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On capitol hill to walk away altogether we will talk with former passenger to the United Nations and a set hutchinson doing his best impression of governor pence distancing himself from the controversial religious freedom act after demonstrations in protest and threats of boycotts from big business. And then succumbing to the awesome power of corporate interest. What happens to religious freedom and representation of the citizenry . That is my commentary tonight. Hey a busy day at the Obama Justice Department Department and is dropping the content case against low was lerner and the irs but they did indict senator mendez on corruption charges breach take up the politics regarding both decisions. Beginning with the extension of the Nuclear Talks for ago the secretary kerry remained behind and the iran for minister warns this may be the last opportunity for a nuclear deal. With the opportunity to engage with those negotiating partners to seize the moment. Lou joining as that of former ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson and also former governor of new mexico and has to listen to the Iranian Foreign minister and then as the deal and is effective negotiating . This is what happens with negotiations. You get to the and trying to get the other side to blink. I am pleased the illustration and the European Countries are resisting to the nonnegotiable demands for ago they want the sanctions lifted right away. That is crazy. Second, to change access but with nuclear fuel to build a bomb. But then not have access. Another point the French Foreign minister when they smelled that something will not happen and then what is happening but the allies are more anxious than we are to get a deal. So this confluence is leading to a situation where we may be walking away. Lou no one would be happier than the Prime Minister of israel. The survival of israel and i am paraphrasing, seems to be negotiable well the program from iran is not. That looks a pretty good summary of what is going on. Spillways wanted the negotiations to expand beyond nuclear issues. Theyre behavior in the middle east or the effort to destroy a israel for crown with iraq or syria, hezbollah, they should start to free that marine who is stuck in the iranian prisoners as a gesture of goodwill. This june 30th deadline if that is the final final breath should include more than just nuclear issues. Now that the talks are in trouble the administration in should take an honest assessment if it doesnt look like we get serious or positive events is on the Nuclear Front and we have a good negotiator with the Energy Secretary with a Nuclear Weapons expert, then we should walk away to find ways to make the situation in the region better wages exploding. Lou absolutely. Good to have you with us. Lou the debate over the religious freedom those today in announcing he will not sign the religious freedom of bill that was said to him yesterday. Then it was based on Sexual Orientation and he was to see changes to reflect the reality. And if we get the right balance to make sure that we communicate not to be a state that fails to recognize our economy or the future. Lou and the governor from corporate pressure 20 states have those religious freedom restoration on the books. Walmart and apple and others adding their voices to the outcry this week in the Justice Department announces it will not seek criminal contempt charges over low was lerner the central figure of the iras targeting stand a scandal. 11 months after the house voted to keeper in contempt takeshi refuse to testify. The decision of the u. S. Attorney who reviewed the matter from the very beginning this week his last as he resigned and just as he was exiting this week and obama donor informed he would be bringing a criminal case to a grand jury. The decision from today did not get off scotfree still investigating that targeting of conservative groups and the fbi generally has then regarded as a lot less political. The sections are in transition. Today politics seem to be the order of the day then they said they were indicting senator menendez on corruption charges youre looking live pictures now at a News Conference as the senator is expected to come out to defend himself against the federal grand jury indictment. Charged with eight counts of bribery that carry 15 years of prison on each charge for cruz also charged with conspiracy and fraud and false statements and government documents trading favors from expensive gas but melendez is critical of the policies to cuba and iran. Now has the ranking democrat from the Senate Foreign relations committee. Stay with us. Baghdad is victorious in battle against the Islamic State. As they retake tikrit but the Islamic State gains ground in syria. With that strategic analysis. Why do so few noticed the red storm raising in the east as china constructs a mysterious great wall of sand in the south doug. Youve been staring at that for awhile, huh . Listen, Td Ameritrade has former floor traders to help walk you through that complex trade. So youll be confident enough to do what you want. Ill pull up their number. Blammo. Lets get those guys on the horn. Oooo looks like it is time to upgrade your phone, douglass. For all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. Lou more british citizens tried to get into cereal with the Islamic State nine british citizens arrested for trying to stake across the border the group consisted of three airmen to women and for childrens essays by the turkish military. Just two weeks ago three british teenage forays were arrested in ensample in sample and that is with the three british schoolgirls to cross the Turkish Border into syria back in february. Calling in but did the set victory over the Islamic State to recapture the city of tikrit. The Prime Minister ask the shechem fighters leaving but dash waving the flag with the battle to reclaim tikrit but there were 40 airstrikes over the city over the past week. And on the western coast of yemen on the seventh day of the Saudi Arabian air strikes. With of weapons cache with rebels and allies backed by tanks with the secondlargest city with the most important port. The warehouse trying to reassure and a growing number of critics telling bell walked United States to walk away from any deal. Even raising the