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Will say the same thing when they return to their countries , when they return their meals. This is very good for democracy, real democracy, and for russia for the federation, it is very important, that is , for the Russian Federation, it is very important for this informational aspect, because russia is oriented to receive as a result of this war already, so the plans are changing, unlike in the first days of the war, when they wanted all of ukraine, now they want to get the territories that they de facto control, such manipulations by putin are not only a propaganda picture of you for the residents of the Russian Federation, but also a demonstration before the event. Putin still expects to bring the conflict to the stage of freezing putin still expects to bring the conflict to the stage of freezing, to force ukraine, through its western partners, first of all to sit down at the negotiating table, and then these elections will be an argument for the Russian Federation to talk about the fact that the population supports russia that de facto, or as they like to say, the prevailing reality is that these territories are already russian and this must be taken into account in decisionmaking at these negotiations. It seems to me that this is one of the most important points of putins plans for these elections. What about the actual turnout and the number of those who voted, as they say, history is silent, but judging by the experience of the previous socalled elections under occupation, russia basically got what it wanted. As for the reference process, if the United States believes that ukraine is ready for negotiations, then let it will cancel the decree of the president of ukraine on the prohibition of negotiations чtо всё очень на очень деле не важное с паспорtизацией because they showed that, by the way, everything is really bad with passportization because it was allowed to participate in the elections with ukrainian passports at polling stations. That is, they needed to increase the turnout as much as possible, and therefore they were already forced to allow people with only ukrainian passports to vote, legislation at the level of fiction and unnecessary evidence that these elections are pure fiction and pure imitation a pr event for the occupation authorities in yarovsk, an event for the auction of properties in january, 100 say that the turnout is one hundred percent or approximately 100 , which means that the people of donbas came and voted in a single rush, although they came to him and voted more quickly and did not even give them the opportunity not to to vote if soldiers came to a persons house with a stun gun and ballots, but again, the russians are watching this situation on television , they dont know all these aspects. They only believe in what they are told. The necessary picture and passed it on to other consumers of russian propaganda because it is a different road everywhere, despite the fact that the socalled elections are over, the passporting process continues. But the revolution does not reduce the reason on the surface, most likely in the fall, the cream will try to collect another mobilization reserve, our men, our men, our men, russians, understanding what is on them expects that they can give their lives for their homeland , get injured, they still go knowingly and voluntarily, you know, they go consciously and voluntarily, lets out of obligation , those who received russian passports were forced to immediately go to the military commissariat and register as a military officer, so the process will continue here. The study of the war drew attention to the message of the russian telegram channel of the Central Committee of the ogpu, which is considered a source of Insider Information close to the special services of the Russian Federation. The fact that after the socalled elections in russia, serious measures regarding the second wave of mobilization have begun. They see who has a passport, they see the number of people and they can then work with these people. And if a person has received a passport , they can officially mobilize him as a citizen of russia into the ranks of the Russian Armed forces and send him to the combat zone. The message also says that the uf want to mobilize him to 175,000 reservists at the same time carrying out contract mobilization to recruit another 130,000 in the ukrainian general staff , recently the figure from 400 to 700,000 sounded. Thousands of people as far as the occupied territories are concerned, according to the information of the head of the luhansk vertem of lisogor, mobilization procedures have already begun there, we must clearly understand that what i have already said that people who worked in factories, hospitals , and mines were mobilized first of all and they are actually the ones who went to the combat units there, they are already running out, and uh, russia needs to recruit someone. Therefore, now men are already mobilizing, as they say, where they are caught, and at checkpoints and at the services that are provided for social and postatization registration of some property during the reregistration therefore, now almost everywhere they are mobilizing men, those who still have elections left, all this show of russia is needed only in order to prove the truth , it is not even clear to whom its legitimacy and the support of the ukrainian people in the captured territories, but instead, russia only once again proves that she herself is there she is not going to support anyone, the only question is at what price she does it, if the cost is determined by human life, these were the donbas realities, until we meet , turn it on, well, when everything is, how do you want to go to of the maltese world click and around the universe of movies and then mego turn on hundreds of channels thousands of movies and sports i discounts on motilium pills 20 in pharmacies traveller, bam and save vasya vasya vasya and whats wrong with you, brother , he swallowed antibiotics and the debiotic jean probiz drank and lesya what a frail gavrilo petrovich, you are also sick u u u u drank an antibiotic probiz in the tummy let the mother give probiz the girls came out and what is life like after the