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May there always be light in your home a smart light bulb for only uah 149 works even without electricity, the offer is limited, call and remind me who filmed this, and this is one of the most famous photos of a father who sits over the body of his dead son, these currents were filmed by yevgeny, tell me how to do it in general, because on the set i remember the movie i watched it in my mind somewhere a few months ago, it seems. First you shoot it like this, and then you stand in the room where the father and son are. How is it . Well, i dont even know. Well, it is technically correct to do it so that it is filmed and that everything is fine. As ethically as possible, so as not to violate the boundaries of this situation. Well, i think that this is provided, you know, you will learn, not that this is a mechanic , but some kind of feeling. Hm, when can you do it sometimes . Yes, so that you do not have additional aggression that is already there and the pain that people feel and the strong pain that we see in the photos and videos , it is really not easy and it does not always work out , how do they figure out that it is luck and so on, but it can be such a situation and it can serhii uh really because he also allowed us to do that to do this if we cant just enter such a space without permission, well, its impossible , theres also two people taking a photo. Another plus, other patients, others, two friends, ah, whose son was killed, they were also there, just there, they were thrown out, for a second , and the door opened, and serhiy saw it, and he ran in and stood there, and he realized that everything was there, even though he brought him by car, just we saw as a witness how i hear the signal of cars like her drives up as the trunk opens and they take out the body of ilya artem, and then another day they brought three guys who uh was it a Cluster Munition that exploded on the football field when they were playing . Well, i understand that it was one of the most difficult moments when they were filming, or were you there, it was everywhere, everywhere, it was not just there, you can say its like that. And there is something. Well, its clear that a lot of things didnt make it out of the 30 minutes. And what didnt make it, not because it didnt hit there because that you looked and understood that this is not the case it is possible to show, for some reason, there was no such thing, there were such things that were simply not part of the story that we told , there were several other departments of the hospital , there was work with the red cross, which we really wanted to show, but it is simply that according to the plot , it does not well, it just didnt work out. Of course, if its a movie, then it should have a story arc in it, and something i just cant enter because it doesnt work. There were moments when, well, we shoot, for example, the bodies of children who, er, they couldnt save doctors, but at this very moment, the viewer has already seen so much that well, it simply cannot be shown anymore, because it will be distracting and distract from the story. That is why it is a big job, and in fact, a good editor helps me. I was helped by the editor pvs frontline michelle master we edited everything together with her. And here is her perspective, she also helps to find the right moment. You had one episode in the film. What kind of episode do we have . Well, in such fairly narrow journalistic circles , they discussed the episode when you show mass graves, when these bodies are assembled, you and you ask the man who does it, what do you feel about us . This question is very debatable among journalists, because some of them really like this question, because it is usually very possible to get an emotional response to it, and maybe people feel some kind of involvement, which is exactly what they are interested in. With feelings, yes, and our other colleagues believe that this is one of the most incorrect questions, that such a question should never be asked in life, and full stop, you think that this is a good question, you can explain why it is appropriate and correct, first of all, you see that the film is not detached uh yes it is without uh lets say yes without without judgments without uh some kind of emotional it seems to me that it is right to be interested in peoples feelings, because we, as journalists, as documentarians, we run somewhere, shoot something, and uh, when we are not interested in anything more than just what happened, it is unpleasant for people, i am the ones who do not want to answer. In general, they do not answer, but i dont remember anyone ah in my entire career of conflict journalism, i have not answered this question from people, whether it was iraq, syria, ukraine, nagornokarabakh, everywhere , to people, especially those who are under stress, and i cant say its nice, but its necessary to share if they started talking on camera, then they need to share and the worst thing in such a situation is to know that everyone doesnt care, but i have been in such situations. So when you are under terrible stress or you almost died and when someone is interested in what you feel, it supports you you know what people dont care and i just want to show people that i dont care. By the way, youre probably in the minority, but your position is well reasoned. To my colleagues, the editorinchief of babel or yevhen spirin, he dealt with bodies in buch, he got a job in the morgue, and there he was asked this question, and he wrote a whole post saying that, well, this question cannot be asked, but it is, you see, such a controversial thing, you know me in your film i still liked it how can you say it wrong, you are fighting russian propaganda and i feel that you did not have such a goal from the very beginning and you rather do what is journalism, show the truth , a very similar story in iron butterflies in another movie there about mh17 i dont know if you watched there a similar technique is when they show russian news and then they show other frames where it is clear that these russian news are lying , and you have the same when you show russian uh, well, its probably hard to call them journalists, propagandists who claim that everything in the Maternity Hospital was staged and we see all these shots and understand this whole scheme according to which russian propaganda works , can you explain exactly the tools of this display of disinformation, false propaganda, so that it does not look like counter propaganda, not like, uh, some kind of answer, no as a dialogue with propagandists, namely as journalism, well, you just now said this, this is not a dialogue. And we should not respond or try to fight propaganda. We will just do our work and the film. You give people you see how propaganda works, it gives many versions and people lose perspective in these versions and we live in an age of no information, but if you give people enough to the text, as it is possible to do in the film, then it will be easier for them to take action against this incorrect interpretation of events that they they see, but evgeny pushed the same thing with the photos he took, its the same thing well , we just it spilled, uh, first on me , then on all of us, because the first photos became popular, yes, and the photos, well, the first photo which was reproduced here on almost all the front pages of those newspapers that are still in print. And yes, there are not so many of them now , but when they all came out at once from one photo on the front cover, we realized that it was a photo of irina kalinin er women of a pregnant woman on a stretcher who later died like this and this as if this wave was directed against that yes er well news of fake news there to discredit the photographer yes how did he do it and they called me different names about it yes informational test from mrs. Sakharova and so on, yes, well, everyone remembered me, but everyone is famous, but if the main thing is not to give up and so on, and just keep doing it, yes , i dont know how