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In trump rally last night, demonstrations including kids who taunted Trump Supporters as they headed to the event. We will take you to indiana live. Get the delegate count, we will hear from a delegates later this hour. Detroit students may not be able to go to students again today, teachers are staging a sickout, why they may not show up to work again. New questions over the soldiers who are in the famous photo, the latest on the marine corps investigation of mistaken identity coming up. Company will have to pay 55 million, faces another 1200 lawsuits around this issue. A new kind of family leave, paternity. The Stores Coming up. In asia overnight, chinese stocks were higher after the countrys president stated support support for Healthy Development. Shanghai composite up. Ubs weighing on markets as well as stronger currency, stronger euro, rather, hitting against the dollar. U. S. Stock market futures a lower opening. Take a look at where we stand. Dow jones industrial expected to open 110 points, twothirds of 1 . We are waiting on earnings and economic data, that certainly will set the tone. We have a cantmiss lineup this morning. John is with us talking about these markets, Trump Campaign sam clovis is with us ahead of indiana. Juan Williams Joins us and laura engram and former Tucker Tooley with us. Do stay with us. We kick it off with the stop story and thats, of course, indiana. Critical battleground in the race to the white house. Democratic and republican candidates fight it out for partys nomination. Theyve been calling me specially over the last week because we had the big win in new york and pennsylvania, all the other places, maryland, we had the massive wins, they were landslides and everybody is now calling me wanting to get on and one particular call said horrible things, donald, i want to endorse you, i want to go with you. What do you like about donald . Everything. Give me one. The wall. Okay, the wall. Thats the main thing. All right, hold on a second. Now, do you know on the wall that donald told the New York Times Editorial Board hes not going to build a wall and not Deport Anyone . Youre lying. Lyin ted. I dont want to have to walk away. The demand for coal may be dropping, the demand for natural gas may be increasing, but that doesnt mean we should walk away from the people. The reason that this campaign is going to win starts with doing something very unusual and contemporary american politics, we are selling the truth. [cheers and applause] maria and the polls in indiana opened moments ago. It is on in indiana. Ahead of the vote, the real clear politics average show donald trump with a demanding lead over ted cruz and john kasich. On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton in a tie with Bernie Sanders. Todays primary is due or die for sanders and cruz, both candidates still far behind in National Delegates, the race there. Take a look. Donald trump still in the lead looking to secure the 57 republican delegates in indiana. That, of course, closer to the 1,237 number he needs to secure the partys nomination. Currently at 996. Hillary clinton aims to capitalize on her momentum following major victories in new york and pennsylvania, the former secretary of state leads Bernie Sanders by a significant margin even without the important superdelegates and yet it is a tide race for the popular vote in indiana. Joining me right now eric erikson. You have been out there and quite vocal against donald trump. Whats your take going into indiana this morning . Well, i definitely think trump is in the lead based on the polls, its going to be tough for ted cruz to stop donald trump, cruzs goal is not to get to 1237 but to stop trump. Maria youre never Trump Campaign has gotten pushback from the support rs of trump. Why have been been adamant to stop trump . The polling has been consistent for a year that Hillary Clinton would just devastate donald trump in november. 20million against trump in june alone starting june 8th. I dont think trump is a conservative and hes been very vocal about protectionism and i dont trust him on social issues. As an evangelical and conservative i would have to look elsewhere if trump is the nominee. Maria what about the fact that hes bringing out the voaer, voter turnout is way up on the republican side and way down on the democratic side. The argument against what youre saying is that trump is actually bringing in lots of other people more people to the republican side of the race and they like his toughness . Well, the problem is that voter turnout would be up even if you subtracted Donald Trumps votes. The other candidates are as well. The problem is still only about a third to 40 of the Republican Party, which is the smaller of the two parties, when trump is looking at 70 favorability with women and 90 negative favorability with hispanics. 53 unfavoriteility compared to Hillary Clinton that has 30 . Maria yeah, i want to bring Dagen Mcdowell, fox News Reporter captured scenes of the rode crowd outside of the trump rally in indiana. Once again we see young protestors voicing their anker towards trump. Weigh in here. Dagen youre doing Hillary Clinton a favor if you because youve said never trump but if you dont vote for donald trump and hes the nominee and even chose not to vote for Hillary Clinton, arent you handing the American People at least another four years of the Barack Obama Administration . Its kind of saying that smoking cigarettes gives you cancer. They have chosen to give Hillary Clinton the presidency. Maria yeah. Dagen couldnt you do something, though, could you talk about Donald Trumps negative, if you start working in his favor, couldnt you as an individual work to change that . I very much doubt it. The thing that donald trump has been saying on the campaign trail, no one can control him, he cant be controlled, he likes to go off and be loose with facts and statements, i dont think so. Republicans who think they can coopt donald trump are themselves going to be coopted by donald trump. Maria who would you rather see, eric . Theyre using very strong language, theyre making explicit gestures. Watch this, i want to get your take on this. [shouting] maria eric, what are your thoughts on that, the whole campaign to get trump out seems to be getting bigger and and bigger and you have this kind of violence . Dont we need leadership in there to tell people to stop the violence . Yeah, i think so. Im not a fan of donald trump but im certainly not a fan of leftist who want to shut down. I believe in the First Amendment and neither trump nor the protestors. They have no respect for the american political process. These are leftist who want to turn us into a thirdworld. If donald trump is the nominee, unfortunately that side wins. Maria what do you want to see in there, ted cruz or john kasich . I would prefer not kasich, but cruz, rubio, a white knight to save the republicans from the maddens but certainly not trump. Maria why should we expect anybody to get anything done. His supporters believe that hes going to shake up the system. How do you say marco rubio or anybody else who hasnt been able to turn this around yet . Well, thats the staggering irony of all of this, the Establishment Republicans prefer donald trump than ted cruz. Hes begin to go higher lobbyist and the republican consultant class. When howard dean ran for democratic nomination in 2004 he lost but he took out many of the democratic consulting class with them. The republican consulting class is yet to be challenged and donald trump shows no sign of challenging them. If trump wins nomination, he may take out a lot of republicans down ballot but Mitch Mcconel will still be in washington because hes safe for another four years. Maria youre not going to vote for trump and you dont believe thats a vote for Hillary Clinton . No, i dont believe its a vote for Hillary Clinton at all. Ive been saying hillary was going to get elected if trump is the nominee since march. Maria yeah, but thats the point that dagen was making, if you stay home and other people stay home, youre giving it to the other side . Well, that is the point. Maria dont you feel like you have an obligation to support the front runner whoever that is, whoever get it is nomination . No. No. I see no obligation to support donald trump. Ive been saying since march that hillary will elect elected if donald trump is the nominee. If they want to vote for trump, they are the ones who are essentially handing this race to Hillary Clinton. Maria all right, we will be watching. Eric, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. Maria we appreciate your time eric erikson. Weve got complete coverage and analysis of indiana primaries. We will take a short break. Coming up Detroit Public School students may be force today stay home a sec day in a row as teachers continue their sickout strike. Johnson johnson order today pay 55 million over the powder, why the costly defeat seem far from over for the company. We continue our coverage this morning from the global conference, greatest minds in business stand on los angeles, we have many of them ahead on the program today and tomorrow. You dont want to miss it. Back in a moment. This just got interesting. Why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis and a 200 savings card. Maria welcome back. We have breaking news right now. Pentagon is confirming this morning that the Islamic State has kill it had first u. S. Soldier in advice and assist mission in iraq. We are following this and we are bringing the latest development as they become available here. It is still to be determined whether parents in detroit will send children to school today as the teachers sickout could continue today. Cheryl casone with the details. Cheryl thats right, maria. All 97 Public Schools were closed yesterday after more than half called out sick and protest. Thats according to School District spokeswoman. The Union Representing many of those teachers telling members they dont expect teachers to show up to work today either. We should get a better picture as the sun comes up there. Meanwhile a u. S. Jury ordering Johnson Johnson paying 55 million, cost her to develop ovarian cancer. Johnson johnson plans to appeal the verdict. 1,200 lawsuits accusing of not warning consumers about, talc products. Original judge ordering all teleph operators to block the facebook app for failing to turn over data. Maria, starting at 2 00 p. M. The app stopped working. They cant use messaging and freecalling functions. Its one of the best waying to talk to your friends for free. I happen to know that. [laughter] maria absolutely. Thank you, cheryl. Up next, outrage over claims of mistaken identity in the iconic photo. Two amateur history say its not what it seems on that picture. The Technology Giant in the news and on the move this morning. We will be right back live from the conference. Stay with us when it comes to Small Business, shes in the know. So strap yourselves in for action flo Small Business edition. Oh, no im up to my neck in operating costs ill save the day for plumbers and bakers and scapers of lawn, shes got customized coverage you can count on. You chipped my birdbath now youre gonna pay not so fast i cover more than just cars and trucks. Action flo did somebody say insurance . Children flo action flo cut can i get a smoothie, please . Ooh they got smoothies . For me. Maria welcome back. We are coming to you live from the los angeles milken conference, markets are kicking off a brand new month with all major averages bouncing back after weekly decline since february. Having said that, we are looking at weakness this morning. 