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It makes no sense to not join together against this threat on north korea. They have not had any care for russia or china. They are not going to listen to anything that you say. So its time that we all stand together and say well not put up with this action. To sit there and oppose sanctions or go in defiance of a new resolution means you are holding the hands of jim congress un. Charles we of kim jongun. First thing we saw this morning was a joint communique between china and russia wagging their Financial Officers at america for prove vision. They have obviously been talking behind the scenes to come out with a joint statement that quickly. What they have to realize is things are going to get contentious for them. If we goat back channel with the japanese like maybe stepping up p up and taking some of our troops from korea if the koreans wont let us do what we need to do in south korea and japan goes nuclear. That would send russia and china through the overhead. We are that serious. We can do a lot of things before the bombs drop but we have to be strong and resolute in doing so. Charles the administration i starting to think china is not up to the task. Coal was down but the rest of their economics are intertwines more so than ever. The problem is the chinese have continued to trade with north korea as have the russians. Nikki haley is asking them to join forces at the Security Council and joke north korea out. Im not convinced they are going to do that. If they dont, well have to make a legitimate acting show of force. Charles we have precision, submit drills with south korea. We moved naval assets. What other show of force are we going to need to see before we get kim jonguns attention . I dont think a show is what we need. We do need to act. That means breaking one of his military program. These actions have consequences even if the rest of the world wants to sit on the sidelines and twitle their thumbs, the United States cant afford to. Charles we witnesses them loading the missile with liquid fuel. Their technology is moving a lot faster than the experts told us fit would just six months ago. We werent talking about an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile that could reach all of alaska. You have to make certain asuch shuns about them put be tip on a nuclear warhead. You know what in the Intelligence Community has been wrong about the speed of chinese buildup and the speed of the korean buildup. They totally have blown it. They are on a faster timeline than we think they are. So lets not sitback with convenient assumptions that we have more time to deal with this. We dont. The can has been kicked to the end of the road, and now its sitting in President Trumps lap. One of the things we should do to keep the pressure on the big kids in the neighborhood, russia and china, is looking at president reagan strategic defense initiative. Thats designed to hit Ballistic Missiles in their most vulnerable stage of flight, which is the boost stage. Right now we are waiting for a midcourse or terminal. By then two of the three steps are not good. You want it in the boost phase when its slow, hot and burning. Thats when we need to do it. Charles it feels kim jongun giving the quoteunquote american bastards a birthday gift, if you will. He launched 83 missiles. His far it and grandfather only did 15. Hes a different dynamic. Hes by far the craziest in the line of crazy kills. And we have to ad craz craze cry kims. All President Trump had to do was say thats not a good idea and he stopped. Once you prove that there is a way to stop you militarily and economically it make it easier for the diplomacy to work. Charles well have to show some force and maybe it will mean writing a check. Charles trade between u. S. And china grew almost 40 in the first quarter. The United States and china split over how to rein in the rogue state. You launch a few missiles and you launch a few missiles and you get paid something. But we always entered into agreements with them that included money and some responsibility on their end. They are united with iran. Iran is their teammate. So this is what makes this so urgent. And why they may have more advanced technology than we realized. Iran is paying them. Iran has been present there physically. They are the recipients. They are paying them north korea can do things iran cant do physically. If north korea can miniaturize a Nuclear Weapon you have to consider iran can. The iran deal included 33 billion. And this is not just staying in iran. This is what they are using. Why it make it even more urgent for us. Its not just dealing with japan. The north Korean Defense minister says hawaii can be reached with this. We have a duplicate dynamic happening in the middle east. Charles we sanctioned one chinese bank so far. We have been hovering around those man made South China Sea islands. The show is called making money and this is the fox business network. There is another show of force we can dough ploy, and thats an economic snow of force. If we were to deny china to its u. S. Dollar stock markets, that could cripple their economy and cripple their government. Charles why havent we done that . I asked gordon that. And he said there is worry about escalating a trade war. If the consequences are a nucleartipped missile hitting the u. S. Hawaii, alaska or tokyo. Kim jongun is not crazy. This is very personal. He needs to show force to the older generals encircling him. There are rumors he went to school in it witherland. So he has seen the world. But through different eyes. Tammy what president obama has been doing is brilliant. We got the tweets and that send a message. Also messaging that he want to take a hard line on chinese steel. The weapons to taiwan. China can change this in a moment by removing and even just replacing him with someone not from that mafia family. And china is in charge of that. Charles well see what happens. It gets very, very complicated. People say china has . 