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He is believed to be a canadian born citizen. Awaitingnesing notification of f kin, shooter did not hit a single other person. Although three others in the Parliament Building were injured, none wounded by gunfire, they were taken to the ottawa hospital, their injuries are considered to be not life threatening, we dont know the killers motive for the shooting only 24 hours earlier, canadian government had raised t threat level from low to medium, citeing increased chat or line from radical islamists including the Islamic State and al qaeda, we dont know the kill ares motive or whether he had tied to radical islamists, they have given the shooters name on the fbi, and u. S. Intelligence community to run through terrorist watch list databases, and ottawa authorities remain uncertain as to whether the gunman it apromp accomplices. This is a unfolding situation. I understand that people have many questions. And we are committed to providing some answers as soon as were able. What i can tell you, right now is that all available, and necessary resources were activated and deployed immediately, when we became aware of the incident. There will continue to be here for as long as there needed. Lou president obama echoing how little investigators know at this hour. We dont yet have all of the information about what motivated the shooting, we dont yet have all of the information about whether this was part of a Broader Network or plan or whether it was an individual or series of individuals who decided to take these actions. Lou also well bring you the latest in what Michael Browns autopsies have revealed, and what now appears to be facts surrounding his death. At least, some of facts. Leaked grand jury testimony from ferguson, missouri revealed officer Darren Wilsons version of events for first time. Along with a coroners autopsy report that supports officer wilsons explain nation of how and why he shot Michael Brown dead. And ebola, and obama administrations high stakes gam gamble with the lives of many americans, the centers doctor s for stkraoedisease control. Tracking those coming from west africa. Well go live to cdc headquarters in atlanta, for the latest. We begin tonight with ottawa, and potential ties of the shooter to radical islamist terrorism, fox news reporting that canadian officials now believe that the ottawa shooter had converted to islam. Fox Business Correspondent Ashley Webster with the report. Reporter lou, right now there are still large number of buildings in and around parliament hill, in on th ottawa remaining in lockdown, officers still going room to room looking for other possible suspects, they do not know if there were more suspects involved. They are not taking any chances. A lot of people have been stuck in the buildings and are still there 9 hours now. Aofrb thafter the shooting, thee been told to stay put, behind locked doors, and stay away from the window, gunman identified 32yearold Michael Zehaf bibeau, he had a history of drug use before converts to islam, he changed his name from Michael Joseph hall. And they are seeing if there are ties between this attack today and the one monday where two canadian soldiers were attacked by another recent convert to islam, one soldier killed, he was run down the attacker in that case also shot and killed. Military members were told in quebec are advised not to wear their uniforms in public unless they are on official duty, for fear other attacks could be directed toward them. As you can imagine, shooting today also creating some market jitters on canadas tsx index. Lost 235 points. If you look at chart of todays action, as soon as news of the shooting came out, the stock market dropped, as i say, about 1. 5 , biggest drop off in 16 months, the dow dropping 154 in part when the shootings were first announced. But, as i say, the situation is fluid. And there is still a search on for more possible suspects and a motive. Lou ashley thank you very were. And much more on ottawa attack in a Fox Business Network special report, neil cavuto hosting the twohour special beginning immediately after lou dobbs tonight. And deadly Ebola Outbreak in west africa. With numbers rising, this size cdc increasing monitoring of visitors here. Fox news john roberts with our report. Reporter cdc director. Announces all travelers from liberia, sierra leon or guinea will be actively monitored for infection for 21 day, the program will launch monday in 6 states where 70 of incomeing travelers are located. Require travelers to respect temperature, and to report temperature and or present or absence of ebola. To combat ebola today, all passengers who begin their trip in 3 hardest hit west african nations must fly into the one of 5 american airports screening for fevers, as ebola czar ron klain starts his new job, meeting with the president on his first day. This is a disease, if it is caught early, and the help hospital knows what to do early does not present a massive risk of spreading. Reporter as u. S. Works to prevent the disease from speeding, another survivor out of the hospital, Nebraska Medical Center releasing journalist phaoubist phaoubgisi. Nobody deserves to die under the circumstances that have existed in west africa. Mukpo contracted the virus while working in lin liberia. John roberts, fox news. Lou secret service involved in what a governor Inspector General calls quote, a serious lap in judgment. Taking place in 2011. Agencies normally assigned to patrol the area around the white house, were pulled from duty to help settle a coworkers personal dispute with her neighbor, nearly an hours distance away, were coming right back. Lou facts in shooting death of Michael Brown begin to emerge in ferguson, missouri. The details of browns autopsy, merging. Dr. Michael bodden conducting an autopsy you owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends. Three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. I wish. Please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above all. Is health. So we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. Expanded minuteclinic, for walkin medical care. And created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. Introducing cvs health. A new purpose. A new promise. To help all those wishes come true. Cvs health. Because health is everything. Ghave a nice flight r bag right here. Traveling can feel like one big mystery. Youre never quite sure what is coming your way. But when youve got an entire company who knows that the most ontime flights are nothing if we cant get your things there too. Its no wonder more People Choose delta than any other airline. Lou a leaked medical examines autopsy report, reveals that Michael Brown was shot in the hand at close range, and he had marijuana in his system during the fight with officer wilson. The thumb wo won contained foren particular matter, 1 si consistt with discharge of a firearm. Evidence corroborates the officers claim that a altercation took place in the police vehicle. Our next guest conducted one of the three autopsies performed on Michael Brown. Joining us, dr. Michael pwod bo. Your autopsy for the brown family, indicated the muzzle of the weapon was one to two feet away when discharged. Is this finding by the medical examine consistent with your finding . It is, one foot or two feet away is still within the car, it looks like from fbi blood tests that there was a struggle in the car, and gun went off in the car. The medical examine st. Louis, and myself. Examined body with the naked eye did not see evidence of gunshot residue. On the microscopic test that they did, which were released, there is some material that looks like it could begun shot residue in the han wound, and cn only be seen under the microscope. That good medical examineers it sounds valid that there was a gunshot wound in the car, some kind of a struggle. Lou in our discussions, have you expressed high level of confidence, in st. Louis medical came inners that team, of pathologists that work there. I agree, yes. Lou and idea that there has been so much discussion, public discussion, one can understand to certain limits, but waiting for this pathology report this long. Do you believe, has it beeners necessary . No, my view, as a medical examine in new york city, we have police altercations, the quicker you released results the sooner the community will calm down. When somebody is shot with an altercation with police, family already does not trust the police, if the medical came examine refuses or can give out results, it can be interpreted as part of a coverup, i think that earlier that results are released, the better it is for everyone. Unfortunately the medical examineer cannot release it if the prosecutor tells them it will interfere with the investigation. Lou marijuana found in the blood system. Yes. Lou of Michael Brown. How significant . How much . And how impaired would he have been. It was kind of recreational levels, it looks like from toxicology report he had recently spokeed marijuana. But marijuana makes people feel good, it does not necessarily make them do any bizarre or stupid things. We know he was doing bizarre, stupid well. Lou and. Violent things justmoments bef, i am not suggesting that marijuana would cause him to alike it did, di but did it impr his judgment or reasoning . It could to a small degree, people on marijuana do not Assault Police officers because of the marijuana. Lou people who are violent of nature do so irrespect tes irre. Correct, violent people, the question is history of that. How soon will we have sufficient facts to feel comfortable. I think within the next few weeks or after the grand jury report comes in. District attorney should release everything. But i think that both autopsy reports, the st. Louis and please show that at least 6 gunshot wounds, one of which was from behind. That we agree on that. Lou and question is, why was that one shot, to what part of the body. The arm. Lou so it is another. They have security videos perhaps, they have many things that have not been released yet that can help bring a conclusion to this. Lou so late in bringingnese nese these facts forwards with so many opinions and view points have been hardened and in place. The sooner the facts get out the better it is so they stop speculating. Lou thank you dr. Michael pwodz en. Bodden than. Thank you. Lou Juan Williams is joining me now, your reaction to what dr. Bod everyon ben said, and your n has said and your estimation to how that autopsy report, that part has been leaked speaks to us. My first reaction is, to you, lou. I think that you are so on to something here we dont discuss. I am a political guy, that is what i do. I hear we dont have a full story, now months after the the event, i think, i understand why people are upset. And suspicious. Of the facts, second thing i have a react to is dr. Boddens comments, it is clear from what the doctor said, he thinks that the reports that videotape all that, needs to be put i in to public because opinions are hardening. I see this now leaking into Midterm Election campaigning, is that people are using one sydor another, to try to fire up their respective political base. Lou there is no doubt about it. And exploiting ingation that sus tragedy in ferguson, missouri, juan, i think ill say it is straight up, thisnt, attorney general should be embarrassed efficient their ed efficient their conduct for their conduct and words for the lack of leadership they have shown. Do you disagree with me. Lou i think i do, i have to ask you a few more questions. I think part of the response. Lou one great thing about two colleagues and friends talking we can ask