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Highness took the stage in laos to bad mouth americans for what he sees as a series of offenses. You can feel lazy thinking we are so big we dont have to know anything about other people. Kennedy nothing. Like how some people are so insecure they have to constantly apologize on the International Stage so their farflung friends will finally think they are cool. He went on to bash the fine and hardworking people of this nation because we dont share his thirst to go green. Usually if you see the environment destroyed, its not because thats necessary for development. Its usually because we are being lazy and we are not being as creative as we could be. Kennedy so lazy. You are so much smarter than we are because you are willing to further sacrifice the economy in the name of environmentalism. Halt progress and put us on a fast track to stagnation so Leonardo Dicaprio puts you on his yacht in january. The most important thing for the public and the press is to just listen to what he says and follow up and ask questions about what appear to be either contradictory or uninformed or outright wacky ideas. Kennedy come on, man. Whats wacky about donald trump. Here he is sounding rational about Vladimir Putin. The man has great control over his country. In that system hes been a leader far more than our president has been a leader. Kennedy between obamas ongoing apology, putins tyrannical nonsense, you get the sense the world is run or will soon be run by the three stooges. She makes this comedy act downright depressing. Its kinds of an old look. You are bringing it back . Went shopping in your closet . You d got it. I do a lot of that. Kennedy this ways we are stuck with and it puts all of us in jeopardy. The question of the 100,000 answer of taking your president ial campaign. What is aleppo. Lets fire up that grill. Im kennedy. Donald trump and barack obama trading insults and dragging Vladimir Putin into their slap fight. Lets bring on the party panel. Eboni williams, political panelist and fox news contributor. Comedian jimmy failla and dave smith, host of parof theou need to subscribe to immediately. Happy birthday. Kennedy yea, i love my birthday. This is actually my buyer kinney. So lets talk about donald trump and Hillary Clinton and the president saying that we are lazy as americans. I look at americans in larger context. I compare us to other nations on this planet. Americans take less vacation, they start more businesses, and they are the engine of the worlds economy. How are we lazy . If you need to make a separation between the American People pant American Government. The American Government has destroyed a lot of muslim countries and propped up dictators and killed a lot of innocent people. The American People are the most hard work and most generous people on the planet. We have created and given the world more in terms of art, science, literature, culture than any other people. So to have the leader of the government all those bad things i laid out are still going on under obama. For him to lecture the people about how lazy we are makes no sense. Kennedy why disparage americans to further his agenda overseas. When i look at president , hes a young man. He has decades of never going away. He will be worse than jimmy carter. Hes very guiling. I think hes so rid within his guilt around what they havent done right, this is his apology tour. Hes clearly excited about this green. The whole presidency, a nice Tipping Point to talk about how hes going to be leo 2. 0. Kennedy you say the president is in no position to call people lazy given his great hobby. He got off the couch and went golfing every day of his administration. Come fired him other president s are lazy because they sat at a desk every day and tried to govern. Kennedy Bernie Sanders and donald trump are both a reaction to president obama. This election is killing him. You know how many cigarettes hes sneaking behind michelles back . Hes the only politician asking biden for a back massage. Kennedy go with lavender lotion. Last nights snation National Security form, Hillary Clinton promised to vanquish isis but promised to keep our troops out of the mess. She doubled down on those comments today. I think putting a big contingent of american Ground Troops on the ground in iraq and syria would not be in the best interests of the fight against isis and other terrorist groups. I think it would fulfill one of their dearest wishes, which is to drag the United States back into a grounds war in that region. Kennedy i would say the choker is too tight. Several,000 u. S. Troops are there right now. 6,000 of them in iraq. We have got grounds troops over there. We have 500 special forces alone in syria. How can she possibly say she is not going to use Ground Forces when they are already there. She likes to trumpet her experience, yet she apologize for her actions during those experience. Iraq war, the surge, syria, libya. Would you drive by a mcdonalds and stop if they said home of the whopper but well never cook it the way we did before. Kennedy you see whats happening in syria and libya. She is another guilty candidate. She feels bad about her vote upon iraq. She has been trying to explain to the American People around it. How could she possibly know whats going to be in americas best interest six months out . Kennedy i spoke to members of the military and the reason they distrust her is she has no sense of military strategy and has no problem sending people overseas to die. Donald trump suggested if elected he might fire some of the stop generals running the military. I think under