possibility of a military option against iran. If its in the unfortunate event diplomacy is not successful we will continue to have a wide range of options. The options include to put in place even tougher sanctions to compel iran to come back to the negotiating table. For to be more serious about the discussion. Three is that military option on the table. Good to have you here. But it the military option to be persuasive to the iranians . For a long time they have believed the military option is not something this administration believes san. And nobody close to this other allies or others in the region believe the United States realistically as a military option on the table. I believe they check off a long time ago although the rhetoric would still persist lou and a magnificent victory for the Iraqi Government and tikrit with the iranian lead forces with the impressive recapture on a difficult target are you impressed and what does it mean in your judgment . Is a significant setback for isis. It is tied to territorial control to establish the caliphate. Territory means everything when we fought al qaeda and closed down they would fight another day. So territory is everything if you take that away from them this is very significant. More so than any other fighter battle to have the major city with the major stronghold they did not give that up willingly. And and they would get bogged down to be stalled that broke the stalemate with the americanled air power and the shia militia pullback to be so involved but most were not but this is the model to go forward with. The americans are back in the forefront in terms of what we can do. But they need to take up pause because it is a lot tougher than they thought and mosul is significantly more challenging. Lou there were no generals accompanying the leaders of iraq and the iranian leadership for going into tikrit. That is a great talking point domestically but is probably it unpersuasive to the people of iraq. Thats true. Says fried had 2011 since the invasion began 58 months ago to provide assistance from the beginning the we were barely in through august of last year. We will see with the Iraqi Government goes from here they will not dismiss them they want the help from both of these countries obviously we have an interest with strategic interest and it is still on the table. Including tanks and f16 fighter jets with substantial weaponry. What are your thoughts . It is a clear change in direction by the administration. That they were treating the muslim brotherhood. But he is standing up and tell leader is in the region against isis and radical islam with the egyptian sinai and he is willing to help out against the iranian based groups letter essentially taking it over he is a prominent leader the white house as recognized we have to get behind him. That to be frank. Is pretty clear that he is a man that has a backbone to the point that at least metaphorically the back of his hand particularly with the muslim brotherhood. Always good to talk to you. Do you believe senator mendez would have been indicted today had he not opposed president obama is the iranian Nuclear Talks and cuba policy . Cast your vote at loudobbs. Com. The United States warning china is creating a great wall of sand in disputed waters of the south china sea. These images show five violins have already been made and two more are now in development and they have done in a matter of months with the unparalleled Land Reclamation program to build airstrips in the area. The commander of the u. S. Pacific fleet war and said chinas actions are stoking regional tensions and raising the potential for military confrontation. Multinational corporations what about the laws from the countrys then they are offshore in production . What about those . My commentary is the next. Congratulations. Youre down with crestor. Yes when diet and exercise arent enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55 . Crestor is not for people with Liver Disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor all medicines you take. Call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of serious side effects. Im down with crestor make your move. Ask your doctor about crestor. Lou our federal government has decided to help Illegal Immigrants unionize the nlrb taking on new responsibilities signing agreements with Mexico Mexico ecuador and the philippines to the power to engaged in Labor Organization in this country some thoughts on the governing corporate interest asap hutchinson sign he will not sign the religious freedom bill passed by this date in the current form. My responsibility is to speak out of my own convictions and do what i can as governor to make sure this reflects the values of arkansas of religious conscience but also to minimize discrimination and the workplace. Lou he didnt come to this conclusion and tell walmart called him. Calling for changes after facing pressure from walmart the ceo to lead with the lenders and to veto the bill that hp1228 with undermine the spirit of inclusion throughout the state of arkansas and does not reflect those values we proudly of pulled. Where the ceo of the most Viable Company apple valued the religious freedom watch from tim cook saying the American Business community recognize a long time ago discrimination in all forms is bad for business. That is why on behalf of apple i will oppose the new wave of legislation. Of these bills under consideration will hurt jobs and growth of the economic vibrancy and parts of the country. The governor backed away from the states of religious freedom watch of that he had just signed and demanding they fix it by this friday and with the ceos of apple and walmart but why have they not express concern for those religious rights better fundamental to the issue of what day protest . With a strong expression of concern from freedom of religion. Those brought to bear with these two states to give everyone pause. Companies backing off the Expansion Plan and refusing to do business. Boycotting and discriminating against the states all of that rises to though level of corporate fascism that is corporate domination tolerating none of the government of the people stuff. New york Governor Cuomo had a his if it had refused to allow new york state employees to travel to indiana even though he is leaving on a mission to cuba of this month should tell someone tell them about human rights in cuba . That would be a wonderful subject to take up with the cuban government but maybe not. It requires a politician in to choose his thoughts in those moments still exist but the hypocrisy of all of this should serve all of us. Walmart conducts business in all 50 states including 19 other states where as best we can tell there has never been a protest by any of these companies and despite their cries of discrimination, apple conducts business in the least four countries where homosexuality is not a matter of discrimination but a crime punishable by death. I will also point out that apple products are many produced overseas mostly in china where it is accused of exploiting child labor but i want 2. 