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Partial government shutdown. Behind the closed doors of the white hou president obama has been lisning to numerous proposals over the past two days. For so ouse from house republicans, most recently from their senate colleagues. Press secretary jay carney moments ago confming the constructive talks that have begun. He talks have been constructive in that there is a recognition, at least among some republans and repuican leaders that shutdown is not good for the American People or the american economy. And that the threat of the full is damaging to the economy and this would be catastrophically damaging to the economand the american peop andt looks like there is a possibily of making some progress here. Within minutes of that statement, jay carney flatly denied that any negotiations are taking place between the whi house and republicans. But with a collection of brandnew polls that show the public is tiringf this stalemate,nd all street responding poitively and strongly to the possibility of a deal and pressure is mounin for both the president and the house republicans. Fox correspondent ed henry has the report. Rerter white husaides declared the talks ar in a better place in just a few days ago. D so the president obama was pleased with thehone conversationhat he had wth john boehner. I had a good conversati the two of them agreed and it souds like a talking dd not go quite as well. He himelf sort of chuckled about the grand bargain that he had been pursuing. This is a grand barain. Reporter jay carney continues to pla a game of semantics, and insisting that the president is not gotiating. But its speaking his mi behind closeddoors. I dont thinkthe republican nators held back in exppessing how they hink we oughtto move forward. Reporter a new wall street journapoll fnd that when it comes to the president s strategy of not negotiating until the government has reopened and the debt ceiling is raised, 30 strongly agree and 10 somewhat agr with the president. The 36 trongly disagree and 7 somewhat diagre the se poll showshat there is far more pressure on republicans to get a deal. Meanwhile voters gave the Republican Party the lowest number in the wall street journ polling which dates to 1889 with more than twice as manypeople holding a negative review of gopn a negative one. Using thenumbers to suggest the white house has the upper hand in these talks. By taking aim at republican ted cruz and his decision to filibuster the resolution to keep the government open, which opened the door to big problems like the military death benefits nafta. We have shut down the govement and then that gave the opportunity for this to be awfully mismanaged and mishaned by the white house. We hadnt shut down the government, this would not have happened. They shut down thegovernment h a fools errand that would not succeed and that is a fact. Reporter heres another reason we could see a eal sooner rather than later. Six in 10 americans have said that if they ould, they would be in place every Single Member of congress in both parties. Lou ed hnry from the white house. The funding of obamacare, the precipitate or of the sh down seemingly lost even as we learn more about the programs incredible faults and infectiveness. The wl street journal today reporting that the biggest flaws with the governments website, it had been identified and reprs have begun. Will be fixed, will be fixed in time to save the program . Health car. Gov serves 36 states. Unfortunately, technical glitches n web servers have little impact on the cost at consums are facing for Health Care Coverage on the government plan. Chief correspondent jim angle has the report. Before the exchang on, the Insurance Company aid at rates would soar, but now there are subsidies. Reporter h has been trying gure out how much he will get. I hav been clling thm every d since october 1. Several times day in some indications. They havebeen sometimes enduring 45 minute holes. Reporter they were not ableo give him a fir umber because of repeated ip problems, and they did refer hito the Kaiser Family foundation site. What i am concerned about is doctors visits, emergency room visits, andour premium. Reporter thproblem is at that the 24 increase after subsidies. And his copay for emergency room isits almost tripled to 350, amportantactor with three young boys. Were very active, they are not unlike any other attend a 10yearold boys. Reporter tey are not the only ones wth sticker shock. Members of Congress Also saves constituents have been colaining as they readome of e letters they are getting. I remember they said this care will reduce cost. The premium has increased about 0 , 700dollar deductible is add in my copay has increased. Mike saw his premiums rise to 750. He saw a increase, even though the policy was unchanged. An increase of 42 . Reporter some fox vieers wrote to us, though they asked their names not be used. This couple said the detailed information about the rate increases, which will add 82 of deducbles increased costs. By a third. As far as the rollout is concerned, Pat Robertson said today that the problems with the exchanges e systematic and profound and indisputable, as he called upon hhs secretary Cathleen Sebelius to resign for what he call gross incompen. Lou thank you. The government shutwn and obamacare, the topics today as religious ansocial conservatives from across the country right in the naions capital to attend the values voters summit. Possible 2016 gop president ial contenders tk the stage on day one of the threeday event. Chief Political Correspondent karl cameron has the report. Reporter social and religious conservatives invited three key leaders in the push tobeef on the Affordable Care act and reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling in exchange for spendingcuts. All potentitialvals for the gop president