2016 that is been turbulent. All bound to create pockets of volatility in the coming months. My next guest say investors can still find value in the turmoil. Chairman and global chief investment john calamos, john, good to see you both. We should point out to viewers that this is a new thing. Congress congratulations. You have taken on the role of calamos. Itll be 40 years and to work with someone with such great integrity ri morality as john and track record of one of the best investors of our time and im very excited to be part and grow on a fantastic platform. Maria and i agree with you. I have been talking to john for a lot of years. So you were the ceo misuho. Maria john, you have been investing. Youre still going to be allocating the capital . Be able to focus more on the investment side of the business. And this is really part of my lengerterm longerterm of the business. So very excited about this. Maria excellent, congratulations to you both. This is not a very easy market to navigate. We are expecting a lower opening today. We began the beginning of any year, we settled from that. How do you want to allocate . I think we have a very nervous market, no doubt about that. But we are still in the camp that we do not feel that theres a recession coming, so youve got to manage this volatility best you can. I think quite frankly in my mind theres more risk in the bond market than the equity market. Maria you have negative Interest Rates in a number of places around the world right now. I think its 5 or 6 Central Banks have gone negative in terms of negative Interest Rates. What has been the impact . Country tries to get their trade better than ours, that type of thing, but i think the concern is really, you know, the slowdown in the Global Economy and how thats going to effect the markets Going Forward, but, you know, im i would tell investors dont pan nick this kind of environment, as we could see one day, up and down, up and down, its a very, very, you know, market thats very volatile. Maria so your mandate is to expand and build on whats already been put in place at colomus, how do you do that when you have the rest of the wall street cutting and still deleveraging . Thats a great opportunity. The european banks that were cutting back, we went from nothing to be the top 10 investment banks in the world. I see we already have a fantastic foundation, my experience is very much complement being at a Global Distribution bank, fixed income is a big part of my background. We are looking to add a different products into our lineup at calamos investments. Maria what do you guys think whats going on in japan in the japanese market is closed but thats where the problem has been, the japanese yen instead of going down has been going up and disrupting markets . As i said in the program, in your program many times, theyre going to do everything they can to stimulate their economy and bring back growth all the way to what they did a couple times ago which is go to negative Interest Rates. Unfortunately, that did not work for them and thats why the last time they decided to hold them and see what happens. But theyre not going to give up. Theyre going to keep at it and we will see what happens. Maria what do you think, john n terms of allocating capital . Japan and ecb and even here the fed, theres too much emphasis on Monetary Policy. The problem is fiscal policy. Maria right. I think thats whats being ri flected in the election as well. Whats our fiscal policy going to be . You know, the fed the Monetary Policy has done all it can, negative Interest Rates. Maria thats why people are saying the central bankers are out of ammunition. What do you want to see the next president do, whoever that might be, policy that that person can put in place . I think a tax program that makes sense for the united states. You cannot give companies incentive not to bring money back here. We want them to invest, we want them to build businesses and if you doubletax them, theyre not building their business here, theyre building outside of the united states. So thats the incentive. Maria real quick on the growth story rr is the growth . Youve been a growth investor and you have bought technology but technology is having a rough time in the First Quarter. What happened . It is, and i think its really a very selective market in here Going Forward, but i think, you know, we continue to like some of the technology area. Maria what, apple, amazon . Not specific stocks, but we still think the area still has room to grow, so, from that point of view. We are not saying no technology. Maria youre still investing . Yes. Good to see you both. Thank you so much for joining us this morning. Congratulations on your new job. Thank you very much. Maria we will see you soon. Voters heading to the polls in Hoosier State, 57 delegates up for grabs. How about paternity to take care of your fourlegged friend. Could pick up steam. Back in a moment. Maria welcome back, decision day for indiana. I am Maria Bartiroma from the conference in los angeles. 6 30 a. M. On the east coast. Most of the polls are open. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton looking to secure the nominations. Donald trump and Bernie Sanders taking on rivals both referencing william shakespeare. I watched ted cruz, i am the only one who can win this race, sounds like shakespeare. Everything is always shakespeare, making a simple statement, i am the only one. Unfortunately i am telling the truth. Piled high, the bible, then he comes over and starts lying. I think if you give a speech, for 225,000 for an hours work or 20 minutes work it must be an unbelievably brilliant speech. It must be a speech that could probably solve most of the problems facing this planet. It must be a speech written in shakespearean prose. Maria breaking news, american servicemember killed by isis. Asked carter making the announcement moments ago, enemy forces penetrated in Northern Iraq, no other injuries or casualties are known yet. We bring you the latest development as they come in. Isis killed the first us soldier on and advised and assist mission in iraq. New questions over soldiers in the famous iwo jima photo. The latest on the marine corps investigation into possible mistaken identity. And some British Companies offering paid time off. So you can care for your pets. Those stories and more coming up. In asia stocks in china jumping after the countrys president stated support for, quote, the Healthy Development of the stock market, other asian markets mixed. In europe looking at a pretty good selloff. Bank earnings setting the turn, we can Bank Earnings burning on markets, that is one of the negatives here, a stronger euro this morning, euro at the highest level since august. That is indicating a lower open for the broader averages, look at where we stand, Dow Jones Industrial average expected to open down better than 100 points, nasdaq and s p 500 in the red. We are going to the campaign trail. Most polls in indiana are open at this point, kicking off a crucial president ial primary. 57 delegates up for grabs, of the 92 delegates available democrats including the superdelegates, the latest clear politics average shows donald trump with a commanding lead, Hillary Clinton in a statistical tie with Bernie Sanders. Matt in his life in indiana with the latest. Analyst have been debating, this is considered by many as ted cruzs last chance to show he is in the game, numbers are not looking good for him, the average polls showing donald trump the clear front runner, some showing trump with a doubledigit advantage and like you said on the democratic side the average polls showing hillary and bernie neck in neck but trump and clinton say they have this in the bag and are looking forward to the general election at the white house. Take a listen. I am absolutely convinced, i believe this with all my heart. If we do what we should do, americas best years are still ahead of us and we will make sure we achieve those together so if you will vote for me i will stand up and fight for you through the campaign to the white house. Thank you all. Indiana is considered a hardworking bluecollar state, trump and sanderss message over jobs and challenging status quo is resonated with voters in indiana. Voters have successfully chosen 30 of the last 32, considered one of the best bellwether movers in the country. We will be talking to voters in a little bit and see who they favor. Back to you. Maria todays action may be at polling stations but the countrys eyes are on the 57 republican delegates in the Hoosier State putting their weight behind one of three candidates. It may be winner take all for the gop but the process is all but simple. We want to bring in one of the 57 delegates, the 7 Congressional District of the Indiana Republican party, good to see you, thanks for joining us. Can you take us behind the scenes . What are you expecting today . On the election today we need to watch donald trump probably looking like he is going to have a big day, come away with north of 50 delegates. Some places to watch are the second district, northcentral, if ted cruz doesnt win big he is at risk because that is one of the districts that match up with him. Same story in the northeast part of the state and the north suburbs of indianapolis. If mister trump does well down in vandenberg county, clark county and the southern part of the state then he will probably locked up the district and end up winning 50 one of the districts. Maria the entire process is being scrutinized. It is not black and white, 30 delegates are bound to the statewide winner, 27 awarded by Congressional District so help voters understand the process because some people look at this and say i thought my vote mattered but actually the delegate votes matter, my vote doesnt matter. It is a bifurcated process. Today we have primary results and that will tell delegates how they will vote when they go to the convention on the first ballot and if someone has reached the 1237 mark the only person that can do that is donald trump, then those delegates, votes in the primary do matter if they bind and the transferred result. The way delegates are selected is grassroots process starts on the ballot, grassroots activists about 5000 across the state elects county chairman, and next spring, and county chairman collect by Congressional District intellect district chairman so for each of those districts the district chairman and vice chairman, secretarytreasurer put together a slate and when they put the slate together they are looking at a few things, people who may be officeholders with long history in the party, people that raised money and given money to the party and been stalwarts in the party and looking at people who are really strong grassroots advocates knocking on doors, making phone calls and things like that and put together a slate that goes before all the county chairman, the vice chairman from the district and vote to endorse it. Maria who are you endorsing . Who are you endorsing and what was the process behind it . Were they trying to lure you in any way . Were you getting emails, some delegates were getting threatening emails . Give us that behind the scenes . What went on in order to get your support . As far as my support, a lot of people coming into the process had expressed their opinions. Some from the different camps, i am on john kasich Student Committee so i am supporting john kasich. I made some comments that were critical of donald trump, i have very grave concerns about his rhetoric and anchor, the tone of what he does when he speaks. That was expressed and i began getting emails including ones that were pretty dark referencing funerals and referencing my family, that was a concern when we come in, that was unexpected in this process because i hate to say it is perfunctory but generally a perfunctory process until this cycle. Maria do you know who sent you those threatening emails . We have email addresss but to the best of my knowledge no one has tracked down who the people are. They were gmail addresses that somebody probably made up. Officials maria john kasich doesnt win, if john kasich doesnt win can use your selfsupporting the front runner and if it is donald trump will you support him . When we get to the convention in july, we had one goal is delegates, to put forth the best republican candidate for victory in november. The person that will help win races in the house and senate and the person who will ultimately win the presidency. I am keeping an open mind between here and there, john kasich, but if it is donald trump and we are bound to vote for donald trump that is what we will do. The second ballot, the best person, all the people i know who are delegates to the best by the policy and the citizens of indiana. Maria it will be some convention. We will see you in july, thanks for joining us this morning. One of the key delegates. After decades of honoring the man in the famous image of us marines raising the flag, parts of it have come into question. They are investigating this iconic image. Lots of fans, tesla forced to cancel thousands of excess orders, what it means for elon musk and tesla coming up. Wildcaught alaskan salmon. From icy ocean waters. To your kitchen counter. When you cook with incredible ingredients. You make incredible meals. Get your first two meals free at blueapron. Com cook. Maria breaking news, us soldier was killed by isis in iraq, Cheryl Casone has the latest on this breaking story and other headlines. Cheryl new details on this story, ask carter saying the soldier was killed in Northern Iraq, this is the first us soldier to be killed by isis while on and advise and assist mission in that country, this follows the deployment of a special Operations Task force of 200 people. President obama approved sending 450 additional us troops to iraq and syria. Decades after the battle of iwo jima the marine corps is investigating whether it mistakenly identified one of the men shown raising the us flag in this famous picture you are looking at. The marines announced more than a year after two men began raising doubts about the identity of one man in the picture but other pictures of him taken the day of that famous battle. A photographer didnt get the names of the men in the picture, three were killed in fighting at iwo jima before the photo