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Quote weve got a powerful Nuclear Deterrent already in on our hands, and we certainly will not keep our arms crossed in the face of a u. S. Preemptive strike. North korea is the only country to cry out Nuclear Tests since 1998. Pakistan conducting two tests in 1998, india one in 1998, china one in 1996, france in 96 as well. Chinas foreign minister responding to the provocations by urging both the United States and north korea to, quote, refrain from inflammatory or threatening statements. Apparently, the word didnt get coto pyongyang, and the United States is responding with a show of force. The powerful Aircraft Carrier Carl Vinson Strike group is rushing to get on station in the sea of japan off the korean peninsula. It is scheduled to arrive in that region around april 24th. Vice president mike pence also scheduled to be in seoul, south korea, by tomorrow rather, sunday to kick off a tenday trip to asiapacific countries. This has been a busy week for the Trump Administration, its officials traveling all over the world. Its confronted Global Threats not just from north korea, but also syria, russia, iran and the Islamic State. The pentagon today releasing video of the socalledc moab bb that it dropped on Islamic State tunnels in eastern afghanistan. The afghan officials now are saying between 36 and 70 Islamic State terrorists were present at the time of the strike. It had a blast radius of one mile, and according to the top u. S. Military commander in the, in afghanistan, the decision to drop the largest bomb ever deployed in combat came from Decision Makers on the ground in the theater, not washington. We had persistent surveillance over the area before, during and after the operation, and now we have afghan and u. S. Forces on the site and see no evidence of civilian casualties, nor have there been any be reports of civilian casualties. Joining us tonight to discuss what the United States should do if north korea were to conduct a sixth nuclear test this weekend, fox news military analyst general jack keane. General, good to have you with us. Lets start with that bomb, the moab, the Massive Ordnance Air blast bomb called the mother of all bombs. Its impact is extraordinary. Never used before, and it looks like its the choice to use it now was the perfect time and the perfect place. Yeah, its a nasty bomb, lou. Obviously, it has a tremendous blast effect, but its got incendiary fuel as well, and that goes into these caves and tunnels. Its a fiery, devastating death for those people who are in it, to be sure. We havent used this bomb, obviously. We have the technology to support it. Theres another bomb that we have as well, its a deep penetrator that goes down to get secret sites that are 200 feet or whatever. Its classified how far that bomb goes. This is advanced technology that other countries truly do not have. And this not only, of course, devastating to the Islamic State, and i would think would put pakistan on notice as well that refuge is no longer going to be permitted. Thats an inference on my part. Your thoughts. Yeah. Well, thats part of it, to be sure. What this is, this was an isis safe haven. And weve got to go after safe havens. The biggest mistake of 9 11 was not taking down the safe haiive in afghanistan. By the way, for our viewers to understand, not too far from this location is where usama bin laden and his thugs were. We let that stay, and we got 9 11. So when we find safe havens like this, weve got to go after it. This is isis, its called the coreson group core zahn group, they travel freely back and forth from pakistan to afghanistan. Some of them are former pakistan taliban, now longing to isis. So this is we had good intelligence, its a good target. And nicholson did not want afghan infantry having to go in there. They tried it once, took casualties, and this was a much better answer than that. So his message was to destroy isis. Other people certainly seeing weight of military power by the United States get other messages from it, to be sure. Lou the rhetoric, however, from north korea rising. It is more bellicose, if anything, more threatening. How is there a red line here . If kimc un is to set off a sixth nuclear test, are there to be repercussions . What will occur . Therell be no military repercussions for that. Thatll be number six. Weve endured five before that. Lou right. A lot of the language, i think, is leading up to him doing Something Like that. The Aircraft Carrier and the strike force thats there, its largely there really to reassure our allies, the South Koreans and the japanese be, that we do have their back. Vice president pence going there for the same reason. Theres political instability in south korea. Were a little worried about it. We had a president this who was corrupt but strong on north korea and strong on defense. Were likely to get another president thats, hopefully, less corrupt, but we believe is not going to be as strong on defense and not as strong on north korea. So part of this is strengthening the spine of the South Koreans as well. Lou and as we go into this weekend, china issuing a warning to both north korea, it seemed, and the United States, suggesting that any party that permits this to spiral out of control that is, the threats, the escalating threats and the rhetoric would have a historical responsibility. A clear warning the both countries, but at the same time it was not a specific warning to north korea, nor is there