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There is the defense lines of the Russian Troops that must be destroyed, and of course there were active discussions on this, the second is the preparation of the Ukrainian Army for the winter period with an eye on the spring period of next year. Similarly , here we also heard about the training of the ukrainian pilots for 16 because it is expected for the spring and some other moments , as well as providing for the winter, in addition to weapons, the necessary elements, generators and not only additional equipment, and the third moment, which also does not lose its relevance during any rammstein that takes place, is air defense because its strengthening is just as important for us as the russian terrorist attacks they do not stop and the tendency is that they will stop at no drone dronemissile so actually speaking the strengthening of the air Defense System is the system solution that was announced last year in october during the rammstein conference about the creation of a very crazy air Defense System for ukraine, it is the same. On the agenda, seven issues are absolutely working, there are positive results, because as far as rammstein is concerned, i think that there can be no questions as for resource provision, is it enough for us today, the answer is traditional, unfortunately , it is not enough, we need more, oleksandr well, i would also like to Pay Attention to those statements that today they heard abrams, which, according to the guest, will soon be in ukraine, uh, they have been waiting for them for a very long time. In ukraine, we already have leopards or abrams. It is now critically important for the front , is it possible to replace them with other Armored Vehicles . From the ground it is considered the fastest tank in the world with the help of its engine, so well, in general, it is one of the best tanks in the world , it is actually difficult to replace it. Another issue is effective use due to the weather conditions of certain lets say for sure, we landscape on the terrain, i see only in this. What, lets say, warnings about the fact that we may not be able to use it so effectively for a certain period of time, because the abrams is a very good tank, but it, like the leopard, is heavy, and therefore it is clear that on certain ground conditions it will be difficult for him, but it is only the weather conditions at the end of the part, and the tank is very important and necessary, although again, i would not say now that immediately after receiving the first batch of abrams tanks, you should expect a radical change on the battlefield, they they will help, they are very necessary, but it will still take time to use them effectively and achieve results in combination with other types of weapons supplied to us by our partners even before ramstein and in ukraine in the west. More and more often talk about attacks was overshadowed by the corresponding statements from western politicians my colleague from germany also mentioned this in her inclusion, and actually a similar decision from germany regarding tavria taurus was expected, but they did not wait, why in your opinion . Well, i would not say that the expectation from rammstein everything must be attacks, and the taurus, remember how it was with the tanks, they also had high hopes for rammstein at that time, that there will be a rammstein conference and the leopards will be announced, it will be completely different when the president of the United States, biden, made a statement about providing ukraine with abrams, then there was a statement from germany, and this happened after the rammstein conference. I think that now the parallels between that situation and todays situation are quite appropriate, because now the president of ukraine is in the United States, there will be a speech at the General Assembly and then a meeting with President Biden and not only with the members of the congress of both chambers of the congress and i think that all of ukraine will get the same as the taurus. Enemy bodies and firepower in order to adjust the conduct of hostilities taking into account the weather conditions. I mean the use of longrange artillery missiles and the actions of small groups that can operate in the area accordingly, without the use of, for example, heavy Armored Vehicles, when this weather will not allow that for us, and there is another geopolitical factor plus, this is still a visit to russia in what way, and now you have gone to visit russia, as well as the chief diplomat of china, they agree, they talk, and the west how i cant help but demonstrate leadership in this situation and by providing ukraine with appropriate packages of support for atakams missiles, i will note by the way that just at this time of this day and that his minister of defense of russia is in iran with oleksandrs work trip, did i understand you correctly, that you predict that the decision regarding takams will be heard after, well, or at least it will be adopted after the meeting between zelenskyi and biden absolutely. I think that this is exactly what will happen, because there are a lot of indicators, the two points that i am talking about said the arguments that i present. Well, and the third, in the end, you already know a lot of appeals from senators and congressmen from both parties , Civil Society and from ukraine and the United States , experts are called to do, and i think that these appeals will eventually be heard in of the