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It would all but guarantee that iran gets those weapons, lots of them. The president says he didnt watch the speech but did review the transcript and found quote there was nothing new, end quote. President obama then urged americans to trust him not to make a bad deal. What i can guarantee is that if its a deal i signed off on i will be able to prove that it is the best way to prevent iran from getting a Nuclear Weapon and for us to pass up on that potential opportunity would be a grave mistake. Its not one that i intend to make and i will take that case to every member of congress once we actually have a deal. Well take up the question of whose world view the American People should trust, whether any deal with iran can be assured, verified. Ill be taking that up with former israeli ambassador to the United States. Also, the president s second term looked more and more like a reign ruled by fiat has replaced our democratic government and the next target seems to be the Second Amendment. The National Rifle associations executive Vice President , Wayne Lapierre and congressman bob goodlatt join us to talk about the latest proposed fiat a ban on one of the most popular bullets for the nations most popular rifle. Iran has called president obamas demand that it freeze sensitive Nuclear Activity for ten years unacceptable but the administration doesnt seem to mind at all. The Obama Administration appears delighted to continue with another round of negotiations. John kerry meeting for a second day this week with the Iranian Foreign minister in switzerland. Joining me now, former israeli ambassador to the United States. Great to have you with us. Good to be here with you. First, the impact of the Prime Ministers speech. Your view . Well, i think it was a real masterpiece in terms of delivery but mostly the substance. I think the substance if i may, has three major points. First and foremost iran is not just an israeli problem. Its not a duel between tehran and jerusalem. Its a conflict. Its a danger from iran, a threat from iran to the entire International Community. Doesnt end in the middle east. It includes europe includes the United States and all of the regions of the world. Secondly, you cannot really compromise with evil. Just like the allies back in 1945 demanded full surrender from nazi germany or imperial japan, this is the way to treat the iranians. They are violating all the International Laws and obligations. What is there to talk about . The third point i think which is most important is that it can be done through peaceful ways with the right pressure on iran, because iran is not matched to the p 5 plus one or the International Community. They are very vulnerable. It is just a matter of how we approach it. If we just tend to deal with them with kid gloves, they will never, ever come through and they will have the bomb. A key ally of the United States, the only democracy in the region, and israel does not have a place at the table and it does not appear indeed that it has even access to the president s thinking directly, which seems a shame, because the greater acumen, the greater expertise, the greater experience is with the israeli leadership of all Political Parties within israel. Why is it that the president seems to be utterly resistant to including israel in his thinking, in his counselors and in the way forward . Well, this is very frustrating, and i cannot tell you why. Its really intriguing. I would say that for both our interests and indeed, for the sake of the matter, the u. S. And israel should be on the same page. We should consult together. We should talk to one another in full transparency and not shout at one another through media or leaks or briefings to the press. I think there is two times when this is the most important thing. There is still time for some responsibility, for some leadership, for talking together. The Prime Minister is still here. Had i been the president i would have invited him for a real talk. Instead he was attacked by the administration right up until speech eve if you will, yesterdays remarks. The administration tried at least a little to mute their hyperbolic rhetoric. If you will listen to congressman yarmouth of kentucky. He had a meltdown, a hissy fit over the Prime Ministers speech. Lets listen to him for a moment. I would like to congratulate Speaker Boehner and Prime Minister netanyahu on a very impressive bit of political theater. This speech was straight out of the dick cheney playbook. This was fearmongering at its ultimate, netanyahu basically said the only acceptable deal was a perfect deal or an ideal deal. Its like the child who says i want to go to disneyland every day eat ice cream and drink coca cola every day and not go to school. Your response about yarmouth and his words . Very disappointing. I wonder if he really listened intently and i wonder if he really realizes the context of the speech. The Prime Minister also mentioned north korea. We went with north korea we as the International Community in the 90s, in the same path the same exact path as we are going with iran now. The result is north korea has the bomb. We dont want to be repeated again and there is no answer here, not from the distinguished congressman, how to stop iran, and attacking netanyahu without any merit, without any substance, is not the way to do it. It does seem to any reasonable person, i think that to not have israel involved in a strategy in these negotiations, in those thoughts and considerations, not to have saudi arabia and egypt, which is showing in early days certainly in the presidency of sisi but the reality is there is a real prospect for change and new alignments