ial nomination in 2016. In my view, the house of representatives are dong what they have been doing, which is standing strong. [cheers] [applause] reporter senator ted cruz, marco rubio, and rand paul, where the first two embraced the sttegy of trying to derail obamacare through the budget press. But liberal hecklers repeatedly interrupted them and brought the house down. [cheers] and you know why . Because the many men and women in this room scare the livin daylights out of me. [chee] [applause] thattis the odel for this. Rerter rnd paul was among the firstto recognize the refusal to netiate would be viewed as unreasonable and rebod against democrats in the pollas well. But they barely mention the battl abandoning rhetoric to fus mounting violence agnst christians worldwide. An issue tt t author raises with conservativeshat can sway gop primaries. The trut is this is being waged by a fanatica element of islam. Reporter he never pecifically mentioned health care, where the debt ceiling, lameing a broader decline of traditional American Values isad he met with all of the fighting thats going on in washington dc, my biggest fear that we are losing focus on is the iggest issues facing our country, that we are losingontrol of our nationd that we are losing what we have come to know as the american dream. Porttr nother headline is paul ryan canceling his aparance to speak by videotape. The charman of te House Budget Committee remain on capitol hi working on the gops new proposal for a sweek extension of the dedlineto raise the debt limit t start working reopening the government and longterm entitlement reforms. Reporter has been elusive for decades, the gran bargain, that th political inability to get it donis what many think has caused congressto kick the can do the road each month for the last several years. Lou thank you. Much more on the shutdown and the republican proposal. Ay with us, we are coming right back. All talk and no action, the president and Congress Working to fina way to end the gornment shutdown and avoid fuher publicembarrassment. Congressman doug collins on the latest development coming up bny mellon combines Investment Management investment servicing, giving us unue insights which help us attract the industrys brightest minds who create powerful strategies for a cotrys investments touild more bright minds. New schools invested in the world. Bny mellon. U really love, what wou youo . [ woman ] id be a writer. [ man ] i baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ n ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] id be an architect. What if i told you someoncould pay you andhat if that peon were you . When you thinkbout it, isnt that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love . Lou we will be talking politics here. Les put together some contacts. Washington politicians taking g hits on olls on day 11 o thegvernment shutdown. A new gallup poll shows just 18 of americans are satisfied with the way the nation is being governed. And that is an alltime record low. And wall street journal report finding60 of mericans are oting t replace every Single Member of congreress if they cod come and yes, that is a record high. The Associated Press has the idents Approval Rating at 37 , a record low. Coresses approva also scraping the bottom. A 5 approval in the ap survey. Is no wonder that the gallup said that 60 of all americans believa tthird major party is now needed. That the highest percentage eeer. And explains the lls pitting reblicans had. Joining us a doug collins, a memberfthe oversight and government reform committee, the diciary committee, and he also serves as an air force reserve chaplain and served in iraq and congress in and come it is goo to have you with us. Lets start with the negotiations that appareny arent in view of this. Are you optimistic because those talks are going on now . But we migh see something between now and my morning. Good evening. I believe that you have to be optimistic in is businss in washington dc. People have a lot to be frtrated with. The inability for people to sit down,tepresiden who said that i will not negotiate, with the senate majorityleaderwho said that i wont accept anything that is being sent over. Think that wha we have is the visionhat we arr continuing to work hard and try to find solutions and that is wht americans expec of us. Rinow they are frustrated and i thin i feel their frustration because i feel thm in now way as well. For the first time in record numbers, he country is headed in the wrong direction and the president has the west Approval Rating of his presidency. To look bout 5 , i cant even imagine what y think. When you look at the institution of wch you were an important part, on 5 of the country thinks these guys ar worth a lick. Itis disturbing. It is disturbing in a sense that we have so many things going on right now and people are talking about this. The likelihood and we have to do is during the middle of a crisis on controversy and in my previous life, there ourpeople to perceive that nothing is being done. But when we do come to a solution and try to put forward things that willwk, i believe rk in the favor the American People, then we will s what happens in te rearview mirror. We are in the middle of an intensenegotiation. The media is betraying everytng that we are doing in an interesting light annothing is etting done in the compromise is happening. They dont underand that. Lou who doesnt understand th the American People and ritfully so. If i may say, i beg to differ th you. I think these polls reflect an American Public who understands very well that the congress is poorly led and the members are not sincere and workinghardin the nations interest, but he resident has the gall to ay that he will not negotte. He i the man hat we will dont latern the bradcast and shld be expressing an advisable quality of odesty and