administration of the president of the usa. I want to clarify right away. Because we have heard direct speech from the representative of germany, who says that in principle taurus was not on the agenda. Will the decision of the United States push scholz, so to speak, because now the bundestag transfers the full responsibility for the decision to him . Well, i would like to remind you that a few days ago , the minister of defense of germany, under the cover of the story, said that well, in about two weeks, we will return to the taurus issue, so i would focus on this, and i think it was just right these, lets say, time limits were announced for a reason, because it was clear that there will be meetings with the ukrainian president of the United States, there will be a discussion of this issue, and maybe a decision will be made that will, accordingly, give germany the opportunity to make a decision on taurus as soon as there is a decision from the United States. I am almost sure that germany will also will make a positive decision, i am saying here analogies with tanks, they are quite appropriate , the situation is very similar. Okay, lets move on to another topic. We cannot remember such a real information wave that took place through an article in the new york times, whose journalists write about the rocket that flew into the market in kostyantynivka. And this is the tragedy of september 6. And when 16 people died it was a ukrainian beech. So the journalists there write that they analyzed the wreckage of the rocket, satellite images, evidence eyewitnesses of the publication on social networks and what they say is that these evidences literally convincingly testify that the flight over kostyantynivka was, and again literally , a tragic failure of the Ukrainian Air defense forces, well , actually , there are no official results of the investigation yet, and they urge them to wait, but i want you to ask if the given evidence of the journalists about which they say is enough to draw conclusions and in fact how they should have had access to the same wreckage and some video recordings, first of all, i specially reread this article more than once i could have consulted with my colleagues. We read the same way. I was not convinced personally. My opinion is in the evidence, especially such evidence that the sound and direction of the rocket could be heard from somewhere. For example, as it is drawn, listen to the rockets can change their trajectory and it has been a long time. It is known in principle, it is noticeable in the russian attacks on the territory of ukraine, they constantly change the trajectory. Actually, in order to bypass the Ukrainian Air defense means, it is first and second directly the wreckage and their research and conducting an examination is not just a millimeter measurement of what happened and just an assessment situations with a comparison, these are directly forensic examinations, measures that need to be carried out, the third moment, er, conversations with witnesses , as well as witnesses who say that they heard , saw something, er, lets say, i mean heard the sound came from somewhere, from somewhere, it came from some direction, it is the same and is not always convincing evidence, the fact is that uh, i am almost sure that ukraine turns to the United States in similar cases, which helps to record the launches of enemy russian missiles on the front, it is more difficult to do that that a lot of launches and leaders from the territory of russia are doing this, there are similar methods as calculated. And an investigation is being conducted, so i think that it would be possible to argue quite seriously and refute these direct the facts, giving counterarguments and citing the arguments of the ukrainian side, because in my opinion, well, from what i saw from the investigation, i was not convinced , even as much as i tried. I am not convinced by the evidence that the kingdom was actually a rocket book of the president , they commented and said that the investigation is going on, they are going just as they promised. Now it is about mr. Padalyak, i say that the ukrainians will find out, uh, the results of this investigation will be found out the truth, and if you are talking about the fact that american specialists are involved in such processes and possible investigations of such investigations, will ukrainians hear about the results, which, for example , will confirm the conclusions of the journalists that we are talking about . You know one or another country. I think that for such attention of snakes for such coverage of ongoing events, well, it is very difficult to say that it is possible to hide the truth. Materials personally, as a citizen of ukraine, it is not very pleasant, but i also respect the journalists at the new york times, those who work and carry out certain work, this is already their work and we must understand it. But again , in any case, a but you need to wait for the results of the investigation and draw further conclusions. But i think that you can see that there are many cases that come out anyway, well, for example, the situation with the tcc. What kind of scandals did we have today . To hide some moments, well, it becomes impossible because of this, in particular, the meticulous attention to these events, it will not allow it to be done, on the other hand, it is normal, i would like it to be the same and not forget, in particular, and some representatives of the mass media, at the same time, using