Hes pushing for penalties, including arrests for officials who enact sanctuary city policies. They could themselves wind up in jail, the place where they are releasing dangerous criminals from. Lou Governor Abbott joins us tonight. White house chief of staff Reince Priebus, chief strategist steve bannon put the Corporate Masters of the national leftwing media on notice. They also slammed the media over false reports that there is any discord in the white house. Bannon reminding all that the white house expects a tough battle with the national leftwing media that he calls the opposing party. Its not only not going to get better, its going to get worse every day. [laughter] and heres why. By the way, the internal logic makes sense. Theyre corporatist, globalist media that are adamantly to opposed [cheers and applause] adamantly opposeed to an economic nationalist agenda like donald trump has. Heres whats going to get worse, because hes going to continue to press his agenda. Every day it is going to be a fight. Lou we take that up and more with the dean, republican strategist ed rollins. And the trump rally rolls on. The Dow Jones Industrials climbing for a tenth straight session. The longest winning streak since march 2013, almost 3 trillion in paper gains since the election. And Investors Show no signs of getting tired of winning. Good evening, everybody. President trump sending secretaries tillerson and kelly to meet with the president and foreign minister of mexico. Secretary of state tillerson today acknowledged large differences between the two countries but emphasized a shared commitment to law and order on the part of both countries. In a relationship filled with vibrant colors, two strong sovereign countries from time to time will have differences. Theres no mistaking that the rule of law matters along both sides of our border. Lou interestingly, there was no mention by the Mexican Government officials, nor the two secretaries that, of the word cartels. Cartels that President Trump has promised to target. And that trip isnt without precedent, you should know, but we do have to go back a ways. Secretary of state colin powell and Homeland Security secretary tom ridge were dispatched by president george w. Bush to meet with their mexican counterparts back in 2004. Were awaiting Vice President mike pences speech to cpac tonight. Its scheduled to begin at 7 30. Earlier this afternoon white house chief of staff Reince Priebus and chief strategist steve bannon were at the conservative gathering. They addressed cpac, and they criticized false reports that that they have a contentious relationship. We share an office suite together, were basically together from 6 30 in the morning until about 11 00 at night i have a little thing called the war room, he has a fireplace with nice sofas. [laughter] lou bannon also hitting the national leftwing media saying they are essentially working as a Opposition Party to the trump white house. If you look at, you know, the Opposition Party and how they portrayed the campaign, how they portrayed the transition and now theyre portraying the administration, its always wrong. Lou President Trump will be speaking to cpac tomorrow morning. This morning the president met with two dozen manufacturing ceos at the white house where he spoke of bringing back jobs. My administrations policies and Regulatory Reform, tax reform, trade policies will return significant manufacturing jobs to our country. Everythings going to be based on bringing our jobs back. The good jobs, the real jobs. Theyve left. And theyre coming back. They have to come back. Lou my first guest tonight says President Trump continue to live up to his campaign promises, especially when it comes to putting our country back to work. Joining us now, veteran of ten president ial campaigns, leading republican strategist ed rollins. Ed, the president again meeting with ceos, i have to tell you, i find that so reassuring that he is talking with other leaders in the private sector. Every day, every day since hes been in office, he basically has had some significant meeting either with another head of state or business all the way through. Number one priority is not to basically be a great Foreign Policy president , but to be a great domestic president and get people back to work. The most important part of the Bannon Priebus story today, and i served in two terms of the Reagan White House in which there were lots of infights. No one cares, they care about substance and things get done. And bannon saying the president laid out what he was going to do, and thats what hes going to do. And you need someone like him in there every day to push and headache sure that occurs. Make sure the promises are kept, and my sense is that this president will do that. Lou it was clear, a picture being worth at least a thousand words, that bannon and rebus are working well together priebus are working well together and cooperative with one another, sharing, as they said, an office suite. This is also an Opposition Party that is the National Liberal media, and bannon making the point that youre talking about globalists, youre talking about corporatists when youre talking