere. He has never been fully engaged. This is incredibly frustrating situation. To be fair we have to look at everything in a realistic point of view. Are we having some success in syria and iraq . Yes we are. Are we doing it enough . Are we aggressive enough . We are not. Does it mean the attacks we are seeing, as john kerry is pointing out, when we see an attack like this in nice or orlando the tendency is to say because we are winning on the ground in syria and iraq and this is desperation on their part and they are in the final death throes of their existence which is complete nonsense. We have seen this play out before. When we went into afghanistan after 9 11, we decimated a lot of the structure of al qaeda. It was a terrific mission. We saw what happened to al qaeda, they flattened out, we had more support, more aggressive attacks in the west, these types of attacks, we know this is going to happen. Whether we are talking about the enemy being isis in a caliphate situation or a different structure, go back to the 30,000 level it is the same, jihadi them, extremism, maybe they call them something different. Maria thank you for your insight, donald trump postponing the Vice President ial announcement in the wake of the deadly terror attack, more after this short break, stay with us. I would like to go to Cooking School in tuscany with my mom. I want to open a microbrewery. Own a droptop and drive it on a sunday with my wife. 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As authorities rushed to make sure they can stop something which may not have been at the top of Something Like what happened at the top of their list of concerns. Back in dc the fbi director james comey and secretary jay johnson reminded us they are not just worried about islamic terrorists threatening cleveland but also dangerous protests escalating to the point of violence, ready to arrest up to 1000 people at a time, have cords working with extra judges, extra hours every day. That is happening, time running out at the start of the convention. Because of the sensitivity of what happened in france we dont know who Donald Trumps Vice President ial nominee until tomorrow. A closeddoor fundraiser he plans to announce his pick, whoever it is but the presumed pick according to indianapolis news outlet, mike pence is still in new york city where he was for a scheduled 11 00 am press conference with donald trump. That has been pushed off until at least tomorrow, maybe longer. Maria interesting developments with donald trump saying he would postpone, your thoughts on that. Dagen the news cycle, i am not making light of the terror attacks but you dont want to make a big announcement over a weekend. He should just come on sunday morning futures and do it but this weekend is the convention. The fact he seemed to indicate i am not 100 made up my mind, that was his ingenious way of keeping people interested in the announcement. Maria i thought it really was smart of him to say this was an elegant ing, not going to make this announcement now and inserting himself as the voice of what is going on. Dagen made the announcement very quickly of calling off this announcement and it shows his brain and his heart are in the right place. Doing what a commanderinchief should do, the priority regarding the safety of this nation in front of politics. I hope he is serious about Donald Trumps response to the cartoonist in texas where he blamed the cartoonist, the charlie have though attack questioning frances gun laws, it would not be an opportunity with a pistol or firearm so this is a jihadi, a permanent state of war not just against the west but all allies worldwide. From being a middle eastern problem to a first world problem. At one point we need to make, if the Republican National convention a democratic National Convention are targets of isis it will be a defining moment how to respond and fight the war. Maria france is in a state of emergency declaring a 3 day morning period, we are following all the details and take you back there next, take you with us. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. And in syracuse, where imagination is in production. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov maria we are following the latest developments in Southern France where a terrorist plowed through people celebrating best deal day killing 84 people. Dagen at least two of those killed were americans. A father and son. There was chaos in the streets after the truck mowed down the crowd who were there to watch the fireworks. One american tourist described the situation as she fled. We assumed they were fireworks still going off but shortly after that i saw people running and had no idea what we were running from. Grabbed my fiance, started running, really didnt know if we were going towards something. Dagen no terror group has claimed responsibility for this attack but fox news learned social media account linked to isis, telling their followers to use the hashtag niece. People in france waking up, the headline, local newspaper it translates to carnage in nice, major newspapers in paris, translates to the horror again. And the headline reads the horror in niece, looking at life pictures near the scene, the french government declares three days of National Mourning starting tomorrow and president Francois Hollande making his way to niece later today. Maria you asked the question why france . We are talking about a situation of three terrorist attacks in the last 18 months. Why france . Thousands upon thousands of refugees into their country and it is all about assimilation. We cannot conform to their way of life especially the sharia law angle of this. In this country when you come to this country you are an american first. Everyone should be proud of their culture but when you come to this country you are an american first and you pledge to the stars and stripes. Maria the president change the oath of allegiance for immigrants coming and just recently. The british learned it and that is why they are out of the eu and the germans are going to learn it very quickly. This is the scourge of multiculturalism, the belief that every culture is equal even if it is a culture that celebrates death and violence against the west. This needs to change, and what does obama talk about, combatants on the battlefield, until that changes the terror continues. Maria france is reeling, you want to jump in . We can get to it later. France is reeling in the aftermath of the bastille day affect, 80 dead, more detailed and take you live to the scene after a short break, stay with us. [announcer] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. Maria good morning, welcome back, we have breaking news this morning, terrorism in france, im maria bartiromo, it is friday july 15th. The breaking news is at least 84 people including two americans have been killed overnight as a truck slammed into a crowd yesterday celebrating batille day in nice, france. 31yearold french tanisian, he was shot after driving for a mile. New video of the scene unfolding. French authorities are searching the drivers home right now. We were inside for a couple of minutes and we started hearing like stomping and the crowd went loud, i actually thought maybe there were more fireworks going off and we looked over the past balcony to the street thats actually when we saw the truck going by right in front of our view and just hitting people. It was just unbelievable. Maria so far no group has claimed responsibility and theres no clear tied to isis but authorities are calling them a terrorist attack. President obama condemning the attack. Promising that the u. S. Will stand in solidarity with the french people. President ial candidates donald trump and Hillary Clinton reacting to the horror last night. Trump saying, quote, we are living in a whole different world, clinton calling this, quote, a different kind of war. Donald trump hold Vice President ial announcement which kicks off on monday. This is raising new security concerns for the event. Investors around the world reacting to the news. U. S. Futures are mostly flat. Traders are digesting the news and the market is trading on earnings, better than expected numbers yesterday from jpmorgan, among others. Today we are waiting on citigroup. Markets in asia overnight, slightly better. Continuing momentum with a gain of onethird, one percent. At least 84 people are killed in terrorist attack in the french city of nice after suspected terrorist drove into a crowd, gathered for batille day for fireworks display. I want to bring in Lieutenant Colonel ralph peter and author of the damned of petersburg. Is this what we call soft targets . Absolutely. When you talk about the stocks declining in the tourist industry, you have toward the one that everybody was missing. Eivel they we wanted to just kill people, get a great deal satisfaction and gather headlines because jihad generates jihad, the other thing that that are doing with targeting attacks, in paris, nice as well is to hurt economies. This is obviously not going to utterly gut the French Economy but certainly going to hurt nice very much. Tourists dont wanting to places where they are under guard 24 hours a day. Its a combination of really brilliant tactics. Very economically effective. You represent a truck and you get global headlines and smashes nices summer tourist industry. We are still not responding effectively and we wont until we get serious. If you really sum up all the wonderful fine comments in the first half hour of your show, the greatest ally, the terrorist have in the west is Political Correctness. Until we recognize that in such a time of crisis in order to preserve the liberty of the vast majority, the rights of a small minority have to be curtailed. We have to come down harder on jihadists specially in europe. America is a very different. Our Muslim Population has a different profile but europe has deep problems, theyre not assimilated. Theres bad blood on both sides and europe is going to up policing or these attacks will continue to add. Maria particularly in a place like france where you are seeing such a huge, well, Muslim Community service and community of people who refuse to assimilate. Now, what about the truck part of this . Is this a new way to create havoc, you know, the truck plowing into people . Not a suicide bomber. Its not what we have seen in orlando, shooters. What do you think . Well, its marvelous terror tool. Its very, very cheap. Certainly very effective but also part of this is creating psychological uneasy, we know to look for people with guns, suicide vests. Maria surprise us then . Now you have to worry about trucks. Theyre doing a great job of our unsettling the society. We are notifying back. Dagen the Online Edition of propaganda magazine inspired to use trucks as killing machines. This is was almost six years ago and this raises the issue if weve known that this was a threat for six years, again, it doesnt matter if its the Islamic State or alqaeda or another islamic terrorism group. Here at the United States at a gathering of people like this, you will have barricades, row after row of garbage trucks and heavy barricades, giant barrels of sand to prevent this kind of thing, maybe not in every city but major cities of the United States. Those are all very good points. How do you defend against an unmarked truck . Yes, we have barricades. Thats not what tourists want to see, certainly. We face a very inventive enemy that understands franchising, understands pr, understands branding and we are constantly on the defense i have because of our laws, regulations, stringent interpretation of those laws and Political Correctness and unwillingness to even take this seriously. Could it happen here . Where would it happen for certain, intowrp. Dagen, youre absolutely right, these are key points. To your point of how do we defend against this type of terror, the Obama Administration took away armament, nor do they have the heavy armament to stop like atruck attackment can you weigh