the freedom to express their opinions and well to warn against a certain bias and not to forget about the first cause of these events that are currently taking place on the territory of ukraine, which is russian aggression, if it did not exist, there would be no pieces of rockets, people would be dressed in civilian clothes , first of all, there would be no armor, oleksandr if we assume that this universal material is lobbied by certain forces or, lets say, journalists were used in order for you to promote certain narratives. That someone bought this post well i understand if we now start saying that well in the spirit of the fact that these snakes are all venal and they all spread fakes you know they spread what they spread we may not like certain publications, but then it is not freedom of speech, well, those are the standards, secondly , you know, i can say that we should not forget , here we opened the office of the prosecutor between the prosecutor of the International Criminal court and so on. I know a little history. I studied military history, and you know that some publications and materials are sometimes distributed not only about the state that is the aggressor and attacks and sometimes also about the state that is defending itself, unfortunately, sometimes certain materials are distributed and we must be aware that such may appear the reports are Like International flints and everything, and we need to prepare, we need to be noninfantile, maintain the position that we accuse everyone of the fact that it is the russian agents and lobbyists, maybe someone is like that, i do not argue, but it must be proven first of all and we need to prepare for with the help of arguments and confirmations to a rather serious struggle, in particular on the legal fronts and on International Legal fronts. Unfortunately, this is the world and , unfortunately, such realities, in particular among some organizations, or even your right to selfdefense, which you exercise and how do you exercise it implement, sometimes it is necessary to demonstrate that this is not a violation of International Standards and the same International Humanitarian law , and so on. Therefore, it should be the work of state bodies, etc. We are able to justify our position. And this should be done not just by accusing someone of being corrupt to putin, but by presenting and breaking down someones position with devastating arguments and confirming ours, this is important i heard oleksandr, thank you, i was very interested in the conversation, oleksandr musienko, a militarypolitical expert and head of the center for militarylegal studies, was in direct contact with us. Well, i will add that we are expecting president zelenskys speech in the near future at the General Assembly of the United Nations and freedom will broadcast live, then we will talk about the speech of the president with diplomats, so wait, and dont forget to like this broadcast , comment on it, subscribe to youtube and radio svoboda, well, lets go on, oh, grow momers as the minister of defense of ukraine for the first time on rammstein in such a status, we already mentioned it, and previously he had a conversation with his american colleague lloyd austin , and now he met live, well actually austin began his speech by thanking Oleksiy Reznikov , noting his literal hard work and dedication, and congratulated the new leader ukrainian ee of the ministry of defense, noting that he liked the first meeting held, i will add that the mayors peace visit to rammstein takes place two weeks after he was appointed to the position of minister of defense and the day before, the cabinet of ministers fired all six deputy mayors. And only the first deputy pavlyuk remained in office, who should also be fired after returning to the Mayors Office from germany. Well, now our broadcast is joined by daria kaleniuk, executive director of the Anticorruption Center, daria. Greetings, good evening, good evening. The first rammstein for a retired minister in the status of the minister of defense, what are the main tasks before him, will he pick up what reznikov started, or maybe there are some spots left that the minister is now in the status of a new should pick up, in your opinion, part of the tasks that he will pick up, he will need to ensure a stable state of the arrival of weapons, in particular air defense and Armored Vehicles and other types and types of weapons to ukraine from our partners. There are several problems with the work at the international level, different ones that we fixed , one of these problems was the lack of access to weapons technologies and as a result of his international work, that is, we received the most weapons from the United States, but the absolute majority of weapons from the United States came to us and are still coming to us without access to high technologies. That is, we do not have detailed instructions, detailed technical descriptions of many types and types of weapons, this reduces our opportunities to repair these weapons in ukraine, and this makes it impossible, er, quite often, to effectively use this of weapons eh, the second eh task, eh, we have now entered the phase of International Cooperation with partners, when they are finishing up their weapons in warehouses aah if during the past year and a half, they handed over to us mainly what they already had bought ee in themselves for their army and critically they did not need these weapons , they could transfer them to ukraine, so now all