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On basic cable we are live this entire weekend. If you get the timing just right, you might get commercials, you just go back to your home on basic cable live throughout the weekend. We are watching something else, some polls that are tightening very quickly which could explain this little announcement that barack and Michelle Obama will be joining Hillary Clinton and family, the whole bunch at a Campaign Rally at a Campaign Rally in philadelphia on monday, philadelphia, pennsylvania, battleground state, used to be a runaway state for her. Now within a few digits, what is going on . The scary path to 270 for both candidates, trying to finetune how they get there. Maybe a couple more paths for donald trump, still hurts to lose in the electoral college. What is going on . Very wise choice by the clinton people. They loaded every surrogate except Michelle Obama on philadelphia. Why are they doing it . Pennsylvania is four points for clinton but they want at least that size or bigger. Second, pennsylvania does not have early voting so everybody has to vote on that day. There is a transit strike in philadelphia so there is an added barrier. All those things together means the big push is on in pennsylvania for the democrats. Neil comes down to smart guys like you remind me whos voters are more jazz, who will walk over stopped trains to get to those polls . The wrap against Hillary Clinton is she has got a tougher time on that front. What do you make of that . That is basically true. She has excited voters there is no question much of the excitement on her side comes from stopping donald trump. It is also true a good bit of the excitement on the republican side comes from stopping Hillary Clinton but no question looking at the rallies, it is much tougher to fall asleep at a trump rally than to fall asleep at a Hillary Clinton rally and that would be your problem at either one of the rallies, falling asleep. Stuart especially when trump will turn on the press, get him one thing i am curious is how the tightening in poll differs from what we traditionally see. Was this something more meaningful . What do you think it is . More than usual for two reasons, you dont normally have the fbi director doing what he did 11 days before the election. That got peoples attention. Which people . Not Hillary Clinton voters but people on the fence who were republican or conservative didnt like trump, didnt want to vote for trump, now they are going to vote for trump and the second you have the normal partisans coming home you combine the two and you have a larger than usual effect in favor of donald trump among republicans and conservatives. Neil i touched on this and you dismissed my wisdom which i thought was well, rude. I think this has a 1980 feel to it. Even though i wasnt even born, i think i was there. Neil the stands are shifting so dramatically in states where Hillary Clinton more than a week ago had a doubledigit lead, now Single Digits or completely reversed, we didnt have the type of polling or social media in 1980 that we have today. What do you make of that . That this could be the making of something or the ingredients to make Something Like that . Anything is possible. Have i tell people, upsets happen around the world, in democracies every year. You always have that possibility. Back in 1980, you werent there because you werent yet born, i was already well into, i was 30. Neil already retired. That was my first retirement. When i got tenure i retired. Here is the difference, the big change other than the debate ahead of time came the sunday before the tuesday election when negotiations with the iranians fell apart from the release of us hostages and that was a downer. You had to be there but it was a downer. It depressed democratic turnout. A lot of people said enough, already. We need a change. Something like that happens this sunday before the tuesday election i might go along with your interpretation which is wild and unsubstantiated. Neil this is why i love you. Thank you very much. He could do stand up comedy tomorrow. I want to let you know things that are changing whether it happens sunday or whatever, happening as we speak. Cia agents are actively and aggressively pursuing the Clinton Foundation case. This goes wider than we originally thought. The Clinton Foundation itself, blake berman with the latest on that. Actively and aggressively pursuing the case according to two separate sources who say the fbis investigating the Clinton Foundation for more than a year on pay to play accusations. Fox is told the case has taken a, quote, very high priority, a great deal of evidence including some from wikileaks and newly discovered emails. Front and center, the wall street journal reporting secret recordings of a suspect in a public Corruption Case talking about alleged deals that the clintons made fueled the investigation. There is a battle between fbi agents who want to pursue the case and others in the Justice Department who viewed the recording as hearsay. They get a statement from a representative of the Clinton Foundation, they waiting briefly with this reaction. Heres what they are saying, quote, we are not aware of any investigation into the foundation by the department of justice, federal bureau of investigation and United States Attorneys Office and did not receive a subpoena from any of those agents. To the politics of this all, Donald Trumps Campaign Manager arguing that story will have an impact on the final five days of this race. A clear view at what Hillary Clintons presidency would look like, 100 chance this is coming up to her in the polls. So far no response from the Clinton Campaign itself. That response came from the Clinton Foundation. They are separate or staying away for now. Neil thank you very much. We are getting word the republicans talking up the possibility of impeachment proceedings should Hillary Clinton get elected. Nancy pelosi out with a statement, affordable. Confusing. The statement, the American People want republicans to accept the will of the people and take impeachment off the table, responsible republicans, lets do so immediately. Into this mix recordings could result in indictments, people saying stuff they shouldnt be saying. Former fbi special agent, how that could be a game changer. That is significant. I have worked public Corruption Cases for years where you have to prove a pay to play and quid pro quo, it is difficult to do that unless you have recordings, a long string of emails, the recordings are your best bet. If you do have recordings between the subject involved in the case, your best chance to gain an indictment in a case like that. Neil what do you think of this stuff . Recordings are dull, all of the sudden apparently looking at the Clinton Foundation itself, this goes beyond the initial emails or original wikileaks stuff. It is now bigger than that and much more inclusive than that. This changes a lot of things. It is hard to say how big the investigation is when the fbi has not said anything about this nor has the department of justice. There have been numerous reports there was investigation ongoing in this matter but it is known to drag on past the election. These investigations take quite a long time. It has gone on for a year, my guess is it will be longer than that. The result of this investigation will not be made known to the public until well after the election. Neil the fbi does one thing getting its facts together, politicians can do whatever they want so already nancy pelosi raining and republicans were mentioning impeachment, Hillary Clinton won this race she would immediately be under the political paul to say nothing of the potential and fbi investigation. There may be consideration given to a special prosecutor. That may be necessary in a case like this. There is quid pro quo, best way to do that is with recordings and other solid evidence that was taking place. Neil wouldnt that have taken, someone would have to be cooperating to entice those recordings. To get a recording you need a cooperating witness who will turn on a recorder when these conversations that could have been done by someone, who knows . Not likely to be happening Going Forward in a case like this with all this publicity. Someone cooperating with the fbi, department of justice who made those recordings. Neil someone would have to prove we dont know, to prove a pay to play relationship or favorable treatment granted to a country or entity giving money to the Clinton Foundation if that is the case, there was a clear role Hillary Clinton had as secretary of state giving favorable treatment to those entities. Not only do you have to prove the quid pro quo was there but the agreement was there, not talking about a not and handshake, that i will do this if you do this if you make this donation. That has to be proven and action has to be taken as well, so those have to be proven and those are difficult to do in these investigations. The friction between the fbi underlying to say nothing of the Justice Department and the Justice Department in expansion of the probe to go along with that. Fbi agents in the investigation, and the political powers from the top are pushing back a little bit. They have to be on the same page, the grand jury has to do it. To hear cases like this. Stuart the fbi would make a recommendation one way or the other. They make the recommendation and provide the facts, not necessarily recommendations but the facts that were provided, doj makes that decision. Stuart very educational. Fbn was the first to report these allegations of voter fraud in florida. Here is how quickly the word travels. Your path to retirement may not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call us or your advisor t. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. As a combination of see products. And customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Do you have thecare . Coverage you need . Open enrollment ends december 7th. 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What is at issue is they were opening up a lot of mail in ballots, largely democrats doing this without supervision of candidates on board, republicans went nuts, florida chairman saying wait a minute, they have. So crisis averted or so it would seem. I know you want to thank foxbusiness but dont do that. It is just what we do. What happened here . Was it mail in ballots being opened without members of a corresponding party watching the process . You tell me. What happened was the supervisor of elections in Broward County was opening vote by mail ballots without the authority to do so by local canvassing board and the law says you have to have at least one member of the canvassing board present when you open it. In addition what happened was they were limiting public inspection of the ballots to 30 minutes. What this was in laymans terms is they were opening ballots in secrecy with no oversight whatsoever. In addition they are leaving people know time to challenge a ballot they thought ballots could be challenged. Neil they would have had not that you could assume the worst, they would have had the power to do almost anything because no one was watching. That is right. That is why we took swift action and i send that letter to the supervisor of elections. This is unheard of. It is disturbing it got this far but we are happy we were able to shine a light on it. Neil we have no idea, or what . They were flippant about it saying they were doing it by the letter of the law and not doing it by the letter of the law and the proof of that is they change the way they count the ballots to the way the letter of the law prescribes. Neil what happens now . Now a judge who is a member of the canvassing board from now until the election to oversee the opening of the ballots. In addition the supervisor of elections allow representative of the Republican Party and the Democrat Party to be on hand overseeing the process as well. Neil one thing to get mad about, to shine a little light on the subject, you are welcome to that. If any other crisis, anything we can do, we appreciate it. In the meantime, being alive this weekend isnt enough, looking out for voter fraud, we are here, america. Any other channel looking at doing something in the financial realm, they wont be doing it unless you are looking at a golf game and got that covered, donald trump speaking in jacksonville, florida. Much more after this. Who had already voted, by the way . This woman owns this house, with new cabinets from this shop, wi handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Neil you are looking live at donald trump in jacksonville, florida. Beginning to conclude florida must be important, looking ahead to his travel plans pennsylvania will be important, looking ahead to what Hillary Clinton is planning, the entire obama family, the Clinton Family in philadelphia monday, that is important, a lot of crucial things going on in the next few days and now reports that donald trump with the wind at his back is getting a lot of money coming into that campaign. The question is what to do about it, here with more on that, what are you learning . A lot of interesting things going on. They think they will get a boost from donors taking more money now. He has only given 10 million according to the records but apparently thrown another 25 million between donald trump and the senatorial races come a down ballot races. Maybe donald gets two out of that neil dont give cash unless you feel charles getting more money coming in, inside the campaign, trump indicated treasury secretary will be the chief fundraiser. The former Goldman Sachs executive. He becomes treasury secretary, donald changes with the wind sometimes but he really likes that. A fairly good job, raising money given the fact that donald started late and anchored Establishment Republicans, he does a good job. Neil staying on topic am a trump did that yesterday. Charles telling him to stay on topic, please stay on topic. You can talk about emails but stay with obamacare and stay off of twitter. The names i hear mostly are steve bannon and kelly and conway. To a certain extent anthony scaramucci. Stay off of twitter. If he had done this earlier he would have had a better shot at winning. That is one thing. Inside the campaign neil what did he tell you about that . Charles it is contingent on black voter turnout. I was out with trump people last night. Neil they go out with you . Charles they are at the same restaurants. Neil i bumped into them in manhattan. Neil it is contingent on black voter turnout. They think they can win. I was there, this guy from cnbc is there. They toasted our ratings. He wanted to toast to me and i snuck it in and here is to is kicking your rear end. Neil exclusive, tiny, difficult to get into restaurant in harlem, you are always there. Neil i can get you into the olive garden. Charles by the way. Is that the salad, soup and salad, pretty good. Frank pellegrino, one of the coowners, great guy. He likes you and i despite the fact he is a flaming liberal. That shows you what a great place. Neil you are great at that. More stories here. And read a prompter, jacksonville florida, he is going early with abandon because he senses, wind at his back, Hillary Clinton growing scandals and obamacare, lets listen in. This is not what we need. And to bring jobs back to strengthen up our borders. This will be a mess for many years to come, and this president will do the job. I just left by the way miami. And leaving i see air force one. I said to myself i wonder who that could be. It is our president. And he is down here campaigning for crooked hillary. Why isnt he back in the office, sometimes referred to as the oval office . Why isnt he back in the white house bringing our jabs back. Why isnt he working, and she is under criminal investigation. He has a conflict and one of the things it taught us, wiki leaks, he knew she had a lot of wrong things going on. Obama knew what was going on by the way, in case you didnt know, he knew. This guy ought to be back in the office working, he wont be there long. We dont win anymore. Dont win with our military, dont when on trade. He are to get back to the office and stop campaigning. If we win on november 8th, we will once again have a government of, by and for the people. Real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing obamacare. It has just been announced that the residents of florida are going to experience a massive doubledigit premium hike. Who have got their number yet . Does anybody know . Should i tell you . Do you want me to depress everybody . Put your head down, start crying and leave. I wont tell you because you will be so depressed. I dont people youre not going to like it, folks. In the great state of arizona, is an example, premiums are going up more than 116 . And it doesnt work. Obamacare dental work. Im repealing it. Will replace it with something so much better in so much cheaper. Hillary is going to double up. Over 90 of the counties in florida are losing obamacare next year. Think of it. Good luck in that negotiation. In minnesota where the premium increase will be close to 60 , the democratic governor said the Affordable Care act is no longer affordable. Did he take e. Penn and bill clinton. Did