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Upon landing in the Dominican Republic the hazmat team removed the man. He claimed he was just joking. Medical personnel said he did not have a fever. Here to discuss our very own charlie gasparino. Veronica daguerre with the wall street journal. We have john, i knew i would mess that up from the gfi group. Welcome to the show. I am sorry i fumbled your name. Well let you go first. We reached this level of panic. I think so. There are 8,000 cases right now in west africa and africa and 7 billion people in the world. I think a lot of hysteria. I think right now, you know, to tax the tsa agents with screening for ebola melissa not a clever move. Would you recommend this . Ive been on planes with idiots before. It happens. I think one, heres the thing melissa that is whole another story. People do crazy stuff on planes. Ive seen it. It is horrendous. But take that melissa never you though, right. Never. Im usually a good passenger and usually have a couple drinks and i leave everybody alone. There is a Business Aspect here to traveling. Melissa yeah. If there is an outbreak, youre going to see travel related stocks, i hate to bring this to stocks, get crushed. They have been already kind of wobbling amid all this stuff. You know, one of the things, when you talk to traders, actually plugged or keyed in, i know some traders can me all the time, what do you think of ebola . Is it worse . Are they hiding stuff . These are sophisticated traders. Theyre looking at longterm play. Big if, big breakout how does that affect Consumer Confidence and travel . How does that impact the economy. Dont take that out of the realm of possibility. Melissa another story, elon musk, so far the d has stood for downturn. Tesla stock plunging more than 5 after the d amounted to a model s upgrade. With a new safety features. The d was really for disappointment, veronica. Some people were not so happy with it. I love elon. I love his excitement. He has brought so much innovation and excitement to the car industry and getting people excited again. Melissa fake hype around this particular announcement. There is a lot of hype in d. He is innovating. He represents the best of america in innovation and creating next technology. Listen, im all for his doing whatever he is doing with the electric cars, but, lets face it. This is an industry that is built on government subsidy. This is not an entrepeneur sitting in his basement building Something Better with his own sweat and brains and getting private capital to do it. He is out there, milking taxpayers for something that i dont know melissa he has a lot of private capital. In his wednesday. Would you give him money if you knew states werent pitching in would you to be part of it too . Melissa theyre offering money free or cheap rate i would be an idiot not to take it. He is right about that so there you go. I dont think this is like he is some great entrepreneur. Ross perot took government money constantly. Melissa created new industries. Aerospace private you know. Usually when the government gets involved in these things, you dont need the government, if it is that great. That is usually the case. Maybe im wrong here. 30 billion market cap. Obviously prone to bad headline news. Melissa yeah. Jeff bezos wandering where lesser men dare not to go. Launching amazons First Physical store trying to revive, Washington Post, brickandmortar print journalism. Not thriving industries. Bezos is going allin. What does know that we dont . Talk about innovators, who started in his garage and built himself up to become a gazillionaire. He has a newspaper and putting out a brickandmortar store. What do you think . That is interesting to watch. Its a play to figure out distribution, right . Now they melissa the store is . The store is meantime to reach those big markets, urban markets to do that more effective now that they lost the sales tax advantage. Melissa maybe its a pr stunt. I think sort of a test case for them. I dont know if it will be more of a retail location or more of a warehouse. For new york sound like a good job opportunity for some people. Melissa youre a newspaper guy originally. What do you think about the newspaper play . You have to delineate between this and newspaper play. They are different i was offered a job by Washington Post in 2002. I turned it down to stay at wall street journal. Reason why i saw circulation go, my numbers might be off, from 700,000 to 500,000. It is now at what . 