Transcripts For FBC After The Bell 20170626

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Many people could swing individual call votes, whether the bill passes. Well bring you details as soon as they come out. Also the Supreme Court delivering a big win to President Trump inside of the justices new opinions on the travel ban. Among our guests this hour, liz peak, dan henninger. Grover norquist, doug burns, larry elder. As we await a critical report on the Senate Health care plan look at market reaction. The dow climbing off session lows. But well off session highs. It is up 15 points. Goldman sachs, disney, walmart among biggest gainers for bluechips today. Nicole petallides live on new york stock exchange. Hi, nicole. Lauren, markets are on upside. Nasdaq whether or not they have eight months in a row of gains. Well see that happens. Movers, pandora, looking at it to the upside. Around 2. near the close, this as ceo announces, tim westergan plans to step down. He is founder from 1years ago, say 17 years ago. Looking at report, likely seeing step down by end of june 25th. So by the end of june, well see, with that, pardon me, not necessarily by end of june. They will find a ceo replacement. Pandora jumps on the news, up 2. 2 . Gets positive analyst comments up with it. Off six days in a row off june 19th. Facebook hit alltime high today. One challenging the numbers since the tech wreck. Most other guys didnt make it back just yet. Facebook, alltime high. Reports are Facebook Says it is talking to hollywood in order to have its own original content. Like netflix, amazon, willing to pay for it, facebook closing at 153. 59. Last but not least, watching nestle and dan loebs 30pound, activist shareholder, really pushing, targeting nestle in particular. 3 1 2 billion dollar stake. That is in order to boost demand and boost those returns. Dont forget nestle is the most valuable company in europe. Necessarily finishes higher on the day, oil helped things along bouncing off the lows. Dan loeb has a sweet tooth as do you and i nicole. Thank you. David health care is number one on capitol hill now. Were he waiting for the Congressional Budget Office for review of health care. Modest revision, hoping to unify their party, behind the obamacare replacement plan. Adam shapiro is live in d. C. With very latest. Some votes hinge on cbo report, no . Absolutely, david. One thing we need to keep in mind is that the original cbo score on the house side, they found that 23 Million People were going to lose insurance. We want to see if that figure changes in this cbo score. We want to find out, not only that, but whether it is deficit neutral. If it adds any money to the u. S. Annual deficit. It will not be able to get you through the senate. Here is what i had, interview with orrin hatch, the senator chairman of the Senate Finance Committee Earlier today, and i asked him specifically will this senate bill pass . Here is what he told me. I dont know. To be honest with you, there are five senators who on the republican side who think they have the better way of going. Those five are going to be responsible for socialized medicine if that is what happens. Reporter that is some of the pressure, that is some of the pressure, david, is being applied to the senators, the five who are opposed to the bill in its current form, trying to get them to vote in favor when this bill is actually introduced for passage, because, as you just heard orrin hatch say, do you want to be the republican senator known as a person who killed the republican effort to repeal and replace obamacare . David, i cant hear you. I had to take my earpiece out. Throw it back to you. David i could tell when you popped it out of your ear. Well alert the audience whenever we get word, well go to that, go back to adam. Meantime lauren has a guest panel. Thank you, adam. I sure do, dan henninger, wall street journal editorial page editor. Fox news contributor. Liz peek, fiscal times columnist. Good to see you, dan and liz. Thank you. As we await on cbo score of Senate Version of Obamacare Repeal and replace. You see these cries from the left, something that nancy pelosi said on cbs, hundreds of thousands of people will die in this bill, in this version of the bill but im going to bring you guys back to a tweet from the president. He says, you know, were getting no help from democrats on this. Perhaps just let obama care crash and burn . Dan, isnt that what were seeing now . 1000 counties across the nation would have one insurer next year. Isnt repeal and replace better than what we have now . I think so, lauren, absolutely. It is true obamacare is crashing. Exchanges are crashing across the country. We get reports every week. The question who is going to do something about that, who will bear political responsibility. I think if these five senators, senators portman, cruz, lee and dean heller of nevada, sink this bill, the Republican Party will get tagged with the blame for sure. Theyre the ones in charge. They have a unified government right now. It was up to them to fix those exchanges. They are the ones who will take the political blame if it doesnt happen. Melissa orrin hatch, you didnt hear in the sound bite. He said something else. He said we are dependent on the government. As it stand now, health care will take up every single dime that the government has. I think what is really sort of sad to me were no longer talking about the the cost of health care. All we talk about, argue about is insurance premiums. There is a big gap. A lot of people covered by obamacare. Doesnt mine they are able to go to