the focus on constraining north korea that im sure the president would have liked to have seen. Well, you know, china may play a responsible role here for the first time. As you know, weve had three president s who have tried to Leverage China to coerce the North Koreans to denuclearize. All of that failed. But on wednesday night president xi called our president , spoke for an hour it takes a little time going through interpreters and he told our president as a followup to the maralago bilateral discussions they had something that was pretty stunning. He said im willing to move and take some action to help to denuclearize north korea. If that turns into action is and its not just rhetoric, that is a major, major Foreign Policy achievement. And, certainly, that would change the whole security situation in that part of the world. We have to see if that really turns into implementation which will get some results. But that statement alone is something his predecessors havent made. Lou all right. And as you say, now all that has to happen is it be turned to action, and well know in relatively short order, it seems, given the way things are going between north korea and the United States right now. General jack keane, as always, great to have you with us. Thanks. Good talking to you, lou. Lou were coming right back. Much more straight ahead, stay with us. What was the Obama Administration thinking . Caught spying on a former trump adviser. Im very encouraged by all thnew information thats coming out about some of these unethical practices and potentially illegal practices. Lou we take up the deep state with randy evans and fred barnes. They join me here next. And lansing, michigan, rescinding its sanctuary cities status after just nine days. Well take up the monumental decision with the citys mayor. Were coming right back, stay with us. You totanobodys hurt, new car. But there will still be pain. 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In march congresswoman jackie speier, in april Judicial Watch arguing the democrats remarks raised the same concerns that forced House Intel Committee chairman devin nunes to recuse himself from leading the committees investigation into russia and the Obama Administrations spy scandal. The former trump adviser who was spied on by obamaera intelligence agencies is now slamming what he calls the false allegations against him. Carter page appearing on the Oreilly Factor last night. There he denied allegations of Improper Communications with russian officials. Im very encouraged that all of the lies that have been a drag on this administration are finally coming out into the open. So many people have lied against me with, from the clinton campaign, many of their surrogates. Lets see what actually comes out. Lou and joining me now to discuss the obama spy scandal, the deep state and much more, the executive editor of the weekly standard, Fox News Contributor or fred barnes, and rnc or national committeeman, former chairman of the Republican Lawyers Association randy evans. Good to have you both with us. Thank you. Fred, lets start with this, more vindication for President Trump as we have carter page saying false evidence allowed a warrant to permit investigators to go after him. Your thoughts. Well, theyre going after carter page, but i think youre suggesting the real target was trump. You know, its been reported, lou, that they first went to the Foreign Intelligence Survey group, fisa, where the judges ar to get them, to get surveillance on trump himself. But they tured it down, and their second guy was carter page. Hes kind of a slippery character, but he does talk to the russians a lot, so they could make the case that he was somehow helping the russians, and now they have the surveillance lou the technique is called, by the way, for the audiences benefit, its called reverse targeting. Find someone near your actual target and follow him from fisa. Which, by the way, randy, apparently fisa, that court doesnt often say no to anybody. I mean, i thought theyre supposed to have this highfalutin standard. You remember james comey talking about paperwork deep as his first, which was an interesting metric. They always give it, apparently. But not in this case. Well, they do. Well, its typically a matter of routine with the fisa court because, generally speaking, if the intelligence agencies say they need the information, the assumption is they probably do. What weve seen here though is such a dramatic turn around. I just want you to remember a few months ago, lou, when all of the democrats and the former president just expressed shock that donald trump would even suggest the possibility that his administration was, in fact, spying on a political opposition party. Now what were seeing is day after day how broad that investigation, how broad that spying on political opposition, in fact, went. Lou yeah. The very idea that the Obama Administration in any form would protest after we find out that they widened the dissemination of raw intelligence, that they were, you know, they might as well have camped outside the fisa court as many times as they were there seeking warrants for surveillance. We also see Judicial Watch calling for an iestigation into schiff andc spear, both me remarks that cop firmed the confirmed the leaked transcripts. I mean, thats quite a i mean, theres not going to be much left of the ranking members of that committee at this rate. [laughter] well, it was pretty obvious, it was pretty obvious