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Supporters mad as hell as hillary marches toward the nomination. Will bernie cave and admits he must quit . Are you repaired to give your unconditional support if she gets the delegates . I dont want to break the bad news to you, but the election is not over yet. Kennedy bernie will never abandon his ideals, and the polls show he has a better shot of burning donald at the polls. Hes more than willing to play into sanders trap. A lot of the Bernie Sanders people said they are voting for trump because what they are doing to Bernie Sanders. The system is totally rigged. Well get tremendous numbers of Bernie Sanders. Kennedy Bernie Sanders and donald trump are both seen as outsiders, outside the political system. They both despise Hillary Clinton and they share a desire to tell you how bad life is and how they will make it better. Hillary clinton taking only 55 of bernie supporters according to a New York Times poll. She has turned off whiteys and fickled voters. If thats bernies goal he may be well on the way to accomplishing it. Staying in the race may insure donald trump becomes commanderinchief. And the only thing he may find in november is the torching of his once powerful influence. The Inspector General says Hillary Clinton ignored state department rules with her private server. Im kennedy. Oh, the democrat i primary still feeling the bern. Lets ask tonights party panel, dagen mcdowell, and tom shillue is here, the host of red eye and a ripped red jacket, just the way i like it. Day began, ill start with you. Donald trump says he can get 40 per around of those frustrated bernie supporters. Is he right or is he the one whos delusional. They are stoned enough you never know who they might vote for. Its like old white guy . I take trump. Now, is it me or are there just as many people on the left who want Hillary Clinton to lose . He time you hear the spoiler story with the Libertarian Party candidate, people always have a favored narrative about which way the voter are going to go. Its obvious bernie voters clong to hillary. So if a few of them defect to trump, its like whats going on. People who are attracted to the alternative candidates, its because they dont like the people running. As much as i hate to, you know, back up any trump narrative ever webs an outsider and so is sanders. Kennedy they have a lot in common. They speak to disaffected workers who have been hurt for 8 years by this brutal recession. They havent fully recovered and they seem to be big personalities with big status plans. You have trump going after carrier and bernie going after disney. So the question isnt obviously its not going to get 40 of the bernie voters. Most of them will go to hillary. But the question is how many more . I think there will be more bernie people that go to trump than never trump people that stay away from trump. Does that make sense . It make sense. In West Virginia some of the exit polls show up to 35 of bernie supporters were so frustrated that they said they would vote for trump if she is the nominee. We did a hashtag for hillary and picked fun of slogans for hillary. You know who picked up on it . It was the bernie people. By morning it was trending because of the bernie bros. The Democratic Party is acting like its their duty to vote for hillary. They are like no, you dont get to tell me what to do. Kennedy they are condescending to those voters. And they are willing to paint them with a broad brush of violence. Where he a few of them act up they have whipped them into compliance saying they will march into philadelphia and create a firestorm. Trump has been treated so badly by the Republican Party. It burst into flames the way the delegates were allocated in colorado. He was like the system is rigged against you, your votes dont matter. Thats where you saw his candidacy take off. They both seem authentic. Do you believe them . When you watch them on the campaign trail, do you believe what they are saying . Hillary clinton, no. Kennedy bernie is likeable. Its not until you sit yourself down and have a strong talking to that you realize how out of date his ideology is. Hillary clinton unleashed a new weapons in her battle against donald trump. Its Elizabeth Warren slamming trump about comment he made prior to the 2008 recession saying he was excited about the Real Estate Market crash and thought he could make money on it . What kind of a man does that . Ill tell what you kind of a man does that . Its a man who cares about no one but himself. A small, insecure, money grubber who doesnt care who gets hurt so long as he makes a profit off it. Kennedy does she fight against a super villian called straw man . Ill tell you what kind of a man he is or a person anyone is who profits off a down market. Its called a contrarian, thats not the worst thing in the world. I resent your setup of this whole episode. Somebody was going to make money on a downturn. When bubbles burst, someone makes money, and trump, if he knows about anything, its probably real estate. And i think this notion that somehow there is this deep inherent evil in making money by accurately predicting the direction of the market shows how antimarket Elizabeth Warren is and the Democratic Party. Ken were when you take advantage of a certain climate. You say i cant afford a house in my neighborhood. Housing downturns are not a deep fundamental right. I would like to be able to buy a house. I cant buy a house in my neighborhood because housing prices are high. Kennedy you dont want an economic collapse if you are in the business of luxury hotels. Renting luxury rooms and getting people on your golf course. The trump winery, he bought that from another rich person in a foreclosure auction. Its not like he was out picking up houses. Kennedy i cant stand it when people on either side do this. They