was distributed in the united states. Business headlines tesla motors ceo elon musk has reservations for the electric carmakers model free, not inflated. A contributor to the website said he committed 20 reservations for the model free must tweet that multiple orders had been heard. Tesla limited the orders to two per customer, claiming the model 3 launch was the biggest one week launch of any product ever with more than 325,000 reservations in the first week. You mentioned this earlier, catching on in the united kingdom, several Companies Offering their employees paid time off to take care of their pets depending on the pets needs and the company, people can take as little as a few hours or you can get as much as, get this, a couple of months. It can be used to carry out training, attend that appointment or spend more time with your new animal who as you know sometimes training when they first come home with you. Maria they need love. I can buy into that. Cheryl casone in new york. Oil prices down, futures point to sharp declines at the opening trading, phil flynn at the cme group watching energy and the move on crude. Good morning to you. Reporter the market taking a hit after a big selloff yesterday and a lot of it has to do with weakness in the chinese Manufacturing Sector fell for the 15 month and missed expectations and there is rising concern about chinese demand at a time we are seeing more reports about production on the rise, and reports that we will see north sea production rise and if we worry about the demand side of the equation will be harder to overcome the supply and that is the reason for weakness this morning. Maria down as you can see, thank you, we will be watching that. Still to live from los angeles you think dc is bad . Wait till you see how things get done in the turkish government. That doesnt look very organized. The stars come out, the best and worst from last night, the all that coming up. Maria we are coming from the milken conference in los angeles, more protests igniting across the country, protesters in fort wayne, indiana voicing their anger toward republican frontrunner donald trump, blocks of their faces and using such vulgar language and explicit gestures, will this spark market volatility and what does this say about the economy, joining us is global chairman Mark Weinberg. Good to see you, thanks for joining us. And a quarter of 1 million people, what are you hearing from those executives and manages and businesses, what is the sentiment . We talked about this over the years, the unprecedented uncertainty around the world, changing regulatory environment, what goes on in brazil, what goes on in china, hard landing or not, how do you invest, where do you invest, you look at a reduction in spending. For the fourth year in a row we are seeing business hes pause on Major Investments and that is the future. If you dont have expenditure where will the growth come from . There is a lot of him and a still. It was a banner year and this year still 50 of companies according to capital confidence barometer we are putting out, basically looking at him and a to grow because there is no growth and get synergies to reduce cost to get the bottom line up or change the Business Model because what is going on. Maria makes so much sense. When you cant grow, you acquire growth. We have been waiting for businesses to start investing in a big way for a long time. They are not doing it because of uncertainty. And tax reform. Productivity growth of 0. 5 , firstquarter, everyone is waiting to see how this election will settle out, what role will the us play in the world, tax reform is on the table, democrats you need to get a more competitive tax system but you cant do it and you get Companies Overseas that want to provide for them to stay here with more lower rates and broader debates, and going to the starting line. Maria you would think this has been done already but we are seeing more regulation that they are not actually going to the source. Stopping companies from going overseas and let me ask about the workforce. We are looking at video of protesters. Do you expect the disruption in terms of the workforce, you say the job youre going for today wont exist in ten years. The World Economic forum this year, there will be a 7 million job loss, a loss of 5 million employees and different employees. Citywide, we hired 60,000 people this past year, have almost a quarter million people, we know overtime Artificial Intelligence and robotics will change what we need in our workforce. It wont replace workers but some workers will have to get new skills and move into different roles. We are not spending time to think about what those issues are. Big issues like that are not on the president ial agenda. Maria we are going to get the job number out this week. What is the one most important element the changes, moves the needle on Economic Growth . We have been on the bottom. It will take certainty, not just the president but a new congress, will it remain republican, democrat, will we see roles the tackle tax reform, a trade deal in lameduck session which would help, so we have a president , leader of the house and senate even though we know there is not a lot of support for it, is that going to get done. These issues a big issues with a huge effect on business. Maria good to see you, thank you for joining us. Next hour Trump Campaign National Campaign chairman sam clovis is with me. Juan williams and the Lauren Graham show host laura ingram and former relativity president tuckered back in a moment. Live from los angeles this morning. When a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis and a 200 savings card. Maria decision day for indiana, i am Maria Bartiroma live Tuesday Morning from the milliken global conference in los angeles, top story 7 am on the east coast. All of the polls are now open in indiana. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton looking to secure the nomination for the party, ted cruz is fighting for his future in the race for the white house, taking shots at donald trump but trump looking ahead to the general election. I am in for the distance, looking for a viable path to victory. Im competing to the end. A disaster, emails, bad judgment, iraq, libya, bad judgment, all bad judgment. Maria on the democratic side Hillary Clinton is walking back comments on killing the coal industry. Heres what happens when she was confronted by minors put out of work and call. Talking about helping for a long time. It was the misstatement. Maria an american servicemember killed by isis, ask carter making the announcement while in germany this morning, fox news reporting enemy forces penetrated in Northern Iraq, no other injuries or casualties are known, isis killed the first us soldier on and advise and assist mission, the latest developments as they come in on this breaking story. Taking political decent disagreement to a new level, what sparked this brawl in the turkish parliament. We will tell you about it and the wild end to last nights game between the San Antonio Spurs and Oklahoma City thunder. The referee admitted a mistake that could have changed the outcome. Space jam, the sql. We will tell you who will be dunking on the big screen coming up. Market they make in asia overnight, chinese stocks higher as the president stated support for the, quote, Healthy Development of the stock market. Other averages in asia were mixed but this morning we are looking at a selloff in europe, earnings setting the tone, week Bank Earnings weighing on markets and a stronger euro. The euro at the highest level against the dollar since august. The s p 100 down a quarter of a , that is carrying on us futures indicating a lower open but broader average is expecting a decline of 135 points from the Dow Jones Industrial average. Stay with us, we are about to welcome Trump Campaign national cochairman sam clovis, jd pritzker, the cohost on fox news Juan Williams, laura ingram and tucker to lee, the Film Producer behind the fighter and the millers, you dont want to miss it, all coming up on the program but our top story in indiana, polls are open across the state, the primary is do or die for sanders and ted cruz with both candidates falling far behind in the National Delegate race, Donald Trump Holding a commanding lead with 996 delegates at this point. He is looking to secure an additional 57 delegates today that are up for grabs on the republican side in the Hoosier State. Hillary clinton is aiming to capitalize on her momentum following victories in new york and pennsylvania, she now has 2165 delegates, the former senator Bernie Sanders battling it out for the 92 available delegates in indiana. That number includes tween 9 superdelegates in the state. Blake berman is in washington dc. Reporter when numbers role, all eyes on the republican side will be on donald trump and ted cruz, 57 delegates, winner take all statewide and Congressional District. It is likely the winner will receive all or most. Ted cruz is pushing back, trump cannot get to the needed 1237 delegates tonight but in indiana win would make that a whole lot easier. It will be indiana. If we win in indiana it is over with and then we focus on Hillary Clinton. The race might be fighter on the democratic side were delegates in indiana are awarded proportionately, Hillary Clinton will move closer to the democrats magic number no matter what happens tonight but Bernie Sanders is hoping to show, putting another state in his column. We have now won 17 state primaries. If you can help us, bring out a large voter turnout, indiana will be the 18th victory. Important to point out is an open primary, independents will have their say today. To benefit both donald trump and sanders. Back to you. Maria that is an important point, thanks for raising it. Blake berman in washington this morning, want to bring in clinton advisor, joining us is Trump Campaign national cochairman and chief policy advisor sam clovis, Dagan Mcdowell is in new york this morning. Thank you for joining us, let me kick this off, that was an important point blake mentioned, independents, what do you expect as independents for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Looking forward to doing well in indiana. Hillary clinton is that is. Donald trump, Mister Sanders has spent a lot of money there, senator sanders spend a lot of money there, independents can vote. Indiana is not reflective of the diversity you usually see in the democratic electorate and a lot of state so i think it is a state sanders would do well in but the important thing is we dont think whatever the outcome in indiana is that it will alter the outcome where the Democratic Party is headed. Has gotten over 2 million more votes than senator sanders so we expect her and hope, we are focused on all the primaries that remain. Maria sam clovis, interesting the front runners are not spending much money at all. We know donald trump has done incredibly well and hasnt spent much money at all. According to this ad spending data i am looking at, team clinton has not spent a single send in california, indiana, kentucky or West Virginia, Bernie Sanders has spent 1 million in the same state. What are your expectations tonight . I think we will do extremely well and if we do well we will pick up all the delegates, all 57 delegates and it puts an end to ted cruzs campaign because he has a difficult time making the argument that he should be the nominee of the party and i dont know what john kasich is still in the race, i would hope after tonight that after thinking this spring through the the other candidate would rally behind mister trump and we would start to concentrate our efforts on whoever the democrats are going to put forward as their nominee. Dagen you need to tell your candidate to go after Hillary Clinton, dont you . Because he is still attacking ted cruz and even john kasich on the campaign trail and karl rove said yesterday he has to turn his attention to Hillary Clinton and start fighting now. I agree with that. That is exactly where we are going. After tonight that will become the theme. I hope it is the theme of the entire Republican Party. And we go from there. I still think the issue is we have to have the opportunity for us to finish this off and this is where donald trump is concentrating his effort to make sure we secure the nomination and then we will go forward. We feel donald trump has already started to go after hillary, these crazy faceless attack suggesting women dont support him. That is crazy, she has more women votes than anybody but Many Americans support her. What i would suggest mister trump will have met his match in Hillary Clinton because she is tough, she is tested. If you run for president before, that is the kind of experience you need. We are looking forward to a very interesting and Unusual Campaign in the fall but that is where both candidates are turning now. Maria do you worry the voter turnout is down on the democratic side . I have said this a couple times, the republican