that they knew something was up when we suddenly saw adam schiff running from cameras rather than running to cameras. [laughter] i knew then that the wheel had turned. It has turned. And, look, the media doesnt want to cover this. They really ignored it as much as theyre been able to which is, actually, a lot. But it is building, and i dont think itll stop. I mean, carter page is not a major figure. I dont think he ever talked to trump when he was a Foreign Policy adviser. But, you know, the idea was he was just the beginning. Lou yeah. Well, the major figures in, you know, whether it was watergate or whatever it may be werent well, werent household names until they became household names either. [laughter] thats true. Lou lets talk about the influence right now in the white house. Quite a dynamic. Jared, ivanka, bannon, gary cohn. I mean, tremendous pressures are building here. Your thoughts, randy, on whats happening within the white house. Well, most of the folks at the white house are really good friends of mine, but i think the white house is starting to settle into a definitional phase; that is, where we lou wait a minute, i want to write that down. Definitional definitional phase. [laughter] lou all hells about to break loose, personally, but you go ahead. No. I think well, you and i talked about this a couple months ago which is Donald Trumps going to govern with a meritocracy. You deliver, you get heard, you get your policies promote i think were starting to see that steadily emerge. Gary cohns done a great job of putting a team together, hes got some real professionals behind him. Its not surprising that he gets the president s ear a little more than, say, those who have yet to fill out their agencies and departments. And, lou, remember who introduced gary cohn to donald trump, Jared Kushner be, the soninlaw. Lou well, i love what randy just said, you know, youve got to give him credit for having an organized team sure. Lou i remind everybody, the idea for the Trump Administration was that they would disorganization is and disrupt disorganize and disrupt and would get moving. Meanwhile, were giving high points here suddenly, randy, to a fellow who was as establishment and leftwing as anybody in the white house. I mean, give me a break. Im not giving him high points. What im saying is those who put together their teams and influence policy so as to disrupt, so as to build a consensus towards tax cuts, theyre going to get there first. Lou, he came in lou you mean the tax cuts that steve bannon and Steven Miller had introduced as a principal idea for the candidate which he, by the way himself, had sought, but now gary cohn gets credit for all of that, fred . No, no. Lou i mean, this doesnt seem fair. Hes going to change all that. You remember what trump campaigned on, and it was a plan drafted by steve moore and larry kudlow, and it was cutting the business tax down to 20 or low down from 35 , repatriating all that money lou ic remember all of that. I dont think were going to see that in the plan. Remember, gary cohns the guy that had a trial balloon recently in favor of a carbon tax. Lou im not sure it was a trial balloon other than maybe a perfect conviction on his part i hope its a trial balloon. Im giving him the benefit of the doubt. Lou were watching something kind of special right now, guys, no matter how anybody wants to turn it or twist it. We have got a real palace contest underway here. And im not sure that its a valuesoriented discussion, debate or contest, are you . Well, im not either. Look, but the National Economic council which is headed by gary cohn is a powerful body. Hes either the second or third most important aide in the entire white house. The National Security adviser and the lou randy, you get 15 seconds here, please. You get the last word. Judge it all by the results of what happens in the end. When tax cuts are passed, lou, youre going to look back on this show and say, randy, you were dead on. Lou and when i do, im going to to be struggling to remember what you said about those tax cuts. What did you say . That were going to get tax cuts. We will get tax cuts. Lou all right. They better be big. Lou not if your pals over there in the house leadership have their way, including paul ryan. Hell, he wont even give the president a shot at his wall, but thats for another show, another day. Fred barnes, randy evans, thank you both. We appreciate it. Thank you. Youre welcome. Lou be sure to vote tonight, do you believe chinas warning will prevent kim jonging unfrom carrying out what would be a sixth nuclear test while the rest of the world hasnt run one since 1998 . Cast your vote on twitter loudobbs and follow me on twitter, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram loudobbstonight. On wall street, markets closed for good friday. Retail sales fell for a second straight month, down twotenth obviously a percent. Californias department of Motor Vehicles granting apple a permit to conduct tests of those seldriv cars on blic highways. And uniteds chairman, the latest airline official to offer his apologies to dr. David dow after the passenger was dragged off a flight. United shares down more than 2. 