one another questions. Fire away. Okay, i think that whether holder acted, attorney general , i think that idea was to make sure that the Africanamerican Community in the midst of the protests, i believe that a lot of people were from outside, and were agitate or, to make sure that criminal Justice System reported life of Michael Brown, not a case of a coverup by the establishment to protect the officer and that the life of the poor black person would be ignoreed. I dont see how that is a bad thing, i ask you how you saw that as a bad move. Lou this suggestions that attorney general present of necessary to supplant leadership of the state of the county, and the community and those elected officials all receiving a majority of the vote of black voters in the community. It frankly denied i think an opportunity for a dispat dispase process, and attorney general rally himself cast questions about honesty of the process, if i can ask you a question. I have to have a to this point process seems honest and cob rahtive and moving at a glacial pace but now, as the doctor said we may have some resolution with full Public Knowledge of what happened in a matter of weeks. The great lesson for two guys like and you me, who are journalists, in the business of the Public Knowledge, it infuriates me to see how long if has taken and the way in which both sides have manageed mismanageed. And exploited the situation. To you, i would respond, right from the start, the police were not forthcoming with information even a police report, the name of the officer, they acted as if they were in a coverup mode. Lou remember, we were watching demonstrations, and actual looting taking place, and very career statements from even state senor, and others making public threats again public safety, and pucke public ord public order there was a highly charged situation, i think that the police officer, and his you know, there was a reason for that rid dense i understand red dense i understand. Juan we have to go. We have gone over, last words on the matter. Look, i wish we could get all of the facts on the table. That you know decent people who want a resolution and honesty, could feel you know, justice was done here. Lou all right, and i think that you are right on that, i join you in that hope. And we will havea we hope within weeks, juan, thank you so much. My pleasure, lou. Lou Juan Williams, Georgia Democratic party, following up on what juan said, using ferguson tragedy, to get out of vote. A shocking flyer has been sent out to democrats showing this image, with headline, if you want to prevent another ferguson, a picture of two young girls, saying dont shoot, this photo that reads vote, a demonstrator on his knees with arms raised, fiery ferguson protest in the background, i suppose those folks have to be proud of themselves, dont you . It brings to us poll question tonight. Do bluff obam do you believea administration will apologize to officer wilson if the facts do support his version of the Michael Brown shooting . Cast your vote at loudobbs. Com. A look at last nights results if we ask if you believe 95 said yes. Up next, cdc announcing a limited new strategy, to follow travelers who enter the country, from western africa. Why just in just 6 states . Iis it a matter of resources. Were talking about 6 states where about 70 of the travelers destination, that these are the states where the vast majority of the people who spend time in west africa are headed to in the United States. That is but for person that brought ebola to this country. And how do you feel about that 30 margin of error . That is next. Joining us tonight, dr. David sanders viroligist. You have studied ebola. Does it have potential to be airborne . Your react to reaction to this administrations strategy to ebola. Can be transmitted with close contact of bodily fluids of a individual with systems of ebola. Lou doctor, is the administration being responsible or irresponsible in your view . Given your research . I want to pointout there is no evidence that ebola is transmited by an airborne route. What our research has demonstrated is that the virus can enter the lung from the airway side, that is an important point. And there were a number of people who said that was impossible. Our published research demonstrateed it was. Other thing that viacomed on is the i have commented on the basis of the containment for ebola virus, that is that the hospitals that are being disignateed for containment have to be fueled. We cannot pec expects every hosl in the United States to be prepared to treat ebola patients. Forgive me, i did not understand perhaps audience did not, those Containment Centers, 4 of them, have to be what . I think we should expand number of Containment Centers, and have Regional Centers all over but not expect hospitals all over to be able to perform containment. Every hospital needs to be prepared for diagnosis, we dont know where a patient is going to turn up. But as soon as a person is identified with ebola, they should be transfered to a regional center. This is what i have been discussing, i believe that the cdc is moving in that direction. Lou clear, that set off something of a wave of through healthcare officials. Who believe inn staffs are not believe their staffs are not adequately trained. How long do you think it would take to move those Containment Centers and major hospitals . A great question. So, the training is what is essential. We can have the equipment, but it is not easy to use. Lou but we dont have the equipment, doctor. To did around to train everyone. I would say, that you know we should be able to with concerted effort get people to became able of capable of diagnoseing it within a couple of weeks, we should be able to have Regional Centers coming online in a month or so. It is you know, it is just really a matter of focus, training and focusing of our resources on that sort of process. Lou your thoughts about providing only a differential on the disease, in 6 states, and following up with monitoring in 6 states, that is 70 of the problem. Leaving 30 of the problem with ebola sounds like a dangerous sta cast stativity calltivity. This is not my expertise. Lou okay. 7 of folks that come here from west africa go through those 6 states, 30 will not be monitored because they go to other states. States. Atthispoint, there is a low risk. The number of cases accelerates, then i think it is going to have to be more stri stringent. One thing that is necessary to do is to develop systems and to test them out. Because things always go wrong. We have seen that. It is important to have a test model. I dont know if going to 100 tip i at this. Is valuable. Lou i suspect like it is rat poison. 