in on that . When you have an american president but viifies the police, youre in trouble. If we do not arm police and Law Enforcement elements, the fbi and also our intelligence capabilities, if we do not arm them with updated laws and regulations that realistically address 21 century threats, we will continue to be playing defense and you cant win playing defense. The cops, my god, i have so much sympathy with our police and every time i hear like Hillary Clinton arguing that its never, never about social pathology, its about the police. The police are heros every single day. They go to stresses every single day that soldiers dont. Its incredible what those police endure in major cities and mall towns, we need to embrace the cops, theyre on our side. Colonel jonathan, a quick question, if i could, this attacks seems to mirror the attacks in israel but are terrorists become less sophisticated because certainly in terms of sophistication this is a step down of some airline plot. As you mentioned a car in a crowd of people . Yeah, well, i actually see this incredibly sophisticated when you can take a truck, just a plain truck and create this kind of havoc, generate headlines and do economic damage. Sophistication suspect always a matter of sophisticated tools, its a matter of imaginative thinking. Israel has more stringent security measures. They will do anything they can and they have now created even as we made gains against them albeit slow in iraq and syria, they created culture of jihad where you dont need a membership card in isis or alqaeda, youre a selfstarter. Well, theres no evidence that its an alqaeda plot, of course, it is. Its an isis plot, its jihad. By the way, if we studied history, jihad began in the seventh century and it never ended. Maria thank you for joining us this morning. We appreciate Lieutenant Colonel parties there. World leaders standing in solidarity with france. We will bring you the latest details when we come back, stay with us maria welcome back, french president Francois Hollande arriving in deadly terrorist attack. Dagen thank you, maria, we have french president Francois Hollande visiting nice, video coming moments ago. It will extend the state of emergency for three more months. State of emergency placed after paris terror attacks set to expire late in monday of july. Congress plans to release classified documents about the 9 11 terrorist as soon as today. The secret documents known as the 28 pages were part of a 2002 congressional investigation of the terror attacks on 9 11, details alleged saudi arabia ties to the hijackers, congress is expect today release the documents as early as today. The saudi government has been calling for their release so that it can respond to any allegations. The man who killed 49 people at the pulse nightclub in orlando in june was under Law Enforcement scrutiny in 2013 and 2014 but the investigations by the fbi were closed. It turns out that an fbi agent and florida sheriffs deputy conducted a joint investigation into omar mateen but closed the case. The fbi is looking at investigation to see if any mistakes were made. We dont have a cristal ball, unfortunately. But he said, we will win up right to the edge where we could do legally and there was nothing there. Orlando Police Reporting a breakin, turned the property back over to owners, cops saying in twitter account that the breakin took place on wednesday night. More details expected to be released later today about the potential perpetrator there, maria. Maria thank you, the terrorist attack putting spotlight in security efforts in the u. S. Just a few days after the republican convention. We have more of the story after the break. Back in a moment you owned your car for four years. 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The truth of the matter is they have been successful again and they are spousing a philosophy thats incompatible with our way of life. Sharia law is something that we can negotiate. We are in the middle of a battle right now that is worldwide and the American People have to understand that this is going to be a long slide. Our enemies think this in terms of 100 years. When we are in this for ten years and we start to get ancy about it maria able to kill 84 people, thoughts on the fact that no one has taken responsibility yet . Right, the responsibility issue was something thats fairly common. I think itll happen in the day or two. As far as the tactics that they use, i agree with the colonel who was on, these are very simple lowcost methods for killing a lot of people and the truth of the matter is even if you shut down both ends of the boulevard at any of the sea ports or beach areas in the United States, people can still make their way in with a big truck like that on side streets and attack us. So you know, i worked with sports venues that have done a lot in protecting the area with barricades, but the truth of the matter is, there are crowds of people at church, at the mall, at the beach that are prone to this type of attack and its virtually impossible for us to shut everything down. So we have to go to the source of this. Maria of course, you have seen this before. You were in charge when the boston attackers upset and created havoc and tragedy over when you were overseeing boston and the marathon, dagen. Right, when i see the pictures they are very similar, but very, very similar. Maria in what way . When you see bodies of innocent human beings in the sidewalk and the street, thats really what theyre doing to us and we have to stop it. Dagen in terms of the danger of all the soft targets that you just mentioned, whether its people at a church, a beach, a mall, just watching fireworks, how far do we go as a nation to protecting those targets . Again, its not just the cost but its also changing our way of life, which is exactly what radical islamic terrorist want us to do. Right, thats exactly their goal. So dagen, its a very good question. Ive talked to event organizers who have said that the cost of security have tripled since the attack here in boston. So we can only go so far and i think we are changing our life because of the actions of a few and, you know, again, i go back to going to the source of the problem and trying to stimthe stem the issue there and not trying to defend everything. Theres a saying that he who defends everything defends nothing and i think we are getting to that point in the United States. Maria thats a good point. I want to get your take on your sound bite from jim comey. The head of the fbi said winning the war against terror boost the chances of attacks here in the u. S. Listen to this. The Intelligence Community assesses that as the caliphate is crushed the socalled Islamic State will come more desperate, more efforts at terrorism, so i agree with secretary johnson. Its necessary to crush the caliphate but we cant take our eye what the next move will be by these killers. Maria what do we do in that regard . What do cities have to do to secure the socalled soft targets . Well, we have to step up our intelligence. Theres no question about that. We have to sacrifice some personal liberty ifs we are going to be safe. We got to the point where dramatic and important steps have been taken domestically so that we understand whats happening out there. And then we have to be able to act on that information. We cant, the Political Correctness thats been running our strategies has to be dialed back a little bit and we have to recognize that we are fighting for our lives here. And i would have to respectfully disagree with the fbi director because if you look at what we did to alqaeda, with our military, we virtually eliminated them from taking any action against this country and this is why myself as well as other people who were in the military are suggesting a shock attack on command and control centers, supply lines, oil fields, decapitate them in the mideast and also eliminating intelligence and operational capabilities. Maria, i would say that surely diminish their ability to strike here if we took a Strong Military stand. Well, it seems like the targets we are getting, theyre softer and getting softer. We have gone to marathon tonight club bombing to office party and now fireworks demonstration. Is there any rime or reason or strategy of attacking in the u. S. . They know they with spread a lot of terror and as the good chief here just said, they are going after the targets because they can go, they are using lowtech equipment, you dont have to be a brain surgeon to drive a truck into the crowd. The interesting about this truck and maybe you can talk to this point, chief, is he had explosives in there and other armament. Do you think he was always going to do Something Else after he mowed those people down . Well, you know, when i heard that last night it seem today me as though that this was a wider plot where other people were involved. It doesnt make a lot of sense to have equipment in the truck that you cant get your hands easily. In my mind i would be looking for other coconspirators, but if it was a sizable number you have to think of a wider plot. Maria yeah, we are trying to get arms around that. Officials were saying that were actually duds but we are but we will have more information about what was in the truck throughout the program this morning. Commissioner, thank you for your insight this morning. Ed davis joining us this morning. French president arriving after deadly attack. We will bring you the developments live when we come right back, stay with us. A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and complicated. Thats why at Cancer Treatment centers of america every patient gets their own care manager to coordinate every aspect of their care. The care manager is making sure everything is flowing well so the patient can continue to get their treatment. We are the link between the patient and the doctor. The care manager coordinates all of the patients appointments, scans, chemotherapy. 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Here is a video of the scene unfolding. French president has arrived in nice to assess the situation. No group has claimed responsibility for this attack just yet and at this point theres no clear tied to isis although authorities are saying this is a terrorist attack. President obama condemning the attack, promising that the u. S. Will stand in solidarity with the french people. President ial candidates donald trump and Hillary Clinton reacting to the horror last night. You look at world trade center, you look at san bernardino, you look at paris, 130 People Killed in and so many injured in paris from that attack and you look at orlando, its out of control and, bill, unless we get strong and really strong and very smart leadership, its only going to get worse. One of my priorities is to launch an intelligence surge, we still do not have enough intelligence cooperation between our agencies and those in other countries. Maria donald trump has postponed his plan, Vice President ial announce meant in the wake of the attack which come just days ahead of the republican convention. Thats raising new security concerns this morning for the event. Investors around the world reacting to the news, stocks in london are lower this morning. Travelrelated Companies Taking the hardest hit this morning. Lower opening although largely flat. Traders are digesting the news this morning as well as looking at earnings news which, of course, have been driving the markets higher in the last couple of days. As you can see the dow is expected to open 14 points. Markets in asia slightly higher. Nikkei average leading, nikkei up twothirds of a percent. The other major averages flat, higher on the session. Joining me this morning fox business dagen mcdowell, Task Force Member steve rogers and fasm news contributor jonathan, you wake up this morning and you just say, again. Dagen my husband yesterday as soon as headline started crossing about getting hit of truck in nice, we know its terrorism. That was the spoton reaction from president Francois Hollande. This is a war as dagen said against the west, its a nightclub, office party or even watching fireworks you have to look over your shoulder and worry is jihaddism coming to your shore. Maria france has been a particular target. This is world war 3. Its involving the entire world and we the United States of america has to come to grips with that and take the lead like we did during world war i and world war ii. Good morning, maria. The scene here are just heartbreaking, people are trying to come to terms with this horror that nobody could ever have imagined would happen. The contrast between the beautiful sunny seaside here and the massacre, the blood bath of last night just couldnt be more stark. 