We are a little bit like brothers. We rub each other off every once in a while which is normal for brothers. I want to keep my ego low and work with steve bannon as closely as i can. I have huge respect for him this is an opportunity to serve the country. I love the president and i love the country. Reporter i want to jump away from today and whats next in this. The chief of staff and steve bannon were both mentioned. Charlie i know for a fact this. Take away infighting between priebus and anthony the last couple months. A lot of people close to scare muchy believe bannon was the impediment to him getting a job. That there was something priebus didnt like about ca scaramucci. Before anthony was in this job when he was at the exportimport bank, he was an advisor to trump. Trump asked him what he thought about Reince Priebus job so far. That means in my view that priebus job is back in jeopardy. I will say this. When i go to people that are close to the white house. They say its priebus, there could be a bigtime shakeup and two of the people they mention are priebus and ban none. Baand bannon. But he said anthons appointment over my dead body. But hes stale living. What i heard. Watching trump is like the old kremlin watchers and trump watchers. You have to look at clues. There is a scientific method. From what i understand trump wasnt so happy about the new book that came out about bannon. Too much attention and bannon almost took credit for his election. People are saying both of those guys, their jobs could be in jeopardy. Reporter then he brings in Anthony Scaramucci. You heard in the clips that he wasnt always a fan. In this very studio with charlie gas a principle oh sitting next to him. Thats another politician. Hes a hack politician. He will probably make Elizabeth Warren his Vice President ial nominee with comment like that. Its very, very. He will be the president of the queens bully association. You have got to cut it out. Dose know what you said about him when you said he was a hack . He brings it up every 15 seconds. One of the biggest mistakes i made. I was an inexperienced person in politics and was supporting another candidate. It was three minutes of my life. But he hasntgoer gotten it he hasnt forgotten it and you havent forgotten it. Charlie bill kristol put out a tweet. He said Anthony Scaramucci is a funny guy but hes part of the third worldization of the Trump White House. I butt head with him all the time. Harvard law degree. Built a great business. Sold it and made a few bucks. Hes a really smart guy. Hes good on tv. This is an american success story. Is he good for this job . Reporter thats a different question. We dont know yet. Charlie one of the reasons he might not be good for this job is because of this statement he made about trump. He could have said he is what he is. Reporter let me bring our panel in and charlie will stay with with us as we talk about this. Rich lowry is here. Former george w. Bush policy advisor and michael barns. White house correspondent Sarah Westwood is here. We talked about scar scaramuccit hes the guy on the way in. Well look back at the best of sean spicer. This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration period. Shannon, you dont get to just yell out questions, we are going to raise our hands like big boys and girls. Dont make me make the podium move. This is clearly word and you are asking me how to interpret it in any other way other than plain english. If the president puts russian dressing on his salad, somehow thats a russian connection. Reporter some people said it was only six months. Maybe its surprising he lasted the full six months. Im shocked he lasted this long. It wasnt a natural fit for people who supported him. The president was up against the most of political of individual there could have been. And the president won. Why he stacked the white house with the rnc traditional republicans is beyond me and ryan iReince Priebus will be tht to go. Reporter sarah, what was that room like today at the white house compared to when spicer was there . I think when sean spicer conducted the briefings, the only comparison is when Sarah Huckabee sanders conducts the briefings. There is a feeling of more tension and excitement when sean spicer was doing the briefings. Thats not good for an Administration Working to get its message out. I i Sarah Sanders softer touch is an improvement. There is more focus on the content of ways said. The consensus i get from talking to people is while the departure of sean spicer is sad, it was inevitable that something needed to happen to fix the problems with the Communications Shop. Reporter there is obviously a few takeaways. The thing to me is this means maybe you disagree with this. But this means this president more than ever is digging in for a fight. Anthony scaramucci does a good job on tv, he fights back. Look at what happened on cnn. Are the odds going up that Robert Mueller would be fired as special counsel . I wouldnt say this tells us anything about that decision. One reason he seemed uncomfortable. He was trying to fulfill this combative role for an audience of one, and that was president trump. Annie you saw today, hes anthony you saw today, hes a natural on camera. The question, though, this