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Hes a man of tremendous talent and tremendous experience. I watched and read a lot over the last few days. He is highly respected by everybody in the military, and were very honored to have him. Charles the president also naming acting National Security adviser Keith Kellogg as National Security counsel chief of staff and former un ambassador john bolton will also be named to his security team. Joining me now to discuss rodgers and scott. Scott, let me start with you. Universal, all im seeing so far are just rounds of applause for this election. Yeah. Hey, charles, thanks for having me on. As a green beret, i worked around a lot of talented combat leaders and i aalways called it rooftop leaders. The kind of leaders that would go up on a rooftop or firebase and defend even if others didnt follow. Thats the kind of leadership that this work requires and thats definitely who hr mcmaster is. Hes lived it. Hes done it. I mean, he is very innovative, many hes also got a to be of experience in these places, and he knows what were up against. Charles yeah, andrew, to that point the first active duty chief since colon powell three star general iraq, afghanistan, knowledge to this. He accordingly, you know, hes written a book on how to deal with this, and i think it gives everyone great confidence that will solve these middle east conflicts, at least from a Military Point of view sooner rather than later. Thats right. At least the nse side. You know, hes such an intellectual and physical powerhouse. You know, in afghanistan when i serve with him, he was nicknamed the right reverend hr mcmaster because he was such a forceful personality and could argue so effectively any policy position he had. And i think especially dealing with a cabinet and white house thats filled with a lot of larger than life personalities, i think thats going to be a quality thats going to serve him very well in the wars to come. Charles andrew, let me ask you. Because a lot has been made over you brought up the point these larger than life personalities. Whether or not hell be able to bring his people in, what kinds of hands will be but they. You know, some of the scuttlebutt thats surrounding this particular pick and some of the recent nominees. Well, i think actually this is where being an active duty military officer serves him well. Because in virtually no military commands can the new commander bring in an entirely new team. Usually they inherit the team that comes with it and then add a few of their own people. So i think that was attractive to the Administration Since he wasnt going to wholesale flynns people out the door but just tinker with it perhaps around the edges. Charles weve got our good friend with us in studio with us. Steve rodgers. Again, everyone is applauding this. Senator mcmann, even on the gop side who had differences with President Trump. This is a universallyloved nominee in part because if you think about the intellectual crowds that he brings with this, and you master that with the mcmats. You have guys than the only walk the walk but are great thinkers. A brilliant choice on the part of the president. In 2014 when he was given his third star, he was known as the 21st century general. He had enough understandable and accountable to look forward and to build our future forces for 21st century challenges. So this is whats exciting about him. This general doesnt only look at whats happening today, but he has vision, and he can pretty much predict what we need in the future. Charles scott, on that note, what are the new needs . What are the unique side effects of how we fight war particularly in the middle east and how we try to resolve this long on going conflict that Everyone Wants to just kind of get out of . Well, look, charles. One of the Biggest Challenges we have is islamists violent extremists who operate, you know, in these larger than life places in iraq or afghanistan but yet have global reach. And it is going to take the kind of innovation that mcmastery has. And i tell you what else its going to take. Hell push back if its a stur and repeat strategy charles are you saying hell push back against the commanderinchief . Hell have to. And i think thats a necessary requirement for this position because what weve done for the last 15 years hasnt worked too well, has it . Charles no, it hasnt. Or else we wouldnt be 15 years and counting. We started a launch on mosul. I guess i was always cynical because it happened under president obama that i thought it was going to go into a victory. Maybe a boost for hillary clinton. Now its dragging along, bumping along. Not a lot of red flags out there. Should thereby . You know, what was holding back the mosul attack was the logistic and Intelligence Report that the iraqi army has had such a hard time integrating into its operations. So i think simply it took a lot of time for that to catch up. I was also cynical, and i thought, oh, well this is going to be right before the election. But i think the real answer is just that like a lot of developing world militaries, the iraqi army has some trouble with support functions. Charles you know, steve, a lot has changed. You have Vice President pence with the secretary general nato today. The world has changed. It has become a lot more complex. Fighting wars has changed dramatically. Youre extremely confident that mcmaster is the guy who understands the past enough and the present enough to get us prepared. Not only that, charles, but he has gained