Stuff. The federal government all but closing down do you to weather. Winter storms costing the u. S. Economy according to estimates a billion dollars so far this year. There is the white house time lapse video. Weather in los angeles may be sunny but port strike casting a cloud over business. Levis warns that the dispute could affect sales for their companies. Here to discuss walked on to the set, Charlie Gasparino is here. Jack hough, Senior Editor of barrons, my good friend david asman host of after the bell. Good to see you. This shutdown is costing taxpayer money. Im not so sure. Lets pray d. C. Shuts down for a long sometime. Less work they do the less costs. I was brought up in washington d. C. , so help me, if they get inch of snow the city shuts down. When there is gridlock in d. C. Nothing going on, i think better for the country better for the economy anyway. Cheryl shutdown in 2010 was 71 million a day. If you buy it. Cheryl the figure from the washington post. Im straining to Say Something negative about the Obama Administration on this. Lets be clear here. Cheryl there is a whole show. Have a whole hour. There is, i dont know what to say other than, the markets did not react to the snow going up, up or down. Cheryl all right. One group happy about all the snow, east coast ski resorts. On the east coast you only go skiing when there is snow. Revenues are up 15 . About only cheryl l. A. Theyre not so happy about that. L. A. , this port shut down this thing has become a morass. The labor secretary is out there today. Levis coming out. So many goods sitting on tankers. Do you think labor secretary will help the situation . I didnt say that. That is whole different story. Theyre expanding panama canal, bigger ships, more cargo. Means all the ports will have to invest more in automation. Robots make it cost effective. Piece poor workers hold a weak hand. Cheryl longshoremen make 147,000 a year on average and theyre striking. Without overtime. Cheryl check on the d. C. Thing. White house kicking off its summit on violent extremism, emphasizing a quote, bottom up approach to fighting terrorism. Including, including charlie was waiting including taking on socioeconomic and political exclusion, charlie. Here is your chance. They dont want to use the word islamic extremism. Violent extremism. Dont want to use the name islam. What is going on with this. I think the worst part there is a state department spokeswoman, as you said, running around if we give these lunatics jobs might change their behavior. If we talk nice to them and give them jobs. I was always as a kid, i was devotee of jack kemp who believed if you invest in neighborhoods, give people ownership stake in society poor people it kind of breaks the cycle of poverty but this is taking that notion about four thousand steps so far that it is almost comical. You know, listen i think this is, this is liberalism more leftism unhinged. You cant say certain words. Look for root causes why people are, that why theyre extremists, somehow an economic if you give them food stamps they might not be imagine what would happen, imagine what would happen if they treated the nazis this way . If anybody tried to say this to nazi storm troopers who frank were exactly the same in their characteristics as these guys, they would be laughed at. These guys frankly, remember Neville Chamberlain was the big appeaser back before world war ii. These guys make Neville Chamberlain look like a hawk. This appeasement. Cheryl academics and community organizers. It is a weird group. Government talking and starting a social media effort to combat these guys on twitter. Youre a veteran of twitter wars. You want to advice any to the government . The government . Combating isis on twitter. Good luck. Cheryl charlie loves money by the way. S p touching a new lifetime high today. Markets gaining stream on reports that greece will request a bailout extension positive sign after defiant posturing from greeces Prime Minister said he wouldnt vow to, quote, blackmail to secure a deal. 10 days remain before the credit line to athens expires. Who will cave, jack the greeks or the e. U. . Greeks hold a stronger hand that people think here. How so . Well what happens to them if this relationship collapses and theyre out of the euro . They end up with a cheaper currency which is exactly what they need to be competitive in the world economy. The problem with greece is it is a weak economy that is forced to hold a strong currency right now and that combination isnt working. Cheryl theyre not listening to the e. U. Thats the problem. These trades people are doing remind me of some trades back in 2007, like when Merrill Lynch after it had losses fired its ceo, stan oneal, the stock went up. The dow hit close to 15, 14,000, back in 2007. It was riding pretty high. As we know in 2008 happened. Heres my question for you. You would know this better than i would maybe even david. Do corporate profits, do they, are they reflected in the s p and dow in the sense that, are they justified by the way s p and dow is right now . You know, the relationship between stock market prices and corporate profits are okay. The only problem is corporate profits are at an alltime high in terms of the margin. They tend to revert towards the mean over time. You have to expect some of that profitability average guy how the there has to look at some headlines about greece remember this is Stock Traders hitting buttons as they did in 2007. Cheryl sure. Im just worried if the corporate profit aspect, corporate profits dont remain this high, where does the market go . This is they havent been all that stellar. They