humility. I think the American People have washington figured out, dont you . Yes, you and i agreee. I agree tha they understand what they are seeing now in his seat as bad in what we have to look at here is moving forward and moving past the inaction we have had over the last f wks and look forward to a positive solution that they ca see that the work as being done on their behalf. Right now, they are exactly righand i agree with you that you get whats happening, they dont understand why we cat get along. Lou want to turn to the death benefits for Service Members to the decision by the department of defense to stop the chaplains frommcelebrating mass and stopping religis services during shutdown you have the legislation to reversethat. What kind of governnt have the American People been handed her . And then loing outside of this thats right, my ha lookedutside to say we are not going to let thi happen and when you take up way those who provide this expression, it is disturbing when the First Amendment becomes a nonesntial rt of our government and we have a really big problem. I. L disturbing . I think that it is outrageous i cannot recall a time that a priestor chaplain could not celebrate mass, that any denomination would be deed an opportity to serve and address the concer of thfaithful. I mean, i have eard so little prott rom e religious community and churches in is country. I want to make sure that the churches and the faithful understand what is happening here. They serve areas in which the chaplains that are there annot do this. It is appalling that they hde behind u landed a contractor a monetary valuever get settle for the firs amendment. Those are the constitutions d the traditions of thi country nd also setting aside respect for faith and religion. And for it to happen. I agree the one i appreciate you being here. Come back and we will tlk. On wall stree today, stocks heading higher, hopes that washingtons debt ceiling negotiations are progressing even though the white house denies their negotiatio. And a 9 billion amount in legl fees and settlements, iernet git google revealing profits funn to bermuda last year, whichis legal but questionable. The tax ras are about 5 . Up next, much of ameca givi failing gradeso the donothing congress and we will show you why there is a lot of doin out doing nothing its growing tre in business e with less with ss energy. Hp is helping ups do just that. So, the worlds most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give up over twice the performan, using forty percent less energy. Multiply that across over a ousand locations, and theyll provide the sa benefit the envonment as over 60,000 trees. Thats trend we can all get behind. [ music transitions to rock ] make it happen with the allnew fidelity active trader pro. Its one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. Get 200 free trades when you open an account. Lou a congressman collins and i were discussg, there are a lot of very good reasons forhe plummeting poll numrs for this congress, this presint, washington. 60 percent of independents are disgusted with theredent. 60 percent ofolks surveyed id they wanted thrown out everyone in congress. Ts tu our attenon to read this president is seems to think he is somehow empowed and entitled to not notiate, to do nothing. He has had some experience in doing nothing, and we wanted to review tt, if we make. E president first called for the syrian president to step down. Remains in per in a war with his own citizens. President obama also said that al keitel is on the run, but it turns out they are very much not runng away but carrying the fightn syria, libya, east africa. Here at me the preside spoke of promises to piling up his wealth. With nhing haseen accomplished. Guncontrol has failed altogether. Comprehensive Immigration Reform , amnesty seems to be growingnowhere. Stay tuned. There are lots of little tricky corners to watch as we watch the rest of this year fanfold. A grand bargain on the budget. Todayhe president referred to it as Something Like a unicorn agined but not yet seen, lot of wishful thinkin, lot of fantasy, perhaps. And god help the republic if we let these small legislatorsnd this president reate a grand bargain. Much wl be at risk if we do. The deficit promises to have that trillion dolr deficit that he inherited. So far he has given us four straight years of trillion dollar defics and threequarters of a trillion in the most recent fiscal year. Team obama promised stimulus would bring unemployment bowles 6 . It is now at 7 . And the presidedent promised to 20,500 for a typical famil do you remember that . The result, thehave risen by 3,000. I, frankly, canno remember such a president having served befe as a matter of fact, i dont lieve there has never been a esident who talks so much into has done so little. We continue in one moment. Americas chief executive overseeing an operation that is mismanaged, and competent, abusive, nearly bankrupt, and still sh down. The best seller ofhe amateur, edlein explas the obama presidency. So i can reach ally bank 24 7, but there are no branches . 