abstract what they think is someones narrative then project their own spin. A lot of my facebook fans love elizabeth warn. The thing about the Elizabeth Warren swroat voters. They think finally someone to come back to trump. But if you look at these people, the people who like Elizabeth Warren have multiple graduate degrees. They are the elite of the elite and they think she is fantastic. But i dont think americans like Elizabeth Warren. Kennedy i dont think she is convincing anyone outside of her lane. The passionate bernie supporters we have been hearing so much from and about. They are the people who love Elizabeth Warren. Their attacks on donald trump have not been that effective. She is not doing herself or Hillary Clinton any favors. Hillary looks weak next to her. There is something about Elizabeth Warren where she can come off tough and it works for her. Hillary wants everybody to like her, thats her problem. Kennedy a report by the state departments Inspector General says Hillary Clinton broke the rules with her private server. Free car wash its free. Um. No, thanks. Knew that was coming. He wont let anyone else touch his car. Except me. Here i am. Working my canister off to clean and shine. And give proven protection. Against fading and aging caused by uv rays. He wont use those copycat wipes. Hi. Doing anything later . The quiet type. I like that. Armor all original protectant. Dont be dull. Kennedy a new report from the state departments Inspector General accused Hillary Clinton of ignoring state Department Records rules while using her personal server. She says her server was attacked. And she never out approval to use her personal account for government work. A Government Spokesperson wrote, her personal email use walking not unique at the state department. Well, that doesnt mean it was right. Someone using it in a similar setup was forced to resign years ago. So, im going to ask you this. I think this report from the state department gives her no political cover. I think that this is an ambush to the main course which is the f. B. I. I agree with whatever that is. This kind of stuff makes me gloss over the i. G. Report. Whenever you come down to hearing, you start to lose people. She had a server in her house. We know why she did it. I think politically you can use this as a personal attack against her. But i have no faith in hearings and i ask a lot of my friend. She is going to be in handcuffs. I dont think thats going to happen. I dont know whats going to come of these hearings. But its just politics. The state Department Said secretary clinton should have surrendered all emails to the state department before leaving Government Service and she did not do so with the policies implemented with the federal record act. And this was not just about her damn emails. This speaks to a level of corruption that if Bernie Sanders were smart for a moment he would have capitalized on. What the report found was that she wasnt complying with the rules in part because they changed. She said a bunch of people before we did it this way, too. But then the rules changed and you didnt follow them. The passage you just read, it starts with at the very least she should have handed over the emails which she didnt do. Kennedy she waited two years before she released the emails that she and her team were the only ones that had access to them. They went through and decided. And of course they found emails from other people like huma abedin that Hillary Clinton had sent and did not turn in. Im sorry, my name is clinton, i dont play by your rules. She wrote, i dont want any risk of the personal being accessible. Her staff declined to be interviewed by the Inspector General. But guess what, the f. B. I. Is bearing down on you. Even if it doesnt go anywhere for her. Get ready for the leaks because they will be as damaging as indicting hire. I think the fine investigation will go somewhere. I think that if anyone was going to give her cover within it would be the state department. The fact that the f. B. I. Has been so purposely and vocally apolitical, and james comey has had her in his crosshairs before, i think it will be more serious than they anticipated or let on. The party panel has so top of talk about because we have a new study that says, more millennials living with their parents than roommates or spouses. What does this mean long term . Kasich, rubio and cruz keeping their delegates. Do they know something we dont know . Guy benson and Katie Pavlich are with us. They have a notion they will they have a notion they will sh i donor wonder whether i theshould seek treatment. C. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients whove had no prior treatment. It transformed treatment as the first cure thats one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Harvoni is a simple treatment regimen thats been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. Tell your doctor if youve had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. Kennedy though governor june kasich suspends his president ial campaign, hes joining ted cruz and marco rubio in refusing to release his delegates before the gop convention. Guy benson is the Political Editor at town hall and a fox news contributor. And Katie Pavlich. Guy, im going start with you. Are these people being pet bg petulant children . These are delegates they have earned. They realize this has been a nutty cycle. Just in case another nutty thing happens, they want to make sure the delegates are in their pile. This should be academic. Donald trump will wrap this up in california. That this is and leverage play, i dont see that working with donald trump. Kennedy are they emotionally attached to these delegates, and they cant let go of the good old days . I think them hanging on to their delegates has more to do with the rnc and building the