in the middle east that are important to all our interests in the region and why this president seems bound to go it alone is becoming a unilateralist of the highest order or perhaps the expression should be the lowest. Get the last word here. Well i think a lot is talked about being on the right side of history. I think being on the right side of history is to understand that if all the countries in the middle east which were not most friendly, whether its egypt, saudi arabia and israel and jordan are on the same side, analyzing in the same way the threat from iran, then there is real merit in it. I would say that for the United States, it would be very easy now to galvanize and lead a coalition of likeminded countries in the region and beyond and this is the way to do it, and not to go against reality, against wisdom and to leave the iranians with an easy path to the bomb. I could not help as we conclude here, ambassador, but think today as i was watching the Prime Minister that israel was very fortunate to have him as their leader in these perilous times, and i was thinking as i heard him conclude that americans are very lucky as well. Thanks so much. Two house committees today announced that they will investigate Hillary Clintons use of personal emails to conduct her official business while secretary of state. Both the House Oversight committee and the select committeen benghazi looking into the matter. At an afternoon press conference, Benghazi Select Committee chairman, congressman trey gowdy says he is pursuing more of her documents. Our interest here is in gaining access to all of the documents, all of the emails, all of the witnesses and producing a final definitive accounting and one that is frankly worthy of the sacrifice of our fellow americans, and so far, the former secretary has turned some 300 benghazi related emails to gowdys committee, emails that were quote, not made available to the half dozen other committees investigating the terrorist attack in libya. We are coming right back with much more. Stay with us. The pentagon today produces a body count as a gauge of success in the air Strike Campaign against the Islamic State. Colonel ralph peters with me next. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. More than 8500 Islamic State radical islamist terrorists have been killed in air strikes since august, according to the top general overseeing the antiIslamic State coalition. Centcom chief in testimony before the House Armed Services committee claims the Islamic State is no longer capable of seizing and holding new territory. His comments come as iraqi troops with Iranian Forces are battling the Islamic State, trying to take tikrit. Joining us tonight, fox news strategic analyst Lieutenant Colonel ralph peters. Great to have you with us. The 8500, this is the first body count that ive heard the pentagon share with anyone. Does this mean theres a new metric at work here a new way in which to judge success for the pentagon . Well, i think theyre just struggling for a way to convince us all that this is successful. Now, i think its great if they kill 8500 members of the Islamic State. Great. Good job, guys. But in the same time frame conservative estimates are that 20,000 to 25,000 more fighters have joined the Islamic State. Do the math. This is not hard. Again, im glad to kill the terrorists but what we are doing is basically annoying them. The Islamic State can claim they are standing up to americas best shot and they are still there, theyre still fighting. By the way they are still advancing in syria and parts of iraq so i have no sympathy with the Islamic State, but i will tell you, you look at whats happening in tikrit with the iraniancontrolled iraqi offensive led by shia militia shock troops. Now, that qods force. Yes, iranians on the ground. If youre on the ground, you get a vote. The iraqis like our stuff they will take our money take our training, but they would rather fight beside the iranians for two reasons. One, because they are fellow shia but also, we never figured out how to fight in the middle east. The iranians know how. There arent going to be reporters with them. There arent going to be human rights observers. If they fight if they fight their way into tikrit, there is going to be a massacre in retaliation for Islamic States massacre of shia, shia shock troop militias will massacre the sunnis. Thats how it happens in the middle east. As long as we were there as much money as we spent, we never figured out how it works. Very quickly i would like you to touch upon, if you would the speech by Benjamin Netanyahu today at the joint meeting of congress as its styled, and your impressions. Probably the most important speech netanyahu will ever give. It really did have a galvanizing effect on the United States and i think on congress, made it much harder to vote for a bad peace plan. But as i was listening to that, i couldnt help comparing netanyahus forthright forceful, logical honest approach with the selfcongratulations of obamas last state of the Union Address and then you heard the president spiteful, witchy as a teenaged girl left out of the clique attacking netanyahu. I just wish president obama had just once shown that level of anger toward Vladimir Putins aggression or Islamic States beheading. Colonel ralph peters, good to have you with us. Thanks. Thank you, lou. Coming up here next, a major volcanic eruption forcing thousands to flee. Details straight ahead. And is there a new leader of the free world . My commentary on the netanyahu speech, its likely impact on the iranian negotiation. Stay with us. Friday night, buddy. You are gonna need a wingman. And with my cash back, you are money. Forget him. My Airline