and earned the respect from people from the joint chief of staff down to the soldier on the field, the seaman on the sea and the airmen in the air. But also respect of military leaders around the world. Charles that is key because weve heard so much about this core. Our military was a rutterless ship under president obama. We didnt have any clear lines. It didnt feel like we were fighting wars to win them. He disdained war but still admired it from day one. And it felt like a feckless approach to it, and it really got to the average soldier, didnt it . It did. And its a matter of respect, and our friends in the air can tell you that. Even our enemies, there is this Mutual Respect warrior worship versus warrior. We have a warrior now but a good warrior who knows his stuff. Charles scott, can you give us an assessment then how do you think things will go from here . I know its tough. Weve been muttle in these conflicts for a long time and new ones pop up. And theres the uniqueness of isis being able to attack us. Even in the west organize terror operations from out in the middle east. No. I appreciate it. Look, i look at this a lot in my game changes and my view on this is that this is going to be a really long war. We have to settle into this one. Even though were going to go after isis stronger than we have in a long time, my sense is that this global narrative that isis puts forward of, you know, the apocalypse, it draws a lot of folks in, and they are immersed in some rough places. And goodnights require us to mobilize these places. And thats going to take some time. It wont happen in one administration. You mark my words. Charles really . Wow. Thats shocking to hear, andrew. Listen, we knew candidate trump said he would have an isis strategy within 30 days. Of course hes not going to articulate it or share it with the world. He repeated that over the weekend how dumb it would be to do that. But having said that, do you feel hes got the right pieces in place in terms of now his military leadership . I do absolutely. Im not as pessimistic as scott, but im an intelligence officer. You know, thats a new role for me. I think once the capture of mosul is finished and the go ahead is given to the syrian kurds outside of isiss capital of racka in syria, the isis project is going to come to an end very quickly. I think mcmaster is exactly the right person to handle this with his experience in fighting in northern iraq. Charles all right. Gentlemen, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Vice president pence as i mentioned goes to europe. Theyre going to pull their weight and a lot more. Weve got the details next america will do our part. But europes defense requires europes commitment as much as ours. For too long, for too many, this burden has not been shared fairly among our nato allies. And that must come to an end. I think when secretary mattis was here, he spoke very plainly about the frustration of the american people. Charles Vice President pence today calling for the burden of peace to be quote fairly shared among our nato allies. That was at a joint press conference with the secretary general of nato earlier today. And you know what . It looks like nato just blinked. Roll tape. Europeans cannot ask the United States to commit to europes defense if theyre not willing to commit more of themselves. So all of our lives must spend 2 of gdp on defense. Charles joining me now, amy, ford oconnell. Adam, i thought that was a very impressive press conference. It was like a game of cat and mouse. America knows they have to back us up. But we admit we are going to pay up. Would make of it . Did that not feel good . I mean, when mike pence said to secretary let me make it very clear. If you have a plan to pay your fair share and of course only five of 28 nations are paying their fair share, germany, france were. If you have a plan to do this, accelerate it. If not, get one. I love that. That was pure theater and poetry, but it was long due. And what will be known i think today, charles, is a red letter day for American Foreign policy. On the one hand, you get Lieutenant General joining the a team of tillerson and mattis and kelly. And now youve got a real player and the Vice President telling europe its time for you to weigh in and be a part of our mutual defense and his message was heard loud and clear. David of course, amy, a lot of people were thinking about what general mattis said last week or else. In other words, if you dont get your act together by the end of this year, thats it. And, listen, Vice President pence is just amazing because he has a way of putting things that is so diplomatic. He articulates things whether its mattis or President Trump, he knows how to say it in a way that calms the waters. Right. And if you noticed, he sort of said or else. He didnt articulate what the or else would be. And theres this phrase we keep using over and over since Donald Trumps election. A new sheriff is in town, and we saw it being direct and stating our expectations and nato allies have been underpaying all of these years and now theyre saying theyre going to pony up is. Charles by the way, i want the audience to know thats the joint base andrews President Trump arriving back from his week. Of course it was another working weekend for the president. Again, he got a lot of things done in addition to that campaignstyle rally. On saturday today the major breaking news we do have today and, again, here we have just now leaving air force one. Im sorry, amy, go ahead. No, thats