turnout is up 60 , democrat turnout is down 20 and some people are wondering if it is because they are not hearing a message from Hillary Clinton. We know donald trump, make America Great again. What is putting america back to work and making sure every american feels the benefit of what it means to be an american and what it means to work in a system, that is the message, working for working americans. Primary elections are different from general elections. When we turn to the general election during the convention this july and afterwards americans will be focused on the stark contrast, that Hillary Clinton offers this country and bizarre, crazy things donald trump has been saying, most americans when we turn to the general election will be so worried, the Republican Party in this country, has nominated someone who i think is on the edge of a breakdown. Maria what do you have to say about that . I find it humorous and entertaining so i will be richard to that. His comments very entertaining. I didnt interrupt you. So i would say very clearly that it will be interesting and we have to wait until we find the final score in november and then we will be able to have this conversation over a cup of coffee and you can sit there and tell me how funny it was then. Maria let me ask you, i have to get to this coal controversy because Hillary Clinton came under fire for controversial comments about the coal industry in march. Back in march she was forced to answer to those people who were put out of a job. Listen to this. I am the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring Economic Opportunity using Clean Renewable Energy as the key into call country. Because we are going to put a lot of coal miners and Call Companies out of business. What i said was totally out of context from what i meant. I had been talking about helping call country for a long time and i put out a plan last summer. It was a misstatement. Maria this is exactly the kind of misstatement that people feel that is why she is not trusted. I dont know. Do you think she has been saying she wants to put coworkers to work for a long time . I heard the opposite. I have known her for 25 years. I worked on her Husbands Administration so i know she is for all working families, she supports the coal miners. Maria but she wants renewable energy. She things we need to do more about renewable energy, we need to do more about the environment, we need to cut more to combat global warming. But she handled this perfectly right. The thing she said was in context made sense but in the context in this new context did not. I think she handled it well, she said she misspoke, it was taken out of context. Her position is clear and working families, people who work in coal should support her because she supports them. Maria final word to you because the criticism has been about this violence, what do you want to say to people . Does donald trump need to do something to show leadership and make sure he says to people stop with the violence . I know at trump rallies, these are not Trump Supporters. Not exactly sure what the leadership aspect of this is other than the fact mister trump is leading and because he is leading we have a concerted and concentrated and orchestrated effort to disrupt these rallies. And proper political speech in this country, give them the opportunity streetside, they can say what they want but outside those auditoriums people have access to hear what they want and that ought to be going on. Leadership should come from the other side because they are stirring this up. American people are voting, going and having their say and tonight they have a big say on what is Going Forward and we need to figure this out once we get votes counted. Mozart to be counted and voices are to be heard and that is going on. The left is trying to support that voice and get the leadership on their side to start helping us to make sure political speech is heard. This is what is going on. With the rhetoric mister trump uses in rallies every night is crazy, that the left is putting this out. I think it does require leadership on mister trump. Maria sam clovis, good to see you. Be sure to tune in the business network, complete coverage and analysis of the indiana primaries kicking off at 6 00 pm. If legalzoom has your back. S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Maria welcome back this Tuesday Morning, we are following breaking news out of iraq where the us soldier has been killed by isis. Cheryl casone he has the latest details and other headlines. Cheryl we are getting more details on this, ask carter said the soldier was killed in Northern Iraq, the first us soldier to be killed by isis on and advise and assist mission in that country. Fox news reporting enemy forces penetrated in Northern Iraq and no other injuries or casualties at this point are known. The announcement follows deployment of a special Operations Task force of 200 people. Check out this video. A fight broke out between prokurdish politicians, plans over members of parliament for you immunity to prosecution. They punched and through Water Bottles at each other and some jumped over tables, several people were hurt in this brawl. In business, microsoft has updated its search apps, to let you search for images by taking a photo and uploading an image on the camera role since using the apps, a magnifying glass, and the camera icon. Snap a photo and it overturns search result of similar images so you can pretend you took them. Finally in honor of National Teacher appreciation day, more than a dozen retailers and restaurants nationwide are giving away free items or offering teachers big discounts on their products. Some places participating, chickfila, chipotle mexican grill, which you know, mcdonalds and even j. Crews. Great to see teachers get treated special. It is their special day, so many teachers in my life, i am so grateful for it. Maria thank you so much. The Teachers Union is having a sick out. More about that coming up. It was the fashionably last night, in new york celebrities, a futuristic look to go along with Fashion Meets Technology fame. Actress claire danes hitting a new standard, a cinderella like princess dress was able to light up on command and glow. We will be live all day in beverly hills, keep it here on the foxbusiness network, we will be back with more live coverage on mornings with maria. These guys represent blood cells. If you have afib not caused by a heart valve problem, pradaxa helps stop blood cells from pooling in the heart. Forming a clot. Which can travel to the brain and cause a stroke. Pradaxa was better than warfarin at reducing stroke risk in a study. In the rare event of an emergency, pradaxa has a specific reversal treatment to help you clot normally again. Pradaxa is not for people who have had a heart valve replacement. Dont stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. Stopping increases your risk of stroke or blood clots. Ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before any planned medical or dental procedure. Pradaxa can cause serious, and sometimes, fatal bleeding. Dont take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding. And seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if youre 75 or older, have kidney problems, stomach ulcers, a bleeding condition, or take certain medicines. Side effects with pradaxa can include indigestion, stomach pain, upset or burning. Ask your doctor about pradaxa. And its specific reversal treatment. Maria we are live from the global conference in los angeles, 7 of the 10 profitable hospitals in the united states, actually have nonprofit status from Johns Hopkins in lee university. Fingers on the pulse of the healthcare world with investors and everything for medical devices and pharmaceutical services to space x. Even jessica out thes honest company, by manufacturing in america. And tony frisk are. Not to mention the familys interest in the Hotel Business. In terms of what is going on in the economy let me pick it up with you. How would you characterize the Economy Today . Tell me where the growth is and the laggards remain. I would say things have sort of flattened out from my perspective. You see a number of industries, manufacturing in particular, there has been a little bit of a dip but overall, investing in growth for the future is still going on. That is hugely important, if you want to see growth over the next 10 years comedies, those big coffers of cash including hours, being invested in Capital Equipment and trying to boost our company for the future. Maria we had Mark Weinberg on and he was saying people are sitting on cash and we want to see them invest in infrastructure, they are not doing enough of it. There is a lot of investment in innovation. Companies are trying to figure out how to rev up the engine and so there is a lot in trying to figure how do i turn the dial to make that work. I am not saying they are going all in as if demand picked up significantly. Maria one of the growth stories for sure has been healthcare. Talk about what is behind this euphoria because youre seeing hospital getting rewired, new ways of doing things, longevity a major theme. We have had growth in healthcare for a variety of reasons, technology is making a big difference in saving lives, development of drugs, devices, really stayed steady because there are so many changes and inventions going on, the result is allowing people to live longer and that is a real opportunity from an investment standpoint, it is a strong part of the economy, people are focused on how to serve everyone and how to serve them costeffectively. Maria the cost, getting ahead of diseases, i love that part of the story, when you look at the Hotel Business, your interest in the Hotel Business goes far and deep, does it worry you the chinese have been acquiring more and more hotels . Doesnt worry me at all. It is great for the us economy the chinese are investing. Maria for example president obama wont say that anymore. It bus the rules. Security is another issue. And the us president , have got to be careful. The chinese have looks for ways to get their cash out of the country and a lot of it has come to the us and happening around the world, we will drive the economy to some degree Going Forward because where else will you go . We have to think of it as investment. If you look 30 years ago japan was doing the same thing. Everybody was up in arms when the japanese bought rockefeller center. Maria and overpaid. Us is a good place to invest. The chinese are trying to get dollars throughout the country. All these issues are front and center for the voter today. What is your take on the election . Immigration, manufacturing, issues important to the American People and they are voting with it. Clearly incomes have been flat the last couple of years, it is upsetting to a number of people, we have to start bringing the economy a. We need to invest in innovation. That is critically important. Candidates are talking about that more than ever before. We have to raise the minimum wage, that is very important, supporter of secretary clinton, a rational and good job helping to build the economy, and focus on the average worker who has been left out of the improvement of the economy the last 7 years. I have been working the other side of the aisle. Something we should get our elected officials, gives it to the ability to negotiate with these countries, it is a little convoluted. Maria are you a trump supported . I am a republican supported. Maria will you support trump if he is the nominee . I will support the republican nominee. Maria whoever it is. I was a marco rubio supported. I think he is terrific. There are lots of terrific candidates who fell out. I look more down ticket. In the senate there are lots of contested races. The republicans have to try to win to keep control of the senate. Maria completely different sides. Our sister penny. Maria president obamas, secretary. There is a lot of debate. Maria a rich and healthy debate. Being in manufacturing this is sides. Really good conversation. Thank you for joining us, we will be right back. Because, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. As a Health Services and Innovation Company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. So while the world keeps searching for healthier were here to make healthier happen. Freshly made in the tokyojapanese tradition, each batch is small. Special. Unique. Every bowl blurring the line between food. And art. When you cook with incredible ingredients. You make incredible meals. Fresh ingredients. Stepbysteprecipes. Delivered to your door. Get your first two meals free blueapron. Com cook. Tree until tree into decision day for indiana. I am Maria Bartiromo live from the conference in los angeles this morning. 