24 7. Im sorry, im just really reluctant to try new things. Really . Whats wrong with trying newhings . Look mommys new vaum cat screech you feel tha inr muscles . I do. Its a long story. Well, not havi branche ts us give you great rates and serve. Id ke that. A new way to ban a better way to ve. Ally bank. Your mey needs an ally. Lou my next guest says setting down the government has been present obams strategy along trying to demonize the Republican Party and win back the house next yr. Joinin us now i the ahor of the New York Times bestseller, the amateur commend client. Thank you for being he. Clinging to the monastic life of the pse. Its also people likeordan who areaying that this guy, as president does n have the joy of the game, does not enjoy being president. It is not exercising his constitutional role which is to persuade people said dcertain things. Lou he is not think he should have to persuader negotiate he did is not i presume tha he has nothingnd then pools for followers if we dont understand that it isur job to follow his lead. Someone said t me the other day, yes, he is amateur, but he is in mature. Chdren believe that if they want something, they shod get it because they wanted to. That is a very immature way of looking athings, and that is exactly wh this president does. Lou as we are sitting here listening to people s he will not negotia while he is given negotiating, to what and we dont know, but negotiate from what could possibly going to remind to say that he will not negotiate. Why doeshe army, he patronizes, condescends to the congress, the senate, and expects 37 percent appl ting will be the result when it clearly is. My reporti from inside the admistration is that he believes tt by standing firm, not negotiating, although as you say, he is, but he will, in fact , help the democrats to regain control of the house of representatis and two dozen 14. This has been his strategy since he was reelected he thinks his only hope of getting his agda through ri heconterms to ha aemra house. U whai ltf hgea . Hes e las toin b at th ear poi tha i he en in i dt know h m presid. I inu to bac ite somence t find on whos as d spe. T isnterestinghat the mainream media has not taken as you just did in your alkboa, a list of t t things that the president promised to do3 ones is and what he has promised to do with the government shut down. He simply does not follow through. I thin peha part ofhe reas is tre so much general relief and some much of what he wants to do. Thank you for being with us. Weppreciatet. Take the second to go to our special site. In miami. Follow me on twitter. Why didnt the psidents avail themselv of all of that talent . Up next on the broadcast, the general in charg of nearly 500 Nuclear Warheads h been fired. No one will say why. Colonel raff peter swords us out d much more here next. Customer erin swenson ordered shoes from uonli but they didnt fit. Customernot happy, im not happy. Sales down, im not happy. Y. Rch mes backim not happy. Use ups. Themake returns easy. Unhappy customer becos happy stomer. 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The airorce today fired the 2star general in chae of its nuclr missiles forndisclosed personal misbehavior and aoss of trust. This is the second firing of a Senior Commander of our Nuclear Forces this we. Major general Michael Carey remove from command of the 20th there force. Responsible for the three wings of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles damato asked whether the dismissalas out all related. He did not respond directly but said carey is nonaoholic. Our next guest says theres an unprecented academic t bad judgment and sel indulgee concerning military brass. Joininn us is fox news stratic anyst, lieutenantcolonel ralph peters. Great to have you with this. This is stunning. Three stars, now to stars, and all in the nuclear command. And we have had four stars, more courtmartialed,educed in rank, but out of thermy. There is problem you know history. Havelways been problems generals. But not in this density, this number. Is busilyn revenue relieved finances sexual peccadilloes of fairs but for sexual abuse of suboinates, for abusing their positis, wasting money. Th list goes on d on. We all know, the story and everything else. I reallyave seen these guys in action. There certainly are made honorable and good ones, but this problem is epidemic and the stems from t imperial trappings us around today senior genelsnd admals. Its amazing how insulated they ar. Not melyith levels of curity, but the aids. General George Marshall cut is rass. Now generals and admirals have dogsbodies to do everything for them. Is not just a question. Think of the senior members of the entitlement glass. But beyond that there is a sconnect with our tops and in afghanistan. I have never seen the kind of dangerous and profound disconnect that i have sn between these generals this state and the add layers of security, surrounded by electronic toys. Once in awhile they fly down, but in the middle of a soldier, have tea with the village elder. An the difference between their perception of what is going on in that war and the perption i getrom the soldis and marines on the groun the enlisted men to my hav never seen a greater gap. Lou let me ask you this. On the war seems to be shaping the command structure. It seems t be shaping those generals. It is a different kind of war. It is a long war. It is not about generals who are brillitly Creative Strategies and moving forces, the troop into position in destroying the enemy. We are encased in abstractions. Were engaged in what frankly s. C. Has nothing but a process rather than an effor to win the victy. I agree wh the strategic level. Down at the ground level for those soldiers and marines lou amelie talking aboutpt. It is. You know, no matter whatind of war you iran, the generals have to get downnd see what it is like. Ey have to experience a little bit of what theroops gg through. For instance, general allen, former command in afghanistan every time, whenever something will go wronge would violate a basi rule of and bully the troops of was saying, oh, the trips have to behave better, the trips to learn to respect and culture. Those ldiers and marines out therr, you know, the abuse of women, the c corruption, treasuy and they wonder. I have to say, zero stanley met christa, waterfall he may have had as a strategic leade he is ne m he did get out with the troops. If you dont get out with the troops and get dirty you not know what is going on. In 12 years ofeing a war we have n had a single General Office of casualty. Lou that is telling them as you said. The idea gng on 