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Systems, fedex, a couple of railroads, theyre all listing the transports higher. The index poised for a record close. Were watching that one too. And then watch the nasdaq as well. We also have to tell you that the hacker group, the syrian electronic army, is back at it. Breaking news today, it claims to have hacked president obamas twitter and facebook page. You know, when it comes to things like redirecting sites, etc. , its been hacked, but were watching that story as well. This as twitter is about to go public in the next month. Lets get to facebook. Facebook should be losing some friends in the u. S. , spooking investors ahead of its earnings on wednesday. Nicole petallides is watching that at the New York Stock Exchange. Reporter thats right. I have to tell you were watching the facebook shares today, liz, pulling back some after recently hitting levels, new highs, right, that we hadnt seen. Today pulling back 3 . Theres some concern ahead of their report which will be due out on wednesday that they may be losing some domestic users. In the meantime, Credit Suisse actually didnt help this story because they actually put the price target now to 61. So were watching that. When they raise the price target, really they still remain with a neutral rating, so theres certainly not this buy em up or move into 70 routine. Were starting to hear some worry and some concern about what we may or may not hear from facebook. Well know the full story when they actually do report on wednesday. Back to you. Liz a lot of good names reporting. Among them, apple. Apple reports results after the bell along with herbalife, a juicy stock, considering carl icahn was just with Charlie Gasparino. Hes going to come down and talk about that conversation with the billionaire financier, but apple boasting two new iphones instead of one. What should we expect from the tech giant . One bull out there has high hopes for the company. He is gene munster, Piper Jaffray managing director, Senior Research analyst. He always has do word on apple. First off, are you expecting to see a meet, a beat or a diss . Well, for september as you kind of previewed, dont expect much upside to what they already preannounced, essentially. A couple of days left in the september quarter, they updated their guidance, so thats probably not going to be the big topic tonight. I think the key focus is going to be on the december guidance, and were expecting that to be in line for the first time in six quarters. Liz in line, but can you give us the exact numbers just in case people are taking calculations . Yep, thats for the revenue its 37 billion is what it would be. The other key number is the growth margin. Even more important than the eps. And the expectation is that its going to be somewhere just a hair below 37. Now, sounds like splitting hairs there, but at the end of the day, investors are hyperfocused on that growth margin number. So those are the two really key numbers as the overall revenue number on 37 billion and the gross margin at 37 . Liz gene is the word on apple. In fact, that was just a teaser. Were going to ask him in just a few minutes about china. Well see you, stay in that chair. Sounds good. Liz all about the apple 5c, that iphone chatter as to whether theyre scaling back on it, might not be as popular as the 5s. Its not all about apple, of course. The dow and the s p both on track to see record closes. The dow is a bit further away. Were talking about the transports, specifically. Lets get right to the floor show. Traders at the New York Stock Exchange, cme group and the nymex. Ben willis, listen, i guess you could say its the s p and the nasdaq that are the closest to see records. Will they, and then what happens as the fed begins to meet . Well, we will continue to see records, i believe, right into the end of the year. Today, as a matter of fact, is the last day of the quarter, last day of the month, if you will i should say last day of the month for many, many mutual funds that close their trading books on what we call t 3. A little bit of window dressing thats going to help some of those portfolios. Again, we continue to look for those excuses for a selloff. Were not really getting them. Some of the Economic Data we had earlier today from the housing numbers and the fed number didnt really take enough out of the market, and the easiest path in this market is to the upside. Then were going to have to hold our breath, of course, while the earnings have met or exceeded expectations, over 70 of the companies that reported beat expectations. Thats a healthy indicator for the broad market. Exactly. So we look to that can and then, of course, well wait and see what little well get. Theres no News Conference after the fed meeting, but well see if we can divine anything from the tea leaves that the fed has been giving us liz yeah, they only pick and choose certain meetings at which they will give us reporters, us inkstained wretches an opportunity to scream some questions. But let me get john brady into this conversation. Ben just talked about the fact that there really is a no dark cloud above our heads, and yet we start to see as we get closer to the end of the year the fact that this earnings season looks good and there were so many people at the start of this quarter at least the reporting quarter saying its not going to be that good. Now what do we expect for quarter four maybe its the sequester having a longer