have been okay but not all that stellar. This is a weirdly trading market. Cheryl talk about apple, if you want to talk about corporate profits, charlie. Lets talk about apple. Hit alltime high again today. Topped 128 bucks. A lot of question about actually use of the apple watch. Journal reporting that many Health Features scrapped out of the watch, making it a fashion accessory than fitness device. I dont know if you guys heard this, they will redesign the stores for the device, more glamour russ welcoming to tourists glamorous. Im not so sure about the watch now. The reason because apple come from such a humble valuation, now youre paying 15 times earnings but you know what . Folks are paying 20 times earnings for cap bells soup because they want a stable company. Apple is company that generates consistent hits. It is hardware annuity business. It is not about the next big hit but consistently getting people to come in and spend. Cheryl remember the fitness device . There are competitors to everything apple does. Apple doesnt do anything other people dont do but it does it so much better. One thing weve seen about apple. This is tim cooks revenge. Finally out of the shadow of steve jobs. Took three or four years to happen. But he finally, he is, he is made all the investors realize he can do just as good a job as steve jobs did in terms of maintaining the standards of apple. Talking about a 700 billion company, right . Almost a trillion dollar company. It is obviously overrepresented in the averages. The question is, is this a sort of indicator of where the stock market is going . Or is it an outlyer . I guess that is the real question for an average investor . I would say as the most valuable company, this one doesnt make me as nervous as some other Tech Companies out there with high flying valuations. Do you think it gets to a trillion in market cap . Ultimately it does. Carl icahn i know. Cheryl finally want to bring this to your attention because you know i love animals. A little nepotism going on. This is very suspicious. This is mattice. A front running dog for top honors. That is the dog right there. This is first cousin of president obamas dog sonny. They think it will win. I think conspiracy. Donald trump asked for the birth certificate for matisse. They havent produced it. Cheryl im biased. I have my own little dog. Cheryl we have a picture. I gave the producers of little luna asman. Maybe not. How could this not be a winner, huh . By the way looks like an ewok. Did obama admit to eating a dog. Cheryl dont think he admitted to it. But happened in his environment anyway. Okay. Throw that out there. Cheryl anyway. This was fun. That was, in case we get too squishy here charlie brings us back downtoearth. Cheryl bring us back to a dark place, charlie. I read somewhere on some blog. Saw it on menu at a place he was staying. Cheryl twisted mine. Coming up, president obamas immigration plans smacked down in court. States are chalking up a victory against the president s mighty pen. There is no love lostonoy ive been called a control freak. I like to think of myself as more of a control. Enthusiast. Mmm, a perfect 177degrees. And thats why this road warrior rents from national. I can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. And i dont have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. And i dont. And national lets me choose any car in the aisle. Control. Its so, whats the word . Sexy. Go national. Go like a pro. The real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. Cheryl big win for 26 states suing the president over his executive order on immigration as federal judge puts on the brakes, one day before the government was set to start taking applications for many illegal immigrants. A texas judge said the lawsuit needs to be resolved first. David is back with me. Cant get rid of me along with todd starnes of fox news radio. Rich lowery National Review and fox news contributor. This is a big hit for the Obama Administration but dissed it like they were ready for this. Temporary stay. They will appeal it. Probably get the circuit curt or Supreme Court to reverse the stay i believe. It is not ruling on merits. A sign that this one judge thinks the states are very likely to prevail on the merits. I think rule, this executive action is unconstitutional on its merits. The president cant make up a new dispensation or Immigration Law just on his own say so. Cheryl we heard from tern general eric holder, get your reaction especially you, todd, on the other side. We have to look at this decision for what it is. Its a decision by one Federal District court judge. I expect i have always expected this is matter that will ultimately be decided by a higher court, if not the Supreme Court. Cheryl todd theyre saying Supreme Court. They think this is where this is going . Could be. I think, i was really interested to see what jeb bush had to say about it. He did weigh in, saying the white house overstepped their bounds. This will be a tricky issue for republicans especially going into the, going into the elections next year. Theyre going to have, theyre going to have to play, i see we see them playing politics with each other. But the big question, who will stand up for the american working man . At end of day, when you bring illegals across the border, at end of day they will be taking a job that could be going to an american citizen here legally. Cheryl judge in texas david basically said, this is pandoras box. Once you open it up you cant just close it. Theyre using the take care clause of the constitution saying this is what obama is violating. What is the key