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Woke up from such a loud whistle that grew and then a clap so loud well its not a clap, but its a direct explosion and for 38 windows, its basically км и сюда these are the consequences of the night cotton in sevastopol for those who are now watching us on youtube. I suggest you take part in our survey. Less in ukraine, yes, no, and your option , please write in the comments under this video, i want to introduce todays guest this is yevgeny, a participant in the russianukrainian war, a former platoon commander of the aydar p battalion, yevgeny. I congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air, mr. Yevgeny, you hear us, but now you are not heard, mr. Yevgeny. Good evening, can you hear us, i want to see you on our air and hear us on our air, lets start with cotton in sevastopol, the bounich on september 13 is something so nice to start, the biggest cotton in the last time and with the use of aircraft and cruise missiles because does this mean that we are moving to a new stage of the russian ukrainian war , the liberation of crimea with the help of cruise missiles and aircraft . He told us that we are getting closer to the liberation of crimea, we are getting closer to the liberation of crimea, but we will be realistic, cruise missiles have never liberated a single piece of land, in the end , the infantry soldiers who are supposed to come and occupy this land, take control, and to such an approach are still freed to crimea, we already have to work and work, we still need to break through the southern front, get to azov, and so on , but this does not mean at all that while some are doing their work, they are working somewhere and trying to break through the defense line of the russians. According to which other colleagues actually occupied in the Southern Region of ukraine do not at this time have to prepare crimea itself to receive the liberators and at the same time free the black sea from russian control, this control is actually already very weakened compared to what was 1. 5 years or a year ago, but still, still, the advantage of the Russian Black Sea fleet in the black sea remains, and this advantage must eventually be reduced to zero, and today as many as three steps have been taken in this direction, two steps this large amphibious to minsk, i will remind you that this is already the case for those who may not have followed all the news. It has already been confirmed that not just damage , but the complete destruction of this ship is beyond repair. E and ee very serious ee very serious ee the second step is very serious damage ee to the rostovondon submarine, but ee well it cannot be considered completely destroyed but is it at all amenable to restoration question if even so, it is a job for years. Well, actually, taking into account the years in which all these troughs were built, it hardly makes sense to rebuild them when they are no longer seriously damaged, and in the end the third step was small, but instead, regardless of sevastopol cotton, somewhere closer before the snake, there was a flood, another patrol boat of the russians, another tuna, but in general, this is fishing on the limb , lately it has become, lets say, quite a routine thing, and it cant help but be happy. Well, the attack on sevastopol is very nonroutine you can say aerobatics well, it is already more or less clear how exactly this was done, uh, rockets were used with a brake, uh, at least two, uh, maybe 34, so uh, and uh, well, but definitely at least two and not much more. And the message of the russians about the fact that 10 rockets allegedly flew is that it is such a tactic of using the actual horoshido, and at the same time with them , so to speak, fools are always launched, so to speak, special fake missiles that lure Russian Air Defense and thereby cover under the ice of real combat missiles this is just one of the features in general, the combat use of the old woman, and in fact, we saw that the weapon remains extremely effective, and we understand very well that er. If we say that the Russian Air Defense is capable of anything in general, then in fact it demonstrates its best capabilities er, or where moscow is kamiane, or sevastopol itself, is one of these, it is one of the sacred cities and, in reality, a very important city strategically, and therefore there is no reason to believe that Russian Air Defense does not cover sevastopol, most likely on the contrary, very serious of them are concentrated there forces, but stormsedov bypasses them, well, this means that their antiaircraft defense is not as strong as they said that they are there, how the nuts will click. As putin said, the missiles that the americans provide to the british are the only real achievement of their antiaircraft defense so far is that they are not bad they are covering the front line, thats right. But again, what are they covering from old soviet planes, on which it is in principle the simplest, in general, air on a target that can only be us, we are the same, but from what, from what, and from old soviet planes we are protected almost completely, they are not that they do not fly over the front line or the border of ukraine, but they do not even fly close enough to it , that is, in this sense. Air defense does not effectively intercept this applies to our drones, despite the fact that the production of drones is a new industry for us , in fact, we only mastered it in a year. Well, for me, it is only gaining momentum, but even experimental models can already be said that factory prototypes are already overcoming Russian Air Defense and they soar calmly even from the moscow sky , oh, well, even more so when it comes to cruise missiles, and again, ukrainianmade cruise missiles. Firstly, a longer flight range, and secondly, they actually modified it for strikes on ground targets, yes, this is a new