the doctor. Because high premiums and deductibles of obamacare, make it almost impossible for so Many Americans to get health care. So is this gop bill going to make it any different . I dont know. But i dont really think they can make it much worse because obamacare is collapsing. Look, both parties have to be invested making this thing work. Unfortunately only one is. Dan is totally right. If a few senators on the gop side scuttle this thing were in for rough riding ahead. Voters want action and they want a solution. What do you make of the imminent cbo score . Sometimes you see republicans say, the cbo is accurate and sometimes they say that is not the case. I guess if anything it will give us clarity. What do you make of this potential score . To tell you the truth, lauren, i see it mainly a beltway obsession. I dont think these five recalcitrant senators should be swayed by that look what is in the bill. They will eliminate 3. 8 . That is nearly 4 capitalgains tax cut that alone would be a boost to the economy. A trillion dollars in reduced spending. That will roll right into the tax reform bill. Make it possible to get lower taxes. I think those senators have to be focused on the possibilities here. The first chance in a generation to reform an entitlement which is medicaid, throwing out the baby with the bath water because of the nitpicking things theyre complaining about, i think it is just boeing to be a catastrophe for the Republican Party. I really dont think the cbo score should figure into the conclusions they make about voting on this bill later in the week. Get this done, move on to the trump agenda. Exactly. Add one thing on the cbo score. Minimum wage should not go up. Somehow that got completely ignored in the whole battle for 15. It depends where you come from. Let david pick it up here. David interesting you mention the battle for 15. Protesters, activists did succeed forcing cities like Seattle Washington to adopt the 15 minimum wage. There are evidence they also succeeded hurting the very same lowwage workers they claim to be fighting for,. Liz and dan are back. First of all, very clear from what happened in seattle, they jacked up the minimum wage by 3 on their way to 15 an hour. As a result, this is according to the National Bureau of economic research. Pretty down the middle organization, not either left or rightwing, restaurants cut average number of hours people worked, 9. 4 . Thus leaving workers 125 less each month in takehome pay. So it ends up hurting very workers it is supposed to help. Isnt that an irony, david . Minimum wage is zero sum exercise. Sure there are some Big Companies that can probably raise wages for workers. But workers flow over to those companies, leaving behind Smaller Companies still obliged to comply with the minimum wage. They are the ones who take it in the neck. They go out of business. David liz, it happens mcdonalds let go 2500 human being workers replayed them with mechanical workers, digital kiosks they have. A process might have happened anyway over the years but certainly accelerated pushing up minimum wage, right . Absolutely. Industry analysts have been talking about this five years. No question a lot of entry level workers can be replaced by robots. The sad thing here, david, the people worst hurt by this are young people, minorities, others who need either part time or entry level work. Theyre the ones who will be replaced. This is, a little bit like the Charter School argument. People getting hurt are People Democrats are supposed to be helping. Raising minimum wage. It is basically supply and demand model. Raise price of something, you get less demand for it. That is happening with work. Washington University People just did a big study on seattle situation. The rest of Washington State kept adding workers in the Restaurant Business and seattle lost some. That is pretty compelling argument. David sure is. All about jobs. Dan, liz, thank you very much. Lauren. As we mentioned were awaiting a major report expected any moment now from the cbo. Their score, how much the Senate Health care plan will cost and how many people will be covered. Were going to bring you details as soon as they come out. David and looking overseas, will we send more boots on the ground to afghanistan . The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff in kabul, working on new strategy to win war against taliban. Lieutenantgeneral Thomas Mcinerney says not so fast. He will tell you why. New revelations leading President Trump to take to twitter, slamming obama not stopping russian interference in our election. A top democrat weighing in. Larry elder, weighing in. David President Trump take as victory lap after the Supreme Court rules on the travel order turning around lower court rulings. New rulings. How the justices ruled. Huge win on one of his most important issues he ran on. You know what best part of this, stuart is . Twitter is not equal to the words of the constitution. I think this is a great day for america. Introducing new parodontax. The toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try new parodontax toothpaste. Whoa thats amazing. Hey, im the internet i know a bunch of people who would love that. The internet loves what youre doing. So build a better website in under an hour with. Gocentral from godaddy. Type in your idea. Select from designs tailored just for you and publish your site with just a few clickseven from your. Mobile phone. The internet is waiting start for free today at godaddy. Lauren indias Prime Minister meeting with President Trump for the first time at the white house this afternoon. The Prime Minister making these remarks just moments ago. I think i have a lot to speak of, but being welcome by the honorable president and first lady, extremely grateful to them for their respect and for the grand welcome. This is a welcome of 1. 