about those by the way, the National Liberal media thats going after them every day. Well, the most important thing i think he said today and the fact he understands this is this is a longterm battle. This isnt, doesnt get over on election day, doesnt get over the first year or the first hundred days. This is a longterm battle with, and if you want to change the direction of this country after eight years of obama, you basically have got to do trench warfare every single day. And his own party has to get into this mix here. The agenda is trumps agenda, not theirs, and they have to repeal obamacare, they have to fix the taxes, do the things they promised. Lou when you say they, youre referring to the house and the senate. We all pat ourselves on the back, now we have to prove we can do it. Thats the key thing. Lou speaker ryan seemed to be, you you know, getting on his high horse, if i may use the expression, down on the border when he should have been moving legislation through. I dont understand whats going on there. What is he possibly thinking in defying the president and mitch mcconnell, acting as though this president did not promise to cut taxes, to restore prosperity and to get rid, get rid of obamacare . Well, ryan for a number of years has had the premise that we basically have to cut entitlements, cut social security, cut whatever to balance the budget. Were not going to balance the lou the prime president has sad clearly there will not be a cut to entitlements. Absolutely. And theres no lou so whats he grieving on . He keeps doing this. My sense again was the president s agenda was very, very clear, a clear differential between him and mrs. Clinton, and its now up to the fellow members of this party to move this agenda forward, because if they dont and become the obstructionists and you dont get the repeal of obamacare, you dont get these things fixed, the republicans will pay a very heavy price. Lou and lets be clear, they should. The house should. And they will. Lou the senate should. And this president is being as straight as he could possibly be in terms of his agenda. John boehner, for crying out loud, at a pharmaceutical meeting declaring that there will be no repeal of obamacare. Unfortunately, the former speaker became more of an opposition leader, and not a very good one. So is my sense today is now we have a chance to move the ball forward. I would let the majority of bet the majority of the republicans in the house and the senate want to move the president s agenda forward. Lou john mccain, again, trying to undercut it seems clearly the president. Mccain making a trip to northern syria. I mean, at this point, you know, its not unprecedented, certainly, that the head of Armed Services would be there. But it is a peculiar position for him to put himself in. John likes to be the opposition leader, and i think to a certain extent hes going to pay a very heavy price, because if this president s going to rebuild the defenses of the country, which he promised to do, john mccain could play a very, very Critical Role if he doesnt become a loyal supporter, hes not going to be very effective x the other members of that committee will have to move the ball forward. Hes been to syria a number of times, he doesnt need to lou well, hes the one, you know, who also went to cairo for president obama trying to install the Muslim Brotherhood in the alsisi government shortly after the general took control. Didnt work out too well, did it . Lou it did not. [laughter] the likelihood he keeps his chairmanship under these circumstances . Well, i think he keeps it, but is it going to be effect be i . The effective . The chairman is one vote, an important vote, but if this is the president s priorities, he said it again today that you have to fix the nuclear stuff, my sense is hes going to play a Critical Role or not. Lou ed, thanks again. Ed rollins. There will be another great lineup at cpac tomorrow. President trump, carly fiorina, nigel farage, and guess what . Ill also be there addressing the gathering, talking about the nation and its prospects as one foot soldier in the media wars. Stay with us, a lot more straight ahead. The state of texas vowing to abolish sanctuary cities. Texas is going to come down hard on any the city, any county, any public official that adopts a sanctuary city policy. Lou well talk about that battle to end sanctuary cities with the governor of the great state of texas, greg abbott. He joins me next. And Top Trump Administration officials addressing cpac, kellyanne conway, Reince Priebus and steve bannon and Vice President mike pence, and when he begins his remarks, well bring them to you. This is the silverado special edition. This is one gorgeous truck. Oh, did i say theres only one special edition . Because, actually theres 5. Aaaahh ooohh uh holy mackerel. Wow. Nice. Strength and style. Which ones your favorite . Come home with me its truck month find your tag for an average total value over 11,000 on Chevy Silverado all star editions when you finance through gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. And now we unleash it onwerful your taxes. Pecies has created. Hello my name is watson. Yep. H