phrase of this show . It is all about the money, right . It is all about the money. The fact is the feds created through this executive action of obama, a new mandate to cover a whole new group of people they didnt used to have to cover. They have the states now have to come up with all of this extra medicaid money. All this extra welfare money for food stamps et cetera. They dont have it. These are huge costs. New york state estimates it could cost two billion extra dollars they dont have. Florida has about a million illegal immigrants. But its a good guesstimate. This could cost them 100 million. This is taxation without representation imposed on the states by the feds. That is why it is an constitutional. Cheryl to the point do they have enough of a case to make it to the Supreme Court and win, the stroke of the pen obviously this is how the president is getting around a republican, senate and house right now. This was all planned. The president s approach on whole host of matters to create the fact on the ground and then say to congress, say to the courts, well see what you can do to reverse it. That is what he has done. Created a new status quo here. In the legal case the administration is based on discretion. We have discretion how we enforce our laws. It would be discretion if each individual immigration officer were considering each case just on its merits. Then you could have the president saying i dont know what this will affect. Might affect one person. Might affect five million. No he is saying it will affect five million categorical passthrough for entire class of people. That makes it unconstitutional. Cheryl we can never go back. 26 states facing this. Few stories on our radar for all of you. This is crossing the wires right now. Train operators csx, excuse me, says 25 of its train cars carrying oil derailed in West Virginia yesterday. 20 of them did catch fipe. Look at those pictures of the accident led to the evacuation of hundreds of families. Firefighters have little choice but to leave the tanks and burn themselves out. They said no oil tanks entered a nearby river. The accident is under investigation. Tim cook is not a fan of google glass. Cook told people from the very beginning that google glass would fail and most people would find them intrusive, uncomfortable. Huge night for our own geraldo rivera. It came down to him and Leeza Gibbons in last nights celebrity apprentice. Geraldo was the runner up. Hey, he raised 725 grand for his charity throughout the season. I think that is a win. He is much prettier. He is handsome man all things being. Cheryl i hear man crush. All right. Well, coming up, Power Outages across the south. Just the latest punch from the severe winter weather. What you could expect for the rest of the week. Plus, this is the top. When a yacht is simply not enough for the discerning individual. The latest musthave accessory for the open water. Do you ever have too much money or too many yachts . Maybe you do. Opportunities arent always obvious. Sometimes they just drop in. Cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. We enable you to reach Global Markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. Cme group how the world advances. Youre driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pickup truck slams into your brand new car. One second it wasnt there and the next second. Boom youve had your first accident. Now you have to make your first claim. So you talk to your Insurance Company and. Boom youre blindsided for a second time. They wont give you enough money to replace your brand new car. Dont those people know youre already shaken up . Liberty mutuals new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. Call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch to Liberty Mutual insurance and you could save up to 423 dollars. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Cheryl so the south is getting whom erred by the latest winter storm, getting hammered. States like arkansas kentucky, tennessee, North Carolina after thick layers of ice taken down power lines. Were learning more snow may be on the way. Janice dean in the weather center. Say it isnt so . Say it isnt snow right . Look at snow totals we got across the south midsouth kentucky, 14 inches for you. Parts of tennessee, several inches there. D. C. , 5. 3 inches of course, which shut the city down this morning. West virginia, over a foot in a lot of these areas. The power outage problem will be ongoing because we have another storm waiting in the wings as we head into the weekend. This is our latest system. It is exiting the coast which is great news. However the cold air behind it, some of the coldest air of the season, we could set records as we head into the latter part of this week. This is the storm system that brought measureable snow to portions of d. C. Boston, i think we could be into our second snowiest season within the next 24 to 48 hours. Were seeing potential for more quickmoving systems across the northeast. Not jackpot snow totals but enough to get us to the second snowyist season for boston. Another 10inches will be first snowiest record for boston of the. Cheryl poor people. What are you going to do . Cheryl janice, thank you for the update. Janice dean in the weather center. Whether it is on wall street or main street, it is making money today as the graphic said, including elon musk. The spacex founder just sign ad new book deal with penguin for 3. 