these stocks in warehouses are running out and our partners must buy weapons, there is a question of the capacity of the World Defense sector in general, in particular countries liberal western nato countries very quickly mobilize their Defense Industry in order to produce enough weapons, but they produce enough weapons for themselves. And the question is who and how much and what will be ordered for the interests and needs of the armed forces of ukraine we need to develop direct relations with arms manufacturers and we need to show our ability to at least partially buy western weapons from western manufacturers, and here there are rules of the game in the arms trade and in the transfer of weapons. These rules of the game provide that the country where the weapons go , especially if we about american weapons, and again, the american provides the largest weapons, hires the most dependently. These rules of the game provide that there must be a full guarantee of the protection of these technologies so that there are no corrupt agents inside our systems, these technologies will not be stolen and will not be transferred to the enemy, there should be trust in ukraine, there should be understanding. From our side , how does this system of weapons transfer of Weapons Technology work . Now the task will be a prerequisite to return with rammstein from a visit to washington and continue the cleaning in the sculpture of the ministry of defense fix the effective procurement of not only nonlethal weapons but also weapons and saturate the ministry of defense with personnel and people who are able to understand in detail how the nato market works over daria ya i wanted to ask you about the percentage of the ministers lack of loans, and many were convinced that certain deputies such as sharapov, who managed procurement and procurement, and who is called a business partner, and yarmak will definitely not be fired, because they just performed certain functions, like the president s curator, they said the same about the anomaly that allegedly built the information policy according to the instructions of the president , you actually also expressed your conviction that without the dismissal of sharapov, the ministry of defense will not be reformed will happen, this fact of dismissal for you shows that bankova has lost these functions and completely given them over to the ministry. The ministry has died. Can such control remain and in what form can it be . The dismissal of all seven deputies except pavlyuk is definitely a very positive step. The dismissal did not take place without the blessing of president zelensky because the ministry of defense during martial law directly depends on the political zelenskyi. But this dismissal also Shows Attitude of the minister of defense that is, we believe that the first ee is this flag ee that should identify whether the minister will simply cover up the problems in the ministry of defense with a fig leaf or the minister will clean the ministry of defense, so the first test that shows that everything is mowed will be cleaned and there will be reforms, i passed the next test, that is, who will be appointed, that is, who will replace these people who left their positions, and we hope for new people who will be virtuous and qualified, because in the previous the ministry of defense was a mixture of dishonesty and low qualifications, those people who were in the positions of Deputy Ministers did not even realize that they did not understand at all in those matters that they were grumbling about. Unfortunately , during the war, we cannot afford to have people at the head of the ministry of defense incompetent and corrupt people, this does not allow us to build the trust of our trust partners , the weapons manufacturers, and it does not allow us to build processes that will allow us to establish interoperability experts, i will remind you that in a year in july there will be a nato anniversary summit in washington, and there we expect very much that President Biden will make a historic decision and dare to invite ukraine to nato, for this we need strong arguments to show our partners that we are the leadership of the new minister whom we appointed after the previous minister was drowned in a Corruption Scandal that we under the leadership of the new minister , several basic critical nato standards were implemented, in particular in procurement, but here we can also talk about other things, in particular , the provision of the army, it is now the army the middle ages of bureaucracy sank because we have a paper army, not a single nato country works in such conditions of bureaucracy as our army, our poor officers, in parallel with carrying out combat tasks, are forced to generate dozens of unnecessary pieces of paper that no one reads, that is, such basic reforms if we do them, i hope that the new team will be able to make a reinforced concrete argument for america and President Biden at the next anniversary of the same zina in washington to make a historic decision record with us further, and how much the Deputy Ministers of defense influence the work of the department, because you mentioned the bureaucracy , is it enough to change personalities or are there certain problems with the regulatory and legal framework, and the participation of the Verkhovna Rada is also needed here , lets say, of course, it is not enough to replace only the Deputy Ministers of e in the system of the ministry of defense, it is necessary to change