bill clinton take heed . He said its crazy obamacare. He said its crazy. They lied to us. The president lied to us 20 times. He said he can keep your doctor, keep your plan. I. Aman lying and lying. Premium surging, doctors are leaving and deductibles are through t roof. Sometimes 15,000. You have to spend 15,000 before you start using it. Obamacare is a total catastrophe yet Hillary Clinton wants to double down on obamacare. She doesnt want to terminate it. She doesnt want to get rid of it. She wants to double down, making it much more expensive than it is right now and its right now ridiculous. Bigger than your mortgage. Its bigger than your rent. First time thats ever happened. Im asking for your vote so we can replace obamacare and Save Health Care for every family in florida and our country. [cheers and applause] so important. Real change also means restoring honesty to government. Hillary was given the debate questions in advance by donna brazil. By the way, can you imagine if those question since the Dishonest Media among the worlds most dishonest people, by the way. Its not even a big story. Mainstream media hardly covers it. Think about it. She got the debate questions against Bernie Sanders. Probably got the once against me, too. But we won those debates very easily. I dont care she got them except it shows how dishonest. Supposing i got the debate questions, it would be front page of the washington post. It would be front page of the new york times. He Must Immediately withdraw from the race. What he did is disgraceful. Ill tell you what, they dont even write about it. Donna brazil was fired from cnn. Thats good. Why wasnt she fired from the dnc . Because what she did was totally dishonest. Did you see her in television the other night . Where did you get them . Where did you get them . As the questioner was asking that. Where do you get those questions . I got them i dont know where i got them. Ill tell you what. She should be fired. Much more importantly, Hillary Clinton should be fired. Donna brazil couldnt hide the questions they should look like a fool on television. What was worse, she took the questions and gave them the crooked hillary. Instead of saying im sorry can accept them, we have to report this incident. She took the questions with good answers for bernie. At some point doesnt Bernie Sanders get tired of it . Doesnt he tell his supporters to go vote for trump at some point . I havent seen one story where they blame donna brazil a little bit. But seriously, can you imagine it was me that got those questions . You know what ive been saying . They will reinstitute the electric chair. Front page news. She is a very dishonest person, probably the most dishonest person ever to run for the office of president. I believe that. The clintons to his sordid past and sometimes theyll write about these dishonest people back there. Someday they will ask the question and they will do a front page headline. Why didnt Hillary Clinton report that she got the confidential guarded questions to a debate in someday these dishonest people will write a story about it in mainstream media. We have a bright future. My contract with the American Voter begins with plan to end government corruption. [cheers and applause] we understand it. I want the entire corrupt washington establishment to hear and heed the words we all have to say. We, all of us. A lot of us. This is a movement theyve never seen before in this country. Thats why we dont want to blow it now because youre allowed to vote early. We dont want to blow it in november. This is a Movement Like theyve never seen before. Even the ones that dislike me of which there are quite a few of those people. But all of them. This is a Movement Like theyve never seen in the country. But it will end quickly. It will end quickly if we dont want to vote november 8th. So lets not let it end. We are going to make America Great again, folks. When we win on november 8th, we are going to washington d. C. And we are going to drain the slop. [cheers and applause] at the core of my contract is my plan to bring back our jobs. They been stolen. Florida has lost one in four of its manufacturing jobs since nafta, a deal signed by bill clinton and supported by his lovely wife, hillary. America has lost 70,000. Listen to that number. I thought it was a typo. 70,000 factories since china entered the world trade organization. Another bill and hillary backed deal. We look at them not. Dont worry. Were living through the greatest jobs fast in the history of the world. Greatest jobs fast in the history of the world. Each of the administration will stop the from leaving america and we will stop the jobs from leaving the state of florida. I can tell you. The theft of american prosperity will end. And we dont mind that its 115 degrees in this room, right . It is hot in this room. You know what, thats okay. Release a couple pounds. Not the worst thing in the world. From now on is going to be america first. A chump administration will negotiate nafta and we will stand up to foreign product, currency manipulation and all unfair subsidy behavior which is a lot. We will also immediately stop the job killing transpacific partnership, another disaster potential deal. As part of our plan to bring back jobs, we are going to lower taxes on American Business from 35 to 15 . We will also cancel billions of Global Warming payments to the united nations. Billions and billions of dollars. And use that money to support americas environmental and national infrastructure. By the way, folks, we are spending billions and billions of dollars. We are making our companies noncompetitive. Other companies throughout the world are killing us and other countries dont adhere to what theyre supposed to do. We want Crystal Clean water. We want him accurately clean air and we want great safety. About that, lets go to tom and employ a lot of people. We are going to spend a lot of money in infrastructure putting the deepening of the harbor. We will become a rich nation once again. We must also be a safe nation. In chicago, and 3715 people have been shot since january 1st. Think of that. Almost 4000 people have been shot since january 1st. Nationwide have experienced their largest single year increase in 45 years. The press is guarding Hillary Clinton and the press doesnt want them and as to what you do know the real facts about your jobs. About all the things about our military which is now bogged down in mosul. Why cant we ever go in there, quietly, secretly and do the job. The element of surprise. What is trump know . I know plenty. Believe me. Its a tough situation. We are going into mozilla. Why did they have to say it . We are going to get the leaders of isis. We are going in because we believe the leaders of isis or a muscle. Three months ago. We are going to get those leaders. After reset it the first time within about 12 minutes they were gone. We are led by people. Wouldnt it be nice if we didnt talk . We did the job and have the News Conference a week later to announce good results. These are not good results. A chump administration will work with local and federal Law Enforcement to end its growing crime wave. Very substantial. Every child in america has the right to grow up in safety and in peace. We will also keep you safe from terrorism. Would cringe and want a five increase in. Refugees coming into the country. They will be pouring into the country. That is a bug obamas unbelievable thousands of thousands coming in. Her plan would mean generation of terrorism and extremism, spreading across her schools and communities. Thats one of the reasons we have all those women for trump science. Believe me. [cheers and applause] the women dont want this. By the way, i have to tell you i have tremendous support from women. Tremendous. [cheers and applause] we have tremendous support. We are going to keep our country safe. But we do for women . Start off with we will keep our country safe. Is that a good starter . We are doing tremendously with africanamericans. You see that. You see what is going on. These characters and the bad, they are very discouraged because all of these lines, people are capson saying make America Great. Buttons, shirts. But big reports about tremendous support from groups i was not supposed to have as much support from his throwing them a little bit off balance. They are not happy. The protected when its not being very well protected. When im elected president , we will suspend the Syrian Refugee Program and we will keep [cheers and applause] we will keep radical islamic terrorists the out of our country. Believe me. Keep them out. [cheers and applause] and we will build