5 million. Much of the new book will focus on mars as well as an idea of multiplanetary existence. Interesting . I dont know. Fighting for money the twin sons of chicago cub of ernie banks, baseball great left most of his wealth to his agent and caregiver when he died last month. The sons are taking matter to the court, saying agent coerced banks to sign a new will when he was sick. The banks family said they were left with very little to remember him by. Selling for thousands despite the scary past. Socalled haunted math book. The owner said it became possessed after being forgotten overnight being in cemetery. That is where everybody takes their marc. It plays music and levitates off the table. Bidding on ebay over 6,000. In praise of obamanomics. The New York Times touting that new york city has created more jobs over the past five years than any fiveyear period in the last half century, all without the help of wall street. Here is what was written in the times. City officials an economists say this is extraordinarily good news. Officers time in decades that new york can grow at a rapid pace without leaning on wall street. Charlie and jack are back. Youre fired up about this. You dont like this. This is stupid article. Let me obama did eat a dog. Didnt eat a dog. We got that confirmed. This is the segue. Cheryl thank you for that. Here is the thing. I think what the times is doing right now is an allout apology tour for obamanomics. There is story today says the income gap really hasnt gotten at that wide or not gotten wider since obama came into office which nailed to take into account the stock market gains. If you dont cash out of the stock market your Capital Gains doesnt count in terms of your pay or your income. So guess what . You kept your money in the market, now close to 18,000 that really doesnt show up. But this story is dumb in this sense. Doddfrank caused all, caused major banks in this city to basically scale back not just the top players but really the sort of cheryl half of wall street jobs are gone. Radical middle jobs, back Office Anywhere to save money. Those jobs have been replaced largely by hamburger flipper jobs, service jobs. If you, not service jobs like bartenders who used to serve the folks bringing in decent amount of money. If you want to write code you can make a lot of money in the city but everybody else cheryl technology theyre hiring. The people got screwed by doddfrank of the reporter that wrote the story, used to work with him at journal and had twitter battle. Youre covered taxi and Limousine Commission you vent heard what Mike Bloomberg said about doddfrank. It was job killer. Leaving city because of automation and growth in technology in the u. S. More diverse economy is good for us. This is will happen where cities get better and suburbs get worse. Cheryl 10 of the all the jobs added by wall street. This time around 1 to wall street. Wall street is not contributing to new york city. That is a problem. Wall street didnt just give you very highpaying jobs it gave awe lot of jobs. Were not talking about traders, back office people, support people. Those people took the brunt of layoffs. Took a lot of layoffs. If youre going to tell me that you know, people that make between 75 and 200,000 a year, that is kind of middle, right there, right or 75 and 150,000 that those people are doing better since doddfrank and the fact that we have less of those jobs, that is a good thing, youre nuts. That is apology for doddfrank and impact this had on this city particularly in those types of jobs. Cheryl thank you, New York Times. Guys, thank you to both of you. A big show tonight. Watch fox businesss strange show, new show strange inheritance. Play on words. Trying to be funny. Good show. Cheryl there is jamie. She is awesome. The show is great. A family inherits old rust covered cars worth a fortune. One family has rarest bug collections in the world. Have to watch this. What isis needs is a jobs program. That comment coming from a state department official. There she is. Glimpse inside kim jonguns private jet. Not to brag, president obamas is 3,000 times more expensive. More money coming up. W al im looking forward to. For some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. Which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. Our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. Start investing with as little as fifty dollars. Melissa new defense secretary. Carter marks the fourth secretary of defense under president obama. Chuck hagel announced his resignation back in october. Interesting new idea on how to see isis. We cannot win this war by killing it. We need in the longer term to go after the root causes. We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. They can have Job Opportunities for these people. Melissa build their economies. Chris, what do you make of that . What do you make of her comments . Is she being realistic here . It is surprising how some dates can be so predictable. That answer to the antidote of terrorism. You can only get to that conclusion if you ignore everything we know about paris. The red army brigade. These people were from uppermiddleclass backgrounds. Very wealthy backgrounds. They did not become terrorists because they did not have jobs. They somehow got confused. It is ridiculous. Chris matthews kind of challenged her on that. There will always be poor people. There will always be poor moslems. These people already have jobs. They are into the cutlery and explosives business. Send them all down. It is just absolutely outrageous. It is shocking that this kind of nonsense is coming out of the state department. Melissa Chris Matthews says, home on. Something else going on. The Vice President kicking off this threeday summit. They will not use the word islamic extremism. They have been very