tail or perhaps the Near Government real shutdown . Well, i think Money Managers continue to have an excuse to put money to work in the equity markets, and theyre most likely going to favor high beta names like apple as theres going to be a performance catchup trade. Vast majority of Money Managers have underperformed the major indices, so in the last two months of the year our sense is there remains a lot of capital on the sidelines, b, whether it be with commodities, equities or housing, dont offer the better longterm value that stocks do and likewise, c, again with the fiscal overhang in washington, d. C. And a fed that appears to have been put on the sidelines given the change in leadership there, theres little reason not to own equities. As youve suggested, its really revenues have grown about 2 quarter over quarter, but its really been a productivity story and a continued liz lets explain that, that squeezing more out of existing employees versus lets sell more widgets and hire more people which leads me to Jeff Grossman at the knew new york stock n. Everywhere in new jersey i was hearing people in other states, too, finally gasoline and were not just talking about the basic, right . Were talking plus, the expensive stuff nobody wants to pay for unless you get engine knock, thats below 4 a gallon. Thats got to be great for the consumer. Well, again, this is, again, an outcry of what we had from the last month or so. Again, the gas prices were under tremendous pressure, and finally youre starting to see it at the pump. Last time i was on your show i said that it seems they may have found their footing, and i think some of that downward momentum has ceased a bit. In fact, today if nothing else the size of the overall say health of the market in general was that the gas and the meeting oil cracks in both cases. Have shown tremendous strength. We may have a leveling off here. Again, im happy for everybody that got that little gift at the gas pump. Again, i was hoping it was going to come in sooner rather than later, and it did, but i think we may have seen the last of it for quite a while though. Liz good to see all of you, thank you very much. And i remind our viewers, we are so close to records on the dow jones transports, the nasdaq and the s p. Could happen this hour with just 52 minutes before the closing bell rings. Can apple continue its run of smash hit gadgets . Admit it, the 5s is a hot, hot product. Gene munster, the superstar analyst you just got a taste of, hes rejoining us in a moment to tell us what gadget he thinks apple is getting ready to roll out. Hes going to describe it. Thats next. Plus, twitter hitting the road as it enters the stretch ahead of its debut on the New York Stock Exchange. Next week. Will it pull off a successful launch . That is coming up. Stay tuned. When we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. Ido more with less with buss energy. Hp is help. Soon, the worlds most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. Multiply that across over a thousand locations, and theyll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. Thats a trend we can all get behind. Liz lets get to our power mover of the hour. Look at den drink and shares. The biotech drug maker jumping 12 plus percent after reports that the company is looking for a buyer following weak reports for its leading Prostate Cancer drug therapy provenge. These stocks tend to be awfully volatile, so always be careful with some of the smaller biotech companies. We usually like to remind people of that. So im looking at the clock. In just over an hour, apple reports Fourth Quarter results. One apple bull says thats old news already. All that stuff that youre looking at at the apple store, old news. Hes spinning it forward to next year. Hes got the crystal ball. He says that investors should watch out for some blockbuster apple newbies that he believes will skyrocket the stock even higher. Gene munster back with us to break down the future. You talk about what people should look for, looking for margins and whether we might see some bigger news when it comes to, you know, outlook for the december quarter, gene, but lets get to the new products. What is it that youre expecting that you think will be the hot thing . Its kind of ironic, six weeks after they come out with two new phones [laughter] were already talking about whats next and whats going to happen in 2014, but thats the reality of how to invest in these, look beyond the december quarter and see whats coming. We see three things coming in 2014. The first ones likely going to be a larger screen iphone, something thats probably going to be about 30 bigger. Obviously, the Smartphone Market is already there. Apple tends to lag when they do these things, and so thats kind of the first piece. And then the second is the tv which weve talked a lot about for a hong time, and we think for a long time, and we think that is going to be in 2014, and a third is the watch. So there are new things coming in 2014, and apple for a company that almost never talks about products has the last couple Conference Calls mentioned that they expect to have new product categories, plural, in 2014, and that would be the tv and the watch. Liz okay. So youre saying 2014 is the tv. I have people in 2012, 2011 saying here comes apple tv. We saw a little taste of it and then nothing. I think these guys, i think intel, theyre realizing it is so much harder to harness television and more importantly get