25 billion people. Im grateful to the president and first lady. I do remember very well, that President Trump, was not even president visited india. In interview he was asked about me. He was full of very fond remarks and observations for me. I still remember them today. Extremely grateful. I have a lot to speak after the meeting. Thank you. Thank you very much. [shouting questions] thank you very much. Thank you. Good afternoon. David by the way the Prime Minister is not a ventriloquist. That was a translator to you were listening to as watching the Prime Minister with the president. The president will hold a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister modi just moments from now. Supreme court is allowing partial enforcement of the president s travel ban which was turned down by lower courts. Blake burman, live at white house with very latest. It is hard to see anything but a clear victory for the president here, blake. Reporter we will see, david, if President Trump ends up talking about this in a little while from now, hour from you now. As he and indian Prime Minister modi, as you played a little bit of tape. Theyre in the white house, meeting now, appear together in the rose garden in a little while to make joint statements here at white house. Officials say they will talk about issues like defense, counterterrorism, energy to name a handful. News of the day here is the Supreme Court which gave the president at least temporarily here, a pretty big win on this day. The president has already put forth a statement in which he said the following of the Supreme Courts order, the president said quote, my number one responsibility as commanderinchief is keep the American People safe. Todays ruling allows me to use an important tool for protecting our nations homeland. The ruling allows those from iran, libya, sedan, somalia, yemen, have quote, unquote, bonafide relationship with u. S. Entity or person person to enter the country. The i asked White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer in offcamera press briefing whether he what the Supreme Court laid out today enables administration to fully protect the homeland. I think its a positive step forward as i mentioned at outset. Department of justice is reviewing this both of implementation and its impact. So i dont want to get too far ahead of all these brilliant legal minds as they review the impact but, i think, as i noted i think the president feels, already very pleased with the 90 decision. Reporter david, one thing very clear with the offcamera briefing this afternoon, white house, administration is still trying to figure out the implementation in all of this. The president signaled he would want to implement this in a 72hour window, at least after 72 hours. However now that the Supreme Court narrowed the scope of this, spicer said, folks at doj, over at dhs, they still have to figure out how to work through all of this, the Supreme Court is likely to take up the bigger issue, bigger case in october. David taking a long time. Blake burman, thank you very much. Lauren. Lauren well talk more about that. The doug burns, federal prosecutor, caroline, a attorney joins us now. Big win for the president. Doug, i want to start with you. Sure. Lauren this is hailed as a win for the Trump Administration, when the dust settles will we see the ban in effect and entirety, when . Crystal ball. Lauren you dont have one . I do actually. Joking aside. In the fall they address the case. Fourth circuit and ninth circuit put in injunctions saying ban would be halted. It is interesting because everybody is saying it has been stricken down, the ban, it wasnt true. It was injunction. What is good, good for the gander, not as if they put forward the ban, they reversed injunction, pending argument in the fall. My prediction it will be upheld. Everybody gets up in arms about politics. Has nothing to do with politics. Legal experts have said, will not bore you now, turn it over to my colleague, number of reasons it will be up haded. Lauren caroline. Not so sure about that. Difficult to read tea leaves when it comes to the Supreme Court. Its a new court with neil gorsuch. What is interesting, three justices issuing dissent in this case. Dissent throws you off a little bit. It was 90 decision to implement this portion of the ban, but three justices wanted to go further. They wanted to implement the ban whole cloth. When you come down to it, you have clearly got three votes in october when it comes up. You have three votes to uphold the ban. They only need two more of per curiam, justices on the decision. Lauren so your crystal ball would say in effect likely a timing before christmas . I dont know about the timing. The clock is running. They may not need to be implemented before christmas. The issue may be moot. Remember this was supposed to be a temporary ban while the administration reviewed its policies. Lauren i want to talk about the exception. Sure. Lauren you can come in if youre one of six mostly muslim nations, if you have a family relation here or close tie to someone living in the u. S. This is, unusual way to vet something. It could lead to more litigation going forward. My colleague makes a good point. In the concurrence and dissent, it was 90 but they filed a separate opinion, justices thomas, alito, and the new justice