200,000 . Melissa three people, Something Like that. Im saying melissa is he using journalists to innovate to make something amazing on line . I think his play is purely online with the paper to come up with a new model how to distribute news. It is a great brand. All about content. Everything online is about content. The store is Perfect Timing around christmas, right . Free advertising. Both ups and fedex added workers. They will have huge amount much packages to deliver so. Melissa Jpmorgan Ceo Jamie Dimon making his first public remarks since being diagnosed with cancer. Coming out swinging, warning nonbanks like private equity and hedge fund could being be a weak link in our Financial System. What you dont want to do is push so much risk in the nonbank Financial System that is next thing blows up because nobody is paying attention to it. And that has happened before. Look at history, it wasnt always banks or investment banks. Melissa charlie what is your take on this one . Love jamie. Glad he is healthy. Looks pretty good. Talking his book, right . One of the problems that jamie got involved in the obama men station going after doddfrank, saying it is too onerous. He is flipping that argument. Not going after the Obama Administration anymore. Saying if we have to deal with this garbage why doesnt Steve Schwarzman at blackstone have to deal with this . Private equity firms right now are doing almost the same stuff as regular wall street banks. We should point out Blackstone Melissa i dont know it has same domino effect when you look at private equity funds invest. Not just their investment. What youre leaving out. Today blackstone divested from Investment Advisory business which is small. To paul taubman a great banker. They lend. They trade. They do a lot of stuff. Wasser stein does a lot of trading. I know these guys. They are acting like banks. What jamie is saying what is good for us got to be good for them. If they screw up on something they are big enough to destroy the system. He is talking his book but does make a good case. If youre going to have all the regulation why leave one part out . Huge part. Melissa they dont have deposits from the public. So if they go under neither does goldman sachs. Melissa if they go under. Goldman sachs doesnt either. Theyre protected. Dont forget longterm capital management. I agree with that. Im telling you he is talking his book an telling you why. Melissa nadella backing off controversial remarks on pay raises for women at a conference for women on computer sighens. He said quote, not asking for a raise but knowing and having faith that the system will give you the right raise. Nadella later apologized, characterizing his comments quote, completely wrong, veronica daguerre, what do you say . If you wait for the karma to come to you and get more money melissa you buy that. Im sure he took his own advice throughout his own career. I think for anyone i think, first of all the statistics back this up, pay gap between men and women does exist. So women have to be their own advocates. They have to negotiate. Why does he have to apologize for this nonsense . The guy spoke his mind. He says if you do a good job, basically what he said, if you do a good job you will get paid. Melissa you ever ask for a raise though . I have no problem, i have no problem i have no problem, i have no problem asking for a raise but why does he have to apologize . What kind of society he lives in, some guy makes mundane remarks he himself admitted because he is in a politically correct environment. Exactly. This guy should say this and not like get pilloried. Melissa people of his company have women. He is at Women Conference encouraging women to speak up and get into science and technology. He is telling them to sit down. No. He said, you dont like the language he said it, he said if you do a good job you will be justly rewarded. Melissa it is not really about asking for a raise but knowing and having faith the system will give you the right raise. Do you trust the system to give you right raise, charlie . Let me tell you, our bosses are watching. Do you trust your system to give the raise. I will leave or anywhere else if they dont give me the right raise. Melissa that is not trusting the system. Know what that is, trusting the capitalist system. I have been throughout my career melissa not accept what youre given. He did not say. Melissa he says accept what youre given. Of course. That is how you negotiate. Independent contractor. Highest bid. Melissa that was fun. Thanks guys. Getting stronger at the border. Isis calling for even more backup. Dont expect turkey to help out anytime soon. Plus, the mystery of kim jongun. The north korean dictator is nowhere to be seen at a very key event and some are wondering if he will ever be seen again. Mysterious piles of cash coming up. New york state is jumpstarting business with startupny. An Unprecedented Program that partners businesses with universities across the state. For better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. And you pay no taxes for ten years. From biotech in brooklyn, to next , to manufacturing in buffalo. Startupny has new businesses popping up across the state. See how startupny can help your business grow at startup. Ny. Gov i have 40,ney do you have in your pocket right now . 