0 that i in my entire family use lots of apple products in the oslo shot at walmart. Is considered a country you would be the number three export market in chinese products in all the world. In other words, both apple and walmart are utterly dependent on china for the manufacture of their products did in effect for there very existence. In Freedom House gives china the the worst rating or for Civil Liberties maybe i wrong but i have not heard mr. Cook voice any concerns about human rights in china while in china with concerns that homosexuals have no protection under chinese law. I am sure mr. Cook and mr. Mcmillan know there is no freedom of religion or separation of church and state. The state regulates of religions that is just part of this deal when communist run a country in a china is run by the communist party. Only atheists are permitted to be a member of the Chinese Communist party. You may want to bring fees up to your next trip to beijing giving your success to indiana and arkansas i am sure youll have no problem to give that chinese equality under law and freedom of religion. With the power of corporations as we tried to explain the timidity of two new governors with the antichurch bigotry of pay interest that controls legislation and indiana. You dont have to lobby the government any more. They are the government. In the words of Jim Hightower we will be right back. Up next president netanyahu was no way the Obama Administration and thinks it is real survival is negotiable but the iran program isnt . Former ambassador to the United States joins us. And what cost 50 but only takes 24 hours lou breaking news senator mendez moments ago lashing out at the Justice Department after indicted on corruption in charges. I am a great and ready to fight because today contradicts my Public Service career and beyond my entire life. I am angry because prosecutors at the Justice Department dont know the difference between french shipping and corruption and have chosen a new twist my duties as of senator ted my friendship into something. They are dead wrong i am confident they will be proven so. Lou the senator reacting to the indictment of a federal grand jury on corruption charges. Turning to those iranian Nuclear Talks as president teeeighteen makes last ditch appeal to call off an agreement with iran. Yesterday the iranian general recently declared israels destruction is nonnegotiable. But evidently given that our murderous regime there ran a stop the aggression in the region and stop terrorism throughout the world and of the threats to annihilate annihilate israel and that should be nonnegotiable that is the deal of the world powers. Lou he says no deal to allow iran to continue the enrichment of uranium john boehner whit touche show the strong as ever born to he never uttered the word i ran. Joining us tonight to talk about how strong those bonds are as the administration continues to negotiate former israeli ambassador, founder of the Advocacy Group joins us tonight from tel aviv. I want to apologize for the delay that we may experience. Negotiating the survival of israel he was straightforward, what kind of reaction is he getting from the other member Member States . Are they supporting the israeli view of the Obama Administration . Unfortunately it is different from the other allies. It is because of economic problems than they put everything on the United States except there is no leadership. Ferro the middle east with shocking and all because the young iranians do not dictate the agenda or the pace to orchestrate at there well. With the crisis to their benefit and at the end of the day we believe they will get a deal which is what they want to retain their potential for Nuclear Capabilities and not pay any price for their aggression. Lou today there is a comment even the socialist government that has the harder line of negotiations do you agree . It seems we have the United States as the leader of the p5 1. We have tried and russia of that side with the rand and interestingly enough france and germany and the u. K. Is slightly behind but the friend told the toughest position insofar. Lou and joining the International Criminal court is this an institutional front the Israeli Government has to contend . They continue with the campaign to destroy a israel. They have been turning for quite some time to delegitimize israels we couldnt do in the Security Council because of the veto to to hautboys policies. Lou could the administration has stopped the palestinian to become a member of the criminal court . I believe so. With u. S. Support to pay half a billion dollars per year. And without this assistance to be even politically viable. There was day mora judicious policy but that would. Lou tonight from televisa. Vote to idea believe senator mendez would have been indicted with the cuba of policy . Cast your vote to the Commodity Futures Commission with manipulating wheat futures prices and instead have 5 million in profits as a result of the market shift. What kid you buy for 50 and 24 hours . A seven yearold california girl can tell you a Nonprofit Organization printed her what you see before you a custom 3d arm that can grip. Her art precipitated as a baby she had arms but she would grow at of them of there very expensive but that is no longer a problem for our and other is the cost only 50. Is this the best day ever . Yes. Because i got a can. It is cool. Lou that your data show reveals the press conference with accusations of the free. Expose a a coverup. We will explain next. Stay with us lou breaking news for people are dead in