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the past 1 six to nine months. >> i think the only thing that really seems to be holding up is the fact the ecb is expected to do something very dramatic in terms of monetary stimulus. that is what is holding us up. a lot of speculation of what the employment numbers will be. that will be an interesting correlation to make to see if he sees it the same way the numbers really are. i think that is really what we're waiting on. they are still not heavy. liz: we will be watching. these are the kind of things to look at because it gives us a sense of real participation or not. looking at commodities, we have the euro now picking up a little bit of sign of life, what is the number one thing traders are looking at today? >> there's a lot of money off the table because of the payroll, but we have a big color in the market. prices go lower, if the price is to hire, those are debated and we have a color that he cannot go higher and cannot go too low. another interesting stat, did you know central banks around the world have printed enough money to buy every single person on the planet a 55-inch flatscreen tv. liz: that is an interesting stat to visit panasonic or samsung? >> i will take the new one, that is great. >> they're calling them oled, organic led. energy prices, natural gas moving lower, you tell me what the hot story is on the floor. >> the same story as last week. trading $95.50. the market is poised to do something in one direction or another. if you look at the options market, volatility the further you go out is strong. i think that is an indication we are looking for the market will make some sort of a move. we will continue to print money and a stimulus plan would be more apt to say we will go higher. but in the same spot that we are. 90-$98 trying to get this thing going. we could be in the wait-and-see mode for a while here. liz: the market is poised to do something in one direction or another. >> it will be dramatic one way or another. liz: a very tough market to call because we just don't know on any given day would headline will come out across the pond. >> i have been doing this for 24 years, and because there has been so much printing press is going, we don't know what true value is because things have been so distorted the last two or three years. that is why the volume has been depressed. liz: how about this one, what is the one thing if the fed were to see it they would jump in immediately with qe3? >> the numbers are very bad, they will jump right in. >> i agree. >> unemployment rate 6.5%, guaranteed. liz: nobody's worried about inflation at this point is mark >> nope, not me. >> $70 to fill up my car. liz: i don't know what the differences at this point. >> they are printing money. liz: his head is growing by the minute. thank you all for joining us on the floor show. the closing bell ringing and 55 minutes. let's take a look at the markets right now. up nine points at the moment, but we have seen this before several times today the market has been in the red and green several times. the one area that is positive is the dow. we will talk to chief marketing officer of american express about how they're teaming up with harper's bazaar to cash in. nicole: i'm nicole petallides. the power move of the day, disney hitting all-time highs 18 times this year. today is the day. see how it is and right now. it hit an all-time high, doing very well with the theme park. the most visitors that have seen, so we are doing well with that. the dow component a real winner hitting an all-time high again, back to you. liz: thank you very much. you see something absolutely love, i have to have that dress and you have to track down every single piece in the picture if you want to buy it. targeting style savvy customers with a passion for fashion. launching the first contest for commerce sites. joining me now in a fox business exclusive, john hayes, chief marketing officer at american express and carol smith, harper's bazaar publisher and chief revenue officer. i cannot begin to explain how much we appreciate you being here. you must be so busy, what is it like? >> i it is a little crazy. first dead silent on september 3, labor day, nobody is around and the next day all hell breaks loose. but right now it is being directed towards the launch of shop let's talk about this. >> let's start with the business model. buyers and sellers, bringing them together in unique ways, that is what our business is about. so here we have a great opportunity to give the customers who love fashion and opportunity to be inspired by the content and the access to the items as well. liz: you are known as targeting a more affluent customer. when i look at your magazine it is aspirational as well. how will it be different from what is already out there? a lot of people are used to going to those sites, how will you grab the customers? >> customer acquisition is going to be interesting, but i think what is most important for us is we're launching a store 145 years old. fashion credibility starting two years after the civil war. it had to build credibility. they're now providing content, former editor is actually the editor over there. for us we will start with content and go to commerce, it is a reverse commute. as a person who is passionate unfortunately for my husband, my daughter and our dad, you read your magazine and then you can never find it. liz: we pulled out a page in essence you will see an outfit you like and each piece is available for purchase, that is how it will work? where does amex come in? anybody can purchase with a visa or mastercard, but what will i get if i use my amex card? >> you're going to get special opportunities and special items only available to american cardmembers. the reason we're doing this is because our customers are already in the space, they're doing