Transcripts For FBC Making Money With Charles Payne 20170224

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Love are you and ned ryan who joins us from cpac. Was it as electric as it looked to us on tv . It looked like he had the crowd eating out of his hand. The energy, the excitement. Multiple standing ovations. He had to tell the crowd to sit down multiple seems. Ed the one line that stood out to me is the gop will become the party of the American Worker. If trump can do that between now and 2020, he shored up 9 conservative vote with neil gorsuch he will win the next election hands down. Charles last year donald trump was not at cpac. But its been a long time and and lot has changed. What did you make of whats going on now and not on the reception, but the remaking of the conservative movement . Throughout the year President Trump stuck to his agenda. He won people like the tea party over to his promises. Way saw today as i watched his speech is hes continuing to advocate the same agenda he ran on. Hes keeping his promises and we have every reason to believe he will continue to do that. Hes securing our border. He will cut the regulatory state and growing our economy and there will be more jobs for the American Worker. When he talked about brought go under the conversation. An talked about everyone being the same in the eyes of god. That i think is something that no matter which way the Republican Party leans will be a key foundation. Thats a key part of the republican base. He brought evangelical leaders and conservatives into the fold so he has to stick with that message. It combats the message from the left that says donald trump is xenophobic and racist. He needs to make sure people know hes not a divisive leader. Charles blue collar republicans, white republicans who have been ignored by the elites on both sides of the aisle. They gave donald trump a shot. This was a party overinvested in the ideas of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are important, but most people arent entrepreneurs, they are workers. And this is the key break through donald trump made. Its not just higher gdp, its higher wage growth. Charles c park is obviously cpac is obviously known for the younr conservative movement. How did e younger republicans, how did this message resonate with younger republicans. Toot energy in the room was incredible. There were so many Young College students who came out to cpac to support President Trump. One thing i noticed that resonated with him is the forgotten men and women of this nation will not be forgotten anymore. It was amazing to see. I think they appreciated the fact over the last three days he kept so many promises. More than some president s have kept in four to eight years. Charles the second highlight i would suspect of the gathering was bannons conversation and his straightforwardness. You could talk about trains priebus keeping the trains running on time. But if you talk about the ideology and the passion behind this, hes got to go to bannon, right . Bannon of course is a known quantity here at cpac. Sos been at cpac for a lot of the previous years to to see him on the main main strangle. With began noon the white house. Hes the guy who will be pushing a message well agree with that will help trump push forward a message we agree with. There wont be complete agreement. But ban ma d but began noon is e guy to but bannon is the guy to do it and see him on the stage as the Senior Adviser at the white house. Charles lets take a listen to what Reince Priebus had to say. President trump brought together the party and the conservative movement. There is a new political order being formed out of this. The center cover what we believe, that we are a nation with an economy. Not just some Global Market place with open borders. But a nation with a culture. Charles the term that will come out of this gathering is economic nationalism. Does that connect back to the roots of the Tea Party Movement . When we started 8 years ago, and 8 years ago next monday is the anniversary. We started because the government was growing larger and larger, spending more and more money and our debt was increasing. President trump and steve bannon and breitbart focused on this for the last 8 years. And they are going to address that. Americans around this country understand when we are 20 trillion in debt, its real money someone is going to have to pay back at point. I want to say one more quick thing about bannon and President Trump. They both over the last several years have listened to the American People and they have taken what they learned from the American People and they are enacting that in the white house. Its encouraging and congress could learn from it. Charles the there are secured what he calls Fake News Media. The Dishonest Media did not explain that i called the fake news the enemy of the people, the fake ns. They dropped off the word fake. All of a sudden the story became the media is the enemy. But i am only against the Fake News Media or press. Fake. Charles the fake news battle, bannon hit it hard, all so wane lapierre wayne peninsula pierrpierre hit ithard. By so its seen as white house assault on the first amendment. They lie, dont they . You cant understand everybody thats happening news understand the Democratic Party and political left have declared war on trump. And a large section of the media is willing to be an army upon one side of that war. And it didnt begin with trump. For the last eight years Mainstream Media has covered for the biggest, most brains liar in the history of the american presidency. Barack obama. He didnt lie about little things. He lied about war and peace. He got elected in 2012 by claiming falsely senate died was on the run and he might was fawld false. E lied about benghazi knowing it was a terrorist attack and sit was because someone defamed the prophet mohammed. He lied about is signature healthcare. He knew of couldnt deem keep your doctor and your plan at a lower cost. Maybe donald trump talks off the top of his head sometimes, but calculated lies like obama told . No. If i just say this, people