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For making their decisions in the final days. Four candidates will be on the stage. Carly fiorina, mike huckabee, Rick Santorum and jim gilmore will get things kicked off. Gilmore make an appearance to the debate circus. Two hours after that, 9 00. Seven candidates on stage for the first time. Ted cruz and marco rubio will be front and center. They will be flanked by dr. Ben carson, Chris Christie, rand paul, jeb bush and john kasich. There is one notable absence, that will be donald trump he will be holding a different event. Its most certainly going to change the dynamic tonight. I can tell you from talking to the folks over at the campaign of ted cruz. They prepared much differently for this debate tonight because of that dynamic, a trumpless debate. They expect that their candidate will receive crossfire from all sides because they say when those other six candidates on the stage look right, look left, it will be cruz in the middle. They are look up to trump and cruz and the only one they will be able to talk about face to face is cruz. They believe it will be a battle with cruz and marco rubio. Especially when it comes to the issue of immigration. Here in iowa, immigration is one of the hot button issues. Those two expected to go at it tonight. 11 candidates here tonight and it you will gets started about an hour from now. Ill send it back to you. Charles what can we expect tonight . There will be winners and a lot of talk about who perhaps should probably start to look either to join the folks on the sidelines or make different plans for next year. Mark, let me start with you. Ted cruz the center of attention right now. You heard blake say he has to prepare differently. He knows he will be at the center of slings and air owes. But who is he going to focus on . He will focus on himself and donald trump. Whats going to happen is well see a melee. This will be one series of negative after he tacks after the next. This is crunch time. They are all trying to steal votes from each other. Cruz has the most votes to steal from. The guy in the lower weight classes are punching up to the higher weight classes and cruz will be doing a ropeadope with marco rubio. The guys on the ends, they will light their pants on fire if they think they have a chance to make a difference in this case. 9 days from now well see the field winnow by half. Cruz is going to be fighting with rubio but fighting with the guy who is not there, which is donald trump. Charles byron york you are out there doing some great reporting. Give us a feel, whats the air like right now . What is the crowd anticipating . You know, nobody knows nothing. Its very interesting. There is so much speculation you would not believe it. Some people think donald trump is going to show up right before the debate or show up in the spin room afterwards. So much talk is about trump. You are right. These other candidates this is huge for them. This is the last debate before the Iowa Caucuses. The rnc decided to schedule only one debate in iowa, this is it. For ted cruz and marco rubio, the ones other than donald trump at the top of the polls this is a critical night. Charles i think in our fox news poll 39 undecided. We know iowa and New Hampshire notorious for people making their minds up in the last minute. This will decide big time who wins in the Iowa Caucuses. When mark was talking about lighting pants on fire. I thought about your boy, jeb. Even if he lit his pants on fire, would we notice . In a suffolk universities polling jeb bush is ahead of marco rubio in South Carolina. I think its important to talk about what cruz and rubio and bush and these are the people that have a national infrastructure. Nobody else on the stage has a national infrastructure. Charles it doesnt matter anymore. If you cant get to those states with some sort of wind in your sails does it even matter . No. But how do you take any moments coming out of the debate tonight out of New Hampshire and iowa. Marco rubio keeps saying hes going to finish second in iowa. That means hes planning on take out cruz or trump. He set the Expectations Quite height for himself. Charles im glad he did. We do have the wildcard. You talked about organization being important. His campaign heavily in des moines. What im wondering with ted cruz. Hes known for being able to debate. But hes one of these guys webs a standup boxer the old british style. Marcstyle. Tonight to borrow someones phrase there will be a melee or donnybrook. He has the most to win by this. But hes got the most to lose because everyone will be picking on him. Marco rubio has a chance to make a strong showing, go after cruz and play up his antiestablishment credentials. Charles byron, the topics that dominate immigration, i think maybe you will see him come out quick and fast on that. How should that play out . I think the issues will be driven largely by the attacks. Each of the candidates will attack others based on their records. I would say trade is a part of that. Probably taxes. I would look at those. Then probably more of the social issues such as planned parenthood and votes that have taken place there. That fully funded planned pirnthood. It funded immigration for barack obama and syrian refugees. Those issues will be the greatest concentration. But it will be largely through the price i am of negative attacks because this is how you steal votes. Negative athraks set the tone for the debates. Immigration, trade, taxes and to some degree social issues because they are fighting vigorously over the evangelical vote which is very polite this time. 2012 Rick Santorum had a lock and the evangelical vote. Huckabee and carson are strong with that vote block as well. The thing that will get talked about a lot is national security. Im