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Cheryl were waiting for Hillary Clinton. Brad blakeman, former Deputy Assistant to president george w. Bush. A democratic strategist, an journalist, along with jillian mull cher from the national review. I want to start with you jillian. These emails are frankly showing a pattern of. Melissa how do i say this trying to deflect questions over benghazi during the hearing. Working with cheryl mills in particular on some of these emails to make sure the truth is kind of protected if you will. What do you think of these emails . Im actually very curious what has not been released yet. But with these emails, showing there was discussion whether there was a terrorist group involved in the libya thing earlier than we may have thought. It is just pretty shocking that all of this is coming out now. These emails have been under demand for so long. It is good theyre finally getting out. Cheryl brad, you were in the administration under president george w. Bush. Is this business as usual where you have someone speaking to cheryl mills from the cyberterrorism community, saying, dont worry about it, excuse me, counterterrorism, counterterrorism community, trying to work with mrs. Clinton and her advisers to make sure it looks good. Is that crossing a line in washington or is that the way it works . It is crossing the line. When i was member of president george w. Bushs senior staff made clear we were supposed to use our government email. It exposed us to liability if we used personal emails. Our emails were subject to scrutiny. We were told matter of factually, not only counsel but security folks at white house we were to use government email. If someone outside government use it on government server would be captured. Whatever you said to you whatever you said to them was part of the governments record. Unlike hillary, this is conscious decision, selfinflecked decided to use personal server and personal account for official business. Cheryl eer looking at live picture. Were waiting for Hillary Clinton, the president ial candidate. She will address supporters in new hampshire. I want to let everybody know, at some point well see a briefing from marie harf at state department. Journalists at the state department will ask marie harf about the emails. Well monitor the details. China, is this business as usual . Did Hillary Cross the line in these emails . What was being put in the email not on her official server . I think what were glossing over is the fact there is nothing that deserves any sort of repudiation that has been revealed in any of these emails. I believe very strongly that because of Hillary Clintons role, she is overanalyzed, overcriticized reserved overscrutinized over every detail. Isnt that kind of the problem . Isnt that the problem she has control of these servers. She chooses what emails will be released. No really that shocking that emails being released first are not that damning . I think it would have been a problem if she had not released emails. I think she is making a very clear effort, clear and concerted effort to be transparent in her dealings. If she for example withheld the emails, then it would be a bigger deal. She use she did withhold emails. She had withheld emails. That was point of personal server in her home. Doesnt matter. Now that she reloosed them, what have you found . Cheryl go ahead, china. Now that see released them what have you found. We only got 300. She has been transparent. Cheryl china, just to be fair i will say we have only scratched surface of amount of emails. Obviously there is still questions about the foundation. I do want to move on because we have some other big news breaking right now. I want to update all of you on this janet yellen speaking about the economy. These comments just coming out moments ago. She reiterated that rate hikes are expected sometime this year. Our very own blake burman has details what the fed chairwoman had to say. Blake . She did indeed, cheryl. Good afternoon to you. Appears Janet Yellens remarks in rhode island were pretty much right in line with what the markets expected. She told the chamber of commerce there if the economy continues to improve as she expects the fed should be on track for a rate increase later this year. The minutes from aprils fomc meeting on wednesday cast doubt of an increase happening during junes meeting. Yellen this afternoon really did not give a hint as to when an increase might play out later this year. She said after liftoff, the fed will take a cautious approach. If conditions develop as my colleagues and i expect, then the fomcs objectives of maximum employment and price stability would best be achieved by proceeding cautiously. Which i expect would mean that it will be several years before the federal funds rate would be back to its normal longerrun level. Yellen also said she feels the three headwinds that have slowed the recovery since the crash slow housing recovery, budget cuts and problems in the Global Economy are waning leaving the u. S. Economy wellpositioned for growth. She also said she feels the job market is quote approaching its full strength but she said she didnt feel it is exactly there yet. She cites, cheryl, how many cant find fulltime job and disappointing pace of wage growth. Cheryl those comments from her were pretty spot on. That is pretty much her mandate. Blake burman out of d. C. Thanks. Cheryl a bidding war for homes. Half of previously owned homes are selling at or above their asking price. According to brand new data from the National Association of realtors. I want to bring in jack hough from barron owes. Jillian is back as well. Jim, i want to start with you welcome to the show. Bidding wars, in cities where it was kind of shocking to