clear about that. This is the most ludicrous thing. The fact of the matter is you have radical islamic extremists. They are killing jews. They are killing christians. These are bad dudes. We are here today because we all understand and dealing with violent extremism that we need answers that go beyond a military answer. We need answers that go beyond force. Melissa okay. We just got those. What do you make of those comments . Of course we need answers that go beyond military answers. We have a very young government in afghanistan. The u. S. Is withdrawing across the middle east. On the other hand, we are saying we need an answer other than a military solution. We need to be engaged with those fonts in all states. We need room to maneuver for the iranian am states. We see this growth in isis and iran. Melissa lab we got those comments from the president. Thank you gentlemen. Appreciate your take on all of this. Thank you. Melissa a serious case of deja vu. Why the Housing Market is falling back into some very bad old habits. How one man is reconnect in with danger by saving a bear from his window. At the end of the day it is all about money. T at t. Rowe price weve helped guide our clients through good times and bad. Our experienced investment professionals are one reason over 85 of our mutual funds beat their 10year lipper averages. So in a variety of markets we can help you feel confident. Request a prospectus or summary prospectus with Investment Information risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Cheryl i am Cheryl Casone with your fox business brief. The Security Agency has developed an agent the of Hiding Software in the hard drive of various computer makers. They have been found in russia china and syria. Terrorist act vividly has led to big investment cutbacks in the region. Supplies fall short of demand in the next decade. Fresh from his return from saturday night live on saturday night. Joining after the bell today talking about his new adventure. A great interview. 4 00 p. M. Today eastern time. That is the latest from the fox business network. Giving you the power to prosper. Opportunities arent always obvious. Sometimes they just drop in. Cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. We enable you to reach Global Markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. Cme group how the world advances. Melissa breaking news. Oil settling up nearly 1. 5 . 53. 53 was the new closing high. Keeping an eye on it for you. Money is flying around the world. Starting in north korea. A 170foot soviet jet. Selling for 100,000. Complete with crystal trace. The leader is celebrating his fathers birth day. He would have just turned 74 years old. Now over to antarctica. The neighborhood has no running water. Postmaster will also live in close proximity. Landing in south korea. Some folks are celebrating the lunar new year. The creatures are celebrated in the country for their kindness. A rough winter is having a very Chilling Effect on homebuilders. A slew of new policies are heating up the market for firsttime buyers. Jason meister is here. Vice president of real estate firm. Real quickly to you on the hill there confidence. It is taking a pretty big hole. Melissa you are up in arms about the fact that they have lowered fannie and freddie. You say that this is actually a bad thing. There is not enough skin in the game. We learned from the west. We get into these housing bubbles that get created. I really think housing policies are pretty simple. You have to have 15 down payment. Melissa we need the firsttime buyers to comment. We need the millennials to buy homes. It is 33 right now. They could tap the housing recovery. Helping the housing recovery is getting housing prices to go higher. Melissa jobs. That does not mean we should use artificial hedgers to push house prices higher. I think that jack is right. They have their 20 default rate. We do not need millennials buying homes. Why are we forcing loans on people that cannot afford them . You have yours reapers sent. You may have good credit on paper. What does your credit look like after an economic event that turned rice is lower. Melissa i still believe in home ownership. I disagree with both of you. I can do that. I do believe that you have to get these kids in there to start buying. Cheryl, sorry, it is not the percent that will get people off the sidelines. It is jobs. You need jobs. That is how they will buy homes. Melissa all right. This is a russian man taking a walk on the wild side. Feeding an enormous bear from his window. There is a huge pause. Thought to be a russian brown bear. I think that this is a great idea. We should all try this. I assumed in russia everybody had a hair like that living outside their window they could see from time to time. Melissa thank you very much. Good to see you. From bears to bowls. We are approaching the last hour of trading. Bowls. Try 2100 from the s p. Bad move. Another record high right here. We will be watching the markets. We have the talking to him exactly about when he expects that rate hike. When he feels it should be. Of course, we have a one two punch here. We have the port slowdown. We are calling it the snow slowdown. We have some snow slowdown stocks that are hopefully thatll prove. We will be talking about the names they truly feel are the ones that will be winners. We believe that this will hurt gdp. This company is wrestling all those photos you take inside your phone. Can it continue without a sugar daddy of sorts . We will be talking about that. About memory management as well. More obnoxious things to do. Thank you very much. The hit keep coming on. Another storm. Packing a serious punch. How long it will take to get back to normal there. We will tell you where the holiday of love is repeating it self all week long. You can never have too much love and money. Startupny. Its working for new york state. Already 55 companies are investing over 98 Million Dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. From long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. They are paying no property taxes no corporate taxes no sales taxes. And with over 300 locations, and 3. 