so glad rand paul made this debate. Hes so helpful for drawing out the contrasts. Huge issue. I think thats going to be the fight of the night. I totally agree about rand paul. Rand paul knows cruz has been taking he way from his base. I predict the fight of the night will end up being between those two. Rand paul, i dont agree with him much, bys a good debater. Cruz has to fight trump and rubio. Im hoping there is not that much talk about trump. Would i like to see what a grown up Republican Debate looks like. Charles i have been waiting for a more nuanced detailed explanation on why you are going be a great president and what it does for me. Im wondering if that starts to come through, even thought its still a private space. Both the cruz and Rubio Campaigns see this as an opportunity because they dont have the enormous presence of donald trump here. Trump has not really set these debates on fire. Hes not that great in the setting. Hes gone this time. I think they will see it as a chance to have more time because they are the two frontrunners in the field, and begin to explain their positions in some more detail than they have in the past, and see maybe not have a little bit of the World Wrestling Foundation Show business atmosphere that has been in some previous debates. I think both cruz and rubio are look at this as a possible positive opportunity for them. Charles ben carson was number one in this state by a mile not long ago. It looks like the freefall has topped but there is no rebound. When i think of ben carson i think, bless his heart. My dad is watching your show right now, he loves ben carson. Hes a sweetheart and i hope he gets behind jeb bush. Charles he could be something of a king maker. If he were to step out tomorrow and say, you be know, after the debate i know i cant be president. By want the folks in iowa to follow so and so, that would change the dynamics of everything. I like that hes a civilizing voice and gentleman on the stage. With trump gone that will be a help new contribution. Charles i think tonight is a make or break. The name we havent talked about is Chris Christie. He was coming on in New Hampshire. All of a sudden he hes fading again. In new jersey, i can than the crisis. The needle not moving for Chris Christie. What do you think is going to happen . He spent a lot of time in iowa. Hes likely to come into 5th or 6th position. Hes driving for a third or fourth position in New Hampshire. But this race largely ended for hip last summer when a new guy came in who was a tough talker. I find Chris Christie talk a lot about experience. And this is not the year to talk about experience. This is the year to talk about upsetting the washington cartel, ted cruzs words and the way that worked against the middle class the past seven years especially. To Chris Christie, i dont think he has the right message. I do believe he will end up rather poorly in iowa. I think he will end up fourth or fifth place in happen. But its d place in New Hampshire. I think hes Office Message and this is not the year for his type of candidacy talking about experience. Charles you tart to do a little you start to do a little math and it does feel like there is an establishment lane. If you add up the outsiders, there is a 50 establishment lane. If that start to coalesce you may have a formidable challenger. Cruz, bush, kasich and rubio are in a dead heat. Christie used to be in the big four in New Hampshire. But hes been replaced by kasich. They are all within the margin of error of bush and kasich. Someone has to have a big night tonight and in iowa. It will be interesting for me to see why hes claiming hes going to get the number two spot, and if he gets it, and if he doesnt i dont know where he goes from there. I think its incredibly ironic that donald trump is painting himself as an antiestablishment candidate when he has the rnc back him, taking National Review off the debate. Thats establishment. Charles its going to be have you very exciting life. This mosquitoborne zika virus is in the United States. There are at least three cases in new york city. Its an ugly virus and its starting to spread around the world and now its here. Well tell you about it when we come back. You can fly across welcome town in minutes16, or across the globe in under an hour. Whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. In less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. And if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. Charles breaking news, it happened. The mosquitoborne zika virus has spread into the United States. Three cases have been reported right here in new york city. All three individual contracted the virus while traveling outside the country. The virus is linked to a sharp up in birth defects. Mitch, welcome to the show. This has gone through south america, its up on our border. We knew it would eventually hit. The u. N. Will probably call a worldwide emergency. I can speak to what the c c and the u. N. Northern command is doing. We are probably the best prepared country in the world to deal with a threat like this. We have plans that are sitting on the self waiting to be dusd off. They go back to h1n1 and other pandemic diseases. The youth is best prepared to respond at the state, local and national level. Charles did we get lucky with ebola . Every other year there is a new one. You just mentioned the bird flu. Even though we are prepared for it, it feels like we have been donging bullets and when cant do that forever. The good news is its not transmitted person to person, its transmitted by mosquitoes. One thing that could contribute to the spread. You have seen the Environmental Movement and mommy bloggers going after pesticides like deet. Charles im glad you brought that up. I feel like america to a certain degree is