antibiotic like probiz so events the most important events events what is happening just now and affect our life, of course, the news feed reports about them, but not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand antin borkovsky and the invitation experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them by modeling our near future that saturdays at 1 00 p. M. With a repeat at 10 p. M. Studio event with Anton Borkovsky nayspresso not to think about ukrainians should not talk about the first place anyway, the war comes out, the war and our victory is only on espresso from monday to monday completely different spheres of human activity Sports Health politics the return of crimea military analytics nine presenters journalists, experts, opinion leaders in real time about the most relevant events through the prism of war in the authors projects on espresso, there is a war going on and not only for territories, it is also a war for the minds russia is throwing millions of petrodollars to transform ukrainians into a small russian ukraine state of the highway analysis and analysis of information about ukraine by russian propagandists, specific facts and methods by which enemy propaganda turns people into obedient zombies historical residents of the peoples republic of ukraine, lets counter the information attacks of the russians in project chronicles of the information war with olga len tuesday thursday friday at 17 10 on espresso tv channel every day every hour every minute we receive a large amount of information even the most expected event of the year what is actually happening at the front what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield how does the international evaluate our successes community and about what lies moscow from the stream of news coming from everywhere , we single out the most important ones from closely monitoring whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what and what the russian occupiers are whispering about outside the back of the commanders news the results of the week this is an overview of only important events, events with the weight of credibility this is analytics, fact checking, professional comments, much more today, the lord talks about what is important in simple language, available to all viewers vita yu that saturdays at 21 00 naispresso museum territory of Terror Jewish goethe of lviv transformed by the soviets by the occupiers to the prison with which the path went to lead a better example of the symbiosis of two totalitarian regimes , the nazis created this geth to destroy the Jewish Population of the city places, there was only one way to the death camps, the bolsheviks used this experience to send their prisoners, their enemies of the people , to the death camps in golovy, and today modern ukraine is attacking the regime that became the heir to both of these totalitarian dictatorships of both of these people on nazi practices, the way to auschwitz, the way to the goal leads to the deer , watch this Weeks Program judicial control with tetyana shustrova, traitors in robes, who went to work for the terrorists of the lpr , the most dear favorite thing and for what crimes the traitors received suspicions, they campaigned other judges and employees of the apparatus to swear allegiance to the Russian Federation. Congratulations. You are watching judicial control. I am tatyana shustrova. The fullscale war in ukraine has been going on for over a year and a half. Almost 18 of the countrys territory is under Russian Occupation. During the temporary Russian Occupation of the crimea and donetsk luhansk regions, more than 500 judges were transferred to the invaders, then there were recorded cases of the use of the court seal for fraud with property, the loss of case materials containing states and entering fake decisions into the ukrainian register on the basis of ukrainian courts, the russians created their own illegal judicial bodies that make decisions against citizens of ukraine, and they are helped in this by former ukrainian judges who betrayed their oath, how many of them are currently unknown for sure, Law Enforcement officers continue to expose state traitors today we will tell you about of these sellers , the general Prosecutors Office and the state bureau of investigation reported the suspicion to the head of the zvenigorod District Court of the cherkasy region, svitlani fedorets are suspected of justifying Russias Armed aggression against ukraine, Law Enforcement officers established that after the fullscale armed invasion of russia, the judge repeatedly defended the temporary occupation of part of the territory of ukraine during personal conversations with colleagues and friends, and we have a clause clearly included in the legislation of the Russian Federation mobilization will not take place for the first three years, the judge calls the seizure of the territory of ukraine liberated and the occupiers ours and recognizes crimea as part of russia, the official also admitted that she visited the peninsula several times and even met the new year 2023 there. Well, i drove through the krymsky bridge, the cottage from the krymsky bridge looks like a basement. Hello, i went. I met the new year. Yes, i stayed there for a month. No one touched me. It is known that all the members of svitlanas family fedorets live in the occupied territories, her two minor children are with her mother in the crimea and have the status of refugees in the crimea , her brother also lives and works as a veterinarian for a long time, and from the conversations of the judge made public the state Investigation Bureau can see that her husband is in the temporarily occupied territory in melitopol. She keeps in Constant Contact with him. I took the krymsky bridge. Did not pick up , the fedorets noted that she knows how to organize a departure from ukraine for money. Di analyzed the linguistic examination, she established that the fedorets tried in every possible way to justify russia in front of her interlocutors in particular, she assured that the occupation of crimea actually corresponds to the political interests of china and turkey, thereby shifting responsibility from russia to other states , she claimed that the armed forces of ukraine is attacking