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More on what he is calling a witchhunt. And wheres the bill . Congressman rand paul on the hunt for the obamacare replacement plan, literally locked out of a secret meeting where his colleagues are creating what he calls obamacare light. Congressman rand paul, among the, there we go, among others with former attorney general ed meese. Steve forbes, former sheriff paul babeu and more. A very busy hour for you coming up. David great guests coming up. The market turning higher in the final hour of trading. Goldman saks, jpmorgan, caterpillar, the biggest winners right now. Look at this on percentage gauge it is. 00. Now. 01. Lori rothman on floor of new york stock exchange. Stocks climbing despite janet yellen and her comments of a rate hike coming in march. David, some people interpreted promise or putting on the table likelihood of a march Interest Rate hike is good news. That the economy is getting traction here. That economy can with stand higher rates and inflation is going up. Yellen mentioned that inflation is moving closer to the two target. Inflation moons wage growth. The economy met the jobs portion of the mandate as well according to yellen. Were at 21,004 holding to the key milestone. Snap adding 10 on tom of yesterdays 40 gain in e debut on wall street. That is worth attention. Were up on the week so the rally is still intact. Talk about the airlines. These are soaring on a move by President Trump here saying on friday they will suspend action on Obama Administration decision back in october which would probe longtime practice of airlines protecting various websites showing their air fares online. American airlines up two, almost half a percent. United continental up better than 3 . Back to you. David lori, thank you. Have a good weekend, melissa. You too. Melissa joining us steve forbes, forbes media chairman, barons Senior Editor jack hough and veronica daguerre from the wall street journal. Stocks accelerated yesterday when we saw attorney general sessions announced he would hold that press conference. Today the market is waiting and listening, watching the political news more than anything else. Do you think so . I think they want to see if this administration will get itself a pushed around by events instead of trying to control events and thats why they have got to push ahead really on a big tax cut. Theyre all focused on obamacare, but that will take weeks and month to get through that swamp. I think they should go for a good clean tax cut now so to get the economy and momentum really going. Then these events like sessions and who met with a russian last becomes peripheral. People start to feel things are getting better. Melissa yeah. Veronica, that seems pretty accurate. What is wrong with that analysis . You know i think it is pretty accurate. The average investor want to hear more about tax reform. They want to see what infrastructure actually is going to happen. They want to hear about americans being put back to work in good jobs. There is a lot of uncertainty still. Were still light on details when it comes to the Trump Administration on certain policies. So once we have a bit more details well feel a little bit more certain about going full on into the market but certain corners of the market, certain average investors who still have some level of caution because they just want to wait and see what happens. Melissa jack what do you think about that . Is it about watching and seeing as the Trump Administration going to control the narrative . Are they getting pushed around . I think returns have been frontloaded here. The last thing you would want to see at this point is a riproaring stock market rally that lasts all the way till summer that would get well away from fundamentals. It would start to look like a meltup. It would set up for something bad in the u. S. Stock market. Im happy to see stocks cool off for a little while. Wait to see some of the growth come around. Melissa great perspective. David it is. One thing the administration is pushing for an overhaul of our immigration system. President trump is rerating his call for meritbased immigration system around referencing models used by australia and canada. Steve, letting in the best based on their ability, sound very american does it not . I think getting rationality back to the system instead of one where we have now, you come in and bring your 15th cousin 30 times removed with you, no, that has got to change and one of the things i hope this will do, meritbased them get a good look at h1b visas in bad odor in a lost corners. If you make a few tweaks that will accelerate hightech industry to help manufacturing. We have a chance to move ahead of the rest of the world on value added which cops from hightech. David jack you dont see something wrong with meritocracy system, do you . I see something wrong with a immigration policy that changes every week. I like to see something on paper and not just on twitter. Something we stick with more than a few days. David full disclosure. My wife was born in different country. My sisterinlaw is mba. Cpa. Speaks perfe english. Trying