neptune, this is a groundclass neptune, but they did not intercept it, on the contrary, it destroyed a little bit of the s400 complex. And this is exactly the last word of the russian thats nothing they have not yet developed anything better than the s400, even in theory, but then it turned out that even the old soviet s200s, when our craftsmen reworked them for strikes again, the earth discovered that they do not intercept them. And not the last attack on the crimean bridge, when was the missile attacked and a couple of spans of the bridge were knocked out . Which is more technological uh at least a little bit er and newer than the old soviet planes , but the Russian Air Defense is not immune to all this i already sprinkled ashes on my head and said that i am going to apologize to the same radioactive person. Well, i hope that it is radioactive and i hope that it will have the appropriate effect. He is calling to hit the ukrainian decisionmaking centers. Lets see whats happening, because its very beautiful, its just that they stand with us, the war against imperialism is on the other side , after all, sevastopol is mys, its Still Necessary to severely punish the ukrainians. What was already said by the minister of defense what will happen if a missile attack is responded to in places, its time to make a decision, its just time for the russians to cross the crimean bridge all the time they flew in every time. They said, well, its an honest weapon. Well pay back there, lets distance ourselves and finally hit ukraine. What can we expect from the kremlin after what happened . Just wait for the continuation of what is there, because they cant do anything else, and this is their constant shamanism. Municipal Interest Rates have been decided, well, its not even funny. It was funny at the beginning because, in general, well, first of all , weve been hearing this song for almost the entire year and a half of the war, actually since the moment when the people from the north of ukraine were driven out of kyiv with strawberries, since then of time we hear all the time that ah, ah, isnt it time to go to the Reception Center . Well, when we drove them from kharkov, when we drove them from kherson , it sounded all the time, and here at the Reception Center. For the first time, our drones appeared over moscow. Oh, how then they rehearsed that they had to hit the decisionmaking centers, well, drones over moscow , to put it mildly, not for the first time. And on our Independence Day, even the Office Center of moscow city announces in a day off specifically so that people dont come to work on that day, thats it of course, for some reason, they naively believe that on our Independence Day , we have no one to think about more than moscow. Well, but at the same time, please note that they are thinking about their swimming, that is, they are announcing a day off so that people simply do not come with the same impression of our drones do not expect that someone will protect them there, uh, that something will be shot down, so, uh, every time they shout about the point about the centers of the concept of solutions, and let me remind you that in fact, once again, they pretend every time, all these propaganda of theirs that apparently they did not try to hit decisions are not made in our decisionmaking centers. This is one of their myths. They have already hit our decisionmaking centers with lies, and the result actually turned out to be ineffective, to put it mildly, several missile strikes, for example , directed at the ministry of defense of ukraine , at the general staff of ukraine at the gur of ukraine, and at the same time, they were also killed by winged caliber missiles they also hit with ballistics. Well, it came down to the fact that we shoot down cruise missiles more or less effectively, although we will be honest, a couple of airstrikes in the guru area were, er, but not so sharp or destructive as to interrupt the work even for one day. Lets say so, well, they messed it up, lets say they messed it up, they made people work for a few hours in a storage room instead of their usual offices, and all this is the maximum they achieved from above, to the ministry of defense, to the general staff, they didnt appreciate it at all. It turned out that we are not bad at cruise missiles we kill ballistics, which at that time we could not shoot down, but it turned out that it was their fault that it was initially sharpened under a Nuclear Warhead and, accordingly, for it , the accuracy of arrival was plusminus km. This is absolutely normal, because when you actually have a Nuclear Warhead, then plus minus km doesnt bother you. And youre out for hitting the decisionmaking centers, thats a completely different story, and in the decisionmaking center, their ballistics just didnt hit. Oh, they destroyed my office for that, for example, but thats actually better. I think, by the way, that then to be honest, i was joking about the fact that the ukrainian antarctic Science Center was recognized as a decisionmaking center , thats why, but it wasnt even a direct hit, but they hit, excuse me , trivially, in the bridge or just in the asphalt intersection of the streets well, there is already an explosive wave for you to beat. Well, and then petriv appeared, and then the patriots appeared, and since may of this year, the whole world knows that the daggers are the same. And this is the last word of the Russian Missile technologies, it is allegedly hypersonic a missile that was made not for the sake of the slob, but not even for the purpose of destroying ours, thats what it is. How is he there, how is it expressed there, the decisionmaking center , it was sharpened as an alleged storm of patriots , it was sharpened as an alleged er tool. Before the world war for the breakthrough of the western antimissile Defense System and it was with these daggers that they scared the world