e-commerce, accessing fashion this way. 70% of the customers of american express 70% more likely to buy on a tablet than those who are not cardmembers. liz: the shift to buying online is pronounced, study recently done that shows they're doing mobile payments. exponential, doubled obviously as people get more used to this, it is the way of the future. clearly you want to capitalize on that. >> we see it all coming together, a seamless process. people will look at something in the magazine, so the content, be inspired by it and we are here to serve that. liz: not sure there's a way to dovetail with going on, but there is that experience getting back and reading the bible, bazaar, cove tougher to adverti, isn't it? >> it is tougher. publishing is a challenge right now. fashion isn't though. look at september fashion magazines, all the core fashion titles growing 200 pages, 35% of those pages came from us, so we're very happy. yes, digital is hugely important, or website is hugely important, but for me even more than our website right now which we love and have a director of the website is the ability to shop from our pages. the official launch of september 12, and that will be next week. liz: what are we looking at, hemlines. >> slightly above the knee. liz: glad to have you both. it is a pleasure. they do everything in the tents for fashion week. the election campaign buzz is very loud right now getting louder by the second, let's cut through all the noise and find out what matters to your money. peter barnes in the thick of it and the democratic national convention with a california delegate who is a silicon valley heavyweight formerly from facebook. peter. >> that is right. chris kelly with the chief privacy officer for facebook and telling me he was the 25th employee in facebook back in 2005. and he left to run for attorney general of california and now involved in politics here at the convention. let's start off with the big debate that we are seeing the president and mitt romney engage in, are we better off than we were four years ago? >> absolutely. one that is growing again, we've moved forward in innovation and we laid the predicate for a great period of growth in what we hope will be a second term. >> unemployment remains high, 8.3% national debt 16 trillion yesterday. how can the president say that with all these metrics that look bad for them? >> it is frustrating for everyone we have this unbelievable skill set, better education policies moving forward. but that is a problem we can resolve over time. >> job retraining a very important issue for you. >> it is a critical part of our future. having to retrain across their lifetime and to meet the jobs of the future. >> silicon valley, how's it going for him this cycle? >> has gone well, but a number of people who have been on the sidelines who were there for president last time. i think it is probably about the same as before. what we need to see is a lot of folks who have been thinking this would not be a close race, the president would run away with it. we need them to step forward now to make sure he has the resources to tell the story of success in four years and four years more. >> are the executives hedging or upset with the president over any of the policies? why aren't they writing the check? >> there are quite a number of my friends who have said he is just going to walk away with this. they can't imagine the rest of the country voting for mitt romney. this is going to be a tight race. >> facebook. are they diversified? >> i did some diversification in 2010. it continues, i continue to be a shareholder, very happy shareholder. >> what do you think of the ipo and what happened? >> obviously some things went wrong with the ipo. whatever was said, the analysts going in, we have to move forward from there. i continue to be a shareholder. >> if the president wins, you're his national cochair for technology, could we see you end up in washington in some capacity? >> we will see. i was happy to go to work for bill clinton. i continue to be very engaged with the technology community with the administration and a lot of things can move forward outside of security, privacy, the ways to retooling our work. it has been robust, focused on promoting. he will be focused on cyber security and how we ready ourselves for this new network that we live in already. ready to promote innovation throughout our communities to get people into better jobs in technology. >> chris kelly formerly of facebook and now an investor at the convention. back to you. liz: you have all kinds of business people, would love to hear that perspective. thank you, peter. still up 12 points, but the rest of them kind of leaning a little bit. nasdaq and s&p 500, just a matter of stoc stuck in the muda little bit, perhaps thinking nokia stocks with the announcement of the new windows phone supposed to be a big deal, the company is not doing well right now. the company still trying to stay in the smartphone game. we have the ceo. and ranked one of the top female advisors, she is going to tell you the three most important investing secrets she is giving her hundreds of multimillion dollar's clients right now. 