the leadership of barack obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble. They have been reduced to a point where its embarrassing for our country. Kennedy but he plans to have support from 88 generals. Is that going to last when the president is directly in charge of the military, what kinds of political system is that . Thats what we have. Kennedy its a dictatorship. Instead of the military running independently of the political process. The president can murder people on a secret kill list in yemen. He has way more power than any one person should have. The idea people should be fired . Thats pretty logical. I think we should clean house. Kennedy i know people take issue with him saying maybe i wouldnt use the same generals. But he says the generals have been reduced to rubble. The rubble part hes blaming the obama administration. But thats why people like him, he thinks like a businessman. He thanked executives running a company that made zero profit and were running the business into the grounds, he would replace those executives. He said i have a common sense about me to these issues. And thats the part about the gig he could do. People act like when a donald trump goes in there and makes a decision webs not being consulted by the two top experts in every one of those fields. Im just a little nervous because his list of generals includes sergeant rus slaugh. Kennedy trump made this claim last night. I happened to hear Hillary Clinton say i was not against the war in iraq. I was totally against the war in iraq. You can look at is guy magazine from 04. You can look at from before that. Kennedy whatthe issue . Lawer did not challenge that statement despite the fact several news outlets reported trump supported the war a year before if the 2003 invasion. He did an interview with howard stern in 2002. This is trump. Yes, we are going have this wall. Maybe he evolves a bit. I think matt lauer should have pushed back. I think it would have been more even handed if we saw this with trump. Kennedy the most googled question after the show was does matt lauer support trump. Guess whose colorado not coming chelseas christening. You. Is trump being held accountable for his endorsement of the war . I think we do have to differentiate between the forum of the howard stern show and being in the senate. Hillary was conversing with generals. If you are going to get points for being against it kennedy maybe he was against it before he was for it. The pundits claim matt lauer the pundits claim matt lauer pulled punches with trump. Everyone thought i was crazy to open a hotel here. Everyone said its so hard to be a musician, but i canimagine doing anything else. Now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. Im always hopping on the train, running all over portland. I have to go wherever the work is. Trains with innovative Siemens Technology help keep cities moving, so neighborhoods and businesses can prosper. I can book 3 or 4 gigs on a good weekend. Im booked solid for weeks. It takes ingenuity to make it in the big city. Kennedy matt lauer, last night he held Hillary Clintons feet to the fire. Isnt that what hes supposed to do . Talk about her personal server instead of sending classified information through proper channels. Hillary came up with a new novel answer. What is factual is the state Department System was hacked. Most of the Government Systems are way behind the curve. We had hacking repeatedly, meant white house. There is no evidence my system was hacked. Kennedy she is kind of claiming her home system was more secure than the state department. And known while new emails reveal former secretary of state colin powell used private channels to avoid the state Department Server and advised hillary to do the same thing. The party panel is back. So eboni, is it all colins fault . Thats such a whacked, unleadershiplike position to take. Hillary said ill trust james comey more than i will trust Hillary Clinton. Kennedy there is no way to conclusively determine that we dont know who got in there. These weird things. Its hard to believe. Also, you know, it goes to show how technically not adept she is when she is having people running around hitting her blackberry with hammers. What does that say to you . If you are destroying a blackberry with a hammer, what does that say . Guilty. You come home any and you say i have got nothing to hide. How are we getting past that . The whole equivalency used a private server by didnt use bleach bit on his server. Kennedy never mind the white house atm. When clinton was there it only spit out singles. That was a stripper joke. Kennedy there were some interesting excuses that she employed here. And its so funny because she always says, gosh, i wish i hadnt done that. That was such a big mistake. Then every single time she has a new excuse. They werent properly head, it didnt say confidential or top secret. I said that i did not send or receive classified information that was properly marked. Its a new qualification. Nothing criminal is ever going to happen out of this. No matter how many people she lies to or steals from or bill clinton rapes or murders, they wont go to jail. Kennedy allegedly. I believe women. I dont know what happened. But the point is they are not going to go to jail. Even people fromth grade. You can look at them and tell by the essence of them, you are full of it. It exposes her as a liar. Kennedy its an ad hoc explanation or explanation every time she opens up that beautiful clap trap. People are up in arms about the latest iphone model and the potentially easy to lose earbuds. Will our panel still shoplift the new