sigh the fact that there is such low inventory, seattle phoenix. Places hard hit were back, were spot on. I will speak to one i am more familiar with miami. I have an apartment in miami there are definitely bidding wars going on there. It is unbelievable that the price appreciation that occurred there. I live fulltime in boston. Inventory is just scarce. That is driving prices. Jack, i was looking at the amount, 40 , and this would explain it away the decline in existing home sales because of these bidding wars because prices have been rising and rising Many Americans are getting priced out of these homes or if theyre cheap enough there is a bidding war going on. There is constrained supply. Manufacturers are not full. They have been through this before and pretty recently and dont want to get burned again. In terms of price increases bidding wars were getting housing environment we create in the america. The fed is talking about maybe moving off the zero Interest Rates. We have Interest Rates punitive for so long, it hurts people to save money. They look for something to buy. Cheryl sales fellas month. That is interesting juxtapose the fact. Were also seeing at this point rents are sky rocketing across the country. Yeah. Cheryl especially millenials. They cant even afford rent. We end up living with our parents because of higher rates. I think what this really goes to show the housing recovery is continuing to be pretty volatile. It is not stable or evening out in a way that indicates healthy economic activity. I would agree with that as well. There are spots in the country canton, ohio or columbus, ohio where the jobs are. Depending where the jobs are. Cant in akron right now. Cheryl exactly. No sunny side here devastating bird flu outbreak is causing egg prices to soar, jumping 85 to 2. 20 a dozen in the midwest. According to Market Research firm. I was looking at this. We have jack, such concentration of egg production where you have six million henlaying eggs and bird flu is wiping out, there you go, six million hens are gone. What do we want when we buy chicken and eggs . We want low prices. The industry accommodated us. You build the hyper scale farms. What happens when you have so many chickens so close together the same thing when you have people so many closer together you run risks of occasional outbreak of diseases. This is something we have to put up with until we change the landscape. Cheryl jillian, theyre calling this the worst outbreak ever in the bird industry. Whether turkeys or chickenlaying egglaying chickens. Theyre concerned what will happen come this thanksgiving. What i think is interesting how the pretty well. I think, you know, also chicken growers have been pretty responsible about trying to euthanize chickens they think are at risk. This is something where the usda hasnt been the most responsive. People handling its on their all is overall a good thing. Federal agencies have not done a good job cheryl now were handing out 400 million to start cleaning up. And the cleanup is disof the abouting. Guys, thank you very much. A plot to terror group stopped in its tracks. The airport in los angeles is the scene of the fbis latest victory in stopping wannabe recruits for isis. First denial. Now excuses why the worst auto recall in u. S. History could take half a decade to fix. More money coming up. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. She can print Amazing Things right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. My mom works at ge. The real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. Cheryl one of the countrys biggest airports is on alert. Two men arrested on terrorrelated charges, one of them at los angeles international. The report says they were conspiring to leave the country to join isis. This has not been confirmed by officials. Fbi said they were trying to support yet unnamed terrorist organization. Both suspects will appear in court this afternoon. Meanwhile the white house seemingly in denial about the isis expansion. Reports say its socalled caliphate has grown and now in control of 50 of the syria. White House Press Secretary josh earnest seems to have his doubts. Do you believe that isis has established something of a caliphate . No, i dont believe that at all. What we actually see is, we see they do control territory. They do control territory. Less than they used to. Cheryl all right. Following this, more bad news for the troubled takata airbags. Industry experts say it could take five years to replace all of the potentially deadly parts. Of a the largest recall in u. S. History with 34 million vehicles recalled. Here with me, gary gastelu ought host tiff editor at foxnews. Com and Scott Martin A Fox news contributor. I had analysts tell me it would be 10 years, 10 years. What do you say . Not impossible that it would take that long to actually get the work done. Takata does say they will be making about a million of replacement kits by end of this year. A long time to get to that number. They need to get the cars into the dealers and need the fix done. Not everybody goes to get their cars fixed when they have a recall. The rates are pretty low. They tend to be higher for airbags. There might be 20, 30 of the cars still on the road that never get work fixed in a couple of years. Cheryl that is interesting, scott, a lot of consumers say i will have to pay for it so they dont go to the website or take the car in. Or carmakers themselves have a tough time getting finding the owners of these vehicles after 15 years. Right. Because theyre multiple owners over the course of a cars life. Look it, if youre concerned about auto safety im not sure if the solution here is jiffy pop airbag but certainly frightening to think that there is over 30 million of these