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Cargo through a temporary corridor of wheat over 17 and a half thousand tons, it is noted that its crew are citizens of egypt, turkey, azerbaijan , belgium and albania, in addition, three more ships are moving in the direction of ukrainian ports after loading more than 127,000 tons of ukrainian grain and iron ore, they will go in the direction of china, egypt, and spain, prepared enemy strikes on 9 objects in odesa , the Security Service exposed the russian air attack corrector, it gave the enemy electronic coordinates of objects of military critical infrastructure, among them fortified areas buildings, as well as strategically important railway junctions, in addition , the woman tried to follow the directions of combat aircraft flights, the traitor was detained by the Law Enforcement officers while attempting to transfer new intelligence officers, now she is in custody again loudly in crimea, explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied sevastopol and there was smoke in the sevastopol bay , the local media reports, they write that the occupiers launched a smoke screen and stopped the movement of ships. On the western coast of the peninsula , ukraine was traditionally accused of the attack eight people were injured due to a Road Accident in the lviv region in the village of mereshchiv two cars collided headon both drivers six passengers among the injured, four children, the youngest three years old, were all taken to a doctor. They were told in the field by the regional police. Law enforcement officers opened a criminal case for violating traffic rules. In the morning, the russians covered kherson with fire. A 25yearold man died as a result of shelling. Two more people were injured , the head of the citys military administration said. In a dark tone, he noted that the invaders killed the dnieper district of the city , there were hits in residential buildings, and 16 people were injured due to enemy shelling in the city of kurakhov. In donetsk region, the previous evening, a mozkovite attacked a settlement with two iskander missiles, one of them hit a twostory residential building, injuring six women and 10 men aged 43 to 82, all of them received medical assistance, the Regional Prosecutors Office said, the investigation of the rubble continues in the city , windows, facades, roofs of highrise buildings cars and garages , the rescue operation in cherkasy was completed last night, no people were found under the rubble , said the head of the Regional Military administration, ihor taburets, i will remind you yesterday russia launched a massive missile attack on our country debris from downed targets fell on a hotel in the center of cherkasy 11 people were injured, six of them are in the hospital, two are in a serious condition in yerevan , protests against the surrender of the unrecognized nagornokarabakh continue, demonstrators surrounded the government building to disrupt its meeting, clashes took place together with the police, the Police Detained one of the leaders of the opposition and the head of the mother armenia bloc. They write to resign there, too, he could not, the leaders of the protests are calling for a nationwide strike the day before , clashes broke out again under the government building. Terrorist information for the country in the period from august 2020 to february 23, 2021 , the London Police conducted an investigation and found that the suspects worked in an operational spy cell of the russian Security Services and observed the goals of dumplings according to a special recipe for ukrainian soldiers in the carpathians, the couple prepares a batch of dumplings every two weeks, which volunteers hand over to our soldiers on the front lines, our ivanofrankish colleagues asked about the features and secrets of the homemade and especially delicious recipe mrs. Tetiana prepares steamed dumplings for the soldiers for at the beginning , the flour of the highest grade is taken , of course, it must be sifted while mrs. Tatyana kneads the dough on the stove, the water boils, it is laid down, it is tied and fixed the edges with a rubber band so that these countries do not fall on fire, the water boils, i pour the water in. Like this, almost half a pot of water boils. In the meantime, i will make dumplings. I take six or seven pieces of dough for this portion of dumplings and make a roll. Now you can fill the dough, this time the woman decided to make dumplings with cabbage, a bed of fillings, more well, who likes, who doesnt like a lot, this one is very little. I like to have a lot of dumplings , so we have time to chat. Earlier , mrs. Tetiana lived in kyiv until the ivanofrankivsk woman moved 4 years ago when she met her husband, mr. Volodymyr, she says that she started her volunteer activity during the revolution of dignity, from the time of the maidan in kyiv. I started going on weekends because i was still working, and to be honest, at work, it was not immediately approved that i started going. So i on weekends, she just went and treated people during the antiterrorist operation, the woman did not stop cooking for the soldiers, sometimes the dumplings were taken to the front together with other volunteers, and after the fullscale invasion of the russians, she began to be even more active to cook dumplings so that the soldiers are full, she says this recipe has been passed down from generation to generation in her family, literally only three salt, soda and whey are put in there , neither eggs nor oil are added to the flour as in ordinary ordinary dumplings. The filling of the dumplings can be varied, both salty and acidic, even with cheese, cheese, salty cheese, sweet with poppy seeds, and even with eggs. The dumplings are special because they can be stored longer than usual, and for the military, this is just what you need to, you can keep them for a few days, but guys, when we send them, they can be fine for three days. Of course, now we send it in a thermos. We put ice cream in the bottles on top, they literally reach the very front line. Pieces in the winter , says ms. Tatyana, they send more all the scoops , somewhere it turns out 3537 pieces of dumplings, they never stick together those cars normally arrive, mrs. Tatyanas husband brings the necessary ingredients and also helps with cooking, what should i bring, take away, moral support , some onions, finish it, it will always be a problem, clean it, prepare some food, well, prepare some work , they usually bring two from the bazaar times a day. Therefore, this is the most important thing, because who will help her if not me, besides dumplings, now the couple is preparing various twists for the soldiers, and soon they will also be transferred to the front from carpathian ivan kharuk volodymyr voloshchuk for of the