phone when it comes out. Gary johnson got a huge boon for his quest to enter the president ial debate when mitt romney said he should join the debate. But toda announcer vo who says your desk phone always has to be at your desk . Now, with one talk from verizon. Hi, pete. Im glad you called. announcer vo all your phones can Work Together on one number. You can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. Take your time. Im not going anywhere. announcer vo and when youre not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. Hi, john. announcer vo so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. Introducing one talk another way verizon connects your business better. Learn how at onetalk. Com. Kennedy hi there. Libertarian president ial nominee gary johnson would probably like a mulligan after he made a big gaffe on morning joe. What would you do if elected about aleppo. Ways aleppo . You are kidding . No. Aleppo is in syria. Its the epicenter of the refugee crisis. Okay, got it, got it. Kennedy that stumble made waves in the media. No one is taking this more seriously than me. I feel horrible. I have to get smarter and thats just part of the process. This came hours after 2012 president ial nominee mitt romney said johnson should have a podium at this years president ial debates. Can he recover and make it to the debates. Lets ask him. Hes here now. Welcome back, governor. How about trying to make some lemonade out of this . How do you recould and turn it to your advantage. Lets talk about the policy, not the place. Kennedy do you think its a gotcha question . No, i dont. Everything is fair, no complaints. Talking about the policy. We have the assad regime in east aleppo, and in the west we have got the Free Syrian Army that we are supporting. They are allied with the islamists isis. And there is a weapons transfer between the two. And then outside of that, we have the kurds which we are supporting but they are in direct conflict with turkey. Kennedy they are supposed to be our allies. They are leaving the door open for the foreign fighters to go toe up syria and join isis. The lemonade would to be talk about the policy that put ourselves in this position in the first place and be opposed to policies that enact regime change. This is about regime change. And before all this started, we were paying assad to fight isis. You cant make this stuff up. If im wrong on any of this, lets have it. Lets have a National Debate and discussion over the policies. Kennedy the middle east is so con row lute and fractures. When you talk about regime change and killing and deposing qaddafi, there was no foresight for what happened after that. In that sentence you and donald trump were similarly aligned. I think if you flesh out your Foreign Policy its much more attractive to a number of americans. My question is, can you overcome what happened on morning joe and redirect support in your direction . Now the biggest thing americans know about gary johnson is hes the guy who didnt know what aleppo was. In that context i hope people realize i tell the truth regardless of the consequences. And im not a hypocrite. I dont say one thing and do another. As president everything will go through this honesty filter. Im hoping people will see that and no excuse for not knowing. When the question cause asked the first thing i was thinking was an acronym. Kennedy what did you learn from that. If you get a question in the future and you are not familiar with the term, what will you do differently next time . As much as i hate to say it, just knowing ahead of time what the issues are, very quickly that wouldnt have been an issue, would thought have been an issue. Kennedy do you think you know enough to run for president . I do. Back to the filter. If people are looking for somebody who is hon yet and tells the truth. If people are looking for a nonhypocrite. If people are looking for somebody who has been there and done that. And somebody who holds the basic philosophy of being small government, less taxes. Socially inclusive, people being able to make their own choices in hive. Sceptical when it comes to our military interventions. Sceptical when it comes to us supporting regime change, which is all about what syria is. And then free trade. Nobody else is free trade. Then back to the budget. Oh, my gosh. Social security. Medicaid, medicare. These are issues that are at a fiscal cliff that have to be addressed. Kennedy now they are at odds with a military where both candidates are saying they want to end the sequester. And they want to increase entitlement spending. They are fiscally irresponsible. Is there any chance you will get on the debate stable . I hope i am on the debate stable because i would be different than the two of them in so many areas. Hillary was an architect of this happening. Not intentionally. You cant make up how complexion it all is. But people need to start to recognize how come bes how complexion it is and why. Kennedy i didnt get the sense that either of those candidates on the form up stage got a sense of how complex the world is on the world stable. You may have had a gaffe, but they have fundamental philosophical flaws and thats why people have such negative views of both of them. Hillary clinton will always win on places, but i would like to talk about the general policy, hey, we are not making things better. Im glad you came by tonight. Coming up, if this man inhales before jumping off a cliff, can his balloon help save him from turning into a kennedy when your own twin forgets your birthday, come to me and i am give a big present of news. This is the topical storm. Topic