7 million square feet available, theres a place thats right for your business. See if startupny can work for you. Go to startup. Ny. Gov. Approaching medicare eligibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. Thats where aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company come in. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans they could help pay some of what medicare doesnt, saving you in outofpocket medical costs. Youve learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. Thats what it means to go longâ„¢. Call now and request this free [decision guide]. Its full of information on medicare and the range of aarp Medicare Supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. All plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients and there are no network restrictions. Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company has over thirty Years Experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. So call now and discover how an aarp Medicare Supplement plan could go longâ„¢ for you. These are the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. Plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. Remember, medicare doesnt cover everything. The rest is up to you. Call now, request your free [decision guide] and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go longâ„¢. Melissa a scary scene and virginia. An suv loses control on an icy road. Transit service will not be back up and running for another 30 days. The snow is lightly coming down. We are in quincy. Just south of the city. It does not look too bad today. You mentioned the transit system. The trains. The trolleys. Limited service. Finally, another big concern. Getting really creative. The weeks and weeks of snow just keeps piling up. Melissa it turns out that cupid could use a shovel. Encouraging residents to buy from small businesses. We shall see. A copy of parents magazine. So romantic. A nice big baby boom. Melissa a red blooded millionaire. One Company Wants to make sure that you do not have to do that. At the end of the day it is all about money and where to park it. Cheryl this one is the top. Do you ever think, you know, my yacht just isnt doing it for me anymore . Do you want more from your yacht . Now you can have your own personal submarine for a price. Here now is graham hawkes, the founder of deep flight. I always thought to myself, i have a yacht, i would love a sub ma rhine. How much are they submarine how much are they, what can i do with it . Well, theyre 1. 7 million or 1. 5, and what you can do with it, you know, when youre on your yacht, you can think about whats flying around underneath you or you can go down there and take a look. Cheryl and it seats, what two passengers . Is that correct . Looks like its almost a jet, like a plane. Does it work like that . Yeah, yeah. If you think of it as an underwater aircraft, youll think of them correctly. Dont think of them as submarines theyre things of the past. Cheryl how is it different from a traditional salk submarine . I used to have one of those i got rid of it. [laughter] traditional submarines get heavy and sink. We actually use wings and fly down. Like a duck, if you want to come back up, you just switch it off and up you come. Cheryl okay. How do i power it gasoline diesel electric . How does this run . No, its the new lithium batteries, theyre fabulous things. Like electric cars, we now have the power cells weve been waiting for for 20 years. Cheryl i know Richard Branson has one, i think he did a show, actually, on it. How many do you sell per year and how many have you sold in total of these . Well actually were probably selling 13 a year. There arent that many billionaires but thats just the start. Dont panic there. Were trying to build them for everybody. But were starting with the very wealthy. Cheryl okay. Yes or no, its safe . I shouldnt be scared if i try this . Well nothings safe. The only way to be safe is to already be dead otherwise everythings trying to make you but should you be scared . No. And if i took you down, your eyes would be wide youd be going, oh, my gosh, theres sharks as well. Cheryl oh, gosh. Its different. Graham, thank you very much. Interesting concept. Thank you. Cheryl that is all for now. I hope that youre making money today. Countdown starts now. Liz yes, we are, and we are watching the markets. Record territory right now for the s p 500. And believe it or not, greece is the word. Were talking about the fact that in the last hour and a half the wall street journal broke the news that as soon as tomorrow greece could be requesting an extension to its bailout program. Sometime tomorrow. Well, that immediately appeared to push u. S. Stocks higher. The s p right away hitting a new lifetime high today of 2101. As we look at the number below here or above 2097, if we close above 2096. 99, that will be the record close of the year. Well tell you which companies are leading the charge in just a moment. Look east or west today and you will find problems brewing for the economy and for s

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