perfectly all right. And as were saying, donald trump is also, hes assembled this a team with the department of homeland secretary kelly. General mattis and also mr. Pence. Vice president pence. And then today with his announcement of general mcmasters, thats getting applauded across the board that he is a serious person of real intellect that can handle the job. Pence may very well be the mvp of the Trump Administration. I tend to trust countries to put their money where their mouth is. Only a few are bucking up the 2 gdp. That 2 must be put towards capabilities and not ancillary costs and thats going to be the real poof in the putting here, by the way, i should let the audience know that our new National Security adviser mcmaster is on the plane. He did fly with President Trump on air force one as you can see now President Trump getting on marine one. Adam, on that note, it is really interesting. Youve got so many countries where i dont know. I guess lots figure theres so much money there, theyll never be invaded. Benjamin, spain some people are argue they are being invaded as we speak by the migrant crisis. Charles and im glad you brought that up, amy, because thats the other part that was going on. The cat and mouse chess game today. The role of nato. Now, they started out talking about the past role of russia and pushing back against russian aggression. Vice president pence talked about that numerous times. But also underscored the new reality of nato. And this is where you have the big argument over the campaign whether or not theyre obsolete or not. Well, i can tell you, charles, that the that nato is not going to become like the canary in the mine shaft in terms of shifting dynamics of the european if youve needed any evidence of that. Look at the latest polls of germany showing that Angela Merkels party lost 12 points led by a book seller with less than a high school degree. Things are shifting and shifting quickly and what natos got to show as do other leaders across europe is theyre ready to muscle up and unite together for the common defense and fighting for all the things we believe in. Immigration obviously is playing into this. But National Defense certainly against russian aggression and other things should take a backseat to nothing. David well and, charles, if i could add, theres also of course another big audience mailbox on this political stage and thats russia. And the Washington Post is reporting that the original euphoria is now evaporating. And theyre seeing that those cabinet secretaries that donald trump has chosen, you know, to advise him and lead his Foreign Policy are very serious people who identify russia as an adversary of the United States and President Trump himself tweeted that russia had taken crimea and maybe president obama was too soft. But, amy, to your point, the question now is can the european members in nato actually stand up for russia and not keep calling us and mooching to make this happen . Look, i think mcmastery is a lot better than people realize because hes been pushing back for quite some time. And i agree with you the Trump Administration wants to stand up to russia, but they also want to make sure that everyones paying their fair share. Charles hold on one second, adam, because you brought up the migrant situation, amy. And isis of course and the new role, at least the evolving role that nato should accept. Do you feel confident after seeing this press conference that they understand that . I dont. In terms of the migrant crisis in europe, i think where youre really going to see pressure is the european voters. A think tank based in london, they just came out with a poll just this month that shows that europeans on average are actually far to the right of donald trump when it comes to muslim immigration. 55 on average of europeans are responding saying they want a complete stop. Charles we are watching marine one take President Trump back to the white house. Adam, ill give you the final word. The final word today that Vice President pence delivered to nato is stand up, put up, and pay up. And i think well all be better off with that. Well, done. Charles that might fit on a license plate. Especially the european ones because theyre a little longer than ours. Thanks a lot, guys. Still to come, keeping score on President Trumps economic accomplishments. Were 30 days in. Have we seen any results . You bet. Well be right back charles well, were one month into the Trump Presidency and the Administration Says its already giving americans a reason to share. I mean, think about it. From the stock markets soaring to record highs to some seriously solid economic reports. And what President Trump has accomplished all of this despite the obstructionist democrats in washington. To my panel now brian. Its been amazing. We have seen the surge and sentiment begin to manifest itself. From empire state to some of the jobs number. Also. How do you see it going . How do you see this momentum going along . Well, take a look at what the economys facing. They were going to have a fifth left of center Supreme Court justice. They were going to have an n lrb. All of these agencies. They were going to push the country further and further to the left and give organized labor and trial lawyers a great deal more power. That didnt happen. And in point of fact, its moving in the opposite direction where the kind of decisions that trump has made already in terms of picking somebody to run the fcc, the federal Communications Commission need hundreds