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Case. Call islamic terrorism for what it is, a clear threat, and a growing danger. No matter your religion, even if youre not religious at all bush 41 defense official said we all have to wake up now. Al gardener says we can kiss our civilization goodbye if we dont. This is bigger than religion to you and us. This is about society itself, isnt it . . y its the defense of our values and civilization. Everything that we stand for and believe in. And the terrorists today on the streets of paris murdered at least 12 people. They tried to strike really the very heart of western civilization, really. Our belief in freedom of speech. And these islamists have utter contempt for the values we hold dear to our hearts. Make no mistake here neil, we are involved in a global war against islamist terrorists who are didnt have by driven by distinct ideology. We need to identify them as islamists and we need to identify clearly the nature of the enemy were fighting in order to defeat it. Neil the reason im grateful for the video were showing as i was for the video of those planes ramming into the World Trade Centers is theyre constant reminders of how crazy these terrorist groups are and what they will do. We need that shoved into our faces to wake us up and say the obvious. But we dont. Were absolutely right. And nile is right as well. This is an ideology as much as religion. We need to fight it as if were fighting an ideology like naziism. We have not done that. Weve been too politically correct. The one person who gets it. And we need to see more in the media. This is the speech by general al sissy. The egyptian president. He called for a revolution in islam to get away from this act. To get the clerics to read the islam in a different way. This is the most strategic thing since 9 11. We should support him and follow up on it. This is something that wont come again for many years. This is an opportunity we cant miss. Neil obviously, the french . knew that this newspaper was sort of tempting fate and that would be targets. I dont think they envisioned this kind of thing developing. How do we respond . We know this is a danger. If you mess with this this is what you could face. You obviously say, dont stop doing. But what do we do in the interim . Well, we have to stand up for it. We have to say okay, as much as we put up with people taking down christianity, i mean weve had the socalled artists putting crosses in jars of urine. I mean, if the muslims cant stand that, they dont understand modern society. Neil what about you, what do you say . I think we have to do three things. We have to stand up for freedom of expression and defend it in every way that we possibly can. Secondly, we have to defeat the terrorists at home and in europe, there are currently thousands of alqaeda opportunists. Uk has about 2,000. I suspect france has a similar number. These alqaeda officers have to be rooted out and defeated. Neil from outrage over the internet to carnage over cartoons. Get edgy you might as well push yourself over the edge. Maybe its time to push back. Lizzie, you do see a pattern here . You reported on cavuto, on your show, its north korea getting so bent out of shape. The fbi, by the way today did say it was north korea that hacked into sony because of the movie the interview. The penn report saying writers and governments are cracking down and doing surveillance of them writer selfcensorship there. This aggravated this inflated sense of victim hood that every perceived slight is worthy or should be acted upon in terms of murdering somebody. Their sense of entitlement to murder somebody is deeply unhinged. Youre absolutely right. We cant solve the problem unless we name it. That is islamic terrorism. Those two words need to be put together. Neil i know the preaching of islam is generally peaceful and everything. I dont hear the calming muslims rising up and saying this is disgusting. Thats what gives me angst. It would be significantly helpful if we got the support. . rational people dont believe that all of islam is bad. Neil if you believe that some even moderate muslims are very frightened of these extremists groups. If theyre not with them, theyre against them. They are. Neil so they lay low . They are tweeting on social media. There are modern muslims in paris france, saying this is wrong. I want to say them marching. I want to see them against murders like this. Were thinking like rational people. These arent rational human beings. Theyre fervent about their love of muhammad and unfortunately, we live in a different world now after 9 11. I think the scary part, with hitler there was a hitler. This is not. This could be in someones basement in your neighborhood. You dont know how to corral these people to stop this problem. They keep popping up. Representative king said on fox news, when we have problems with the mafia, we