2 trillion in bonds. Rational olive branches have not worked and something ugly may have to happen thank you both very much. Trump, putin, two men, one stake. You are talking about a high stake chess match about to go down at the g20. Charles President Trump and russian president Vladimir Putin expected to sit down for an official bilateral meeting in germany in hamburg friday. This will be their first inperson meeting. Its their first bilateral meeting in nearly two years and everyone is expecting something major to come out of this. mercedes, we have the old kgb operative and on the other hand we have the successful businessman who goes from the gut. It will be an interesting chess match. With that being said im hoping President Trump doesnt take putins bait. We know putin is a master manipulator. We dont want a repeat of george w. Bush who said i looked into his soul and saw he was a trust were think guy. There will be issues that will be important such as ukraine and syria. It would be interesting if he does bring up the issue of the russian interference. But hes hoping to start a working dialogue with putin. Its to the benefit of both countries that we stabilize this relationship. This relationship is at a very low point. This is not a healthy way to proceed forward. We need a Good Relationship with russia. Its difficult when you are dealing with the like of putin. Its critical to find the mutual interests. Is that an advantage for put, the fact President Trump has been so vocal in saying whats wrong with having a Good Relationship with russia. His eagerness to forge a new bridge with that country. Typically thats when a Vladimir Putin find a way to take advantage. It does. When we had mitt romney he called russia our biggest geopolitical foe. When barack obama was running for election he said the cold war is over. In the civil war in syria, its a quagmire with no end in sight. The problem for putin and donald trump is its difficult for him to accomplish anything because for the First Time Since the cold war and well before that, the Democratic Party is active saying you cant do any business with russia. So everyone is watching. On the sidelines you have intellectuals like David Ignatius of the Washington Post calling for a new age where somebody like Angela Merkel will lead the world away from these evil guys. But the eyes will be on these two. They have the most hard power. Charles i got into a beef when i was in outnumbered. You, charles . I dont believe it. Charles some people are worried about optics, that President Trump shouldnt look overly chummy. Should he even care about that kind of stuff . Get ready. Media is going to be watching how close they are standing next to each other. If they looked at each other eye to eye. The body language will be important for the media. Im just hoping they dont take off their shirts to compare muscle size. Its very important to remind the Mainstream Media that from an International Perspective its incredibly important to have a stable relationship with russia. We are dealing with two Nuclear Super powers. It does provide for stability in the world. We have seen aggression coming from russia in areas like the middle east and their dealings with north korea. And its problematic. I think President Trump and his team clearly understand the landmines they are walking into. I think it will be interesting to see how both of these men are size each other up and where that relationship moves forward. But we cant continue with this low point with russia. They have to show the strength to move forward. Charles 95 million americans have given up looking for a job. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. I knew at that exact moment, whatever it takes, wherever i have to go. Im beating this. My main focus was to find a team of doctors that work together. When a patient comes to ctca, theyre meeting a team of physicians that specialize in the management of cancer. Breast Cancer Treatment is continuing to evolve. And i would say that ctca is definitely on the cusp of those changes. Patients can be overwhelmed. We really focus on taking the time with each individual patient so they can choose the treatment appropriate for them. The care that ctca brings is the kind of care ive wanted for my patients. 