Miles will take your game worldwide. What im really looking for is i got two words for you rewards. Theres got to be better cards than this. [ male announcer ] theres a better way with creditcards. Com. Compare hundreds of cards from all the major banks to find the one thats right for you. Its simple. Search, compare, and apply at creditcards. Com. First rounds on me. Officials in southern chile evacuating thousands of people after the via rico volcano erupted, spewing a firestorm of lava and ash. The 9,000 foot high volcano one of south americas most active and tallest hovers over the city which is home to about 22,000 people. A few thoughts now on the speech the white house warned us would be destructive. The speech that was bad form, bad manners, insulting to the president. Hardly. What i heard from the Prime Minister was a clear plainspoken appeal to reason. I heard as well a no holds barred assessment of the monumental threat that iran will impose if it ever possesses the bomb. And a warning that the white house is gambling with the lives of people who are not represented at the bargaining table. This deal has two major concessions. One, leaving iran with a vast Nuclear Program and two, lifting the restrictions on that program in about a decade. Thats why this deal is so bad. It doesnt block irans path to the bomb. It paves irans path to the bomb. Even if israel has to stand alone, israel will stand. It may seem as odd to you as it does to me that weve heard no other voice other than the Prime Ministers lay out the dangers inherent in the president s Iranian Nuclear strategy. Netanyahu today in my opinion was authentic, genuine he spoke colloquially conversationally, as he articulated his reasoning in opposition to the president s vision of the deal with the iranians. Netanyahus thinking on why its simply inconceivable that the American Government would on any score trust the iranian regime. The Prime Minister receiving more than 25 Standing Ovations during his nearly 40minute address. Why must this alarm originate with our ally and not one of our own leaders democrat or republican . Have we become such a dependent nation that we must outsource our leadership rely on our friends . Where are our homegrown critics and skeptics . What happened to the voices of dissent in this country . Laid low by a punishing authoritarian presidency, cowed by Political Correctness . By suffocating political orthodoxies of both Political Parties . The senators should have been inspired by netanyahu today. After his speech president obama realized he could not ignore netanyahu any more than he could warn him away could not ignore him without paying a far heavier price than he had imagined. Mr. Obama understood netanyahu had made too great an impression, but of course, not on the president himself. On the core issue which is how do we prevent iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon, which would make it far more dangerous and would give it scope for even greater action in the region the Prime Minister didnt offer any viable alternatives, but if were successful in negotiating, then in fact this will be the best deal possible to prevent iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. Nothing else comes close. Mr. Obama could barely contain his anger and his response was woefully inadequate to netanyahus challenge to the secretive iranian negotiations proceeding in shadows. Now of course, we know far better what our president feared so much about a few words to be spoken by an ally to our congress. He feared the very things he had promised us six years ago, openness and transparency. Now our quotation of the evening. I thought this appropriate for some democrats today who decided to give up their seats in the house to the more deserving. Teddy roosevelt said this about criticizing and challenging a president. Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree to which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise, he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth whether about the president or anyone else. Theodore roosevelt the 26th president of the United States. Were coming right back. Obamas rule by fiat. First amnesty, now overturning the Second Amendment. 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Gov business the National Rifle association has announced it will be working with congress to craft legislation to block the Obama Administration from using an executive order to ban cartridges of ammunition fired by the ar15 rifle. The bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms is considering a socalled framework for banning the ammunition. Our next guest has written a letter with nearly 200 cosigners both democrats and republicans demanding answers from atf director todd jones. Joining us tonight is congressman bob goodlatte, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. Lets begin with this executive fiat on ar15 ammunition. Where did this come from . It comes from the man with the pen and a phone who says hes going to do what he wants to do. Weve seen it with obamacare, with immigration, with drug Law Enforcement, with some of our environmental laws and now hes going after guns and since the congress refused to pass legislation banning the ar15 this is by the way the most popular shooting rifle in america. More than five million americans own one. We sell hundreds of thousands each year and this is a situation where since he cant do that hes now got his atf taking steps with a peculiar process, a framework as they call it not the usual standard process for getting comments from americans about new regulations, and what hes doing is hes going to try to ban the bullets you put in the gun. And thereby