5 this year. And by the way, they discovered a scorpion which bit one passenger as well. Well save more of that for next week. A reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. Up next, President Trump governing with pragmatism. I like to think of myself as a very flexible person. I dont have to have one specific way, and if the world changes, i go the same way. I dont change. Well, i do change. And i am flexible. Be. Lou and what does the president s base say about that . Well have a full report next. And a little later, well be talking with the mayor of lansing, michigan, a city that is no longer a sanctuary for Illegal Immigrants. Well have that and much more. Stay with us, a lot more ahead. With the travelocity Customer First guarantee. Your only worry. Will be how to drink this monstrosity. Get help with hotels, free twentyfourhour flight changes, and our price match guarantee. Travelocity. Wander wisely. Fridsi say not if yous protect yourself. Ary. What is scary . Pneumococcal pneumonia. Its a serious disease. My doctor said the risk is greater now that im over 50 yeah. Yaha. Just one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from Pneumococcal Pneumonia an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. Prevnar 13® is approved for adults 18 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause Pneumococcal Pneumonia. You should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. If you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. The most common side effects were pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. Get this one done ask about prevnar 13® at your next visit to your Doctors Office or pharmacy. Lou President Trump in until after what has been a busy week. The president reversing himself on a number of promises, and those moves raising questions from the national leftwing media and some of his supporters as to who is behind them. Kevin corke at the white house and he has the intriguing report. Reporter for President Trump this may end up being a sunsplashed easter weekend in florida. But in some circles clouds of concern arbuilding after policy positions at direct odds with previous positions including nato, the xm bank, china currency manipulation and janet yellen. And the role of steve bannon. Bannon has been at at odds with from trumps soninlaw who often side with his wife ivanka trump on major policy matters. A game of thrones many conservatives fear will pull the president to the left on Climate Change and policing enforcement. Said relationship lowery of the national revue. This group is all democrats who marinated in the financial and social elite of manhattan. If jared and ivanka run the joint, it would be hard the to overstate the turnabout from last year campaign. I think people dont understand trumpism and the larger current that got him elected. Reporter the conservative Research Center says trump has to energize his base. If not, conservatives will walk. But is that true. They elected a man knowing he is very flexible ideologically. They said thats not of interest to us. We think he can get things done. Reporter lou, you know the game. The white house will tell you the president will be loyal to his base and defend allamerican people, but he will remain flexible in the process. And thats evidenced by todays decision by white house officials to decline to name china a currency manipulator. Lou the president hoeing flek built that just about everybody, including the base would have been screaming for him to offer up some six months ago. Much more straight ahead. Making America Great again is no easy task. President trump working hard to save america from disastrous obamacare. This is going to be a much worse year than last year for obamacare. If obamacare isnt bailed out it fails. Lou but Insurance Companies want the president to do more to fix the obamacare mess. Steve forbes joins us next. These athlete creating his own cool ride to reach down the sleeps. Well take you on this down e slopes. Stay with us. Well be right back with that video and much more. Times up, insufficient were on prenatal care. Es. And administrative paperwork. Your days of drowning people are numbered. Same goes for you, budget overruns. And rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. Were coming for you, too. For those who wont rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. Optum. How well gets done. Deartheres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say if you love something. Set it free. See you around, giulia and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. 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Hhs released a set ofifics that include an open Enrollment Period allowingen sureds to pay past premiums. Both fixes part of the suggested compromise for what would be ryancare if they can move it through the house. Either way, its not good news for obamacare and the federal government which will have to meet those tests. President trump threatening to with hold payment to insurersn as a way to force democrats to negotiate on the repeal and replacement in the house. Steve forbes, lets start with this monstrosity of a mess called obamacare. We are looking at figures that will have to be organized by the Trump Administration and this house. This is exactly what they couldnt get done a few weeks ago. Steve they keep telling us they are on the verge of an agreement that will bring everyone together. I think they made a strategic error this week going back to healthcare instead of pushing a tax cut. So go with what works. Lou this is starting to look very bad. Steve you saw that in that kansas congressional race. From a 31point margin down to 7. Georgia next week not looking good. Lou it looks like a tossup going to a runoff. In georgia you have to win 50 of