went into the italian communities. When we had problems with the west ease, we went to the irish communities. I know the fbi is doing surveillance on mosques but hes saying we need to be more aggressive like that and get more information about who is acting to possibly harm individuals. Thats the hardest part. You dont know where theyre coming from. Theyre targeting cartoons. What are they going after . . i think it makes that much harder for us to get a grip on it. It makes it scarier to be out there. How can we expect the rest of america to follow without the administration leading . Neil were afraid to call it what it is. But france wasnt. Originally obama didnt call it a terrorist attack. He did finally say it was a terrorist attack. That wasnt his first reaction. He didnt say islamist terrorism. Neil its open game on jesus and jews and everything else, but not here. In the meantime, you think its cold out there now. To the guy who says you aint seen nothing yet. Music. The getaway vehicle for all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. Neil well say it aint snow joe. Meteorologist joe says if you think your heating bills are rocketing now get ready for them to soar this winter. Joe, what is happening . This is not a shortlived affair . No. Its not. I was on with you on thanksgiving. Pull back in december. It will come back. Here it is. The good thing, i think it pulls backs one more time later on in the month of january before it comes later january and february. Its coming in pulses. Neil whats coming . The cold weather, the snow both . The cold and the snow. This winter is very similar to winters we saw like 2009 and 10. In 02 and 03 where you started getting hammered. We got to a very fast start. Backed off. Now were back here with this extreme cold. How cold is it . In chicago it wont reach the benchmark it hit last year. The temperature in new york city last year 4 degrees above zero could get hit tomorrow morning. I bet boston to beat its coldcoldest and go after the two below which was set in january 2011 which was the coldest in the past five years. This air mass is worst than last year right now. Im expecting next week to not be quite as cold, but more snow in the pattern. A couple of storms to the northeast. The northeast corridor has been left alone so far. It may end next week. You back off a bit. The planes get mild. Later january, february on into march we expect this winter to roll on. How much effect does it have on your bill . The price of energy has gone down. I dont know about that. The weather will pack a punch. When this is all over, i think people will be debating which was the worst winter, last year or this year . Neil well demand certainly affects prices. The demand for heating oil and just utilities will be escalating. So well see what happens. Yeah. Well retail is interesting too. Weather has its tentacles in everything, believe me. Neil you were right about these curves. Happy new year to you. Hear verizon ceo dennis, obama r president obama isnt helping the economy. . you dont like what you bailouts credits. On and on. Neil, where should he be . We know him as the campaigner and chief. Okay. By the way, maybe the best place for him to be is out campaigning and maybe out of the way. But there is nothing that he has done neil he looks at the markets. Looks at the economy thats all him. Thats not neil who is it . There is nothing hes done thats helped the economy. First of all, a free market economy helps itself. It doesnt get help by more taxation by things like obamacare by huge spending levels that weve seen in the last six years. Neil i agree with you on all the above. Hes pointing out, if all this is dangling, thendanny says,you see it in the stock market. And you certainly have. Lets test what you think may be reality. I dont believe that the economy is significantly improved. If you look back to what it was before he took office we certainly gotten back to even that point. But what we look at is things like employment numbers. We look at i mean look at the employment numbers alone. The employment numbers have changed. The way of calculating the employment numbers have changed neil. Theres still 100 Million People out of neil i know you dont buy it. What about the Federal Reserve. Isnt that the reason why were doing okay . The Federal Reserve in part is the reason were doing okay . Neil and guys like you cut costs to the bone. Businesses arent hiring. If theyre hiring theyre hiring temporary employees. Thats all theyre hiring. Theyre delaying capital investment. Theyre trying to figure ways of cutting their costs so that they can pay these huge new taxes that have been imposed over the last few years. What needs to happen here is cut taxes fix obamacare, allow the economy to build itself. Stay out of the way. Neil in other words, the president is doing just the opposite of that around the country. It doesnt help. It