until may of this year, when it turned out that the patriots were not even the latest model. Patriots were developed in the 90s and modified in the early 2000s, they completely calmly intercept this, this is absolutely the last word in Russian Missile technology, well , after kyiv, we also covered petrov. Well, all i can say is that i will only be happy if they will once again try to hit our decisionmaking centers, because in this case it means that fewer missiles will fly to those ukrainian cities, which , unfortunately, there are still not enough poets, and which are in a worse situation than kyiv, so they better try to hit again to pechersk, the hell with two of them will work let them spend let them spend missiles about one more technology , yevgeny, we will remember today because what about the Monitoring Company netblocks is a service they said that the old ustarlinka failed during the strikes on sevastopol and this happened against the background of the scandal that is currently unfolding in of the United States of america regarding the fact that elon musk did not switch off starlin last summer when Naval Surface drones were going there to sevastopol or to the coast of crimea. Should the pentagon help elon mask in the implementation of some projects, what do you think about this whole story and accusations against the mask , who really did a lot to help ukrainians in the russianukrainian war, and in crimea, he seemed to explain the situation with crimea, that he specifically turned off this starlinks, as this could lead to a nuclear war, which was threatened again by putin, well , history is very important here, in fact, for us, let s analyze it now, we will start with his explanation and in fact, at that time it was really ilon mask that was thwarted, it was very important for us, then, the first attempt to attack the black sea fleet of russia with surface drones, and at the same time, since he did not warn about it , the drones actually failed and were simply thrown away waves to the shore, so the russians got it for the first time. Yes, fortunately, this is an old modification. Since then , we have already updated our drone models, but the first modification of the ukrainian drones reached the russians whole and undamaged, so these photos appeared for the first time of these drones eh and eh well, they found out that they have a new danger and immediately started working on minimizing it, that is, he not only disrupted our operation, but he also absolutely specifically helped the russians by warning about a new eh threat to which they they werent ready before. And even after actually giving them in their hands readymade samples of this well, it didnt depend on one person where exactly they were, but thats how they went out of order, because they lost control exactly when he turned off the ee parties. That is, he actually directly just helped to the russians and er, he explains it in different ways, by the way, at first he er regurgitated this explanation er about the danger of a nuclear war , and then either he himself realized that how unconvincing it looked, pitifully, or on the contrary, he decided that it is called a dirty boer and so on. He already gave the following explanation, and it is even more daring, it is about the fact that, as you can see, he did not have the right to open pages in crimea because, in addition, it is an occupied territory since 2014. The states imposed sanctions on these occupied territories and, in particular , prohibit them to provide telecommunication services, that is, he, well, er you know, in the hebrew language, there is a knife. Such a wonderful word, huspa. It means not just uh, impudence, but this kind of very audacious insolence. So, super insolence, and how is an example of huspa given when uh, a defendant who is being tried for the murder of his own parents, he is asking to reduce his punishment because he is now an orphan, eh , actually, eh, ilons explanation of the sanctions is exactly the same level of goosebumps. Er, that is, a person in general, er, what is called a slave but it seems to me that he is doing it for nothing, ilons position is completely clear. And by the way, now it has become clear for a long time that even all this is good, what he did for us, he did it absolutely not of his own free will, so that he did exactly what the government instructed him to do of the United States but as soon as he learns himself, he intervenes not on our side. It seems to me that this is a mask. And it is absolutely obvious that this person is not on our side. Option, i. E. For freezing the conflict along the current front line, in fact, this person directly called on us to give up territory in exchange for an armistice, so you see the pity of ukrainians and russians, as they die in the whole war , that is, again in a row, that is, there is no difference for him when they die the occupiers, when the defenders die, you see its a pity for them and those, thats why the conflict must be frozen, thats why its actually our happiness that ilon, in fact, contrary to his image, is absolutely not a market businessman. By the way, not everyone realizes that such a big furious ilonas business. It is not a market business. It is a competitive business. It is not a consumerbased business. In fact, as far as the publishing and space spheres are concerned, the main client of ilona, ​​whose money is actually used to develop it, is uncle sam himself, that is, the United States government. His main contractors , ilona, ​​are nasa, the National Aerospace agency of the United States, karpenko, and thats exactly what his contractors set him the task of providing communications to ukrainians. He could not refuse them, but he fulfilled this task of theirs, and wherever he can, he will spoof here and there, so i think he will continue to spoof. And by the way , the analysis of this flight is really