2 poison the rest isy o oat me. Doctor we appreciate it, were coming right back stay with us. What does it take to roll back years of the obama left wing agenda . More than a victory in the mid sterpl elections, so says author mark steyn, he is joining us next. vo rush hour around here starts at 6 30 a. M. On the nose. But for me, it starts with the opening bell. 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Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. Lou 12 days until the mid terps, my next guest said it does not matter which part wins, joining me, author mark steyn. Yoyou argue, liberals extend tremendous effort changing the culture, and every other november. Then surprise it does not make a difference. Very clear. I have candids i want to win in november. On tuesday morning. But, i also think that other 364 days of the year are cri and saddest elections are all are those in 2010, you have supposeedly a big popular push back, and a gloryous tuesday night, and you think they have the message in washington, and on wednesday morning, nothing charges. Lou they did get the message, establishment g. O. P. Coopting tea party organizations, creating a couple of their own, defuseing a real expression of popular will. They like the voting fodder, then, when the polls close at 7 or 8 00 on a tuesday night, they say, see new two years. And life goes on. I think that big changes, big changes in this country, are reforce less changes made remorse less changes, looking at immigration for example, where Neither Party wants to talk about it. Democrats are in favor of open borders, and even republicans who are opposed to it, are reluctance to bring it up, because they think they might sound racist. Lou and they also want that chamber of commerce money, and god save us from higher wages s from middle class, so says the chamber. I in that sense you do great damage in political process, you are teaching the lesson that responsible government by citizen legislators is less and less relevant to what is going on. Take Something Like gay marriage, a classic case of how a specific identity group, moveed the culture, they identified the influential parts, every sitcom there is a gay best friend. That is more that is turned out to be more useful to them, than a particular congressman elected. That is what i mean by other 364 days of the year. Lou pop cull true is all about culture, and politics. One of the aspect is left controls the educational system in this country whether it is teachers union, k12 or universities. Which is fascinating, everyone expects students to go through a loopy phase. Most people know 80 years ago, oxford union, would not fight for king and country. In fact, these days that attitude is through high school, and middle school, and grade school. And you have to be in the game there, you cant let for example in Climate Change that become default position. Mark we have to take a break. Because of breaking news, the book is, right over here. Undoomed mark steyn. Breaking news, white house fence jumper has been stopped, and apprehended on north lawn, happened just moments ago. Secret service, on the scene. Walking the individual, handcuffed through the Northwest Gate of white house. Within minutes of the breach of white house security. And all is well, were assured. Stay with us. For neil cavuto, coming up with a fox business special report. And his leading that coverage, he is joining us now. Neil hey, lou, amazing at white house, i cant believe this stuff keeps happening. You think about it, almost 10 hours since the attacks in canada. And much of the country, is still largely in lockdown, military bases in a lockdown phase, and personnel told to stay on base, if they leave base get out of uniform, as to not insight trouble. We will have large shopping malls, in all but lockdown under heavy guard, and people not much in a flood to shop. Much in a mood to shop, in a crazy day for canada, they brace for what could be more recripple nation tomorrow, Global Markets have a chance to respond, when we see asian markets open, reports are ther they are jitte, but confused about our approach, and canadians approach. In what we are calling this, we dont know, they dont know. And for next 2 hours well try to get to the bottom of what anyone knows, well see. Lou neil, appreciate it we look forward to your coverage, stay tuned for his 2 hour fox business special report. Up next, president obama, no longer responsible for his own approval or disapproval ratings or unpopular policies or failed policies according to a Major National news outlet. What National Liberal media, we take it up. Stay with us. Means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing. G, and when weather hits, its data mayhem. But airlines running hp endtoend solutions are always calm during a storm. So if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and Cloud Solutions make sure you always know whats coming and are ready for it. Make it matter. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Lou a few comments on what Democratic Candidates have been trying to pretend is a whrpbg standing wide gulf between themselves and the president. President perhaps not out of an inmate sense. Is reminding all that these Democratic Candidates supported him, throughout. No matter how hard they try to run from him. And just how much punishment can a practicing narcissist suffer and for how long . With defection of voters, president can now rely only on reverend sharpton and liberal National Media to pat him on the head, and soothe his aching ego, he loathes the liberal natural National Media. Media research center, looked at Midterm Election coverage. And found the 3 big networks have blacked out expected republican wave elect pro prosp. What happened in 2006 for example, democrats took both houses of congress, all newscasts could not stop talking about midterms then. Get over that past month and a half, abc has not devoteed a single story, and cbs 14, and nbc 11. Prin journalism equally help hull fulhelpfulto the president. New york times Editorial Board took up the issue of president s profound unpopularity, writing from their preferred perspective. As obama lop dog, rather than president ial watch dog, they wrote it, one of the reasons for his unpopularty is that nervous members of his own party have gondone a poor job of defendings policies over nearly 6 years of his presidency allowing a republican narrative of failure to take hold. Times editors conclude this the president s problems are rooted in disloyal democrat could candidates, and the loyal opposition. There they go. Once again. Trying to assure themselves of a place at the president s feet. Or lap. Perhaps mr. Obamas resent am, are not misplaced after all. Now our quotation of the evening from 26 president of United States theodore roosevelt. To announce that there must be no criticism of the president or that were to stan by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and ser vile but is moraly treasonable to the american public. Up next, president referred to Islamic State as jvterrorists. Next. Go ahead and put your bag right here. Have a nice flight traveling can feel like one big mystery. Youre never quite sure what is coming your way. But when youve got an entire company who knows that the most ontime flights are nothing if we cant get your things there too. Its no wonder more People Choose delta than any other airline. Lou joining us tonight, katy capavlich. You wrote an article about republicans gaining favor with women voters. They new ap poll out today showing that republicans are one that women want to vote for, which is opposite of what we saw in 2012. 44 of women overall want to vote for republicans just 42 want to vote for democrats, and key here in this poll, is that these women, exist in Battle Ground state like colorado, louisiana, even virginia. Lou lets you have to be worried . I am bucking up as best i can. Great to be with you, and katie. What is encouraging the reason you see democrats running virtually even, they are winning amongst women by double digits. Lou which women . The women that vote married women, single women. Single women have been more partial to voting democrat, and married women, older women, republican. Like other demographic groups, you are jazzed up . This is a good sign. I just disagree. I think that democrat thought that 2012 war on women rhetoric would work it is not working in places like New Hampshire where scott brown has pulled ahead, in colorado, mark udall, an extremist with quote womens issues, is now losing to cory gardner. Go to poll tracker, a app, you see of states polling data, you see that in these republican states, no matter what you may top say, women are voting for the Democratic Candidates for senate because of issues like pay equity they support violence against womensage. Lou there you go again. Let me say to you, fact is that sonat Senate Democrats are running from this president. What is fun to watch the president chasing say, remember me . I am the president , the guy you have worked work katie . Do you make much of it. I loved what you said about his earnin ego suffering and nap takenarcissism taking a huge hit, you were right on. He cannot stan the fact that the democrats are distanceing themselves from his agenda. The only thing he cares about is his agenda. President is out there is aing, these are people who support me, he is doing the opposite of what they are saying. And need. Republicans are running for senate trying to embrace obamacare. Where . Kentucky, mcconnell fr kentucky connection. You are not going to respond a well the of time trying to connection. Lou really, you done answer the didnt answer the question. You did. Lou i asked but democrats. You see lets talk about voters. Voters. Mitch. Voters are voting. Lou you guys. Voters for a ryan, and obamacare is one of them, but foreign policy. Lou and thank you. If i could just. Lou you cant. One last. Lou you cant. That is and i am sure everyone is persuadeed if you, so much. Stay tununununun 3rd and 3. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about . Foreign markets. Asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. 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Neil welcome, i am neil cavuto, you are looking at ottawa, canada, their capital, Parliament Building and for canadians much of today their nightmare. Todays shooting attacks have shaken this usually, quiet peaceful nation to the north. Still very nervous, security measures very were in place. Heightened alerts across not only ottawa but all of canada, all, that is right all Canadian Military basi bases remain on ht alert. In quebec, military personnel are asked not to wear uniforms when they live their bases, and note to mak

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