cars out there cheryl, that have this problem. And dont forget the list they have certainty out so far of the cars affected isnt even complete yet. There is a chance to what gary was saying there are multiple car models down the road well find out are affected you dont even know about yet. Cheryl right. Gary what is troubling they dont know the cause. They can point to humidity in certain cities or regions of the country to cause the explosion where the shrapnel comes out of airbags but they still dont really know the cause. The government cant even answer the question. Yeah. I think well find out more about that the coming weeks. There is a good chance takata knows more than we heard so far. They dont want to tell us everything. Taken them this long to even admit there was a defect. The fact they have pinpointed these human areas though, and seem comfortable going after those first and nationwide issue seems to indicate they probably have a decent handle what the actual problem is here. But you know again, something we could find out more about in the coming months. Cheryl yeah. If they have got more information, if they would share it with the driving public. Also were looking at tesla guys. They have had tough luck in texas of the automaker will not be going solo in texas because officials declined to pass bills to sell cars directly to buyers. Wall street types are in love with tesla. This is happening in several cities and states. They want a connection. They want the revenue. What happens . They do. Because tesla plays some hard ball and they refuse to sell the cars through third party dealerships. New jersey was one state played pretty tough with tesla. We like tesla too. We own the stock for our clients and ourselves. Ill tell you, elon musk is very resourceful. He will try hard to get this done. It may not be today or tomorrow. For states like texas. But musk shows he makes Good Progress over time. This will be driven by consumer demand which tesla definitely has. States will have to come to grip with tesla terms maybe to get cars into dealerships. Cheryl elon musk in texas, stepped up his donation to political types in texas, candidates especially. Looks like he is agreeing the wheels, if you will, pun intended. If you want to sell cars in your state or fire rockets off your launchpad you need let him sell cars there as well. Cheap models come out, that is when pressure will be there. A lot more people will be wanting to buy the cars. Cheryl i have breaking news. Have to let you go, thank you very much. Were getting breaking news into fox business. Give you a live look at the state department. This is deputy spokesperson marie harf no doubt no doubt she will face several questions from journalists today over the Hillary Clinton email dump that happened almost two hours ago. Journalists across the country including those here at fox going through emails, finding out exactly what is in the emails whether there are inconsistencies, inappropriate things in the emails of course. Well show you that she is speaking. If anything breaks well bring the details to you. Cheryl Warren Buffett, slamming the 15 an hour movement. He said there is much more effective way to help the working class without risking jobs. Litter bugs beware, one city is using your dna to shame you in your messy ways. Sh do you ever have too much moneybe g or trash . Well be right pack. Were just as simple . Thanks to angies list now it is. Start shopping online. From a list of top rated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. One piece of bacon with your egg, and an omlete for the king. Okay babe, you got this right . Yea, its a piece of cake i got this. Alright. Good luck. Love you guys bye alright, everybody got their bags and lunches . Yup and how do we get to your school . Make a left. Keeping things under control is now easier than ever. At t digital life Home Security and automation lets you stay connected to your home from nearly anywhere. Guess you forgot about the dog walker call 18665959750 today, for a special 99 digital life package. Piece of cake, huh . Call right now to get Smart Security equipment plus an outdoor video camera plus a garage door controller, all for 99. Aw, come on honey, its so late. Woah, what are you doing up . So, hows it going . Piece of cake love you. So call right now to get Smart Security equipment, plus an outdoor video camera plus a garage door controller, all for 99. Ah, right. Thanks honey. Real life needs digital life. Call now. Cheryl from the u. S. To every corner of the globe money is flying around the world today, starting in the tiny islands of the south china sea. Beijing and washington after u. S. Planes went to monitor the situation there. Several countries laid claim to the islands. China has been accused of bullying its smaller neighbors. Chinese officials warned the u. S. To remove surveillance ships and planes saying they were quote irresponsible and dangerous. Vice President Biden commenting on the matter at u. S. Naval academy. He says peace is important in the region and more ships will be stationed there in the future. The eiffel tower is shut down because of pickpockets. They have been plagued by petty theft. Angry tower workers stage ad walkout. The tower was closed rest of the day. They strike over everything in paris. In hong kong, litter bugs can be tracked down and publicly humiliated. Traces of dna on litter can detect likely appearance of person who dropped it including facial hair, and three billboards are placed around the city. That will do it, sure. Warren buffett, Warren Buffett coming out swinging. Against the fight for 15 an hour. In a new wall street journal oped the billionaire investor beats the same drum when he talked with our own liz claman earlier this