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Such a decision after changing the government, because the one who will make this decision simply admits that putin was wrong, just like in the joke that was blamed on his predecessor yes, it can happen here as well, but, of course, this is such an optimistic scenario, because it may not be entirely optimistic, when missiles are still not willing to be given, it will delay, say, the transfer of f16 planes, they will say that not everything has been studied there the american general, a very wellknown supporter of ours, was forced to say that ukrainian pilots should fly airplanes and not read shakespeare in english. Well, he hinted that there might be delays in transmissions because of this. Ukraine will be forced, first of all, to focus on its own forces, which is now , in principle, being seriously developed, as he said , these rockets are converted neptunes, and this is actually the latest modern drones that will have a payload of 50 and more kilograms of er, er, er, in the end, ukraine will not be able to deoccupy crimea purely on its own, we understand. Well, there will just be shelling , skirmishes, and, in fact, eh. Changes in the United States eh and eh some kind of thing will happen some eh maybe in other countries something may happen some some under the influence of china by the way something may happen and eh thats why eh its time to take the time its just a living room for him already the situation is about time also speaks to the minister of defense of germany, boris pistorius. He said that there are 3040 , maybe 50 days before the wet and rainy period on the front. And that rammstein, this entire coalition that is united in rammstein, that they will now do their best to help ukraine, we will hear that he said we are working in germany on a new package worth almost several hundred Million Euros , i think he will be ready for the next meeting of the Ukrainian Defense Contact Group in rammstein, of course we understand that there are only 3040 or maybe 50 days left before the season when the rains will start and it will get cold so we are trying to support ukraine and do everything promptly well, the minister of Foreign Affairs of germany and lena berbuk, who arrived in kyiv, would, er, announce the delivery of the possible delivery of taurus missiles, which you have already mentioned , we will also listen to her are more than aware of the situation and at the same time it is not enough to simply promise that this is exactly why, as in the case of iriste as well as with other deliveries that we made, all issues must be clarified. We are quite angry that you explained what is happening there. And what will this longterm war lead to, but this is a longterm transfer of these weapons from the first longrange missiles. Now they promise f16 and, well, in the device , the journal writes that these planes are already in february on the 24th, they can be in ukraine this winter, but we see that this International Machine and the International Coalition are moving very slowly in determining the priorities of what ukraine needs, when it needs to be transferred, whether it is on time or not, that is, this is a delay , can it affect the final russianukrainian war considering the fact that now a lot of people are dying at the front they are breaking through on the 13th they are breaking through the redoubts in donetsk and luhansk regions in zaporozhye i think mr. Serhiy not at the end but at the end of the war because as i already told the ukrainians there is no other way out than to fight so uh, unfortunately, there will be losses without air support without these missiles uh, but in the end, the ukrainians are just as guilty because a lot of time was lost, it would be possible if uh, look at one example uh e in rockets began to be made, the Missile Program for the creation of a landbased missile is not against a ships missile. There, it was necessary to redo the entire navigation system, the Guidance System , so our designers actually did it in a year. Yes, if we consider that such a missile appeared from the moment when the the kum ee antiaircraft Missile System s40 triumph was hit , we remember it on the Independence Day of ukraine , that is, what i am talking about in may of last year , the Missile Program started a year later, our designers made it, lets imagine that it was a decision was made earlier, such, for example, at the level of the 20th year, at the level of the 19th year, we would already have hundreds of such missiles, hundreds of such missiles would have already been the enemy with their missiles on their territory, so of course there are not only are the problems with the western partners, which uh come out of their Political Considerations a and b, we ourselves are the same, but uh, in the end, if you figure it out, uh , the morale of the russian soldiers is very low now. Many of them use alcohol and drugs are especially ready to be captured after such a very Successful Special operation of the Main Intelligence Department of the ministry of defense with a helicopter flight here, together with the pilot, after that it really became clear that ukraine does not want to continue this war. Delay will have an effect , but it will not affect the final final i think that even the western world will not allow ukraine to fall, will not allow ukraine to lose, and now , in addition to the western world, we have support among the supporters, we have such countries as japan, south korea, and australia , this is very big, positive changes are taking place in the world, and in fact, even today there was a publication