7 30 a. M. On the east coast. High stakes in the Hoosier State today. All the polls are now open. For owner donald trump and Hillary Clinton looking to secure nominations for their parties. Ted cruz fighting for his future in the white house taken a shot at trump for his rhetoric. We make if you would feel embarrassed to see her child repeat the words of the president , if you dont want to spend the next five years been embarrassed to turn on the television, and the entire country is dependent on indiana. I consider myself a messenger. Ive been doing this for nine months. These are the guys they been doing it for 35 years. We are knocking them out like cornflakes. Maria wild and made to last nights game peers nights game. San Antonio Spurs in Oklahoma City thunder. This takes that couldve changed the outcome. The classic kids movie space jam getting a sequel. The nba star set to take the reins for Michael Jordan next. Played in the vacation, why not consider a home swap. One company taking on airbnb and all different way. Marketing mix. In asia overnight, stocks in china higher after the countrys president for the development of the stock market. The market in japan still closed in the hang seng was down one and three quarters in hong kong. In europe, look at the weakness of selloff in stocks because of earnings weighed on markets. A stronger euro. The euros at the highest level against the dollar since august. That is weighed on markets. Dax down 2 . In the u. S. Government futures indicate a lower opening for broader averages. Pretty much near the lows of the morning right now with the decline in the Dow Jones Industrial average of 120 points. Nasdaq down 30. Our top story, the polls in indiana now open kicking off the crucial president ial primary today. 57 delegates up for grabs on the republican side. 92 delegates available for democrats including superdelegates. The latest real clear politics are vicious donald trump has a commanding lead of the Hoosier State. Hillary clinton in a statistical tie with Bernie Sanders. That was the very latest. Reporter good morning, maria. This is considered one of the most accurate bellwether counties in all of the country. It is typically vote for goes on to become the president. Theyve only got it wrong twice since 1888. We are at basslers market, considered a hotspot on election day. People come here to talk about who they vote for. Leucine 200 people place their vote since the polls opened at 6 00 a. M. Eastern. We just ran into gmail. Gmail here said she has voted for ted cruz. Talk to us about why he voted for cruz. Actually, it is something ive been thinking about for several months and leading into the whole election season. Some of the candidates i have been pulling for kind of backed off and so i went with who i felt was the next logical place for me. Maria a lot of shows same donald trump is the front runner. Probably so. Theres been a lot of chatter. Just is not the right with me. Was that the lastminute decision to redeploy with cruz . It became cruz pretty early on. Reporter your mom was just here with you. Any indication who she mightve voted for . No. Reporter thank you for your time. People vote in indiana considered one of the most accurate bellwether counties in the country. Back to you, maria. Maria masten, bring on the millennial generation. Millennial generation to generation no mixup over up over one quarter of total u. S. Population. 80 million potential votes for the president ial candidates. Joining me now is millennial generation author and run for america ceo david burstein. And senior fellow jackson mueller. Good to see you. Thank you for joining us. Lets talk about the millennial vote. I know for a long time weve been talking about younger generations voting for Bernie Sanders. Do you think thats an accurate statement . It has been. This captures something about the passion and energy to getting americans have in the issues they care about. I think in the general election that we will see some shows. The benefit that bernie has had an engaging and energizing and letters is historically young voters have not voted in high numbers and the huge benefits for the democrats as its gotten them excited about the political process and engage them and hopefully they will turn out more seriously in the general which they have historically not going to maria donald trump is bringing out people who have not voted before, jackson, and getting turned away. Thats true. We see numbers across the board in most states. Incredibly high in the republican turnout. Whether that translates into higher turnout in the general election will have to see. Maria what are the most important issues for the millennial generation . Young voters care about issues that all voters care about. They care about jobs, the environment. The reason why Bernie Sanders has resonated so much with young voters is the question of authenticity. People are looking for a later that they feel this person is not hot, not paid for. Donald trump might be resonated more with Younger Voters that his rhetoric was so angry and particularly negative. Theres a certain frustration at Bernie Sanders espouses in a more positive tone and particularly issues like gay marriage which is an issue for a lot of young people that if you are against it, its very difficult to get the vote of people. Its more than roderick at the millennial generation is the most diverse in american history. Theyve grown up in diverse communities. There is more multiracial millennial than theres ever been in history. For many millennia for many millennials, diversity issues the question of embracing people who are different instead of much more than rhetoric on the trump side. I think its a serious, serious issue with young voters. Maria you dont think theyll come up for donald trump in the general election. There will always be some hard for Republican Voters who are passionate about him. On balance, the majority will vote democratic in the general and that is the demographic of republicans and have been concerned about that the election would go in this direction. Its not good for republicans generally. Two had the undergrad rate, if you look at a big issue today, its the economy. The economy is changing as people come out of school. Real wages have been depressed for years. They have a lot of student at and quite frankly, they are financially stressed. Maria Bernie Sanders is saying free college. Do you believe youre going to get free college . About the kinetic candidate 10 years ago for a college, i would go with sanders. I would love to not have any student loan debt. Maria but its not going to happen. Pieinthesky fantasy. Baloney is look for a leader who espouses values. Most president ial candidates are up there talking about are unlikely to happen in anything close to the foreign in which people are putting them forward in. Theres not going to be a wall fell because congress isnt going to approve it. Its important to keep that in mind when we look at how they can vote. I think as a result youll see a very low turnout among young people in the general election. I think young people will break overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton over someone like a donald trump. The way that Bernie Sanders has energized and mobilized them, theres a really busy as the gap that exists among people in this generation. You saw it and what happened in 2012 or more young people actually turned out in 2012 for the president , they were not as enthusiastic or vocal and doing it and i think this cycle we will see a lower turnout of people in this generation. Is either enthusiasm or opposition. For me i dont think theres any question i dont think well see a change in policy or change in attitude between now and the general and that will enormously motivate young voters who find assertive antiminority roderick from trying to be deeply offensive and that will motivate them. It will because if you talk about values, its an anathema to the values of the majority of my meals. It would be interesting in hearing more from donald trump about policy views. We see a lot of rhetoric but we dont see policy initiatives. His first when he did was about a Foreign Policy that was soso. Maria good to see you all. Really an exciting election. You are right about voter turnout. Coming up, who could forget this. Michael jordan is funny and the best in the nba. We own defense. I dont play defense. Maria the classic kids movie space jam finally getting a sequel. The nba star set to take the reins for jordan next. Theres a lot of places you never want to see 7. 95. [ beep ] but youll be glad to see it here. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. If only the signs were as obvious when you trade. Fidelitys active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. Maria welcome back. A wild night in san antonio, texas. An upset in the premier lake in your details in the space jam sequel. Jared max with all the details here good morning. Controversy in the nba playoffs. Oklahoma city that are led to San Antonio Spurs by one point last night in the closing seconds. The thunder had possession. Watch what happened. [cheers and applause] lookout. The sender escape but that it dirty. There shouldve been an offensive foul called on the inbounds pass because he uses chess to commit a file. Lead referee ken mauer said after the game upon review would realize that we agree we should have had an offensive foul on the play that weve never seen before ever. They still didnt win it. They had a chance there in the cavaliers take a game against the atlanta hawks. Chicago cubs, best record in major league pace ball trying to win the world series. First time in 108 years. Thats nothing compared to the soccer Club Leicester city which had not won an English Premier League title in its 132 year history until now. Yesterday the sox celebrated the seemingly impossible when tom and michele played it toto drop you back if the title ii leicester city. The odds to win the championship before the season was over begin 5000 to one. To put a bet on that. The front page of todays wall street journal is a luxury liner sailing to cuba. The back thinking like a titanic into the hudson river with a record of eight and 15 new york yankees are up to their worst start in 25 years. General manager Brien Cashman says im frustrated as. Theres going to be a space jam to movie. Who should replace the case on trent casts . Lebron james will take Michael Jordan spot. Who should play the other reason the original space jam . Seth currie has to be a shoe in. Maria its going to be an animated lebron james. He was in train wreck with amy schumer and he was the best part of that movie. He was so charismatic the way they wrote the part for him was hilarious. He was a cheapskate. I cant wait. I would definitely see this. Maria i agree. Its all lebron. I agree. But about space jam . Are you guys going to go see it . Dagen i would definitely go see it. Especially if they bring bill murray back. A girl can dream. I just got none of college. Thats why i didnt see it it it was too much of a kids movie at that point. Dagen no its not. Maria it wont be with lebron and that. Straight ahead, the economy winning over of millions of travelers all over the world. The holiday with cameron diaz and kate winslet. Just 6000 miles apart. We switch houses, everything. Maria we are talking to the cofounder of the company that makes the home such possible. Well be right right back. Stay with us. When it comes to Small Business, shes in the know. So strap yourselves in for action flo Small Business edition. Oh, no im up to my neck in operating costs ill save the day for plumbers and bakers and scapers of lawn, shes got customized coverage you can count on. You chipped my birdbath now youre gonna pay not so fast i cover more than just cars and trucks. Action flo did somebody say insurance . Children flo action flo cut can i get a smoothie, please . Ooh they got smoothies . For me. Ooh they got smoothies . It was always just a hobby. Something you did for fun. Until the day it became something much more. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Td ameritrade. Maria welcome back. Coming to you live from the global conference in los angeles. The sharing economy has many faces from retail at rent the runway to sales that are bnp. She cofounded a company for the traveler who wants to try and house swap and homes with a stranger. Love home swap cofounder and ceo is with me right now to tell us about it. Good to see you. Good to see you. Thank you for joining us. Maria its pretty obvious. One of go on vacation in europe. Somebody once to come new york, swap homes. Exactly. I went to holiday with my small children to a very expensive cabin in the caribbean and spent a lot of time in a dark room feeding him with the lights off because i didnt want to wake them up, without any space come without any of the home comforts at home. On the flight on the way back i watched the movie the holiday and thought thats a holiday i wish i just had. I wish i swapped my home in london to come to l. A. Or new york or tribe or the world. And i was the reason i set the business. Maria thats so funny. When youre on a transatlantic flight, inspiration may strike. How tough was it to get the funding and all the things that go into starting a Small Business . Tell us about your journey. If it was easy then everybody would do it. For me, im a notch for newer. Thats what im used to doing. It took us a year to really prove the concept. Were asking people to trust you with their homes. That is different from buying a pair of shoes. What was seen in the last five years as an economy become more mainstream. When i first started trying to raise Capital Finance i was told that nobody would ever stay in a strangers home and now in 2016 that really is quite normal. There has been a massive shift around people wanted to make more of the assets. You make a great point. With 80,000 homes across 160 countries, you believe this service is going to open up opportunities for firsttime homebuyers. Yeah, its definitely the case. When you buy your first home you have no disposable income was delivered because you spent everything youve earned on that property. Imagine the opportunity to trade at home in order to go on vacation. A big part of what drives that for love home swap numbers as you take yourself out of your life in sydney and trade that was someone elses life for a few weeks. Maria what kind of buy and how the garden. What do you need to do now to gain traction and take market share from an airbnb . Is definitely around the audience. Often an older audience, the people who have spent money on a home with value and also for emptynesters. For the 50 to 70yearold retirees, and we tend to be catch rich. They want to travel, take longer vacations. The u. S. As 20 of our business. We would like it to be way more than that the next few years. Maria fantastic. Great idea. Thank you so much. We will be right back. Stay with us live in los angeles for that. Maria it is decision day for indiana. Good morning. I Maria Bartiromo live from the conference in los angeles. Top stories right now at 8 00 a. M. On the east coast. High stakes in the Hoosier State in the polls are open. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton looking to secure nominations while ted cruz is hoping to make a case to stay in the race. If we win in indiana, it is over with. And then we focus on Hillary Clinton. Millions of americans are left in the state indiana up in prayer. And i could not be more gratified. I could not be more encouraged than this primary coming down to the midwestern commonsense to the good judgment of hoosiers. I told my husband is guy come out of retirement and be in charge of this. Hes got more ideas and then it than anybody i know. Maria meanwhile, more protests erupted outside of donald trump rally. Demonstrations include an entity time to drum supporters of vulgar language and obscene gestures as they head to the event. The average coming out. New questions over who the soldiers are in the famous iwo jima photo. The marine corps investigation into possible mistaken identity ahead. Johnson johnson was in another another it faces another 1200 lawsuits about this issue. An unusual tribute to icon prints. One farmer remembering the musician with purple grain. Those stories and more coming up right here right now. Turn to market this morning in asia overnight. Chinese stocks jump in after stated support for the Healthy Development of the stock market. In europe a selloff with weak Bank Earnings weighed on markets this morning. The euro is now at the highest level against the dollar since august and that has stopped europe this morning between 1 and 2 . Futures indicate a lower opening. The dow jones. The Dow Jones Industrial average to open down 180 points. That by the legs off of the worst levels by the morning. Return back to our top story. The polls open in indiana across this day. Todays primaries do or die for sanders and cruz with both candidates falling far behind. Donald trump is holding a commanding lead with 996 delegates as he looks to secure another 57 delegates today up for grabs on the republican side in the Hoosier State. Hillary clinton aims to capitalize on her momentum in new york and pennsylvania. She now has 2165 delegates that the secretary of state battling it out for the 92 available delegates in indiana including the nine superdelegates in the state. The very latest. With the numbers roll in later tonight, all eyes on the republican side will be focused on donald trump and ted cruz. 57 delegates are winner take all both statewide and by Congressional Districts. They will receive all or most. Tonight is do or die for his campaign. Trump cannot get to the 1237 delegates tonight, but in indiana wind would make that a whole lot easier. Debakey is going to be indiana. If we win in indiana, it is over with and then we focus on Hillary Clinton. It is believed the race might be tighter in the democratic side would delegates are awarded proportionately. Hillary clinton will move closer to the magic number no matter what happens tonight. Bernie sanders hoping to show his viability by putting another state and his win column. You can help us bring out a large voter turnout tomorrow, indiana will be the 18th of jury. Indian is an open primer which means independents will have their say tonight. That has an open primary tenant to benefit trump and sanders. Back to you. Maria blake irvin in d. C. Joining us now as cohost on fox news and author of we the people, Juan Williams along with Dagen Mcdowell in new york did obviously a big day for trump and clinton the front runners. Is it over if they take it today . Is pretty much done. Donald trump was right. He said its already baked cake. You think about it in some of the pennsylvania delegates people thought were uncommitted and most of them have hardly gone to trump and you see some of the second round delegates, people committed to trump accrues had one in terms of promises to go on second ballot now taken the momentum is too strong for trump. Trump really does have legitimate conference at this point. I was just reading a tweet from dnc chairwoman Debbie Wasserman schultz and she basically said that would exclude independents from democratic primaries. The independents are there and they will be critical. Hillary clinton isnt even in indiana. She has been campaigning badly in West Virginia trying to take on the coal miners and kind of do a 180 on what she said about putting Coal Mining Companies and coal miners out of business. If ted cruz can deny donald trump, say 50 more than 50 of the delegates, does it change the psychology because again, trump is so much momentum coming out of new york in the five states. If it looks like people dont like donald trump, does that change things . Is the case of 70 of republicans are not Trump Supporters. Hes just broken 50 in the east coast running point for the first time he broke 50. The question is if you get somehow a cruise win tonight, does it change the psychology . People could say cruises legitimate. Maybe some of that money will continue. His money has been dwindling a little bit. I dont see it as a game maria . Com to let me ask you this because the whole violent part of the story is important. Matt said captured the scene for basically a rowdy crowd outside of a trump rally in indiana over the weekend. These are young protesters and they are so angry they are voicing that towards the republican front runner using strong language. We want to get your reaction. You heard all of those peeps. We have to keep beeping out what they were singing. That is how violent and really offensive they were. I think it very ugly. Its the kind of thing that suggest their parents put them up to it. Those kids are being exploited. I know its going on. You can see the sombreros, the anger over the immigration issue, heavily mexican, los angeles area. Trump has called those people criminals, suggested that they are not worthy to be in america and should be thrown out. The families are having an extreme reaction. The use of kids pushes a line. I think it suggests that they dont understand the kind of dynamic that suggest children are being exploited. Dagen i was just going to say protesters might say protesters might as well be voting for donald trump or to paraphrase the wall street journal editorial page yesterday because you stand up there and look like they are essentially for illegal immigration. And then you add violence on top of that, which you seem particularly in california. That does nothing but help donald trump now and november. I dont know if it helps them with the general electorate. Dagen how does it help Hillary Clinton with the general electorate . These kids can even vote. The kids are out of line. I dont think anybody says that is a good idea. I think people say my gosh in every instance where trump is involved to see violence, anger, disruption. That does not appeal to americans in general. What did he say about mexicans . What did he say about muslims . Dagen back his people a cover for beating people up and destroying public property. I think people understand a strong reaction to his state. His statements are demagogue statements that are learning people in this country. Maria are those people going to stay home . A big portion of the Hispanic Community going to stay home on election day . A big portion of women going to stay home . People pushing back if they stay home and dont vote at all, thats a vote for Hillary Clinton. Without a doubt. The one thing about donald trump versus Hillary Clinton in the fall is that the campaign becomes about donald trump. Hillary clinton has negatives off the scales, but somehow it donald trump is even higher and everyone will be focused on the unpredictable candidate that is donald trump. Whats he going to say about women, about her and her husband. He is so unpredictable. Thats why you will see democrats come out early with all their attacks. They will go early. Maria real quick, here in Hillary Clintons first day shes going to poke coal miners out of work and then say ive been fighting and wanting to help coal country get jobs for a long time. It is amazing. Complete opposite of what she has been sagging. Dagen i think her response was laughable. One of your previous guest is talking about Hillary Clinton in the future. Her problem issues running on the last seven years, an economy that hasnt grown faster than 3 , the longest stretch since 1930. So what is that . A lot of policies are similar to president obama. What are you running on . She cant make up her mind and she will get labeled as a flip flopper. Its not the same as labels on donald trump, but it still doesnt help her. Maria Juan Williams, Dagen Mcdowell. But al gore and graham coming up on the show to talk about this. Thank you for joining the show this morning. A case of mistaken identities. The marine corps is looking into the soldiers are in this famous photo from iwo jima. Signs of life in outer space, the New Discovery in a different star system. Details next back in a moment. This just got interesting. Why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. 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Maria welcome back to breaking news out of iraq for your soldier has been killed by isis. Cheryl casone with the details. Thats right. Defense secretary ashe carter said the soldier was killed in air bill in Northern Iraq to the first soldier to be killed by isis ballon a mission in that country. Carter saying that it happened after isis militants stormed through defenses set out by kurdish passion murder forces. A british tv channel has security for ditch dish is a Pediatric Hospital in aleppo and the moments before and right after a missile from a fighter jet hit the facility last week. The Field Hospital was struck wednesday night in a neighborhood in aleppo. 50 people were killed including patients, visitors and staff. Here in this country, a u. S. Jury ordered johnson and john and to pay 55 million to moment claiming using the Powder Products for feminine hygiene caused her to develop ovarian cancer. Johnson johnson plans to appeal the verdict coming second straight trial for the Company Facing 1200 losses come accusing it of not adequately warning consumers about products and cancer risks. Three earthlike plants planets could have life in water. A group of astronomers say that both the sides and temperatures are similar to earth and venus so they hold the best promise for life to exist outside of our solar system is so much for life on mars. The new plan is if they were blocking some of the stars label orbiting, the stars just light years away or 240 trillion miles away considering our own galaxy spends 100,000 lightyears. But its pretty far if that makes any sense. At sun is fascinating. The pictures are also fascinating. Take a short break here on the program. The north dakota farmer turning heads. While they decided to plow the musician symbol into his cornfield. The polls are open in indiana. Full coverage of the state primary throughout the hour. Stay with us. Back in a moment. Show me movies with romance. Show me more like this. Show me previously watched. Whats recommended for me. X1 makes it easy to find what you love. Call or go online and switch to x1. Only with xfinity. Show show me more like this. S. Show me previously watched. Whats recommended for me. X1 makes it easy to find what blows you away. Call or go online and switch to x1. Only with xfinity. Maria welcome back to a todays indiana primary do or die for texas senator ted cruz. The candidate trailing donald trump in the delegate count. 