r block and ibm watson together. Come see us and get your taxes won. Ive spent my life planting a sizesix, nonslip shoe into that door. On this side, i want my customers to relax and enjoy themselves. But these days its phones before forks. They want wifi out here. But behind that door, i need a private connection for my business. Wifi pro from comcast business. Public wifi for your customers. Private wifi for your business. Strong and secure. Good for a door. And a network. Comcast business. Built for security. Built for business. Lou the sanctuarity of denver under fire for releasing an illegal immigrant from jail weeks before he allegedly killed a man. 19yearold e very era valdez was wanted for possible deportation when he posted bond on car theft charges back in december. He now faces a firstdegree murder charge. The Sheriffs Department said it had no authority to hold him. And outrage over new yorks sanctuary city policies after officials allowed an illegal immigrant gang member to walk free from Rikers Island jail without alerting immigration and Custom Enforcement officials. Mayor demass owe says the city was right because he was serving five months for disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor. I. C. E. Was able to track down velazquez that very same day, fortunately, hes now scheduled to be deported. My next guest is at the forefront of the fight against sanctuary cities in this country, cutting funding to cities in his own state. The governor of the great state of texas, greg abbott. Golf, good to have to you governor, good to have you with us. Thank you, lou. Lou lets start with the secretary of state, the secretary of Homeland Security meeting with the foreign minister and the president of mexico today, and it didnt appear to go particularly well. Well, listen, lou, this is early on in the process. Obviously, the president and his team are working on forging an effective working relationship with mexico. Texas in particular has a long stretch of border with mexico, but its been porous where thousands of people have been coming across our border, and its hes that we be able to secure it its necessary that we be able to secure it. Texas ask the United States must forge a working relationship, and thats precisely why the secretary of state and the secretary of Homeland Security are this mexico city right now speaking with those mexican officials to begin to forge that relationship. Lou you know, its interesting, too, because its pretty clear that President Trump is looking for a productive and responsible partner in president pena nieto. But to this point, he has been hes received nothing but his Cold Shoulder and occasionally a very hot tongue lashing out at the United States this in particular. How is that going to go . I think it will take some time for this will be reason, and that is President Trump has inherited a situation after eight years of barack obama having an open border policy, so naturally, leaders in mexico grew awe customed to the obama way of o of really not enforcing the rule of law along our border. So theres this adjustment period that will be required for officials in mexico to get accustomed to exactly what it is the Trump Administration is seeking today. And i think this is something that we will be able to work out. And i tell you why, and that is it is in the best interests of, of course, the United States as well as the people many mexico, first, to have a good working relationship and a good economic relationship. If we can a achieve both of those things, itll be great for the United States and also great for mexico. Lou as you move toward getting passed the sanctuary law and implementing that, have you received a lot of pushback from mexico and from the government there . Heres the deal, weve not received any pushback from mexico, and theres a reason why. Because what the state of texas is doing is we are banning sanctuary city laws or programs in the state of texas. So all we are really doing is enforcing the rule of law in our own state, and theres nothing that mexico can say about that because its nothing that infringes upon their sovereignty whatsoever. We believe that those stories that you were talking about earlier such as in denver and elsewhere are reprehensible, and we are not going to tolerate any official action in the state of texas where officials are not enforcing the law. If you dont want to enforce the law, you should not be in law enforcement. Lou this is quite an experiment in reasoning, to watch the country. This country, as well as mexico, adjust to a new order of things. That is, suddenly there will be law and order in the United States as our president has made clear. You are making that clear in the state of texas. Mexico, which has become i think it is fair to say relatively dependent on a 60 billion trade surplus with this country, relatively dependent on somewhere between 25 and 50 billion in the illicit drug trade that crosses that border and 25 30 or 40 billion in rehit dances from remittances from mexican nationallings. This is a large number for a relatively, well, a difficult period in the mexican economy makes it all the more difficult. It