the content on it than they originally thought. Why are you confident that next year will be the year . Well, because they had that comment. Tim cook a couple quarters ago and last quarter reiterated theyre going to have new product categories in 2014, and so thats part of it. And separately is we talk to component suppliers, some of them are working on the actual television, theyve showed apple the panel, and so, you know, the fact that apples looking at it and tear working on it, that theyre working on it, that doesnt necessarily narrow the exact timing. We know its a work in progress, but the combination of those come appropriateside conversations componentside conversations make us believe that it finally will be next year. Liz see, gene is the kind of analyst, you guys, that does what you probably cant do. Youre not going to asia to check on supply chains. He has people who do that. I assume youre doing it too. Lets talk about the supply chain chatter going back to the iphone 5c with the colors. We can show the phone, but the fact is that the sales have been a little less exciting than apple probably would have hoped. Of course, that may be the void might be filled by the iphone 5s and its gold with the retina and the finger thing. But whats going on with the 5c . Is apple dialing back on production of the color phone . They probably are. And part of the reason is it is a lot of noise in the channel. Weve, going way back to the ipod days, weve seen different fluctuations in the supply chain that doesnt necessarily line up to what they report. So i think thats one thing to keep in mind. That said, it does look like they are pulling back some of the production. Part of it is because the iphone c, in reality, is essentially the iphone 5. Its the middle part of their product. And so when you look at some of these production cuts that are out there, assuming that theyre true, it really the read through on that is that it imflies that the implies that the run rate is similar to what the middle part of their phone would be. In other words, its not that alarming. The key really is the 5s, and that seems to be doing well. Liz okay, iphone 6, spin it forward. What do you think its going to look like . Well, our best guess, we know its going to be a larger screen. Apples hinted to that in past Conference Calls that they see an opportunity on bigger screens. If you look at the tipple ca difference between typical difference between the bigger screens out there, it looks like about 30 bigger. So think of it as Something Like a moto x type of a screen size or a galaxy s4, Something Like that. Obviously, apples late to the game in that, but users tend to be a little bit more patient with apple products. So that as probably going to be the real thats probably going to be the real takeaway is the bigger screen with the iphone 6. Liz okay. Gene, thank you for coming on the show. Thank you. Liz remember, gene says watch out for december guidance of 37 billion in revenue. So watch for that number. Were going to have those numbers the second they come out in the next hour. Gene, of course, is with Piper Jaffray, been in the business forever and really so smart about this stock. Closing bell ringing in 41 minutes. Is jcpenney really on the right track . Really . Shares are shooting up as the ceo gives new hope to investors. Is it real hope . Or is it just a cloud . Full of nothing . Thats next. Plus, Charlie Gasparino just wrapped up quite the feisty interview with carl icahn on apple and herbalife, two companies mr. Icahn heavily invested in. What did the billionaire investor have to say that gives you a window into what hes going to do next . Charlie got it out of him unlike other business reporters. If youve got copd like me, hey breathings hard. Know the feeling . Copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. Spiriva helps me breathe easier. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fastacting inhalers for sudden symptoms. 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We called him last week, would you like to come on. He called me personally today, and we had an interesting conversation, you know . Charlie, i think youre being somewhat unfair to me. [laughter] and, you know liz can i just say you can do that because you came from queens too . No, i was born in the bronx. But, you know, heres the thing liz oh, its my dad spoke like carl icahn. And, you know, i have to admit you cannot not like him. Hes an honest guy. He comes, you know, ready to play. But what i did was i put the question to him because heres the thing. I do theres certain things i dont like about what hes doing, and, you know, one of the great things when he called me up he goes, listen, charlie, i respect you for your beliefs. I called him a greenmailer, he gave me this whole story about what greenmailing really is and what happened during the 80s where he got that reputation. But he was, you know, pretty animated as to hes got a side of the story. Carl, just come on and talk about liz about how hes been pushing apple, lets get people back up to speed. Yes. How hes going about waging a media campaign. I basically asked him, is this manipulate . Particularly the stuff youre doing with cnbc and bloomberg. From what we understand, cnbc broke which i dont think is the greatest story in the world that on his web site that he was now calling for 150 billion buyback. They were the first to report that, that he put that on the web site liz on twitter. Yeah, wherever