to get a green card for 10 years. This would put somebody like that in the fast lane. Is there anything wrong with that . It would. Those people can add value to our economy. Good chance they will be employed, be able to be selfsufficient. That is good news for the american economy. Thats what we need. Will this happen . A lot needs to get sorted through congress. In terms of getting highlyskilled workers in, there is a lot of demand for that especially looking silicon valley, a lot of Tech Companies like facebook would be very excited to get those visa quotas lifted or make them a lot bigger than they currently are. Melissa building the big beautiful wall, the Trump Administration will begin taking bids for the border wall on monday. More than 300 companies are lining up for the project. Steve forbes, the chairman of mexicos Largest Cement Company said would gladly consider bidding on the project, cemex. Do they have a shot . Theyre already getting people mexico furious with this count company wanting to bid on the wall. To be when you retire . Uhh, i was thinking around 70. Alright, and before that . You mean after that . No, im talking before that. Do you have things you want to do before you retire . Oh yeah sure. Ok, like what . But i thought we were supposed to be talking about investing for retirement . Were absolutely doing that. But theres no law you cant make the most of today. What do you want to do . Id really like to run with the bulls. Wow. Yea. Hope youre fast. I am. Get a portfolio that works for you now and as your needs change. Investment Management Services fr td eritrade. David touting education reform, President Trump speaking to parent and teachers at a Catholic School in florida just moments ago. This as democratic onslaught over attorney general Jeff Sessions continues. Our own blake burman has been watching the action. He joins us live from the white house. Hi, blake. c reporter these student will probably learn about twitter if they havent already in the coming years as President Trump fired up another tweet. He called for investigation of the two Top Democrats here on capitol hill. Let me show you the tweet he just sent out moments ago. It reads as follows. I hereby demand a second investigation after schumer of pelosi for her close ties to russia and lying about it. At issue here is the picture that you see on that tweet, which shows nancy pelosi, the House Minority leader, sitting across the table from a russian group. Among them Sergey Kislyak, the Russian Ambassador. Earlier today nancy pelosi said never she had a meeting with kislyak. That picture shows otherwise. And that is why you have the president tweeting out what he did this afternoon. By the way, pelosis people say what she really meant was that she had never met with kislyak oneonone. It started though earlier today with President Trump going after Chuck Schumer, the top democrat in the senate. He wrote on twitter, tweeting here again, quote, we should start an immediate investigation into senator schummer and his ties to russia and putin. A total sip crit. That had schumer and Vladmir Putin eating doughnuts, buddy buddy, laughing with each other. Schumer fired back afterwards, happy to talk. Read my contact with mr. Putin and his associates, took place in 03, in full view of press and public under oath. Would you and your end quote . Bottom line here, david, in the middle of all of this with Jeff Sessions, the president on this day going to twitter to say, oh by the way, nancy pelosi, Chuck Schumer, you too have had contacts with Vladmir Putin and Sergey Kislyak. Whether this follows under same kind of seriousness what may or may not have been involved with the trump team and his contacts and what Jeff Sessions said under sworn testimony on capitol hill is entirely different story but you have got the president now calling for an investigation of the two Top Democrats. David he catching them at their own game. That is the thing. He is turning tide and clearly a lot of them have egg on their face. Blake, thank you very much. Fascinating stuff. Melissa. Melissa standing by his attorney general, President Trump taking to twitter like we said. Democrats are overplaying their hand. They lost the election and now they have lost their grip on reality. The real story is all of the illegal leaks of classified and other information. It is a total witchhunt. Here is jay sekulow. Jay, im glad you are here to sort through what is laughable, what is nonsense, what is serious, what is meaningful. I mean is there a there there to any of this back and forth . No, this is nonsense. First of all, it was just reported the whole situation with nancy pelosi. Theyre all saying they never met with the Russian Ambassador. This is Claire Mccaskill said same thing. I never met with him. Put it in a tweet. We went to her twitter feed. There was her bragging having meetings with the ambassador from russia. This is nonsense. What is happening though, i want to focus on, the real problem here is not Jeff Sessions answered the question correctly, which if you listen to the whole question he clearly did. The real question here is, who