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Nikkei in japan four days in a row. One and a quarter percent to the upside and shanghai composite up one percent today. Nicole oil up 2 yesterday. Thirtyonecent. Lauren mortgage are climbing fast because of treasury yield 2. 3 . Nicole transportation officials are reported weighing infliect phone calls. Lauren the its purring penguins take the florida panthers. Nicole the nation is mourning the loss of a true American Hero john glenn ties at age 95. Welcome to fbn am, first look at morning markets, breaking news and what to expect for the day ahead. Nicole trump was in iowa last night on the third stop of his thank you tour. He also brought stage the man topped to be embassador from china. Trump criticizing china again saying the country is responsible for almost half of americas trade deficit. China is not a market economy, they have a lot of help, thats why we designate them of being a nonmarket economy, big thing. They havent played by the rules and i know its time that they are going to start. Today will be job interviews for the president elect. After that its back on the road for mr. Trump, fresh off last nights appearance in des moines, iowa, by midday he will be thanking voters and then to grand rapids, michigan. Late night rally he had in grand rapids just before voters headed to the poll last night before we knew michigan would join wisconsin and pennsylvania in the key states sending mr. Trump to the white house so hes heading back there to say thank you. Ck restaurants would be the latest businessman to join the team. The most intriguing meeting of the day, trump sitdown with alan, formerly the ceo both at boeing and ford and now hes among the everexpanding list of candidates being considered to be the next secretary of state. So busy times, lauren, nicole, back to the studio. Nicole programming note for you, lou dobbs will have coverage of trumps rally in grand rapids, michigan. Thatll be lou dobbs. Dont miss it. Lauren Celebrity Apprentice will not end, variety is reporting that the president elect will stay on as one of the shows executive producers. The magazine says its not clear what trumps role would be or whether he would be paid for working on the reality show. Hes facing growing pressure to separate himself to avoid potential conflicts of interest. Nicole spending bill kept the government open has cleared a hurdle but the way forward is not clear. Our blake berman has the latest. Blake theres not widespread of shutdown but the legislation is not in place at this moment to avoid it either. Thursday afternoon the house of representatives overwhelming passed a bill to fund the government through april 28th and members jetted out of town for break. However, the senate has yet to do the same. Democratic senators, joe and brown as they want to secure longerterm fix for pension more minors. It bill has to be passed by midnight. Its possible a weekend showdown as democrats try to resolve their issue. Despite funding the government, the funding for flint water crisis and retired general names mattis to become the next defense secretary. Thank you in new york. Nicole all right, blake berman, thank you. Lauren former u. S. Senator died yesterday in ohio, he made history back in 1962. He was the oldest person in space on board the Space Shuttle discoof ri. That was back in 1998. He was 77 years old. He went onto turn four terms at democratic senator from the buckeye state. President elect donald trump in iowa last night. Our nation mourns the passing of one of our great heros. He was a giant among member and a true american legend. Lauren and in a statement president obama saying the last of americas first astronauts have left us but propelled by their example, we know our future here on earth compelstous reach for the heavens on behalf of a grateful nation, good speed, glenn. The First American to orbit earth. True American Hero. Political crisis in south korea, lawmakers vote today impeach Vice President after a corruption scandal. Dozens of members of her own party backed the moocion to remove the countrys first female president. South korea Prime Minister assume it is leadership until the Constitutional Court rules on whether park must step down. The court has respond. Lauren hang seng and hong kong down about half of one percent. Check out the nikkei. Nicole lets check out whats going on in europe. They extended the easing until the end of 2017. We had a great week the london ftse. Had a great week for trading. Cac qa quarante in france. Matteo renzi resigned after referendum. Lauren record territory for all three major territories. Dow futures up 6 points. 444 points this week. S p futures down 2 points this index. Index two and a half percent this week. Nasdaq futures 3 points. That index up 3 this week. Nicole check on oil this week. 54. 