espresso tv channel so far, i have for now this is all the news. We will say goodbye to you until tomorrow. Glory to ukraine, this is a verdict program. My name is serhiy rudenko. I greet everyone and wish everyone good health. Today in the program , they again dream of arranging a blackout for us. Russian terrorists have resumed attacks on the ukrainian energy, the consequences of a massive attack , the occupiers did not expect such a largescale special operation of the Ukrainian Special services in crimea, what managed to hit the strategic isak airfield, will they hear zelensky at the un, what is the probability the exclusion of russia from the security council, rumors of the death of kadyrov, why the kremlin hides the state of the dictator of chechnya, we will talk about this and other things in the next few hours, i will have three guests today, they are a general and a yagun, a major of the National Guard , a hetman and a journalist, roman tsimbalyuk. However , before starting our conversation, i suggest you look at the consequences of todays night shelling of Ukraine Russia for the first time in the last six months, it hit the Energy Infrastructure of the western and Central Regions, the occupiers fired 43 cruise missiles 36 of which were shot down by antiaircraft defense, lets see, i ran out of that place, i heard such a sound, i ran into the kitchen to look in the bedroom, there is no window. It was a network pharmacy, a budget pharmacy. Er, it was an explosion and the window was broken. My daughter has a bunk bed and we have a bunk bed, and at that time , a fresh girl fell right at me, and at the same second the window was broken er, well, we counted 42 flights, i think there were dead people and yet the wounded were taken to the hospital today. Rivne region was hit by rockets, unfortunately, the energy and civil infrastructure was hit behind me. One hundred cars were partially destroyed and damaged. Today, the Defense Forces of ukraine conducted a unique special operation on the occupied Crimean Peninsula and struck the military airfield of the occupiers. Sake , lets see drone here ice tin i dont understand bees oh oh you what a handsome man dont fight the commentators just dont quite understand whats going on obviously thats why friends are commenting offscreen for those who are now watching us on youtube and facebook. Of Energy Infrastructure so the options for answers yes no your option please write in the comments to our contact viktor yagun Major General of the Security Service of ukraine in reserve former deputy head of the Security Service of ukraine mr. General i i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our broadcast. Good health. It was quite a difficult night in ukraine. Today is the International Day of peace, and on this International Day of peace, russia cynically launched a massive missile attack on the territory of ukraine and on peaceful cities. 36 missiles were shot down out of 43 that the russians launched over ukraine, and the Russian Missile attack damaged Energy Facilities in the western and Central Regions today, 398 settlements in ukraine remained without power, well, it is obvious that the threat of russian attacks on the Energy Infrastructure of ukraine remains and will remain in the future, it will obviously be a very long time with such an ignorant neighbor. Obviously, they will always use this last argument according to your what and how can be saved, well, it is meant from the infrastructure objects of the Energy Infrastructure in ukraine from a destructive neighbor. Is there any the recipe for this is because it is clear that the objects they attack are not renewed so quickly, unfortunately, this is very why because we understand their logic , they attack infrastructure objects because they are fighting and they actually carry out genocide they have a very simple question of bringing the population of ukraine to a state where, i dont know you, i will try to destabilize the situation inside the state , go out and say how long this will last. The situation was deteriorating, they will produce as many rockets as they can produce, this is old for a month, and during this month they will try to privatize us, and in the last few months, they have collected a certain amount of racket, they will probably oblige them with drones of iranian origin already now, and early russian origin , and with such a vixen, they will try to buy air Defense Systems, wear us out and, er , achieve the goal of er, er, throwing some kind of despair into ukraine, is this their goal, or is it in they will turn out, i doubt there are several arguments against this, first of all, our armed forces and antiDefense Forces are no longer the forces that were a year ago, this is the second time we have the opportunity to understand where they are shooting and why they are some of these facilities have already been prepared or are being prepared for the effects of the house, they are being moved to other places. They are trying to somehow be protected, and the third is that the population is ready because it has already passed. What to do in case of danger, if there is no heat and light, where to leave here , maybe there are some alternative places, well, this is all in the complex, we are talking about the fact that the enemy is definitely on his goal, he will try , but he will not reach, mr. Generals, it is obvious to at the beginning of the great war in ukraine, there were some regulations regarding emergency situations in the event that a plane accidentally crashes into a power plant or a Nuclear Power plant there , in the event that, er, some hostilities begin, but obviously it was considered more quickly from the west than from the east, and obviously well, there was not such that the concept of National Security and defense considers such cases , that is, the actual destruction of those objects that ensure the lives of ukrainians and their preservation , well, it is impossible to install an air Defense System everywhere within a year or two or three to ensure the security of all ukrainians throughout the territory of ukraine , do you think it is necessary to review the concept of National Security and defense in terms of protecting important infrastructure facilities . I think they will already review it because for the vast majority they were of the soviet union, and in order not to confuse any new mountains there, they were simply rewritten. Well, perhaps they were translated from russian into ukrainian and rewritten since the year because those spare command posts of regional administrations are located in the same places that are quite wellknown in moscow, that is, in the same places where they were located once in the soviet union, and it is clear that no one made any changes there. To move it to some other place, to some