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Novel or some crime novel because cash was exchanged. The reason cash was exchanged was because we dont have a banking relationship with iran, which is precisely part of the pressure that we were able to apply to them so that they would ship a whole bunch of Nuclear Material out. Charles the Obama Administration continues to struggle, trying to give a convincing answer for the timing of that 400 million cash payment to iran. The president incivilled the i. S. Did not pay ransom to the iranians, and the u. S. Faced litigation risk if the money wasnt turned over. We know the Justice Department raised objections to the timing of the payment. But they were overruled by the state department. Was the payment ransom, and what does the payment say about Barack Obamas legacy. Joining me now, christian, im sure you heard the explanation by the president. It looks like the press bought it. They didnt press him too hard on it. Thats par for the course for the press, by the doesnt pass the laugh test. For the president to throw out it sounds like a crime caper. Thats right. It also sounds like the iran hostage scandal. We traded arms for hostages and it didnt work out well. This is a hostage payment that will encourage more taking of americans as hostage. When has this ever worked . And then there is the fact this is probably illegal. Congress will be investigating something that may be a crime committed by this administration. I think more than anything else. People think back to the notion that this nuclear deal, he wanted it so badly. He was outmaneuvered and outnegotiated by the iranians. The whole saga was ugly, and now we have this new element to it that makes it dispick b dis s it despicable for some. The president s legacy is reiterated every time the administration wont tell the truth about it. How are we supposed to believe president obama and this administration when we have david rose, a National Security adviser to the president who openly bragged about lie together American People about the deal to begin with. Whats another 400 million. Charles i want to listen to saeed abedini. Listen to how he described the whole exchange, if you will. I just remember the night that we have been at the airport just take hours and hours there. And i asked one of the police that was with us why you are not letting us go to the plane, and he told me we are waiting for another plane, and if that plane take off, then we are going to let you go. Charles it does sounds like a crime novel. Once the plane with the cash gets here, you guys can go. The president said there is no problem using cash, thats what was necessary to satisfy this deal which was a legal case. The reason it was necessary is sanctions were in place. Charles im not asking about the cash as much as a ruling that goes back to 1979, coincidentally is resolved on the same day these hostaged are freed. The timing look very bad. The state department and the government should have done a better job of distancing these separate transactions. One was a settlement of an ongoing case in the hague, and the other was an evident to get the whose was an effort to get the hostages back. The payment was made for the first transaction in order to holly resolve the second transaction. The state department should have resisted that because of the appearance of impropriety. There was nothing improper or illegal about this, and we did accomplish something that was very important which was releasing these Prisoner Hospital should have never been in prison in the first place. Charles we are all happy these prisoners were released. But we may have accomplished a bigger target on americans backs. Whats to stop any american in the middle east from being abducted. There is no way that after 37 years and 9 junes, three americans, that it just happens to be on this day in april this all comes together. Its literally impossible. As you said, charles, whats so many more alarming is president obama has disavowed the rules and thrown away our traditions. What do traditions do . They sew a path of behavior based on our values. Hes saying mayor case open for business. His legacy will be his image on his get out of jail free card. Thats what hes done with criminals in this country and the iranians. Charles maybe the iranians held up the whose stage swap so the other thing could be resolved. To a degree that is an admission they were related. Its pastor abedini was held prisoner because of his faith, basically. It so instead of doing thing like pressing iran to come around on human rights to respect dissenting didnt views of faith and improve the situation with dissidents. This administration didnt do that. Its bogus to say this was to resolve litigation from 1979. Anyone in congress, any reasonable vote arer would see this is a payoff. Charles the knowing we would have to pay 10 bias opposed to 1. 