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[♪...] liz: breaking news on madison square garden, the president of madison square garden sports is unexpectedly resigned. we just got a statement, here is what he said. listen, scott o'neill, a rising star always on the blip of 40 under 40 years old. he brought together bunch of different partnerships like jpmorgan to some bigger names in business that have linked up with medicine square garden coded bigotry with him a couple of years ago, $800 billion, or t in dollars rather, transformation. and he has been very involved in that. he showed us a brand-new sweeps back then. he goes with the leadership. a lot of the media assets. so where's he going? give us a call because i don't know where. we just don't know what happened, but we're waiting to hear back. scott o'neil. the stock is pretty much flat. it has had a very nice year. commodities are on the move against let's head down to where the action is, sandra smith at the cme in chicago. >> we're looking at energy shares of british petroleum taking a big hit that the company still a threat of billions of dollars related to the gulf coast oil spill back in 2010. $40 change, at 60 and change prior to that spill, about $20 since then. they intend to prove gross negligence or willful misconduct resulting in that. a bunch of energy stocks hitting 52-week lows today, including cliff natural resources. a lot of lows being hit. back to you. liz: energy down, gold down, thank you very much. sandra smith. also down, nokia. they used to own the phone market. the company announced what was supposed to be a big deal, a new windows smartphone. why is this stock down 15%? >> nokia not delivering, investors not that impressed. sell the news going on the but generally 15% is more than just selling the news, they're selling what they did not find out, specific details particularly on when the phone will be rolled out, how much it will cost, what carriers will have it. they showed off the new phone, getting a look, nokia, microsoft announced the latest windows smartphone. it will run on microsoft windo windows 8 operating system and will try to get both companies a more prominent position in the smartphone market. the kia used to nokia used to have half the market, now 10%. the phone not due out until next year. few details available, so how does nokia plan on competing against the likes of apple, google and samsung? adam shapiro with what he had to say. >> some people say nokia is playing catch-up to apple and samsung. how do you say no, we are not. until after the first of the year. >> we have to be very selective of where we land new product, constantly trade the sales resources, the supply of devices, so we are being very deliberate because we are going through a transformation have to use our resources in a smart way, build momentum, take one step at a time. >> struggling for some time. share is down 80% over the past decade. back to you. liz: tough time for a company who is very iconic. that is how quickly you can lose a lead. our next guest consistently named one of the top women financials. one of the top financial advisors. specifically she has more than 300 clients, each with more than a million dollars invested with her, so we're talking high net worth, smart money clients. joining us now in a fox business exclusive to share her million dollars strategy. good to see you. >> good day. liz: 300 clients plus with more more than a million dollars. everybody is nervous about the money. how many phone calls the you get? >> not that many, actually. over time but i think is really to educate people and have them expect volatility. has been important. when i was growing up a father used to buy the new york post, and at 4:00 in the afternoon we would look up the price of the at 4:00 the afternoon looked up the price of the stock, no financial news until the next day. day. now 247 spree 65 everyone has news and information. what it has led to as a lot more volatility, some messages expect volatility. it will be this with the rest of our lives. i don't think you'll ever have tin bowl years, and so if you expected and you know that you will have bad years in good years is controls your emotions. liz: people need to come down because there are so many variables now that are jerking around the market. you just have to be calmed, but then what? you have to have other bits of advice. by good companies going to bad times. what is it that you tell your clients? >> i'm a long-term investor, and for my clients that have long-term goals you will talk applying the long game. here is my philosophy. i believe in capitalism, democracy, freedom, an entrepreneurial ship, and if you believe in those things here and in other countries the tune of the profits and companies going to grow. the fifth wheel is greed which keeps coming back since ancient greece. so if you expect that to come, you know you will go through cycles. in the short term the market is emotional and fall of tile. stay put. in the long term it makes more sense the fundamentals. liz: you like some times to invest in socially conscious companies. they make money? listened. i'm all for that, but when you talk about green companies, environmentally sound companies, i just want to have a good portfolio as macmillan of money. >> here is a case that has changed of the past couple of years. investing in new technologies is not that profitable because it is not government money coming in to fund it. but the companies that make the pieces and the parts of water systems that are being built in china and so those systems in africa, those pieces and parts are being made, and everything is being made right. liz: the social index fund, is to get a sense of something like that, some of their top holdings . just the other day. what i was doing, a charity golf tournament, the controlling people were so bullish on all that they were doing globally with batteries, the big car batteries, you have china, ever right. these are companies, obviously, that are doing things or you feel there is an opportunity for growth. >> absolutely. if you to companies like johnson controls that makes parts and batteries and things like that, but they are also involved in the community, transparent, good governance, women on the executive team, environmentally unsustainable sound, how can that not be better business? fifty-six women on the executive team. i am in to meritocracy. i don't care if you are female, mail, or martian. are you getting the job and? there has been a study that said companies that have at least one woman