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Tim, lets start with the idea some are saying, there is a loud chorus saying we are paying people too much money and they wont go to work. We are paying people not to work. Particularly young, able bodied men. Some states are requiring work for welfare benefits. Thats a good idea. The welfare reforms in the late 1990s have been watered down aggressively during the obama years. The workforce participation the lowest since the carter years. One of the numbers worth pointing out, millennials 1824, a third of them now live at home. Charles tammy, its not going to get better. We have seen rampant abuse of all these systems. Especially when President Trump was encouraging people to seek out one of these transfer payment programs. Many of them got on there and they are staying. When he came into office. One of the things he did was reverse the work requirement which is making it easier to be on welfare. When we had that reform. The number of people using it went down by 60 . Under obama as a result it ballooned. The messaging is this is the new normal. Forget about having a career workplace. It could be very different. Of course it many depressing. Its not appealing. Then you are going to think maybe this world is not maid f for. We have an entire generation abandoned by not necessarily the mechanism. This is something we saw clinton change it very, very quickly, work for welfare, and george w. Bush continued that reform. And it worked. Charles im not sure, 12 years ago young men said i dont want to do what my dad did. I dont want to do what my did dad did, i dont want to take a train to the city fan work for the same company for 50 years. So they gravitated towards thement. The amount of time our young then have stopped working and are playing video games. Too Many Americans are losing faith in the american dream, that they can through hard work and aspirational hope and make their lives and hopes and dreams come true. Its something that sometimes happens when they look at washington, d. C. They see a rigged economy. But a lot of it is cultural. The video culture is not a healthy thing. Tammy i would argue its artificial. If there was messaging from the government this american dream. The future is back. I think we can do it again. Its not an american sensibility to give up. Charles its almost identical. Thanks a lot. Cnn tracks down and apparently strong arms the person behind the wrestling meme. I have the jefferson nose right there on the front of my face. When i think about being related to thomas jefferson, it certainly makes me feel a sense of pride the tenacity of not only that he showed in his life but was given to me through the slaves that im birthed through as well. It makes me think that theres really no excuse for me in any area of my life to not be able to conquer anything. Charles cnn facing extreme backlash. Ed the media outlet being accused of blackmail after writing an email threatening to reveal the reddit user who revealed the trump wrestling clip. Here to discuss, katie frates, gina louden and mercedes schlapp. It seems they were holding that over the guys head and it wasnt a so thinly veiled threat. It certainly does on the surface level. Even if we assume cnn was trying to correct someones behavior. They are not this mans mother. Its not their job to try to change the rhetoric of a private citizen. But they havent apologized or acknowledged that they did something wrong, they threatened a private citizen. It will be interesting what the internet does as a whole to cnn. So cnn might be in for a very bad time over the next couple weeks. Charles twitter has spoken. I cant stop laughing. Gina, cnn cant stop defending itself. Now they spent as much time talking about this as they did about the shooting of representative scalise. It seems like maybe thou protest too much. There are so many serious issues out there. North korea, china, the president s trip abroad. Illegal immigration. Here we are focused on this video. I guess it to me, charles, i think wow they put this much time into researching the russia collusion conspiracy theory, maybe they would have known months and months ago there was no there there and we could have been talking about the real issues getting things done for the american people. Charles i remember Kathy Griffin saying President Trump broke her. He has broken cnn. It is awkward to wash cnn. They are going down a dangerous path. They had to fire several of their reporters because their stories were wrong. Then they become obsessive about this meme. Now they decided they are going to basically bully a private citizen. Its very disturbing. It feels like they lost their sense of what they need to be doing as journalists. I would hope cnn and their leadership are able to figure out a way, which direction they want to take this news organization. Charles can this be a learning experience for everyone . It feels like we are embroiled in such animosity in this country, and organizations we used to have deep trust for we have distrust for these days. Maybe its time to fix that. It can be a learning moment and perhaps they might not outwardly apologize for their actions. But when may see a behavioral change in their rhetoric. You would hope to see that. I think that would be a good thing. But until then we have to wait and see how their actions change. Dont pick on private citizens. Dont report fake news. Dont stumble on yourself and fall to the ground so they cant get up anymore. Charles cheap crude, thats the story, the markets on the cusp of an historic breakout. Well be right back. Shes nationally recognized for her compassion and care. He spent decades fighting to give families a second chance. 