does. And i would say the key phrase in what you just said, lou, was the repetition of the words have gotten gotten used to. Theyve also gotten used to a United States of america that was not enforcing the rule of law. Lou right. And so this is somewhat jarring to them, to suddenly see a president come in and say, listen, were going to start enforcing the rule of law in the United States. That will take a period of time to get adjusted to, and i think its something that can be accomplished. Lou and as we wrap up here, the wall street journal today saying that texas looks like it might be somewhat resistant to that wall because of the number of pieces of real estate, quite large, obviously, in texas that are privately owned. Do you concur with their reporting . Well, first, importantly there are large stretches in the state of texas where there is already a wall. Lou right. And i was down there with the new secretary of Homeland Security, john kelly. We flew around the area, and he was very impressed with the wall that was already up and in existence. Lou right. But what we need, as the secretary pointed out, is hullty layer security in the air, on the ground. We will never be able to have a secure border without more boots on the ground. The Trump Administration has promised to achieve that. Lou and, governor, i think you just avoided my question about that wall, and my hats off to you. [laughter] no, we have one, and lou youve also got the biggest border with mexico, and it is also the least fenced as a percentage of border. No lou, i was trying to shoot straight with you. Heres the deal, so youll know, and that is what the Trump Administration has said and what john kelly has said is theyre going to begin the wall building in three stretches, one of which is in texas. And so theyre going to continue to build out the wall in the state of texas. Lou all right. Governor, it is always great to talk with you. Appreciate you being with us tonight. Thank you, lou. Lou governor greg abbott. Governor ab ott, texas is luckily to have him, one of the Great Americans. Breaking news now. President trump just moments ago tweeted this out about chicago, saying, quote seven people shot and killed yesterdayed in chicago. What is going on there . Totally out of control. Chicago needs help. At least 92 people have been shot in chicago so far this year, nearly 400 wounded in shootings. Be sure or to vote in our poll tonight, do you agree with steve bannon that the leftwing media is ferociously attacking President Trump because theyre controlled by corporatists and globalists . Cast your vote on twitter lou dobbs. Like me on facebook, follow me on instagram be lou dobbs tonight. And i do want to correct something i mistakenly said 92 people shot, shot and killed. On wall street stocks today closed mixed, the dow gains 35 points gaining 35 points, closing at a new record high ten straight sessions in which the dow has hit a record. The s p up a fraction, the nasdaq down 25 points. Volume on the big board just under four billion shares. Since the election markets have posted 2. 9 trillion in increased market cap. And a reminder, listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. Up next here, were awaiting Vice President mike pence. Hes speaking to cpac tonight. Well be bringing that to you when he takes the stage. And President Trump today summoning manufacturing ceos to the white house to talk taxes and trade. Well have the full report for you straight ahead. And did i mention the president is speaking to cpac tomorrow morning . Yes, i did, but i just wanted to repeat it. Stay with us, well be right back. Back. Did you know 90 of couples disagree on mattress firmness . Fortunately theres a bed where you both get what you want every night. Enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow only at a sleep number store. Right now find our queen c2 mattress at 599, save 200. Sale ends sunday. Go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Deartheres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced. Our senses awake. Our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say. If you love something set it free. See you around, giulia lou were waiting Vice President pences speech at cpac. President trump to address the conservative gathers tomorrow morning. Today he met with two dozen corporate executives, john roberts with our report. Reporter democrats and many others are telling just about anyone who will listen that the president s plan for the tax reform will blow a huge hole in the deficit. It was a whos who today, ceos from ge, ford, look lockheed, caterpillar and more. My administrations policies and Regulatory Reform attacks reform, trade tax reform, trade reforms will return significant manufacturing jobs to our country. They are in almost lockstep in tax reform, differs on size of Corporate Tax cut. And border transfer tax, president today told reuters he is warming to the idea of a border tax. One of the very few countries that does has no border tax. Reporter tax reform is till months away the ceos here today like what they see on the horizon. Some of us have said this is probably most probusiness Administration