of one of the western publications, where it was said that they are returning to the concept of axis evil when these villains unite, but the publication seems to be more of a german publication called this union the alliance of the weak, and if the world is united after all and there will be such endurance, then ukraine will definitely win and maybe even already in the 24th year ah one more very important point, i want to say that sometime last week, for the first time, europe overtook the United States in providing aid to ukraine, that is, European Countries are dragging this situation on themselves, understanding that political changes can lead to a decrease in the level of support from the United States for ukraine, while europe does not the second moment will turn away during the 20th century, very significant steps were taken to restrain china in the economic plane, i will not list them , but china is now surrounded by many crisis like events and the fact that the leader of china he would like to change this world order a little now, he is less successful than, for example, in the 22nd year, when he held something very magical , and then the brics meeting revealed such moments that it is impossible to create an antiwestern bloc of antiwestern system and actually speaking er for today and this meeting is a meeting of the twenty er it was very important that in fact india ended up on the side of the western world actually de facto because lets say this one way is in quotes yes chinese there india also participates and e is actually being developed to bypass china eh hmmm lets say that this is a trade route and it is very eh of course eh can hit beijing and literally today the comments of joe biden, the president of the United States, which comment was called Something Like this, that the economic crisis in china will not allow china uh, to start a campaign against the taiwanese, yes, that is, this is what is going to happen, that the United States and its allies will try to contain china and uh , including in this way, to have a Significant Impact on russia is because the influence of ee on china and e. Actually, this is hmm part of the influence on russia e and e. I think that the situation in the 24th year may change radically with the appearance in ukraine of ee airplanes and missiles e with the possibility of introducing well, a more powerful company, despite the fact that missile production in russia is also currently taking place. It is simply a calculation that they will not be able to shoot down our missiles in russia, but we will be able to shoot down their missiles because the number of westerners and patriots and mamba of these camps is increasing those are the ones i talked about today annalina bermak eh, that is, eh, the systems of powerful western Production Systems are increasing. Thank you, valentin, the time of our conversation is coming to an end, i thank you for the conversation. Platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please like this video and also vote in our poll, we ask you about this, are you ready for a long war with russia, yes, your write an option in the comments, why are we asking about this, because zelenskyi said in an interview behind the icons that he and his team are ready for a long war with the russian federation. Give me volodymyr. I congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. I congratulate sergey , i am also very glad to see you. Thank you for the invitation. Lets start with the negotiations, more accurately from what Anthony Blinken says. Secretary of the United States of america, he believes that ukraine can agree to negotiations with russia, but on one condition, we will hear blinkin. As for negotiations, it takes two to tango, and so far we have not seen any signs of interest in diplomacy on the part of vladimir putin. If he shows interest , then i i think the ukrainians will be the first to enter the negotiations. And we will be right behind them. Everyone wants the war to end. It must happen on fair and sustainable terms that recognize the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine. Lincoln says that if russia shows interest, if they make concessions or on conditions determined by ukraine, that is, leave the territory of the ukrainian state, zelenskyi says that his team is ready for a longterm war, eh. What do you think, hmm , which of these options is eh . Development scenarios, how much is accepted and how much is real, that is, a longterm war , or will russia at some stage want negotiations with ukraine, and for this , all those people who six months ago will be activated again they talked about what peace should be like and on what conditions. Well, yes, three. I think that actually, lets say, calls for peace are an indispensable attribute of any war, and this war is no exception, and in fact there will be a lot of talk about the fact that the war will definitely end with negotiations this is the logical course of events, any war ends, but at what stage it will happen, they do not agree , it still seems to me that the west has made its bid and they understand how dangerous russia is in its current dimension and in its current form, so i am very i hope and i believe in this that our allies will be with us until the end and as they like to repeat that if it doesnt happen we are together and we will definitely reach the end of this difficult and bloody war until the victory of ukraine because we have no other alternative president zelenskyi can say that he is ready for a long war but his readiness and his team are not enough for this , all ukrainians must be ready for