the entire structure and leadership of departments, the visa structure of departments, individual departments, that is, there are many departments of departments that are not at all it is clear what people have been doing for years, so it seems to me that the connection has been interrupted, we will now try to restore it and listen to daria kalynyuk, i will remind you that just at this moment the meeting of the council of security , the General Assembly of the un 78 is scheduled to be addressed by the president of ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi previously it was at 19 45 , the latest information is 20 15, but one way or another, we will definitely broadcast live and together as experts we will analyze what is happening on the fields of the gene assembly, which continues while we try to restore communication let me remind you that daria kalyniuk, the executive director of the Anticorruption Center , and i were just talking about the results of ramstein and not only that mr. Meros as the minister of defense is attending this event for the first time. What should change in the ministry of defense so that on the 50th anniversary of washington, ukraine received an invitation to nato, and so we are waiting for the speech of the ukrainian president well, in the meantime , Oleksandr Kraev joins our broadcast expert of the council of foreign policy, ukrainian prizma, oleksandr good evening, my greetings yes i congratulate good evening well, while we are waiting for the president s speech at the Security Council meeting , lets talk about the statements that have already been made, the ukrainian president stated the need to exclude russia from the Security Council, but we understand that if there was political will for sure it would have happened earlier is it not so can anything change at all in this matter and what does it depend on, i. E. For it to happen there had to be the political will of 75 of the participants organization of the United Nations and there was obviously no such will well, we still say that in principle about 4045 of states are simply not ready to vote for something radical antirussian, they constantly avoid this vote and simply abstain during it why, according to the charter of the United Nations, any issue that is not clearly spelled out in the charter is decided by a vote of a qualified majority in the General Assembly, when the majority of these 75 votes in principle is the question of membership , about the exclusion of a state about participation in meetings, it is not clearly written in the statute and it can be regulated by this norm, but understanding the importance of such a vote, we must also be aware that in principle we will have only one attempt, conditionally speaking, the second time, in the near future no one will give us the opportunity to hold such a vote and can we exclude russia from the zone because we can at least limit its possibility of participation, but for this we need to gather really very, very important support, and that is why for us the un meeting is now essentially participation in order to get such support to look for and convince more and more states and do you think today will be the day when the president of ukraine can take advantage of this chance . Will he mention it in his official speech . I think he can mention it at least. We continue to hold this meeting. For help, we say that russia, as an aggressor state, has no right to be in the un, which says almost from the first articles of its charter that it is a community of peaceloving states, so we will definitely emphasize against this. I am not sure that we right now, we can put it to a vote, because we understand that the agenda of the assembly, the agenda of each committee, each subcommittee of the General Assembly is formed very, very much by age , that is, let me announce that right now , in the field window on the screen, our viewers can see live what is happening and at the un General Assembly , the turkish president of turkey, rejekt and erdogan, is speaking there now. That is, we have the opportunity to follow live what is happening in new york , please continue. Day, since in principle everything has already been formed and looked over, and given the wellknown okhiv bureaucracy, we will not be able to raise this issue, and even more so, we will not be able to count on adequate support. Therefore , at least this is not a question specifically of this genoassembly, because as we know the beginning of the work of the General Assembly is primarily publicity , it is primarily a diplomatic show , this issue remains relevant, but right now during this speech, i am not sure that we will be able to immediately put this issue to a vote during the speech american President Joe Biden mentioned that it would be good to expand and increase the number of Security Council members. The media also reported on this the day before with reference to the white house. That would be such a proposal from joe biden. But at the same time, they talked about the alleged the new representatives in the Security Council will not have the right to veto in general, if schalke were to weigh the two options of excluding russia from the Security Council and expanding the composition of the Security Council, which of these options would be more acceptable and more effective for ukraine, and the first and second it is not antiyear options, this is a complementary option, in general

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