number one. Facemasks are a tradition of exfoliating and moisturizing skin and they can be used to obscure your identity so you can rob banks. One young lady tried using a charcoal face peel which gave her more cosmetic issues than they bargained for. Oh, my god. [screaming. Kennedy at least it all worked out for her. The last time i tried one of those things, it was terrible. Topic number 2. Have you ever gone the so drunk your motor skills actually improve . I know i have. Every night right before this show. But i cant take all the glory. Aquatic acrobat demonstrates what happens when miller time meets maritime. Just flip right back over. Very impressive technique. But what that video doesnt show is this was his 87th take. He time before this he dumped an entire beer in that lake. He also gave literal meaning to the term drink like a fish. I feel like that sometimes. Topic number 3. The internet is a strange and fickle mistress. This is the jackson hole, wyoming webcam which thousands of people tune into every day its just a boring and quaint town square, stoplights. Traffic. Nothing special. But because youtube ranks videos by clicks and the length of time you use them. The viewers who use this as a screen saver has catapulted this into one of the most popular video. Lets make jackson hole more popular than the kardashians. Also, you might catch some of the residents being awesome for our benefit, like the sheriff. [ ] the sheriff is near and incapable of dancing. Topic number 4. You might want to pop a few dramamine before we show you this next video. A gopro diver in crystal coach, california. Take a look at this big plunge. That was crazy. That was crazy. That was so close. Can we see it again . Did you notice that muffled scream at the end . Thats the noise you make when you are certain you are about to die. Fortunately he did make it safely. Down there in the ocean yum yum yum. Topic number 5. Cats. They are devious and today knifing. But you can still trick them and freak them out. How, you ask . Costumes. The animal on the left is a cat delivery disguised as a dinosaur. But thats just and wardrobe that make its appear to be a tyrannosaurus rex. Other cat has been duped and is frightened and its hissing and back away. Cats wants to eat you as much as dinosaurs. See if you can spot the cat cameo. They dont have enough guns. If you have weird stories. We just love it around here. Im such a cat person. Also finds me on season extra gram use topicalstorm. Amy schumer has one simple but con desending explanation for people who dont l kennedy welcome back. Hollywoods funny gal amy schumer has one ex month nation for why people might not support Hillary Clinton. She said in an interview people get one fact about her emails and thats what they latch on to about a candidate. She said if donald trump wins she is moving to spain. Host of the Breakfast Club is charlemagne the god. Where will you move if donald trump becomes president. Im not moving nowhere. Democracy plays a big role in whoever is in the white house and we push people in the white house to do what needs to be done. Kennedy whoever is the next president will be so hated. It usually takes two years for people start to disspice the president. November 9, people are going to be so completely stover whatever the forthcoming administration is. But i have an issue with someone like this because she says people dont like Hillary Clinton because they are not informed which is an insult. Most people dont like Hillary Clinton. And she is probably the most discussed candidate ever. There are more books will her as northern president than people who havely been president like line Richard Nixon and ronald reagan. I think amy schumer is misinformed on Hillary Clinton. I cant overlook the reasons why people dont like her. Google hillary and benghazi fan Google Hillary and libya. She said she didnt know the big c meant classified. There are a lot of reasons people dont like Hillary Clinton. With the hot sauce she was not being facetious. Thats one of the times she didnt get caught in a lie. She may not have had hot sauce in her bag at that moment, but she has indulged in hot sauce. Kennedy then amy schumer said donald trump doesnt pay his workers. She says there has never been a nominee who hasnt released his taxes. Hes the first since 1976. But you cant say never and ever. She is misinformed. Kennedy and she is guilty of the season. She is a comedian and not a politician. Kennedy and not funny when she talks about politics. She cant be you. Not everybody can be funny and well verlsd on politics. Kennedy you are the nicest person i have ever met. The social psychology bull season says the report that mill lineals are liberal is wrong. When you talk to a lot of people on the radio and your podcast. People couple toou all the time and say this is the most polarized generation politically. There are a lot of people who describe themselves as really conservative millennials and a lot who describe themselves as really liberal. I think millennials are way more liberal. They are more liberal as far as their sexuality and gender. I dont think they are conservative at all. Kennedy and they tends to be more accepting of gay marriage and transgender friends and things like that and issues of race. But they also selfidentify as politically conservative. I think thats one of the reasons Bernie Sanders caught fire because he wasnt necessary think conservative. He was more liberal than conservative. Kennedy he was definitely liberal. There are almost a square of millennial hospital say they consider themselves conservative. A larger number say they are really liberal. Thats why someone like Bernie Sanders in any other era. People would have laughed him off the stage. I think with bernie, what iraq being a viable africanamerican president. Its shocking enemy lenials dont like hillary. Thats because millennials are more informed. They googled the benghazi and super predators. They know where she is coming from. Millennials are absolutely liberal. Whoever did that article needs to talk to some kids. You would be like upset how liberal they are at times. Like come on. You have to have a little bit of tradition with you. They have none. Kennedy i feel like im talking to phyllis schlafly. Char le main the god. I love being here. When the party panel returns. Apple either ruined its newest iphone model or changed smart phones forever. Is it a professor who never stops being a student . Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions . Your personal success takes a Financial Partner who values it as much as you do. Learn more at tiaa. Org its a very specific moment, the launch window. We have to be very precise. If were not ready when the planets are perfectly aligned, thats it. We need really tight temperature controls. Engineering, aerodynamics a split second too long could mean scrapping it all and starting over. Propulsion, Structural Analysis Maple Bourbon caramel. Thats what were working on right now. From design through production, Siemens Technology helps manufacturers meet critical deadlines. I think thisll be our biggest flavor yet. When you only have one shot, you need a whole lot of ingenuity. Amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. Sleep number beds adjust on both sides for your best sleep ever. Dont miss the bgest sale of the year all beds on sale with the queen c2 mattress only 599. 99. Final days ends sunday. Know better sleep. Only at a sleep number store. Kennedy iphone investors are giving am the cold shoulder. The company unveiled a new smart phone without a headphone jack. Critics say the new 159 wireless air pods are add together price and they are too easy to lose. Come on, you have lost headphones that are connected. Can you manage these little guys . They need cochlear implants. They need things you have surgically implanted in your head. When we meld with machines. How do you feel about this iphone 7 debacle . The 256 gig model. Can i get for 300 . Ken 350. As long as they keep fighting against giving my information to the f. B. I. , ill spend money on head phones. All of this stuff is always the most expensive the first year. Then they will be reasonable in the next couple years. I think it should be called the apple f. U. They tried selling it as a necessity because it made the phone skinnier than before its like a millionth of a centimeter. I was annoyed by this. Im pretty cheap. And i cant keep ahold of these things. You lose one these, its like a glove. Kennedy how much does it blow to lose a 50 pair of earbud. I can only manage these air pods will be difficult to keep track of. Im holding on to my 5 for life. Kennedy love you guys, thank you. You made this birthday so happy. I love working on my birthday. I think its fun. Two thing i like to do on my birthday. I like to go running and i like to work. We are still on the air, just so you know. Kennedy how about tha announcer vo who says your desk phone always has to be at your desk . Now, with one talk from verizon. Hi, pete. Im glad you called. announcer vo all your phones can Work Together on one number. You can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. Take your time. Im not going anywhere. announcer vo and when youre not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. Hi, john. announcer vo so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. Introducing one talk another way verizon connects your business better. Learn how at onetalk. Com. Kennedy let me quote gandhi. Hes known for saying be the change you wish to see in the world. Ways not known is he tweeted that with the hashtag stay lit, fam. Its time for viewer mail. Sandy pops my cork with welcome back, missed your snark. Brian says i love your intelligence but cut the nasal voice, it hurts. It hurts my feeling brian. Lester tweets please clone yourself so we always stay informed and your batteries always stay charged. My batteries are always charged. A completely unprecedented move, one of two people has taken to social media to voice political opinion. Ernest said kennedy, get on it. Bernie sold out, and Hillary Clinton is a crook. Get on the trump train. Ernest, despite how i look, im not your political hobo. Curtis says i dont care what you think, my family and i are Trump Supporters and i for run are all for making America Great again. Devon writes from one libertarian to another, keep rocking out. John says, happy birthday, rock star. Truth. Frank offers and equally warm message. You are an idiot. Thanks, frank. I have got something for you, too, frank. Thank you for watching the show tonight. You can follow me on twitter and i instagram and facebook. You can email knee at kennedyfbn foxbusiness. Com. Happy birthday me. Bye. R time life. group hee haw his name is buck. And his name is roy. Were happy as kids with brand new toys. The hee haw show is ready to start. Were gonna tear this place apart. group when . playing banjo right now announcer they made us laugh. My boys heads like a doorknob. How come . Any woman can turn it. announcer they made us smile. whistle spirited music they had kneeslappin, footstompin, good Old Fashioned fun. group doo dah, doo dah announcer . On hee haw. Hee haw, hee haw

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