13 the barrel. Opec Members Meeting nonopec members next week talking with russia and see whether they will comply with the pullback also. Thats up 30 cents right now. Thats unchanged. Lauren donald trump another beef with boeing. Fighting falcon and faa super hornet in the country. India wants to keep manufacturing from fleeing india. Both boeing and lockheed say shifting production to india will not lead to job losses in the United States. Nicole those are beautiful. Dont get too excited about amazon putting Grocery Store in your neighborhood. Amazon says its probably not going happen. The wall street reported that amazon was planning on opening more than 2,000 amazon go stores but amazon denies the plan near that many and not building warehouselike stores. Lauren fans of the super mario game can play it. Nintendo launching super mario run on apple mobile devices. Boldest moves yet to stay relevant in the fiercely competitive market. Smartphone and tablet games make up the biggest life of a hundred billion dollar industry. They are project today generate dollars in revenue worldwide this year. Nicole nintendo stock was trading up 3 this morning. Airline travelers shrinking of seats and listen to another passenger yakking it up on their cell phone in surprise move. Transportation officials are reportedly allowing inflight phone calls for Airline Passengers but airlines will have the option to whether or not provide the service and passengers must be informed well in advance that the flight allows these calls. Now, reaction from airlines has been cautious, United Continental says it is reviewing the proposal. Delta bans regardless of what carriers do. Lauren lets take a look at the headlines from todays edition of the wall street journal. Bankers like Morgan Stanley to help takeover, after publisher was approached by media investors. This one, half of all 30yearolds earn more than their parents did. Enormous decline from early 70s and rapid Economic Growth will not do to reverse the trend. Finally, scientists have discovered 99 millionyearold dinosaur tail feater trapped in amber. Look at that, its widely accepted that some dinosaurs, nicole, did have featers, now you know. We used to only do 350 pair a week and now we are doing 2,000 a day. Nicole keep those boots handy. Snow blankets much of the nation. Fbn am, keep it right here daisy is six years old and she is my very best friend. I couldnt live alone without her. I spend a lot of time in my backyard. I feed the birds and the bees. I love my flowers. The color in my garden keeps the pink in my cheeks. I was very independent and thought i could take care of myself. I fell and i had to have meals on wheels. I love them. Theyre my savior. And i look forward to the volunteers because theyve all become my friends. My name is lola silvestri. America, lets do lunch. Narrator one in six seniors faces the threat of hunger, and millions more live in isolation. Drop off a hot meal and say a quick hello. Volunteer by donating your lunch break at americaletsdolunch. Org. Lauren good morning and happy friday. 5 15 a. M. In new york. Lets get you caught up on whats happening now. President elect trump will be in baton rouge today for next stop on thank you tour. While there he will endorse kennedy and tomorrows run off for the state senate seat. Meanwhile last night in iowa trump took swipes at china cite sizing it for economic policies and for failing to rain in north korea. Trump brought his pick Iowa Governor terry branstad. Another cabinet position is being filled. Andy puzder ceo. Hes been a critic of raising minimum wage and prop point of cutting back regulations that stifle growth in the restaurant business. John glenn, first astronaut to orbit the earth and last survivor of the original mercury 7 astronauts. He was 90 years old. Both pulling back, not even 2 points each. Nicole well, ll bean boots are making a very big comeback. The demand for the boots is higher than ever. Molly line is in shreveport, maine with a new fashion reboot. Visit college or High School Campuses and its quickly apparent that an american classic is back in style. It seems to have gotten fashion cache. Must have footwear the holiday season. Made by hand one pair at a time. The company has been making more of them. Many, many more. We used to only do like 350 pair a week and now we are doing 2,000 a day. We are writing a fantastic wave of demand. Ten years ago we produced about a hundred thousand boots, this e in we will do just over 2018 as many as a million boots a year. The company is opening new factory space and hiring additional hundred workers in the new year by right now to fill the christmas rush is on. My daughter is 13 and its the hot boot of the year. All the kid really want