will be shocked. Obama is a liar. There is an even fire book written about his lies. Charles i want to focus now on President Trump. To a degree barack obama this oh spur veer view mirror. We know the Mainstream Media launched war against donald trump. Today there was a mixup at the white house over some reporters not being invited to a quoteunquote gaggle. As a consequence quefns that you had time magazine, ap, they chose not to go pnt traditional powerhouses, cnn was left out. Breitbart was let in. There is what a battle going on. But making the media, the purchase vairts of what he calls fake news look like distance if this kinds of stuff connues. He knows its a good aflaws line blaming the media. But you are make them more aning this particular and you are you are making them more antagonistic. And its creating a story that looks pretty negative no matter which side you are coming from. He should be focusing on getting his message out about the policies hes work only. Tax reform that will be huge for businesses and individuals. When he loves this big storm and anger at the media, but he has to focus on what good policy hes doing. I have totally disagree with what was just said. You dont win a war by ignoring somebody is shooting at you. In the bike of written, big agenda, i describe the viciousness of the of democrats which everybody can see now. They will get emotionally exhausted. He has to sell his good policies. The reason trump won the nomination was base wants intimidated. Charles the media never had someone fight back to this degree. But some people are saying can it go too far. Next, donald trump drops the hammer bigley on the f. B. I. Over the nonstop government leaks. Charles the president is blasting the f. B. I. For what he says is the bureaus failure to crack down on the infamous leaks. They cant even find leakers win the f. B. I. Itself. Classified information is being give to the media that could have a devastating effect on u. S. Find now. I any there are a lot of people who agree with that. And there are people who said they would love to see President Trump do this behind closed doors with the f. B. I. To keep up that morale boost that was sparked after he was inaugurated. I think there are a couple of things you have to look at. To send those tweets out that the fine cant stop the leaks within it own organization. There is no empirical information the f. B. I. Is doing this. Charles where would the information be coming from . It feels like there is a problem there. We ought to reseal the windows, doors and phones at 1600 pennsylvania avenue would be a good tart. This is not the way to go. He tuns to use tweets that use an acquisition formula of firing it cant go on that way. Somehow it has to stop. There is a way to look at this. If hes upset with leaks coming out. We have the look at all aspects of this. But i totally agree with you. This is best con behind closed doors. He has dont same thoingt Intelligence Agency and now he wants to do it to Law Enforcement. Charles so far every type he implemented this, whether its publicly traded companies or different institutions, it seemed to have some sort of positive impact. There is a sense of urgency that something is deeply wrong within the f. B. I. Something is very wrong. You are right, hes rewriting the book. Hes calling the agency out thats suppose to have the best Law Enforcement officers and technology in the world, hes calling them out. Whats wrong with that. Im amazed how no one in these agencys have beenr been able to plug these leaks. Something is wrong somewhere. I have got to tell you we noticed the past few months there has been a lot of trouble in all of these agencies. There are people not happy with donald trump. If this is deliberate. Someone needs to be reckoned with quickly. Charles an assessment of what you think happens from here. First all, charles i think it am non sequitur to say there are leaks and the bureau is causing these leaks and they cant solve the leaks doesnt make sense to me. But we have to take a close look at whats going on and see if we can solve them. Charles when you say lets see if we can solve them, it doesnt give the American Public a lot of confidence in our key intelligence agencies if the spies cant control leaks. You have to determine where the leaks are coming from. And access to the different agencies or the different places where the leaks come from. Lets be reasonable. A lot of these leaks could many coming out of the white house with disenchanted people that are there. Charles i think we are all in agreement that they need to stop because there could be some information that could do harm for everybody watching the show. Thank you very much. Always appreciate. Coming up, a bored tax battle royale. Which side are you on . I have two smart people with two different opinions next. I certainly support a form of tax on the bored because everybody else does. We are one of the few countries, possibly the on country that has no border tax. Thats not a thanks to the consumer. That will be a tax to companies and a tax to other countries. Charles President Trump doubling down on the potential to i am pleament bored tax. Hes saying the u. S. Economy has suffered it would. But there are whispers that indicate a lot of people in the gop including President Trumps own cheef Economic Advisor Carre Gary Cohen not on board with this. You were vivid yesterday with the way this is being presented to our audience. Set the record straight. You are one of the top economic minds i know. What do you think . I was distressed by something your listener just heard, President Trump talking about how we are the on the country that doesnt have a border tax and the fact that other countries have a vat. These are not the same things. Its a good thing the United States doesnt have a value added tax. As a refugee from france i now its a terrible idea to give the government this type of source of revenue. But the border adjusted tax is actually possibly paves the way to us getting a vat and it makes no sense. Im really distressed by the discourse and the talking points of people who support it who make claims like there is a trade, unlevel Playing Field because importers have an advantage in this country. And its not true actually. Importers to this country, they are taxed the exactly the same as sourdough mess particular companies. Charles first all, President Trump promised massive reduction in taxes. So we have people saying how do we make it budget neutral. Some are thinking its economic justice, full, that the rest of the world has gotten the better of us in the trade deals and this is one way to rectify it. How do you see it . You have to look at this plan as a whole. Im amazed how many conservatives are complaining about the 2. 