effectively removing ar15s from the hands of their owners and users. Is this going to stand . Can you stop this . It seems on its face to be utterly unconstitutional, unamerican. Well it will be challenged on a number of fronts. We are starting with a letter as you indicated, a strong bipartisan letter now well over 200 signatures and still counting, bipartisan, that calls into question this action and challenges the director of the atf to come forward and explain why it is hes doing this the way hes doing it which would actually allow them to conceal the comments of what i suspect will be hundreds of thousands if not millions of americans, commenting on what theyre proposing to do. Thats one thing. We can also expect that there will be lawsuits filed over this based on the law itself, the administrative procedures act and the constitution and there will also be challenges in the house, both spending limitation and legislation, but this is the first step to make sure that they know that we feel very strongly that they should not be taking this action. The marking up of bills this week i understand you are going to mark up four bills that form the foundation of the republican Immigration Reform initiative. Under your leadership is this the precursor to the leadership, the speaker taking hold of the issue and leading on it . Well, if the leadership wants to lead in the right direction and they have certainly been encouraging these enforcement bills and by the way, at this point, we are only taking up enforcement bills. There are legal Immigration Reform bills that deserve consideration, but we think that the American People do not trust this president to enforce our immigration laws and we think the proof is in what happened last summer and what hes done now with this five million administrative legalization. We are starting with four bills that deal with enforcement of our laws. We already have a bill from the Homeland Security committee dealing with the border. We have trey gowdys bill giving state and local Government Authority to enforce immigration laws. Secondly, lamarr smiths bill to have mandatory electronic verification of employment which is the best tool possible to keep people who are not lawfully here from getting jobs a bill from judge john carter which deals with the problem we have with socalled catch and release with unaccompanied minors coming to this country from countries other than mexico and being treated differently. [ speaking simultaneously ] finally, Jason Chaffetz and i have a bill dealing with asylum fraud and abuse which was also exposed during this period last summer when the National Media was paying a lot more attention to this. The problem has been going on for a long time but these bills will stop it. Congressman, always great to talk with you. Thanks so much for being here. Thanks, lou. A monument to a fallen Border Patrol agent finally erected on our border with mexico and arizona. Arizona officials over the weekend unveiled the statue that honors u. S. Border patrol agent brian terry. He was killed in 2010 by an illegal immigrant using a gun that was later tied to operation fast and furious, the justice departmentrun scandal about which ultimately the attorney general himself was cited for contempt of congress for his failure to be forthcoming. Brian terrys statue is located at the renamed brian terry patrol station located in arizona. Up next a frightening new development as the african terrorist Group Boko Haram begins to mimic the Islamic State. We have the cultural, religious and military implications of this expansion of the radical islamist terrorism and what are its designs, next. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like mute buttons equal danger. That sound good . Not being on this phone call sounds good. Its not muted. Was that you jason . It was geoffrey it was jason. It couldve been brenda. The radical islamist terrorist Group Boko Haram carrying out the beheadings of two prisoners in nigeria. A video release mimicking the techniques used by the Islamic State terrorists. The hostages forced to their knees, their hands tied behind their backs. A member of boko haram standing over them holding a knife. Concerns now that boko haram is not a mere copycat of the Islamic State, rather its incorporated itself into the Islamic State. Joining us now, dr. Kata ahmed, physician and observeant muslim, author of the book in the land of invisible women, a female doctors journey in the saudi kingdom. Great to have you with us. We appreciate your time. Lets begin with the implications. If boko haram is more than mimicking but actually joining up with, coalesceing with the Islamic State, what would that portend . First of all, i commend you for calling the problem what it is. This is radical islamism and it doesnt surprise me in the least that boko haram and isis are collaborating in some way. The fact that they are emulating behaviors that we have known have become hallmarks of isis is probably a salute of boko haram to isis as well as a subjugation of boko haram to isis. They share exactly the same ideology which is a totalitarian ideology. This has been discussed in detail not just with boko haram but pertaining to isis in the recent atlantic article which troubles me for a number of reasons. Among those reasons . Those reasons are that there is a misapprehension that ideologies like boko haram or isis are really only a kind of evolution or jihadism. Thats one aspect. That is true. But there is a large arm of nonviolent islamism which also inspires these movements and that nonviolent islamism subscribes to the idea that islam can only be expressed in the form of a political state or a sharia state a caliphate, as these