selfish. We used ddt and eradicated malaria in our country then we tell other people not to use it because it kills bald eagles. But we are building wind mills that kill bald eagles. They say we are doing this for your own good. Millions of them die he year from these kinds of things. If the world is getting smaller, we are at greater risk. Dont we respond best when we are threatened . Thats way its going to take. It will take more cases in the u. S. , then the gloves will come off. The government is always at it best when we are threatened the most. Charles five cases have been reported in america its up to 5. It spreads through mosquitoes, but we have a lot of mosquitoes in this country. Three cases in new york city. Im not sure where the next two are from. All five in new york city of course. Like ebola. And this is a scary prospect. When people start to see photographs of these children born with these birth defects, it will break your heart. When you look at the magnitude of this. 31 cases reported in the United States since 2015. In brazil you have got 1. 5 Million People coming down with this. A huge risk to unborn babies. Tragic. Charles from what i understand, viruses there arent cures, just treatments. And i dont think there is a treatment available for this just yet. In colombia per asking women, dont get pregnant. One in five end up having symptoms. You can have a headache and rash. The real risk is to children. Charles mitch, you just left the military, just retired, thank you for your service. You have people from both sides of the political aisle saying we shouldnt be in the business of making democracies. We want to meddle his and less. But when it comes to medicine and epidemics and and dem is what role should we be playing . With ebola we sent a task force to crisis places in the world. I foresee another type of medical Expeditionary Task force. Thats easier than putting boots on the ground in syria. Charles we may want to be more proactive and rethink what we demands from socalled third world countries. We had a pretty good day on the stock market. Nevertheless, i like what im starting to see, particularly with oil. E trade is all about seizing opportunity. So im going to take this opportunity to go off script. So if i wanna go to jersey and check out shotsy tuccerellis portfolio, whats it to you . Or im a scottish mason whose assets are made of stone like me heart. Papa youre no son of mine or perhaps its time to seize the day. 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Fedex ground is faster to more locations than ups ground. Charles it was another triple digit ride for the dow as stocks finally climbed higher. Monster and under armor. But carnage beneath surface for those names that come up short on earnings we know there is a lot of hell to pay. Overall, it says it all. 103 stocks that hit 52week lows. Only 29 had new highs. It was even worse for nasdaq. Crude was higher. Now there is hopes this rumors deal between saudi arabia and the russians becomes reality or opec does something to remove supply. There was a move on crude. Almost 20 its in a perfect down trend. But the big question is does it have to retest the lows first . After the close we had important earnings from big names. We did have some misses and the big one came from amgen. Also Electronic Arts missed as well. Apple. I love the action on applerelated names after the bell. All up big, 4 , 2 , 3 . I know you are probably afraid to buy these picks. If you have something you have like, this is a good time to start nibbling. Keep 10 to 15 in cash, there will be more opportunities down the line. A man and his girlfriend were arrested at disneyland paris. They were arrested with guns and a copy of the quran. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacementâ„¢, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Charles French Police arrested a 20yearold man and his girlfriend at a disneyland Theme Park Hotel ap after he was found with the quran, ammo and two guns in his suitcase. Joining me now. Gillian and steve rogers and morgan ortega. These are probably natural reaction to the demand for guns in berlin. How disturbing is it that someone found a theme park like this with a gun and ammo and potentially setting up for another major attack . What is more disturbing. I understand the French Police already ruled out a terrorism connection. I find that incredible. Knowing the amount of investigative work that goes into things like this would leave one to believe they will leave the door open for that. Im sure you will see other intelligence sources involved. Charles in cologne they officially ruled out the new years eve thing. The police chief lost his job, the mayor telling women maybe it was your behavior, so to your point i think its ludicrous they would rule this out so quickly. Its Political Correctness gone mad. This has been festering in europe for a long time. In 2008 i was covering and watching these guys in europe. I knew this was eventually going to bite them in the you know what. Its pathetic immigration policies. The lack of any sort of integration into european policy. This stuff has not been going on. This has been going on for a long time. Im not surprised by it. Being politically correct is not going to solve it. Charles if you are not going to be honest you are putting people at risk. But disnild, paris in 2014 had 10 million visitors. We have been talking about soft targets. This is one. One of the most visited places in the whole continent. It was insane how they caught this guy. They found it by a fluke. This wasnt someone on the radar. Thats something i will be looking at, was he active on social media . Had he left france and gone to syria. There are a lot of questions about hip. With the german gun thing, they cant even guy guns. They