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. Dierdre isis advancing further into the city of kobani. New reports say militants seizing territory and dangerously getting close to control of the Border Crossing. Greg palkot is live near the border with the latest. Greg . Melissa, belated but stepped us air attacks on isis are having an impact on the terror group but the terrorists keep on moving forward. Take a look at what we saw when we were at the turkeysyria border today. For the past couple of hours we have been hearing a battle royal coming from the center of town just behind a long line of trees is the kurdish defenders headquarters. According to our sources the isis terrorists have taken it over today but according to the combat were hearing from there, the fight is still on. We are told also that isis is basically controlling that Border Crossing between kobani and turkey. That is very bad are to the kurds because it is the only way to get casualties and civilians out of the town. The only way to get reinforcements and resupply in. Terrorists are making moves despite the increase in air activity. Since monday by our count there have been 32 us air strikes against isis in and around kobani. The whole week before there were only five. The concern is here theyre come too late. Here in turkey there was another tense night while politicians asked people to cool down, but are to the whole week ethnic kurds are clashing with Turkish Security on upset that turkey is not doing enough to get into kobani to deal with isis. The casualties now, over 30 dead. Finally, melissa, turkeys role in this whole thing a topic of conversation with general john allen. He headsup the antiisis campaign for the United States and turkish officials day in the capital ankara. They came out with a statement after the meetings. Let me read it to you. We promise to deepen bilate ral consultations. That will be little con solution for 700 or more civilians trapped inside of kobani right now according to the u. N. Back to you. Melissa greg, thank you for that. Turkey remains reluctant to get involved at all unless the Coalition Goes after the syrian government. The turkish ambassador saying quote, we can not achieve security and stability in syria without addressing the assad regime which bears responsibility for the emergence and growth of the isil threat. Therefore we should not view isil and the regime separately during our efforts. Jesse jane duff a former marine corps gunnery sergeant. Chris harmer, from institute for study of war. Thanks to you both for joining us. Chris, start with you. Does the ambassador have a point . Yes, he has a point. The original sin in syria is the assad regime. Without assad regime we dont have isis or islamic state. All this unrest is the response to the mayhem conducted by the dictatorial assad regime. Unless strategy as removal of assad as part of it, were whistling in the dark here. There is nothing that is going to happen to create a stable, postassad environment in syria unless were committed to that course. The turks will never get involved unless we commit to it. Melissa it is a good point although does make it feel like yet another reason the turks are using not to get involved and you see even on the sidelines the ceo kobani of was on stuart varneys show this morning how he is personally getting involved because the government is not. Listen to what he had to say. Why isnt the American Government doing this . That is what i come to belief is ordinary people, and businesses, they are the ones have to bring their voices up. They are the ones who have to say something, do something. Align around the coalition and help people and make sure other politicians and our leaders, they hear us. Melissa he is the ceo of chobani the yogurt company. He put in 2 million of his own money, he is from turkey the region and trying to help refugees. He thinks countries and politicians on all sides are not doing enough. What do you think . Approximately 1. 5 million refugees are going over to turkey. They will not get involved when United States has done nothing about assad and slaughter of 200,000 syrians. This is drip, drip, of gasoline from Foreign Policy fuel tank inflamed and exasperated entire region. We remember the president saying dont cross this red line and look where were at today. Melissa breaking news flashing across bottom of the screen as we were looking, chris, i will ask you to respond to. That the state department is warning of reprisal attacks against coalition nations. Should we be concerned . Yeah, absolutely we should be concerned. That is not a warning. Something that already happened. Theyre executing journalists and aid workers. We know what isis is. Their fundamental nature is not in dispute. Jesse made a valid point. This civil war generated 200,000 killed in action. Another 1. 5 million refugees. This situation will continue to get worse. In the instability, in the mayhem, that where isis thrives. Unless were willing to get consequentially involved, there is no possibility that the turks will go in there unless theyre following u. S. Leadership. Melissa we have to leave it there. Thanks to both of you guys. From fantasy to reality the brains behind the hit tv show, the league, theyre Holding Nothing back about the nfl. Reporting packing up her fireworks, katy perry headed to one of the biggest stages for music. Do you have ever have too much kate at this perry . Maybe. My mother made the best toffee in the world. Its delicious. So now weve turned her toffee into a business. My goal was to take an idea and make it happen. Im janet long and i formed my Toffee Company through legalzoom. I never really thought i would make money doing what i love. We created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. Go to legalzoom. Com today and make your business dream a reality. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. So ally bank really has no hidden fethats right. Accounts . Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. Melissa from the u. S. To every corner of the globe money is flying around the world again today, starting in venezuela, which has been ordered to pay 1. 6 billion to exxonmobil because they need it. That is make up for nationalizing its oil assets back in before, including the seizure of one of exxons major oil projection. Exxon originally wanted 12 billion to cover the loss. Oh, well. To china, where the apple watch landed on the cover of vogue. The magazine said it had some pretty deep conversations with ceo tim cook over past couple weeks. They claim the watch is the perfect accessory for the modern day vogue china woman. I bet it is. Landing in europe, where bad Economic Data from germany has many worrying the region is falling back into recession. The exports fell by largest amount since the financial con crisis, leading many economists to slash forecasts. They are in a league of their own. Sixth season in the league scored huge points for the fxx network. Here are the cocreators of the show along with one of the stars. It is week six of the nfl. Talk about some money football. How about Colin Kaepernick got fined 10,000 for wearing beats headphones which theyre not allowed to do. Bose is the official sponsor of nfl they fined him for looking silly. He looked silly. No one should be wearing those out like that. Someone with that narrow of a head should not wear something that is not melissa okay. By the way would i say, that you know, for the nfl and the sponsors and all that stuff, we should say this. Want to put an end to right now to the talk of the nfl being an old bose network. That has to stop. The pun needs to start and stop here. Calling on all of you to dont say it. Melissa maybe wearing pink headphones. Andre experimented with wearing pink on the show. How did did that go . Not well. You can take up issues of Breast Cancer but guys wearing pink is questionable thing. Take up the issue but dont wear fashions. Melissa katy perry doing halftime show at super bowl. She is claiming she not paying to be there. That was big issue. Youre the brains and economics behind all this do you think she is paying to be on the halftime show . Here is the thing. She can pay a highend matchmaker and single or do the super bowl halftime show. We saw how they treated espn gameday show. That poor ohio state oklahoma quarterback. Had no chance. Melissa do you think he called her right away . He did shoutout. Youre hot. Call me. He has a girlfriend. What does that have to do withing anything he is athlete. He was in a lot of trouble at home. I think she is looking for a hookup. That is okay. I think seattle will be back in the super bowl again this year. Coin have a better single quarterback, rustle wilson. Dot show. Go for it. I have unpopular opinion. I think smart for the nfl to take money, make performers pay. You saw the red who chili peppers exploded after their performance. People cant stop talking about it. Albums flying off the shelves. Melissa speaking of exploding, jj watt was on your show. Last night he did a questionable victory dance in the end zone. We have video, called the nene. Following his third touchdown on the season. Now, this video is very important weve now seep one thing jj watt can not do. Can sack the quarterback. Defend against the run. Super funny. They said melissa kind of andre move. A great dance move. Like what, refrigerator perry is only other defensive player to get this many touchdowns, right . Refrigerator perry has the Chicago Bears shuffle. Super bowl shuffle. About the same. I feel like, he is following his mentors footsteps. Melissa you guys getting into a lot of trouble this year on the show. Youre about to tackle some very serious issues. Redskins, are you doing it or stay away . Ray rice, do it, stay away . Were a mirror. If things happen in the nfl. Were still shooting. We can keep current enough to touch on very sense testify issues. Were doing a redskins episode. Melissa im sure it will be tateful. Tasteful as one could imagine. Well be touching on the ray rice incident. Andre, pauls character, gets a cat named my lady. Cat through series of events, they have a cantankerous relationship. There is incident that happens i, that gets caught on tape. Melissa oh, my goodness. Look, were going to tackle that. Im sure ray rice will come after us. Show us if he like it or didnt. Melissa all right, the league on fxx. You say fxxx like you dont believe that is real network. Melissa i know what it is like to be off on Sister Network and steal viewers from the main network. Do you have any tips for us . One of the things, were being only show on right now, like being in venezuelan grocery store. One item for sale on the shelves and it is us. Melissa i love it. Forget treadmills and freeways, this nerdfriendly fitness craze is about sword fights and costumes. To each its own. North koreas ruler missing in action. Is a palace coup to blame or get [inaudible] run for your money coming up. Mr. Daniels. Mr. Daniels. Look at this. Whats this . Clicks are off the charts. Yeah. Yoshi, were back. Yes, sir more shipping more shipping [ beeping ] [ beeping ] are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. But systems policed by hps Cyber Security team are constantly monitored for threats. Outside and in. Thats why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone. In the world. If Hp Security Solutions can help keep the Worlds Largest organizations safe, they can keep yours safe, too. Make it matter. Nick kim jong un was a no show at the Workers Party anniversary, an event he has attended every since coming to power in 2011. Speculation growing about his strange disappearance. Jonathan hunt has more on this. Reporter no one outside north korea is certain where kim jong noon is and very few inside the country probably know for sure. Most experts and u. S. Officials dont believe there has been a coup and the best guess is he is sick and doesnt want to appear in public. The last couple times he was seen in july and august the approach announced wimp that could because i doubt. Std Tv Documentary in breathless fashion recently eluded to a health issue. Listen here. Reporter the news anchor saying in part that kim jong un is leading the fire for the people like the flicker of a flame despite suffering discomfort but if kim jong un is physically weak he is likely to be politically weak too and that matters to us because north korea is a nucleararmed nations that is continually developing longrange missiles and. We need to know who is in control of those weapons. There is ongoing tension on the korean peninsula. South korea activists released balloons on the border between north and south protesting his dictatorship ended Response North Korean Forces fired across the border with the south Korean Military returning fire. Instability experts say is very dangerous. In times like this the default position is to take the hardest line possible. You got to remember these are adults who are killing each other and some of them have access to nukes, longrange missiles and large stocks of chemical and biological agents. This is not good news. Reporter the longer kim jong noon remained out of sight of the more dangerous the situation becomes as various groups within the north korean leadership compete for power. U. S. Officials say they are not overly concerned but you can be sure they are watching all this closely. Melmack for more on north koreas missing leader, north korea takes on the world, scott martin is here from united advisers, he is a fox news contributor. Let me start with you. What is your best intelligence on where you think he is . Probably north of the capital or east. There are stories he is with his wife and sister. Being with his wife is understandable but his sister is there suggesting there are people in the regime who want to put the kim family on lockdown. That tells us a lot. Melissa what do you think . This is where is a waldo . I am sure north korea loves the attention we are putting on this, the focus. Also something to consider in terms of the optics. If he is injured, they dont want him appearing in public on crutches. That would appear week. That is something they are considering as well. Melissa a scary situation. Dennis rodman is the most senior u. S. Officials visit in quite some time. We have no idea what is going on. Scott martin, what do you think of this . We dont know much about the sister and said she is 27 years old, she is his full sister. Other than that what do we know . There is not a period in time, that we would hear from Dennis Rodman to see what he knows. In january, he had a saying of mumbling out of tune happy birthday song to kim jong un, anyone with a terminal illness, there are 200,000 of his own people he has suppressed and mistreated some might guess is he has made a few enemies and they could have been captive. Melissa we joke because it is a crazy situation but they do have nuclear weapons. They do and right now theres a lot of infighting at the top of this regime and there have been these executions, killings and unexplained deaths. What has been going on since 2010 in connection with this transition from kim jong il to kim jong un, anything could happen. These people dont think of themselves as living forever. They think they have are very short life span they can do something serious. Melissa thanks to all of you. Not sure we solve it but we did our best. Back to the markets wild swings for stocks, investors feeling when did. Lets go to Nicole Petallides on the floor of the stock exchange. Are you ready to go home for the week . Quite a week for you. Nicole i want to see what swings we had for the next hourandahalf. Someone put on the tv and said the dow is moving eight points, it was up 100 points, down 50 points so we have already passed a wild day, doesnt appear that way. That being said throughout this week we had a wild week, a few hundred point day, 50, 16 days in a row. Here are the swing for the week, the dow is down 2 , the nasdaq down 4. 4 . And the airlines down 5 points, and that may be the economic story. We have boring trading for a while, wild swings and volatility, and that being said, down 6 points. And energy in particular today. Melissa president obama trying to appeal to younger crowd for college kids. And to this job market right now, good news of superlow prices, how much you can save this year. It is all about friday money. Your customers, our financing. 