50 children hospitalized, we dont know how many children among the casualties. People here are have opened up their homes and hearts to try to help those in need. Blood donors, houses being opened up, the whole 9 yards but theres a sense that this isnt going to end and nobody seems to have an answer as to how it can all change. The comment on president obama on behalf of the American People i condemn in the strongest terms what horrific which killed civilians, ive directed my team to be in contact with french officials and offer assistance to investigate attack and bring those responsible to justice. French president Francois Hollande saying we cannot deny its a terrorist attack and show determination thats unfailing. Voices from the arab world. Egypt saying will be cursed in this life and here after and a popular saudi cleric saying the killer will be cursed by god, angels and human beings and i think thats what people is wanting to hear prominent muslim voices saying, that this has to stop. This ideology has to be squashed. President Francois Hollande in town now with a number of cabinet ministers touring the scene and also trying to come up with the next steps as this state of emergency now in france has been extended, maria. Maria the pictures are unbelievable amy, the drive plowed for 1. 2miles after being shot dead by police but witnesses said that the truck was swerving and zigzagging in an attempt to hit as many people as possible. Oh, yeah, they said some of the witnesses said people were falling like bowling pins. People were with babies over the fence. Its hard to imagine with vehicle plowing down killing 84 people, i mean, this man was intend on getting as many victims as he could. The truck as far as i know is still on site and there are so many on lookers, maria, so many people curious to see exactly the truck and the place and its heartbreaking, maria, back to you. Maria police found guns and grenades in the truck. State of emergency had been place already since november paris attacks, now extending for another three months. Amy kellogg, thank you, live in nice. We want to bring a retired fourstar general. Fox news military analyst general. General, thank you very much for joining us. So many questions to ask you, why france, why the truck, but first let me get your general reaction here at the terrorist attack yesterday . Well, its just another indicator of whats happening in the world today. Radical islam has marked to global jihad and dead with civilization, they killed over 3,000 people. Last year 2015 they killed north of 2800 people. Those are warlike numbers but the problem is where is the Global Alliance to defeat radical islam, where is the strategy to defeat it . It doesnt exist. We are going to have a president here today in france stand up there and talk about resolve and how tough we are and we are going to get no action what soever and the killing is going to go on. They have attacked ten times, they have attacked nato countries. Those four nato countries are United States, belgium, france and turrgy. After the alqaeda attacked the United States in 9 11 nato declared war against the call qieda and we did a pretty good job of defeating it. Nato is avoiding declaring war, why . Because they dont want to be held accountable to have to do something to their people. This is the kind of leadership we have in the world today to include the United States of america. It is a sorry state of affairs that we are dealing with. Maria last night donald trump said, this is war and Hillary Clinton called into fox news and said, yes, this is war. Theyre saying it is war and yet we havent seen any change to the strategy. General, president obama released a statement to the white house, on behalf of the American People, i condemn in the strongest terms what appears to be a horrific terrorist attack in nice, france which killed and wounded innocent civilians, we stand in solidarity and partnership with france, our oldest ally as they respond to and recover from this attack. So he makes the statements but what now . Hes been saying that for eight years. The same kind of rhetoric for eight years. Where is the alliance led by the United States to go after this global jihad as we have gone after in the past . The middle east is staffing starving and they will continue to make speeches and someone is going to have to step in here and lead this Global Alliance to defeat them. This is not that hard. When they gather in safe havens like they are in syria, like they are in afghanistan, like they are in pakistan, libya, we go kill them. Maria right. We need to go to where they are and take them out, go to raqqa, iraq, go to the places that we know are calling headquarters . Yes, absolutely. At the same time we need strategy working with muslim nations, islamic nations, yes, to undermine the ideology. You have to do both at the same time. Maria i guess, obama has said we dont want to do that because we dont want to kill civilians. Can you actually have a strategy, we are going to get the bad guys but we are not going to kill civilians . We should have crushed, we should have crushed isis in raqqa in 2015, they are some where in the neighborhood 20 to 30,000 likely armed people not particularly well trained. Now theyre losing to the iraqi army. They should have been done away with last year with Arab Coalition with u. S. Troops on the ground to do this. It makes no sense to me whatsoever to continue to commit radical islamist to have safe havens, we let the radical islamist have safe haven for years. What do we get out of that . 9 11 1. Its happening right now right before us except the level of killing is less but the frequency is more. Maria let me ask you, it curd to me when i was reading through this general that the fact that europe is so weak already. Look at what occurred in terms of the people of britain saying, look, we want out, we want to control our own borders, we want to control our own immigration, thats going to weaken europe. Europe is having a massive story, a lot of people expecting recession, this is only making europe that much weaker. I totally agree. They have a solution, they have a builtin solution. Its called nato. Its a political and military alliance. Its armed to the teeth. It has intelligence capability. The problem is it has no will. And that includes the United States which is a member of it. Maria all right, we will leave it there. General, always a pleasure to have you. We so appreciate your insights this morning during this difficult moment, thank you. General joining us. If you are just joining us, terror in france, at least 84 people have been killed, dozen others injured after a truckloaded with guns and exemployees i was plow into a crowd of people during a celebration of nice, france, they were celebrating bastille, the july 4th holiday of the u. S. We will have much more on the breaking news. Stay with us. I would like to go to Cooking School in tuscany with my mom. I want to open a microbrewery. Own a droptop and drive it on a sunday with my wife. Sfx daughter yawns amerivest brings together the powerful combination of professional insight and Intuitive Technology making it easier for you to pursue your goals. Im very much looking forward to working for myself. Being my own boss. Get started by setting a goal and answering a few simple questions. Amerivest helps find an appropriate portfolio to fit your needs. 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Maria welcome back, we are hearing some chilling accounts this morning from people on the ground witnesses who saw the terrorist attack in nice, france firsthand, here is dagen with the headlines right now. Dagen good morning, maria, pretty incredible. France still reeling when a large truck plowed in nice killing at least 84 people on bastille day. Lets listen to what some eyewitnesses had to say. We saw people running. We didnt at this point what we were running from. I grabbed my fiance and we started running, you know, we are not local. We didnt know where we were going. We were going towards something. I believe during the finale was when the truck ran through the drove through im sorry, im a little bit shaken up. Everyone that was down appeared completely lifeless, in fact, it was very i felt very helpless. Dagen at least two americans were among those killed, a father and son there. It is actually the youngest child in that photo. A father and son from texas. There was chaos in the streets after the truck mowed down the crowd who were there just to watch the fireworks. The death toll from last nights attack included many children. One source telling fox that ten children among the dead. There were reports that 50 children were injured. French official saying that more than 10 children killed in the attack and Childrens Hospital in nice that had treated 150 children in in adoll adoloecence. At least 80 dead in terror attack, you can look at the daily use headline here. Terror truck plows into truck. Bastille massacre. Headlines front and center and the images are beyond grim, beyond comprehensible. Maria the post that i basically woke up and saw, again. There it is, very sad. I think, you know, at this point most people now when you see a situation like this you immediately think this must be terrorism. Why is it becoming, maria, more frequent now . It seems like it is. 15 years after the attacks of 9 11, you think that the frequency of terrorist attacks maria i think they are getting stronger. More reasons, yes, they are getting stronger but keep in mind that our ability, Law Enforcement ability to combat terrorism has been diminished by this administration. Look, if they went to a mosque and this is where we are hearing, activity that was mosque being surveilled, cant do that anymore. The police would go the extra mile, even though they didnt have the solid evidence to bring somebody in and question them. They would go the extra mile. Because of the fear of racial profiling, theres questions regarding the first amendment, all right. I think Corporate America has a responsibility. If theres recruitment material and this hatred to destroy t country posted on websites, on social media, Corporate America should take them down immediately. This is a war and, maria, it boils down to that one word, war, the president needs to go to congress for a declarational war on isis so the rules can change. Maria we will see what the president says. Donald trump delaying Vice President ial announcement in the wake of attacks in france. Signs point to governor mike pence. More on the big decision coming up. Out of respect for this horrific situation i just think it was inappropriate to have the News Conference tomorrow so i postponed the News Conference in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in rochester, with worldclass botox. And in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov [so i use quickbooks and run mye entire business from the cloud. 