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Enough with that with quicksilver from capital one youve always earned unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Welcome to unlimited whats in your wallet . Their leadership is instinctive. Theyre experts in things you havent heard of researchers of technologies that one day, you will. Some call them the best of the best. Some call them veterans. We call them our team. Monday the inability for tech stocks to maintain the rally cemented the idea that there was more to go on the down side. Just when it looked like we would be talking about that rotation story, there was rotation in hot names. But these were hot retail names including alta beauty. Burlington coat factory. Both under a lot of pressure. More than usual. Price mart, down 7 . Speaking of former hot retailer. True religion once the hottest jeans in the nation filed for bankruptcy protection. Being hip is fickle and flighty. The biggest loser was energy and crude oil. It got hit on reports of discontent. The cheap crude story helping out transportation names. The dow jones transportation index grew to a new alltime high. This index is up 29 in the last 22 weeks. But for the year up less than 7 . After moving sideways all year long it may be breaking out. We have news from the gat gallup job creation index. Its been 1 straight months at plus 30 or greater. We are going to get a. D. P. Numbers, then the jobs report comes out friday from the federal government. We could see all three major indices close at alltime highs. Of course, the data must coming in higher. I continue to be excited about this market. Im seeing it on the business side, on the front end. And i think there is more and more opportunity. We are seeing job numbers that are really astounding. My concern is the fed. What appears to be a lack of willingness to provide the kind of liquidity that can continue to drive the market. But i dont think well see that right away. I think the fed is concerned about making any big move that will disrupt market forces. Whether thats going to impact the market short term is doubtful. I think there is still a lot of opportunity. We have to get the policy things in place. I would love to see tax cuts happen. I would love to see infrastructure happen. I think the market believes it will happen and trump needs to make it happen obviously. Charles janet yellen has been talking about aset prices. Thats unnerving. She has done that in the past and she was wrong. The most recent was the i are ration aal comment by alan greenspan. I like what eric is saying with respect to how much damage the fed can do to this rally short term. If you looked at the fed minutes, they did speak about that, and whether the financials and markets are stable or not. There was concern about the prices being high. But there was a discussion, the fundamentals are there to support this. Whats the longterm outlook for the economy in particular. Charles why are they so unconcerned about inflationary numbers . Why do they think its a little bit something here, something there, like cheap cell phone prices and cable bills . There are some members of the fed who are concerned about this. They are not convinced this slowdown we have seen is not a temporary thing. They think it could be a longerterm thing. Charles when it comes to the violent words, why does the left always seem to have a double standard. What is it that Maxine Waters has against dr. Ben carson . Charles she got a standing ovation at the mtv music awards, representative Maxine Waters preached her brands of intell rons, she supposedly took on intolerance. She is no fan of President Trump. But she really doesnt like urban and housing secretary ben carson. She said he dont know anything about people in housing. He doesnt know the difference between an immigrant and a slave. Then she warned him if he thinks hes going to get a fast when he comes before my committee im going to take this blank apart. Wow the fact of the matter is anyone trying to protect the status quo should ask themselves if they really care. Something is horribly wrong with our system. Mr. Carson has fresh, new ideas. For thats Maxine Waters is going to take him apart and rip him a new one . Here to discuss, gina louden and amy holmes. Its so frustrating. All Maxine Watters does is complain and threaten. People want to hear what ben carson has to say. How long has she been serving in office on capitol hill and what has she done for the Block Community lately . The economy . Detroit. Not that shes responsible. But in crafting policies to help move america forward, and in particular the urban community. But Something Else i take great offense at is how often democrats think its okay to attack a black conservative. Al gore back in 2000 said and i wont nominate a Supreme Court justice like clarence thomas. He didnt say like antonin scalia. He singled out the black conservative. Apparently thats a category that can be knocked, demeaned by the democratic majority. Charles progressives, their power comes from fear. Once they lose that element of fear, when people realize they are loved in this country and they lose their power base, they are in trouble. This is the ultimate in utility of human beings. Maxine waters is the biggest hypocrite on this issue. She wants to keep black people in a needy situation where fathers are removed because they are relying on social welfare. And they have no chance to crawl out of