safe havens and do things in syria. We look at other countries to pay for it. We have 20 trillion in debt. The gulf states have a lot of money. Theyll pay for it i promise. We have to take care of people but honestly we have enough. We have enough problems in this country. That was happening to germany. Look at france. The kid paris. I have a friend every year he goes to paris. The city of lights used to tell me. I see him like a month ago. How is paris this summer . I dont go to paris. Are you kidding me . Its no longer paris. He hasnt been there in a long time. We are going to have our country be great again. We are going to do it properly. We are going to do it through love. We are going to have our country be great. A chump administration will also secure and defend the borders of the United States. [cheers and applause] and yes, we will build a great wall. [cheers and applause] [chanting] and mexicano, which is making a fortune with us, just a fortune at the border and crude trade deficit, our trade deficit with mexico is enormous. Its a nervous with everybody. Why should they be any different . Mexico will pay for the wall. Believe me. They will pay for the wall. 100 . That might not know a cat, that they are paying for the wall. We received the firstever endorsement from our highest Border Patrol offices. They tell us the border crisis is the worst its ever been. It is a national emergency. The immigration officer is warned in a letter that clintons plan is the most radical immigration proposal in u. S. History that it will lead to the loss of thousands and thousands of lives. Thats what they wrote us. The secretary of state, Hillary Clinton allowed many, many people come in the most dangerous and violent criminals in the world to go free because their home countries very intelligently wouldnt accept them back. So take a killer, a drug lord, vicious gang member to bring them back to their countries and turn that plan around and get them out of here. Hillary Clinton State Department would say thats too bad. Well except then i may go on our streets and kill people. Hillary clinton supported and i guarantee you one thing. In four years or eight years, i guarantee you one thing. There wont be one instance, not one where one of these murderers or drug people are gang members, not one instance folks were that plan will come back with the person im not playing. I guarantee you that. Hillary clinton supports totally open borders. There goes your country and strongly supports sanctuary cities the extent and cisco for case and there was murdered by the legal immigrant but was deported at least five times and we are putting very, very Strong Language and. Its got to be submitted first day im in office. When they come in once we deport them. When they come in twice to go to jail for five years. When they come in another one it will be 10 years. You know its going to happen Pretty Simple . They go to jail for five years. They are not coming back, folks. If people dont want to do it. We, we politicians dont want to do it. A chump administration will cancel the federal funding. We will end illegal immigration. We are going to stop drugs from pouring into your communities and poisoning our youth and everybody else. And we will support of criminal aliens quickly from our country. We will also repeal the Obama Clinton defense sequester and rebuild our badly depleted military. We are going to rebuild it. Our navy have you heard this . To me this is sad. You wonder why china is making a fortune with this take our product and money. Ive made a fortune with china. But the biggest bank in the world is a tentative mind in new york, china. Biggest bank in the world from china. You know what, they are building right now a tremendous fortress in the south china sea. They are doing it because they have no respect for obama. They laugh at hillary. They think hillary is a joke. Shes a joke. Daydream. They go to sleep at night. These task leaders. They are tough and smart. They go to dream that night. They go to sleep and a dream that Hillary Clinton becomes president. That is what their dream ends. I made a lot of money with china. Im not sure they like the idea of me, but thats all right. We will get along with china. I guarantee they wont be building forts in the middle of the sea totally against everything. What they are doing in such a big violation. But they have no respect for obama and they no longer respect our country. Our navy is the smallest it has been since world war i. We will build the 350 ship may be that our country needs and desires and thus have. That means brandnew stateoftheart ships in places like mayport right here in jackson. Im honored and this is a great honor for me, to have the endorsement of 200 top admirals and generals and 22 medal of honor recipient. I am also honored to have the greatest temperament that anybody has because we know how to win. She spends a billion dollars. I see these ads. People that know me they say how can they say that . We have a temperament we have a certain temperament. If the temperament of knowing how to win. The leaders of our country, boy, you talk about temperament. Interestingly, whether its podesta or Bernie Sanders, hillary has bad instincts. Ill be honest. Ive read the things that he has said about hillary on the wikileaks. If i were hillary, i would fire podesta so fast. He says such demeaning things about her. Shes not bad instincts. Youve read some of the things. Its incredible. Have you had people working for you and you have to deal with them. You must be a bad guy, but to say the things he said about her, she should look at him and say podesta, you are fired. But she cant do that. She probably made him a favorite is the criminal criminal case. So she cant do it. Our new Foreign Policy will put america first. Hillary brought death and disaster to iraq to syria, libya. She empowered iran and she unleashed isis. Shes the one that started in came through the vacuum. Now its in 32 countries. I watch her during the debate meekly talk about isis. They said youve been here for 30 years, hillary. You are secretary of state when it started. Why are you going to g that . You cant get rid of anything . You dont know what youre doing. Now she wants to start a shooting war in syria com like with a Nuclear Armed russia that could very well lead to world war iii. Putin has no respect for her either. Doesnt like her . Does the respect her, doesnt respect obama and doesnt like him . Hillary and are filled washington establishment has been 6 trillion on wars in the middle east and now its in worse shape than ever before. Wars we never win. They dragged us into foreign wars and they took us they opened up our borders. Its interesting we fight for their borders, but at home we have open borders. Try and figure that out. We fight like for their borders. We spend trillions of dollars to do it but at home we have open borders. They ship their jobs on top of everything in their wealth to other countries. Thats kind and very quickly. Our jobs are coming back in our companies arent leaving. If our Companies Want to leave, there are consequences. If they want to go to mexico or some other country to make air conditioners or build cars like ford is doing. Ford is moving an entire massive division. All small car production. You tell them very nicely i am sorry. I always joke that i wanted make those calls so badly. I do want to put anybody in charge of those calls. They are so easy and there sure are. Our politicians should have done this for years. You tell them that when you make your air conditioner from your car, whatever it may be, but in mexico, enjoy the weather. When that product comes through our strong border, there will be a 35 tax. [cheers and applause] and you know its going to happen . Nobodys going to leave. Politicians know this but theyre all taken care of by the special Interest Groups that want that to happen. There will be a 35 tax and nobodys leaving. Well make a lot of money. Does anybody say it like trump . So simple. To all americans i say its time for new leadership. Just think about what we can accomplish in the first 100 days of the trump administration. We are going to have the biggest tax cut since Ronald Reagan in hillarys raising taxes vary substantially. Shes raising your taxes. We are going to eliminate every unnecessary job killing regulation. We will cancel every illegal obama executive order. We are going to rebuild our military and take care of our great, great, great veterans. Theyve never been taken care of properly. 