them. Theyre practical and look good and they are made right here. She is dying for a pair. Popular sizes and orders are back ordered but they are working six days a week to turn out the covenant made in the usa boots. In free port, maine molly line. Nicole molly line, thank you. Lauren Kansas City Chiefs beat the raiders. Happy for you. Its purringpittsburgh penguins jump on a lead and beat florida panthers. We will have the updates for you. Natalie portman takes on the role of jackie kennedy. We will show you. Youre watching fbn am. Maude how long have we been married, dear . Charles for 76 years. Maude he was kind and generous to me before we were married, and he was kind and generous to me all these years. We decided on meals on wheels because i was getting to the point where i couldnt do all the things that i had been able to do. Were the spanns. America, lets do lunch. Narrator drop off a hot meal and say hello. Volunteer by donating your lunch break at americaletsdolunch. Org. Livin in this crazy world so caught up in the confusion nothin is makin sense have a little hope make this world a little better generosity is its oyou can handle being a mom for half an hour. Im in all the way. Is that understood . I dont know what shes up to, but its not good. Cant the world be my noodles and butter . Get your mind out of the gutter. Mornings are for coffee and contemplation. That was a really profound observation. You got a mean case of the detox blues. Dont start a war you know youre going to lose. Finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. On xfinity x1. Great divide from what people believe and what i remember. More horses, more soldiers. Why are you doing, mrs. Kennedy . Nicole critics are buzzing about Natalie Portmans portrayal. The film tells the story of John F Kennedys assassination. Lauren hes dad again, mick jagger. Hes 73. His oldest children are in their 40s. Mike jagger became grandfather two years ago. Nicole lets take a look at the world of sports. First place in the nfc west. Chiefs alex smith airs it out toward the end zone. Hills makes the catch. Falls into the end zone. Later in the second raiders punting. Hill about to show how fast he really is. He follows the blockers and goes by everyone on his way on the 78yard touchdown. The dance. Chiefs up 213. Lining up for the field goal. Cant handle the bad snap. Takes off with a first down but takings possession of first place. To basketball, stef. Ci and the warriors averaging 130 points in the month of december in utah to play the jazz. Klay thompson misses the shot as steph curry misses the rebound. Draws foul. The warriors go onto win that one 106 to 99. Pittsburgh penguins going the fourth straight win hosting florida panthers. First period. Eighteenth goal of the season. Penguins up 10. 51. Lauren conditions causing a massive pileup. A dozen others injured in i96. This is more heavy know is expected across the great lakes. We have fox senior meerns janice dean. Tough morning, janice. Janice absolutely. The cold air in place reaching far south as the golf coast and keeledder in Atlanta Georgia than it is in new york. The arctic front is on the move and reach us here across the northeast the weekend. Current temperatures, very cold. Dangerously cold with minus teen teens. That will continue to crank up. 23 feet of snow. This is the weather system that we have to watch closely because its going to travel across country over the west in towards the midwest 5 to 8inches here. Then look at what happens sunday and monday, will we get our first snowfall here in new york city . We will have watch it and stay tune. Be prepared, beprepared. It could be coming. Lauren it could be fun. Janice i want to do my First Official snow angel here in manhattan. Lauren take a picture. Janice you got it. Nicole donald trump heading to louisiana. Last night he took a swipe at china. They havent played by the rules and i know its time that they are going to start. We are all in this thing together, folks. Nicole we will tell you about that. Helpful or annoying Transportation Department considering allowing inflight phone calls. What do you think of that . Youre watching fbn am. Lauren breaking news this morning. Donald trump taking his thank you tour to iowa and taking shots at china. Today he has louisiana and michigan. Nicole good morning, im nicole petallides. President elect expected to tap Andrew Puzder as secretary. Lauren lifting stocks to record highs once again. Dow up 3 alone. Lets check in right now. Dow is up 8. S p up 2. Nicole record run in the u. S. Stocks in asia as well. Lets check out japan nikkei up 1. 2 . In China Shanghai composite that gained a half of 1 . Lauren oil back above the 50dollarbarrel mark. 51. 22. Nicole Mortgage Rates are climbing and tenure bond rising, 2. 