gorsuch. But they were complaining in the dissent, this would be really hard as practical matter to implement. Who is to say what tie, educational ties. You have a job in college, university, et cetera. I think it is good idea but may be hard to implement. Lauren does this give us false sense of security as a nation . We could see some litigation come about as what specifically this bonafide relationship means tom brought a crystal ball to the table lookings this is going to have problems. Dhs wants this rolled out in orderly fashion. Lauren right. One would hope more orderly than the first time rolled out. A lot is riding on this. All eyes on the Trump Administration for when it will roll out, those permanent policies and procedures. Again this is only temporary measure. Lauren enforcement of this temporary measure, previously the president said give us 72 hours, but your thoughts on that being a timeline right now . It could be tough. One other point worth repeating, the ban went in march 14th. What were saying, Supreme Court in the opinion, i know you studied it closely, said this may be moot by june 14th. Specifically asked the parties to address that. So the reason i say that, is to simplify this. A lot of times the Supreme Court looks for a way out of actually deciding the case. This is not, were not even addressing it. They like to punt things. They love doing things if they dont have to make a decision, they may not. Lauren but when the Supreme Court says something, dont regular citizens say, okay, this must be well thought through. This is what our nation needs . Doesnt it give added emphasis . Absolutely. They granted certificate in the first place. They didnt have to do that. Didnt have to take up the case, could have punted it down the road in the first instance. The fact they took up the case at all, they believe this is an important issue. I think, again all eyes will be watching in october. If the ban runs out, effective june 14th. They will turn around say it simply ran out june 14th. I dont know personally the crystal ball. Not to be a broken record. I think they will ultimately uphold this. It will show distinction between political rhetoric and legal analysis. Im not coming at this politically. But the president does have broad powers over immigration and broad powers over national security. Lauren even Ruth Bader Ginsburg agreed with President Trump on this point. You have this win and potential, potential health care bin win. This is could be a major day for this administration . A could, a absolutely. Lauren any final thoughts. . No. It was interesting to take the muslim ban or unconstitutional. They never got to that. Enough of that. They look at this thing on merits. You can argue both ways but do legally instead of politically. Lauren they are using the word ban. Trump used the word ban, we have to remember. I think that look good point. Supreme court is supposed to be immunized from political questions. In its history never really has been. Now in this day and age more and more it is not. It is taking on big political questions more and more. Appointment of gorsuch got on there recently. That is not to be forgotten. He clerked for kennedy. He is not just going along with what his former boss had to say. He is coming down, will make a name for himself. Tell you Something Real quickly. Took last three pages of dissent, stapled by accident. Oh, my god this is the dissent. I put it on the bottom. Lauren Justice Kennedy announcing retirement. Been there for almost 30 years. 29 years. He is 80. Lauren 81 next month. He didnt make any announcements today, and he talking about official retirement . Im hearing rumors are unfounded. Hearing from clerks went to the end of the year celebration. That theyre really unfounded. He will stay on. Really. Lauren david, you have breaking news. David we do have breaking news weve been waiting for. We do have some estimates now from the Congressional Budget Office about what the costs would be for the new senate plan on health care. There are two issues. How much it would save americans in dollar terms over a 10year period and how Many Americans would go uninsured as a result of these changes. To the last point, the cbo, this is according to the Associated Press, we have to confirm it on fox but the Associated Press is reporting that the cbo estimates 22 million more people would be uninsured as a result of the senate bill. Now to put that in context, the house bill, the cbo estimate on the house bill was 24 million americans would go uninsured. You should remember as a result of the mandates, the individual mandates and the business mandates being eliminated by both the senate and house bills, people would be free to drop their insurance entirely as we used to be able to do before obamacare. So no telling how many of those 22 Million People estimate would loos their insurance would do so voluntarily. Again you wouldnt be forced to buy insurance as you would be under obamacare. Adam shapiro has been following anxious awaiting this news as i have. Adam, do we have a dollar amount how much this would cost or in fact save over 10year period. Reporter apparently the legislation, david would decrease the federal deficit over 10year period, 321 billion. So this would appear to be within the requirement for reconciliation. That is doesnt add to deficits. Now in particular getting back to the number of people that you were reporting would lose insurance according to the score, about 22 million by 2026. But 15 million next year would be uninsured compared with the current law, according to the budget