22 suicide today. Not going to happen. I appreciate all the support i get from the military. A big article today on the front page of the new york times. They say boy does trump have support from the military. By the way, Law Enforcement and by military include big leagues, our veterans. How many veterans are here right now . Big, big story. Veterans, military and Law Enforcement. We are going to provide cool choice and we are going to put an end to common corner. [cheers and applause] we are going to support the great men and women of Law Enforcement. We will save our Second Amendment which is under siege. Great people. We have the endorsement of the nra. These are rate people. The earliest theyve abrogated. We will appoint justices to the United States Supreme Court who will uphold and defend the constitution of the United States. So important. It is time to cut our ties with the filth of bitter politics of the past. Hillary clinton has been there for 30 years she has accomplished nothing. Just words and just made things worse. She is the candidate of yesterday. Its going to be really interesting to see what happens to her. So let me ask you. She shouldnt be allowed to run based on the email scandals. So let me ask you this question. Ive never done this before. Will justice be done or not . Yes or no. [cheers and applause] i dont know. Im not sure anybody knows the answer. They are protecting her and its very unfair. You think justice will be done . We will have to see. I see the audience like i dont know. Who knows. We will see. I tell you what. It is very, very hard to a lot of people. And its very unfair to the fbi if you want to know the truth. They are out there doing their job and they are being roadblocks. Theyre amazing people and they are being roadblocks. We are the movement of the future. Our movement represents all americans from all backgrounds and all walks of life. We are asking for the vote of republicans, and democrats come in attendance in firsttime voters of which there are many. We are fighting for every american who believes in truth and justice. Not money and power. We are going to rule the day. This group and many many like you. Every place we go the love of this country is incredible. We are fighting for every citizen who believes that government should serve the people, not the donors and not the special interests. We are fighting to unlock the potential of every American Community and every American Family who hope in praying youre in for a better future. With your bow, we are just five days away from the change youve been waiting for your entire life. Five days away. Together we will make america wealthy again. We will make america strong again. We will make america safe again and we will make America Great again. Thank you very much, everybody. God bless you. Get out and vote. Thank you. Neil with the wind at his back in the polls that showed this race is as tight as a tick. Frequent bashing of the present to get the point across and started the revolution and im going to concluded in five days. The fact that the media with such essential central part of that discussion brings me to my friend, the old media reporter, joe conscience, one of the best at this. It is a strategy that works very well for him and with crowds for him. Obviously, looking at the polls with average folks at home, i guess they dont like the media too much. You look at one pole for this week and its just astounding and it really tells the story here. Usa today says buy a 10 to one margin they believe American Voters that the media is rigged against donald trump. When its brought that up in the passing this is the biggest pylon in history. He was accused of engaging in conspiracy theories. Some elite media people say hes impatient security theories. The American People are speaking. They see this coverage at home in their newspapers and they say they can do in origin is rigged them. Clinton supporters, the a1 percentsign india is biased against donald trump. Thats all you need to know. Neil when you do go after the media endlessly he does get elected, which is not such a fanciful thought given these poles in the swing states, can you imagine what a donald trump president ial press conference would be like . Heres the thing. Even though the American People and i wrote about this today, is rooting for Hillary Clinton by overwhelming margin, the people that run publications and networks above nothing more than to have donald trump around for four to eight years. He is a cash cow. Neil you are so right. Left or right, red or blue, he is green and he brings a lot of interest there. A lot has been made of the coverage and its one thing to say the voting process is rigged as he did earlier run. Now hes kind of taking it to the media is rigged. There he has a fair stand on because as youve reported, the disproportionate coverage of negative stories which are fine and go ahead if thats what you want to do. Nothing approaching the same level on her. Does that get picked up . A lot of these a lot of these with unique stories if a lot of these with unique stories if youre not picking up fox or the wall street journal or patching press musings of yours, if it doesnt happen, no ones there. It didnt fall. A guess because they resent stx in the wikileaks dumps and its two new one and a lot of producers are editors think the American People are too to read a couple paragraphs. Its a 140 character world. Hafer play is an easy concept to grasp if thats whats going on there. I totally agree with you. If trump doesnt win in five days, what im going to miss is the way he says wikileaks. Theres mustard on it. What the h. Is on the end and china. Im going to miss that if he doesnt win. He put the mustard out where its completely but its a good thing. Neil you know what, i know it. That sounded more like, i dont know, austin powers. Joseph, thank you very much. Not bad. Congressman bob desantis in the state of Florida House Oversight Committee are. Their instruments will investigate and Hillary Clinton can. Maybe even if shes not a winner of the election. As you know, all of these charges to run this under investigation for some of the press reports including the work of our own bread they are. This is wider than we thought. Clinton foundation status. This is space for play. This is the kind of stats. How aggressively would she go after her if she were to win this race . Well, the thing she has to worry about the number of Clinton Foundation related criminal investigations. And the congress we can to oversight absolutely to look at how the state department may or may not have been policy for Quick Foundation donors is absolutely something that needs to be vetted. It goes to our state department has some policy in the past even if she doesnt win. When you have criminal investigations became doing and ive been in the congress. Going back to year i called for a special counsel and the problem is about having a special counsel you have this war going on between some of these lying fbi agents trying to do fact find in an alleged Justice Department which does not undergo down the road. I think what will happen is even if they find that evidence im just not sure to read a lunch would pull the trigger on doing anything. Neil would you recommend that regardless if she wins or loses question arent would you still pursue her . The case needs a special counsel regardless because of the way it was handled. You covered it a lot. President obama prejudging the email case. Which means that though clinton. They didnt even use the grand jury, gave all these weird immunity agreement and direct their comey said she was grossly negligent but didnt have the intent even that wasnt required by the statute. The whole case has not been handled well and having a fresh look at him but did not necessarily in all in this current Justice Department would be valuable. That may end up benefiting her, but a lot of americans dont have confidence this is going to be vetted on the up and up. Neil would want to be clear what that extend her curiosity get to the bottom of this extend to Hillary Clinton in defeat. In other words, would you still be pursuing these transactions or deals that whatever you want to call them if she lost next week. Oversight wise we need to get answers about the state department regardless. You should have a special counsel regardless of what happened so this is done in a way the American People have confidence in. Neil congressman commit thank you very much. About were going on. A lot of holes typing quickly. A whos who. A whos who of the republican senator democratic side campaigning on behalf of the ticket. Ted cruz was doing this as well, that he had a novel way to handle this. He was doing something presumably for the trump take it without ever mentioning trump by name. I found a better deal on prescriptions. We found lower copays. And a free wellness visit. New plan. Same doctor. Im happy. Its medicare open enrollment. Have you compared plans yet . Its easy at medicare. Gov. Or you can call 1800medicare. Medicare open enrollment. Youll never know unless you go. I did it. You can too. We ship everything you atcan imagine. N, and everything we ship has something in common. Whether its expedited overnight. Or shipped around the globe,. Its handled by od employees who know that delivering freight. Means delivering promises. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Neil did any of you see this . Apparently these folks, just found out they dont get espn. They will not be old to see coverage this weekend. Going walltowall. There were some members of whether there is a parliament. This is about spn. We are trying to correct it as quickly as we can. You are welcome. Some reports political analyst extraordinaire. What youre predicting last time we were having a colorless and even more of a coalescing. You always have a margin of error. We have trump of three points of Hillary Clinton since that first fbi announcement last friday. We also see the electoral map tightening. Real clear politics average of Hillary Clinton and all the eight unit rowboats ahead of donald trump to 65 training to 73. That is way down. Donald trump with 265. We know the number neil you guys go by who is leading. At the electoral vote. Three more than she would need down for well over 300. Absolutely. That is real clear politics than their average of all the polls and see where that puts the electoral map. Neil weve had a surprise that the parliament might be even more expanded. I have no reason to doubt that it isnt. This could accelerate but not be resolved before election day. And your experience and they know this is unusual in the middle of a campaign here. What kind of drug could this be the five remaining days . It could be a huge one. Remember in 2000 that the Al Gore Campaign cleverly drops the information days before election day about george w. Bush getting busted for dui. George bush was ahead. Stop his momentum into 2 million were basically tied. Al gore did give more of the popular vote. But we know from that experience as a lastminute revelation can be very damaging and affect the outcome of the election. True to that was a few weeks before. You are right it could be crazy. Amy, thank you very much. We were talking a little bit about campaigning with my parents today. We are told the event they were both that senator cruz never once mentioned donald trump by name even though he is supporting him. If youre with the number two greg the ticket doesnt matter. But thats former republican governor john sununu. Does that matter that he hasnt yet mentioned Donald Trumps name . Youre going to see all kinds of approaches by republicans as they come back to the fold. A couple this week three days ago the husband said dont tell my wife and voting for donald trump. After that day and half later she came to me and said dont tell my husband voted for donald trump. Neil how were the bushes . Are they doing okay . Aired in a surreptitious movement thats indicative of what is happening. I think youll see a lot of republicans who vote for donald trump and nobody in their family may know it. Neil that is part of the underreporting that goes on. Pollsters are grappling with that as we speak. Lets say donald trump does win, pulls this out. Ive always wondered whether he would have more difficulty with republicans and democrats. What do you think . It is complicated enough that we need a longer time here for an answer. A president can move the congress if he works with them on a daily basis. I always use the example of George Herbert walker bush got more legislation passed than any president except Johnson Roosevelt and he had a congress to 60 to 175 against him in the house and 5545. It depends on the president. Tip oneill, those guys were not fans of his. Later on when Ronald Reagan came in, tip oneill had a much better relationship than what the democratic one. It was personality. Ronald reagan was a likable person. President carter was not. Ronald reagan would sit down with republican and democratic leadership and he knew enough to give a little here and give a little bare. He was always saying if i get 90 . Im not going to fight for hungry. Viewer to 99 . He works there. He worked hard. Neil in deed. How is your state looking with your son running and Everything Else and Kelley Ayotte with a tight race. The latest poll came out at Boston University in boston had trumped up by one. It had kelley and my son christopher both a way around three. We will see what happens. At this stage we go back to where we started. You really dont know who is voting for who the pollsters in my opinion dont have much of an idea. Keep your fingers crossed and go to the election. Neil governor, thank you very much. Good seein you. Melania trumpeting the campaign trail. A 40 minute she was a goner hasbeens behalf. Speeches planned to showcase the kinder, gentler side. Depending on whether youre a reporter or not. More after this. Did you know theres a way to save up to 95 on your prescriptions . Introducing blink health. Blink has negotiated some of the lowest prices so you can get your same medication, at your same pharmacy, for a lower price. Just go to blinkhealth. Com, pay for your prescription, and pick up at your regular pharmacy. Blink is accepted at nearly every pharmacy nationwide. Go to blinkhealth. Com and get 10 off your first purchase, promo code tv. Strangely enough, before before he became an international star, and Jonathan Hoenig was s. Let wall street do its thing, leave us alone. Bug off. Jonathan hoenig, says he is voting for Hillary Clinton. Explain that. It pains me. The last 15 years rallying against tiller is collectivist policies. Only capitalism can save this country. Unfortunately donald trump does irreparable damage. She hurts it because no one would mistake a liquid and for being a capitalist. He holds himself out as a successful businessman. Hes anything but an expense is anything but capitalist ideas. Neil she wants to raise taxes on guys like you. Should not appeal to your capitalist core . Or went them thats not exactly true. One of five will see their taxes go up under trump. If the idea, the philosophy keeping the tax credit for ethanol, childcare. Sole idea is terrorists. They are nationalization. Neil i see what youre saying. The fact he could ignite a trade war by slapping 35 on the small vehicles in mexico that we pay, by the way. Not at government expense that does some real doubts. It does damage. Something like regulation is a big part of the speech that will get rid of regulation. At the same time he talks about enforcing them in creasing antitrust laws. That is not just regulation. That is micromanagement for something as simple as glasssteagall. Hes bringing back one of the biggest financial regulations in american history. Neil you wouldnt like separating banks and their investment or traditional activities so they dont risk getting us into any problems . I like the republican nominee who advocates for free market. They are going to say c. We tried free markets under trump and they failed and thats exactly what i said about bush and not to give us obama. To buy this shirt, literally a pained me. But i have to because im trying to think longterm. Neil that was scary. On many levels. Thank you, my friend. Very nasty emails here. He could need medication. We will check back. The guy was very instrumental working with steve jobs and pixar. Have they ever made a bad movie . That is what is always such a sort thing. The thinking behind it and the way they went about it could almost predict. The man who made that possible. The microsoft cloud helps us stay connected. The microsoft cloud offers infinite scalability. The microsoft cloud helps our customers get up and running, anywhere in the planet. Wherever theres a phone, youve got a bank, and we could never do that before. The cloud gave us a single platform to reach across our entire organization. It helps us communicate better. We use the microsoft clouds advanced analytics tools to track down cybercriminals. This cloud helps transform business. This is the microsoft cloud. Neil super bowl indicator. Raining on election day indicator, three months of trading before the election indicator, a lot of indicators and all saying different things. Charlie gasparino now on Goldman Sachs, why it is predicting a Hillary Clinton win. Charlie . We should point out Goldman