are putting in permits for tasers and guns that shoot teargas. People are feeling not safe. There are 300 applications just in the last month. The entire year last year 408. This isnt an asee you lup seeker, this isnt someone knew to paris. Charles speak of seeing this coming. Being an economic show, too, this goes back to low birth rate, socialist tendencies and economic policies. You have got no one in the pipeline. So they are almost in a position where they must take in people. They must take them in order to try to keep their economics alive and its barely working because they are not taking in a lot of skilled people. In paris the state of emergency is still in place. Hollande is fighting tooth and nail to get it extended because there is a lot of opposition against it. You wonder after this news why would there be opposition keeping this thing in place three months. They are uncomfort and with the current state of emergency. Thank god they have a president who want to take the fight to the enemy and talk like a warrior. Disney is one of the prominent western targets in france. To me this was an operative recruited potentially on social media highly compartmentalized. Carry a small handgun,. 32 caliber and oh and se dammo ando and see what happens. Charles maybe it will embolden them to go through with an attack. This could have been a dry run. Just because it may be a failed terror attack doesnt mean it failed. They are going out there to test our response. So we have to be cognizant fact they are out there and there will be an operation executed. We want to talk about refugees. A lot of things are change. Asylum in sweden. That country said to be ready to expel 80,000. You cant predict the market. But through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. New zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. Then, a brutal act of teterror here at home. Its time for a tested and proven leader who wont try to contain isis. Jeb bush has a plan. To destroy them. And keep america safe. Jeb bush the United States should not delay in leading a Global Coalition to take out isis with overwhelming force. Announcer tested and proven leadership matters. Jeb bush. Right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. Ii like to think of myself as more of a control. Enthusiast. Mmm, a perfect 177degrees. And thats why this road warrior rents from national. I can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. And i dont have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. And i dont. And national lets me choose any car in the aisle. Control. Its so, whats the word . Sexy. Go national. Go like a pro. Charles swede be not so welcoming anymore. They have done a huge aboutface with regards to refugees. They told denmark they were wrong. But i didnt think it was going to really happen. After one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. 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And finland will deport up to 2 3 of the refugees who entered that country last year. Morgan, you talked about this crazy he epiphany. It just wont work. There is a cultural clash there magnified by these events that happened throughout europe and particularly could thrown, germany on new years. Europe has struggled with how to have an effective immigration policy. This is the kind of stuff that happens after years of failed policies. Are there plenty of people who can come and integrate . Sure. But you need the culture way to integrate into the society and thats just not happening. Charles i web re the true fins became a big party. Now we see the euro centric thing. Part of it is about preserving culture. Thats not a racist thing. One thing these guys would never have done in their own country. They never would have done this at home its a definite disrespect to european culture. Charles dont they have a lack of respect at home and import that . A lot of their so sights are based on a sliding scale of shame and honor. They would get into a lot of trouble at home. They boanlts we high this way in their own country against women in their own country and own culture. Its a complete disrespect for the one think they are trying to be part of. I think one thing thats worth pointing out, its not going to be the refugees coming from syria or iraq that will be deported. They are talking about people that do not get asylum status. People from west africa, bangladesh. Even people coming from so row or albania. I remember being on the refugee trail seeing ethnic serbs who are poor trying to get in the refugee line and get blankets. These are the people that will be kicked out. Its true that inteeden cant handle this many people, it wont necessarily affect the cultural problem. There is a lot of talk about the refugees regarding their welfare and safety. No one wants to see children and women and men suffering in the desert. We have to think about our american people, their safety. We dont have the intelligence mechanisms to vet every single one of these individuals. I say put that pause button on. Get intelligence apparatus there so they are vetted properly. But we must think about our people first. You have europe just throwing all the existing rules out the window. We havent had open borders like europe has had. Thats a significant distinction. They have flown across. Southern border and could knife across the canadian border. Charles i think thats where well see the final political upheaval, in Angela Merkel can keep her career in check she was a hero for so long, i think if the german people say it didnt work, then i think thats the whole thing down the tubes with respect 0 all of europe. No one at this table wants to see innocent people suffering on the street. Its clearly a big problem. The candidates should speak to his tonight. There are several candidates who spoke about having safe zones in syria. You cant solve long term the refugee problem without solving assad and syria. We have seen our friends that are senators that have been entirely inconsistent. Charles it would be helpful if we fought these wars to win them. Mississippi, they are going back to something that worked good. If you dont want to give them the drugs to execute prisoners, they will just use firing squads. Charles it looks like mississippi may get back to its old way of execution. Nitro gas and the firing squad. In part because of shortage of drugs, some of that because pharmaceutical companies, europeans began blocking the use of their products for lethal injections in the United States. A lot of these states are struggling. Homoklahoma and utah have thosed methods in place. Mattel featuring barbies in different barbie body style. 