doesnt help. Neil thank you very much. Harry reid and Elizabeth Warren still say the rich arent paying their fair share. Since the top is 45 when you throw in medicare and health carerelated taxes. What is a fair share . If you suffer from a dry mouth then youll know how uncomfortable it can be. But did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . Well, there is biotene specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Neil i never stop loving that. Anyway its time for neils spiel about the last spiel about the riches sweelriches sweet deal. Demanding more from them. Harry reid and Elizabeth Warren picking up on last years rich crusade by upping the ante. It goes like this, you got it, we want it. Now cough it up and give it. They already raised the top percent you throw taxes on the rich, its closer to 45 . I havent even got to state and local taxes that takes close to 55 . If paying more than half of your income in taxes isnt enough, tell me exactly what is enough. Is it 55 , is it 70 . What is it . All i know is that charlie told me the top rate used to be close to 70 . We have a lot more room to go. To go where congressman . Back to those levels when you chased money out of this country . And they wonder why corporations keep money in other countries that countries want that money and offer any incentive to get that money. Is it me or is it any wonder that money finds a home where it finds the least resistance and the fewest penalties. They seek out havens. Theyre not stupid. And they seek out those with the lowest tax rates. Not the kinds of rates theyre finding in this corner of that world. Many liberals dont get it but tragic they keep pushing it. Just when the economy is gaining traction were risking chucking it all because of them. Because i distinctly remember president obama saying finally the rich are paying their fair share when he got his tax hikes through. Im telling you now that it isnt true. Its easier to demand more revenue than show simple spending resolve. Lets settle this once and for all. What is a fair share . I want to hear from both sides. Not 45 , you have to go higher. Matt says not 45 , you got to go lower. Lower. Lower. All right. Now, what . So lets talk a little history here. Eisenhower doesnt get enough credit. Youre a republican eisenhower, tax rates are the highest. Income earners was 90 . Following that, that caused the highest growth period in the 50s and 60s. The captains of industry, the titans neil you want to go back to 90 . Under reagan it was 50 . Neil he brought it down to 28 . We went into recession. Neil with rates a lot lower when he left office. Yes. Neil bottom line. So you dont you dont think 45 is the answer. Are you saying 90 percent . No. Im saying lets find somewhere in between. Neil in between is like in the 70s. Two out of three americans think the top earners neil what should it be . The top 2 70 . Neil matt, what say you. Shes more radical from john f. Kennedy. Even kennedy realized that income tax rates were absurdly high. By the way, it wasnt Ronald Reagan who brought the rates down he was one branch of government. It was dan and a lot of democrats who also agreed that we ought to bring those income tax rates down. Reagan had to deal with congress, with a democratic congress. Neil his landslide victory got him to twist a lot of arms. If its not 45 , what do you think it should be . 28 at the top line is good. Thats where Small Business gets taxed as well. Neil i remember the reagan boom we had. I just think washington has a propensity to spend whatever money thats coming in. But a lot was coming in from those tax cuts. A lot of hardworking americans are getting taxed the most. Neil a lot are taxed at the marginal rate. The marginal rate is close to 40 . Over the past 50 years, this is the lowest the taxes have ever been. There is a false neil youre a very smart woman. Youre going to be a big star. Thank you. Neil you will be in the 1 . Are you going to be happy to pay 70 . I will. Neil youre lying through your teeth. Im like kristin bell. Neil when i hear a lot of liberal friends what does that say . But i always hear this, yet when they come into money, very few are willing to part with with that much of their money. Thats right. This is basically its an income tax. Thats the wrong name. Its a tax on jobs and on work. What wealthy people do when the tax rates go up is they work less. I dont know why thats good for the economy. Some people drop out of the economy and deal on the vast resources theyve been able to save over the years. We want as many people working as we can. Thats good for all of us. If well raise the taxes to 90 , what will we do with the revenue . Well spend it. Neil you have to choke the beast here. The more money you give government, the more it will spend. Well, to keep the infrastructure in place. There are roads in disarray. How do we pay for these things . The