office. But the dollar figure over 10 years. Saved would decrease the federal deficit. Would be in line with the necessity if they want to pass this via reconciliation, it doesnt add one penny to the annual deficit. David go to grover norquist, americans for tax reform. President of that organization. Grover, 321 billion is a lot of money. As i remember that is twice as much, perhaps a little more so than what the house bill was said to save over a 10year period. So both in terms of the number of americans uninsured, 24 million in the house bill, and in terms of the dollars saved, less than 200 billion in the house bill. This is doing a lot better from the cbo accounting, correct . It is, but this, the senate bill and the house bill both get rid of all the tax increases in obamacare. The senate does it in phasedin period opposed to all at once. It take as slightly different approach on allowing states to opt out. Consumers of health care a great deal of money. Those numbers how many people will lose their health care since they count people who are forced to buy health care with penalties david exactly. Theyre no longer forced to, like referring to people being kicked out of east germany when the wall came down. People asking to leave obamacare are not denied health care. They are not required to buy the straitjacket that obamacare was. Add to that, the cbo is off by a factor of two on how many people were going to go into obamacare. David right. So, i dont care what their estimates i dont believe as accurate their estimates on how many people in and out. What we do know, is that the law says they have to confirm that this will not increase the deficit. David right a couple of things, change or two that comes in. We should be at the 50 we need. David really . So you think it will pass this week . I do because when you take a look at it, ted cruz and lee and johnson are all serious grown up reagan republicans who understand that this is step one in reforming health care. Theres much more to be done. You cant do it all inside reconciliation. And a lot of it will be done through executive orders because the original obamacare was set up to be david hold on a second because we want to come back to you. But we first want to go to adam and, again, we talked about comparisons with a house bill. The house bill as i remember had a greater number of people who would be uninsured as a result of their version of the bill. Go ahead. Yeah. That would be 23 million, according to cbo. But whats key here, david, when cbo scored the house bill, it was a savings of 119 billion over ten years. This bill, the Senate Version, the draft bill would save 321 billion. Thats thats 200 billion more. This would remove any doubt that this would not be passable under reconciliation. Again, to put it in english, you have to not add one penny to the deficit and this clearly does not add one penny to the deficit. David let me go to grover. Youre really key to the numbers but also the politics of all of this. The ama, the american medical association, all the other sort of beltway lobbyists how representative they are of the medical communities in question. They were in favor of obamacare. Theyre against this bill. I guess thats not a surprise to you. In fact, some people would say its a badge of honor. Well, remember, obama decided to absorb all the major lobbyists in washington, and they both got threatened and paid off. They all got benefits out of the plan, including a lot of money. That includes some of the hospitals and to compete to earn a living, instead of be on the government. Not all Companies Want to do that. Not all Industries Want to do that. If the Car Companies but you said okay. We can go into the going no. No. We like it here. So im not terribly interested in what the special interest fear in terms of going into competition because thats good for consumers and people who need Competent Health car c. By the way, were just hearing from anthem, the big insurer that had to drop coverage in a couple of key states very recently. They have come out in favor of the decision. Meanwhile, our own adam shapiro has a little bit more information. Go ahead, adam. Adam right this is a cbo comparison under the current law, obamacare in ten years said 28 million americans would not have insurance. Thats under obamacare now. Under the Senate Version of health care, 49 million in ten years would not have insurance. But also the effects on the federal budget looking out over ten years, it would reduce direct spending 1 trillion. Its 1. 22 trillion that would be cut, david. David very quickly to grover once again. Were just getting word from chad, who is our producer in washington that Mitch Mcconnell has been hinting on the floor of the senate that maybe hell wait until next week for the vote. Are you hearing anything about that . Quickly. It could go either way. Hes going to call that vote when he has the votes. Clearly, the votes can come together. And this week, next week, were cool. Okay. Grover norquist, good stuff. Thank you, grover and thank you, adam. 