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Have a nice flight traveling can feel like one big mystery. Youre never quite sure what is coming your way. But when youve got an entire company who knows that the most ontime flights are nothing if we cant get your things there too. Its no wonder more People Choose delta than any other airline. Melissa president obama reaching out to the intergenerational, a driving force towards rebuilding the nations economy. Kent mahoney of money out wet management, he is talking about the fact they entered the work force during the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression and he says a lot of cynics said that makes many of you part of the lost generation but i dont buy it. Part of a lost generation . Whoever said that . Clearly last week we saw the unemployment rate, headline numbers up 5. 9 . If you dig deeper, the college education, 2. 9 . Those without an education is 8. 8 so that is where the problem lies is education. Those who have and those who dont. Melissa i am focused on scott. President obama, everyone says you guys are losers and you will never do anything with your life. Theyre saying that about you but i am not. Does that work . That is the old mentality, go go go, get a job. One of the issues is education but millennials are interesting. There are 80 of them 80 million of them in the United States and they spend less than one trillion dollars in the economy projected to be two times that by 2020 so theres not a lot of economic stature. The other issue with regards to jobs they have been surveyed and said we want to work for facebook, google, microsoft cannot be tried and true companies. Their discerning and not very loyal so hard to put a finger on what will make some cook in the future. Melissa Gwyneth Paltrow hosting a fundraiser for the president at her California Home last night. The oscar winner may make 60 million a movie but she considered equal pay to be, quote, very important to me as a working mother. I love this. I think president obama only did this because he wanted to take a picture with a look person with a lower Approval Rating than himself. She gets herself consistently in trouble with statements like that. People can relate to is this the she makes millions of dollars, as nannies, shes not a good spokesperson for the working mother in any shape or form. Melissa is this who he wants to take pictures with . It is so much different if you have an office job because it is routine and you know you can do all the stuff in the morning and when you get home, it is much harder for me, she says. I am not sure scott martin, what do you think . The president is all about connecting with people. The presidency or congress, you want to say we have the same things in common so when he sits with hollywood friends, it doesnt look very genuine because nobody likes him and nobody is like them. The perception of the president playing golf, fundraising, the perception cackling these serious matters like isis and ebola and other things that are coming out, it seems to go against the disparity of income. Gwyneth paltrow is just like us. I can relate to everything she says, totally i can buy those things and afford that as well. Great photo op for him. He collect all the cash so that is what matters. How low can they go . Gas prices hit a new low for the year, great news for your wallet, cheaper prices will save the average household 216. According to new research trader Scott Kennedy is that the cme, oil continuing to fall. We should celebrate the fact that it is going down but we cant because the reasons it is going down hurt us. Number one, the economy in europe, mario draghi wont help us. Number 2, everybody is underestimating how slow it has gone. September is a got crushed. That will come to fruition in nick six weeks and our own economy here, again the dollar, the big red ribbon wrapped around all those problems is going to push oil lower and we have more supply, the dollar is getting stronger and everybody else around the world isnt doing well. Melissa all this stuff was amazing. The average Household Spending 2,004 did 18 on gas. Is not surprising but when you see all lumped together it sounds like a big number ranch to think we spend to 60 less it has to be good news for christmas at least. Yes. A lot of folks are making that lead from gas prices to christmas but what if everything is not going that well anyway . Just because i have 260 in my pocket doesnt mean it will go to christmas presents and the does we wont see the brick and mortar shop to do well anyway so i and saying they may get a 260, in their pockets but there may be something else. Our economy is not doing well ended is coming to fruition now. Melissa you are a big downer but i love your jacket, got to speak the truth. Totally accessible. Have a great weekend. We are heading into the last hour of trading. Lets check in with liz claman and see wishy as coming. Liz scott and i disagree all the time. He is supposed to send me one. Lets get to the markets because as we head into this hour, will we see some settling down of all the dramatic moving of the markets . We are