extremist organizations seek. Both boko haram and isis are seeking the same thing. Todays speech with Prime Minister netanyahu correctly identifies the threat of militant islam. He talked about it in the context of irans policies but actually, militant islam or what i call islamism is the singular most serious threat to secular pluralistic democracies everywhere, including the United States. The president has been utterly resistant to using the term radical islamist and by the way, for the record, i took up the practice of calling them, naming them, labeling them radical islamist after a significant amount of time invested with leading islamic scholars and experts on the middle east on, if you can imagine this, in 2002. And the Bush Administration was every bit as committed to avoiding naming our enemy as is this president now. So i thank you for that battle your battle of many years of bringing language to this problem, but your quest to bring to america the name of the problem and the nature of the problem is one that muslims themselves have been pursuing for almost 100 years. Islamist ideology was first in egypt in 1928 and muslims from the outset have been criticizing this. Its anathema to me why the United States in its current state facing a conflict with isis which it must solve helping an Arab Coalition and working with britain, cannot expose and critically analyze these ideas. Its not just our administration. Its present in our public discourse, its lacking in our opinion pages and so much so that a very carefully thought out article in the atlantic which i consider a leading publication misses the mark. It does not separate islamism from islam. Islam and islamism are completely different but without islam, there is no islamism. A sophisticated idea. Islamism spiels from islam but is not islam and islamism can be nonviolent and can be violent. The number one proponent of number one nonviolent islamism is iran. Look at how it is marketed and pursued islamist phobia. That is an iranian manufacture. It has not been present in 1500 years of islam but it suits its political strategy. The concept of islamophobia is what is inspiring the attacks like charlie hebdo. Absolutely salacious attacks claiming blasphemy. Doctor, it is great talking with you. We are out of type. I as we continue the conversation it is edifying. We are delighted to spend time with you if you will join us. My pleasure. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Baseball legend Curt Schilling firing back at internet bullies who sent derogative tweets to his daughter over the weekend. The vulgar tweets started after schilling congratulated his 17yearold daughter for being accepted into college. Schilling lashed out in a blog post, writing to those bullies in part quote, this is a generation of kids who have grown up behind the monitor and keyboard. The real world has consequences when you do and say things about others. One of those twitter trolls was a parttime worker for the yankees, who has been fired. Up next, it appears president obama thinks his last executive fiat was so successful, hes going to just keep on, keep on and keep keeping on. Hes got the Second Amendment in his sights. The head of the National Rifle Association Joins us here next. Friday night, buddy. You are gonna need a wingman. And my cash back keeps the party going. But my Airline Miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldnt be this hard. With creditcards. Com, its easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online. Creditcards. Com. Joining us now, the head of the National Rifle association Wayne Lapierre, the executive Vice President. Great to have you with us. Thanks, lou. This in prospect, the atf ban on ar15 ammunition, why are we not hearing more of an outcry about this . Well probably because the media doesnt want the American Public to know what this president is trying to impose on them. This is a president that is grasping for straws. He hates the Second Amendment he hates the fact americans have a constitutional right to own firearms, he cant win at the ballot box he cant win in the congress, and now hes trying to act like a dictator and planning on forcing this ban on the American Public by executive regulation. Explain something to me. Why this sudden interest in the 556 socalled green tip ammunition that would effectively then you know wouldnt be available to gun owners, rendering the gun not much use . Well, he tried to ban ars, he couldnt ban ars from the American Public, a popular sporting rifle, so now hes trying to ban ar ammunition. I actually brought a graphic to kind of explain this. Lets see it. The one hes trying to ban is the 556 the small rifle cartridge. The thing is, if he can ban that, because it pierces soft body armor, he can also ban the 3006 which is next to it he can ban the other two hunting cartridges there, the 300 winmag, the 375 he can ban every cartridge in between that. In fact, under this standard he can ban all rifle cartridges because all of them pierce soft body armor. Its an executive fiat. This is driving me crazy. I cant understand how a president even assumes he has this kind of power. Well, hes trying to stretch expanding his power, as he put it. But heres the thing. This is not about Law Enforcement. The fraternal order of police, the largest Law Enforcement organization in the country, 325,000 Police Officers says direct quote while this round will penetrate soft body armor, as i have just said, it is not historically posed a threat to Law Enforcement. Sheriff clark up in wisconsin says im disgusted that this administration would use the safety and wellbeing of our nations Law Enforcement officers to accomplish this gun control