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There is one thing. The effects on premiums and out of pocket payments, david. It says that the legislation would increase average premiums in the nongroup market prior to 2020 and lower average premiums thereafter, relative to projections under current law. David interesting. Of course, premiums have skyrocketed. A lot of politicians said this would be the make or the break of the deal. If it raises premiums, its going to be a break. But its over a long period of time. Adam no, its over a year. The reason it would percent it says is because you would have fewer people, young people would no longer be mandated by insurance. So they expect 20 higher by 2018, thats next year. But then by 2020, theyll be stable. David remember, theyve been going quite a bit since obamacare was enacted. Adam shapiro, great stuff. Thank you very much. Lauren. We bring in. Good to see you, bob. Hey, lauren. Capitol hill might not have the votes to pass this version of the obamacare. We just got the cbo score. What happens if we dont get a vote this week . Well, then it hangs over the july 4th recess, and it goes into july. And i dont think thats a good thing for republicans because then theres more time for the left to rally against it, you know, the way you move legislation is whether youre on the republican side or the democratic side is you introduce a bill, and then you move it as quickly as you can, and i dont think thats going to be a good thing. Thats why mcconnell wants to vote this week. He wants to get it passed, and i dont think its it doesnt help him to just let it sit. The pressure is certainly on. But more time give conservative republicans to argue with the moderate republicans and how do you unify the party at this point . What do you make of the cbo projections . Theyre not terribly surprising. If you look at the house bill and the senate bill, theyre very similar. And this cbo report sounds very similar to what the house bill was. So now republicans are going to criticize cbo and note theyve been wrong before. These are just projections. But this is going to be difficult for people like senator dean of nevada who is a democratic target next year. He has indicated hes a no on the bill as is. There could be more changes to the bill. This is going to be very difficult. But at one point whether its this week or next week, theres agoing to be a vote on this. Okay. So you have johnson, cruz, paul, like you noted heller and lee saying they will not vote for this. Do you think any of the revisions we saw today, is there anything that will bring these noes onboard and convert them . Were not seeing it yet, anyway. So i think theyre down in the count. No doubt about it. The odds are less than 50 50. But remember, if youre a republican senator, do you want to stop the process right now . Thats what Republican Leaders are going to use. Just advance it, and then we can fix it later. Thats the argument theyre getting, and thats a pretty powerful argument. Yeah. Bob, well leave it there. Good point. Thank you. David and getting that argument from a very powerful man. President trump. Hes the one making a lot of phone calling going on from the white house to congress. Meanwhile, should web sending more of our troops to afghanistan . How will our Strategy Change by adding thousands of more troops on the ground . That is coming up. I love how usaa gives me the peace of mind and the security just like the marines did. At one point, i did change to a Different Company with car insurance, and i was not happy with the customer service. We have switched back over and we feel like were back home now. The process through usaa is so effortless, that you feel like youre a part of the family. I love that i can pass the membership to my children, and that they can be protected. Were the williams family, and were usaa members for life. 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Tweeting earlier that quote the reason president obama did nothing about russia after being notified by the cia of meddling is that he expected clinton would win and didnt want to rock the boat. He didnt choke. He colluded or obstructed. And it did the dems and crooked hillary no good. Democratic congressman adam schiff sharing his thoughts on the situation. Take a listen. The third issue is how to deter russians in the future from doing this again. Right. And here i think they failed miserably. I give them an f because the package they put together, the kicking the diplomats out, the Intelligence Officers out, closing a couple of compounds, putting limited sanctions on in no way was a slap on the wrist to vladimir putin. He sees it that way will not deter him in the future. David all right. That obviously wasnt adam schiff. That was the former deputy of the cia. Larry elders, nationally syndicated radio host joins us now. He hates donald trump. Hes hated him from the beginning. And yet he says the Obama Administration deserves an f for not Holding Accountable for what they did. Well, i agree. Said we choked on the russian interference. When obama was, he did nothing, ive been saying this for weeks on my show. I dont know whether or not donald trump reads my tweets but they said they did it because thought trump was a buffoon. They thought of him as racist, a homophobe, a sexist, but more than anything else as incompetent and stupid. They thought he wasnt going to win. So it didnt matter what putin tried or didnt try. They just assumed hillary was going to win this race. Thats why obama today no action. But according to an antitrump guy who was at the cia, it was the Obama Administration that were the buffoons in at least in dealing with russia. What they did the socalled sanctions against russia for what they did with their meddling in the election was nothing. It amounted to zero. Well, dade, lets go back to the very beginning. Obama comes into office, and he feels that george w. Bush was way too militaristic toward dealing with putin, and he did reset. He through the polls and the Czech Republic under the bus. He said that im going to have more flexibility after the 2012 election, and