4 trillion tax cut when the plan was scored we und it wouldoothlevel of the economiabl economiy by 9 . Charles do we need aer a bored adjustment tax . Yes, we do. We are replacing a 35 Corporate Income tax with a 20 cash flow tax that taxes foreign products at the same rite rate as domestic products. I dont seat problem with that i dont see the problem with that. Charles this interview with Steve Mnuchin will air over the weekend. An yesterdays look at called a reciprocal tax saying we want to create a level Playing Field. We are not going to get into trade wars. But the president believes in free trade. But he believes in fair trade. And we are going to prenegotiate these deals so they are good for the American Public and American Work pan american companies. They look for fair deals where the deals work for us and work forther parties. And thats what we are going to do. This is talking about trade agreements. You dont address the trade agreement through the tax code. We have to understand the border tax is a distraction from the rest of the tax plan. In the Tax Foundation model the growth does not come from the border adjustment. We should lower the rate and we should move to a territorial extent. Thats the two reasons why our companies are at a disadvantage come fired rest of the world. Compared to the rest of the world. This is why all the assertion about the benefits of the border adjustment tax. Actual littax. Charles we are out of time. Bif want to bring you back because this debate will not go away. But you both partial your points very eloquently. Thank you both have much. You can watch marias full exclusive interview with treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin sunday on fox news channel. Trump says he will build the wall and enforce the law. We are going to build the wall, dont worry about it. We are building the wall. We are building the. In fact its going to start soon , way ahead of schedule. These are bad dudes. We are getting the bad ones out. We get the drugs, they get the money. We get the problems, they get the cash. No good, no good. Charles President Trump electrifying the crowd this morning striking roaring applause applause from the cpac audience. They have what you would call an alternative agenda. New York City Police commissioner reportedly tells officers that they will not help the feds with immigration warrants unless theres a risk to public safety. A row by row salazar and gina. Gina the crowd went crazy over the wall. I have no idea what is wrong with that and it makes me wonder what other laws, is that the job now the people that he trusts to be our Public Servant . Is the job now to pick and choose which things they want to enforce that when people are breaking the law charles it has to be that they do their jobs. Thats all a Trump Administration is asking people. Charles elf iraq i thank what people dont talk about is the communities that the quote unquote bad hombres. The Illegal Immigrants who are most likely to be the victim i so when mayor de blasio said you know dont enforce the law or the governor of connecticut says dont enforce these laws i feel like its putting them at risk more than anyone else. Its good to be here with you. Think what the mayor of new york is doing as well as the mayor of miamidade Miamidade County they are trying to protect the good hombres not the bad ones. Charles but it keeps the bad hombres in the neighborhood how are you keeping the good hombres . The bad hombres know who they are and where they are in the moment they are arrested the feds will know about it and the mayor of Miamidade County in the mayor of new york city will turn them over to the feds. Charles thats the way supposed to work. Absolutely and thats always going to work in Miamidade County. The problem is every time President Trump talks about the bad hombres everybody, we are talking about 55 million hispanics and 11 million illegals that are not supposed to be here i know that but they are here because they are doing something, a job that other americans wont. Charles a lot of them are here who are taking from the public trough for their welfare, their kids are going to school you know theres an economic debate over whether or not it has a net positive impact and some people believe they dont but be that as it may let me ask from a legal point of view its sort of mindboggling josh that a mayor or a governor would defy the president of the United States on something that is over his control. This is a federal issue. How dare they say we are not going to enforce the laws of the nation. Actually federalism the you cant tell the states what to do. To give you an example in the 1990s the Clinton Administration tried to forc states and local sheriffs to form background checks for guns anthsheriff said we are not going to do this in a 54 decision Justice Scalia said state officials cannot be commandeered to enforce federal policies. The broader principle of federalism is very important and that the feds can tell the states what to do. Charles but gina having said that if you have someone who has committed a crime like the death of kates final and given the benefit that completely different democrat example and is completely different because we are talking about the threat, visible threat to the community. Right and you make that exact point right there charles. I have to differ with your last guest who said you know that this feds dont have authority. The police