Republican Party platform than it does with donald trump. Ted cruz, john kasich and marco rubio recognize there are a lot of republicans, if if they are holding their nose and getting behind donald trump, a lot of republicans do not feel that they are represented. They think because they have these delegates they have an opportunity to make sure even though their candidate is not one up on the stage taking the nomination, their ideas and principles are represented at the convention. In a way they are taking a page from the Bernie Sanders book. They are not going to get any leverage over donald trump to get him to do something he doesnt want to do. But when it comes to the actual party platform, i get the sense that trump doesnt care about that at all. Hes not a policydriven person. If there is a battle to be had behind the scenes. Maybe if you are a kasich or cruz or whatever, you want to exert your influence over the party, with donald trump you can take that piece of paper and rip it up. But the platform might outlast donald trump. Kennedy lets check in with another state of mind within that would be the state of hawaii that will enter gun owners into a data base to notify police if a gun owner is arrested anywhere else in the country. There have been efforts by the pro gun control community to push this type of registration. And its not voluntary. Its mandatory registration it failed because its unconstitutional. You cant mark gun owners because you dont like the Constitutional Rights they are exercising. We saw this happen in australia. Data bases lead to registration which leads to confiscation. So i have a feeling if they decide to push this through there will be many, many lawsuits issued against the state of hawaii and they will be won by pro constitutional Second Amendment supporters. Kennedy some of these gun rights advocates will be leery of being in a federal data base. Katie mentioned australia. And i heard people on the left saying, thats paranoid crazy stuff to worry about australia. But the current president and the woman who wants to be president have both praised the australian model. Even if you toss aside the constitution which many people like to do, and toss aside the gun issue which would be controversial. Look no further than the opm hack. The idea that we should create a new data base of americans based solely on their decision to exercise as constitutional right. Kennedy it will be interesting to see what happens in hawaii because it will affect this president ial race. Katie and guy, thank you both so much. So charming and handsome, both of them. A hoverboard gained selfawareness and turned on us. Kennedy when vampires are infesting your castle and your girlfriend is looking feel, come to me with my trusty news. This is topical storm. Number 1. You like cats. Thats fine. I get it. As long as you are paying your taxes and own a lint brush, we can all get along. But sometimes people go too far. How far . This far. Now you can live with your cat without the fur balls. Introducing licky brush. As a human, the licky brush, you can lick your cat back. Kennedy have you ever wanted to lick your cat . This is one step away from have you ever wanted to have cat embryos surgically i am plant your womb. Such a brave new world with such people tonight. Whats wrong with it. Some rare foot and has recently been uncovered by our crack team of archeologists. Lets take a look at the latest model. [ ] they adore it. Watch this. It lands perfectly upright. This is sure to keep scholars scratching their elective head for decade to come. Imagine how Different Things would be if all of oddity were met with such enthusiasm. Please clap. Kennedy they just love jeb. Topic number 3. Probably the worst thing about camping in botswana is the lack of smart phone plugs and lions who wander up to your tent and lick it. Thats a mama lion slurping the dew off the tent. She has got to be terrified. Is that scotch . Thats a bottle of bells whiskey. Thats what the lion is trying to get, booze. Its giant catnip for giant caps. Dont worry. We now know what it means when cats get lick happy. Cats lick as a form of social bonding. As a human you are left out of this ritual. Kennedy so grab your prosthetic tongue and lick that beast in cuddly submission. I love a good mauling because thats what happens when you use licky brush. It reminds me of that snow song. Never mind. Topic number four. Remember that giddy chewbacca mask mom. She bought the makes and radio taped herself laughing. Remember that . Im up a happy chewbacca. Kennedy that set the record for live views on facebook. That record got her an invite to hang out with Mark Zuckerberg and she got to rub elbows with the real chewbacca. She is even ganged to and impregnated by peter mayhew. The force is with her for now. But this celebrity will ruin her and turn her into the next octomom. Topic number 5. Hoverboard dont really hover, but they do explode and spin and sometimes they torture their occupant like this little girl. She enlisted help from her friend. And as you can imagine, its a hoverboard so it didnt end well. I cant fly, i cant fly. You are supposed to help her at least now she is prepared for sorority life. Shell ultimately barf or hit the wall of desperation. If you have any weird stories you want to see in the topical storm. Tweet me on kennedynation or tweet me on instagram. Coming up. Are there millennials living in your basement . A new study says probably. What do taylor swift, and robots kennedy a new study find young adults are more likely to live with their parent than spouses or roommates for the first time in more than 130 years. Is it just a bad economy or something else. Are you technically millennial . I am not. I moved back into my moms house when i had my kid. Kennedy when you are makingonsu have had children of your own and you leave