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Of russian drones falling, the walls of the shelters are made of concrete structures, also inside and outside , sandbags were placed for additional protection, i remind you, the countrys authorities announced a new case of a drone falling on their territory, specialists working on the spot also began to notify residents of villages bordering ukraine about attacks by the Russian Federation ; corresponding messages are sent to peoples phones are urging people to stay calm and hide in shelters. The debris was found about two kilometers south of sula. Well, the lighthouse on the hill is difficult to see on the ground, but its better to track it from the air. Thats why the crash site was first spotted from a helicopter. No one is attacking us, people. Lets calm down. Our nerves. And then we will all lose our minds. No one has attacked us and will not attack us. We simply have the wreckage of a drone shot down by the ukrainian army. The Russian Ministry of defense admitted that the repair plant in sevastopol was damaged two ships, according to our intelligence, it is the Amphibious Assault ship minsk and the submarine rostovondon. Since the last time, the russians have been launching missiles over ukraine. A photo of the damaged ship minsk has already appeared. The occupiers said that it was the result of a missile attack by ukrainians. The work will be further noted by the commander, the number of victims as a result of the attack on odesa increased to seven, among the injured, six Truck Drivers and one local resident reported to the Regional Prosecutors Office that the injured objects of the port and civil infrastructure parking of cargo vehicles according to the report the Defense Force of the south at night our defenders shot down 32 shaty in the European Commission propose to extend the restrictions on the import of ukrainian Agricultural Products this was specifically demanded by poland and hungary the proposal to extend the restrictions is based on an analysis of the market situation it is about low prices impossibility to store grain in countries neighboring ukraine due to the growth of exports from ukraine to other eu countries, budapest is also asking to expand the list of goods that concern restrictions and says about the alleged agreement on this matter with romania, slovakia and bulgaria, foreign traders have increased the volume of gas in ukrainian underground Storage Facilities for storage, the figure exceeds 1 billion 800 million cubic meters , Energy Minister herman halushchynko announced this, according to him , european underground gas Storage Facilities are filled to about 94 , therefore the capacities of ukrtransgaz are becoming more attractive for partners. Ukraine has the largest gas storages in europe at 30 billion cubic meters, there is an opportunity to offer half of it to European Partners from kremenchuk to kyiv, relatives of the captured defenders of mariupol set out on foot to the capital to speed up the negotiations on the liberation of ukrainian fighters more in the material of my colleagues defender of the numbers about fifty people from different regions of ukraine gathered in the Central Square of kremenchuk their clothes depicted portraits of loved ones who are in the purpose of russian captivity is to attract attention and help our soldiers return home sooner. Inna tabak from the sumy region is waiting for her son, who defended mariupol for 80 days we want to remind the whole world that our boys are in captivity. Help free them. Maybe there are some levers to influence the Russian Federation to remember that we are the same, our children are the same as theirs, those who are abroad, those who are ours, those who are before their lives depended on this, they are the same that we are waiting , we love them and with placards in their hands, people are demanding the fulfillment of the terms of the geneva convention, according to the association, one of the defenders of azovstali, as of june, there are about 1,900 defenders of mariupol in russian captivity, among them about seven hundred soldiers of the azov brigade anastasia kresak from ternopil is waiting for the return of her fiance un red cross he is completely inactive they say that we cant do anything we dont have access we ca nt pressure thats why i dont know how they plan to organize their work but for now they are not organizing it in any way, they are completely idle people, they set out on foot through the Central Street of kremenchuk, the final point of the route is kyiv, where the participants of the march intend to visit the coordination headquarters for issues the treatment of prisoners glory return the heroes home return the heroes home iryna skripachova nikita lyudkevich from kremenchuk for the espresso tv channel Saint Martins mukachevo hospital was the first to receive from taiwan the latest cameras for remote care and examination their advantage is the possibility of providing medical assistance in remote areas and in emergency situations when there is no one nearby the doctor and the diagnosis must be established quickly, the price of one such camera is approximately 4,000 , and the doctors and ivan trained our specialists use medical equipment the operation was successful in kyiv, a oneyearold child underwent a bone marrow transplant, the donor was a 26yearold man from the United States who was the only one in the world who was suitable for such an operation , the ministry of health was informed about this event, the baby has a rare metabolic disease and it is desirable to carry out the transplant in the first year of life to stop the development of symptoms, the war of love will not interfere kherson sapper mykola kovalev decided to prove his love in an original way fellow rescuers helped him to prepare the surprise. The bride went to the meeting without suspecting anything, because she thought that she would participate in the presentation of the award. In the end, mykola did hear what she wanted. He believed in love so much, and how did you hand over the land to this earthly life . In what country did you open a new one with you in lviv . Space, psychological support, from now on in the center of dovzhenka, free help will be provided to children, teenagers and adults, whether the usual life has been broken by the war, psychologists and psychotherapists will conduct individual consultations and Group Classes here for the families of military personnel, art therapy and various trainings, the opening of the center was initiated by the Charitable Foundation together for ukraine with the funds of the American Humanitarian organization direx relief, we remind