other city, or to build something was building now for this year a completely different understanding of what we need to do and how it needs to be done has come. In part, the Energy Experts themselves left these things. They began to think outside the box. They began to change the system so that they planned to coincide with the soviet one copies of which are in moscow, and the construction of a protective rod around those Energy Facilities that can be attacked, that is, the work is being carried out, i will not say that it was completed because it was very massive, but together with the repair, it turned out and preparation for possible strikes , i still hope that we will be able to stand today s racist mass attack took place against the background of what is happening in the United States of america , the Un General Assembly is taking place there, where there are calls to support ukraine and to limit russias right to vote in the Un Security Council and to the meeting at the highest level in washington between zelenskyi and joseph biden , it is clear that russia is trying to show its strength as it has never been during these massive shellings, if as soon as highlevel officials arrive to these massive shellings have always taken place in kyiv or ukraine. In the current situation, what do you think would be the best response to putin to these shellings . Well, we are already responding. Those retaliatory actions that were carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, this is putins answer and it is very clear, we are not fighting against the civilian population, we are not fighting with it, with peaceful and civilian infrastructure, we are fighting with the forces of the occupiers, with the military forces that carry out repressions and in and try to keep putins government, both in the occupied territories and in russia, thats why our strikes are clear, specific and understandable, they are either on military objects or on the infrastructure of the militaryindustrial complex. Thats all. A few days ago, mr. General, unknown saboteurs reported through the mass media that they hit the chkalovsky airfield near moscow, where strategic bombers are based, or planes that are used in russia in certain situations, and there is already a Doomsday Plane there, the so called which is used or can be used by putin is this sabotage work that we observe in the territory of the Russian Federation and in the russiancontrolled territories or areas of the ukrainian state to the extent that it can be successful and more developed means to what extent it can undermine the situation inside the Russian Federation or the forces of unknown saboteurs. It is not enough for this yet. Well, i do not think that we set such a goal to undermine russia from the inside. The power over saboteurs or partisans is becoming more and more. People are coming to us for cooperation with ukraine. With different ones, some just want to have an indulgence for the future , some really cant stand the russian government and are trying to do everything to get rid of it, there is such an understanding that some of these people just might be working for money, that is, there is different motivations, but not such a Critical Mass that can affect the situation in russia, the situation in russia can be affected by the russian government itself, dragging out this whole war , announcing if they have introduced another general mobilization and strengthening of sanctions , which quite interestingly affect the citizens of russia the problem is between us and them. Only in one river of inventory, unfortunately, they do not respond to poor provision of a bad situation in the state for them, the situation around russia is primarily the greatness of russia and they are ready to suffer and suffer there to live in the field, but the main thing is that for them russia was big, this is the main difference between us and him, and why are the belarusians ready to tolerate the general, because we constantly talk about the russianukrainian war and constantly say what is happening in our country, what is happening in russia and only partially mention belarus as a state as a large territory as the people who live there, and we rarely mention what a what a what is actually happening in the Belarusian Society itself and whether it is ready for something greater than to tolerate the selfproclaimed president lukashenka i know what information do you have about what is happening in belarus . What can you say . Really, the situation is not very simple. There are many people who could influence the situation in belarus. They are either detained or pushed out of belarus and carry out some actions. Er, even parallel there, i dont know, its very difficult, extremely difficult in them, the situation is difficult with er, public movements , the absence of er, means of our information that can influence er, the public, they dont have er, their own Effective Church because well from those sailboats that started growing there are either destroyed or they are not allowed to buy them there from scratch. That is, we are all talking about a very sad such period. After all, their optimism, their desire to realize belarus from the internet of this mustachioed cockroach, i think that, after all, they will lead to a certain result someday , but unfortunately, now it is all tied into one ball with russia, russia holds belarus firmly in their climates and uh, only a sharp change of power in russia will entail a change of power in belarus too, and then maybe this will be the chance when uh, the belarusians will succeed in reforming the fee and taking it all. Well, in the case you mean if against lukashenka will be indicted on the same charges as against putin, and a warrant of the International Criminal court has been issued for the elements. But the main thing is not to engage in the flirting that lukashenka is trying to do, he does not offer joint military training with poland, well, of course, this is all in the background what he did its just such a mockery i think he wont succeed once again and everyone is trying to do it only for a few seats they wont come to that belarus destroyed what it was sitting on it was a transit country and this transit allowed them uh it is quite good to work on contact with china and the arab countries, because it was through them that exit to the baltics went, how do they survive now, they use it exclusively at the expense of russia, and this russian joke will only be broken when something happens in russia will become capital ee with cardinal tectonic only so. At this stage, so far, lukashenko is quite confidently holding on to thank you, mr. Generals, for participating in the program. This was viktor yagun, Major General of the Security Service

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