poverty and joint upper middle class. Because if they do, she knows she loses their vote. What this is about is her own power and money. Its one of the most repulsive things about the Democratic Party and its exactly why they are losing. But here is one thing more. What if dr. Carson said this about her . Would there not be screaming media outrage from the from the altleft if he said that about her . Charles this playbook backfired on democrats. And to a decree, it backfired in the sense blacks didnt come out to vote. They werent energized by hillarys message. I had a conversation with Donald Trumps pollster during the campaign. They did well with College Educated black males. By also asked the question, why do democrats think using swearp words makes them edgy and hip . They think throwing out these curse bombs is going to work. Charles the war on police sadly claims another victim. This time a mother of three assassinated on the job in the bronx. When you have something you love, you want to protect it. At legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. With an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. . Charles a Police Department and an entire city in mourning after nypd officer was assassinated early this morning in the bronx. Police say 12year nypd veteran mother of three, 48yearold Miosotis Familia was shot and killed sitting in her marked nypd van. She was killed by 34yearold alexander bonds, a convicted felon who reportedly posted antipolice torl social media. Joining me to break did down, bernard kerik. Its a tough, bitter pill to take, when you have a Police Officer sitting in a car, a woman, 48 years old, three children. Shot, slain, slaughtered in cold blood. It is tough to understand. Any one of these days, when you have a loss like, this its not only a loss for the city, for the Police Department, but for the nation, and i tell you, charles, weve had this discussion before. You know, she was assassinated by a savage, and my fear is that these savages, these human rats, if you will, theyre multiplying around the country, theyre destroying our society. Theyre attacking our Law Enforcement officers. You know, i think its a very different time in this country today and we need real leadership thats going to address it. Charles christopher, its felt like open season on Law Enforcement for a long time, this is one of the more egregious acts weve seen in a while. We see social media playing a role where. Do you see it going . The opening scene in the gritty old crime thriller, fort apache the bronx, seems like the battle days are back. Social media allowed a lot of these maniacs to get their message out. The reason we know this killer is disliked of Police Officers, hate ret of Police Officers, believing they are killing prisoners and gang members, they spread it on social media. Weve seen the live killing sprees. I dont think theres going to be any slowdown of this, but this is the kind of message, killing, a woman there working the night shift. She worked the midnight shift in the bronx, a mother of three gunned down in blood. This is a symbol people can rally around and say this is not what we are. No matter if you get in a disagreement with police, this is not who we are. Charles guys, absolutely, i want to shift gears, in canada, a former member of al qaeda is rewarded for terrorism. Handsomely, 7 million. Apparently he was in gitmo, the canadian government shared information with america, even though hes admitted to killing, hes an admitted killer, commissioner, he gets pay the 7, 8 million. 10 million canadian. The bottom line is he was rewarded for slaughtering westerners and how does this happen . How does this happen in canada of all places . Well, listen, its not only happening in canada. You have the same mentality in some leadership here in the United States. These liberals, the leftwing politicians, they reward these people, they promote them, they support them. We had the president of the new York City Council in new york city promoting a former terrorist in the puerto rican day parade. This is a woman thats an elected official in new york city. Its not only happening in canada, its happening around the country, its happening around the world, and i think it has to stop. Charles it has to stop but seems to be getting worse recently. Yeah, and trudeaus government is the exact wrong take on the war on terror. This guy granted he was a young man brought over by his father, threw a grenade, during an attack on u. S. Soldiers that killed a medic, a father of children. Because of this he was brought to guantanamo bay. Canada is saying take a law and order approach, and its not that. Its a war. Charles got to leave it there. Thank you very much. At home, thank you as well. See you tomorrow. Lou good evening, everybody. President trump arrived in warsaw, poland just a few hours ago. Warsaw his first stop on european trip that will take him to hamburg, germany for the g20 meeting this friday. At that meeting, President Trump will for the first time be facetoface with russian president Vladimir Putin and World Leaders discussing how to deal with north koreas first launch of Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. The United States and south korea responded by holding joint drills, firingmissiles into the waters off south korea

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