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One of my priorities is to launch an intelligence surge, we still do not have enough intelligence cooperation between our agencies and those in other countries including in europe and we need to have a a focal point. Lets bring in trump president ial spokesperson katrina pierceson. Thank you very much for joining us. Good morning. Maria trump obviously, donald trump was very quick calling in, postponing the News Conference, declaring war. What would the president ial nominee do in this situation . If he were the leader in chief. You have to ask yourself today why are we having the same discussion that we have been having for years, we have been in this war for 15, 16 years now and t getting worse. Mr. Trump has committed to putting National Security first. He wants to secure the border, stop foreign nationals from coming into this country creating a Second Generation of homebased terrorism and he wants to go after the enemy, imagine that. No more talking, no more taking friends with ally who is apparently are, you knowinger sitting it out, we have to be on the offense right now. We do absolutely have to declare war and we have to use our military for its purpose, to protect the homeland. Thats what mr. Trump would do. Maria very hard to argue this in the face of more terrorist attacks. Look at Donald Trumps statement. He has a plan, he has a strategy to go after the enemy where they are at. Compare that to Hillary Clinton that states there has to be a intelligence surge. The problem with the statement theres cooperation regarding intelligence between nations and this country, but they have failed, the obama and the Hillary Clinton team has failed to act on the intelligence that they have received over the years. This is why we are where we are. Katrina, this is jonathan, would President Trump and who would he declare war against . Whether its war on terrorism or maybe wherever their headquarters is. We have to understand that, yes, many of these nations are quote, unquote friends as Hillary Clinton would say, but theyre not holding their end of the deal. We are talking about a period of time while secretary clinton was secretary of state and ignored defense secretary robert gates when he said we have a sufficient deficit with nato, we have had 40,000 troops over here. Nato has 850. Thats not even. Some of the countries havent participated since the last world war for crying out loud. Trump would go and talk about reorganizing nato. This is a problem thats global and the United States cant be the only one bearing the burden and we have to use what we have as mr. Trump would call leverage to get the other nations in gear. Dagen katrina, this is dagen mcdowell, has donald trump decided im not going to ask you for names, has he truly picked people in his head who are going to be running Homeland Security, who are going to be running the justice department, who are going to be the secretary of state, does he have his cabinet layed out . Mr. Trump does have an idea of who he would like to see there. There are, you know, a number of people that hes considered from all those position that is you just mentioned and its going to have to be the right combination of people. It has to be someone individuals who are strong and understand that this is not the time to be political correct. When we are sitting here fighting the same war for 15 years and all we do is talk about it and in the United States case make it worse because we fund it, we silence it, we punish people using the first amendment. Not even monitor mosques that we know have possible terrorist activities, we cannot do that anymore. Hes going to pick people that are going to do the job and put america first. Thats why his motto is making America Great again. Maria just to follow up on the idea, katrina, last night donald trump postponed the News Conference to announce running mate in the wake of his attack, when he did so, he still didnt led on who the Vice President ial pick is and he said, well, i have three, you know, three on the short list. Does that suggest he still doesnt know who his vp is . That would suggest that he is still deciding. He did postpone it which i think was very smart to do in the wake. Maria i agree. Most people do agree with that. Hes going to take more time. Maria when should we expect the press conference or announcement given that the Convention Begins on monday . Well, it could be later today or even could be monday morning, its going to be up to mr. Trumpment again, he doesnt want to take the coverage from the people of france. We are going to wait and see how this goes. Maria and then theres the security issue, katrina. Katrina, the worries have been heightened now going into the Republican National Convention Next week. What should we expect . Are you confident that the security in place will be sufficient . Yes, i do believe so. I believe everyone understands the precaution that is need to be taken. Everyone is going to be vigilant and making sure if they see something they say something. At the same time, we are not going to be afraid. I think you and many in the media have seen that Trump Supporters and patriotic americans all over are not going to be afraid. We are going to go and do what we do best as americans and that is support our political candidates or party of choice and we are going to do that like weve always done in the past. We are not going to stop being americans, we are not going to stop being patriotic and not hide in fear because we know come november we are going to have a president thats going to take care of the problem. Maria yeah, do you think things have changed in terms of the setup for the rnc, steve rogers . I believe that the police are going to be given the weapons they need to go on the defensive with a lot of fire power if they need it. As katrina said, i believe thats going to be one of the safest places on earth because of whats taking place there. One thing i might add, that donald trump at least in my view and the view of many have heard the cries of the American People, he has seen their tears and felt their broken hearts and lord willing he become president of the United States, we are going to be able to survive. Maria you have worries that dagen brought up. We dont know who is in the cabinet, should he be telling us who he would be running Homeland Security . No, i think its important that he keeps that to himself right now. He ought to keep it to himself. Maria katrina, thank you very much for joining us this morning. We will see you soon. Up next the day of National Celebration turns into horror as france once again finds itself under terrorist attack. The man who killed Osama Bin Laden weighs in next. Maria well back good morning we have breaking news in morning terror in france i am maria bartiromo. Thanks for being but us friday, july 15, at least 84 people including two americans have been killed. After a truck slammed into a crowd, celebrating bastille day in nice. Maria french authorities reporting driver was 31yearold tunisian was shot by police, after driving along crowded sidewalk over a mile. He french authorities are searching the drivers home fox news is megyn kelly spoke with americans who wptdz the attack. On the phone although kind of hard to makeup out from sounds we definitely heard a few you know small pops kind of sound like they could have been you gunshots being fireworked happened a little bit of confusion, but when i saw people running in fear yelling run, you know, is it a on a attack, et cetera, my first i think stink was something going on that is definitely serious. Maria no group has claimed responsibility, at that point there is no clear tie to isis however authorities are calling this a terrorist attack president obama condentaling the attack project u. S. Will stand in solidarity with french people president ial candidate donald trump Hillary Clinton reacting to horror trump saying we are living in a whole different world clinton calling this quote a different kind of war, donald trump postponed his planned Vice President ial announcement in wake of the attack comes days ahead of the Republican National convention raising security concerns for that inventory, investors around the world rack to go news stocks no europe are lower o across the board, attractively stocks taking the hardest hit, many people, seeing this as a further weakening point for europe, in u. S. , futures most flat traders digesting the news looking at earnings we are coming off a couple days of gains for the market as market respond to strength overnight in japan, as well as better than expected earnings take a look at asia, and stocks there, slightly higher, nikkei average in japan once again leading the gains as has been the case last couple of days, breaking news this morning, out of france, at least 84 people have been killed, including two americans, after a terrorist drove a truck through unsuspecting crowd watching fireworks for bastille day former navy seal killed Osama Bin Laden rob oneill with us thank you for joining us. Thanks fostering me. You looked at Osama Bin Laden in the stay straight on how close were you, by the way. He was kwloers than you and i are right now i got him when i came upstairs went to the right in his bedroom close taller than me recognizable. When you see Something Like this what is your takeaway. Well this is what that version of radical islam wants right now trying to decide weather or not this is an isis attack of course inspired by isis guy calling god is great allahu akbar running over children isis is celebrating whether or not they order when they usually do order from contacth raqqa sir plant in europe someone will do it because they want to be a martyr whether or not the case indefinitely have inspired by isis this is what they want they are happy today. Why are they getting stronger what are we doing wrong. Were not doing anything the president will say we stand in sal darity with he french people have vigils they are not afraid of canned els. President didnt even go to the march after the Charlie Hebdo attacking. It was not interested in admitting the problem the is v the big elephant in the room we all know who it is nobody wants to say it because we rather have children run over at fireworks display, than call radicalize islamists is almost a its sad they will keep doing it more and in other frequent going to get worse wait till alqaida comes back they are the spectacular attacks. I wanted to ask about that catherine gerridge was reporting this strategy using a truck was talked about in an only Online Edition of inspire magazine al magazine zine six years ago any way you can kill infidels, a britishsold offduty in uniform run down by two fanatics ran him over got out tried to decap him yelling god is great whole time pretty sure summarized by radicalize muslim terrorists. First of all, as you retired Navy Commander i want to salute you thank you so much for service. Thank you for substantive as well i appreciate that. Question for you, you have been there, and reference to a military action, against isis in middle east, what would it take, other than the bojs how much in your view how many troops should go . Boejz help they are helping allies on the ground, the mainly shia he armies irrackes kurds we need boots on the ground it is not a military solution to defeat this needs military action to take out cap in raqqa looking for end of times they are too serious, we need to take either it out prove to people recruiting this is not time for it, that we are going to immediate person in leadership at First American boots on the ground, hopefully with some Coalition Partners our friends in the middle east some of the other countries to help out as well we need sunnis on the grounds, too. What have not we done that why arent we going in the president has said we dont want to go in with more boots on the ground because we dont want to hurt civilians. Nobody wants to hurt civilians right now more than addenda sex slavery going on other slavery probably as bad general guided going on we are very good twoig Collateral Damage sometimes that happens they are going to use human shield we need to play a better pr campaign when we do hit him he people need to realize they put women and children in front of obeying factors the bombing alone is not going to do it we need people in there to secure. It we are becoming a Collateral Damage. Interview bashar did not pusling but dismissed our illegal air strikes against isis in syria calling them counterproductive inineffective compared to what we are doing to legal firepower led by russia said he didnt think again we can talk about red line in 2012 use of chemical weapons president talked about they ignored, but he said that were not serious about defeating isis. From assad. Anyone can say anything they want, then people run with it to the press because we refuse to counter it i have been in hits before, where we were taking fire from taliban in a building took down with hellfire next day saying a church they were having a wedding there. We got to get to this report earlier in the week, that that we are going to see 28 pages, released. Yes . We are expecting the 28 pages to be released today in fact congress has documents kks report of the investigation, into the attack, they detail saudi arabia alleged ties to 9 11 what do you think we learn from 28 pages. 