4 . Lauren 30year mortgage rate, is this helpful or annoying. Transportation officials reportedly weighing inflight phone calls for Airline Passengers. Nicole and in sports Kansas City Chiefs beat raiders. We will have the highlights for you. Lauren soses of former astronaut and former senator john glenn. Trump was in iowa last night on the third stop of his thank you tour. He also brought on stage the man hes tapped to be the next u. S. Embassador to china. Thats Iowa Governor terry branstad. Trump credittizing china once again saying the country is responsible for nearly half of americas trade deficit. Listen. China is not a market economy. They have a lot of help and thats why we designate them as being a nonmarket economy, big thing. They havent played by the rules and i know its time that theyre going to start. Lauren well, donald trump has another busy day today. We are going to get a preview on whats by connell mcshane. He will meet here at trump tower with the democratic senator joe manchin from west virginia. A red state as a democrat. He has been mentioned as a possibility of cabinet, one thats 50 announced. By midday the president elect will be thanking voters in baton rouge, louisiana. Then grand rapids, michigan. You might remember the late night rally in grand rapids before voters headed to the poll, it was before we knew that michigan would join wisconsin and pennsylvania in being the key state sending mr. Trump to the white house so hes heading back there to say thank you. Yesterday we learned here that cke restaurant ceo Andrew Puzder latest to be secretary. It was trumps sitdown with alan, ceo of boeing and ford and now among the everexpanding list of candidates being considered to be the next secretary of state. Busy times, lauren and nicole. Back to you in the studio. Lauren they are talking about five serious contenders. Four secretary of state. We have a program for you. Lou dobbs will have coverage in grand rapids, michigan. All starts 7 00 p. M. Eastern. Nicole trumps involvement in Celebrity Apprentice will not end. Will stay on as one of the shows executive producers. Thest no t clear what trumps exact role will be and whether he will be paid for working on that reality show. Trump is facing growing pressure to separate himself from business interest when he becomes president of the United States to avoid potential conflicts of interest. Lauren spending bill to keep the government open beyond tonights deadline has cleared a hurdle but the way further isnt exactly clear. We have blake berman with the latest. Blake there is not widespread fear of a looming Government Shutdown but the legislation is not in place at this moment to avoid it either. Thursday afternoon the house of representatives overwhelming passed a bill to fund federal government through april 28th and members jetted out of town for holiday break. However, the senate has yet to do the same. The suspense surrounds two Democratic Senators as they want to secure a longerterm fiction. A bill needs to be passed by midnight. Possible that the senate could be dragged into a weekend showdown. The framework that would begin too allow the process to allow retired general james mattis to become defense secretary. Nicole has lost a hero and a legend and former u. S. Senator john glenn died yesterday. First american to orbit the earth and also the oldest person in Space Shuttle discovery. Glenn was the last of the mercury seven astronauts and went onto serve four terms as democratic senator from the buck eye state and tributes are pouring in president president president elect donald trump, listen in. A true american legend. Nicole in a statement president obama said, quote, the last of americas first astronauts has left us but propelled by their example, we know that our future here on earth compels us to keep reaching for the heavens on behalf of a grateful nation. Good speed john glenn. Nasa tweeting, we are saddened by the loss of john glenn, true American Hero, god speed to john glenn. He was married to annie, wife of 70 years, she survives him along with two children. John glenn dead at 90 years old. Lauren lawmakers have vote today impeach park. Suite koreas Prime Minister assume it is leadership on whether park must step down, the court has up to 180 days to decide. Todays Impeachment Vote came after massive protests in seoul asking her to step down. Nicole you heard about suite korea, nikkei surging 1. 