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Charles all right, guys, moments away from the next fox gop debate. Heres your lineup. 7 00 p. M. , carly fiorina, mike huckabee, Rick Santorum and jim gilmore, at 9 00 p. M. , ted cruz, marco rubio, jeb bush, Chris Christie, john kasich and rand paul. Back with me steve, jillian and byron, i want to go around the table, handicap this one candidate at a time. We didnt talk a lot about kasich. He didnt campaign a lot. He put all his chips in New Hampshire. What do you make of him in iowa overall . Not good in iowa. Completely invisible in this state. Completely different story in New Hampshire. Has a real presence there. Seems to be rising in the polls. So i think however, hes one of the candidates, since hes had to put everything on one state, even if he does well for that state, hes not prepared for anything afterwards. If he catches the car, hes not sure what to do with it. Charles is there ego at this point . Is it some political operative whispering in his ear, you can do it, you can do it, what is it about . Can you tell when a candidate is looking out for the best interest of the country if theyre under 5 or so, time to get out. Gift ones up in the percentage polls the opportunity to show what they have. Hes the jim gilmore of the upper card candidate. We wonder why hes here. Its going to give me a chance to get chips and salsa. Charles i remember last time, i think thats when we had the most flushes, i hate to say it. Wait, why dont ask you me about jim gilmore . Charles you want to talk about him . Poor guy. Charles Chris Christie, how do you handicap him tomorrow . Can he do anything, and is it about time to give up the ghost . Similarly put everything into New Hampshire. He has no game in iowa, no game to speak of in South Carolina. Interesting, christie is bleeding support in New Hampshire in the place hes going allin, up until a couple weeks ago, he was neck for neck, polling at 12 . Rubio has been running against christie, and for whatever reason its not resonating, i dont know if its the trumping, i think whats interesting about christie, if he doesnt do well in New Hampshire and gets out, i predict hell get behind jeb bush or kasich. Hes hit cruz and rubio over and over again for being senators with no experience, comparing them to barack obama. Hes going support another candidate. Jeb bush coyly says ill do better than everybody thinks, he has a bunch of money and spends a lot without much to show for it. Unbelievable how much he spent, tens and tens of millions, upwards of 80 million dollars. A lot of that is in attack ads specifically against marco rubio. You cannot watch a tv show here in des moines or anywhere else in the state of iowa without seeing some of the right to rise pac, thats jebs pac, attacks on marco rubio, and there are a number of republicans who are saying to jeb bush now, look, youre not going to win. These are rubio staffers. Another candidate who has a chance. So there are a number of people who believe that, but hes not going anywhere, not now, maybe not in New Hampshire. May want to go through South Carolina where he has Lindsey Grahams support. Charles real quick morgan, you lay out how jeb can win this thing . First of all, Everybody Needs to put big boy and big girl panties on. If you cant handle attack ads, the line he said is a Rubio Campaign line. Charles how does he win . Do good in New Hampshire, clearly score in the top three, and in South Carolina, his brother who is popular, is going to come out and campaign for him. Everybody needs to grow up a little. We have a much smarter Society Today in america, much more intelligent people, theyre tired of attack ads and tired of negativity. Candidate that brings a strong, positive message to the american people, thats the candidate. Donald trump is the overwhelming frontrunner and nothing positive about his message. Charles heres the bottom line, not a vote has been cast yet, well see exactly what happens. Tonight, i think its donnybrook or someone earlier, i say watch out for rubio, rubio has been drafting. Anyway, thanks a lot. Going to be fantastic. Byron, have fun out there, buddy. Thank you, charles. Charles thank you for watching, every night, 6 00 p. M. If you cant see the show, dvr it. Now the man himself. Lou dobbs. Lou good evening, everybody, im lou dobbs. Republican president ial candidates getting ready to take the stage for their final debate before the Iowa Caucuses monday. Brandnew polls out of the three early voting states show donald trump still leading in iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. Senators cruz and rubio follow in second and third place in iowa and South Carolina. And in New Hampshire its cruz and kasich and then rubio tied for third place there in New Hampshire. Well take all of that up with our Political Panel tonight. Joining us National Reviews rich

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