he did it. Hes got a web site. Anyway but we do know that he does tweet. We do know that hes been talking about a massive buyback beyond what theyre doing already. So he does that. Ron [inaudible] is on cnbc and criticizes him saying, you know, tim cook knows how to run the Company Better than him, actually does call him a greenmailer. And from what we understand, he abruptly canceled an onair interview with cnbc and went to bloomberg. Why do we care about . Part of what carls doing with social media and everything, this is my opinion, is manipulating the media for this position which when it really comes down to it, he doesnt have a problem with management, he just wants them to buy back liz wasnt it interesting, too, when he said, you know, i come on fox business, hes been on this program with me, they call me way less. Because we try not to suck up, you know . You know what im saying . We try liz we love him, certainly. We try not to be part of this manipulation machine. He gave an interesting comment. He goes, listen, the president manipulates the American Public through twitter, through the press. This is what he does. Im doing the same thing. And one of the critiques i had was not so much about him. Its one thing for him to ask to come on the show. If you dont ask the right questions, if you just give him the mic, hes going to go on forever. You dont really blame him for that, and i made it clear. And he explained about that. By the way, this whole interview is on fox foxbusiness. Com. I liked what he said about hush a life, that was interest herbalife. Apples earnings are coming after the bell, and herbalifes earnings liz we see the stocks, by the way. It was a good time to have him on. He doesnt respect what the board is doing, because i asked him, i said you kind of like the company. You tell me you like management, isnt it a contradiction if you like management, their position is they need the money to innovate. And he doesnt really respect what theyre doing. He thinks that theyre being, you know you cant do this in 35 seconds. Herbalife was interesting, he basically said, you know, you need to be in a stock for a long time, you know . Excuse me, he may be in the stock for a long time, so theres no real exit strategy. At least thats what he said during the interview. And then something about bill gross. He and bill gross are going at it. Last week bill gross said he should spend less time beating up on apple and tim cook, the more time giving Charity Today he tweeted out. Liz hes back. Listen, heres some [inaudible] and carl said, carl basically said he should step up and bill should give up to more charities. Do we have the clip, though, of what he said regarding cnbc . Liz sadly, no, but we will in the next hour regardless. But the interesting thing i thought he said right back to bill, yeah, why doesnt he do what i do, and thats promise half of my entire fortune to the giving pledge which is the Warren Buffett bill dates if you know him, we have mutual friends, he gives a lot of money to charity. Liz dont spend other peoples money, okay, bill gross . Dont tell people how to spend their money. Bill should come on and defend himself. Liz oh, hes i dont know, is he afraid of fox business . Ive tried many times. I dont know, hes from california. Liz tony comes on all the time. Bill, we dont bite. No, but, i mean, it is something odd. Heres a guy that hides behind, you know, this is what i dont like. And what i liked about carl is so many of these guys hide behind softball interviewers. Now, if you notice, i didnt attack carl, but i did ask the right questions. I asked him the questions about media manipulation, i asked him i basically asked him why do you know more about the stock than tim cook . And he answered it right. Liz he did. Closing bell ringing in about 30 minutes. Mcdonalds dumps one of its major partners after the company puts a competitor in charge. Are the other fast food chains set to gain from this breakup . Plus, twitter meets with major investors this week, what do they need to insure the companys debut is a success . We break down the companys road map and road show. Thats next. She loves a lot of the same things you do. Its what you love about her. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. 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Look at the stock up over 8 the ceo was at the womens wear daily conferences said exactly that forecasting alling for a positives alehouse the 08 board but investors have been worried him pulling out the stock is down 60 this year alone but yet today on the contrary it is jumping. Liz net cash burn rate makes some of us nervous. Lets get to sandra smith is chicago. Weather was everything to do with the biggest mover on the cme. Natural gas up the biggest mover to the Downside Seen the biggest price drop in three months. We got many forecast for milder temperatures over the next couple of weeks forecasting we will see above average or average temperatures across the northeast and midwest through the week of november 11th that means less heating demand and lower prices as much as 4 . Corn prices also getting hit because of the forecast. Court false to the lowest level in three years. Also experiencing some dry weather in the corn growing states of the government is still forecasting we will see the biggest corn crop ever when it is harvested. Right now estimates 50 percent has been harvested so far. Prices have dropped 50 from their record highs last year. Then