month and here is what buffett says will really help the working class. Far more effective in terms of reducing poverty to increase the earned income tax credit and to rearrange it in some manner. Earned income tax credit rewards work basically. Tough work to get it. It puts real money in peoples pocket and does not distort supply and demand for labor. Anytime you fool around with price fixing in the market system, you cant only do one thing in economics and, if you raise the minimum wage substantially i think a lot of people would not have jobs. Cheryl hmmm. Jonathan hoenig of capitalist Pig Hedge Fund joins me now. Fox news contributor as well. Jack hough is here. Jim moran is back. Mr. Buffett is talking he says basically the rich did not create the poor but he thinks that we should do what we can as a society, excuse me, to help them. The earned income tax credit though is a system wrought with fraud, 27 of users of this credit go out and get a second job and use cash. So is this really the best way to fix the income disparity in the country . Well that may not be the best path but i agree with the premise which is incentives and rewards. So i think we do have a social responsibility for, to help people who want to go out, get a job, work an honest day and earn an honest wage. Beyond that incentives and rewards are what make our free market system work. I think when you start to play with that, you do, he used the word distort. I think you start to distort the model. Cheryl jack . Well, there are two problems with mr. Buffetts opinion piece. The first is he should lead off by saying i have 300,000 workers at berkshire hathaway. Here is what it would cost me if we had to pay some of them more, in the interest of full disclosure. The second thing is, the earned income tax credit, thats well and good. Remember why we have that. We have that because companies makepaying workers so little money that the workers are falling into the poverty. Then we reach into the hands and pockets of taxpayers to make up the difference. They want to reach further in taxpayers pockets which money should be paid by companies in first place. Why not take that money out of companies that are benefiting from this labor. Cheryl jim, go ahead. I would say partnership between employers and employees is probably a better way to do it. Providing them with incentives and rewards to work, give them opportunity . Isnt that what a job is . Isnt a job a partnership between employer around employee . Isnt incentive a wage . Isnt that why we get a job in the first place. I think mr. Buffett in this case is right cheryl. Minimum wage destroys jobs. It always has since the Labor Department why hasnt destroyed jobs in huge stretch of unprecedented growth america had since 1930s. When we had minimum wage. Income fat minimum wage, not my own analysis it is what the Labor Department said when first minimum wage was enacted. It hasnt happened. It didnt happen through the history of the our country. Those are people who are most affected. Talking about wanting to get people off of poverty. Mcdonalds half people in executive class start out in exact minimum wage jobs. Help people get them a job at minimum wage or eric, which as you said is rife with fraud. That is isnt the problem. Cheryl this is another government program. It is incentive on taxpayer back as is the Food Stamp Program and School Lunch Program were spending millions of millions tens of millions of dollars of program. Taxpayer can only do so much. Theyre ones going out and working and having to subsidize those making less. Sorry to say that is a bad thing but that is not a bad thing for the taxpayer. It is a bad thing for the taxpayer, im sorry. The point was made a lot of folks start offing as register. They do a good job. They work up to assistant manager and manager and learning how the business actually operates. There is a huge percentage of folks transition through minimum wage and then into more opportunities because theyre working hard. They have been incented. There are rewards and theyre trained. I think part of the partnership between an employer and employee to provide the platform to give folks opportunity. Cheryl that is the idea i think. That is nice idea but at the same time again it becomes, it is a nation of handouts. Unfortunately with Government Programs that are bloated and wasteful. Thank you very much. I want to show our viewers something were monning to. Give you a live look at state department previousing. Deputy spokesperson marie harf is facing first questions following release of Hillary Clinton emails. Here is what she said just a moment ago. Regarding benghazi, these 296 emails, some of which hopefully some have been able to see, despite some website issues do not change the essential facts that have been known since the independent accountability review board report came out almost 2 1 2 years ago. They do not change our understanding of what happened before, during or after the attack. Cheryl but they do really kind of shed some light everybody, about what happened after the attack when hillary was sitting there in front of congress and answering questions and maybe not answering questions. More on this throughout the day on fox business. We want to let you know. Dont whip out the barbecues just yet folks. Mother nature might put a little bit of a damper on memorial day plans. We have the forecast coming up. Do you take mold with your coffee. Find out what could be brewing in your morning cup of joe. Piles of money coming right up. [ male announcer ] Tora Bora Fallujah argonne khe sanh midway dak to normandy medina ridge the chosin reservoir these are places history will never forget but more important are the faces we will always remember. Melissa rising floodwaters