middle class is carrying the burden neil why dont you spending has gone down since obama. Because republicans took over congress. It has gone down. Who brought that up . Your bush. Neil wait a minute. No no. Our budget goes up each and every year. The deficit has gone down neil no. Were crowing about half trillion dollar deficits. They were a trillion. We think we hit a home run. Our debt is even higher. Youre okay with that . Im not okay with that. The people making the most money, we need to tax them. The middle income earners are subsidizing them. Is that fair . Neil what is it . Northsouth . I dont care how thin you are, it is time for you to go on a diet. Im talking about a financial diet. This one only takes 21 days. Are you up for it. How about sunday we start it. I even have a woman who will coach us through it each if a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher brighter denture everyday. Neil all right. A fox biz alert, three out of five americans have no savings. None. Zero. Many are just one missed paycheck from financial ruin. But Michelle Singletary says there is a way a diet a financial diet. She lays it out in her book the 21day financial fast. Your way to financial freedom. Start this on saturday. Then what happens michelle . Good to have you. So glad to be here. For 21 days, you wont buy anything that is not a necessity and you wont use plastic no credit cards. Everything gets shut down. Neil pay your immediate bills. What do you describe as a nonnecessity. Well, eating out. Going to the movies neil whoa whoa, whoa, so eating out . All right. Youve already lost me there. But go ahead. Eating out. The latte the movies, hair done, nails, i mean nothing that you wouldnt absolutely positively need. Now, mind you, this is just for the three weeks. And the reason why is because i want to shut everything down. Shut out all the temptations to consume so you can focus on where you want to spend your money. A lot of Financial Experts will say cut out the expensive coffee and everything. Thats the kind of thing you need for getting your day started. Not until after the fast, then get the coffee. Youll realize, i need the coffee but i can bring my lunch. You look at what you have you only have a limited amount of resources. Focus on what you really want. Thats what the fast can do for you. Neil you mention the nono on credit and even debit cards. Why . Studies show, when you use plastic debit or credit, you spend more than when you use cash. If you go to the market a 20dollar bill, you wont be picking up things here and there. Youll only spend within that limit. But when you use your debit card, oh, this is on sale. I want this. The kids are in the market. Can i have this, mommy then a 20dollar trip costs you 60. Neil we live in a society where its inconvenient to carry so much cash or you risk looking like a mob figure if you do. Your solution would be you dont need it all. Just enough to get what you need. Right . People ask me this question. Im not telling you to take 1,000 to walk around with it. Youll actually visit the bank. Get actual cash. Just a couple of days you need it. Heres the thing if you wont be spending on anything thats a necessity, you wont need a lot of cash anyway. Right . Neil good point. Youre shooting down every one of my internal rejections. Your hope is after 21 days people dont return to their slothful ways. They might rebinge on something, but by and large its human nature to learn something during that period. Thats exactly right. When you do something for a long period of time. Twentyone days. Forty days. It kind of resets you. Are you going to get out of debt in 21 days . Of course not. But what it does and people tell me this time and time again when they do the fast and do it with the book, its not just about not shopping, its finding ways to save. Saving money for your kids college fund. Every day of the fast is a different topic. During this time, youll concentrate on, what do i really want to do with my money. At the end of the day you work really hard. Dont you want to remember what you do with your money . I mean people will spend and dont even remember what they do. You go to the atm and get 50 out, two days later, you dont know where it went. I want you to reset it and focus on what you want. If that coffee is the thing that excites you in the morning, i want you to have it. If going to the beauty parlor so you can have peace, i want you have to it. But you cant have that and the car and the vacations. You cant do it all. Figure what you want during the fast, then spend your money on that. Its like a reset money so that down the road you can have the Financial Life that you really want. Neil yeah but you left me out. I got your book. I read it. It was really good. It really was. You left me an out. You left in the eye of the beholders. So to me pastries are vital. They made it to the top of the list before