28 or 29 pages going to release if not per wouldnt have held on to it 14 years something is in there i am person not going to be shocked to find out Saudi Arabians helped 14 and 19 hijackers with saudis the version wahhabism comes from, it medina othere still publicly be heading women in streets are not exactly he Political Correctness. I have saen the way it works saudi arabia the way government, isi in pakistan like to take stuff but also a have their jaernd. What sit s on this under investigation 14 years. Big question, gave the to be something in there a. We are giving a molest foreign aide to Different Countries may be countrys names in there going to get American People very upset. Very upset. If they are implicated in that. I want to say one thing, American Hero has kept us safe killing Osama Bin Laden saying that the president needs to do more, when the president uses the killing of Osama Bin Laden, as one of his major Foreign Policy accomplishments in terms of those of keeping americans safe that exact hero saying we need to do much more. Talk to guys the team that killed Osama Bin Laden they are irate because not being allowed to do anything really. So they are being are hampered they dont have enough we have people in places i am not getting into allowed to work a little bit not doing what designed to do they to me that the other branches could be doing me are, instead of nothing. Yeah, thank you so much. Thanks for having me. Thank you so much for your service, rob oneill joining us there terrorist attack in france coming to stage before Republican National convention how will this impact securitying tactics for the event we take you live to cleveland next, back in a moment pop. If legalzoom has your back. S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Urgently needs blood and plateletedonations cross and asks donors to schedule an appointment to give now. Every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood. Your Blood Donation is critical and can help save lives. 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Maria woman he back deadly attack in france, turning the spotlight on security efforts of Republican National convention in he cleveland, donald trump, postponing Vice President ial announcement because of the attacks fox news john roberts live other side trump tower in new york city john good morning to you good morning to you, that announcement had been scheduled for 11 00 this morning donald trump flew in from day of fundraising in blogs 4 30 this morning having already made decision that the horrific terror attack in nice preclude it had idea of coming out with Vice President ial running mate typically a celebratory announcement could happen as early as tomorrow the pain really wants to get it done before the convention, plashl before donald trump gets to the convention saying he has not made final, final decision who running mate is manafort said he believers he made decision not ready to announce it yet next few days we expect to hear trump talking a lot about what happened in nice, he tweeted out earlier today when will we learn, it is only getting worse and listen to what he told Greta Van Susteren last night. A what are we doing . Were trying to be so nice frying to be civil we are so weak the world has got to strength up we have strob tight with borders now a different world greta this isnt 40 years ago in 80 years ago this is a different world. We are trying to be politically correct big mistakes. Governor pence of indiana was believedto flown to Teterboro Airport outside of new york yesterday looking like governor at least from air getting out of the a cessna sietation into an suv, departing for whereabouts unknown, that is also continuing as his roll as governor of indiana, tweeting out yesterday, about at the terror attack very simple tweet saying quote this must end, as to where we go from here, pence does have to give indication to the generate of indiana whether or not he continues to pursue his about gubernatorial reelectric Campaign Paperwork has to be filed by noon today so one way or the other, we should get an even greater indication whether or not governor pence will be running mate i think everybody pretty much on same page unless trump passport and say this person probably he believes that, there is no longer any correlation, there, so that becomes a problem, one of the other issues we have this isnt it is unlike 20 years ago, alqaida had inspire magazines Islamic State how to guides you know longer have loan he woef a alone wolves whether you recognize it. It seems to me one of the problems that is causing this to grow is our failure, as a country, to have them assimilate to our way of life, now every can you recall the should be proud of culture, and by all means celebrate their culture however, what i see happening i like to ask your opinion of this is that we are no longer requiring people to assimilate to our way of life, and we are beginning to conform to their way of life. You dont have pledge of allegiance the way you dwrufd. I absolutely agree with that that is what i mean about content the citizenship we should not be embarrassed by ideology makes us americans should not a talk about culture rally we should talk about melting pot shared values this road rage terrorism bycar accident isnt new t is somethingis railees suffered too many willing to look other way weve got to stop taking al la cart approach to terrorism recognize if used in one place to going to Cross National borders eventually strike us in the france or United States itself. Jonathan. Hi. Good morning thanks for your service in the pentagon let me ask you after 9 11, of course, the department of Homeland Security was instituted to keep country safe the soft target body count seems going up, how effective is policy of Homeland Security when your entire home lapd is a soft target for jihad . Well you know this is one of the problems we ha broadcastically too often looking to he prevent last attack terrorists can be very good at getting around, our security measures and recognizing something new we also need to not be shy about taking the fight, proactively, to in this case islamist terrorist with all due respect to the attorney general, this isnt about an issue of loving them more, it is an issue of recognizing that there is a militia stwlaet if you treat it like a police tleet ultimately you are talking about forensic evidence rather than prevention. Authorities are naming killer as Mohamed Lahouaiej bouhel a career criminal known to police, so he was on this rega radar not necessarily as terrorist. This is something struck me after each of the attacks in france. Where weve had the french say but they were on our list, we recognize that they were a bad seed and the question is if you recognize there is a bad seed, where was surveillance going wrong you know the french are a lot less shy about surveillance for example radical mosque are we getting luck or good unfortunately i think to former we look at failed times square bombing underwear bottoming over detroit fact of the matter is we often got more luck than prevented some vrz attacks through our security measures. Frightening, recycle rubin formerly pentagon late on deadly terrorback in france next we will be right back it e with latest developments, stay with us. It was an idea. A wild whatif. So scientists went to work. They examined 87 different protein structures and worked for 12 long years. There were thousands of patient volunteers and the hope of millions. And so after it became a medicine, someone who couldnt be cured, could be. Me. It was always just a hobby. 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French authorities are reporting the driver of the truck was a 351yearold tunisian he was shot by police, after driving along the crowded sidewalk, for over a mile, this is the video of the scene unfolding. No group has claimed responsibility yet and at this point there is no clear tie toies however authorities are calling it a terrorist attack, president obama, condentaling the attack promising u. S. Will stand in solidarity with french people president ial candidate donald trump Hillary Clinton reacting to horror last night. We have to get awfully tough we have to get have a very smart vigilante if we dont we are not going to have a society not going to have a world anymore this is creates a what is going on we have to do more to understand that this is a war, against these terrorist groups the radical jihadist groups it is a different kind of war we need to be smart about how we wage it. But we have to be determined that were going to win it. Donald trump he postponed planned Vice President ial announcement in wake of the attacks comes days as Republican National convention raising new security concerns for event breaking news in terms of Business World citigroup report earnings markets reacting to news of terrorist attack let me show you breaking news on citi 1. 4 a share better than estimates on earnings, 17. 55 billion rn better than estimate there as well citi reporting betterthanexpected numbers this morning stock trading up investors around the world rack to news of terror in france stocks youre lower take a look, as you can see, travel related companies fakeing hardest air also down between 1 1 2, and 2 across the board this morning in u. S. Futures flat indicating really a mixed apple market we had seen declines market reversed course we are watching the latest in terms of Economic Data coming out retail sales out in 30 minutes, as well as the at the cpi also out 30 minutes at this point market turned around looking to add on, to the recent gains weve seen a week of gains for this market Dow Jones Industrial average suspected up 20 points i asian market hire as well slightly higher nikkei average in japan best perform up twothirds of one percent this morning with that dagen mcdowell, former Fbi Joint Terrorism Task force members steve rogers capitalist Fox News Contributor jonathan usually market do not react to terrorist attack that we have seen in the past. A long way remember just seemed like a couple years ago we changed the colorcoded threat level you would see markets react they seem to shrug it off for better or worse stocks alltime highs trend continues to be higher path of least resistance higher a lot of investors saying Wonderful Companies Mcdonalds Pepsico 3m making moneying something as horrible as it is is not going to the market. We are looking at earnings wells fargo in line on earnings, but slight miss in terms of rn so mixed stories in terms of of the earnings this morning wells fargo trading down citi up barriered market trading you mean. Dagen j. P. Morgan big drier in the market bouncebook the economy looks good, and j. P. Morgan u. S. Consumer looks healthy j. P. Morgan raising wages for its own employees again these are critical if you get these stocks have been incredibly hard hit a but Interest Rates so low where do people go dividends. Looking at criminalist pi number coming up 27 minutes, because at least we are starting to see, some indication that inflation on horizon Commodities Oil up gold cotton sugar commodities higher cpi ubs in of move the market. I felt one of the most important things Alan Greenspan told is why he had that we are at a Pivotal Moment or from broad Global Economy in u. S. Included when he said we are moving from deflation to inflation, he mentioned komentsdz. You are looking at potentiality according to some people end of what is a 35 year bull market in bonds, if that starts to really shift a lot of people will have to reallocate in 10 year treasury people built ballst, 10 year barely above 1. 