of billions of dollars in freeing up markets ftc, fcc, nlrb, and thats before you get to the tax cut policy that hes put forward and abolishing the 20 taxes in obamacare. So we were adding in one direction. Were now heading in another direction. The markets like that. Charles markets love it, brian. And its pretty clear. Its pretty obvious. And you dont have to be an economist to know this. Average people, regular folks on the street say, hey, you know what . They feel it. They do. Sometimes its anecdotal. Sometimes its just a pick up, even in their own small business. Well, thats in the first 30 days what you do is you set the tone. You make clear your priorities, and you tell people heres what i want to do, but we have to remember this is like being against the first batter in the first inning of a game, we have a long way to go here. And the president s job is not only when we do 30 days well, we can do 60, we can do 90, we can do four years well, and heres how were going to do it. Charles how are we going to get . Grover, youre the genius. And theres a lot of debate in the republican circle how should it be let out . Maybe there are four or five obamacare replacement plans, but you need to settle on one. Maybe there are four or five potential tax plans, but they need to settle on one. How do they go about this . Well, i think youre looking at 80 to 90 of agreement on both of those. First of all, i think people agree on all 20 of those, trillion dollars in taxes over a decade all go away. The governors, the republican governors are all behind block granting or sending out a per capita, medicaid so that states can take care of medicaid rather than having federal government run it. Dramatic expansions of Health Savings accounts, making sure we have high risk pools for people who already have problems already. That pretty much solves the problem. Theres a lot of agreement there. Then you get to the tax cut. Everybody agrees the corporate is coming from 35 down to 20. That will kick start the economy. Everybody agrees immediate expensing. That is going to be a strong push for the economy. Theres there are some disagreements and somequestions. But on the individual side, dramatic reductions in rates, cuts in the Capital Gains tax, no death tax, alternative tax gone. Thats the consensus. Charles brian, youve talked a lot, though, your one concern is a trade war over the weekend some talk about perhaps adjusting how we measure exports and imports. Listen, im not an economist. It seems complicated to me. It seems sort of like it would defeat the purpose because of the role exports and imports play with allocating gdp. Is that the main concern that you have is that theres such a fixation on that, maybe the administration overplays its hand . Yeah. And if you look at how the markets have performed. When the administration has talked a lot about the border taxes, thats when you see the markets pull back a little bit. Thats when the average person says, look, i want the economy to grow. Put foot on the gas, not the break. And when people look at trade policy, they say thats going to slow things down. Lets not go there. Lets keep this economy going and see how that deals with some of the issues that were pinning on trade and tariffs right now. David . Charles two of the best, and i appreciate you coming in here acon president s day. Coming up, free press but that doesnt mean theyre giving out free passes to play loose and fast. Well be right back no matter how the markets change. At t. Rowe price. Our disciplined approach remains. Global markets may be uncertain. But you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. As after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. What about the people i care about . Including this little girl. And what if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . So i asked my doctor. And he recommended eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. Eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding. Uise more easily. 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And you underscoring the need for a free and independent press. The president and i strongly support a free and independent press. But you can anticipate the president and all of us will continue to call out the media when they play fast and loose with the facts. Charles President Trump slammed the media during the rally in florida, shaming several outlets. Lee, you monitor this kind of stuff. Many well are saying what president obama is saying, it reflects how regular people in flyover states have felt in a long time. You have an elitist media that has more or less looked down on them. When you look at polls on whether people trust the media or donald trump. It was really close. But when you break it down by political affiliation. Republicans, almost 90 more trust trump, and independents 3 4 of them truls donald trump more than the media. They like this idea that trump is not willing to take it like it is and hes willing to get his word out there. Charles senator mccain is not one of them. He came out harshly overseas. Some people took issue with that. He said these particular outlets have an agenda that make them the enemy of the people. A totally speculative piece about whether donald trump has syphilis. And that is the proper role of the media to be telling the truth and get the facts right. But the assault on the media has gone too far. The transparency does serve a purpose. Charles what do you known when you say its not transparent. Down to simple