we get more corn and lower prices and that trend looks like it will continue for now. Liz you know, my commodity is cocoa and chocolate. [laughter] that is up and prices are sky high also oversees testing the alltime high. Liz twitter kicking off the road show where the Company Leadership go to use different institutions to salic my company will be made for the initial Public Offering talking to investors after a successful test run this weekend that New York Stock Exchange but what hurtle dozens of have to jump . Rios spencer jake of reporter from the wall street journal. They have a great name. Brand recognition. But they have to face down the institutions to say what . What do they have to prove . That they can make money. They have lost about 360 billion to improve i dont think it is saw hard sale with twitter, everyone uses it i feel like i ince a message the people in my office then ted guys around me see it and chuckle if it is funny. And our world is hard to imagine the company not making money some day of facebook cratered initially now it is well above 25 above the ipo price to win. Credibility twitter will not be valued as much 11 or 12 million. Is sells like a lot of money that people will say i want to price of says. Liz i am less concerned. Most people say it will pop big and high as soon as it goes public but look at the fidelity or the black rock is thinking and more of the viewers if they should get in on the first day especially with high interest bellow or no revenue or profit . Names like pinterest or snap chat they have been valued like this some multibillion dollars by yet they dont make money. Anybody remembered 1999 . At that time everybody remembers at that time especially those that made many is this pets. Com no. This is more substantial. Is in 1999 . I dont think so. We had 160 ipo this year they are up sharply on average. Technology companies are the third or fourth most Common Company with a lot of pot belly sandwiches and restaurants it is the law frothy but what does that say . That guy is crazy but not charles manson. [laughter] that doesnt mean everyone is levelheaded. Liz what is the number one mistake twitter cannot afford to make . R remember Mark Zuckerberg went down just trying to be himself white bill gates had suggested i just went to read my biology book he just kept quiet. What do they need to do . Of course, the ceo is the grownup in the room but you have the three cofounders. Wear a suit. [laughter] which they didnt to look professional you have to bridge the gap you dont want to be but and down but a visionary but people want to make money. Dont just preach social mission. Especially since twitter is not making many like facebook was at the time you have to give a sense of how youll make money down the road. Liz and a blazer with of buttondown soso mccann silicon valley. Their idea of dressing up. Or a suit. Read his staff. Good stuff. Week number eight with the nfl is nearly over but fox sports asked me what the street thought would be the biggest winners or losers. From fox business headquarters a look at what is trading up and down. Bullish on the 49 years to make big moves overseas today. A bear market in chicago after the franchise lost to the redskins washington is finally seeing it returns to date all eyes on the matchup of the cowboy is. The street has no idea what to make of that but in new york jets are soaring. The giants . We have not seen a crowd like this since the Great Depression meaning they stink. So the giants must be bad. Liz the browns almost one. [laughter] the 49ers it did win big beating the jaguars 42 10. The redskins a surprise losing to the broncos 45 21 also the cowboys lost barely to the lions 41 38 predictions were wrong for both teams. The jets lost to the bindles in the new york giants beat the eagles. [cheers and applause] liz stop getting pulled. Please. Stay attuned to to receive predictions week number nine. The closing bell rings and 17 minutes. Twitter is not the only ipo in town. Which are already public are really worth buying into . Not the most wellknown names as somebody knows them well and is breaking them down. Major fastfood chain drops heinz ketchup after 40 years . Who visit . Can hinds survive the paul . We have the story next. Sometimes they just drop in. Always obvious. Cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. We enable you to reach Global Markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. Cme group how the world advances. Try align. Its the number one ge recommended probiotic that helps maintain digestive balance. 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Liz breaking up is hard to do from mcdonalds after a 40 year relationship. Mcdonalds uses heinz ketchup and only two cities minneapolis and pittsburgh but at all of the international locations. What is at the heart of the split . Heinz ceo announces it will dump heinz because it is now run by a former burger king ceo right now heinz katchis use dat per king and wendys. Burger king shares our up after posting higher profits to slash costs. Shares are moving up 5. 