department, they dont work for them. They work for we face at charles and if they are not willing to enforce the laws that are already on the books i have a big problem with that as a citizen and i think thats all arms of the law should come down on them if they are going to refuse to protect their citizens especially from a criminal like the one that killed kate steinle in so many in my own neighborhood that i live. Charles we are going to let you go. You can party and drink a margarita and enjoy the 67degree weather in new york. Thank you all very much. The elite strike back and now theyre aiming at donald trump stock market rally. I will tell you all about it, next. Special edition. This is one gorgeous truck. Oh, did i say theres only one special edition . Because, actually theres 5. Aaaahh ooohh uh holy mackerel. Wow. Nice. Strength and style. Which ones your favorite . Come home with me its truck month find your tag for an average total value over 11,000 on Chevy Silverado all star editions when you finance through gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Mattress firmness . Fortunately theres a bed where you both get what you want every night. Enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow only at a sleep number store. Right now, save 50 on the ultimate limited edition bed. Sale ends sunday go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Charles President Trump says the city needs help after seven people were killed on wednesday including now the city wants federal help charles the markets continue to be a may day and is not this triple digits than underscore the voracity of this rally but it sees lastminute surges like the one we saw today that said all three major indices into the plus column and making it 11 days in a row for the dow. Theres this prevalent in church or that sparks the running of the bulls which i can tell you i think it speaks well of the longer it terms a stamp rally that of course will have some downsides. It will be down at some point. Meanwhile heres the thing, the antitrump crowd are bringing the fight to the stock market. We know of course President Trumps talked about this market rally and how it reflects upward spirits in this country which of course now his open the door for his opponents to focus on derailing the rally. Fact i will give an example theres a Brokerage Firm could downgrade at goldman sachs. Think about that all the good news that is builtin and perhaps there are too many rosy assumptions on policies by the Trump Administration that will never materialize yet a lot of good things have already proved and take nasdaq. An 80yearold Company Based in coral gables florida posted their best fourthquarter in company history. During that quarter revenue surged 31 . It was aided by the oil and gas Division Revenues up. Oil and Gas Infrastructure is going to contender according to management. They have 1. 7 billion in new contracts and fresh demands of air saying 2017 was going to be a record year. There was some scuttlebutt about this topic we just had on the border adjustment tax that helped bring the market to life. Ive got to tell you there are powerful forces on both sides of that issue but the stock orkut i think wants to be sure the consumers or twothirds of our economy are encouraged to spend about have to pay extra money. I will continue to say that you must ignore the forces that are looking to derail the rally particularly for political reasons. You also have to ignore your own internal anxiety. Make your portfolio grade, make your bank account great again. Do it for yourself. Next aware of the business elites and big business. Im going to lay down why you have to be careful out all these big business bigwigs that they think see the light. Maybe they dont. Charles the Public Meetings for manufacturing to retailers from small and large a bit of a mix. You can almost call it the perfect mix of optimism and intimidation. Its a stark difference from the Previous Administration which was always addressing the corporate profit driven. Ironically the new tone of this nation expects corporations earn less money as they reassure jobs and spend money building plants in fact trees in america. I get it back when all the stars align the idea is the heart paid workforce will spend money on higher price quality items that will make up for the bottom line but ive got to say these meetings scored by President Trump, they have been good. They have helped President Trump and helps the American People with a lot of wins but for those banking on a massive shift in job creation is theres a manufacturing i want to say take care not to take too many victory laps early. Consider intel recalling the white house to promote a factory that it are to promoted under president obama. Consider General Motors announcing it will invest 1 million in america. Heck they have invested 2. 9 billion last year. Consider the photo op when President Trump came to roll out the latest version of the dreamliner yet the Company Announced it was laying off 8 of its commercial Airline Workers in december and says its going to buy 14 billion in stocks. Consider some of the family or faces emerging rummys white house gatherings doubt chemicals maryland newsom both were vice chairs of the Business Roundtable. The same Business Roundtable that played a Critical Role in creating nafta now being asked to dismantle it or circumvented and other trade deals they were involved in. The same Business Roundtable that generates the majority of their Profit Growth from global pentacles, the ceos have been around for a long time and they are while that that point putting the Public Relations game. By the way their job is to bolster the autumn wind period so i think we will see more Ribbon Cuttings more than ever before but that doesnt mean theres a real impact folk concessions being made by these guys. I say yes lets keep it going, but i do caution the white house not to be making cosmetic changes and a bunch of Ribbon Cutting ceremonies. The business expert, do you get where im coming from . Im a little bit worried that these folks talk out of both sides