things like trump release his tax returns. Thats earn important thing to know. Charles should there be a retaliatory nature the media . The media has misgiving about the Trump Administration about this or this. But a lot of people feel like they went to war with him as a candidate and that lingers into his presidency. We find nearly a majority, even last month, after the president has been elected. Nearly half of likely voters believe the media is biased against donald trump. I would say we need an adversarial press and investigative press. But we dont need a press that makes up stories like President Trump removed the bust of mlk from the oval office. That story went halfway around the world before the truth came out. For john mccain to be in germany trashing the president of the United States. Where derspeigl put a picture of donald trump with a bloody machete. Its totally irresponsible. There is a colorado newspaper where a politician accused them of fake news thats preparing to file a definition suit over that. I think it will have huge implications. I think its hard to tell what is opinion journalism and what is investigative reporting. When you are looking at a headline in the New York Times that says donald trump is a path long cal liar. Thats a diagnosis. And this is a newspaper. This isnt in the oped section. What about the uses of all these anonymous sources. Charles its a fantastic conversation. I have a feeling well be talking about it again. Charles we have a lot of big consumer earnings out next week. Ill tell you why this rally is justified and maybe you should consider getting involved. Well be right back. Did what . Yeah, with Liberty Mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila voila sigh i wish my Insurance Company had that. Wait hold it. Hold it boys. Theres supposed to be three of you. Wheres your brother . Wheres your brother . Hey, wheres charlie . Charlie . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. Liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance charles new action on immigration is expected next week as the crackdown on illegals i tense guys. Homeland security planning to hire thousands of new agents. Charles the long weekend is going to allow a lot of people to peek at their 401k and other stock investments. Somewhere cheer and others will be wondering if its too good to be true. I have heard from folks saying, charles, im thrilled, but the market has to correct soon. For people the idea of getting in time for a pullback is frightening. But part of that fear is more about ego than their wallets. People have been afraid of getting egg on their face. And because of that they missed the opportunity of a lifetime. When you start to think about the market like a day on the track. This is a lifelong investment. As for the market, there is no doubt its changing hands at historically high averages. It is significantly above the 20year average of 14. Its picking up at a faster face than the stock market. Corporate earnings underscore the momentum is not just justifying this rally, but according to fax data, 82 percent of Company Tropical storm posted results. 66 earnings, 50 percent will be revenue. 9 out of 11 sectors showed faster growth rates. Last week real estate joins that list. We got some pivotal names, they include walmart. They peaked back in january of 2015. The company not necessarily a pure proxy for the consumer because of the internet situation. But it can give us a glimpse of how lower income people are doing. The streets looking for 1. 33. It needs to beat that to keep the rally going. Mails whgoing. Macys report was reflected in last weeks sales report. Watch cracker barrel. It could bring some good news to restaurants. I think this stock is a great proxy for american sentiment which has been soaring. Now on a different note. Today my friend and colleague green today butler passed away after. Long bout with cancer. Down to earth. She loved motorcycles and barbeque sauce. She treated everyone with kindness including me and my family. I pray for her and her two wonderful daughters. God bless. Charles we are look at marine one, President Trump on board. He had a long day with a lot of breaking news including naming general mcmasters as the new National Security advisor. He had the working weekend at maralago with a campaigntype rally on saturday. President trump seems to never stop working and hes arriving at the white house right now, late this afternoon. The Trump Administration set to roll out a revised order on immigration. Its not expected to affect green cardholders. They are stepping up plans to hire 10,000 new immigration officers. Joining me is sheriff paul babeau. You had a major fake news story about a massive roundup of illegals and bringing in 100,000 national guardsmen. Our country has been the Mainstream Media set this country up to make it difficult for i. C. E. Officers to enforce the law. Its a tough job. Anyone in law enforcement. Our i. C. E. , officers and Border Patrol agents have been calling, streaming for help, and President Trump respond to that call. Through secretary kelly he issue offed directives to hire immediately 5,000 additional Border Patrol agents and 10,000 additional immigration officers. And they will go to work immediately. So this is great news. Its delivering on a promise that we all heard about for a year and a half. And now its coming true. The make news stories by all in the left in the mean stream media completely false. Its been confirmed by i. C. E. Officials