starting in the u. S. Now, and it is starting from a very correct perspective in a very in the right way, uh, um, i think that there are not so many legal claims against ilon, legally, it is difficult for him to sew something because, as he rightly noted already in this discussion about uh, the sevastopol blackout, uh, the United States did not declare war on the Russian Federation and therefore he is not obliged to do more in his opinion, he does not even have the right to directly participate in military strikes against russia. It seems to me that here from a legal point of view his position is strong, you cannot get to the bottom of it, but in the senate they ask questions in the political plane. The security of the states, the politics of the states, the government of the billionaires, the contractors, so it seems that elon has crossed this very line, so. Atlant is too much on his shoulders, so he decided that if he is a. Multibilliondollar contractor for the government of the states, then he can decide on his own instead of this government what is possible and what is not possible er, in particular, for the allies of ukraine , and this er is a lesson not only for the states. I think that they will now take note of this lesson and start reviewing the issue what can be outsourced to private individuals . But what should the state directly control, and this is a lesson for us, because we actually have a lot of such neophytes , you know, libertarian neophytes who have worked a little in business, but no, i dont in which other field did anna raits not work . I also think that atlant should straighten its shoulders, that is, everything should be given exclusively to private businessmen , and the state should exclusively buy ready made services from them. Free business, free market, and with my full understanding that private companies are always much more efficient than state institutions of a similar profile , it is true that they are always more efficient and faster, but at the same time , they still have a number of critically important functions the state must control itself so that some such and such elon at some point simply took and with his personal decision did not break the state policy in one or another area. By the way , vladimir putin, who spoke at the Eastern Economic forum in vladivostok , said that musk is a talented and outstanding person this is already after this scandal actually unfolded from the United States of america, i will quote putin, russians love allies, there are not so many left and this is such a fat ally , very unusual regarding the private business of ilona maska, he said he is definitely an outstanding person, it must be recognized. I think this is recognized all over the world. He is an active , talented businessman. He is successful in many things, including with the support of the american state. Musk himself also once admired putin and said that putin is the kind of world leader he admires. I. E. If suddenly the United States of america abandons the ee programs that run through elon masks companies, then i understand that putin ee is the second contender to take him to himself. Well, the space agency will then simply hang up because, after all, it is necessary give credit to ilon, a talented manager and his company. Unlike roskosmos, they actually fly into space, here there is a nuance called ot ragozinnu. Its not just that he should shoot himself there right away, or its better to hang himself, because hes not a military man, but i dont think thats up to that i dont think that uncle sam will refuse elons services. I also dont think that elon is so stupid as to live his life like karing naisl, the former austrian chancellor who is now forced to live in such a charming city like st. Petersburg, elon is not so stupid, he will simply be put in a certain framework, he will try to lie to get out of these frameworks, but in general, the relationship between them and the us government, and i think one more event will remain, or rather a series of events that connected with romania, when part of the drones that are launched on the territory of the ukrainian state, not the Russian Occupation machine, e. E. , fall into the territory of romania in the next time, bucharest admitted that the wreckage of a drone was found again on the territory of the country, and this happened after the attack of the occupiers in the izmail district of odesa, there is a port area in the eu near romania across the danube. We will hear what they say about it now in romania. The wreckage was found approximately two kilometers south of the village. Well, the lighthouse on the hill is difficult to see the territory of the land, but it is better to track it from the air thats why the crash site was first noticed from a helicopter, no one is attacking us people, lets calm our nerves, and then we ll all lose our minds, no one has attacked us and will not attack us we just have the wreckage of a drone shot down by the Ukrainian Army commands and nothing else, no one attacked us, but drones detonated on our heads, and the impact drones, uh , where the effects of which can be much more than any rocket, well, i am very sorry. Well, what were they attacked, well, listen, well, lets not we will fall into a propaganda frenzy , alia, russians, here you are, but something is flying us there. Everyone on the territory of poland, now on the territory of romania, and Ukrainian Society begins to flap its wings and shout where article 9 article listen, you dont have to be morons the fifth article very clearly prescribes the reaction of the nato countries to direct deliberate aggression. Excuse me, but when our anti Aircraft Missile fell on the territory of poland and killed two poles. And why did poland in such a case have to apply the fifth article . They are currently engaged in practical

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