it to be the winner outright. And it looks like it will be according to those in the know, the democrat will not get that majority and the republicans will prevail. Do you agree with that view . Steve it depend on turnout. The democrats have gone the involved earlier, necessity could have won that race. Lou paul ryan says he will not be funding the wall which is one of the president s campaign promises. Its one thing for the president of the United States to express rag maism, but its another to be told to go to hell by the speaker. Hes told the president to go to hell on obamacare. He screwed that up. How much more of this can be tolerated if the republicans want to hold the house . What the republicans have to do, and it has 20 come from the oval office. Healthcare is nice, keep working at it boys, but we want a tax cut and we want it soon. Make it simple. We have to get the rates down, get the money overseas back home. Investing in the american economy, then we can take care of the rest. Lou that sounds good, but thats not whats being said by the members of the house of representatives or by the white house. Instead you have got steve cone on one arc, paul ryan on another. You have the rest of the white house trying to preserve the Campaign Agenda of President Trump. Something has to give here. Steve what gives are these special elections. Lou there are four seats and one decided. Steve if they go like they did in kansas, thats a shot across the bow. On the house side they will say we shouldnt do anything baits will upset people. I think the president will take that as a message, i have got to deliver Something Big and we have to do it now. Lou the president is the only one whose seat is assured in 2018. Paul ryan, what hes doing to the conference right now, hes not creating consensus around the president s agenda. Hes actively fighting it. Doing so in public view, and its a remarkable historical moment because this man is talking about this quoteunquote better way agenda while the president is trying to push through his. And is being assisted by garly cone, for crying out loud. They are back to square one on tax reform. They dont know what the hell they want to push through congress. Thats the white house and paul ryan. And gary cohn as well. What do you make of kevin hassek. Proaf outswoarks no immigration. At what point does the joke get a little bit irritating. Steve tax cuts, get that done and well discuss the rest. And get rid of that crazy border tax. Who would have thought House Republicans would be in favor of a 20 tax. Lou who would have thought a president who said he will build the wall will put up with speaker who says he wont appropriate the money to build the wall. And hes making it clear he wants a border tax and immigration for crying out loud. Steve 2018 could be the republican equivalent of 2010 for the democrats if they dont get their act together on taxes. Warning. And paul ryan will be looking for other opportunities. Maybe as a fox commentator. Lou i was citing of steve forbes. Steve you get paid by traffic so he has to earn his own way which he hasnt yet. Lou a new w to race down the slopes. This thrill seeker performing amazing tricks. Look what hes riding. Its a snow scooter. The handlebar spins and flips while racial down the slopes. This all in japan on his snow scooter. Up next the Trump Administration warning sanctuary cities they could lose funding. Lansing, michigan used to be a sanctuary city. The mayor joins me to tell us why they changed their mind. Whoa thats amazing. Hey, im the internet i know a bunch of people who would love that. The internet loves what youre doing. So build a better website in under an hour with. Gocentral from godaddy. Type in your idea. Select from designs tailored just for you and publish your site with just a few clickseven from your. Mobile phone. The internet is waiting start for free today at godaddy. Then youre a couple. Think of all youll share. Like snoring. Does your bed do that . The dual adjustability of a sleep number bed allows you each to choose the firmness and comfort you want. So every couple can get the best sleep ever. Does your bed do that . For a limited time find clearance prices on the cse bed. Now only 1399 save 500. Only at a sleep number store or sleepnumber. Com lou michigans capital city of lansing reversing its decision to be a sanctuary city nine days after embracing that controversial status. Joining me is the mayor of lansing. You are in the spotlight now. And driving the decision basically was what . I have been a big fan for a long time. I had exporting america by my bedside for a long time. You were there before anybody. So look, im trying to do the right thing here. I issued an executive order to clarify things, to have a written policy how to deal with undocumented people. The city council. Its a political statement. Its an Election Year and this is democracy in action. Im delighted to live in a country where there is a lot of input and its a par is a tory sport. We put its a participatory sport. We go after people who break the law equally. Lou everyone is concentrated from your chamber of commerce saying businesses were being hurt rather than Public Safety which underlies the reason sanctuary cities are being told they are going to lose federal funds for law enforcement. Do they both hold equal weight in your judgment and that of the city council . Its hard to say. We have a strong form of government. I am not saying its inconsequential. I