is leaking this information . Whe is it coming from . We know it ising from the department of justice or the fbi. This is being leaked by intelligence officials . That is problematic. Melissa okay. By the way, a crime. We want to talk about criminality, there is the crime. I take it a step further. I think what you have got what i know is a soft coup going on or shadow government. You have all these operatives inside the agencies, buried deep, bureaucrats, theyre unelected and unaccountable and against what Jeff Sessions wants to do. Theyre getting information out by leaking it. Melissa i hear you. There is a lot of Different Things going on. That is one of them. Well get to that in a second. Start with this idea, Jeff Sessions did he lie under oath . How serious is that . Tackle that first. Did he lie under oath . First of all he did not lie under oath. When you listen to the entire question, i always tell witnesses when you are going to answer a question, listen to the question and only answer what is being asked which is precisely what Jeff Sessions did. So his answer in the context of the question was absolutely correct. Melissa that is only in the context of the question though. I dont think he had. I dont think he had to clarify anything he did. That is fine. Melissa he said he hadnt met. Here he met. c you are meaning he met under different circumstances . In the context of the question was about conversations involving surrogates from the Trump Campaign talking with the russian officials about the campaign or about the president elect. That is very different than what is being portrayed in some of the media. Melissa in terms of the other back and forth, saying ahead of election, people like Jared Kushner were meeting with different officials from russia. Yeah. Melissa theyre trying to paint a picture what possibly could be going on. That they were colluding about disrupting the u. S. Election. Yeah. Melissa the the answer to that is melissa what would that look like . If there were emails . They have no evidence, two house committees have looked at it and both came out and said there is nothing there. It is not unusual for incoming administrations to send those people involved in the administration to meet with their counterparts melissa but it is unusual at a time when russians are leaking all mails that damaged hillary clinton. The wikileaks, if they were associated with russia did that without question i dont like the fact that the russians got it. I wrote a whole book being concerned about russia. Called unholy alliance. Im not a fan of russians here. I want to be very clear about that. But to have Jared Kushner have a meeting with somebody from russia when you have got an incoming administration, that is what incoming administrations do. You have meetings. I dont think that is controversial. It is melissa but they think they were plotting to upset this current election if that the is case they need actual documentation that shows that. Theyre looking very hard for it. We havent seen a shred of it yet. Not one. Melissa thanks for coming on. David theyre trying to get evidence to squeeze into the theory that the russians were responsible for the election results. They havent found it, the democrats. Escaping through a different door, that is what happened when a judge allegedly helped a criminal illegal alien escape from i. C. E. Officials. An incredible story. Former sheriff paul babeu is here to weigh in. Questions rising over a secret Obamacare Repeal and replace plan. Senator rand wants to reed the plan before he votes on it. Melissa that is so weird. Why would you do that . David highly unusual. Rand is up next. You cant have legislation locked behind closed doors in my state. This is being, this is being presented as if this were a national secret. Usaa gives me the peace of mind and the security just like the marines did. The process through usaa is so effortless, that you feel like youre a part of the family. 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David but what kind of a response . Going around with a printer, that really drove home the point that they have secreted this plan somewhere and its a plan we all got to live by eventually. And i fully believe that the plan was inside of the door that i knocked on. David interesting. And, i think it and the people behind the door disappeared out the backdoor. David i bet they did. Because i was at front door looking for it. David there is always an escape route. What kind of response have you had, letters and so forth . Public at large is with us, particularly conservative public went to tea party rallies in 2010. We elected Republican Congress on complete repeal. We elected Republican Senate on complete repeal. We elected a republican president on complete repeal. There will be a lot of upset grassroots conservatives if we give them obamacare light. David what fired everybody in the tea party, the line from nancy pelosi, well read it after they pass it. We dont want the same thing to go on. I want to put in paul ryans comments. He disagreed theyre secreting it. Lets play the sound, get your response. Were not writing some