again. Thats the difference. Despite the hullabaloo about the statistics, luckily we still live in a society thats so rich and prosperous. Everyone will move out eventually. It would be easier to do that if we didnt have massive Government Programs that encouraged them to take on so much Student Loan Debt that they cant pay for rent. Kennedy could it speak to a societal failure . Is it helicopter parents . Society and parent. A message to parents. You have to make your home inhospitable to your 25yearold. Dont buy them their fast it groceries. Oh, honey, i turned your bedroom into my sewing room. Live by the same curfew as when they were 18. Take their money. They have to pay you rent. And then you dont want to force them out. But you make it so inwhose spirittable they have to get you make it so inhospitable that they have to get up off their butt. Kennedy and they lumped in dorm tories and prisons together. 22 of reply menials living in dorm tories or prisons while 32 living with their parent. If you knew then what you know now would you still live with mom and dad . I havent lived at home since i was 15. My dad gave me 20 when i graduated from college and said here when you get married, i dont want to hear about it. Maybe this is the judge judy generation where they are listening to that message. Garage apartments, this is like a pollable real thing. You get your nooky on with tinder and you save your money. Kennedy decriminalizing heroin use. It provide addicts with a clean and safe place with medical supervision. Is this a good solution or just government enabling . Is this a positive development . I think its a great solution. I think they took this from the wire. They just let it go. You combine it i assume they will have the methadone clinics. Wean people off these opiates. Look at cape cod. Everyone is on heroin. Kennedy look at new hampshire. There were so Many Republican candidates falling over each other to kickstart the drug war. Isnt this proof if you can have a positive and Successful Program like this, the war on drugs needs to end. I think the idea of doing this sounds great. I did notice in the coverage of this story local Law Enforcement is saying we are not done with this. It gets positive attention and local cops can say at least try. You need to get people off the heroin. They are supervising their heroin use. They are going to have to be on site. If the government is paying for healthcare and the government is going to lock you up for doing drugs. Both those things are very, very expensive. Its the government healthcare thats got them addicted in the first place. The government is going to be supervising their heroin consumption one way other other. They can do it when they are in prison for do it in this environment where they might be better off. Kennedy i learned a new recipe for prison wine. Its disgusting. This has been a tremendous day of the hump. Get ready to fall in love with hating the Federal Reserve all over again. Is freedom of speech at risk in the United States. The United States. Ill talk to a Nobel Laureate theres a lot of places you never want to see 7. 95. [ beep ] but youll be glad to see it here. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. If only the signs were as obvious when you trade. Fidelitys active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. [ male announcer ] Tora Bora Fallujah argonne khe sanh midway dak to normandy medina ridge the chosin reservoir these are places history will never forget but more important are the faces we will always remember. Kennedy the Federal Reserve has he spent the last few years keeping Interest Rates low to grow the economy. Its a miracle. But north one final word for our viewers thinks its working because its not. Forbes columnist has written a new book called who needs the fed . He joins me to slaughter the sacred cows of the Federal Reserve system. Love the book. I have been reading it. You major such great illustrations for lay people and economists alike to read and enjoy. So lets talk about some of the ways that credit is used and misused in this country. You had a great story about your wife and her friends leaving a taylor swift concert. Cabs wouldnt pick people but they used uber. The fed could learn everything from iesh. This little app mocks the economists in the feds employ. What does uber do to please its customers . It pleases its drivers first. When drivers are most in need surge pricing comes into play. Kennedy they are not coerced to go work. Thats one of the great points you make in the work. A lot of times you hear about the buyers. And the fed keeping Interest Rates low for the buyers. But what about the sellers, they are just as critical in a market economy. If you love borrowing and easy credit you must love saving. Thats what the fed misses. It decrees zero rates and says those who save, you dont matter. But uber makes credit plentiful because it says the drivers matter ever bit as much to this San Francisco transaction. Kennedy in hollywood, you talk about brian graves career partnering with ron howard and the string of hits he had. He says he hears 90 of the time and credit in hollywood is a critical thing as well. This is the good news. The feds decreeing easy credit. But the real economy mocks the fed every day. Grazer is one of the most talented producers. He says im rejected for my projects 90 of the time. Kennedy in Silicon Valley most people profit off their failures. They tell stories about massive failures and they advance because failure is different there. Your failure is your credit in Silicon Valley. The credit door is not closed to you. But if you want to fund an idea in Silicon Valley, you will give up and lot of the business to a venture capitalist. Credit is expensive. And thats healthy. That means its used wisely. Kennedy its easy to target them. But is some