7 bi. It also speaks to the weakness of president obama and this mentality of continuing to befriend our enemies. We continue to reward a country that chants death to america. Irans ideal of i. S. Relationships is putting 10 soldiers on their knees and pointing guns at their heads. But we continue to reward a country that that is their penalty on u. S. Relations. Iran continues to exploit loopholes within the deal. This is the broader problem with the weakness of this administration. Charles the idea that late last night we heard that there were folks in the Justice Department, senior folk who said, this is ridiculous. Lets do this at a didnt type. But they were overrecalled. This is were overruled. It seemed easy to connect these dots. It sees that the department of justice lawyers gave good advice to the administration. We dont know why the administration couldnt follow it. My guess is iran insisted on finalizing both of these transactions at the same same time. Does it look bad . Yes. Is it illegal in does it relate up s. Policy . No. If anyone thinks any Prisoner Exchange where you get a whose taken released can go cleanly and nicely charles are you advocating pays ransom for hostages . You think thats okay . Im absolutely not advocating that. They did not do that. These were two separate transactions. You said the iranians insitted to be paid at the same type as this transaction. That links them. Iranlings them but they are two separate transactions by the up s. Agreed, it should not have, it did agree to resolve both transactions on the same day to please iran. It did not break a law or break a policy. Does it look bad . Yes. It was an ugly business and ugly for iran to take the prisoners in the first place. Charles thats the story president obama was telling today. David, i give you credit for being more forthright with us. But christian, its not illegal and mission accomplished, at what cost . Well, fir of all, it is illegal to say you cant have transactions with iran and you just get a jet. Any private individual or corporation who did that, not on did you violate the first law, but you took steps to exacerbate the crime. With Bowe Bergdahl, getting him back, that was negotiating with tear rights. And it wasnt gig them money. It was giving them highlevel operatives. This is just what the iranian government has done since the current cast of islamists took over since 1979. We have conditions them to do more of this. Dont just expect to see more in the middle east. Expect to see it in europe and the americas as well. Charles coming up well have more. Please stay tuned. If you take multiple medications a dry mouth can be a common side effect. Thats why theres biotene. 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Would our prisoners have been released if not for that payment at that time . It doesnt seem that way. It seeped like a quid pro quo. But he also did the Bowe Bergdahl swap by releasing the taliban five, and they are committed terrorists. He said we had to do the 400 million in cash currency because we dont have a direct financial relationship with iran. Thats true. And the reason we dont is because we have sanctions against it. By going to europe and laundering the money and putting it in an unmarked cargo plane flying it into iran, the president was evading sanctions on the books. If a private individual tried to do that, they would be violating the law. Charles i just had a guess on it. Im not sure if you are here. David safari, a former obama Foreign Policy adviser. He says its likely the iranians conditions the release on them settling this first. Once it was settled, they released the hostages. But he didnt think or believe it was illegal. That sounds a lot more plausible that than we heard from president obama today. You are not allowed to provide Material Support to a terrorist nation and you are not allowed to have a trip with the government iran. It runs afoul of the law. But also good policy. Since this payment has been made. Iran, they detained thee additional americans. You can bet your Bottom Dollar they are behind the scenes trying to leverage more concessions out of the last six months of the Obama Administration in return for those hostages. President obama chapel beyond them to European Partners who do business with them. To your point, its a wonder. We had all the leverage and we continue to pay a heavy praise. At this press conference the first question out of the gate was about isis. Then a lot of questions about donald trump and the election being rigged. What do you make of the notion the system is rigged and we should not trust the outcome of the election in november. The federal government doesnt run the elections. By and large the elections are fair. If you are in a certain area where there is a democrat machine, that does happen. I dont think anyone who says otherwise is looking at reality. But i have confidence if you run a good race, you can run the election this country, and thats what we should be focusing on. Taking it to the obamaclinton team. Charles zika in the northern miami neighborhood, perhaps a case outside of that perimeter they circled. I know no one in florida wants to panic. Its an 80 billion a year tourist destination. But how panicked should people be. The federal government has a few hundred million dollars. They should spend that and get it out. The senate should go in and reid should let the many pass. I think well be in a good spot if that money goes through to combat it locally and develop a vaccine. I think florida is good for tourism. Obviously if a woman is pregnant she needs to understand there may be one small area in our state where the virus has been transmitted locally. Charles well have a big economic end kateor. We have two experts to tell us the true state of our economy next. What if one piece of kale could protect you from diabetes . What if one situp could prevent Heart Disease . One. Wishful thinking, right . But there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. Pneumococcal pneumonia. If you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. Even if you have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13® may help provide additional protection. Prevnar 13® is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. 