565 for a cruise to terms 996. Crews hoping to secure all 57 delegates up for grabs today as it looks to push a contested convention in july. Tournament right now is laura ingram. Good to see you. Thank you for joining us. Rate to see you. Maria do you agree with the setup and if cruz loses in indiana should he drop out of the race . Well, i loathe to tell everyone to drop out of the race. These races tend to take on a life and a momentum of their own. One does sense that this is certainly not already having moved in trumps direction, if he wins tonight, it is going to be very difficult for crews to continue to win in california what looks like in some polls he has a pretty decently. We are looking at New Hampshire where we see Trump Delegates being denied key positions in arizona where trump won by 22 points, but the atlarge delegates overwhelmingly went to cruz. He has the Party Activists geared up for him. Hes done a good job of organizing them. That is different from the Public Perception and what the voters are desiring. As strong as cruz has been, to me it seems that this point you are beginning to spin your wheels. The confrontation with the trump supporter in the kid who is screaming out something at a rally. Those are assigned this is all beginning to wear on him. It happens at the end of a difficult campaign. Maria so what do you think the general election . Are you up the mindset that trump can beat Hillary Clinton or do you think that there are groups of people like hispanics, perhaps someone in who will stay home and not vote if trump is the nominee . Both can happen. Trump will be able if you are on the smart kid paidcompany is compounded every expert. He has defied most really smart pundit and critics and hes done this in some way. This has been his campaign that is run the wake he wanted to run it. I imagine there will be more surprises as this moves on. I think at the party begins to unify and theres no sense that it really well, therell be the holdout never trump hers. I think we will start seeing him go into this unconventional places to spread the good news as he calls it of american jobs for American Work or is entity regulation that will free up businesses, better trade deal that will bring better jobs back to the united states. I think it is going to be in America Movement almost for trump. Its going to be difficult. If anyone can flip states that romney lost last time, trump has a decent chance of doing that. Perhaps a state or two in new england. If things go really well, perhaps a state like new york which hasnt gone republican since 1984. It is hard to see what state ted cruz will flip if he is the nominee. I think the best so far with the turnout we have seen, the best chances with donald trump. Maria yeah, you make a really good point. I was thinking about that the other day because he did so well in new york they have to question whether he will take all of new york in the general. Hillary clinton is facing a backlash over her comment and march on killing the coal industry. Yesterday she was forced to answer the people put out of jobs. Dedicate your take on it. For example, im the only candidate that has a policy about how to bring Economic Policy using Clean Renewable Energy as the key in the whole country because we are going to put a lot of coal miners and Coal Companies out of business. What i said was totally out of context because ive been talking about helping poor countries for a long time and i did put out a plan last summer. It was a misstatement. Maria wow. What do you make of this . First of all, hillary doesnt usually say she has misstated anything. But she meant what she said. Remember the great profile on 60 minutes that was done on one or two families in kentucky, West Virginia appeared what happened to these people. They went for making 85,000 during the coal industry to try to support a family on food stamps. Trying to buy christmas presents. A few extra dollars there are no jobs there. Hillary will come in and turn West Virginia and kentucky like a hightech corridor. These are the forgotten people, the forgotten workers who work with their hands, who are patriotic americans who dont want welfare. They want their jobs. They dont want to pollute the environment and the problems will be dealt with. They want their jobs. They dont want to be and dirty dirty workers. The sound bite on my radio show at that time, that was so telling. They look down their noses at these people and the people in the great state of West Virginia and can tacky especially know it and feel it. This election could be their revenge by the time its all said and done. Maria so when you say she meant it, you say she meant what she said. But the Coal Companies out of business. The restatement after the fact, i dont believe that further than i could throw hillary. They want to put it out of business and obama has done that. Some of my old intern families are in the coal business. Ive been hearing about this for a decade plus, but especially since obama has been in office. Its despicable with the communitys already frankly not doing that well through localization. Maria which is why it was hard to hear hillary say i want to help jobson i didnt pay enough for a long time because she hasnt been saying that a long time. Her words came back to bite her. The documents were classified. The spurs are all fungible with the clintons. Thats how its always been. Maria thank you ubu will be listening to you. Laura ingram joining us there. Decades after the battle of you achieve that, the case of the mistaken identity. Frustrated tuber employees make a misstatement by using a course in carriage. We will tell you why. Stay with us. Heres the plan. Youre a Financial Company that cares, but your logo is old and a little pointy. So you evolve. You simplify. You havent changed. You still help people live their best lives. And finally your new logo is ready, and you decide the perfect time to show the world is right. Now. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says, you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Welcome back. Its decision day for indiana. Good morning, im Maria Bartiromo. Coming to you live from los angeles and the milken global conversation. Here are your story 8 30 a. M. On the east coast. High stakes hoosier stakes. The polls are open. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton looking to secure nominations. Ted cruz looking at a shot at trump over trumps rhetoric. If you would feel embarrassed to see your child repeat the words of the president , if you dont want to spend the next five years being embarrassed to turn on the television, then i think the entire country is depending on indiana. I consider myself a message im a good messenger, ive been doing it for nine months, the other guys have been doing it for 35 years. Were knocking them out like corn flakes. Maria meantime, Atlantic City narrowly avoiding default much the citys mayor says there is more trouble ahead. Well tell you about it. A case of mistaken identity, 71 years later. The marine corps looking to the marines in the famous photo from iwo jima. Could be mistaken identity there. Meanwhile, an unusual tribute to icon prince, remembering the singer with purple grain. And were talking to one of the films producers in the program, an exclusive peek at his newest film. And all of this coming up in this half hour. The markets indicating a lower opening for the broader averages. Theyll open down 120 points and nasdaq ap the s p 500 a weaker this morning. In europe and asia as well. To the campaign trail we go. Top story, the polls in indiana are open kicking off the crucial primary. 57 delegates are up for grabs on the republican said and 92 delegates for the democrats, including the superdelegates. Donald trump with a commanding lead in the hoosier stay. Hillary clinton with a statistical tie with Bernie Sanders. And live from indiana. Goshiod morning, maria, wer at baseler county. Here and theyve only got it wrong twice. You can see the line around the corner, but too long to walk there and back, but over 200 people voted. So far we ran into dennis, about to place his votes, moments away. What are some of the most important issues to vigo county voters . I think the economy, and such strive to veterans, which i served. I think the borders are obvio obvious. Its been known that weve had hanoi, weve got benghazi hillary, we had hanoi jane. Who are you voting for. Trump. What about this county. We got it wrong twice when we got mr. Obama, president obama, but i think trumps going to come through this time. I think that everybody is worried about jobs, defending our country, so thank you for your time, dennis, go ahead and place your vote there. And of course, the pollser hoo are open until 6 00 tonight and well keep you posted on who vigo county will be voting to are here in indiana. Back to you, maria. Maria fantastic, matt. Thank you. Matt finn live for us in indiana. And eyeis oil prices and take a look at s p 500, and with stocks back near the record levels some stick to the wall street addage, sell in may and go a way. What are some of the Money Managers doing . I want to bring in from guggenheim, scott miner, thank you for joining us. Great to be here. Maria do you agree with the addage, sell in may and go an i way . Its interesting, maria, statistically its been demonstrated that that actually works. Maria it does, wow. And given whats on the horizon, the vote coming up in june and federal Interest Rates in june. If they dont go in june, weve got to go to july. And theres turbulence ahead and i think it would be to allocate youre raising cash. Were putting more money to work in fixed income, particularly High Yield Bank loans and treasury securities. Maria i want to ask you about the vulnerable areas of the market. You mentioned britain, britain considering leaving the euro zone. That referendum vote is june 23rd, if they decide, britain, to leave the euro zone, what kind of ramifications do you think that holds . I think it raises some serious questions about the European Union in general. If a country can leave, what does it mean for the rest of europe . I think that will be bad for stocks in europe and could lead to spillover into the u. S. Market and into asia, if we see a hard selloff. Maria and especially with the banks. A lot of people are saying that the banks are most exposed to something perhaps negative happening with britain leaving the euro. U. S. Banks. Well, you know, im not too concerned about the u. S. Banks. Maria a lot of u. S. Banks have exposure to london, trading debt and operations in london. What does it mean if london leaves . Look, its not going to be good for earnings in the nearterm. And banks in our country are struggling, given the continual change in regulations. Though i think banks are a great place to be. I dont think were in danger of seeing a failure because regulation doesnt let banks do much of anything. This weekend with the big omaha event, liz claman sat down with Warren Buffett and vicechairman charlie munger, let me hear this sound bite and get your reaction to this. Anybody thats bet against america since 1776 has eventually lost the bet. This country works. Its worked bet are for all classes, virtually every 20 years. Maria these guys have been at it a long time. Theyve been right and the economy does come back. So whats your take on the back drop for investing right now . I think right now at the federal reserve, anytime the market gets into severe trouble the fed goes on hold and if necessary, i think they would reverse course and maybe reduce rates again. So i think theyre right for the next two to three years, the economy is in pretty good shape, but, maria, were in a phase of the rally in equities right now, where weve moved beyond the fundamentals and people have got to believe that somebody else is going to be out there to take them out of their stocks. So, you know, given that earnings are not growing the way they have been, stocks have sort of reached the speculative wave and i think that while, for the next year or two, we could see stocks, you know, over the next two to three years continue to go up, at the point in the rally where people should be thinking about selling. Maria what has worked this earnings season and what hasnt worked . I mean, i know that technology is having a tough time in the First Quarter and that was the growth story of this piece. Well, i mean, the earnings earnings in general are challenged, were going to start to see a recovery, now, i think