agenda by circumventing congress and the constitution into rewriting this law. The fact is this isnt about Law Enforcement. Its not about making any police safe. Its about a president who hates the Second Amendment hates the fact americans can own them. He cant ban their guns so hes trying to ban their ammo. Were not going to let him do it. Where are we . There will be a period for comment. Do you think theres any chance in the world, this president doesnt back off once he launches one of these fiats, is he going to proceed . Is there any way you can see to stop him . I think he will proceed. I tried to warn the American Public of this before the election and the media ridiculed me said i was just trying to raise members and raise money. The minute he got elected he has done nothing but try to destroy the Second Amendment. Hes not going to back off. These next 700 days are the most dangerous days in the history of the Second Amendment and we will have to stand and fight to stop him. We have already got 230 members of congress who said theyre on board with this. We are look at every option from defunding it to you name it. There are two things that are deeply troubling beyond the fiat and that is its a Congress Democratic party and Republican Party that have shown no capacity whatsoever to oppose his will, neither the guns nor the imagination to do so, and so it will take a lot of work as you well know. Wayne, thanks so much. We appreciate you being here to illuminate the issue for us. Thank you, lou. Joining us now, Washington Times political editor, former nrcc assistant press secretary, senior director for the black rock group, republican consulting firm. Good to have you both with us. The Supreme Court on obamacare it looked like a pretty even split amongst the justices today to the well, those who cover it. What is your sense of which way this is going to go . Well, its to be seen. I dont know which way its going to go. We have to remember this is a crisis in president obamas own making. He decided to ignore the law and to move forward with spending hundreds of billions of dollars in obamacare subsidies through the exchanges. Now hes dealing with the ramifications of this unilateral action that we have seen him do time and time again when it comes to obamacare in itself. As we just discussed with Wayne Lapierre, hes committed to these fiats. He kind of seems to like the feel of being able to rule rather than having to be president ial. Two things. First is that of course the justices made the point, the law is terribly written. It was pushed through, we all know how it was pushed through. Thats one of the reasons it was terribly written and expected to have a chance to clean it up later and didnt get that. So that left the president an opening to come in and take this executive action. One of the justices made the point, if the administration are allowed to have the irs decide you are allowed to pay these subsidies, whats to stop a future administration from coming in and deciding a republican saying im not going to pay this and eliminate obamacare through executive action like that. Hes setting a precedent the next republican president will absolutely drive through. I hope not. I have to tell you the truth. I hope this Congress Finds the guts to stand up to him and i hope that the judicial system will have sufficient resolve to do so as well. Your story, congratulations. You broke the story, 100,000 amnesty applications approved before the president s fiat, amnesty fiat could be rolled back by the District Court judge in texas. Is that a problem Going Forward for the preliminary injunction . It could be. Its a very particular part of what the president announced in november. He expanded the applications for the dreamers that had been going on for awhile, he expanded it in two years to three years of legal status and work permits and whatnot. They were issuing these for the last three months and they say they argue that they dont believe the judge actually enjoined that part of it but said whoops, we might have misled the court in earlier saying we werent doing any of this will in afterwards. As you said, its going to be up to the judges to deal with this. I want to turn to you, lisa, on a very simple issue. Does it look like this congress is going to roll over . It looks like its found a way to do exactly what the chamber of commerce and Business Roundtable told it to do on illegal immigration. That is go with amnesty. I think its disappointing. Its important to note, obviously president obama said it himself over 20 times that he does not have the Constitutional Authority to unilaterally rewrite our immigration laws but thats essentially what hes done. Thank god for this story because its so important to highlight what this administration is doing. Hes shown time and time again he has no respect for the legislative process and clearly no respect for the judicial process either. Thank you very much. Good to have you both here. Thanks so much. Thank you, lou. Thats it for us tonight. As we review at least for one day all of the fiats originating with this president. Stay tuned as they say. Thank you for being with us tonight. Good night from new york. Tonight on war stories how do you spend people to war and then pull the rug out from under them . The rules of engagement made a dangerous job deadly. It was a frustrating thing. We knew we had to fight within these rules of engagement. Still in the skies over vietnam, they did their duty. It was like a football game. Send me in, coach. Im ready. Operation rolling thunder, thats coming up on war stories. The men who flew this plane call it the thud or the lead

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