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No. No . No. Why is that . Its freedom. I dont think that it should necessarily fall on facebook. They should be, you know, policing what goes on facebook because this is very frightening. They left it up for almost three hours, do you think that was too long. Should they have taken it down. It was way too long. Absolutely. I think it should have been quicker, but i do blame, you know, citizens who dont take more action. If it were a few minutes, thats one thing, but hours, unacceptable. Eric so, should social Media Companies do more . Im eric bolling, welcome to cashin in, lisa booth, and welcome everybody. Lisa, what do you think about sites that show the violent crimes. Facebook says it wasnt three hours. Originally they thought it was three hours, it was up only around two hours, but again, two hours of the violent crime, what should they do and could they do . Its heartbreaking, hes leaving behind 10 children and 14 grandchildren. Its not facebooks fault. They have 85 million videos and photos uploaded per day, almost two billion users each month. There are multiple Live Streaming piece or tools, like facebook, whether its instagram, youtube, meerkat, things like that people use. And a killer like the one in virginia who shot someone on live tv. So i dont think that you can blame facebook and the tools, or democrats looking to blame the gun. And i think its disheartening and reflects something negative on society the fact that this video went viral in the first place. Who in their right mind what want to watch someone, an innocent man get murdered. Eric youre right. It speaks to society. Eric thats the train wreck mentality, you dont want to watch it, but forced to for some reason, drawn like a magnet to it. Rachel,two hours though. Look, they have a lot, as lisa points out, hundreds of millions of videos that go up on these sites. Is there a way when you see is there some sort of algorithm they should be developing where they see a spike in viewership like this, whats causing the spike and if its illegal or violent or bad they can pull it down . Yeah, i mean, maybe they need to update their technology, make these algorithms more effective to take it down more rapidly. Maybe they need to hire more humans that can do things the algorithms cant. Listen, lisa is absolutely right. This says a lot about us. Plenty of people. Almost two million watched it before it was take be down. The family of this grandfather, of this father, went online begging people to please stop sharing it, plenty of people shared it, and didnt report it. And there is no algorithm, there is no technology to instill common human decency and morality in people. This says a lot about us, about the coarsenning of our society and ive seen where they beat up an innocent kid at school and passed around and finding out two days later its been passed around by a lot of children. The point is, we have a moral problem here and i dont know if you can regulate that. Eric rich, what are your thoughts on this . Is there a way to regulate it or were in a world the freedom people, First Amendment people say theres no way to regulate it, if you do punish facebook for it, there will be facebook 2, 3 and 4 doing the same thing. I agree with lisa, i dont think you can regulate it, its freedom of speech, it makes America Great whether we like it or not. People dont want to look, but you sort of have to look. I think what we find over and over again, this is a disheartening story, but other stories where weve seen Facebook Live and other live tools go to shed lights on it, like the alton sterling case in wisconsin it was on Facebook Live as it was happening and brought attention to a larger problem that we have. Once again, these tools are sort of instant journalism or people sort of being citizen journalists or people posting gruesome things has become part of our society and its just what freedom looks like. Eric well bring it around, lisa, go ahead, go ahead rachel. I was going to say, but while we know these kind of videos inspire other killers to do the same thing. Facebook does have a responsibility to not wait two hours to take it down. And we know that their whole Business Model benefits from more views. So they really have to find the balance for themselves as well. Eric lisa. Sure, i think the broader point, the broader problem, a lot of these individuals who do this sort of great harm, they are seeking sort of that attention, but theres been multiple tools over the course of, you know, even the past decade, whether its getting tv attention, whether as i mentioned earlier in virginia, shooting someone on Live Television when you have sick and twisted individuals, theyre going to exploit whatever tools they can to try to propagate this type of hate and violence. One way to counter act that, the family of the victim is the family of the victim. They believe in god and forgive the killer, if they could, they would wrap their arms around him and forgive him. One way to counter act this sort of hatred, and this, you know, evil and horrible part of society is also highlighting the good and the fact that