is more than an oncamera job its a Strategic Communications job. The most of difficult on the planet. Reporter is there anyone reason you have seen that would tell you he will be good at that. He will have to do a lot of learning on the job. Charlie hes a really smart guy. I have my misgiving about sean spicer was a good p. R. Guy. He was asked to do something almost impossible, put genies back in the bottle that donald trump let out. Here is the sort of third rail with scaramucci. He might double down on all the bad stuff with trump. Whats good about trump i believe is his economic agenda. I agree with him on illegal immigration. He has some common sense programs and approaches in policy. Whats bad about him is in implementation and how he addresses these policies publicly is insane. I dont know if anthony the problem with the Communications Shop is not Communications Shop. Its how trump tries to be his own communicator. Whether your top communicator is sean, anthony or peter pan. You need someone in there that you can trust and let do the job. Charlie anthony anthonys inse have much like trumps. Rewind the videotapes on things he said about trump since the election. Look at what he said in davos. He enjoyed being in the hornets nest. Reporter you doubled down on trump a little bit. It is what it is. Reporter we have a lot more coming up as we continue here on make money. There is a lot more coming up tonight on hannity over at the fox news channel. Sean has sean spicer and Reince Priebus. White house or palace intrying one thing, but how does it impact agenda for this president. Healthcare, taxes, the stuff that matters. Thats next. You always pay your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™ Liberty Mutual insurance. Reporter the personnel moves at the white house. Spirals out, scaramucci in. Adam . Reporter connell, the message, healthcare facing a hurd until the senate with potentially not even enough votes to pass a motion to proceed so they can debate the built. But tax reform over and over again. You hear that is going to happen. Anthony scaramucci said as much. But here is more about what he said about where we go from here. I think there has been at times a disconnect between the way we see the president and how much we love the president and the way some of you see the president , and the American People who see the president the way i do. There might be a spread between how well we are doing and how well some of you guys think we are doing and well work hard to close that spread. Reporter scaramucci may be able to get the president to take a more active role campaigning for issues like healthcare reform by going into the districts of the congressmen and senators who are on the edge and applying more pressure when you get Trump Supporters showing up for a rally to pass legislation the president wants. Reporter i mentioned hannity having sean spicer and Reince Priebus on. Here is the new information that just came into us. We have a sneak peek. These are taped interviews. Here is sean spicer to sean hannity and why he resigned. He started sharing the podium with Sarah Huckabee sanders, Anthony Scaramucci comes in, did you feel this was against you, did you feel you were pushed out or it was just totally your decision. The president wanted to add to the team more than anything. I think it was in the best interests of our Communications Department and press organization to not have too many cooks in the kitchen. Reporter spicer and prebus tonight with hannity on the fox news channel. With healthcare reform stalling in the senate, should the Trump Administration, the new Communications Director with the wall street background move on to tax reform . Thats next. Just like the people who own them, every business is different. But every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. Whether it be with customer contracts, agreements to lease a space or protecting your work. Legalzooms network of attorneys can help you, every step of the way. So you can focus on what you do and well handle the legal stuff that comes up along the way. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Connell with the news sean spicer is out and Anthony Scaramucci is coming in as Communications Director at the white house, whats next for the agenda . One question we can look at, is it time to just move on if you are in the Trump White House . Scaramucci has the squall street background. Maybe its time to move from healthcare to tax reform. What do you make of that, rich . Maybe tax reforms time has come and you have got to sell it. Mcconnell is having the vote next week, no matter what. Then well know more. They can move on at having succeed on a wide promise. Then them move on to tax reform. Its unlikely they will get a big reform. You have a big difference between the house and senate over the border adjustment tax. But i think they will be highly motivated to get something done, and it will be a tax cut. Connell what about moving on quickly and try to get a win on the board when it comes to taxfree form. I think there is as consensus the healthcare bill doesnt have a pulse, no pun intended. It will be difficult for a number of reasons to get it off life support. I agree with my colleagues that tax reform. They