everything and this is not just a slogan or a call, it is hard painstaking work of the authorities and hard persistent work of the government, which clearly explains its priorities and concentrates on this resources, but with this we still have a difficult time, it is worth saying, because on the one hand, we have good news from russia that putins rating has fallen to a record low, and there are obviously serious economic problems in russia, but in ukraine the challenges are also quite strong and accusations and the association of the president ial team with permanent corruption and lets just say it is not the best transition to the military economy which so far has not happened, to tell the truth, there is absolutely no vision of the future of ukraine , what it should be. Everyone likes Birch Johnson and that means the Prime Minister of rotation too. Great britain began planning the reconstruction of its state during the Second World War in 1941, not in 45, not in 44, they in 46, but in 41, we we can only dream about this, because we still dont have any plan at all, but there is sociology, but you mentioned sociology in the russian federation. And where are the initiatives . They conducted a sociological survey in ukraine. Almost 80 of ukrainians called zelensky responsible for corruption in the government. They are talking about corruption in the Ukrainian Government and military administrations and this is quite a high indicator. Well, its clear why. Because starting from 2019, we have a monolatous monolateralism and in fact this political power in ukraine belongs to one political force, the leader of which is volodymyr zelenskyi, we saw what happened during the last there 10 days when kolomoiskyi was sent to the pretrial detention center, he was accused of fraud and money laundering, as well as stolen money from privatbank, but this is not enough to understand that when we talk about international support, it is obviously International Partners they say, listen, you figure out who earns what during the war, what processes are going on inside the country, why do you think that the entire anticorruption structure is an infrastructure that was created in 2016 and was launched with some periodicity, eh . Why is it not effective for this political will is needed well, you know, for this you need political will on the one hand, but on the other hand, compliance with the principles and standards of your organization where you work. If you have at least a certain amount of fearlessness, you give the result that society expects from you if you are preparing, do you make compromises, then these compromises suck themselves in such a way that you forget about the sex of your own existence and your own structure that you lead, this is a risk for Law Enforcement agencies , especially anticorruption ones, i really hope that they have now received a new lease of life after the last meetings contacts that they had, because ukraine is waiting for their results, and what is important to us is not the imitation, but the real results of the work. Regarding this situation, this survey, which one did you mention, well, what happened was inevitable to happen, in fact, the president is not criticized during the war. I also adhere to this position, although before the war he was, well , bright, but such an ardent opponent , nevertheless, there was a social contract between the president and society, the media and many other famous public figures that there is no criticism of selfeating. I see that the crisis in the president s team has reached its peak and has moved to the stage when, lets just say , no one is interested in the surnames of those who commit one or another corruption offense or tarnish the reputation of the authorities, they all already have the only surname is zelensky and here is a huge challenge for the current president , what to do next. He can still get out of this situation by cleaning up his team without removing his associates and sending them on honorable exile somewhere as ambassadors or to some warm positions elsewhere and sending them to prison by the forces of the same Law Enforcement system by removing from them lets say that the inviolability that was possible before yura was canceled and de facto works fully by recruiting people who know how to work and give results for the country. He has a chance then to keep his reputation positive and really go down in history as a hero of ukraine who stopped the russian invasion, if he does not do this and everything will continue as it continues now, then after the war no one will talk about the f16 hivers or patriot that we got and everyone will talk about eggs about seven to 17 ee lets say cheats on the telders of various departments 3410 times and many other unpleasant things that were patrolled, well, frankly speaking, a beast. That is , we all understand that all these corrupt officials could not do without a cover and a political roof to steal pennies from kolomoiskyi is a huge risk for the president. Now, if kolomoiskyi goes out for the season under various pretexts, having found a bail in handcuffs or overturned this or that Court Decision and will be free again, then all the consequences of this step will fall on zelenskyi personally, volodymyr , lets go back to the International Issue because this weekend there was a meeting of the g20 itself, the g20 in new delhi, india, and according to the results of this meeting, a declaration was adopted according to which the leaders of the g20 called on the russians to restore the grain agreement and stop the war, the ministry of Foreign Affairs of ukraine says that this