bill in the back room in harry reids office like obamacare was written. Were going through the committee process. Were doing this step by step. Were having public hearings. Were working off the same piece of paper, the same plan, to were in sync, the house, the senate and Trump Administration. David speaker ryan says there is no back office which you say what . The only copy of the bill ive seen came from a News Organization. It was leaked to a News Organization and that we had to go to the News Organization to get it. So we havent gotten any written copy from anyone. There is no indication this is going to go through committee on the senate side. A traditional bill goes through open Public Committee hearings. David sure. With amendment on the house de and the senate side, independent bills often percolate forward, that come together at the end. My understanding of this process is, it is being hatched mostly in secret. It is obamacare light. It retains a significant part of obamacare. Retains the cadillac tax. Retains a form of individual mandate. Instead of paying government, you will pay the Insurance Company but it also creates a new federal Entitlement Program and gives it permanent increases of about the 5 at least a year. David yeah, as you say, it keeps the middleman in there. The best kindc of Health Care Payment is when youre dealing directly with your provider. Absolutely. David youre in charge of your own money, which leads me to something President Trump said during his speech before congress. He talked about tax credits as a way to kind of empower individuals in health care spending. Lets play that tape and get your reaction. We should help americans purchase their own coverage through the use of tax credits and expanded Health Savings accounts but it must be the plan they want, not the plan forced on them by our government. David so, senator, shouldnt taxpayers be allowed to spend their own money . Isnt that getting to the heart of what you and all freemarketeers want . Yeah. In fact that is what in our replacement bill i talked to the president about. I think president and i are in same place. There are different types of tax credits. If you get back your own money, im fine with that if you get back someone elses money, that is an Entitlement Program. So the current house leadership plan, obamacare light, has a 14,000 per Family Credit that you get back that may not, that maybe somebody elses money. They build into it automatic 5 increase in thatver time. Thats a real problem because we dont have enough money for that. David your bill would have proviso. Tax credit is fine as long as youre a taxpayer, that you dont want it to become another welfare program. Exactly. We want to expand health saves accounts. In my replacement bill, we let every individual join a group plan through an association. Theyre protected against preexisting conditions. If they get sick, their rate wont go up and they cant be dropped. They have the leverage of reducing price. For example, in my state there are 700,000 people are members of the credit union. I would let all Credit Union Members join a health care association. If 700,000 people go to the Insurance Company, guess who is king . The consumer becomes king, not the big business. David that is the key. By the way, please keep us uptodate on whats happening with this printer. I love to see where t goes. This could be a routine for next year. Bringing routine. Both my copier and myself are looking. Rand pauls copier. Look like legislators you find are writing bill. Theyre writing it somewhere at undisclosed location. If you see them, please contact my office. David senator paul, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Good luck. Thank you. Melissa nothing like a Party Working together. David sort of the thing john stossel would do, taking a copier from office to office. Melissa put a little camera on top of his printer. David that is the next step. Melissa i bet he already thought of that. Our nations heroes left in pain. Disturbing pictures taken at va hospital in north carolina. Well talk to the veteran to took the picture coming up. David plus standing by Jeff Sessions. Why Rush Limbaugh says the democratic outcry about something completely, about something completely different. Next, ed meese, former attorney general under president reagan, sounding off on that. This is the silverado special edition. This is one gorgeous truck. Oh, did i say theres only one special edition . Because, actually theres five. Ooohh aaaahh uh hooooly mackerel. Wow. Nice. Strength and style. Its truck month. Get 0 fincing for 60 months plus find your tag and get 5500 on select Chevy Silverado pickups when you finance with gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. David even after attorney general Jeff Sessions announced that he is recusing himself from the russia probe democrats are pushing for more, a lot more. Joining me on the phone, ed meese, former attorney general under president reagan. Mr. Meese, a real pleasure to have you on. I remember 1986, watching you on television in a newsroom for a newspaper i was working with, as you announced you