Sachs, big wall street firm. Very connected with Hillary Clinton. Get that out in front here but they have been right in the past. Here is what theyre saying on all predictive models. They have done a pretty indepth analysis. What they say their models still give clinton clear advantage in the election as polls tighten. That is the election overdonald trump for presidency. The goldman analysis does concede that trump has narrow path to victory but that path of victory becomes much more obvious and doable if trump in the next couple of days can somehow nationally outpoll clinton, people moving particularly undecideds into his camp and that makes up for the electoral challenge which is pretty hefty. We talked about this yesterday. He has to pick up blue state like nevada or pennsylvania. That is a must. Hold on to florida, hold on to ohio. Its a big challenge, even as the National Polls tightened. But the fascinating thing here is Goldman Sachs, you know, and theyre huge hillary supporters. We should point out hillary earned huge speaking fees from goldman post leaving state department as secretary of state. She is very close to Goldman Sachs ceo lloyd blankfein. These are friends of hillary that are actually conceding there is a path to victory for donald trump albeit an uphill one. Why does Goldman Sachs care for election . As you know, weve been reporting on your show the markets are reacting selling off, because of potential. Were on five straight down days since fbi bombshell came out. Which means markets are scared of donald trump being president. Neil youre right. Good seeing you. Charlie gasparino. Every 20 years or so i talk to this guy. He is a great mind. Finished a great book. Former ceo of pixar, toy story fame, i dont think he made a bad movie. He writes pixar and beyond. While he and i were chatting during the break, indulged my cures are tow to bring cure ross city into this. He is not political person at all. That was a tough sell for pixar folks to accept apple, this conquering behemoth and steve jobs at the time, monster control freak, to keep that free spirit going and to get stuff done. It worked. You elaborate on that. Thats a concern a lot of people have in the markets about donald trump whether he could keep those Kindred Spirits for change going in a constructive way, and not bash the system. Night and day, that was not intent of our book but if you indulge that theory. Your experience what you learned working with steve jobs, working on that kind of unusual combination, that worked. Lessons for mr. Trump should he get elected . Well i can say what i learned from steve. Great to see you again, neil. So in those years at pixar what steve demonstrated was a power to collaborate and if i were to use one word to describe what happened back then is that he learned. He had a lot to learn coming in. Here he was coming from the computer industry. We were marching into a completely new industry. We didnt understand the Entertainment Industry at all. We literally had to learn it and he had to learn what it took neil he didnt know anything about movies, right, animation . That was going to be the new wave to come but, pixar folks just say, oh, my god . Pixar folks did. They were sort of running scared at that moment in time but you know, he has a fascinating arc that i cover in the book. He starts out as the feared absentee landlord. He ends up as the beloved patriarch. The question is, what did he do in order to go through that arc . It was a period of learning. Youre right. We didnt know anything about the Entertainment Industry. But we would shuttle back and forth to hollywood and ask all the questions to figure it out. Neil it wasnt your way the highway. The rap, youre indulging me, on that, against donald trump, critics say he is bully. He will wreck the whole china shop. But that have seen coming in his business mandates he is actually quite pragmatic, open to ideas. It is not his way or the highway a lot of time. That was the rap against steve jobs. That he was dictatorial, huge temper. That might have been the case at apple and all but it was very different beast at pixar, wasnt it . It was and thats one of the reasons i wrote the book. I thought in all the coverage of steve since he tragically died pixar was story was a bit of an afterthought. I thought it missed something really important about him and about what happened during those years that was important not just for pixar, not just for him but even apple Going Forward. Neil i always wonder, you and i briefly chatting about it, one of the most successful corporate pairs i have everybody covered because it was so doubted t could have easily been crushed. Both independent spirits at both companies could been washed out. How did he avoid that . How did he keep the spark . I have a whole chapter in the book. It is one of the most courageous decisions executives make, which is basically trust your creative people. So at pixar neil butt out. Butt out. Steve is not a filmmaker, or moviemaker. Neither was i. Neil the appeal was what . Animation would be a big deal for computers, apple and all the rest . Animation would be a huge deal. Not just put pixar on the map but it was going to change, eventually come to put apple on the map. Neil right. It eventually led to some changes that happened at apple. But at pixar neil made it cool. It made it cool. Pixar became really cool. We learned how to trust John Lassiter and andrew stanton. That is hard to do. Creative mistakes are real expensive. For an executive to trust their creative people it takes courage. Neil would that be, obviously couldnt be everything you wanted. Couldnt be everything steve jobs wanted if trump were to get elected or Hillary Clinton for that matter. Cant be everything they want. You have to get stuff done. What is the lesson here . They have to go to pixar to figure out how to do it, become great innovators. Neil you have to be open to ideas. Requires two things. You have to have passionate intensity to do great work. On other side you have to have willingness to collaborate. Those two forces pull against each other. Passionate intensity has a lot hubris with it. The power to collaborate requires you to yield. Finding that balance is really hard. Pixar perfected that balance. Neil you had a lot to do with that. A little humility and humor. Neil it goes a long way. Rest they say is history. Lawrence levy, former pixar cfo. Its a from pixar and beyond. He would tell you not to do this, a primer at politics. That is freebie at fox business to extend that in Lessons Learned what i think is one of the most successful corporate pairings ever, ever. Well have more after this. R. Roller derby. Now give up half of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. One of many pieces in my i havlife. Hma. 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See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Good afternoon, live from the floor of new york stock exchange. Im lori rothman with the fox business brief. Media companies are crushing it. In large part thanks to our parent company, twentyfirst century fox. Shares up six 1 2 . That is about the best rally for fox a in four 1 2 years. 22 increase in net income for the September Quarter came out yesterday. Giving a nice boost to some other media stocks. Discovery communications up two . Keep your eye on viacom. A lot of speculation surrounding reconnection if you will of viacom and cbs. Guess what . Cbs report the earnings tonight. Cbs expected to report a 11 jump in eps from the same quarter last year. Ahead of the report shares are up. 25 of 1 . Well have all the detail after the bell. Lets get you back to neil. Questions went in and good answers for bernie. At some point doesnt Bernie Sanders get tired of it . Theyre alling him all these names. Theyre cheating on him. Doesnt he tell his supporters to go vote for trump at some point, right . Neil safe bet today, Bernie Sanders campaigning on behalf of Hillary Clinton ticket. He is not going to do that. But im here with kennedy, who is one of the real people here to say how real people would handle a situation like that when you discover after the fact that just as you suspected they were saying awful things about you in emails and correspondence like that. Kennedy good to see you. Neil, wonderful to be in your presence. I love the brown suit. Its reminding me i would love a cappuccino right now. Neil okay. No tough question for you. Where was i . What was i going to say . We were talking about bernie. Feeling the bern what is he doing . Neil he has to be feeling the bern. This is mean stuff coming to light. If he has any integrity, he is supposed