may be able to get small incremental victories so to speak on the board. But doing something substantive since we have not done tax reform in any meaningful way since 1936. The bored adjustment tax is a big one. The issue of repatriation is something they might be able to get some agreement, some support from democrats. If they focus on reducing individual tax rates before Corporate Tax rates, that might be another area where they could bring some consensus to democrats its incumbent on both parties to govern. The other issue is infrastructure. Infrastructure is where they could get a win on the board. But the deficit hawks there might be a stumbling block. Connell rich was saying a few moments ago you dont think they could get a big tax reform parkage done. You need everything to line up perfectly and things arent lining up perfectly at the moment. But something on the corporate side and do something imaginative to get a middle class tax cut in there, maybe payroll taxes. That would be good. Lowering the rate, and the politics of corporate cuts arent great, but you get most of economic bang for your buck. Connell i think on Corporate Tax cuts tonights packaged properly you could. The dynamics in the house will be different than the dynamics in the senate as we have seen across the board when we try to pass legislation. If tax reform were to go through the regular order where we go through hearings and accepting amendments and going through the deliberative process, thats what we need to do. Democrats and republicans need to step up and look at solutions. Connell rrp rich, apparently the Communications Director of the white house, a wall street guy, thats his become grounds. He had fun with charlie at beginning of the show. He was railing at the president for going after hedge fund managers. Its not just anthony. Republicans will always have that thrown at them. Thats why its important to have a definite middle class element. Connell that has to be the focus. Thanks a lot. Well see how they move on certainly after healthcare next week. The attorney general Jeff Sessions, you remember him, hes still at work at the justice department. In fact hes calling out the city of philadelphia, challenging that city to rescind its status as a sanctuary city. That story is coming up next. My 30year marriage. My 3month old business. Plus. What if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . So i made a point to talk to my doctor. He told me about eliquis. 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Also with us is immigration attorney, and immigration attorney for melania trump, former federal prosecutor as well, michael wild. Lot of titles for michael. Start with you, michael in the studio, because working in immigration law, whether its for mrs. Trump or anybody else, this is a huge issue. What do you make what the attorney general is doing . Hot button subject. Our nation was born in philadelphia and you have an attorney general take issue with the way theyre deciding to exercise states rights. For the Republican Party states rights is abortion issue, gun issue. When it comes to federal law, the preempt shun takes over the dialogue. Police officers do not want to erode the trust that they have with people in the communities, and mayors and Law Enforcement said were not trained to handle immigration enforcement. We are here to protect people. Connell they should be able to keep their status is your point . The theory is this is going to erode further trust and not the way to go out in a gestapolike way and say everybody who is a foreigner is a criminal and protecting criminals from being brought to justice. They should be brought to justice but have to do it in humane fashion and with justice served through the constitution as was declared in philadelphia. As the other side of that goes, gina, you would take it. You heard what michael had to swhashgs do you think of the sanctuary fees and what the administration and the current a. G. Are trying to do . I think it has to be done. The gestapolike tactics are those being used by the political cities just in order to obstruct what is the safe keeping of american citizens here. Thats what were talk about. If you want to erode public trust, then dont protect citizens when thats your job to do it. Let me say they hope that attorney general sessions will go after these people with the federal authority he has and make an example of a couple of them so they realize theyre not going to get away. Connell right, theyre worried about violence, crime and gangs like ms13 and what have you. What do you say to that, michael . Quite honestly, immigrants perform heroic acts, they serve in the military. They are extraordinary fabric of our country. No doubt were not talking about immigrants. Should not be adamant proponent to make sure ms13 and felons get deported. Im a former federal prosecutor. Were not talking about that. Connell the debate is whether or not the cities themselves, whether philadelphia, new york, San Francisco, whether the cities should get involved, right . I dont think cities have the authority in a matter of federal preemption law. They have the right to be selective about it, up to the federal government to do it. New york city mayor ed koch told us over