Since the founding fathers. Reporter others are less pleaded. A small group, gather down pennsylvania avenue last night to protest the administration rescinding obama era guidance that Public Schools must allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice. In a statement. Human right campaign insisted this is note a state right issue, it is a civil right issue, the white house had a different take. Does the white house disagree with position this a civil right. It is where it is appropriately addressed. At the state level. Reporter the press secretary, yesterday seemed ton to indicate a softening in white house war with media. Senior strag attacked loaded with both barrels. Because he is going to continue to press his agenda. And as Economic Conditions get better, and more jobs get better, they will continue to fight, if they think they are going to give you your country back without a fight, you are sadly mistaken. Every day it will be a fight. Reporter tuesday night, president will layout in detail what he is fighting for in his first address in a joint session of congress, and themed renewal of the american spirit, with a focus on Public Safety and economic opportunity. Lou. Lou john thank you. John roberts from the white house. President trump has mentioned, will be addressing cpac tomorrow. Also on the list, i will talk about the nation and its prospects as i see them tomorrow morning 9 55 05. You dont want to miss it. Secretary of say the, Rex Tillerson said that United States and mexico are unified in their desire for prosperity. Purposeful and Productive Exchange that is setting our two countries down a pathway to greater security. And longterm prosperity. We take up the strained relations between mexico city and washington here next, joining us, car care en karen skinner. Why do some cash back cards make earning bonus cash back so complicated . They limit where you can earn bonus cash back to a few places. And those places keep changing every few months. The quicksilver card from capital one doesnt do any of that. With quicksilver you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Leave complicated behind. Whats in your wallet . As a combination of see products. And customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Cmohappy birthday i survived a heart attack. Im doing all i can to keep from having another one. And im taking brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. 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But this is a very big deal, i did not hear either Rex Tillerson or john kelly, head of secretary of state and head of Homeland Security, neither one mentioned the cartels, why would that be . There is so much to mention between u. S. And mexico, they did cover them in a sense of broad discussion, some are private, that we dont know about yet. But when you think about u. S. And mexico relations, that is border security, it is drugs it is human traffics, it is trade, nafta, there are so many en tangle amendments, i weather their strategy was too put flesh behind the ideas of executive orders and statement that donald trump made, they were very diplomatic. Lou some might say cautious. Maybe if critics thought there would be no u. S. Mexico relationship, they have shown, despite what has been going on in streets of mexico, protests, it possible to have a serious, and civil dialogue with the mexican leadership, and the mexicans took them seriously. Lou i hope so, there is 25 billion in remi remittances for them. Fred, i am sort of taken aback by the president himself, has made it clear, he is looking for a responsible partner in terms of president nieto. And what he is getting is a very resistant government, almost insulting in their dismissal of the two cabinet members today. Well, two things, i am impressed by tillerson, his debut in europe was good. He was praised for his gravitas for explaining trump policy, and listen, i think the same thing is going on in mexico. He will have oneonone meetings with mexican officials, they will do venting. At the end of the the day, mexico needs United States for political and economic reasons, and nieto knows these protest, antitrump protest continue, a far left chavez wannabe will probably win the mexican presidency next year. Doctor, this is an opportunity, that president is trying to seize, it is clear to me. I dont have this from the administration, but i infer. This is an opportunity they want to seize in which two country come together to control that border. Can work toward a mutual reciprocal trade relationship. It may not be everything that mexico wants, to begin to comes to terms that fact that someone is going to have to as president of u. S. Said, i want to give President Trump credit he is only National Lead tear have guts to say he is going to stop the cartels and they will not run freely in this country. And devastating the leaving of too many people on both sides of the border. The mexicans are taking him seriously, and i agree with your guest. They have shown strang statements about United States for example, secretary tillerson said, were two sovereign nations, we will have some differences, but we have a language