2 moving to the highest levels in japan. Shanghai composite half of 1 . Koreas kospi down. Lauren europe still digesting from we heard in the bank. With that the ftse 100 in london up and dax in germany down 11. The central bank did raise forecast for this year and next year. Nicole lets check on whats going on with u. S. Stock market futures. We are approaching 20,000 for the dow, getting closer and closer as we hit another record. The dow, nasdaq and s p all hit records, today a mixed bag, the dow futures right now are pointing to up 12 points. S p futures down 1, nasdaq futures down 1. Theres a meeting tomorrow in viena among opec and nonopec members and they are going to talk about how to get nonopec members to cut production too. Its up almost 1 . Gold is down a tenth of a percent, 11. 71 a troy ounce. Nicole the Los Angeles City Attorneys Office filed suit against jc penny, sears, kohls and macys in deceiving that they were getting discounts on thousands of products. Retailers advertise higher regular prices for the merchanted ice and the customers would believe that they got a bigger deal. Lauren thats a consumer alert for you as youre shopping. It would be among boldest moves yet to stay relevnantthe fiercely competitive video game market. Smartphone and tablet games make up the biggest slice of 100 billiondollar video industry. They are projected 37 billion in revenue worldwide this year. I love this game. Nicole nintendo stock up 3 and a half percent. Airline travelers already complaining about shrinking seats, rising seats, will you complain about this . Listen to another passenger yakking it up. Allowing inflight phone calls for Airline Passengers but airline will have options to whether or not provide the service and passengers must be informed well in advance that that particular flight will allow phone calls. Reactions from airlines has been cautious. United continental says its reviewing the proposal. Delta and jet blue say they plan to ban voice calls regardless of what the regulators do. Lauren whats more annoying than listening someone on the is when headphones are so loud . Thats all you hear is the headphones. Hiring bankers like Morgan Stanley to help fill or take over partnerships, this after approached by media investors. Barely half of all 30yearolds earn more than their parents did. Finally, scientists discovering a 99 millionyearold dinosaur tail feather trapped in amber and can help them better understand how they evolved and help them understand that zoom dinosaurs did have feathers. Nicole coming up whats 100 years old, snow boots from l. L. Bean. We used to do 350 pair a week and now we are doing 2,000 a day. Nicole you might want to keep those duck boots handy. The snow in portland, oregon, janice dean has the Weather Forecast for you. We will be back after the break. Stay with us nicole 5 45 a. M. This morning. Lets get you caught up on whats happening now. President elect trump will be in baton rouge, louisiana for his next stop on thank you tour. While there he will present kennedy. Trump again took swipes at china criticizing it for economic policies and for fail to go rain in north korea. Trump brought his pick for embassador to china Iowa Governor terry branstad. Another cabinet position is being filled. Trump has named fastfood executive puzder. Ceo that owns carls jr. And proponent of cutting regulation that stifle growth in the restaurant industry. The nation is in mourning, the passing of american astronaut john glenn, in 1962 first u. S. Astronaut to orbit the earth making him American Hero and propelling him in a long career in u. S. Senate. Last survivor of the original mercury 7 astronauts. He was 95. Check in on u. S. Stock market futures this morning. Dow is looking up about 12 points. S p futures down 1. Nasdaq slightly lower. Record gains in wall street. Dow getting close to 20,000. Lauren tgif. L. L. Bean boots making a comeback. Demand for the boot. We will call it a reboot. Visit college or High School Campuses and its quickly apparent that an american classic is back in style. It seems to have gotten fashion cache over the years. More than one hundred years ago, the iconic l. L. Bean boot made in the usa is the must have footwear this holiday season. Made by hand, one pair at a time. In recent years the company has been making more of them. Many, many more. We used to only do like 350 pair a week and now we are doing 2,000 a day. We are writing a fantastic wave of demand. Ten years ago we produced about a hundred thousand boots, this year we will do just over 600,000 and into the future a million boots a year. The company is opening new hiring space. Right now the race to fill christmas rush is in. Its the hot boot of the year. All the kid really want them. They are practical and really good and made right here so she is dying for a pair. Some popular sizes and colors are back ordered but they are working 24 hours a day to turn out the made in the usa boots. In free port, maine, fox news. Lauren thats the pair i want, molly. They come in several colors. Nicole in sports Kansas City Chiefs beat Oakland Raiders and become a real super bowl threat and a little hockey for you. Pittsburgh