lunch, if the federal government is serious about removing people, send the National Guard and federal army in there. Im going to do my job, im actually educated in it. Thats less gestapo sending in the military. Were not talking about immigrants, dont confuse the subject. The american audience is much smarter about this. Were talking about people who already committed a crime. I agree with the criminals, theyre talking about immigrants, theyre talking about immigrants, not criminals. It is protecting legal immigrants by getting rid of Illegal Immigrants who are committing crimes mostly on the legal immigrant population in the country. Connell one brief thought each, michael and gina. Theyre trying to enforce people who never committed a crime, theyre showing up with orders of supervision. No one is supporting people who have never committed crimes. And being deported from the United States without due process. No one is supporting people who have never committed crimes, michael, the act of illegal immigration is a crime why are we denying that the word illegal doesnt mean illegal. Connell didnt get as much attention as it did here, got tend to it there, a lively debate. Michael and gina. Our pleasure. The markets reacting you might think to the white house shakeup. We spent so much time on sean spicers resignation, maybe not . Maybe there is not much reaction at all. Maybe investors are ignoring all of this. Maybe focused on how much money American Companies are making. Next week, a huge week on wall street. Well tell you why that is coming up next. microphone feedback listen up, heart disease. You too, unnecessary er visits. And hey, unmanaged depression, dont get too comfortable. Were talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. And fragmented care stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. Every single one of you is on our list. For those who wont rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. Optum. How well gets done. Is not just something you can see or touch. Home. Is a feeling. Its the place where you feel safe to have those little moments that mean everything. At adt, we believe that feeling should always be there. Whether its at your house, or your business, we help keep you safe. So you can have those moments that make you feel at home. You are loved wherever you are. Connell as tensions rise with north korea, the state department announcing a ban on u. S. Citizens traveling there. And how about hawaii . Offering emergency procedures for a possible attack. More to come. Connell shakeup day at Trump Administration, that was the news with sean spicer resigning and Anthony Scaramucci hired as Communications Director. Maybe you felt that was felt on wall street . It wasnt, stocks down slightly on a week full of records. Here to discuss the market, gesher kawasaki ceo and investment adviser. I think we put too much weight in whats happening in the political world, now it seems like this is a Market Driven by earnings, 180 some odd companies are reporting. Huge, huge names from technology and other industries. What do you make of how the stock market has held up as you see facebook, gm, all the reports we get next week, how the stock market has held up . Well, you know, most of us traders have turned off the political news because its actually quite distracting from the fundamentals of the market. And it makes people emotional and causes people to lose money in the stock market. So what weve really focused on is the data that were seeing, excellent across the board. Were seeing a confluence of positive things coming together all at once, and because the Trump Administration hasnt been able to make any drastic changes that might affect the economy in uncertain ways, investors have actually more certainty than we thought we would have, and theyre feeling more confident to invest knowing that the balances and the checks that our government has keeps crazy ideas from flowing in the economy. Connell theres all the talk whats going to get done, and nothing will get done if we fall off a cliff and cant pass tax reform. Youre saying thats the case. It has been a calm market. We watch volatility, this vix index, a fear gauge, at the lowest level in 23 1 2 years. What does that tell you . Maybe there is complacency we should be concerned about . You know, i think everybody should throw out using the vix for this method any longer. Index funds have made the vix irrelevant. Whats happened is the vix is check the volatility of the s p 500, not individual stocks. Connell right. And if all investors just buy the same index every week which is what theyre doing, there isnt volatility. And so the vix maybe isnt a good indicator anymore. Connell interesting, so now, we move into the weekend, everybody focused on politics, politics, politics, but next week well be looking at earnings, earnings, earnings, give us an outlook on the market here. This is where it gets good. Facebook along with many other Major Companies and we expect great numbers across the board. Here in california, you literally cant find, you guys are fighting about immigration, were desperate for workers here. The construction sites cant be completed because there isnt enough workers because of the current policies. So its