you that psychological support spaces also work in kyiv, khmelnytskyi, dnipropetrovsk, and kharkiv regions, this is about a place where you can rest where you can to get this safe space where you can sometimes even come here to lviv , a lot of immigrants have come, the mother can put the child in the next room to know that the child is safe to work with a specialist, more than 20,000 consultations of psychologists of Counseling Centers were provided , which are deployed in every district of the region, as well as in the city of lviv, and the centers are working. See you at 18 00 also read more on our website espresso tv subscribe to our channels in social networks mine on youtube in telegram on instagram twitteria like be near and stay with espresso, they will continue to work for you. My colleagues on the espresso tv channel will broadcast an informational and analytical marathon. In the next hour, we will inform you about the most Important News of such a plan. So oleksiy arestovich, until recently , the adviser of the office, obliged the dbr to open a case against peoples deputy nataliya pipel for inciting enmity. Now in a little more detail, in particular, it is about an incident that happened in lviv on the second of june, then a minor street musician from odesa performed a song by viktor tsoi to this peoples deputy nataliya pipe reacted, who was passing by and said that well, so to speak, you shouldnt sing songs by russian artists in a public place. Well, the musician reacted, at least aggressively speaking in russian. Well, the conversation was, frankly , not too pleasant, taking into account the fact that the peoples deputy is a woman and so more well, but they drew up an administrative protocol on petty hooliganism for this, so to speak, a bard well, later this guy apologized, well, he was found guilty of petty hooliganism and limited himself with a warning after the publicity, Oleksiy Arestovych cut off the whole case, well, you understand. So he wrote down an appeal to which he supported that guy and noted that he should sing and was not and should not have apologized. Well , on september 6, the Pechersk District Court ordered the dbr to be submitted to of the register of pretrial investigations, information on the opening of proceedings regarding pipa, the deputy herself did not react to this resolution, well, thats the story, and in our studio is oleg dunda, peoples deputy of ukraine, member of the Verkhovna Radas committee on organizations of state power glory to ukraine p olezhe is a hero glory to you congratulations, well, we have come to such a peak of activity , that is, many draft laws, many legislative initiatives are very tough and may require statements from the head of state , well, that is, we see that a kind of dynamic has begun, that is, from one side of all they are looking for an explanation, i dont know, in the visit of the secretary of state of the United States Anthony Blinkin to kyiv, who explains that it already got everyone well , but they are starting to rebuild very quickly , they even registered yours by the way single factions in history well, maybe in general we should cancel dissolve all local bodies elected there, regional, district and so on council well, we dont know how you will vote maybe it s a secret maybe not a secret well, but theres a big stir in state creation thats happening in simple language just explain once a quarter with us there is such an invigoration of political activity, an attempt to show oneself politically in pr aa more important than it is on its own well, er, than it is really, respectively. Congratulations , er, regarding that draft law. What did you say . He just got to our committee and judging by the fact that i spoke with a member of the committee, he did not mean that the remote hall would not pass, the committee is not at all against the basis for the adoption of this bill to date. Somehow i dont know how to persuade the local councils so that they say goodbye too much in the history of the personal income tax, or just remind them that , so to speak, they are the only ones who can solve important issues, there are also military administrations. Well , what logic is there, as far as i can understand, to sign there if i recall correctly, there are two peoples deputies who seem to be related to the faction of the restoration of ukraine to sign this bill, that is, there is no prospect of this draft law, most likely this bill was submitted in order to get some media or pr support specifically for these deputies, nothing more than that, well, look, it s difficult for me for him to say what considerations you did not use when you wrote maybe they decided that when individual Corruption Cases are exposed when there are local councils use money to finance, for example, a stadium, they decided that it would be expedient to glorify themselves in this way, thats all, but well, that s my opinion, how did they think, how did they think about it, how realistic is it , what do you need to ask them about . Sometimes they use it not quite logically , there is a question for many. And the most important thing is that we react. Excel files in an excel table, this is moral, this is not moral, for example, there is a stadium, stadium renovation is there, then there is moral, but in some other populated place it is very bad, and so on. It is not codified, it is constantly changing in one direction or another and each person determines for himself what is moral and unethical for him. Zaporozhye should tell them that it is possible to spend on it, but it is not possible, for example, to build a road. Is it possible or impossible . If it is a road, it is there and money is simply being laundered. For sure, what is needed in each individual case, it is necessary to make a separate decision and not for and not the task of the Verkhovna Rada and the Central Government to indicate to the local authorities what is appropriate for them to do what is not appropriate well, this is my opinion well, i am an investigative body we know the glorious city of chernihiv, so to speak, how much there is a big dynamic, so to speak, of an analysis of what the mayor of chernihiv was doing a little bit, and then there was him in the Mayors Office there. Well, i didnt Pay Attention to what was happening there in chernihiv oblast, the fact that i saw a case there was not so much about large corruption bases, but directly for the use of my official powers. That is, it was not there as far as i remember. Maybe i am wrong. We didnt fix it, there was no corruption in tenders. Maybe im a separate case, but im not a Law Enforcement agency. I didnt follow a similar one in chernihiv. We have such chernihiv oblasts, as far as 24 regions in the country. Its so simple. Well, i would like to feel that there is such a trend for moreover, to somehow multiply local selfgovernment well, if not by zero, then by 0. 