on the board, the stock outperforms other companies by 29%. >> i would say that if it was all women you would need to have a man because it is the diversity of opinion. not about women versus man, diversity of opinion, and that has been proven. and so there are funds that invest in gender equality with a look for board representation and company representation. liz: there is one called the pact will global women's equality fund as well. i mean, and they only have companies that have women on the board. >> it is a global fund. a scant, and first they stand for all the environmental social governments, and then they stand for whether there are women involved in and is in for the best companies. liz: more than 300 clients, more than a million dollars each, says she's doing something right. barron's top 100 women investors and women financial wealth advisers. good to have you. >> thank you. liz: thank you so much. all red heads welcome on this show. thank you very much. closing bell ringing in 24 minutes. holding on to gains of 18 points for the dow jones industrial, next guest, his matthew 25 find, i mean, don't even ask how well it is outperforming the been sparked -- benchmark by more than 25% so far this year. somebody is doing wonderfully and stock-picking. after the break he's going to show you how to use volatility to your advantage. by the way, what is the picking right now? ♪ everyone has goals. take the steps to reach yours, with us with real advice, for real goals. the us bank wealth management advisor can help you. every step of the way. from big steps, to little steps. since 1863 we've helped guide our clients, so they can take the steps to help grow, preserve, and pass along their wealth. so their footsteps can help the next generation find their own path. all of us serving you. us bank ♪ >> i'm robert gray with your fox business brief. stocks, little changed in investors await the key european central bank decision on buying government debt. the monthly jobs report here in the u.s. of course due out friday morning madison square garden sports president at scott and kneele is resigning. unclear as to why. in a statement to fox business and kneele says he could not be more excited about the process of discovering what lies ahead. and boeing forecast passenger planes will skyrocket in china over the next two decades, making it the second-largest market for new commercial jets. the jet maker anticipates that nation will need more than 5,000 new commercial planes from now through 200032. the total value of $670 billion. billingsly already makes up more than 50 percent of all the commercial jet liners operating in china. now we continue our "countdown to the closing bell" with nicole petallides at the new york stock exchange. ♪ liz: thanks, robert. well, we have some key stocks to take a look at. we talked about this booking a new all-time low from that $38 ipo back on may 18th. today a different picture. the ceo says, you know what, over the next 12 months i'm not selling my shares. obviously the ability. the lockup expiration comes today in november. he could sell some shares, but he decided not to rarely showing confidence. it will issue new shares to pay off some of their tax debts that the note. dissing death. the ceo is talking very positively. liz: i don't know what price to get in at, but up 5% if you bought it yesterday. thank you. investors. we have a guy who says do not over analyze it. his performance is out of this world. year today, your fund is up 28%. that is besting the benchmark against which you judge yourself, the russell 3,000. year-over-year up 45. i wish i put money in with you. my big question is, if there was one thing you pick out the you are doing to get these returns, what do you think it is? >> just stay bullish. stay bullish. there is a lot of fear out there, and people are, you know, you can see it in the data for ici, the measures, there has been net reductions five and a half years out of domestic equity funds. and i am a contrarian my heart. it is the best place to be, and i just think the next few years will be very powerful. liz: i'm glad you brought of the redemptions. people getting scared of pulling their money out of mutual funds. that would have been a mistake on balance. over the past year we have done so well. if i could count how many people have come on this program, and we have tried to tell our viewers to listen to be the real money makers like the buffett and wilbur ross is have made that money just as everybody was running away. >> yes. a lot of times it is not trying to be too smart. it is really, if you let the market bottom in 2009, 2008 earnings were just under $50 per share. the market bottomed around 670. twelve times earnings. and even then people were saying that is not enough. the irony, you look where we are right now. the s&p around 1400. you should and around 102-103 this year faugh. so you are only rarely 13 and a half, 14 times earnings. that is still a great valuation. i tell people, the market spent about 90% of its time between 14 and 20 times earnings on the ratio on the market. we are in that 5 percent of time are we are still below 14. still an opportunity for people. you just have to get over the news that you keep seeing and, you know, the volatility which is just part of the market. liz: we showed a chart of how you have been outperforming. tear up performing everybody, but the big names that are in your fund, things like scrapes, apple, cavallas, global. you have a j.p. caterpillar. the worst performer yesterday. on a day like that to you -- well, obviously you don't. your long-term back. are you getting excited on days with the market is in turmoil and in doing so are you riding a wave verses panicking and losing your head under it? >> yes. i try to look at everything on a 3-5 year cycle. i believe that can be powerful. and when i try to do