penguins jump to a lead and take on florida panthers. We will have highlights for you. At the box office to you. We read on the page and being more real. Nicole that was Natalie Portman playing jackie. Jackie kennedy. We will tell you all about that. Youre watching fbn am. What people believe and what i know to be real. And how would you like him remembered. More horses, more soldiers. Why are you doing this ms. Kennedy . More cameras. I will march with jack. Lauren critics buzzing about Natalie Portmans portrayal in jackie. The film tells a story about John F Kennedys assassination from the first ladys perspective. Jackie hits theaters today. Nicole actor has been released from jail after released yesterday at Dallas Love Field for disorderly conduct. Police called when he became boligerant. Hes known for work Beverly Hills cop. Lauren taking on kansas city in battle for first place in afc west. Tight game. Second quarter. Chief alex smith airs deep toward the end zone. Makes the catch and falls into the end zone. Chiefs up 73. Later in the second. Showing how fast he is. Check this out. Blows by everyone on 78yard touchdown. Second time he has scored on return. After that play 213. Raiders come back, but in the Third Quarter down 2113 lining up for the field goal, cant handle the bad snap. He takes off for the first down but gets dropped. Chiefs win 2113 and take possession of first place. Lets. Steph curry and car warriors. First quarter, warriors taken early. Klay thompson misses the shot but steph curry, who else, gets the rebound and hits the 3. Still in the first. Fancy dribbling by curry. Tough jumper to go. Turns his head in disbelief. Warriors goes onto win. Hard shot scores 18th goal of the season. Penguins up 10. Two minutes later, cosby gets through the defense. Seventh of the season. Penguins have no trouble on the way to a 51 win. Nicole whiteout conditions causing a massive pileup, look at this. 40 vehicles in michigan. At least 3 People Killed and dozen others injured on i96 this as more heavy snow is expected across the great lakes. Fox senior meteorologist janice dean is live in your Weather Center with your weekend forecast. Good morning, janice. Janice big storm on the way and cold air in place. Look at the current temperatures, zero in rapid cities, 25 in dallas. Colder in dallas than new york city. The cold air is on the move with the windchill, with the winds and the temperature its feeling even colder than that. Thats where we have the dangerous windchills across the northern plains. Thats going to be a big deal this weekend but our next big weather maker thats going to affect tens of millions of people is getting act together across the west. Feet of snow across the rockies, intermountain west, we could see heavy rain along the coast and what happens is it moves across the midwest then into the northeast. Big question mark here, does it get into new york city, will it be too warm, it really depends on how much cold air we get in. We are pretty certain that its going to affect the mountains across the rockies, interior northeast and we will have to see on sunday and monday what happens here in new york city and boston so stay tune. We could have our big first snowfall of the season. Nicole thank you. Lauren thanks, janice. Hes a dad once again. Mick jagger welcoming eighth child. Hes 73. His eldest children are in 40s and actually a great grandfather too. He has a 2yearold great grandson. Nicole keep it right here. When we come back we will turn it over to mornings with maria. We will be right back xerox real time analytics make transit systems run more smoothly. And morning chitchat. Less interesting. Xerox transportation services. Soon to be conduent. Thank you for calling. Well be with you shortly. Yeah right. Xerox Predictive Analytics help companies provide a better and faster customer experience. Hello mr. Kent. Can i rebook your flight . Im here xerox Customer Care services. Soon to be conduent. Wait im here mr. Kent . We hope you have a great weekend, thank you so much for joining us on fbn am. Nicole we are going to turn it over to maria bartiromo, possible record and more on trumps canet. Maria absolutely. Thank u, ladies. Good morning to you, im maria bartiromo. Happy friday, its friday december 9th, top stories 6 00 a. M. On the east coast. President elect trump adding another big name. Trump set to nominate andy puzder as the next labor secretary. The move coming as trump continues his thank you tour in iowa. Im here today for one main reason, to say thank you to the great, great people of iowa. You went out and pounded, i mean, pounded the pavement. You organized your fellow citizens and propelled us to victories at a grassroots and every other level. We have a movemen

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