are threatening homes in Liberty County texas. Well endless rain causing flood watches. It will feel a lot like october. Frost threatening gardens across the region. What are we in for . Looking at a very cold night tonight into tomorrow morning. All of these advisories are in effect across the area. Some spots may see fourfive areas. Temperatures tonight. Certainly, a chilly one. It is that Higher Elevation that will be a little colder. Monday morning we will be looking really spectacular. That is the one story we are watching. The other is this moisture across parts of the planes around the last twothree weeks. We have more that moving in today and tomorrow in the next few weeks. It has really been this area here of the red river valley. We have had the trout ongoing for years. We will give more rain here. I think we may see the drought completely wiped away from some areas. The bad side is so much rain. The good side is the farmers. The ranchers. The cattle have something to eat. Melissa oh, yes. Especially texas. Rick thank you very much. Have a good memorial day. The busiest Memorial Day Travel season in a decade. We have you covered. Jeff flock just outside of chicago. Mike tobin is that old Hair International airport. Low gas prices. Oh, baby. It starts. Rolling down here. Quick response vehicle. Take a look. Two ways you can look at gas prices. If you look in the short term, they have really hit the gas. Almost an increase every day. Thirtythree of the last 35 days i think is what they say. It is about 0. 90 a gallon cheaper then it was this time last year. A big travel weekend aaa says. The most in a decade. Good news if you are in the travel business. Maybe not such good news if you are out there in the middle of it trying to navigate. Thank you very much. What does it look like there . Is it busy . It is not that bad. We have been watching tsa all day today. They never really spill out over into the streets. This should be the summer of the extra fee. They are not going away. Everything from early boarding to baggage fees. All of those things will start to be tagged on as additional cost. Air canada positioning agents in front of tsa and ticketing to make sure that the bad will fit in the overhead. Illuminating the awkward moment. They just hold up the whole plane. Oh, yeah. I love those people. Love riding with them. We are expecting higher fares. Right . Really packed planes. The airlines are starting to add new, bigger planes. Traveling with more people. They will not add more flights. You are both out very irritating places. You have the highway. Few have the airport. Thank you. Jeff is like, i am not driving. I am fine. Are you really wanting to get away for the Holiday Weekend . This runaway cow. No one knows where the cow came from. It kept on running when police tried to capture it. [laughter] the cow only came to a stop after it was surrounded by nearly a dozen cop cars. Scared out of its mind. Anyway. Go ahead and call it the not so Affordable Care act. Why healthcare premiums may be coming your way. Plus another earthquake strikes napa valley. Smart money on the way. Can call me shallow. But, i have a wandering eye. I mean, come on. National gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. I could choose you. Or i could choose her if i like her more. And i do. Oh, the silent treatment. Real mature. So you wanna get out of here . Go national. Go like a pro. Melissa uber is looking for a billion dollars. The company is in talks with a couple banks. The company is starting to prepare. Netflix. Undergoing a major redesign. Replaced by a brandnew intricate. Making it easier for users to find new movies and shows to watch. The apple watch may be less reliable for some people. I never really liked that part of it. It stopped working for them altogether. Anyway. That is the latest from the fox business network. Giving you the power to prosper. We will be right back. Melissa a 4. 1 magnitude earthquake in napa valley. 9 miles north of napa and 42 miles west of sacramento. On our radar right now. Santa fe may have to shut down a bulk selection of phone records. Expected to decide on a program today before congress had been to recess. If not they will lose valuable surveillance tools. Your coffee machine could be the most germ ridden banks in your entire kitchen. Harmful bacteria can live in devices. One report by cbs news even found that equal like is living in some machines. Also a salmonella outbreak has made more than 50 people sick. Linked to raw tuna in foods such as sushi. People in nine states. Ten of them have actually been hospitalized. Dominoes are starting to fall. The leading insurers and 49 states are seeking to raise rates. 50 . Rising claims under obamacare have left them unable to pay out. Jillian and rob are back. Shocker that they will have to raise the rates by this much money. Maybe not. This was supposed to be affordable. It was supposed to save us money. The average family would save 2500. The premiums have gone up significantly. 15 in 2003. Saying that this is real hardship for their family. Did we know that this was going to happen . I am sure that the president never solve this. I do not think that he cared. He wanted to get out as unscathed as possible. Obamacare will be so entrenched it will be hard to get rid of it. I am a victim of the rating crease. I got a letter in the fall. The reason being was obamacare. That was what was applied to me by my Insurance Company. I am healthy. I do not smoke. I do not drink. Melissa i think the three of us on this panel are paying for everybody else. You have to wonder if this will praise the argument once again to go back and change obamacare. Look at the law or get rid of it. Very unpopular. I think that it is having significant economic recoveries to. It has not expanded when they wanted it to. Devastating. Keeping their Office Counts to a certain minimum. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. If you think you are having a bad day this guy just lost more money than you can ever imagine. We will tell you exactly how much. One of our own reporters discovered shocking hiring practices at the faa. Adam shapiro will update us. You can never have too much money. When a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill . And why stop what youre doing to find a bathroom . With cialis for daily use, you dont have to plan around either. Its the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. 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Look at what happened. Lets take a look at some movers here. Quest diagnostics at the new york stock exchange. The stock has been moving. That is why it has been halted. It has been trading on some very heavy volume. Volume that we have not seen from this stock since 2011. Going to get a blood test. That is a big mover. Another one worth noting is aeropostale. Closures have popped a lot. Delays of goods have also been problematic. Gas got hit really hard by that as well. Thank you. Texting and driving not a good thing. What about for pilots in the cockpit of the plane you are flying on. New technology could be a game changer. At the end of the day it is all about money. Spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. Spiriva helps me breathe easier. Spiriva respimat does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. These may worsen with Spiriva Respimat. Discuss all medicines you take even eye drops. If your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells you get hives, vision changes or eye pain or problems passing urine stop taking Spiriva Respimat and call your doctor right away. Side effects include sore throat cough, dry mouth and sinus infection. Nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. To learn about Spiriva Respimat slowmoving mist ask your doctor or visit spirivarespimat. Com okay. Some breaking news in fox business. We were just talking just a few moments ago about the earthquakes that have been hitting napa, california. There are reports that were seeing a 5. 4 magnitude quake that just northeast of las vegas nevada. This is according to some headlines crossing an alert coming out. Well update you if we learn more. No pictures yet. Were trying to figure out whats going on northeast of vegas. This is in. An image of a fire that reportedly broke out on an oil platform off the coast of louisiana overnight. All 28 28 people aboard were evacuated. . this platform has 4,000 barrels of crude on board. At this point the cause of that fire still unknown. They are investigating. Well the deeper that you dig the darker it gets. That is what our adam shapiro is finding. His exclusive report on dangerous hiring practices of the faa reveals more shocking information. Adam joins me now. This cheating scandal, its just its growing, and the responses youre getting or not getting have been incredible today, adam. Adam its growing. And its leading all the way up to the federal Aviation Administration Human Resources department. Now, remember, we first played for you on fox business that incredible recording of an faa employee who was also an executive with the National Black coalition a federal aviation employee. That recording in which he appears to be advising how to cheat on a key test to become an air traffic controller. Heres what he says about hr. You listen. Allow me to go to work and come home. Provide you with an email that will be extremely crucial in the opening stages of this hiring process. I have a good mind to send it to one of my hr representatives first and give them the opportunity to sign off on it before you actually click it. But in the sake of time im going to send it directly to you because im about 99. 99 sure that its exactly how you need to answer each question in order to get through the first phase. Adam now, we have given shelton snow several opportunities to respond to our questions at fox business. We asked him specifically who in hr were you talking about. What did you mean . He refused to talk to us. Most recently, he said no comment. But the nbc fee is denying its role in the cheating issuing a letter to the members saying the nbc fee has never supported any effort to undermine the Testing Process for prospective any air traffic controllers. Any thing to the contrary is untrue and unfounded. Weve asked the president to comment to fox business. This was sent to members and posted on twitter. They still have not commented to us. Cheryl. Cheryl youre going to continue to follow this story. Well get a lot more on this next week from you. We want to follow some breaking news out of las vegas. Just getting reports of a 5. 4 magnitude earthquake that hit northeast of las vegas. This is coming from the us gs. Near calient nevada. . i want to bring in my colleague liz claman. Shell keep you updated on all the breaking news and all thats happening. Liz. Liz theres a lot, cheryl. Accidents or accidentally on purpose . The most powerful woman in finance drops bombshells before a tiny chamber of commerce that gives strong hints about the economy and when we might see a rate hike. Is the timing and location a little suspicious or at least questionable . Next time someone asks you to pick up eggs better have a credit card handy. Egg prices are shattering ceilings. Moving higher. A timehonored tradition of honoring our sailors is back. The brave men and women who protect our freedom and ask them how powerful are the dollars in their wallets as they sail the world. This is its first win in

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