to be the authentic candidate with integrity of anyone in the race. Neil real deal. It appears he completely sold out, forgiven her sins, when she was caught on tape calling his supporters essentially basement dwellers. Neil right. He went on one of the sunday news shows, says she is absolutely right. If i were one of the people neil why is he doing that . Trump is worst alternative or being a good soldier . There are plenty of progress serves dont like donald trump but still tend to stick to their ideals. Susan sarandon came out in full support of Green Party Nominee jill stein. There are plenty of people out there who firmly neil is she moving anywhere trump gets elected . She would move to canada. Immigration laws are very tough. They are already building the wall. They are not waiting for transition in power. Neil currency looneys and neil loonies, oh, my good. Politics always makes strange bedfellows, that i understand. There is a lot going on where i would like an Establishment Republicans who have to, theyre gathering coming home to trump, i guess he likes. Yeah. Neil there are progressives who are kind of all right, well stay with hillary, but, particularly hers dont seem really that jazzes by it. No i think you will see that in voter turnout. Well be on top of it as you helm the election coverage on fox business network. Neil what were on top of . Well talk about some of the results from the election. Neil gotcha. Good. Maybe results. Go ahead. Anyhow, we will see how energized hillarys supporters really are, because there has been poll after poll neil i dont think they are. Theyre not neil compete with that four years ago or certainly eight years ago for barack obama. Youre not going, but to be 20, 30 off that is not good. That is why she made such a huge longterm play with latino voters. Hoping places like florida and texas they will rally around her. Even in arizona and make her more competitive. We dont know how the race will shift this weekend. Neil yeah. We know within six days she saw 11point spike in tracking poll. Neil or could it be like 1980 . Depends what happens in next couple days. We saw bret baier last night lay out a case from anonymous fbi sources how her server had been hacked. Neil right. With 99 certainty. The fbi still has two laptops from her top operatives. Neil do people understand this . And do your viewers libertarian argument at all, by the way you were very rude not only to me but i was happy to be on. I was so nice to you last night. Neil who is guy running in utah . Evan mcmillan. Neil you were horrible to him. Eventually. Neil i would never come back on your show. It started out rough but neil it did not end well. It ended beautifully. Neil it did not. Some people say that the nicest interview they have ever seen. Neil that is nicest interview youve done . That was nicest one . Nicer to him than bill weld. I person i supported and completely betrayed by. Neil that is shattering to me, you always struck me as such a nice person. I know, neil. You lead this wonderful example. Here i am taking hatchet to peoples reputation. Neil i dont say this in bad way, i am grateful Mother Teresa has passed away but if she were a guest on your show. It would be badly. Who is going to wi so much could happen this weekend. We think the jello mold is set. Neil there is one more surprise. I wouldnt dig into the ambrosia, thats all im saying. Neil thanks for the food analogy. Heart healthy. Im telling you, her show is phenomenal. She is great. If youre a mormon running for office could be kind of dicey. But its a great, great show she will join me are you working this weekend . I will be absolutely with you on cost of freedom. Neil what is it, ralph, insight and analysis . That is absolutely right. Neil you cant give one without the other. Some might give you insight but hello. Want cheerios without milk . Neil hello. There we go. Doesnt that make you want to, i cant wait until fbn is on this . Well, we are. Were keeping track of what is going on with the voter fraud situation in florida. Yesterday we just heard about it. Today, today, they solved it. Fb. In, this story broke on fbn. We solved what could been like a big election disaster. Youre welcome, america. More after this. If youre on medicare, remember, the open Enrollment Period is here. The time to choose your Medicare Coverage begins october 15th and ends december 7th. So call unitedhealthcare to enroll. In a plan that could give you the benefits and stability youre looking for, an aarp medicarecomplete plan insured through unitedhealthcare. What makes it complete . It can combine medicare parts a and b, which is your hospital and doctor coverage with part d Prescription Drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan for a low monthly premium or in some areas, no plan premium at all. 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Remember, medicare open enrollment ends december 7th. Call unitedhealthcare today about an aarp medicarecomplete plan. You can even enroll right over the phone. Dont wait. Call unitedhealthcare or go online now. Neil all right. You know, adam shapiro is is like breaking stories every day. He is in florida. I guess he loves florida. So he feels, well, ive got to break stories which he has and he revealed all this issue with potential voter fraud there but snuffed it out very quickly as soon as we brought it to light. What is the latest . What have they addressed here, adam . Reporter well, in Broward County Going Forward they will have representatives from both the republican and Democratic Party in the room with the canvasing board overseeing the verification of the ballots. I want to show you how this is supposed to work here in Pinellas County. It is working and we got video of this process, neil. When you take a look of the video how the mailin vote, one be verified, you see in the video you see people loading ballots into machines to be counted and scanned and counted. But it is boring part of the video that is key in all of florida because in 67 counties, canvasing boards for the boards of election are supposed to look at envelope which the ballot comes and verify signatures and addresses are accurate of all the ballots mailed in before theyre opened and the ballot is taken out. In Broward County that was not happening. That is happening in Pinellas County. So dont worry about the video youre seeing. In Broward County it wasnt happening. When we spoke to blaze ingoglia and you spoke to him, it could create potential for some mishap or fraud. Here is what he said. They would have had not, you want to assume the worst but they would have had the power to do almost anything they wanted because no one was watching them . Yeah, thats right. Thats why we took swift action, i sent that letter off to the supervisor of elections. This is unheard of. It is really disturbing it got this far but were happy that we were able to shine light on it. Reporter so again, Broward County the allegation was that the ballots were being taken out of envelopes without being verified. Here is what Broward County said about all of this. Quote, we are following the Standard Practice for ballot by mail preparation. We havent done anything different than weve done in the past. But although they say they werent doing anything in the different than they have done in the past theyre moving forward with judge john frye. A county judge was appointed yesterday. He is now in charge of overseeing the canvasing board to make sure ballots are being verified. As i wrap up, 150,000 ballots were already counted before they put in what you might call the proper verification procedures. There is no way to go backward on that. Back to you. Neil so how do we knothat those 150,000 were properly counted . Reporter you notice im being very quiet. Neil i see that. 150,000. Neil you much prefer to be on the beach in miami, dont you. Im telling you didnt have to do as much work. Thank you, my friend. Great job. In all seriousness. You got it. Neil finish your point. Reporter in all seriousness i will use Pinellas County as an example. Here they have already gotten 250,000 mailin ballots returned. This is Pinellas County, not talking broward. In Pinellas County in 2008 and 2012, 73 7 ballots were actually ineligible. That is very small number. That is Pinellas County. Florida was won by 574 ballots in 2000. Neil everyone is crucial. Thank you, my friend. Great job down there. Adam shapiro. Were awaiting melania trump. She will be speaking in pennsylvania. It is going to get busy very soon. [pony neighing] what . Hey gary. Oh. Whats with the dogsized horse . 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