5 on yield. Major for banks wells fargo a miss citigroup a beat on expectations, in terms of earnings thi morning, we are going to turn the breaking news rht now out of nice, france at least 84 medium have been killed, including at least two americans, joining us right now former advisory to four u. S. Ambassadors to the United Nations, rick, he former d. C. Homicide detective wheeler rick let me kick it off with you your thoughts on this attack, as people were celebrating, their national day, bastille day. You know, my first thoughts are this is really getting tiresome to see this week after week, i mean bangladesh chattanooga, is bull ones we forget quickly but it is it is clearly something that is a problem a growing problem, isis is not defeated, and in the midst of a president ial race i think we do have to have a serious look at policy implications of what is happened how were going to be to be able to to fight this. I want to break in here like because we have breaking news right now the nice airport, right now, is under lockdown. Do we have any other information other than it is being evacuated, the nice airport is being evacuated right now. Reason unclear. But we are just getting this, information, in to newsroom, it is being evacuated. And we are an unclear of the reason we will keep on this, rod if this is an example of terrorist going after soft targets what could authorities do, to protect those targets, there is a lot of soft targets across the world. You know not unusual, to see the a repeat situation like right now possibly playing out at nice airport when i heard about this situation, last night, in nice, the pictures thing that came to my mind two things quickly maria how was this able to happen . You know we have a celebration july 4 here in United States, very similar to that over there that they have a. And we would never allow a big box truck like that, to just ride right up into the middle of the celebration. Now somewhere in this particular situation, there was a breach of the security perimeter, because there is a security perimeter around the entire event, the congressionally for Law Enforcement right now is to figure out where does that Security Breach occur, how does that Security Breach occur whether or not there are other terrorist attacks planned against that part of the world, why do i say that . Because when you look at the ammunition grenades things this guy had last night trust me he didnt do this thing all by himself. Rob absolutely right we closed down streets and we have a perimeter when a lot of crudes in the streets. Dagen said why early. Rob what do you think of this may be not a stretch, but may be this the Security Services in france have to start looking from within. Because in my view, somebody allowed that truck to get past that perimeter, into crowd. I can tell can you preaching to the choir that is exactly what i have been thinking the entire time. There is no way not a world with, guys, that that truk as a big as it is agency large as it is, should have made it that far into that celebration look, here in the United States we would have moved that truck up taken it out. Blew that a truck up sure. Here, you know, rod is right but before we talk about somebody climbing into a truck climbing into an airplane, Law Enforcement has to remember, that they need intelligence information, so we need to talk about what our intelligence gatheringers are doing to get people before they climb into the truck, that means, are policy implications, that means talking about these very difficult issues of intelligence gathering technical nicks we have to give intel officers as much as many tools as possible we cant take those tools away, and this is where the policy difference is, become very stark between two candidates. Maria maria i totally agree ib quickly i totally agree with my copanelist it really starts with policy whether United States whether france or i leadership has got the to a get you tougher against with isis look how bras enl these attacks are we go from the airport to the july 4th and their country cell brairgs, we are going to continue to see the it, until the policy change, and the policies get tougher. Maria to ricks point i just wanted to point out are there were republican senators wants to make it easier to look at the Internet Activity browser activity email traffic of anterior suspects you would need a warrant a signoff easier to get completely shot down, by the by the congress, so again, we are not were not moving headed in terms of surveillance, we are just really quickly we keep talking about three major terror attacks in france the last year and one half, but there have been almost a dozen, roughly 10, when you include remember the shooting on the train . Do you remember there was a recent attack where a man killed a Police Officer and his partner in their home and then was live broadcasting on facebook, again, talk about lack of surveillance and lack of intelligence, this is widespread, in france. This is this dagen this point amazing, because it is exactly what we try to say policy makers is that these policy fights actually have implications on the ground. Of the if you are not going to give the tools, to our intelligence gatheringers they are not going to be able to get these people before they climb into a a truck of about they get into a plane. And also, let me just say one thing is that were having a Big Conversation within the Republican Party it is not just a republican virus if democrat thing many libertarians believe we should not take away individual rights in order to get more security, they maock that a discussion in both parties how best to do it i think a Health Discussions should have it on a daily basis. Maria real quick. You are a libertarian. Indeed i dont think there i conflict between individual rights, and safety of American People, but i think to many of the pan oflifts points, taking that threat seriously attacks will simply continue to escalate. Thank you gentlemen we appreciate insights coming up next cleveland Security Officials on high alert in the wake of terrorist attack coming up rnc Communications Director will weigh in what they are doing to prepare for next week, keep it right here mornings with maria continues. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. And in syracuse, where imagination is in production. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov oh boy. Thank you. You make me feel so young you make me feel so spring has sprung maria welcome back, we are following blaekdz flews out of france, this morning the Associated Press reporting that the nice airport, has been evacuated, and military has been seen inside of the terminal this, of course, just moments ago, we learned this information, after last nights deadly attack turning the spot plight on security efforts in cleveland, just days from the Republican National convention, Blake Burman Nep Cleveland right now with the a latest. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning to you and we are seeing those security procedures literally put into place as days go on, this is the cleveland Public Auditorium Aluminum Steel barricades probably 7, 8feet high going up just outside of city hall wrap around and there is still a little bit of work to do this will probably be closed, sometime next week, 73 different Law Enforcement agencies local, federal state are involved with this operation they say the authorities here that they have table topped all the possible scenarios here yesterday the department of Homeland Security chief jeh johnson said he still has some concerns. Well, i am concerned about the prospect of he demonstrations getting out of hand i am concerned about the possibility of violence. We he have within dhs some 3,000 personnel that will bb dedicated to the security of the Republican National convention and the democratic National Convention each. Maria there are basically two different ways to look at the 2 protesters those outside the zone, that is at the concern that the department of Homeland Security officials have but as far as the Convention Center where we are right now, the quicken loans arena where convention is folks you talk to be in cleveland say those two will be two of the safest places on earth they believe. Thanks very much blake burman want to bring a in rnc Communications Director, sean spicer. Thanks for joining us. Good morning. Can you talk to us about the security preparations for the g. O. P. Convention that are under way in the wake of the terror attack in france . Haveings things changesed in any way. Look i think you have the United States secret Service Planning this for months one of the things that we benefit from is in a because this is an event that has gone been on the books a long time it is he designated nationalize security by secret service 73 different agencies involved they have been able to plan tabletop for months if not years this ensures that we will have probably safety place on earth to that quicken loans arena. People are worded about soft targets, in is probably not such a soft target given the fact that there is so much security, ahead of the convention. Reporter that is right, i mean weve got secret service does this day in, day out with the cooperation, of other federal agencies, and what that means is is that we can concentrate on the best program you saw yesterday, the amazing speakers that got announced we can concentrate on making sure we put on a will play convention that highlights donald trump, and Republican Party, that puts you know, people every day people businesspeople, military leaders, on the stage and allows this American People to hear more about our party or nominee for president as we try to stop Hillary Clinton. Maria i want to ask about differences between two, but would you is it fair to say, the party much of the party is now onboard behind donald trump or do you still have the division . I think year doing very well, last night was the committee be smooit media hype two days finished all business by last night it is over, and everything sailed through swimmingly, i said for a while now, and yesterday, continues to prove it that much more it is a series of tweets and Conference Calls that is it our Party Continues to unify you saw amazing speakers that got listed more people are coming want to be part of this convention talk about donald trump and our quest to elect him keep Hillary Clinton out. What i want to know from you. A minute what would be success . What would be successful Rnc Convention your take i first on differences between trump and clinton both rathed to terrorist attack last night in nice hlting difrptsdz in approaching listen to this i want to get your reaction. Sounds like here we go again. It is go by to go a whole different world were living in a whole different world there is no respect for law and order there is no respect for anything or anybody. And this has to be dealt with have you about harshly. One of my priorities is to uh, launch an intelligent surge we still do not a have enough uh intelligence cooperation between our actions and those in other countries including in europe, and we need to have a a focal point. Maria what are are your thoughts sean on differences in two approaches toward fighting terrorism . Well, first, i go have to say that this is just a who are endous another who are endous act the