stocks like caterpillar, you're looking at companies, eight times earnings, five and 1/4 times even got. it is a fantastic extremely well-run company, and i am able -- i would set a fair price to give you an idea is a test in times. and that puts you around 135-17556i want to tell viewers one rule that you live by, not totally, but you wait until a stock has lost two days worth and then come into by. >> i'm not a great timer. i don't know if i have a concrete system, but basically if i believe in the company and i am into it for the long-term cycle, if i get a couple days-, if i have any money i will buy that stock. if you want to look to the fourth full year you can figure out what we're going to buy afterwards liz: his fund is up 45% year over year. you come back again? we love the story. >> i appreciated. thank you. liz: any time. matthew mulholland. good to see you. live from philadelphia. closing bell ringing in about 14 minutes. the nfl season, you're ready for football, kicking off tonight. we are going to show you some stocks that might be a touchdown for your portfolio coming up. dow jones industrial upton points, but the rest is down. ♪ liz: i'm telling you, the browns are going all the way. [laughter] liz: stop laughing. are you ready for some football? the nfl season -- go cleveland -- officially kicks off tonight between the dallas cowboys and the new york giants right here in new york. [applause] how can you get some exposure to the billions of dollars the nfl rights in every year? , about 90? a new deal to produce the nfl jerseys. could generate $750 million in revenue from nfl licensed year. and flip it over to the electronic arts getting very good revenue from the nfl releasing its new version of madden every single season. it has sold millions of copies, one of the most, if not the most popular sports game ever for a video game. despite not winning a super bowl in 16 years, tonight you will see the most valuable team in the nfl, the dallas cowboys. they currently tops forbes' list with a valuation of $2 billion. the cleveland browns are gaining on them. i swear. i promise you. one of our fox sports' superstars, of course, fox, nfl on sundays. you have to join us for that. let's take a look at gold prices slipping in today's session for all you build bugs living and breathing at the moment. is this the beginning of a significant slide for the precious metal? sandra smith to let's go back to her because right now she has her eye trained on gold. today's trade. joining us from the cme. >> reporter: and the reason we look at it. hsbc came out with this big call while gold has been hot. they expected a 10% correction before it can go higher. we have been talking to traders on the floor saying it is still hovering right around $1,700 an ounce. it did not give up much ground, despite the drop the we saw across the board and commodities. by the way, take a look at some of these movers in the commodities market today. on the cme today, we was your biggest loser drops in a couple of percent. natural-gas prices ever volatile dropping. point, -- corn, soybeans amid despite the drought, a lot of those are coming harvest early. all those and supplies on the market today, lower prices. also one of your biggest losers, are excellent. liz: who are you picking for the super bowl? she's going to say the bears. super bowl. >> reporter: go bears. go bears. liz: that's right. chicago girl all the way. i would say the l.a. raiders, but what happens to them? i know. poor people from los angeles. they get nothing. closing bell ringing in six minutes. one retells stock that is just soaring after smashing presentation today. don't go away. we have big dreams. one is for a clean, domestic energy future that puts us in control. our abundant natural gas is already saving us money, producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar. though all energy development comes with some risk, we're committed to safely and responsibly producing natural gas. it's not a dream. america's natural gas... putting us in control of our energy future, now. like in a special opsission? you'd spot movement, gather intelligence with minimal collateral damage. but rather than neutralizing enemies in their sleep, you'd be targeting stocks to trade. well, that's what trade architect's heat maps do. they make you a trading assassin. trade architect. td ameritrade's empowering web-based trading platform. trade commission-free for 60 days, and we'll throw in up to $600 when you open an account. liz: let's put it up on the screen. putting together a turnaround plan presenting it to the market, 24% jump, $2.36 for the retailer. primarily in the northeast, small department store doing beautifully today. let me head over to david asman because -- david: who would have thought those small chocolates would sell for so much. i wish i pu i'd put my money int of things. he wants t want to hear about ws happening in the market, this doesn't tell the story, we have a lot of interesting stories because so much on tap. friday the unemployment figures, the market is just poised for a move, the question is which way? let's talk about fedex because the scores indicated the worst of many people's fears, the global slowdown will impact on the stock market and certainly on the fedex price today. >> when you have a company like fedex, global economic indicator issuing a warning the first time since 2009 does not bode well for the stock. liz: let's talk about office retailers, anybody who has kids has to rush out to get brand-new supplies because the kids come home from the first day of school, too funny, right? >> it is absolutely true. back-to-school supplies, everybody i know did it and i'm sure you did it as well. david: stocks, goldman sachs in particular, talking about what happened to banking stocks generally

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