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There is no reason america shouldnt be creating new jobs. The number of Small Businesses in america is declining. How can you create prosperity that way. Charles some people might say if you go all the way back to 1949, almost every single president has been lower than the previous president. There is something wrong with the system itself, not the policies. I think its a combination of both. When you look at gdp growth being extremely sluggish, i think you will see a jobs report tomorrow that will demonstrate the same, sluggish at best. When you look at the economy globally and our jobs leaving the country have already left the country. I think you have you a fundamental problem in the infrastructure of the economy. But one thing peter pointed out, we talked about this. Small business in the United States is the engine of this economy. When you put taxes in a Regulatory Environment in place that i think exists from d. C. Down into the regular story agencies, i think you are choking out the Small Businesses. Charles there is a new report. But i dont want to digress too much. What do we need to see to rekindle that former greatness . Can we achieve it and get back to the global dominance we once had . We are generating the next technologies very well. So on the innovation end we are doing well. I think we need to apply an efficacy test to regulation. What is the objective and how do we do it least expensively. The administration has done a study of job licensing. And its inhibiting the ability of people to move to get a new job. And it seems regulations written by washington are just fine, but if you write a regulation in springfield or albany, its terrible for growth. It seems like these regulators just like their own regulations. Charles the Obama Administration has added over 2 million new regulations. Young people just arent motivated base think the hurdles are too high. If you do make it big were you are one of the evil rich people. We put up so many roadblocks, ways the season season tough to try and do well . You are hitting on an important point. For folks coming out of Business School that studies entrepreneurship. You have got to incentivize them and motivate them and run with it rather than say we are going to tax you this much more and regulate you. You walk through some of the offices in the Investment Banking world. The compliance departments are three floors. And the producers and the people trying to generate income are one floor. So that i think since i have been on wall street is definitely a change and tells you something about the direction. Charles coming up, paul ryan has given his first interview since trump snubbed him. He says trump needs to focus on the swing states. Hes getting rinos and other republicans a little worried. Well tell you about it next. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. 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Right now we have a couple new swing state polls out, pennsylvania, where Hillary Clinton has a pretty sizable lead, 4938. Florida came out, 4842. The electoral man offers donald trump a narrow path. At this moment, according to those polls. Can he focus on beating Hillary Clinton in those swing states he needs to win. Joining me now, kelly riddell, and jessica tarlov. I think he should get back on message. If this was a traditional Election Year with a traditional candidate, i would be worried about the polls. But maybe this year the polls dont matter. Way mean by that, if you go to a donald trump rally, there are a number of voters he connected with that have been disenfranchised from politics. They havent necessarily voted in their lifetime. 57 of the american populace in 2012 did. That means almost half of americans didnt even go to vote. How big is the base . No one has any idea, november will tell that. But perhaps polls dont matter in this election cycle. This is what gets you reaching for the maalox. I agree with what was just said. Polls are all over the place. You saw the l. A. Times, rasmussen. They are within margin of error. We are seeing an ongoing tracking poll its a poll taken sometimes he night to see how certain mess ands are doing or candidates are faring in the give and take of the campaign. We have had swings from trump up 7 to trump down 12 in the last 60 days. Well see a lot more of that. After the Convention Trump had a good bounce. Hillary clinton had a good bounce. Trump even gangs kahn, not so good. He engages isis, very good. Charles if you were in the Trump Campaign you would say dont worry about it at all. No big deal . I would say that but i would be taking my ma may maalox on t. Hillarys mess and is a referendum on donald trump, Donald Trumps mess and is a war on isis. Charles we have somebody on the and who loves polls today. Jessica tarlov. Some of these numbers are starting to sound absurd. It was on a week ago when donald trump was up in the polls. We have seen 9 or 10 is whats happening. She got a convention bounce. But returning to what kelly argued. I heard that say thing about one Bernie Sanders. Look at his crowd. He has 0,000 people there, hes going to win. And he lost by 3. 