run the Police Department. They fund it. People want to stand up to trump. A lot of people feel the hateful rhetoric is divisive. Our Police Department tried to build on Community Police and work with people. There is concern this current focus on Illegal Immigrants puts them all in one barrel that its discrimination. Lou i love the fact you bought my first book in 2004 on all of this. But the president has made it clear the attorney general made it clear, they are going after criminal Illegal Immigrants. Thats their focus and priority. If thats their focus, well be with them 100 . Thats our focus keeping everybody safe. Lou you are reversing your decision to declare the city sanctuary status . Thats the council. I think its polarizing and divisive and we need a policy that works for everybody and we arent discriminating and profiling. We work cooperatively with the federal government, but we are not i. C. E. Lou by the way, i have had four other books out since exporting america. I noticed. I have got to catch up. Lou the New York Times outraged at President Trump and you wont believe why. I think like a lot of other things at this white house we have seen and lack of staffing and organization. A lack of understanding of sort of the magnitude of the task. Lou what . What has them so angry . Well pick it up with tammy bruce next. Ees. Fees . What did you have in mind . I dont know. 4. 95 per trade . Uhhh. And i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee . Guarantee . Where we can get our fees and commissions back if were not happy. So can you offer me what schwab is offering . Whats with all the questions . Ask your broker if theyre offering 4. 95 online equity trades and a satisfaction guarantee. If you dont like their answer, ask again at schwab. Itthat can make a worldces, of difference. Expedia, everything in one place, so you can travel the world better. Hey, searching for a great used yeah you got it. Just say show me millions of used cars for sale at the all new carfax. Com. 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For most americans thats the deadline that counts. So this is just petty. Its like mrs. Contract hav kra . Bewitched. The first lady tweeted, everybody is going to have a great time at the easter egg roll monday and i think they will. He could come up with a cure for cancer tomorrow and they would call that a mistake as well. Lou do you think cnn, the times and others, they dont have a pure heart when it comes to the Trump Administration . There are policy differences. Things people are concerned about that have been debated. But when you do this type of thing and put this out there and they are aching to get a meaning going here. And people are going to die. My advice to the Trump Administration. Order the Big Christmas tree right now. Bring it in a couple weeks. That way you can get ahead of the curve and show the New York Times where you are. Lou lets turn if we may to obamacare, more emergency funding and steps necessary to save it in 2018. Tammy, this is getting awful. And at the same time the speaker of the house saying he will not fund the wall for the president who ran on the wall. As much as any other issue he talked about. Where is this headed with the speaker . Tammy we saw with the last attempt to pass obamacare that the speaker is in over his head. Lou he may take the party with him. This is not an individual matter. This is a speaker who has the capacity to destroy a good chunk of the Republican Party and change the party in control. Tammy with the Freedom Caucus and other individuals in the house, the Republican Party has a lot of smart, capable people who recognize obviously i think the option it depend on what the president is going to do. Lou what is the president going to do about it . Tammy the call should be for there to be a new speaker. There has to be someone who supports the president s agenda. Ryan has been in there for 7 years and he didnt even make an evident to have a plan to replace obamacare. Hes not going to do it now. I agree with tammy. And i know thats an awful thing and turmoil. But paul ryan is a guy who doesnt believe in the same things. He cant even drive toward anything. He killed them during the healthcare debate and this time i think trump is bypassing him. Tammy it was a debacle. That set a tone. And it was absurd. Lou i want to say this and see what you think. I believe President Trump is in a similar position to that of President Trump to stage his presidency. President trump had the opportunitto ben historical president and so does President Trump. Both could go at this point in history gone down in history. But if he follows the same template as obama which does not meet the standard of hope and change brings america first, make America Great, its a huge, huge risk and the potential for a loss of opportunity is unquestioned. Don giordano, tammy bruce, thank you for being with us. Thats it for us. We thank you for being with us. Please join us monday. Have a great weekend. Good night. Announcer from fox business headquarters in new york city. The new wall street week. Maria welcome to wall street week the show that analyzes the week that was and positions you for the week ahead. Here are some of the big headlines of the week that will continue to impact investors. Wall street closing in a negative territory. Markets were closed on good friday. The sexr s p capital i. Q. Says earnings are expected to be up

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