declaration was as tough as it can be two at the same time, the spokeswoman for the ministry of Foreign Affairs of china maonin this is how the declaration comments on the results of the g20 this is where the g20 was reached by consensus between all parties, this summit once again confirms that the g20 is the main forum for International Economic cooperation and not a platform for solving geopolitical and Security Issues, we always believed that the key to the final settlement of the ukrainian crisis lies in the rejection of the cold war mentality, the assessment and respect of the legitimate interests of all parties in the field of security, as well as in the search for a political solution through dialogue and negotiations. China will remain committed to the promotion of peaceful negotiations and cooperation with the International Community to facilitate a political solution to the ukrainian crisis ahead the g20 itself , the party that organized this summit said that we do not invite the Ukrainian Party because they say we will talk about the economy. Well, the representative of china confirmed that this is a platform for solving all the Economic Issues that arise among world leaders, but why do you think the organizers, including the chinese, who are close to the organizers are such powerful players in the club of twenty why do they constantly talk about the development of the economy and separate it from Security Issues in the world can the World Economy develop when in part of the territory in a large part of the territory one of the biggest wars has been going on in europe since 1945, and they are manipulating it because it looks like they are saying that this is not a question of security. And what about food security, like the security of people, like the security of a country that is being destroyed before the eyes of this world, vasyl . It seems to me that china is such a successor of the spiritual politician of the soviet union, who also called for peace in the whole world and, nevertheless, supplying weapons to hot spots of all kinds, provoking or fueling chaos and problems in various regions , trying to get their own chinas own benefit is obviously interested in this war, it is obvious that he is equally interested in a weakened west or europe, as well as a weakened russia. He believes that he will win in any situation. Whether this policy will lead to the formation of new poles, i doubt because despite all the attempts of china and russia to organize on you have some allies there or the new fourth union or there erer erer some other organizations they do not work out they are not viable viable in fact erer proud of their population there india india of china there or an african country erer this quantity has not yet turned into quality and is not a real threat to the west, so i still hope that western diplomacy will show class and the voice of the west will be louder on these platforms at the moment this same g20 which is happening in a certain way is a cold shower, despite the fact that in western capitals they are trying to convince the opposite, this is definitely the same missed moment for ukrainian diplomacy, it is probably necessary to draw appropriate conclusions. Why did this happen, but this is definitely not some kind of lost war or program, er, our war is real, it is going on now on the territory of ukraine, we need to repel the aggressor, and then we will be able to fully work on various sites and with the power of arms and the power of economy and politics and culture and many other things. The main thing is that we remember that this is all important and after the victory we dont listen to ideas again. Lets roast barbecues and building in relation to china router c reports that gazprom is increasing the discount on gas for china next year the discount for china should increase to 46 , er , this is what the Agency Reports with reference to its sources and documents that they have gas from pipeline of the power of siberia will cost 271 per 1,000 cubic meters for testing , gas for turkey and europe will be sold at 48 1 taking advantage of the fact that putin now has big problems , what do you say, in what way can there be complete isolation, economic isolation of russia, or is it impossible, because the economic sanctions that have been introduced are obviously not enough to putins regime collapsed because in the first half of this year, russian billionaires increased their fortunes by 32 billion dollars, and this also causes some kind of surprise, because we think that they are about to strangle russia with sanctions. It turns out that there is a lot of smuggling, that there are a lot of countries that they simply participate in it in order to finance the putin regime , which is fighting against ukraine, well, the sanctions actually work and with the seeds of the chaos that is happening in the russian economy, despite the fact that some oligarchs have really increased their fortunes. By the way, new oligarchs about which we do not say publicly yet, but they take advantage of this situation of deficit and closed import and export and make their fortunes quite well, nevertheless, uh , first of all, the cities are worth it to us, it is necessary to follow the situation in our country and see why not all are confiscated assets and both the rich of russia and the ukrainians from the regions and many other people who still feel quite comfortable owning assets to our country regarding the exit i think it is very simplified speak e kremlin now ee plans to open the gates to hell by organizing stable

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