8 million votes. Just because you have a raucous crowd doesnt mean you will win the elect. Donald trump is on leading her by 5 with white people. Romney won by 20. Now her honesty and trustworthiness up in is right where hers is. Charles kelly, i want you to respond. We have a new fox poll out at today on the favorability stuff. Hillary clinton is now at 44 from 42 . Unfavorables relatively unchanged. Donald trumps favorables dropped to 3 and unfavorables are up about 5 percent and points. Its a small window, its just. The poll with 100 days to go. What do you glean from it . I think there is room for hip to improve his favorability numbers. He time Hillary Clinton is presented with the opportunity, she lies. Donald trump should get off the maintain and let her shine. She is not honest, she is not trustworthy, and this is baking the cake and the American Public knows it. Politifact fact checked that and its not true. She got a fourstar pinocchio the other day for saying the f. B. I. Director lied. Charles she has drawn a line in the sand on that one. Maybe if the Mainstream Media picked it up and told the story it would have an impact. Charles we have a big jobs report tomorrow. We want to give you a story about investing in Great American companies. Well be right back. Charles venezuela has become a tinder box of desperation. As hillary moves closer to bernies policies. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. Charles today a stock caught my eye thats in the packing business. It does business all over the world. But it began 136 years ago in buffalo, new york. They got their uncle george to lend them 200 to go into business making paint cans for kerosene. Look at those that are 100 years or older and dont worry about the daytoday swings. And there are newer companies that will be changing hands at alltime highs 100 years from day. Its been living up to its hype, if you will. But now i think the stock is worth chasing. Crossed the unchanged line four times. We are looking for a significant move in the market so it will be huge. You dont want to miss fox business wall street week. We knot cannot get a higher stock market unless earnings do better. The quarter we are about finished reporting will be ahh again. Without it the market cant go up. Charles tomorrow it cant go up. Republicans are distancing themselves from some of the things donald trump has said. In the meantime hillary is trying to cash in on that. Well see if she succeeds. Well talk about it. [announcer] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. People ask me, what do you think about trump . Honestly i dont care for him much, and i certainly dont trust hillary. Im a marine. For me country comes first. Charles that is congressman mike cauffman released a campaign ad that distances himself from donald trump. We have seen involved in the gop from business to big donors. The question is will it work or will it backfire on these folks. Kelly, what do you make of it all . Some people say this is politics as usual. But i dont remember it this way. I think its bad sign for donald trump that Hillary Clinton is going after some of these never trumpers and trying to recruit them. That means she thinks she has her constituent bases locked up. That being said. These republicans who are defecting or going to support Hillary Clinton, i dont know what thats doing to republicanism and conservatism when you are going to support somebody who has the most progressive platform in democratic history . That doesnt rebuild the party or make the party. It divides us further. I think these people are traitors in a certain regard. And i think a lot of the defections are all of these establishmentlike players, politicians that have a tough race to run in their home district so they are running against trump. As well as these fundraisers who feel like preserving the status quo ll hp th in e lo run. Charles yesterday in kansas we saw four conservatives lose. Trump had a big victory in kansas yesterday. You wonder if some of these folks may want to rethink the down ballot cant win . Its politics. So ultimately everyone is going to do what they think, their perception of what their best interests is. It depends on the race and the state in which the individual is running. Ultimately they will look out for their own interest above the party. But its called the base for a reason. Thats your starting point as a candidate. Then you build from there. There was an easy way for him to placate republicans. It starts with stop directing his ire at fellow republicans and district at Hillary Clinton. There is so much policy failure from the administration, and repeatedly lie together American People having the arrogance to think