really getting quite crazy when you look at job growth and the wage growth, its great. And so you know, it seems like under eight years of obama, people felt very scared to really invest capital because of so many regulations and antibusiness policies, but now that thats gone, irrelevant of trump, just that obama is gone. Connell i get it, you want to talk about chaos, but its a business friendly environment. Thats what it is. Absolutely. Connell good stuff, and interesting insights on everything from out there on the west coast. We appreciate it. Thanks a lot. Thank you. Connell a programming note for you, dont miss wall street week which is coming up this evening as it comes up every friday evening. Sneak peek of that now. Special guest, the ceo of the london stock exchange. Watch. The u. S. Economy traditionally has been led to the tune of 75 by consumer spending, it is probably time for investment to take up some of the slack, lest we are willing to let citizens continue to borrow and grow their personal indebtedness which everyone would agree is not the right solution. The gist of that tax reform seems certainly to us to be potentially very favorable to the economy. Connell thats tonight 8 00 p. M. Eastern with maria here on fox business, and right after that 8 30, a new episode of bob massis property man. Tonight fox business. 30 minute ride from new york to d. C. How about that . Elon musk saying he has the green light to build a hyperloop on the east coast. What is that and what does it mean . Details are next. Potsch you each drive a ford pickup, right . in unison russ, leland, gary yes. Gary i have a ford f150. Michael ive always been a ford guy. Potsch then i have a real treat for you today. Michael awesome. Potsch im going to show you a next generation pickup. Michael lets do this. Potsch this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. Gary super cool. Potsch the bed is made of highstrength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. Jim aluminum is great for a lot of things, but maybe not the bed of a truck. Potsch and best of all, this new truck is actually gary all laughing oh my. Potsch the current chevy silverado. Gary im speechless. Gary this puts my ford truck to shame. James ill tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. laughing whatever it takes, wherever i have to go. Im beating this. Breast Cancer Treatment is continuing to evolve. Ctca is definitely on the cusp of those changes. We really focus on taking the time with each individual patient so they can choose the treatment appropriate for them. I empower women with choices. Its not just picking a surgeon. Its picking the care team, and feeling secure where you are. Visit cancercenter. Com breast Appointments Available now. Connell back with a news alert that lets us forget about washington and talk about technology. First of all, a Consumer Advocacy Group is calling amazons deep discounts deeply deceptive. According to reports, federal trade Commission Investigating claims by consumer watchdogs, the Online Retail giant is misleading customers over how much the customers are actually saving. Amazon denied the accusations, released a statement, it reads so should amazon be concerned . Should any of us be concerned. The cyber guy is here. Curt, good to see you. Good to see you. We talk about amazon as we say amazoned another company, invading every kind of industry and kind of in their quest to take over the world. Theyre doing great in other words, amazon. I got up and shaved with amazon rayser and my amazon car and here i am. Connell exactly. Doesnt slow them down at all. The stock price not affected by the news, the needle on this one is somewhere a little between this allegation and then also what amazons statement is. So theres a truth there thats a little bit there, but not maybe as significant as what were talking about with the consumer watchdog groups. Whats the line there . Understand what theyre talking about, this is consumer watchdog, ironically thats their name and behaving to do. They say that in june, they looked at a thousand different products and tracked it over 90 days and over that period of time, in their study, that 46 of the products they looked at had a list price. They call reference price. You know, list price, sale price, then said over the 90 days, 61 of those products changed their prices so they were less expensive over the 90day period at one point or another, that that is misleading. Now the ftc will say yes, indeed, behavior like that is discouraged and should not happen, and you shouldnt mislead people, but amazons defense has truth to it. However, if you look at the allegation and you see, well, is there history to this . Amazon settles similar allegations to canada, january of this year, paying out a million canadian dollars. Connell get rid of them. It will derail the acquisition of whole foods . I seriously doubt it. Connell fair enough. The other Technology Story of the day, when all the spicerscaramucci stuff came up. I liked the story. Elon musk received verbal approval from who we dont know. We do know. Connell he says hes going to build a hyper loop. It would take us from here in new york city down to washington, d. C. In 29 minutes. Commuters who have been having so