the mortgage. I cheated a little bit. I said i let you do some things. If youre in debt, you have to cut things out longer than the fast. Neil youre on to something, i will give you credit. But i will stick to the pastries no matter what you say. Good luck saturday as you kick this off with your legion of fans. We start sunday, the 11th. No. Sunday the 11th through the end of the month. Neil ill start saturday just for the hell of it. Follow along. Tweet about it. Let me know how it goes. Neil michelle, thank you very much. If theres anyone who needs a financial diet its uncle sam. Fatty arbuckle and getting fatty. Thats an ageold reference no one will understand. Sending checks to students and not burning the cash calories, tracy, i think we need a trainer here. We need more than a trainer. We need the adults to go up. 3 trillion thats not being watched by anyone. Loans to solyndra. Students and housing took off during the financial crisis. Once they give out money, they never stop. Financial crisis over, stop giving out this money. Both sides have asked went to significant on spigot for money. Got it. Neil we can increase our credit. Lets look at higher education. You say some of these almost 90 of this money is for Student Loans and for housing. Neil right. So the Student Loans. You have higher education, constantly raising their prices, why . Because they know Student Loans are easy to get. We have a systemic problem. Its cost a quarter of a million to send a kid to private school. Thats a problem. Im agreeing with you. Neil she argues anyway. What im saying, we have a distinct problem. Because nobody is watching the shop theres three levels of midmanagers watching this trillion dollars of debt. I why would the government choose to have three midlevel people managing 3 trillion of debt. Neil we keep digging different. We did this show on cavuto four years ago. The treasury has a little known bank the federal financing bank. It has financed solar projects. The us postal service. Housing programs. Less than 1 interest rates. And unlimited financing. Its tesla. Its google. Its morgan stanley. They come in with their projects and get this money backed by us taxpayers. And ill tell you something, neil another issue here. When the federal government weighs so deeply into the credit market and takes funding out, thats money that could have gone toward good projects. Neil the author is talking about, that does make sense whether you accept the premise or not, you have to prioritize. Our government does not. We are talking about expanding it. Were talking about public buildings now. Infrastructure, weve been hearing that. This is not like the export import bank. All these things need to be thrown out the door. Do you know how many empty federal Office Buildings there are across the United States . Neil its ridiculous. Its who we lend to the money to. Are they creditworthy . Will we get paid back . Neil just because he cries that john boehner cant be heartless. Some republicans who crossed him are f neil he still has the gavel. Now his critics are the ones who are goners. John boehner removing two members from the House Rules Committee after not supporting him in yesterdays vote. Tom not at all surprised by the move but boehner could have found a better way to have done it. What should he have done . You have to understand the rules committee is the speakers private committee, and he wants people on that committee that are loyal to him. Neil i could see that. I dont know why these guys are shocked that he did it. Well, i think its the way he did it. In the night. Not telling anybody. I think if he would have called those two members in and explained to them that he needs people that are loyal to him on that rules committee would they resign, they probably would have. Neil they called you the hammer for a reason. Im sure you didnt suffer fools gladly. Where do you draw the line between being tough and vindictive. Being tough is you dont take anything personal. If the members are violating the rules of the house or doing things that are contrary to what the caucus, what the other republicans whats important to them, then you have to to be tough, and there must be consequences. In this case, just because they take on the speaker, it doesnt give you the right to take it personally and be vindictive. Neil now, do you think the speaker is and there is an argument. I know he thinks he faced the most opposition a speaker has in a industry. It could have been messy. It didnt end up being. He survived. Does this bode well . Do people have long memories and say i wont let that happen. Well, it doesnt bode well for the next few weeks. Or even today or tomorrow. What he needs to do is reach out to these members that are disgruntled. Its more than 25, neil. Its closer to 60 to a hundred. Neil a lot of them didnt have the guts or wouldnt put their head on the line. Yeah, for whatever reason. And im sure that the speaker understands that. I dont know what hes going to do, but my advice to him would be to reach out to these members and talk to them. Because if you get 30 members, which is the margin of error in the conference, not voting for a rule, you cant you cant run the house. So you have to have them at least voting for the rule that allows for the debates of the bills on the floor. And if these members get these backs up and 30 or 40 of them wont vote for the rules then the democrats will vote for the rules, youre in a big, big world of hurt. Neil he might regret what he did. Thank you very much. From beckham to bieber . So ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts . Thats right. Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees from the bank where no branches equals great rates. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. Now. I use this. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. Its brilliant. Because he has like 59 million twitter fans and the 30 and under crowd doesnt even know neil even now . They dont know who calvin klein is. They put Frank Sinatra in that they dont know who he is. Were talked about it. Its a huge move. Actually i think its over 100 million followers he has on all of his social media. Neil well they passed me up and i have about 100. Theyre an iconic brand, and theyre neil they lost. Okay. Im telling you calvin. Hello. It should be neil. Neil but i digress. I think you have 5 billion followers around the world. Neil maybe theyre right. Especially for a young audience. Justin bieber is so 1992. This is a fad. It will go away. No one will care. By the way, why doesnt he get a calvin klein tattoo so he knows what it is. He actually looks good. I have children. Not because i actually follow this kid. Theres the whole thing with celina gomez. Neil on to issue two. I have heard on tightening your belt. I am vomiting. Rob. That is just for stupid a lot of this stuff is headlining the show. Some of it is ridiculous. It creates competition. It has these Technology Comp headtohead. The vcr, the xbox, all these technologies were founded and brought out no, no, no, but give me a break. Who will buy that belt . No one will. Neil ill scratch it off. You heard about the connected fork. The happy fork. They should have called it an annoying fork. It tells you how many bites youve taken. Neil 7,400 bites. I think its a good idea. I think the breath meter is a good idea. A bunch of people i might gift it to who have a lot of bad breath. Neil now and then the cookie, items this could be the tellall of the show. They lead to great hits. . no, they do not. What about the recalls of those who drive it. Neil i cant say the number of people i would love to give the selfdriving cars. This goes to your nasty emailers. 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Tim, via yahoo jim in california like, whos who . Then were still getting a lot of emails like this, lately well dish aint budging, guys you really are going to have to start switching. You deserve better anyway, up to the put up with that . Then did christie make his president ial dreams a memory . The video from a box that many say has the new jersey governors political future in a box. Tim emails, linda maybe in retrospect, should have watched the game at home. Bill in florida then theres max in washington who thinks were all getting worked up for nothing here. Well, if youre idea of a refreshing breeze is politician who sits in owners suite for a game after getting flown via private jet to attend the game whatever. Rose thank you, rose very nice, and i might take you up on that. In the middle of the night, 3 00 a. M. Where are the meatballs . And young people who wont invest, a few shaky opening market days confirming worst fear it aint worth it. Sherry says then it might be cold and snowy out, there good luck getting your kids to sled more out there. More and more communities are denying the privilege causing a lot of them because theyre getting sued over. Lynn has had enough of it. Okay. I dont know. Ditto rob in minnesota then theres linda i hated dodge ball thats just me. Ray in maine you know its a very good point, i think the good point to everyone but lawyers. Thanks f see you tomorrow. Kennedy are you willing to die for freedom . The sad, brave and resounding answer from a publication in paris was yes absolutely. The weekly paris newspaper Charlie Hebdo with cartoons and commentary and hasnt backed down in poking fun at muslims. People in this country are used to taking heat for religious beliefs, that is a fundamentally constitutionally protected right, your religion and speech are protected. That is not so in france as the paper has come under fire for muslim mockery. The editor nor the cartoonists have backed down. They have stood alone in fight to show the absurdity

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