were start the process to get an independent prosecutor looking into the deal with the irancontra stuff. You how did that process unfold . Well, actually it was the law at that time and what i did was have a preliminary inquiry and determined there was sufficient facts to trigger that law. We dont have such a law at the present time of course. David so each case is different but if we did have that law, would you think looking at Jeff Sessions and whats happening with him and what he may or may not have done, that that trigger has been reached, that trigger point has been reached . Well the trigger point has nothing to do with Jeff Sessions the trigger point is whether or not there is anything having to do with the fact that thec trup campaign is a subject of whatever matter may be under investigation and because of that, because he was part of the campaign, even though he has done nothing wrong himself, nevertheless he and his staff have decided it is a matter of discretion to be sure that the investigation is impartial and no one participating in the campaign is a part of the investigation. That is part of the reason he recused himself. He himself has done nothing wrong whatsoever as is very clear and those democrats that are claiming that he is somehow culpable in any way are absolutely wrong. David so, and there are enough people inside the Justice Department now to take care of the investigation without an outsider being brought in any way, right . Well, there will be. A special investigator can be appointed under the rules of the Justice Department. They need not necessarily be within the department itself. So, he is following the regulations of the Justice Department has to insure that the public of an absolutely independent investigation. David what do you think, by the way, mr. Meese, about donald trump tweeting out all these pictures of democrats meeting with russians . Nancy pelosi, Chuck Schumer . Well, i think what he is showing how silly it is for the democrats to claim somehow Jeff Sessions did anything wrong. You know the question he was asked during his hearing was in the context of members of the Trump Campaign being in communication with someone from russia. And his answer of course was, that he was not because he didnt have anything as a campaign representative. So within the context of the question, he was absolutely right. So again, it is absolutely wrong to claim that he did something improper. David ed meese, who was attorney general under president reagan, thank you very much for talking to us, sir, appreciate it. Thank you. So democrats are furious over the russian controversy surrounding Jeff Sessions but Rush Limbaugh is saying this outcry is about Something Else entirely. This story is barack obama and the Democrat Party attempting to sabotage the Trump Presidency and do everything they can to either render it meaningless and ineffective or get him impeached or force him to resign. That is what the story is. Melissa all right. Here to react is kristen soltys anderson, republican pollster, washington examine are columnist. Blake rutherford, a democratic strategist. Thanks for joining us. Kristin, let me start with you. One story out specifically in the daily mail showing the obamas nerve center in washington where supposedly they have set up shop to have sort of an outpost in order to undermine the credibility of the president and go after him, you know, supposedly, they even had Valerie Jarrett moved in under their roof. A quote in there, somebody close to what is supposed to be this nerve center, saying obamas goal according to a close family friend to out of trump from the presidency, by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment. What do you think about that . Does that sound a little too tinfoil hat or you think that is possible . I would hope it is not true. I would hope president obama would give deference to his successor the way george w. Bush gave deference to his successor and way president , certainly barack obama has a right to offer criticism if he feels some poll of his is being undermined and threatened, he has the right to do that. I hope that daily mail story and extent which it is portrayed as them and undermining him and out of him from the presidency. I hope that is not the case. Melissa blake, your thoughts. Yeah. I certainly think its a little salacious to suggest thats the intent of the former president. Melissa you think Valerie Jarrett is not living there . It would be a little strange if she is living there. I certainly cant speak toc that. The important thing, weve got, wee have a big debate over the future of the Affordable Care act and i think you would expect president obama to be vocal on that. A signature policy achievement of his administration and this administration wants to repeal and replace. Melissa his time is over. It has long been the tradition of president s, once they have their chance and theyre out, they give the next guy a legitimate chance, at least to get up and running. That theyre not sitting there on the sidelines sort of plotting and sniping on their heels an possibly coordinating with people still left in