loss of life devastating to watch the this happen overseas is just it has become way too seasonable way to common now between the stuff that weve seen in dallas orlando stuff weve seen in france a couple times. Maria right. This is it is getting i think there are two distinctions donald trump says unacceptable weve got to fight strong weve got to make sure we tweetis, Hillary Clinton one was part of the [no audio]. Obviously we had an interruption in video there it is live, satellite, from cleveland, and from the convention we are talking about sean spicer the director of communication for if Republican National convention, and he is back with us go ahead sorry sean. Thanks maria i think the point that i was trying to make that Hillary Clinton is architect of this for her to talk about fact we dont have cooperation with allies in europe that was her job as secretary of state. So it proves her policies have failed failed. We can elect more same goelt more same or we can go in a different direction i think that is what we need to do that is is what donald trump is talking about that what were seeing is not acceptable we need a better stronger effort to fight and if defeat isis. Good point when she said that i tholt to myself why . Why dont we have the intelligence that we need, let me ask you quick, sean as we wrap up here what would be a successful convention, what are you looking for. I think the more i think people have seen donald trump they know who he is but i think when they hear from his family his Business Patterns people worked with him 0 years get to know him as individual not just a businessman the person they see on tv i think hear about values Republican Party hoi we want to be inclusive if we walk out people saying i want to join that party i want to support that candidate that is success. If donald trump resonates with people resonates with party people walk away feeling better about him you have had a successful convention sean good to see you i will see you in cleveland thanks so much. Looking forward to it thanks. Thank you sean spicer joining us there, france reeling in aftermath of the bastille day attack leasing at least 84 dead Dozens Injured weve got the latest we will be right back. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. 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In a you so much shocking news dominating papers around the globe New York Times says truck attack on french crowd, scores die New York Post headlined again, at least 80 dead yet another terror attack New York Daily News said 84 slain terror truck plows into french crowded guns grenades found inside, it is not just headlines really the images that speak volumes so hovk we can take a look at markets are in pressure in europe across the board. As investors are reacting to the latest attack in Southern France this time a halfpoint loss, on the cac quarante, index the u. S. Take a look how futures are trading right now we have the dow and s p yesterday hitting new record highs, and youve got at least some stability if you can call that it 9 point gain on dow futures travel related stocks in focus falling in premarket action, in reaction to at the terrorist attacks, again that will be kind of had central impact of hovk events overseas people and again two americans died a father and a son. This happening in nice, where people are on vaication. Where people are enjoying Bastille Day National hollywood like our july 4 this why would you go and get on a plane to go to europe with all of this happening you can understand the reaction from investors on Airline Stocks. Absolutely, one hundred percent. Interestingly maria even given alltime highs in the u. S. Stock market Airline Stocks diagram under o pro formas higher pressures of oil before this rally you had Alaska Airline delta, two week lows this terrible tonight news note helping. Down 1 1 2 2 this morning breaking news out of france, at least 84 people he have been killed including two modernize, what thovshg attack means for global war on terrorism when we come right back. Stay with us. Were covering breaking news this morning. Welcome back, terror in france, im maria bartiromo. Thanks for being with us. Its friday, july 15th. The nice airport in france, currently under evaluation over suspicious package. This after at least 84 people, including two americans have been killed after a truck slammed into a crowd, celebrating bastille day in nice. French authorities are reporting the driver of the truck was a 32yearold tunis tunisiaen. He was going through a crowded sidewalk for a mile, zigzaging to hit as many as he could. President obama condemning the attack and promising that the u. S. Will stand in solidarity with france. And hes been saying after eight years, the same kind of rhetoric for eight years. Where is the alliance led by the United Nations to go after this global jihad as we have gone after enemies in the past. The middle east is starving for the United States leadership. Maria no group has claimed responsibility yet and at this point there is no clear tie or direct tie to isis, but authorities are calling it terrorism. Donald trump has postponed his planned vicepresident ial announcement today in the wake of the attack which comes days ahead of the Republican National convention which kicks off on monday. This is raising new security concerns about the convention. Market reaction this morning, futures actually have turned around and showing a gain this morning ago the markets react to earnings news after what has been a record setting week this week for stock prices. Citigroup had better than expected numbers and wells fargo, that stock is fractionally lower. Were getting retail sales and looks better than expected and these numbers are coming out just nowment the expectation for retail sales was up 1 10 of a percent for the month of june and coming in 6 10 of a percent and thats why youre seeing an Immediate Reaction in futures. Futures right now trading up as tape. Retail sales up 6 10 of a percent. And market now up 23 points on the Dow Jones Industrial average. Lets check Global Market stops in europe, reacting to the terrorism coming out of france. The travel related companies are taking a hard hit and the airlines are down across the board, between 1 1 2 and 2 . And the Market Performance in asia, the nike average continues its momentum up another 2 3 of 1 . The top story of the moment, the attack in france, after a terrorist drove a truck through an unsuspecting crowd. They were watching fireworks for bastille day. And yesterday, james comey said winning the war on terror abroad boosts the attacks at home. As the caliphate is crushed, the socalled Islamic State will be desperate for continued vitality and take the form of more asymmetric attacks and more efforts at terrorism. I agree with secretary johnson, its necessary get the cal if i calipha caliphate. Maria do you agree with that, we need to go hard like in raqqa . Absolutely. The mood of the American People has changedment Current Events in the United States and europe have shifted American Public opinion away from sort of the clinton view of National Security, which is just to hang on, gather better intelligence and wait for events, to more of the trump view, is that this is a war, this is not a new kind of war as mrs. Clinton said, this is war and war is war. The essence of war is to kill the enemy. The way you defeat isis is to break its psychological will. The way you do that is to strike at its capital at raqqa. This is war college 1 is 101, basic military strategy and the American People want the United States to lead. Get on with it, crush isis and get this horrible thing over with, its only going to escalate unless america leads a coalition against isis and does it soon. Maria and it has already escalated and now were looking at different methods. What is your take on what took place yesterday, now with a truck, zigzaging to kill as many people as possible, no longer a suicide bomber, a guy first shooting and then running people down. Remember, the essence of isis is to kill the infidel. The instrument that he uses to kill is irrelevant, it could be a tea kettle, it could be a pressure cooker, it could be an ak47 or a vehicle, it could be a bomb in an airplane. Irrelevant. The bottom line is to upset the western alliance, to destroy the western society by creating so much horror and fear that western society recoils and backs away and sadly, maria, from the viewpoint of young Islamic Radical vendettas, exactly what the west is doing, all that does is encourage young men to join the ranks of isis and continue the attack. Not just in syria and iraq as jack keane just said, but globally literally from the United States to western europe. This isnt going to win unless we create a coalition of those who agree, russia, saudi arabia, the United States, france, and the u. K. As a core, strike through turkey attack raqqa and break the back of isis and over time eventually, this terrorist entity will at trophy. General, steve rogers here. A common theme weve heard from everyone engaged in this war and you articulated it, weve got to do something. The president of the United States has to do something. My question is from your view, why on earth is he not doing what has to be done . I mean, more of these generals, including yourself and i commend you, youre a brilliant guy and weve got a lot of brilliant people that have weighed in on this, but the president is not listening to you guys. Yeah, you know, steve, ive talked to many of my military colleagues in the pentagon, many retired officers, some of which youve heard this morning, they say the same thing. Barack obamas personality, his world view is such that he views the third world in a much different light than we do and he views america too often as the as the entity that precipitates war rather than fights wars in fave of the American People. No, it will not change under his watch. It wouldnt change under Hillary Clintons watch because her world view is essentially the same. No, this is not about trying to trying to make the rest of the world feel good about this. This is too enter a war thats already been declared against us and take isis on and destroy them through physical combat. There simply is no other option. General, jonathan hoenig, what evidence do you have is the mood of the American People is changing, that 9 11 wasnt in a ground war for jihad. Why boots on the ground and full jihad the American People are increasingly afraid, afraid of whats going to happen to them and their children. The end of the day, the mood about war and committing our young men and women in uniform to reenter the middle east and escalate the battle is all based on the selfinterest of individual americans and i think, i think most surveys and most polls strongly indicate the mood of the American People are shifting away from, you know, no boots on the ground, to we have to end this, otherwise, my children, my family, my country is at risk. Dagen general, its dagen mcdowell, but in terms of weve gotten away from really remembering how to fight terrorism and ill bring up the issue of Edward Snowden. The outrage that people showed and expressed when Edward Snowden revealed the Data Collection programs run by the nsa, it was a little, i would say that it was not symmetrical with the outrage that you would hear and related to actually terrorism. And has that hurt us . I was reading, going back, it was only in the spring that the european parliament, the European Union lawmakers finally approved allowing basically the access to Airline Passenger records in europe. Right. Dagen theyve been fighting over that for years and only just now approved it. Look, this whole idea of intelligence sharing is a red herring. Its used by this administration as an excuse for not going to war. The truth is, were going to war or were going to lose and the second thing, this is not about europe when it comes to the military, dagen, its about the United States. 