3 if you try to give my children the organic ketchup from whole foods they can tell the difference. That is not a great move. Investors are buzzing about the atwitter ipo one week away but our next guest is not watching twitter that entire ipo market will drive stocks higher those have gone public are winners ridden right now. People watch those lesserknown names then forget about them. Everybody knows that highflying brand names that go public those debtor well by Portfolio Managers to keep banging out solid quarter after quarter as the multiples expand and that is where you make big money. Liz because our viewers love stock picks they can hear about too often. We have a biotech that is like an ipo that pfizer owned them then spun them off . The ceo is a wizard with us staton market that legator of the world and they call him the godfather of the bator when pfizer marketed it. They are working on the experimental products for the and tolerant market that is a large market. It went public recently less than one year ago and has done fine but not extremely well but you have a product that has a couple Million Dollar market cap that will quadruple is not successful in will go down it was a successful piece of news. Liz it is higher risk of higher reward that brings us to work day. Up when hundred 8 this is a cloud based apps company that helps enterprises we talked about it before but it has not get in any cheaper these days but this is the best of Class Company Management Team, they own a small part of that market if they execute if they miss the stock will go lower. Liz something that jumped out 50 percent of the flotilla is shorted. Because it could be dangerous anabolic title. Exactly. This ipo and those are not for the faint of heart but with the company like this richly valued they will set themselves up on the other side i will point to stocks there are those on the other side netflix, tesla, Green Mountain coffee look at those performance they have not been public that long. And they set themselves up on the short side the stock went down precipitously but they have the compound defect. Looking at a soda street is the best if you like sparkling water. This is the one that is up here today but even higher over the past 52 weeks have pointed to 14 this is richly evaluated. Is. But it is a Terrific Management Team so you want to a recipe for price appreciation to set expectations properly an a large market to beat there quarter last week i expect that to continue. In terms of a great story and a Management Team this is one of those companies. Liz great to see you. This is the newly reopened bay bridge here is in san francisco. Liz three hours behind us it is not rush hour yet. The director of equities and the bridge takes you directly to berkeley. The s p 500 the last positive territory 1,760 points the nasdaq doesnt quite make the record yet looking at the transports for apples earnings reports full Team Coverage ready to rip apart the release like it is a party guest. Take off the ribands pull apart as soon as it comes out dont go away. And herbalife and of course, hartford financial group. [ male announcer ] once, there was a man who found a magic seashell. It told him what was happening on the tradg floor in real time. The shell brought him great fame. But then, one day, he noticed that everybody could have a magic seashell. [ indistinct talking ] [ male announcer ] right there in their Trading Platform. [ indistinct talking continues ] [ male announcer ] so the magic shell went back to being a. Shell. Get live squawks right in your Trading Platform with think or swim from td ameritrade. Liz just two points away from a record for the s p 500. David asman joins me now. David just a tiny decrease in the Dow Jones Industrial average as you noticed so much of that depends on what happens to app apple, thats going to be reporting coming up in the next couple of minutes. Lets go to Nicole Petallides at the nyse and talk about apple. Everybodys focus on apple stock but it is kind of on hold until those numbers come out. Everybodys waiting to see what they will be talking about. Obviously with the iphone sales here and abroad is that demand continues. Talking about carl icahn and his clamoring for the buyback. A lot of the investors are so upset, and have not gotten the watch. See what they have Going Forward prettily for holiday season. Everybody wants the apple product or maybe now it wont be that case. Investors, we need to get to this show an appetite for food stocks pushing a few names to record high. Speed three it is i day we have had record target, hersheys and flour foods, hitting some new highs. It is great to see some of these names with the consumer type names did well today. David look at jcpenney. Not often we can say they are up 7, 8 . You have the ceo, the turnaround story waiting for the real fundamentals to be turned around. Stocks jumped 8. 8 as the ceo spoke positively about the forecast. In the meantime everybody else on wall street still skeptical on wall street. Liz we are also waiting on herbalife numbers. That has been controversial and such report quarterly numbers after the bell. You have the ceo, how are the stock trading . [closing bell ringing] liz up just under 8 as we wait on that news p at david a of draggers. It would be much more positive than it is now but were not for boeing and united tech. We have a split decision here again so much of all of this is waiting on what happens to apple. Apple reporting and so is herbalife. Herbalife will not change the overall market as much as apple is. Again, split decision. Dow jones s p update text, the nasdaq and the rustle down a tick. Liz no records with the s p or the nasdaq. Time for your front page headlines. David shares of burger king getting a boost after betterthanexpected quarterly results

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