that the quote roundups taking place were already planned. They were the same type of roundups that had gone on for years and years. Now what well see is enforcement of the law. There are no carveouts and executive actions for this group or that group. The 6page memo jeh johnson issued directing that basically all illegals were given de facto amnesty. The law will be even forced when it comes to immigration. Charles when you look at President Trump. I know overall his deportations will be high. These interior removals that dropped so precipitously, you can argue they swore ones house clean more has been with the family for 20 years. The dominican drug lords have embedded themselves under the cloak of this behavior holding back i. C. E. From doing their job. The border was never secured. This problem has grown increasingly worse each and every year. There are reports obama was double counting these numbers from Border Patrol and i. C. E. Hence you get these dramatic figures. But at the same time he released hundreds of thousands of dangerous criminal illegals. Not the regular illegals that want a job or a better life, even though they are here illegally. But dangerous criminals who victimized countless americans and our families. We all know these stories. We are going to target them. There is a million of them. 74 of which have felony convictions. These are bad people. We are going to arrest them and get them out of the country with these additional Border Patrol agents. Charles sheriff paul babeau, thank you very much. Uber ceo has hired former southern general eric hold tore investigate allegations of sexism and Sexual Harassment at his company. The charges were made by a former fee mail engineer. Jim mattis has a message for iraq. We are not here for your oil. We are here to save the country. Well be right back. Ies across e growing the economy, with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and worldclass innovations. Like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. And in corning, where the future is materializing. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at esd. Ny. Gov charles remember this . We should have kept the out. But okay. Maybe we wouldnt have isis. Thats where they got their money. Maybe well have another chance. Charles President Trump speaking and rattling nerves. I think all of us here in this room, all of us in america generally paid for our gas and oil all along, and im sure well continue to do so in the future. We are not in iraq to seize anybodys oil. Charles steven, a lot of i dont know, opinions on both sides of this, if you will. I think ultimately the problem is we have been stuck in truck without any kinds of clear exit strategy. And how to finally kill off isis. We know killing off their supply of money is a good way of doing it. Thats a fact, charles. I hope the new team starts to get a few more apointsee appointees. President trump has given secretary mattis the task of giving a report in the in near future about how to go off and eradicate isis in a fundamental way. This talk about oil i dont think is central to the military strategy in the near term. And i think that President Trump is going to give broad deference to general mattis recommendations when he brings them back. Oil is vital to iraq. Having some kinds of cooperation and reward for american sacrifice in their country. We have seen contracts go to chinese firms they did not lift a finger, it is frustrating for americans, i think that is why we,volved on a motion of being police men of the world. It is. And that is. Loud and clear. Navigated a wild and woolly general elect cycle this came up a lot. I think that americans do feel the bankrupt of the cost brunt of the cost of conflicts. But only in ways that are compelling and quick. Overwhelming and what comes after we need to have others take the lead. That would include now, i think everyone agreement over idea of nation building, particularly recreating other nations in the image of america, that dont share our values or religious beliefs or customs is far fetched atthispoint. Yeah, i think that majorities in Major Political parties in u. S. Have moved far from that. I think it is healthy to have the cycles where america comes to allies, and partners in europe and middle east, and says, you need to carry more of the load, were here to help, were honor our align commitment but it is time to bear a bit more of the brunt of this responsibility. And lets talk about how we can Work Together and rebalancing that equation. I think that is a healthful part of the trump agenda. A guesstimate on how much longer the co the conflict will, if that is possible . My sense, sadly, this goes on for a long time. The iraqis will be dealing with this problem, and syria, fundamental question have not been addressed at all about future leadership there. Steven yates thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us. Thank you, charles. At home thank you, were doing well because of you. Lou presidency marked by first 100 days is the construct of legacy media and old politicos, President Trump is done more in 30 days than most president s in 100. Well show you why its trump time now. It has been one month since my inauguration, i am here to tell you about your incredible progress in making America Great again. Lou we take up the president s face of action with the dean, republican strag strategist, ed rollins, michael goodwin, and conservative best selling autho

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