the least 60 injured after a massive Oil Rig Explosion in the gulf of mexico belonging to the state run will company in mexico located in mexican waters officials would not comment on the causes. Local emergency officials have contradicted the account of the injured claiming up to 45 were hospitalized with fire related injuries. On wall street stocks falling a softie the dow dropping 78 points the nasdaq on 21 but it is all about session lows. As a reminder to listen to my financial records three times a day on the salem radio network. Revealing new models and new concepts at the new york auto show. Jeff flock has the report. The latest version we are bringing it back though Lincoln Continental which of course, we remember as the giant land cruiser this is the new version causing quite a buzz. Number one is pretty cool looking even though it is a concept i heard from a source it is almost assured to be big to have a green light and be built but the designer said that looks a lot would you like us to send the to link to you . But definitely the war is on the other participants in this is the cadillac ct six billed as the most advanced cadillac ever produced it is not a concept car of a production vehicle and it will definitely be built in there is a lot of buzz around this one as well. The two top american players lincoln and cadillac ago we had it again. Lookout. Lou jeff flock from the new york auto show. It didnt look a little bit like a bentley. A very cool car for on the west coast jerry brown orders the first mandatory water restrictions because of the worsening drought. Ordering mandatory reductions across the state is now entered the fourth year and a sudden say it is a 500 year drought. Astronauts aboard the National Space station caught these photos of the thai food and the western Pacific Ocean is category five expected to weaken before reaching the philippines this weekend we hope it weakens a lot. America said witches involved in politics. The issue that stirred that mystical crowd. How is this attorney different from the others in the country . Next. In new york state, were reinventing how we do business so businesses can reinvent the world. From pharmaceuticals to 3d prototyping, biotech to clean energy. Whether your business is moving, expanding or just getting started. Only new york offers you zero taxes for 10 years with startup ny business incubators that Partner Companies with universities, and Venture Capital funding for high growth industries. See how new york can grow your business and create jobs. Visit ny. Gov business congratulations. Youre down with crestor. Yes when diet and exercise arent enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55 . Crestor is not for people with Liver Disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor all medicines you take. Call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of serious side effects. Im down with crestor make your move. Ask your doctor about crestor. Lou april fools day. Some of the best that weve seen seen. Pinnacle announcesing a new line of flavored vodkas. Forget the selfie sticks. Selfie shoes. An update to a story we brought you yesterday playboy web site claimed to discover blueprints for tunnels running beneath homes of hollywoods elite to the playboy mansion. You can tell by this grin on hugh hefners face, that was also an april fools host. Joining us andy levy. And joanne, good to have you here. A favorite prank. Hugh hefner saying that is a prank, that my favorite, because it is a lie. Lou andy, i agree. The tunnels were real. Hugh accidentally let it slip. A bunch of actors said, hey man, you cant do that, you are killing me. Lou a coverup. There is no such thing as a good april fools prank. Lou i am starting to it is the dumbest day of the year. Lou speaking of peculiar days. Wickems getting excites about the new freedom of religion. They are getting away with a lot, they can now opt out of blood tests dna toasts, and urine tests and breathalyzer, this is terrifying. Just when i thought law order could not come up with anything new they are given a gift like this. Moraly, i dont like it, my tv viewership will love it. I guarantee they say they can opt out and they will not be able to opt out of blood tests. Everyone is refusing to understand that these religious freedom laws, they dont mean you can say i can now legally do this, you can use your religious to say you cant do something, but a court has to rule on it. Lou you have to automatically sign up, as i read it. Perhaps a catholic or a baptist or whatever you wish. Just a thought. As we turn to the woman faking for a mere 10 years the fact she was not a lawyer while in a law firm. Amazing story. Great she committed to a job for 10 years it was not her real job. That is awesome. She has sponge, they should hire here on. She has a problem. I get why she has to get in trouble for this but it also smacks of credentialism the aba, they are upset it shows that if you have a fairly high intelligence, you could probably be a lawyer without a law degree or certified, i think they are scared about that. Lou they are and now some folks are getting scared about could can we just learn that nlrb is signing agreements with governments to teach illegals how to unionize in this country that and i think that is high on our list of priorities with immigration. Yep. Lou andy. I sort of dont have a problem with part of what they are doing, that is educational part. I have a problem with is part, where they will help illegals get visas if they get fired of i job because of Union Activities when they should not have been here in the first place that makes no sense. Lou it consistent with typical obama policy. Yes. Thank you. You are great. Time for a look at our online poll results would you feel better about any perspective nuclear deal with iran if Prime Minister netanyahu was sitting in. 93 of you thought that was a good idea. See you tomorrow. Good night from new york website. Victors in battle of little bighorn, welcome an outsider in. Once they trusted him they would share things with him. He paints their port rats and get portraits and gets inside scoop on custers last stance. She is convinced it worth millions but will anyone buy it. Was he an artist or just someone who documented a side of history

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