shared history long shared history, were committed to human rights and international law. It is very difficult for the mexican leader to out maneuver this duo of strong cabinet members visiting them. And President Trump made this trip with his strong rhetoric possible for them to come in and try to refine the set of ideas he has presented. Lou if i may in part offer a different perspective. This is a president talking about the interest of the United States america first. Well pursue our interests, not using flowery word, not talking about trust, or respect, but talking about mexico and the United States, coming together with mature leadership, responsible leadership, to act in the interest of both nations, which is the essence, is it not, fred, of Foreign Policy, or should be. I think that is right, a main goal of tillersons visit is to say trump is serious about the policies, you can complaining and listen to western media. But i am here to tell you mr. Trump believes he says he will do what he says he will do, well have to find a way to work this out. Lou doctor, as we if forward, right now we have cartels that are kills tens of thousands of mec heb me mexican citizens, phoenix is kidnap capital of this country. Were seeing corruption on both sides of the border, not much talked about or addressed in Public Policy on the states on the border, this is a time for significant change in that relationship, one that could mean much to the mexican people, certainly as much to half of whom live below the Property Line in mexico, as well as the American People who seek security. And as president put it, america first. To your point, i think the fact that secretary of state is traveling with and having meetings with the Homeland Security adviser, really, that underscores the importance that were addressing the cartel. And tha that is on tuesday this week, the policy was rolled out that refined the executive order on removing as many criminals who are illegal in the United States moving them back to mexico. Perhaps if they are not from mexico. Lou which is upset the Mexican Government. So be it. Fred flight and Kyron Skinner thank you very much. Thank you. Lou up next, many republicans facing a nasty people. Are they constituents . Or is that all manufactured nonsense by leftist activists . Well have the story for you, you decide. Were awaiting Vice President s speech at cpac, there is more ahead, you dont want to miss a moment, well be right back. You totaled your brand new car. Nobodys hurt, but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Mattress firmness . Enter sleep number. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. You can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. Save 50 on the ultimate limited edition bed. Sale ends sunday go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Lou joining me, attorney political analyst, gail trotter, and charlie hurt, lets start with town hall protests, almost like republicans are hes hesitant to say, they are pays activists and they are being cautious, when the ocean needing for action, the obama 30 thousand folks, i mean they have got all of the materials online, we know what in a are doing. It is clear. Why the hesitation. And why are people pretending this is grassroots protest against the repeal of obamacare, for crying out loud . They are too cautious, the true funktion of a town hall to meet with their representatives. And hol hold them account able or just talk and be informed and an evening where people learn something about what is going on and whether the representative or senator is talking to the people listening and represents their will. Right, they are out in their districts, they are not in an ivory you toke tower in washington d. C. Having people come from outside of district. Especially if they are paid protester that is not the purpose of a town hall, they should be called out. Lou and turning to cpac, bannon and Reince Priebus show up, they look like long buddies over the course of years, they said all of the right things about each other. That was not an accident. What are your impressions . That was most interesting segment of cpac. I thought that and as we have seen, particular bannon described what the media has been doing. Really had a lot of fun at their expense. Talking about how the two of them have been working together and all of reports that weve been reading would suggest far otherwise. He had a lot of fun reminding everyone what the media said about Trump Campaign during the campaign, and all these people had to sit back to november 8, and eat crow. Well, with that, i have to say thank you very much charlie. As you see there, and thank you gail. Vice president pence, and his wife, just walked on to stage, you saw walking off the man chris cox. Of the nra. Conservative gathering at Gaylord National resort and convention center, here is the Vice President. Hello cpac. It is great to be back at the premiere gathering of conservatives in the United States of america. You know this is the 9th time i have had the privilege to address cpac. Thanks to all of you, and the confidence of our new president , this is the first time i am here as Vice