in energy stocks, a good place to go, i think that countries, emerging markets that have been under big pressure are going to start to recover. Maria you think so . Its been a long time waiting to see emerging markets to come back. Now that weve got Commodity Prices stabilized and oil, you know, we may go revisit the lows again, but the worst of the oil story is behind us. Some countries like brazil, chile, places that have been horrendous for the past five years are places to look to start to put money to work. Maria youre really looking at the bottom in brazil or close to it with the impeachment talk and now, with all of the sort of blood on the streets, not really, but you know what i mean, you would buy in brazil . I would look at our own history when Richard Nixon was forced out of office, the stock market rallied for the next three years, so its generally these kinds of political pursue mohel situations are usually signs of a bottom and good time to start. I wouldnt jump in with both feet, but it would definitely be wise at this point to have allocation. You said for the u. S. Market, its time to start raising cash or reallocating into fixed incomes and even treasuries, you said. In terms of the stock market, if youre invested. Is there any place to hide . What do you think is most vulnerable and what will be a place to hide if in fact we do see markets get a tough summer . Well, look, in places to go like utilities, you know, consum consumer, im sorry, nondiscretionary stocks, things like that, are places you can hide, but on balance, maria, i think youre better off just to take some money off the table and go somewhere where you can get some safe haven assets like fixed income treasuries, and see how the summer evolves. Maria all right, well leave it there. Great to see you, thank you so much. Scott miner from guggenheim. And catch part two of liz clamans interview with Warren Buffett and bill gates and the top issues that effect us all at 3 p. M. Eastern on fox business on the closing bell. Straight ahead, Atlantic City managing to avoid default after making a bond payment. Could there be more trouble ahead . Weve got the details ahead. And one farmer paying tribute to prince, plowing the symbol into the cornfield. Well be right back. When it comes to Small Business, shes in the know. So strap yourselves in for action flo Small Business edition. 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Join the millions who have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. And provided by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. Because of the summer, were on safari today tell the teacher were surfing, surfing usa welcome back. Live from los angeles this morning. Were just about 45 minutes away from the opening bell for a tuesday. Were expecting a lower opening for the broader averages. A couple of stocks to point out. Take a look at aeropostale looking to file for bankruptcy protection. The teen retailer will close more than 100 stores. Well watch that one. And pharmaceutical giant better than expected First Quarter results and reporting Revenue Growth in new and established products, raising the full year guidance. Looking up. Apple shares expected to rebound this morning from the longest losing streak since 1998. The stock coming off the 8th decline in a row. Now at 9 the 93. 64. Crisis avoided in Atlantic City, at least for now. Cheryl casone with that story. Atlantic city can keep the lights on for now, after a default. Making a 1. 8 Million Dollar debt payment, but the mayor warned that the shoretown sees a lot of trouble. The mayor says at a News Conference that were running on fumes, that was a quote there. The payment averted, what would have been the first default for the municipality in more than 75 years. Well, weve shown you this before. Decades into the battle of iwo jima shall one of the men in the famous picture raising the flag. Two men began raising doubts of the identity of one man in the picture by comparing other pictures of him tagen the day of the famous battle. The photographer didnt get the names of the men at the time. Three of the men were killed in fighting at iwo jima before the photo was distributed here in the united states. Well, uber hitting back at austral australias State Government that could stop it from queensland. Uber trying to make an interesting statement by using a horse and carriage to deliver more than 15,000 printed emails from supporters to the queensland premiers office. Well see if it works. And finally, got to show you this one. One prince fan found a special way to pay tribute to the late physician. A retired farmer in north dakota used his tractor to plow princes symbol into his cornfield. The 75yearold used an image on the internet and of course, he followed the pattern. He was proud of himself and the tribute is temporary, of course. The field was seeded yesterday so its not going grow back. You had the best line on the story earlier in the show, what was it . Maria i dont know. What was my line. You had a great line about this. Maria oh, purple grain. Purple grain. [laughter] sounds good. Maria thank you, cheryl. Up next, how comcast plans to acqui acquire studios, ill be ginned at the joined next and 6 below next. Approaching medicare eligibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. Thats where aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company come in. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesnt, saving you in outofpocket medical costs. Youve learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. Thats what it means to go longâ„¢. Call now and request this free decision guide. Its full of information on medicare and the range of aarp Medicare Supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. All plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company has over thirty Years Experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. So call now and discover how an aarp Medicare Supplement plan could go longâ„¢ for you. These are the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. Plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. Remember, medicare doesnt cover everything. The rest is up to you. Call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go longâ„¢. That was Josh Hartnett in an exclusive clip of 6 below, the first project from tuely productions. Earned 1. 2 billion at the domestic box office. And this grossed 270 million worldwide. Great to see you, i loved that great film. When you look at that kind of a film. Youre not talking about like major mega blockbuster like star wars. Sure. Maria in terms of cost. Is that whats working well, that mid level in terms of cost like were the miller . Its a great model for producers, you can get your risk out of international ahead of time and the money you put into the film to produce is is minimal compared to a check for a 200 billion franchise film. Maria when you look at independent film, the entire industry right now. How do they get that viewer back into the theater . I think you have to create unique and interesting new experiences for the consumer, for the theater goer. I think that goes that crosses the spectrum from increasing the experience in the theater and for making content thats very compelling, unique and new. Maria do you think we are going to see more independent theaters take market share from some of the larger guys out there . I think youll see consolidation and a bit of both. Maria lets talk about consolidation, last week and earlier this week, comcast announcing that it is in fact acquiring dreamworks. What do you think about that deal . Do you think it goes through . And what does that tell us about where we are . It looks like the deal will go through and i think there will be more in the next 12 to 24 months. The big studios get bigger and consolidation is a great way for them to grow. Maria and i understand wanting Dreamworks Animation family films are great. Maria you have to compete with the juggernaut, which is dizzily. Sure. Maria acquiring three marvel, pixar and george lucas. Its a strategic move. Jeffrey katzenburg built an amazing studio and universal and comcast acquiring is a great move. Maria do you think they have a chance to compete like a star wars . I do. Maria what about the business now . Its at a unique juncture, with more exhibition, i think its a great opportunity for producers and production companies. Maria thats the story at the moment, the advent and rise of the digital world, platform, streaming. Sure. Maria how has the business changed . What do viewers need to understand about the new way of watching content . I think windows will change at some point in time. I think that the theatrical experience will get better. I think there will be more options for people who go to the theater, unique options in theater and the experience overall will get better. Maria so 6 below is a big deal for you, your first project. We showed you a clip earlier. Congratulations. Thank you, thank you. Its a real life story based on eric la mark who was a hockey player, snow boarding in california and got lost and effectively left for dead. They couldnt get in because of the weather. Severadaysent andhey sumehe h pasd aw. Ven d a lf ds lar theyoundim ave a it an inspiring true story, an amazing survival story. Maria its amazing because its true. Yes, absolutely. Its ranked and one of the top 20 survival stories of all time. Maria how did he survive . I dont want you to give away too much of the movie. He dug deep and found a will to survive. Its a common theme you hear amongst survivors in these types of situations. Maria what a great story. It hits theaters w maria okay. Excellent. Congratulations. That sounds fantastic. So you were the president of relativity for a bit. And then kevin spacey yeah. Maria and we talked to him in davos and hes not doing it. Whats happening with relativity . Look, theyre out of bankruptcy, which is great. I think that dana burnetty, kevin spacesys partner is going to run the studio Going Forward and i have respect for Ryan Cavanaugh and glad theyre back on their feet. Maria well watch for 6 below. Thank you for having me. Maria thank you for joining us. Take care. Maria well take a short break and more from the milken conference. Im walking on sundays, whoa, oh when a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis and a 200 savings card. Good day sunshine good day sunshine good day sunshine welcome back, live from los angeles, final thoughts from the milken global conference. We still have big names to speak with. Coming up, Goldman Sachs as cohead of Investment Banking and my guest along with blackstone. And well get business from their eyes, solomon and swartzman. Dagen, the markets are under pressure this morning. No matter where you look, the election is front and center, thats the topic of the moment. Dagen and also how to invest into this election coming up in november because if you look, even though it looks most likely that Donald Trumps going to be the republican nominee, you still dont know where either Hillary Clinton or donald trump really stand on some business issues. People are worried about what donald trump said about trade, but hoping that hell do whats right for american business. So between now and november, i dont know how you invest into this, but i think that the fact that it looks increasingly likely that it will be donald trump and maybe not even a contested convention, that gives investors a little bit of solace maybe. Maria its true. You make a good point on trade because its really a completely different conversation, depending who the conversation is with. For example, if you walk to a business person, Mark Weinberg, with us earlier. Theyre in for the ttp, partnership. And politicians are pushing back saying that this deal takes jobs away from americans. Dagen right, and i wonder regardless who gets elected in november, would either one of the candidates do something so dramatic as to kind of throw a wrench into the markets and the economy, something that people are expecting to happen . Because again, if you have another president who comes in and just randomly starts whacking at business, which quite frankly, the Obama Administration has done with a hatchet, i doubt that either one of them would do that, but you never know. Maria dagen, have a great day and great show today. Dagen thank you. Maria that will do it for us. Varney company is next, stay with Fox Business Network for the latest out of indiana and the primary there today. Stuart varney back in his seat. Stuart here i am again, maria. Thanks indeed. This is still the video that had the whole country talking, kids, on obscenity and the mexican flag as the left goes off donald trump. If you missed it, we think you should see this. Children making obscene gestures to Trump Supporters, flatout all over the country, theyve resorted to violence and were not letting go of that. Ted cruz, desperate to stay in

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