so its bizarre that donald trump is being hammered with his coziness with putin when, in my opinion, obama was the one that encouraged him to go into crimea and well, when you have trump haters talking about how bad the Obama Administration was in dealing with russia, thats something. Thats at least an attempt to move toward a balance here. But on the other hand, the media has not stopped the pressure and the president. The New York Times took out a full page ad, all of what its calling trumps lies since the inauguration in january. The graphics director for the times opinion page tweeting out we wanted to put trumps lines in print. David and i needed to the entire page to do it. What do you think of this, larry . You know, i dont recall the phil page add detailing the many lies and distortion we heard from Hillary Clinton in her long public career in office. Going to telling the country it was a video that inspired the benghazi attack. Up to violations of the espionage act saying she david or how about the lies from the Obama Administration when they were selling obamacare that it wasnt i was going there. And then you have obama saying if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Well after he knew that it wasnt true. And politifact called it the lie of the year. So in terms of volume of things that donald trump has said that might be disturbing to some people, donald trump probably wins. But in terms of of the quality, the impact of the distortion to get obamacare passed and the iran deal that was passed based on a narrative that there was this battle between the hardliners and the liberals, it turns out New York Times said there was no such battle. That was the narrative on which the iran deal was sold. And those are the two biggest achievements of obama. The iran deal and obamacare, both of them i argue were sold on a basis of a falsehood. Larry, i wish we had more time. We have a lot of breaking news, but you crammed it all in there. Thank you very much, larry. Good to see you. Appreciate it. You got it. And we want to show you this live picture of the white house rose garden where President Trump and indias Prime Minister modi will be giving a joint statement any minute now. This is the first time the two have actually met. Theyve spoken over the phone. This is their first meeting. So much to discuss. Security, technology, were going to take you there live when it happens whoa thats amazing. Hey, im the internet i know a bunch of people who would love that. The internet loves what youre doing. So build a better website in under an hour with. Gocentral from godaddy. Type in your idea. 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General, i have a marine son who spent a hell of a year in province. I dont want him going back, unless we have a different strategy. Are we going to have a different strategy . A really different strategy . Well, i dont want him going back either, david, unless we do have a different strategy. The fact is general dunnford should go from afghanistan to pakistan because pakistan has been supporting the taliban for the last 16 years. Theyve got nine major cities that are supporting, recruiting, financial, and training there, and we need to close them down. You say pakistan is supporting them. Who in pakistan . Well, its the pakistani people, primarily and the isi, the intelligence service,. But arent we subsidizing in part while they are helping people that are sworn enemies . Exactly. Up to a billion dollars a year over the last five years, david. So we are indirectly supporting the taliban. We must stop it, and we must make them knock it off. We are supporting people financially that are killing americans . Yes. Indirectly that money goes into the Pakistan Military and economics, and it comes out supporting the taliban. David well, hopefully President Trump, the commanderinchief can see how crazy that policy is. General, im sorry. Weve got so much breaking news. Got to cut it short. We appreciate you coming in. Appreciate it. Yeah. And we got the cbo score on the Senate Version of the Health Care Bill at the to top of the show. Now were hearing theres going to be a News Conference on that score within the next hour. Were going to have more for you right after this david two major stories continuing in the next hour. More reaction coming in on the cbo score of the Health Care Bill. 22million uninsured within the next ten years. A savings of 321 billion for our deficit. While the president will be speaking in a joint statement with indian Prime Minister, now, chances are he will answer questions about the Health Care Bill, even though he would. That or the travel ban. So much news happening today. That does it for us. Risk and reward starts now. Happening now, were going to take you live to the white house where we are awaiting President Trump. Now, he is expected to speak shortly with Prime Minister modi of india. Were also watching for the president to answer questions about the Supreme Courts unanimous decision unholding his temporary travel ban from six terror hot spots. He may answer questions about the senate obama replacement bill. Welcome to risk and reward, im Elizabeth Macdonald in for deirdre bolton. First, just released. A critical report card. This is new from the cbo about the senate plan to repeal and preplace obamacare. It could make or break the bill. Already, five republican senators are against the new plan. Now, this new cbo report sees 22 million more uninsured by 2026 under the Senate Health bill. Now, keep in mind when you

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