you can get away with it. The better he does in the polls, the less other republicans are going to fear embracing him. Charles this may be too much of a good thing to have warren buffet, and meg whitman who typical lido naits to republicans. Everyone is worried about the money train being replaced by the trump train. So she is the establishment. It doesnt seem to be panning out that way. The primaries are different. Now you have one versus one. Charles Congress Approval rating at 9 . Its terrible. People dont think politicians look out for them. But what they can say is they feel she would be sane and competent. Thats what Mike Bloomberg talked about where he said you dont have to agree with every policy point. You have two flawed candidates. Which one can you tolerate the most . The polls are showing 12 of republicans are backing clinton. The thought that sanders folks would break for trump, thats not going to happen. Charles kelly, what do you make of that. The Republican Party is redivide. We have to reassess the base and figure out whats going on. But i do believe the party will come back in november and vote for donald trump because Hillary Clinton is an unacceptable choice. She cant run on her policies, it has to be about donald trump and how bad she is. I reject the donald trump question putting out by the clinton campaign. How else would he have to great children. Hes not temperamentally unfit. Does he make poor judgments in terms of the wording he uses and dose get off to i can at press conferences, yes. Is the precedence him . Yes. But he does not need to attack republicans. It was petty when he did not endorse paul ryan. Hes got to try to get the party around him. Venezuela becoming a frightening case study of socialism. Hillary clinton embracing Bernie Sanders. You just heard jessica say it. Does that mean we could be the next venezuela . Well be right back. Even when im on the move. Sign up at etrade. Com and get up to six hundred dollars. Charles basic necessities in venezuela continues to grow. Soon they will not be able to meet any obligations. Economists predict they will be out of money in that country by the end of the year. We know this is the result of socialist policy. I want to bring in two guys to discuss this. Peter, ill ask you in terms of the economics. How does a venezuela survive in this state of spiraly state of decline . It will be difficult to survive. It not just gdp per capt ta but stuff they cant buy with hard currency. We will have people walking with guns, and shooting. A survivalist movie, that is how bad venezuela could become, that is how bad it gets when you pursue these kinds of policies. It not just socialist policies but it is terribly bad socialist policies. Charles Bernie Sanders got so many votes, selling the socialist america. I think that problem is there are not enough people that stand forral to thattive, that is alternative, that is free markets. People making choices for their own individual benefit at what is best for them, you see the end result. It also leads to political pr pryvation. In addition to not enough food to eat, and medicine you can killings of opposition leader. A state of emergency and assaults on free press. A very difficult situation there are not people in u. S. That stand for liberalism. You said Bernie Sanders also donald trump is not a classical liberal. You have gary johnson who is. In latin america you have some change, have you for example argentina turning from socialism to free markets, but few and far between. Charles it took a long lesson being excluded from World Financial Network before they got that message. Having said that, peter, not socialism, but we have 19 trillion in debt, clock keeps going up, it is conceivable, that we end up with same fate . Were doing in United States is practicing limited permission cuety permission cutey. We keep adding programs and taxes that dont reward people for being productive, somehow we think we can get away with it without undermining basic market system and prosperity that weve enjoyed. Look at greece, look at italy. Charles all right. I dont think well be the next venezuela, they go beyan beyond evils of socialist. We could become a soft corrupt state like italy and greece. Charles changing the topic, christian, brett baier interviews ash carter, asked about mosul. It will be taken he says, he is not sure on the timeline, we had a guest saying that could be an october surprise. Could it happen between now and the election. It is, they have talked about it for a while. But they do have a lot of resources that applied in Iraqi Government performing better, i think pea people would want to hear more about how he transfer it over to the iraqis,. Charles a hell of a victory going into the election. Were out of time, here is lou dobbs. Lou good evening, i am lou dobbs issue mainstrea mainstream liberal media in a feeding frenzy attacking the republican nominee. Hillary clinton meanwhile still has not held a News Conference in 244 days, that goes all but unmentioned in liberal Mainstream Media. It has been 8 months since she took questions from the Political Press co covers her day in and day out. Today she did do an interview with a local reporter in

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