many problems in the cities would get there that quick, so tell us what you been Hyperloop Technology and if Something Like this will happen. Who did elon musk talk to about this. After the homework was done and the vetting went through. It was a source at the white house. Connell okay. So were talking about a very encouraging remark coming out of the white house. I dont think theres anything wrong with that. I think this is something that says lets innovate. This is a man, elon musk who knows how to make stuff shift. How to disrupt the markets. Connell these are tunnels where im being overly simplistic, the air pressure is lowered. Hyperloop. Remember going through the drive through bank with your mom and theyd give a lollipop back in the thing, she would make the deposit through and it sucked it through the hose, and the tell her it and theyre opening it up. Think of that. Thats about creating that in a series of tunnels or tubes underground when theres dense population or above ground in cases when its not dense, and that it uses vacuum and levitates with magnets. Whatever you put in there, be it your car on a sled. Connell or train of some sort. That it just can move so quickly, it would be 760 miles per hour. Connell right faster than a plane. If you look at perhaps the cost of this, the cost to put this between l. A. And San Francisco 7 billion, theyre estimating 6 billion between d. C. And new york. Connell maybe thats our Infrastructure Project . The project proposed in the state of california between the two cities or las vegas, over 70 billion. Somehow hes figured out a way to do this a lot less expensive and a lot of questions that have not been answered about this yet, for example, if it breaks down, how do we get out of the tube. Connell the little things. Heres what we know. Elon musk has disrupted space. Connell yes, he has. The cars, absolutely. Theres no reason now he wont get this done. Connell sign me up. Ill go down d. C. To cover the swamp. Good to see you. The programming note is all the movement down there with spicer and Reince Priebus both appearing on the show with sean. A further sneak preview of mr. Hannitys program and what priebus thinks of Anthony Scaramucci. The first thing i read is how you two dont like each other. I know you and him and knew it was a lie. This is so typical. Not only that, when i first came into the rnc, anthony was one of our regional finance chairman. Obviously, weve done a lot of things together. He was scott walkers finance chairman in wisconsin. You may have seen the clip, i even almost worked for anthony after the romney wait a minute. I want to go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. It contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. The risk is unknown in copd. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. These may worsen with anoro. Call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. Connell the Trump Administration is officially banning u. S. Citizens from traveling to north korea following the death of Otto Warmbier. Jim, what do you make of this move . I think they dashed the hopes of thousands of College Student who were planning to go to pyongyang for their starvation festival on christmas break. There are people who go there for tourism and go there as aid workers. The worst Case Scenario like Otto Warmbier they could end up dead, or they could be human shield at one of the missile sites. Connell i was just reading a piece you posted at foxnews. Com, the move to stop iran from getting an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile thats armed by way of north korea. The challenge is a simple one. A lot of expert have been screaming for years that the North Koreans and iranians are collab rating on missile technology. We know scientists from both countries have exchanged notes. We know a lot of missiles the iranians with testing are copies of north korean technology. This is collaboration we think has gone on for decade. If the North Koreans get desperate and lose hard currency from the sanctions connell the north korean economy actually performed well in the last quarter. Better than south korea. The numbers could be nonsense. Im not buying that. They will put that out as propaganda. They survived on chinese charity and occasionally saber rattling to bring count rest of us. There is no way in heck their economy is doing well. Their commission onethird the size of ethiopia. The sanctions are hurting. Kanl. Connell appreciate you coming on with us this evening. A good talk about something other than palace intrigue at the white house. Thats the big story of the day and the night. Sean spicer is out. Scaramucci is in as the white house Communications Director. Lou dobbs picks up our coverage next on fox business. [ ] lou good evening, the hostile, sometimes hateful White House Press corps may have finally gotten the Communications Director they deserve. White House Press Secretary sean spicer resigning after wall street financier Anthony Scaramucci was named white house Communications Director. Sarah Huckabee Sanders taking on the role of White House Press secretary. The shocking shakeup coming after spicer gave the president an ultimatum saying

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