of their mouse. I totally understand what youre saying charles but heres a thing. I spent most of my corporate career marketing and thats part of the business game. Theres no one more masterful at marketing than donald trump. Im sure you would agree with that i really dont think anybodys going to be pulling the wool over his eyes. The other thing is i think its naive to believe that these corporations are going to suddenly turn into a benevolent nonprofit because they have a fiduciary duty to return a rate of return for their shareholders. Bringing up the Business Roundtables here what i like about that is that hes pregame people who oppose his viewpoint. He is listening to a diversity of opinion and he is listening. What happens a lot of time with regulation and policy in washington and that really hurt Small Businesses is the policies that look great on paper and in theory but o actually applied they are hurtful and they are unintended. At least he sitting down and listening. Lets see what the execution is. Charles everyone applauds President Trump are sitting down and listening so keep that part going but i worry about the vested interests. When people talk about globalism, when they talk about corporatism these are the folks who created it. They live and die off of it so i want to make sure how do we make sure in assisting the white house and making sure there are authentic real concessions made so real jobs can be made in this country not the cosmetic stuff. I think right now the cosmetic stuff is a start but we have to have transparency. We really have to know whats going on and once again i go back to the fact that we live in a capitalist society. Corporations and businesses all sorts of, we deserve to earn a profit but by keeping a focus on these businesses we are going to hold them accountable and thats why President Trump is going to do by gosh if youre going to reap their awards charles reaping the rewards of being an american company. Let me ask you about Small Business. Are you happy what youre seeing so far with respect to potentially lower taxes and getting rid of these regulations in the impact it will have on Small Business . Im very excited about it. Optimism is at alltime highs so i think its very exciting. The present was speaking at cpac and he said we are going to do away with 75 of regulations thats been strangling Small Businesses, suffocating us. Do you want to hear more specifics about the tax reform though. Charles thank you very much. They used to call it but now they the call is cpac. The conservative movement is all about trump these days. We will be right back. Let it sink in. 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Charles is President Trump changing the overall space of conservatism here to discuss gina loudon and ed rollins. Gina hear the headline to read today cpap gets dramatic makeover. How about this one the g. O. P. Isnt the party of trump yet or the rise of the tough guy right. As conservatism changed, hasnt changed from what people thought it was even a year ago or three or four years ago . No, no think so but i do think President Trump has come as very much a more pleasant surprise than a lot of people really would have predicted charles. You know i have been on your show for a long time, many months thing about donald trump was our most viable winnable option that but i can say a lot of people didnt agree with me. I think they have, and around. We are just talking about the values that have always been conservative values and consvatives are ve surised by that. Charles, if you were to close your eyes and just say its president and this presents us putting forward a rock star conservative judge putting together possibly one of the most conservative as we have seen in a generation or two wants to cut taxes wants to repeal obamacare, wants to put together a Strong National defense usa this is one of the best conservative presence we have ever had a new open her eyes and go oh its trunk. Nothing is changed. He is put forth a really solid solid put forth a solid conservative message. One that message. One that thinks its important to understand is putting for something i call patriotic and served some americanism. Its not necessarily the diehard adherents to rip public and work but a lot of things he is doing now conservatives are thrilled with. Charles you guys get the sense of some folks in the room or saying hey we gave President Trump a shot and yes it shows what is going to do with it in part because the g. O. P. Leaders of today they dropped the ball. Every time they give him power they take nothing with it so i feel like the entire party was ready for a change. What do you think, gina . Theres a huge enthusiasm theres no doubt about that device comes with a qualifier. Ive got my eye on it and by golly if he starts to deviate from the things he said he would do when he was elected that ill be the first one to stand up and say it and ive heard that over and over from conservatives at cpac. I think President Trump has come honestly is a big surprise the fact that he brought up welfare reform today. These are magical words to people who have suffered through eight years of obama and frankly in some cases our own Republican Party letting us down so this is a great moment to be conservative. Charles guys i really appreciate it and i will same a little bit jeaus. I didnt think cpac s gointo be this cool but her look like he was the best onevernd you guys are right there. It was so much fun to be in there. Charles thanks for sharing with me and at home thank you and now heres lou dobbs. Lou President Trump today taking a victory lap receiving a rock star welcome at cpac the largest annual gathering of conservatives. Mr. Trump sounding sending in antiglobalist message promising to work for america first. There is no such thing as a global anthem, a global currency or a global plan. Im not representing the globe. Im representing your country. The president escalating his attack on the leftwing National Media saying he wanted to and the scourge of fake news. Through t

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