of that animosity misplaced . Of course it is. So much of what we talk about with the fed and what it can do is outrageous. They cant do it. It of the argued the fed devalues the dollar 93 . The two major devaluations of the dollar in 1993 and 1971, those were president ial decisions. The people at the top of the fed begged them not to do that and they were overruled. You also talk about who sets the exchange rate. Its the treasury. The fed is far less relevant than people think. Kennedy but we should still end it. Yes. Kennedy freedom of speech is wilting in europe. Is it at risk here . I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients whove had no prior treatment. It transformed treatment as the first cure thats one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Harvoni is a simple treatment regimen thats been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. Tell your doctor if youve had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. Listerine® kills 99 of bad breath germs. This is 100 useful for a 100 fresh mouth. Whats it like to not feel 100 fresh . We dont know. We swish listerine®. As do listerine® users. The very people we studied in the study of bold. People who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. Do a yoga handstand. And be in a magicians act. Listerine® kills 99 of bad breath germs so you can feel 100 in life. Bring out the bold™. Walter anncr scorching heat today folks, stay cool out there stop suffering with hot ac cool it yourself with a c pro. Just connect the hose, squeeze the trigger and check the gauge. With 2 times the cooling boosters, enjoy the comfort of the 1 selling coldest air. Nothing cools like a c pro. Kennedy we know the muslim world is rampant with censorship. And also europe. Should we be worried about freedom of speech in our country . There is no better person to ask than fleming rose. You are also going to receive the Milton Freedman prize for advancing liberty tonight. I will see you accept that prize. Very exciting. You had a contest in 2005 where people were asked to draw pictures of the prophet mow amed a whicdthe prophet muhammad, whe you very unpopular in europe. No. It was to find out if censorship takes place. I told people to draw mohammed as they see him. I didnt expect this controversy. But four months later it erupted in the middle east and the rest is history. I dont regret it because it made sense from a journalistic points of view. You hear about a problem and you want to find out if its true or not. Instead of asking people, i invited them to show their relationship to this issue. Kennedy you have very few allies in europe when it comes to free speech of this variety. The artists at Charlie Hebdo were doing the same thing. Did you imagine as they were releasing their interpretations of mohammed that it would end in such a horrific and deadly way in paris . No. When this happened in paris it was the day ever for me. I was shocked because some of them were my friend. I worked with some of them. But it didnt come as a surprise in 2015. At that point we had been living with Death Threats for terrorist attacks, firebombings, and so on and so forth for several years. So it didnt come as a surprise. But i was shocked and very sad about what happened to my friend in paris. Kennedy you see the deadly consequences of fighting for free speech, and many in the media condemned Charlie Hebdo even after the horrific murder. Lets talk about this country. I worry about the state of free speech under Hillary Clinton and donald trump. They both said they would clamp down on the internet and free expression. And to paraphrase, americans value the First Amendment too highly. Do you think we are in for a rough go for free speech in this country . Yes, i do think so. The youth cannot cut it self off from the rest of the world, and the rest of the world will put pressure on the United States to enforce new limit on freedom of expression. You have seen that in facebook in germany. There are new rules for facebook to fight hate speech. So they can close down a facebook site in germany without asking a judge. Its all about, you know, this growing diversity. And a sense of the individual as very vulnerable, so we have to protect the individual against all kind of speech. I think its very wrong. People are grownups, and i dont think any Public Opinion or any politician should have a right to determine what kind of speech we should be allowed to listen to or not listen to. Kennedy or single handedly determine ways offensive. Its very individual from individual to individual, town to town, family to family. There is no definition of cause and offense. Kennedy people like you have to inspire others like me to keep fighting for free speech in this country and abroad. Congratulations on your award. Thanks lot. Nice to be here. Kennedy tomorrow on the show, ron paul, greg gutfeld in one place. You can follow me on twitter and instagram kennedynation. Or email me at kennedyfbn foxbusiness. Com. Good night. Announcer the folla paid presentation for the nutri ninja ninja blender duo featuring the latest autoiq technology, brought to you by europro. Ninja turn on your life. I feel vibrant. Amazing. Fantastic. Incredible. Whoo i feel focused. I feel energetic. And i feel more alive than i have in a long time. Announcer why are all these people so excited . I have that energy that i had so long ago. I just feel so much more focused. I absolutely feel like a new person. Announcer are you ready to finally turn on your life . Then get ready for a breakthrough that will help you feel fantastic, look amazing, and live a healthier lifestyle. Get ready for the nutri ninja ninja blender duo. This is one of my favorite ninja recipes. I call it the caribbean beat. Im making my orange megac super juice. A

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