down, it could turn around. You mentioned on your show we were up as much as 100 points earlier today. Coming up we are hours away from the new changes at u. S. Airports about trying to screen people for ebola. You talked about it, this ridiculous hazmat situation where someone claimed they had ebola as a joke. Coming of the virus hunter from ucla will be joining us, professor of epidemiology. She has just gone back from the congo. Egos deep into the jungles and tries to find the origins of these diseases. She will calm us down or were yes, hear what she has to say from the horses mouth and as you travel you are wondering about the safety of all of it, just relax and think about in. A fox business exclusive, a massive snowball fight ended in melting and warming the between park city unveil resorts. We have the veil resorts ceo, they just bought park city so now they have quite a royal flush when it comes to the ski resorts. He will give us an anticipation of that. Melissa you terrifyingly and then made me want to go on vacation. Revenge of the nerds. Look at this, absolutely no jock wow, are allowed. Red bull forced to be out after some people took its adds a little too literally. You can never have too much red bull. So i can reach ally bank 24 7, but there are no branches . 24 7 its just im a little reluctant to try new things. Whats wrong with trying new things . Feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. So ally bank really has no hidden fethats right. Accounts . Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. With time for fun with spare change, nerds have taken over for comicon with the bureau of fans, as their favorite character. One guy who wants to give the Real Life Fund is steve camp. He is for non jocks who want to do this without shame. Are there lot of folks like that . There actually are. Folks like myself love to get fit, interested in learning about getting fed. Also wants to talk about harry potter, ward of the rings, video games. Melissa you yourself are a nerd. What do you do to facilitate this fitness . An online web site is where it gets started. I had this idea may be six years ago and wanted to help people like myself who spend all day at a desk. Melissa what does it cost . I want to get the details before we run out of time. From there you can go to what we are looking at here, when you get yourself to get it to get fit. 99 of the things on the web and the one hundred free. You can sign up for the weekly newsletter, there are 230,000 subscribers and the Nerd Fitness Academy for one time lifetime access fee, you can get more specific advice and work out plans and level up the character as you complete your workout submissions. Melissa how much of the cab and how many showed up . The pictures are incredible. It was so much fun. Bigger than anything i could have expected. Close to 200 nick rhodes came to fit his hand was the cost between 5 and the dollars, and 700 depending on the room. Melissa the transformation, thank you for coming on. We appreciate your energy time. Rolling Vice President joe biden on the west coast. I hope the first lady doesnt find out about all this calories and sugar. At an end of the day it is all about icecream. Yo, bro, you on woowoo . Are you kidding me . Everybodys on woowoo [elevator bell rings] woowoo . Lock and load, people were going all in on woowoo mark comp us up a profile page susie write us some posts i want sponsored woos. I want targeted woos. We need an ethnically ambiguous woowoo mascot. Dude. Are you still on woowoo . Naaaahh, man, my moms on woowoo. Not long enough to bring you all our favorite stories. My producers in r in the control room. Aaron youre up first. Joe biden was in the west coast, but he only came to eat ice cream and spend some cash. And it looks like hes almost done out of cash. What do you guys make of that picture . They took a trip to los angeles and the whole thing seems to be styled by goop. Hes probably eating a 10dollar gentlemen lat zero. Hes following the travel guide. Hes every man. What happens with a horse walks into a police station. This curious man came trotting in. Police said he was later escorted home without incident. Escorted how many. How did they know she was coming from . This is just a case of profiling. I mean, this is this is unfair. Its unjust. I dont know if that animal has hoofs. I think its unfair. Alex you got one morphous. Red bulls wings are getting clicked. Everyone knows they give you wings. Theyre suing them for 14 million. Its like when calgon said take me away. Theyre not taking you on a cruise to europe. This is not a real promise. Count down starts now. I have to tell you melissa all of that matters, but you cannot miss how this one ends. Were about to close out a very wild week for stocks. This is amazing. The dow has scored both its best and worst days much 2014, but at the end of the week it looks like at least for now another loser not just for the dow joneses, but for the major averages. How to protect your money. What you should be buying, what you should be selling, and we have the market experts who managed billions and billions of money together more than 200 billion. And zero to 60 in 3. 6 se

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