theres people out there that can have that sort of forgiveness in their heart, let me bring this around. The First Amendment issue that was brought up. Do i have a First Amendment right the issue, there have been suicides put on Facebook Live. Im hurting myself, do i have a First Amendment right to put that on facebook . Its a hard balance to have. You could say that those people dont have First Amendment rights and when you take their right away, you crouch on the citizen journalists covering atrocity in their communities and using Facebook Live or periscope to do that. When you infringe on First Amendment, it starts to hurt other First Amendment users, thats whats problematic about the balancing act, which is why the best thing to do is let it be and sort of even if its as horrible as as a suicide . Im not saying this is disgusting, but the moment you start to regulate it. Youre not saying they should have left the murder up on facebook, i hope. No, no, not saying that at all. But when its posted. The moment that Facebook Says well create an algorithm to go on videos like this, theyll catch up others in the net on the First Amendment thats always the case and absolutely right. Who determines what is violent and what is not . For example, facebook had a case where they allowed for a prochoice group to put up a doctor, to put up a do it yourself, how to give yourself a chemical abortion and yet, they took down footage of an abortion of the aftermath of abortion because they said that was too graphic. Who is making these decisions. Eric its a slippery slope. The thing is it is. This is a world where its all new, and uncharted territory and whatever we do here will set precedence. Facebook said theyll take proactive steps for users to be able to report things more quickly and have that get the attention of whoever takes it down, but i think it says more about the user of facebook and the fact that people viewed this so much for it to go viral, more than it does about the tool itself. As i mentioned before, there are plenty of tools for horrible people to use and exploit. Thanks, guys, a big thank you to kyle nolan on our Protection Team getting the great sound bites from the street. Jihad in jail and terror attack in france could have been started in our prison. Should we spend more in america to make sure it doesnt happen. Say carl, we have a question about your brokerage fees. Fees . What did you have in mind . I dont know. 4. 95 per trade . Uhhh. And i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee . Guarantee . Where we can get our fees and commissions back if were not happy. So can you offer me what schwab is offering . 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Look, 80 of all prison conversions in the United States are to islam. Islam is 1 of the u. S. Population, its 18 of the prison population. So, here is the deal, if youre a radical, if youre a terror suspect, if you have any terror ties, you should absolutely be separated from the rest of the prison population. If youre coming into the prison to do religious work, if youre, you know, christians and muslims come in to do that, you better make sure as a prison system that youre not letting in anyone who has any kind of terror ties or even sympathies, into the prison population. This is a very vulnerable group. So i dont know if that costs us any money, eric, i think we can just do this by common sense, something that i think that donald trump has been trying to bring to the table. Eric richard, is there any way to limit this, limit radicalization going on in the prison system . I dont think you can stop anyone to radicalizing on the internet. Two different things, i think to sort of, look, weve got to pars this a little bit. Becoming a muslim is perfectly okay. Our constitution protects that right. Radicalizing on the internet and becoming a member of isis is problematic. How we fix this problem, we wrap our arms around our muslim brothers and sisters who have absolutely positively no ties to terrorism and demagoguery. We have to shut down the dark web and shut down peoples ability to get information to radicalize and become radical islam over the internet and we have to do those at the same time. The more you talk about radical islam over and over again, the more you begin to sort of demagogue the entire muslim faith. Oh, come on, richard. Eric when you say radical islam, youre not demagoguing the entire muslim race, youre specifically calling out the portion of the Muslim Population that is radicalized, thats willing to perform jihad against the west, richard. Its not a broad cloth, its a specific point. But again, weve had so many islamophobic problems saying radical islam it does isolate the rest of the population. I dont want to interrupt here. I was in dearborn monday and tuesday working with some folks from a muslim arabamerican advocacy group. And dearborn is one of the highest Muslim Populations in the country and theyre saying theyre seeing when you talk about radical islam people are socialing it with peaceful muslims and thats the problem. Its not theres not a problem with saying radical islam, the problem is how the public is