President of the United States of america. Because of all of you, because of your hard work and your support and your prayers, my family and i have the privilege to serve. More personally personally because of all of you my friend donald trump is the 45th president the United States of america. You know the president and i have become good friends. The greatest privilege of my life to be Vice President to a leader of such conviction, vision and courage. Some people have remarked were a little bit different, i am a small town guy, he is big city. I am midwest he is manhattan island. He is known for his bigger than life personality, his charm and charisma, and im like not. You know, as i said at republican convention, i guess he was just looking to balance the ticket. But all kidding aside, when President Trump asked me to join him on the ticket, i said yes in a heart beat, you have elected a man for president who never quits, he never backs down. He a fighter, he is a winner. I promise you, he will never stop fighting until we make America Great again. [cheers and applause] you know from the outset our president reminded me of somebody else. A man who inspired me to join the cause of conservatism 40 years ago, president ranald Reagan Ronald reagan. I believe President Trump has given voice to thes i aspiration and American People like no leader since reagan. I know our president would reignite our cause and renew it in our own day, he did just, that President Trump won a historic victory all across the United States of america. Think about it. 30 out of 50 states, including states that no republican had carried in a generation. President trump turned blue wall red. You know, what the establishment never saw it coming. I mean the media, the elites, the insiders, everyone else who profits off preserving the status quo, they dismissed our president every step of the way. In dismissing him, they also dismissed millions of the hard working men and women who make this currently great, and worse yet they are still trying too dismiss all of us. What they should have learned on election day is this is not a government of the elites, by the media or for the establishment. What ove november 8 showed, even if they did not listen, this is still government of the people, by the people, and for the people. [cheers and applause] last november, the American People rose up. Demanding a safer america. More prosperous america and a Great America again. This is why the American People elect the donald trump as president of the United States of america, and president donald trump, is already delivering for the American People. I am here today because of all of you, and because of this conservative movement. On behalf of the president , from the bottom of my heart, let me say thank you. Thank you for your hard work and your commitment to our cause. Our fight did not en on november 8. We won the day. Make no mistake about it. The harder work most important work, now is ahead. Fight goes on. Let me make you a promise, President Trump will fight for you every single day. President trump is a man of his word. Were keeping the promises he made to the American People. Over the white house i like to say were in the promise of keeping business these were in the promise keeping be these days. You know what trump asked me to chair transition, he said, mike, just get me the best. How about that, attorney general jeff sessions. [cheers and applause] how about jim mad dog mattis at defense. How about dr. Ben carson in housing and urban development, just to name a few. I could go on and name every single one of them, i am proud to stand with each one of you folks, this is the ateam. I say we with great confidence that President Trump is assembled strongest, conservative, cabinet in my lifetime. Bar none. With this team, we as conservatives have an opportunity that only comes around every few generations, or maybe just once in a lifetime. My friends, this is our time. This will is the chance we worked so hard for so long to see. This is a time to prove against that our answers are the right answers for america. A strong military. More jobs. Less taxes. Respect for the constitution. And the values that have made America Great, in a deep and abiding faith in the goodness of the American People. [cheers and applause] you know history will attest, every time america produces a leader who building on this firm foundation, our nation reaches heights that once seemed unreach able. Let me assure you, President Trump is such a leader. And under his leadership, we are making America Great again. He is putting america first, and putting americans back to work already. He is rebuilding the military, and putting our enemies on more anger and fury at town halls across the u. S. As lawmakers square off with with rudy constituents. The party panel is here. Should political protester move all their assets. Solid strategy or police state nonsense . Judge alex ferrer is here to explain. Who is more trustworthy . President trump or media. And investigate or journalist glen will join me. Time to crush it. Kennedy when in doubt, shout,

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