luhansk, testing longrange weapons, and that the Russian Missile attack on a residential building in uman, where 23 people were killed, including six children, was actually annihilation nato base in april of this year, fedorets filed for resignation, according to the sbu, the judge wanted to go on vacation with a lifetime ban from ukraine and move to live in the occupied crimea, where she has relatives and acquaintances, the council of justice issued an order for the arrest of the judge, the court chose svitlani fedorets as a preventive measure in the form of detention with the possibility of bail in the amount of uah 2 million. In crimea before the occupation, he was a judge of the lushpin city court. In 2014, he was transferred to kyiv after the fullscale invasion of the Russian Federation. Kuksov began agitating his acquaintances to support the occupiers, justified russian aggression, called ukrainians fascists according to sbu records, the judge denies the mass atrocities of the russian invaders and assures the interlocutor that they are capable of such things. нужна еtо война, when a russian flees from kyiv, this is how the judge of the Northern Economic Court of appeal , volodymyr kuksov, campaigned for an acquaintance who was in the occupied territory of zaporizhzhya oblast to join the occupation to the police and also complained to his acquaintance about how he wants to go home to the crimea. Well, nothing. I still want you. Vopros чtо well, its дизлайtельно воt дождемся домой. A good Investigative Bureau informed the judge about the suspicion of inciting collaborative activity and justifying russian aggression. Currently, the pretrial investigation is ongoing. The judges words have investigate a linguistic examination volodymyr rukhtsova faces up to 15 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property, and this is the judge of the chernihiv District Court of zapo oblast, vitaliy lomaiko , last year he tried to escape in time to an honorable resignation before he is likely to be sentenced for collaborating with the enemy, lomyko filed a corresponding application to the high council of justice, however, it turned out that the judge is in berdyansk, which is just as occupied as chernihivka, where the court is located, and the state bureau of investigation has already started an investigation of the case under the article of high treason, members the high council of justice tried to contact lomaik, but the judges phone was turned off and there were no replies to emails , the Resignation Letter was left without consideration in 2015, according to berdyansk24 lomaiko rammed a tractor moving in the oncoming lane with his car, from the register of Court Decisions that in 2016 the tokmak District Court of the zaporizhzhia region returned to the National Police a report on an administrative offense several times and eventually closed the case. The court of appeal of the zaporizhzhia region, despite the investigation of the criminal case, until december 2022, vitaly lomeyko continued to receive legal fees from the funds of taxpayers, currently paid stopped information regarding the investigation of possible high treason of lomeik in the register of Court Decisions at the moment. And finally , the judge of the starobil District Court of the luhansk region, ihor kudryavtsev, according to the version of the Law Enforcement officers, he committed treason in occupied starobilsk and went over to the side of the enemy and got a job at the District Court of the terrorist lpr. I almost half of his life he has been working in the courts. This is my dearest favorite business, together with kudryavtsev, he joined the occupiers and the head of the court staff, they agitated others judges and Staff Members to swear allegiance to the Russian Federation, the judge organized a meeting of judges and employees of the institution, where he called on them to cooperate with representatives of the Occupation Administration and write applications for employment, promising them positions in illegally created judicial bodies. Ihor kudryavtsev is allegedly a longtime supporter of russia, and in particular, the judge does not speak russian complied with the requirements of the legislation regarding the adoption of Court Decisions in the state language , 619 Court Decisions passed by him in the russian language from 1996 to 2015 were identified on or about february 15, kudryavtsev presided over the city court in alchevsk, luhansk oblast, which was occupied by russian troops. Presumably, his cooperation with the occupiers began then. The revolution of dignity means to the state that about such tragic events in the luhansk part and the donetsk oblasts, what i saw with my eyes and my health. I have seen all this , i have already been to hostilities in 2019. Ihor kudryavtsev took part in the competition for the post of judge in the Higher Anticorruption Court , he passed several stages but did not score the required number of points on the written tasks, a share of the knowledge that i have, to give our state to the people in the end, justice in such a way that the rule of law of our state prevails. Last year, ihor kudryavtsev was informed of suspicion of treason. The Prosecutor Generals Office summoned him for questioning , but the judge is temporarily hiding from the investigation the occupied territory, however, his case has already been transferred to the ivanofrankivsk city court, so kudryavtsev will most likely be sentenced in absentia and will serve his sentence immediately after his arrest by ukrainian Law Enforcement officers. We hope that all judges who betrayed their oath and went over to the side of the enemy will be found and will be punished. And if you know the facts of collaborationism among the servants of themis , let us know, write to me on facebook or to this email address. See you in exactly a week. Good luck. Full of strength, but from the old mattress. The whole body constantly hurts, and on the couch you cant find a comfortable position. You need to improve your sleeping place. 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Studios of the espresso tv channel. Thank you very much. Extremely important meetings were currently taking place in

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