difficult it would be to prove something here and to whom to prove it, yes, how would we do ours yes, they showed the work there. And how it is, uh, then in our country. We also checked us there, and so on, they showed us what we still have to prevent this from happening, but i think we have done enough for the world to understand what is happening. And this our work showed yes there and you were according to our work was made very high yes there, i want to ask about different festivals, different events, because i dont know you, you probably dont count the number of these events abroad, where do you take your film, there must be q people, communication with the audience, communication with the press, im even more interested in communication with the audience, a and there are a lot of stories from your colleagues who went somewhere there and encountered some wild ideas about our country from different people and felt this vacuum of information about ukraine. Met or some kind of retort and how can you feel that exactly your film was able to change the perception of ukraine by these viewers who before watching the film thought one thing and after watching, uh, this vacuum was filled in them, i will say about the film evgeny travels with photo exhibitions, it is also like that important important part most often and this is good most often the question that is heard is how to help it is so simple but how to help tell us well we want to help now but here is how i think that uh actually parts of our work are not ours work, and our work as a Ukrainian Society should be precisely to help the International Community understand how to help. It is simple, but it is secondly important. It seems to me that finally the people who watched the film understood the scale, because the scale of suffering, the scale of destruction and the intensity of the war is hard to convey in the news. When you watch the news for one or two minutes , even every day, then you live your normal life and thats normal. You dont understand how difficult everything is, you dont understand how much is happening at the same time and to what extent is this question of mere survival acute for ukrainians . It seems to me that the film just helps people understand that every minute, every minute, someone in ukraine dies , a civilian, a military person, every minute Russian Troops attack ukraine and kill, er, they kill our people, ah, this is an understanding it comes just when people watch more than just a few minutes of news and there were some prorussian viewers or people with, well, lets say sentiments, sympathies for the russians, which were some comments not often, but there are comments and on this is also interesting to watch because i dont even need to answer them, er, arguments start in the audience, er, but there are comments, they mostly go er, according to the russian negative, which says the sixth, its all very difficult, ukrainians usually die, but er, this is its all their fault, because if it wasnt too much, if it werent for their aggressive behavior of the ukrainians, then russia shouldnt have done this, that is, there is such an excuse. They see what the russians did to mariupol, they cant say that it didnt happen because they say that well, you yourselves are to blame, but such a comment was necessary. Usually i hear but there are not many of them, this means that they are perceived as a rule, well , arguments begin, answers begin , er, again, i, as an International Journalist , cannot include er and tell you how you can, yes to say, er, i was there. No, i always answer calmly. I always answer with arguments, but as a rule, people who have already formed their own point of view do not change it. The photo is mostly alone and she is mute yes but it is worth a thousand words yes there and there is one there the photo is really remembered by many yes there is about iryna kalinin and well, in principle, the whole series is from mariupol, thats why the people of mariupol watched it these photos, and im not talking about the world, because its hard to imagine how many people in the world looked at what happened to mariupol , but they looked and it s real. Everyone looked. This and people in russia watched it, they watched it the same way, so as not to say that everyone looked at these photos and these photos reached everyone. Would be a really important fact that people one way or another they saw it is even what was inside and what effect does it have practical how do you think they saw something felt and what the result of this can be sometimes i thought that photography is not such a powerful tool like a video yes there and maybe there it evokes less emotions because i was also involved in videos and did a lot, but then i realized that when you show uh in the mode of such a crisis as in ukraine because everyone is watching and this and these moments from the war they are imprinted abut not very long for a century yes there, as if for some period, and for the time being people will remember and about this course of events yes there, like the coronavirus there in the world and so on, we will take it for the last ones yes, there are historical questions, for now, there is no way but when will it appear in Russian Society the need for arguments to stop this war, this will be one of the arguments, these materials, this film, these photos taken by yevhen , these photos, which are taken by video, which are taken by all the journalists now on the front line and in ukraine , this will all be an argument sooner or later that Russian Society, as when it will be ready for this doubt, it had the tools to base this doubt on something, so i hope it will be so yes, but i think that it is possible, well, if they can anger any example, yes, it does not matter, and promote it, yes, on television and so further, we have seen well, many such, er, similar scenarios. Yes, when it can be done, but for now all the photos are used in other countries to incite, we want, on the contrary, for people to see, yes, what. Well, how about more specific photos, yes, not to promote the war, but to prevent it sometimes it turns out the other way around, because they promote it and interpret it in their own words, so that they set fire to it and throw firewood into it, the rich and we are on the last question, you have people from mariupol in the film who are a little prorussian or something that is not very oriented where else are they flying from, so there are not many of them, i hoped to see more, but there are not many of them, but they are still there, and we are having a discussion about whether it is possible to show such people, especially from abroad, this is cultural diplomacy. But i would like to ask if there were people among the foreigners who noticed such characters and how they reacted to them because we react already with knowledge of some contexts, people do not know whether there were any interesting reactions to this and the reaction is usually and why do they say that they do not understand what is happening the first reaction the second reaction it is good that it is in the film because uh it gives the film credibility we set ourselves the task of showing the entire range of reactions on camera to journalists to the situation and all points of view and uh there were prorussian people in mariupol they were not was not the majority, but they were, and no one can say that we, well, i, as a director, did not give them a voice, this is the first, second, uh, in general , mariupol is such a phenomenon, it was not just under siege, it was in the information siege, and this is for the future, uh, we call it some kind of stage that is, this is an example of how the information blockade affects the psychology of people and people who are in an innovative , informational siege , they panic, they believe everything they hear, they do not know what is true and what is false, and by showing such people , uh, we also illustrate that uh this is the effect that the information siege of mariupol had. 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