80 of the military power in the western alliance is american. If america doesnt lead, the europeans sure as hell arent going to follow. One final point thats very important, before we get involved in this again, we better take a close look at the condition of our military forces. The quality of the training, their equipment, all the things that have at trophied over the last four years have to be paid attention to, otherwise, god forbid, but were going to send untrained, unprepared, ill equipped american men and women back into the middle east and that will only result in needless deaths. Maria how do you feel about the security in the face of the potential attack in the u. S. And about the potential cells that are already here in america . Theres not much we can do, maria. The cells are here. Ive heard estimates as high as 50,000 sleeper cells. Maria wow. Or young islamic men who are waiting for an opportunity to strike. Look, its sort of like playing hockey. You cant play hockey with just a goalie. The best nhl goalie in the world is only going to stop virtually every puck, but let some through. The only way to win at this game is to go on the offensive just as jack keane says and virtually every one of my colleague says. If you dont take the fight to the enemy, if you dont break his will to resist, if you dont crush him psychologically convince young men throughout the world that isis is a lost cause, a failed ideology, then this will continue and theres so little that we can do about it by just playing defense. Maria general, thank you. Thanks, maria. Maria the deadly attack in france raising concerns about safety at home. Coming up, Stuart Varney will weigh in on what it means in the fight against terror. Back in a moment. [woodworker] i live in the fine details. Thats why i run on quickbooks. I use the payments app to accept credit cards. And everything autosyncs. Those sales prove my sustainable designs are better for the environment and my bottom line. Thats how i own it. National security at home, the role of the u. S. In the fight against terrorism coming into focus. The aftermath of the deadly attack in Southern France. Stuart varney weighing in on the attack in france. Now is when the tourists go to france the he was zigzaging to hit as much as he could. The softest of soft targets, using a weapon in a truck, you cannot ban. As ive gone through this, the past 16, 17 hours, its very personal to me because i think all of us now realize that were all vulnerable everywhere. Any crowd that youre in is now a target of these people. Any walking along the street in a crowd like fifth avenue in new york city, for example, youre a target. And i think its been brought home very personally to all of us by the nature of what happened in nice last night. What struck me, and i dont think this will fly in america, what struck me was the statement by the french Prime Minister right after the attack, he said france must learn to live with terrorism. Now, i dont think that works in america. I cant see a National Leader standing up and saying, weve got to learn to live with this. I think that americans will take a very different approach. I think that americans will no longer want this defensive crouch. I think theyll want to burst out and attack. Thats my take on it, a very personal take and i think were going into attack mode, thats what i think is going to happen. Dagen stuart, you talk about, and it is personal, thats what makes you so wonderful is the empathy that you have. But all of us have, dagen. Dagen you verballize it and a lot of us dont. I want to ask you in terms of being aware of your surroundings, youre walking up fifth avenue or walking to the train, if you will. Somebody in Law Enforcement told me when i lived across times square, he told me not to walk through times square ever, whether its in the middle of the night and it wasnt for robbery purposes, it was because of terrorism. Cant we all individually take greater be more skilled at least looking for things . I know, its see something, say something. Thats a way of living, at least with the potential threat. Stuart yes, we will become more professional, i guess you could call it, by looking for things, observing things. I think its a measure of the anxiety which we now all feel on all occasions because you know what, dagen, you cannot harden up any society. I dont care where you are, you cannot harden all the soft targets which are available to these people. You cant harden up the street. You cant harden up the outside of a sports stadium with a big crowd, a movie theater. You cant do that. So, you know, i think its the it would reach the end of the point where were being defensive. I think we now have to be proactive and go out and get em. And as Newt Gingrich said last night youve got to get out there and kill them, thats what were going to have to do. Maria thats why every military guy or gal that we speak with say weve got to go where the source is, where the headquarter is, raqqa and not wait for them to come here. Well see you on your show in ten minutes. A reminder Varney Company begins 9 a. M. Every day right after mornings with maria. Well see stuart in ten minutes. Another terrorist attack leaves america in shock. Will isis lose ground . The group thats winning in europe. What it means here in the u. S. Back in a minute. The economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in rochester, with worldclass botox. And in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov breaking news out of france this morning. Here is what we know. People are allowed back into the nice airport. It had been evacuated earlier this in the program. And people are now allowed back into the airport. At least 84 people have been killed, including two americans, after a truck dref throughdref drove through a crowd. Kt, thanks for joining us, your reaction. Three things. This is a war that europe is losing. You know, isis has now opened a second front not only in the middle east, but now in europe and europe is going to have a hard time to get in front of it for three reasons, one, theyve had open borders for decades. Two, theyve had multiculturalism. You dont have to assimilate. Do whatever you want. And theyve cut back on intelligence and Law Enforcement and not seeing it coming. My reaction, this should be a wakeup call for america, guess what weve done in the last ten years, all three, open borders, immigration, failed to assimilate, multiculturalism and cut back on our intelligence. Maria thats one of the issues, intelligence this morning. You would think that america has much better security. We havent had what were seeing take place in europe, is it fair to say the security is better here or you dont even believe that . Yeah, i mean, its better here, but the cia director brennan came out and said, we should expect attacks like this in the United States this summer. You know, so, are we doing a good enough job in time will only tell. Here is the thing that bothers me. Hi, steve. Maria what bothers you, finish your thought. You know, we have the internet has closed down child pornography, for example, weve worked with Silicon Valley and worked with tech to do that. Why wont they let us close down radical jihadist websites and recruitment, we can do it for child pornography and why not for this as well. Maria thats what dagen has talked about. And you talked about a first and second front. It seems like a third front in the United States. Did this begin with obama taking our troops out of iraq . Yes and no. And radical islam is bigger than isis, thats what we failed to grasp, the Bush Administration failed to grasp it and the Obama Administration failed to grasp it. Even if we destroy isis in the middle east, guess what, theyll move to other parts of the middle east. Its an ideological problem, a political and economic problem. Unless we recognize that this is a war against all of radical islam and it has it needs the same effort that we have to defeat nazis and the same efforts to defeat the communists in the cold war, well never get in front of this. Maria and he said, pulling out of iraq empowered the terrorists . Absolutely. The number two guy in iraq, he said to me that isis was born in the prisons of baghdad when the iraqi generals made common calls with fanatics. Kt, this is jonathan hoenig. You mention that the battle is ideological. The effort to harden the perimeters and expand the safe zone, it doesnt seem like it will have much impact to keep americans safe. Its good, but its not enough. For example, in the ideological battle, the president of egypt, the top muslim cleric in the muslim world, they have both come out and they have condemned the violence, but why are we not supporting them . This administration has done just the opposite. Its walked back from these people. So, again, its a much more complicated thing than a couple of perimeter safe zones, going after isis in syria and iraq. Its a global war. Its a global jihad against all of western civilization and until we understand that, until the next president of the United States says im fighting that fight, we are going to always be on the defensive position and we are never going to get ahead of it. Dagen kt, will anything change with a new administration, regardless who wins in the white house . Because you still have people who are up in arms about a privacy rights . And again, im all for protecting privacy in this country, but its gone so far to the left in terms of and it gets to your point about why do Technology Firms not want to help the federal government. Why does apple fight the fbi tooth and nail about opening the phone of a dead known terrorist . And thats why. Its because of privacy. They dont trust government. Well, you know, look, weve got a government thats far more concerned about who gets to use which bathroom than it is about protecting people, the American People, and again, the example i would use is the Tech Community has helped us shut down child pornography on the internet, why can they not do the same . How is this not the same and in fact, in a lot of ways worse than the child pornography. They can do it, they just havent done it and why havent they done it . Maybe its pressure some people think that the free speech of a terrorist is more important than stopping a terror attack in this country and thats a sad fact. Do you want to know something, we could have shut down the internet in raqqa, syria, the capital of isis, but we didnt want to do it, why . Because there were civilians who were using the internet and we didnt want to blanket them out as well. Go figure. Maria is there any reason to believe anything i mean, the president has five more months in office. Is there any reason to believe anything changes in terms of our strategy before president Obama Leaves Office . No. In fact, i think just the opposite. Cynical use of military force. The president is going to throw a few more troops at it. He just hopes he buys time so it doesnt happen on his watch. Maria leave it to the next person. Kt mcfarland is in cleveland ahead of the Convention Next week. Final thoughts from our allstar Panel Next Week after the break. [announcer] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. We continue covering the breaking story out of france. I want to thank our panel, dagen, steve, jonathan hoenig. That will do it for us, well be live and monday from the cleveland Convention Center. Stuart has the latest from france. Stuart thank you very much indeed and good morning, everyone. Well, the truck kent going for over a mile, mowing down the crowds celebrating Frances National holiday. Ten children among the 84 dead. More than 100 injured. Bodies strewn alongside the seaside promenade. An american father and son dead. The driver shot dead. The i. D. Is that of a 31yearold national of tunisiaen decent. Terrorists on soft targets again. Donald trump postponed his announcement. Hillary clinton, president obama. It looks like, it feels like war. We the people are the target

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