13 yrs in afghanistan, afghanistan itself in the early nine months of falling september 11th, under the control of covert forces, a and other covert forces we have mess that up to such a degree that it almos goes without notice, almost goes without discussion. We hear the ever clever followers talkkng about how brillit the long war strategy is. Would you not say it is time for our academies to change theiways and forhe generals to make up the cmand structure to Start Talking honestly about y they failed to succeed in afghanistan and other effts an how disappointingt is to all americans that our troops have bn so forward l. You are absolutely right. I do agree the polical correctness has seeped so deeply into the academy into the command strture generals cannotot take a stand n anything anymore it is pathetic. Yet seen this Counter Insurgency value. The New York Times counterinsurgency strategy failed miserably. No general will adt tt it has fled. And by the way, another point about afghanian. Youre absolutely rig we should have been out of their in 2002. We are still there. Threequarters of the dead ied on obamas watch. Lou thank you for being here. Lou up next, frightening stories about the obamacare impact on o Health Care System and theedic community. A shockingly low number of enrollees revealed. Is it the right number . The ateam takes up that issue and much more next. Its a growing trend in business do more with less wi less energy. Its a growing trend in business hp is helping ups do just that. Soon, the worlds most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups overwiceheerformance, using forty percent less energy. Multiply that across over thousand locations, and eyll prove the same benefit to the environment as over ,000 trees. Thats a trend we can all get behind. Lou lets get some more politics and economics former white house sior adviser to bill clinton, editor of Atlas Shrugged sta com. Post american presidency. Fox news political analyst. It is good to see you guys. Lets start with you. The government is hut down, the president refused to negotiate. It appears he is negotiating. Make some sense of that. Both sides now seem lik they are negotiating. I actually think that the government will be reopened by tuesday. Lou what took so long. It has not been aood week. It is a week in which the broken as of our government has been highlighted. Lou do yothink this vernment is broken . It is too big to succeed. I do think that we are watching a varney crisis, the closing of the parks, the military funerals, denying awarded a funeral. It is to create a cris when obama calls are scandals phony. You recal the address targeting political groups. The irs from the benghazi, our ambassador. Lou the pretend president or the pretend congress. Lou angry with the media. That is a great answer. They are advancing this narrative. This is a phoy crisis. The scandals, irs, fast and furious, phoniesandles. Very real. This is a phoy crisis, and he generated this. Eleven they say, they dont kw when he knew about the funerals, the military funerals. He did that know about benghazi, the military furals of what is he sbusy with . Lou you are there at ground zero. Tell us what in t world he is so busyith that he cannot make ese his business. That was areat question. Prend president or pretend ngress. Here it definitely looksike a lot of pretending that plague. What is he so busy with . I guess everything from dealing with capring terrorists overseas and to what is going on here in washington. Allegedly you an see both sides. What can he do about therices . It gets confusing. I think and agree with you that this all situation highlights what is wrongith washgton. The polling shows that the republicans and especially the Tea Party Republicans are being blamed much more by the American Public for this. I thi that longteris hard to say where this is going t find , and if anyone will benefit. I dont think that we should be abouteciding who will benit or come out on top, t it is clear to mos americans, most people who he been following this thathis crisis was manufactured by the republicans. Brought about by the tea party. Lou the democts, not the reblicans. I dont think anyone looks goodn this, but it is clear the crisis was brought about by theea Party Faction of the Republican Party. Lou i dont understand to the tea Party Faction is. It is a good question. I think the pol are confetti at the moment. E american pple. Those rublicans wereoted in based upon this premise of i dont know. Macare. More people today support obacare. Lou thee are doued. En the americaneopleet those new medical bills, the medicalnsurance bills and their wallets, we will be talkg about this. That is is that the case. Lou theyre thrilled. It looks le a pross in which the republicans stumble onto a theme. They wanted to delay the individual mandate for aear because busses thanks to the largess of the democratic present in this party had year to keept there. Also, they wanted to be fair and get rid of their subsidy for the insurance exchangnder obamacare. Ey felt that was wrong for them and the president. What happened to those themes . I think its gone. It is interesting. Wh you are seeing here because of the polls that were menoned earlier, obamacare,even from paul ryan, eric canto today, no mention of obamacarexcept for getting rid of the medical device tax. Other than that, it is all3 budget. Lou thank youery much. That is i for us tonight. All we have time tdo is s  . . Neil all riht, welcome. A clock that is not taken. Not quite theticking tebomb that is so bad. Lcome, iam trusting in for neil cavuto. Things are getting even weirr. The administration is trying to make the shutdn sound even scarier. And barack obama tweeting today th this is important. Putting the se of our food at risk due to the government

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