intermenting that to all muslims are terrorists and thats just not true. And i think its actually to the contrary because i think when youre saying radical islamic extremism, youre actually very clearly separating it off from the many muslims that are living in this country and around the world that are peaceful and dont want anything to do with this, you know, terrible behavior because they believe its not because its not reflective of their religion as a whole. When you use that term youre separating the horrible individuals into a completely different category than the religion as a whole. I think we need to be very honest at a time when secretary kelly said there are fbi investigations in all 50 states, in regard to isis and to terrorrelated activities. I think we need to be very honest about the discussions we have and you can very clearly point to places in europe barry theres muslim ghettos where there has not been assimilation taking place, where you have second, third, you know, fourth generation muslims who have not adhered to the country that theyre living in and thats where you have a lot of these isis fighters that are stemming from so we need to be very have very honest conversations. Eric we need to point out there should be more integration by the community, Law Enforcement and the Muslim Community as well. Every time i say this i get a call from care and i will say it again, rachel, if more peaceloving muslims, and there are billion and a half of them, if more of them would come forward and maybe tell us about planned jihads or cells they know about or people they think may be suspect, if more of that would go on, maybe then it wouldnt be such a broad cloth used by certain percentage of the population, certainly not this one, but certain percentages. Rachel. Youre absolutely right. Ap also, if muslims would speak more openly and more frequently within their own religion. There are factions, small groups within the United States trying to get that message out. Eric i only have a minute. Richard, should peaceloving muslims be more forth coming with information to help out the rest of the community. The best we can do that is end the demagoguery, embrace musli muslims like huma abedin. As a liberated woman im not going to embrace anyone who enforces sharia law and why the missiles are had paraded around, why the media only seems to care about the position of one single ship. Now, back to cashin in. The white house explaining to south korea and japan that in fact, during the buildup and the actual Missile Launch there was no u. S. S. Carl vincent. Take us to the people within the administration when the vessel was thousands of miles away from the location. And the president believed he might have spoken too quickly on this location of the vessel . The media obviously obsessed over the location of that u. S. Warship, the u. S. S. Vincent carrier group. Are they missing the bigger picture. Richard, explain why the media is so obsessed where the vincent is or was rather than it was on the way to protect us in the korean peninsula. The president shouldnt have lied about it, right . He should have said its on its way and this wouldnt be a story. What were seeing from the trump administration, they like to play around with half truths or partial truths. If they just told the truth it wouldnt be a story wed be talking about north korea, the great work i think that the president s strategist are employing with north korea, but sadly were talking about the fact he created a falsehood. If he stops saying falsehoods then general mattis, says, look, we dont make a policy of telling where our destroyers and aircraft carriers are at the moment. I kind of like that idea. I dont think they should. There were two lines of attack with the media on donald trump, or president trump, rather, during the election. One, he couldnt be trusted with the nuclear code and wouldnt rely on military advisors, what weve seen is quite the cop contrary to that, a decisive commanderinchief with his military advisors and weve seen him send 59 tomahawk missiles into syria, and a bomb thats never been dropped before in afghanistan. Eric and the point to donald trump, president trump, and listening to them, and bringing the carrier to the peninsula. Absolutely. This is a classic case of the press rushing to bash trump and missing the big story. This is the greatest Nuclear Threat of our generation, we think that over the last ten years north korea probably amassed as many as tens several dozens of bombs and donald trump, unlike previous president s is engaging, and hes not passing it onto the next president. Thats the story and theyre missing it. This is why the American People dont trust the media because they have an agenda. If they were focused on the news, i just told you the headline, were dealing with north korea, thats a huge story. Eric its amazing, they will pick apart every little thing, including which direction the vincent is travel, north, south, east, west. Tell him not to make up facts, if they dont make up facts, if they dont make up facts then dentures are very o real teeth. 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