the government that would appointed under their umbrella, which is certainly the case, there is a lot of folks there still loyal to president obama. Well, i dont really think thats the goal here. I think, i think president obama has been deferential to President Trump. In fact if were looking at communications, the one who has been antagonistic has been President Trump towards president obama. So i think, i think both men have to decide you know what were going to do here. But i think President Trump really has been the one who has been more vocal towards president obama. Melissa i dont want to run out of time before we talk about the case who had vodka with the russians most recently because this has become a war of photographs. And you know everybody has been seen with a russian. Im going to photoshop something of myself. Feel completely left out. Kristin, donald trump battling back. Kind of funny putting out pictures of nancy pelosi saying she would never, has never, boom he puts out a picture. This, you know, i dont know what is in this picture, if you look at the one of Chuck Schumer he is having doughnuts with Vladmir Putin. That had to do with gas stations coming to new york that putin was benefiting from. I mean that is financial deal. There is kind of, seems like everybody has russian ties. How do you sort through what is meaningful, whats not . Sure. Donald trump is master of the medium of twitter. Making headlines by making statements, using photos, things like that that everybody will get talking about. I think it is absolutely right folks who are at senior level of u. S. Government, either party, if youre serving in the senate, relevant committees you will interact with folks from other countries. I dont think its a scandal to say Jeff Sessions talked to somebody from russia. We do have a little bit of, oh, have you been coordinating with the russians . Start hauling people melissa blake, real quick, for any of this to mean something there needs to be some there there . We know there is a little bit of there there . Melissa we do . We know the russians meddled in the president ial election. Melissa but the there there, would be if they coordinated with the Trump Campaign. Weve seen no evidence that they were saying were going to do this, you give us that . And that is the purpose of the investigation. The investigation that the attorney general had to recuse himself from. Lets have the investigation. Then lets see. Melissa fair enough. See what is really is there. Melissa thanks to both of you. David david. David there may be no there here. Yesterday we mentioned that senator Lindsey Graham was a panelist at a forum in new york last year which Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak was a panel. The Senators Office assures us, senator graham and Russian Ambassador spoke at different times. They never actually met at the forum. The senator stands by his earlier comments on fox news that he neve met witthe Russian Ambassador. We apologize for any misimpression we may have given. Wanted to straighten that out. Melissa law and disorder. A federal judge now under investigation for helping an illegal immigrant avoid federal agents. Next, former sheriff paul babeu sound off. You cant predict the market. But through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. After becoming one of the largest Broadband Companies in the country. After expanding our Fiber Network coast to coast. These are the places we call home. We are centurylink. We believe in the power of the digital world. The power to connect. And thats what drives us everyday. Melissa an oregon judge amazing major backlash after allegedly helping an illegal immigrant from i. C. E. By leading a man through a private entrance from the courthouse. Here to react paul babeu, former pinal county, arizona, sheriff. Do you think this happens a lot . Not too often, a officer ever the court, a judge, my god this judge should be removed from her position, and, if not charged as well. Melissa yeah. I mean is this where were going do you think with those various sanctuary cities . That is sort of the premise behind the sanctuary city because well not crate with the government no matter what federal law is . It is one thing not to have a detainer at a jail. You can notkf2 but not hold an illegal for an extra 48 hours. It is entirely different when an actual judge, who sits in judgment, who hears a case from us in law enforcement, and has departments there, escort and knowing immigration officials are out in the hallway waiting to apprehend this person and allow safe passage through the judges chambers about. This is is outrageous. This judge should be removed immediately. Melissa not only that, he was in jail as drunk driving incident. Other politicians said that shouldnt count as second offense who is here illegally. I have a Family Member seriously injured in a drunk drive accident. They were not the driver. That is not a small thing, isnt it . That is not a small thing. Countless americans, marianne mendoza, her son who is Police Officer in nearby mesa. David arizona, was killed by a wrongway driver, drunk drive, who was illegal and had entire rap sheet. This isnt the first offense for this other guy. Enough of these bleeding hearts, i read a headline today, an illegal was arrested and it was the illegals birthday. And how tragic that was. It is like, common, this is like law enforcement, there is always a personal story behind it. Then there should be no laws enforced on anybody. Melissa sheriff, thank you, wish we had more time. Thanks for coming on today. Thanks, melissa, extraordinarily heartbreaking images of our nations heroes, veterans left to wait in extreme pain at va hospital. Hear the story behind these photos coming next. Melissa oh. Why pause a spontaneous moment . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis. David its one thing to hear about vets treated badly at va hospitals. It is another to actually see how some of these vets are abused and neglected. Our next guest made sure we could all see for ourselves. Her retired marine steve and his wife hannah. Steve, first to you. I guess your hope these pictures will stir a response. What kind of response have you had so far . You know what . To be honest when we started this all out we didnt expect really any response. I honestly, as a veteran am pretty used to seeing things similar to this. It kind of look over, my wife was reason it got posted. She was very upset about it. She was to the point of tears during the incident. David hannah, what happened that made you realize these pictures could actually stir a response and maybe get some action done . Well, i think a lot of people, they dont really have the chance or the reason to go into the va themselves. So i feel like a lot of people might not just think about it. So i figured by putting a photograph to something that maybe countless amount of veterans see every day may be a good way to raise Public Awareness of it. David absolutely. Steve, what are some of the background that were seeing . I saw one amputee there and some other people. Tell us a little bit about them. Im not too familiar with a couple of them. We are familiar with jesse lee. Jesse lee is the one in the wheelchair with the amputated leg. He was vietnamera. You know, he is a real nice guy. He has been getting treatment from the va for quite some time now. So, its nothing new to him. It is kind of how it happens. David what is your personal experience with the va . It is really hit or miss. The va system as whole some of the c you can get can be th best. Some of it is deplorable and the would ever. David depends where you are. A lot of hospitals are not that bad. Some of the va hospitals. Some are quite good. Some people think we should get rid of the bureaucracy. It is the biggest civilian bureaucracy we have. Over 300,000 people there. Exactly. David about 180 billion a year. Maybe if we just give individual veterans a voucher, let them decide where to spend that money, in facility would be better off. What do you think . Exactly. I agree completely. It has become overrun by paperwork and rules. And i mean if you go to any other private hospital, it is not like that. People get care they need at regular hospitals. You go to the va, they have mountains of paperwork they have to go through for each parent. It has to be done in a certain way. David bureaucratic nightmare for a lot of people. Hannah, President Trump has specifically talked about cleaning up the va. Do you think he will be able to do it . I feel pretty confident he has good intentions to do it. Obviously time will tell. I do have some faith that he will address the situation. David what about you, steve, quickly . Yeah. I really hope so. He has talked about it. I think there is a lot of things on his plate right now. Hopefully he gets around to it. You know, i dont think the changes that are needed, although drastic, i dont think theyre very difficult to make. So hopefully somewhere along the line he can get to doing some major change for us. David yeah. Just get rid of the bureaucracy. Steve and hannah, thanks very much for the work that you have done. We really appreciate it. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for having us on. Thank you. Melissa asking a former president to reveal one of the nations top secrets. What george w. Bush told jimmy kimmel about the existence of ufos. That is next. Did you go through the secret files, the ufo documents . Maybe. Because if i was president , that would be the first thing i did. You know, its funny. My daughters asked the same question. Now that youre on out of office, you can do anything you want; right . True. Yeah. But im not telling you. Youre not telling me. Youre not telling me what . Are you not telling me that you looked at them . Im not telling you nothing. [laughter] i love it. I think he looked. I think he looked. And hes not talking. History remains. I love it. That does it for us. Have a great weekend. Risk and reward starts now. [chanting] trump were going to build a wall. Liz monday more than 330 companies now lining up to build President Trumps wall and that number has nearly doubled in just one week alone. This after news of more than a

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