5 , you understand, in general, local selfgovernment in ukraine cannot be multiplied by zero at all, and moreover, i want to note that we survived the first month after february 24. This is in including three components this society , this is the armed forces of ukraine and local selfgovernment precisely in those territories that suffered the first attacks from the orks, so if they resisted then any pressure on them is practically impossible , there is another topic to follow as it progresses to what extent do we have access to and in general transparency to what is happening in the council according to the activities of ukrainian parliamentarians and not only in the walls directly by bribery but also what is happening in the committees is actually extremely important history and interesting so the very topic of openness and transparency of the fact that urban planning reform is taking place on these committees and two transcripts ee Chesno Movement draws our attention to the fact that not all of these transcripts are made public, although it would be good if society had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with them Chesno Movement even turned to e mr. Ruslan stefanchuk, how to figure out this story, yes. The fact is, i will simply remind you that two extremely Important Documents are classified. I am now honestly quoting these transcripts of the meeting of the committee on the organization of state power, which is chaired by the chairman the party , the servant of the people, Olena Shulyak , it is a secret that i am the representative of the committee, the exopzzh dmytro isayenko. Well, actually one of the transcripts was made public by the representative of the peoples government, yury levchenko; i remember well , there werent any classified documents , most likely this transcript, she didnt show it for some reason, they didnt show it in public space and thats a matter for the operator to sort out why exactly they were not presented in this case, and i must thank the movement honestly and in general the media that expose such facts and expose these documents. As far as i remember the meeting well, i browsed there in the morning and looked at the publication of the movement. Honestly , there is nothing so secret in these transcripts or on very important, there was practically no well, the discussion between the deputies on the draft law 5655 was absolutely public, as you mentioned , the Town Planning reform, er, at the first , there was supposedly a conversation when these were adopted at the committee , there were votes, there was a lively discussion on to the second, as far as i remember, there was a discussion about what allegedly turned out to be no, not at all, all the comments of the nazk regarding the anticorruption fight there, these draft laws were taken into account , and it was there that they talked about it, then it just seems like news, because on ukrainian pravda there was a proposal to call for the next meeting novikov asked him to comment on it, and as far as i remember well, as many as nine months had already passed, 100 reasons had passed, and then after the meeting i checked that the corresponding letter to mr. Novikov had indeed gone from the committee at that time that he send or come himself or come there a deputy or an authorized person who would comment on it well, what about the committee, because as far as i remember, when this draft law was adopted, they said at the committee that everything was supposedly taken into account since that time, neither the deputy nor novikov attended the meeting. I never once did not see and this question is already to them why did they not come hmm all the Journalists Committee of journalists constantly let the council work at least tomorrow if it depended on me at least tomorrow but unfortunately for the government quarter now it is practically closed to everyone except employees and peoples deputies. Dobrenko can broadcast at least well, thats good, maria, look, most of the committees meetings are on youtube , you can see everything there. Well, on youtube, oleg dunda is in our studio, a peoples deputy of ukraine, a member of the Verkhovna Radas committee on the organization of state power, in fact, its extremely an Important Committee under the conditions of the fact that, so to speak, we are constantly experiencing one or another torture. Ukrainian policy, such a head from overload has different causes, but there are solutions combispasm and a normal head skillfully overcomes pain and spasm combispasm attention total sale from unpacking tv super warm and very comfortable boots alaska style and a discount your ideal solution for the cold season for an incredible price at a favorable price of only 699 uah perfect fit waterrepellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30degree frost alaska style boots have a universal design and practical black color and will fit as for men and women, sizes from 36 to 46, so buy two pairs for yourself and your husband. And they are so comfortable and warm. 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Hryvnia works even without electricity , the offer is limited, call, see this Weeks Program judicial control with tetyana shustrova, the ministry of defense, a private company, and laws, authors works , the judges scandalous decision, debt, and how the judge kutsyurba escaped to an honorable resignation instead of a shameful dismissal, it is like driving drunk for a judge in a brawl. Something like a hobby. On thursday, september 14, at 5 45 p. M. , watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. Applied god forbid really Tactical Nuclear weapons it will definitely change the world stories problems analysis and personalities we are waiting for john herbs the former ambassador to the United States in ukraine thank you for the transformation the question will be answered, so the question is waiting for how to deal with portnikov september that on friday at 21 15 for espresso i congratulate you this is freedom life on radio freedom we have already come to the change itself the following shots may shock you news from the scene live and yes and kamikaze drones political analysis objectively and meaningfully there is no political season exclusive interviews reports from the hottest points of the front freedom life frankly and impartially draw conclusions yourself on the air of the espresso tv channel oleg dunda is currently working peoples deputy of ukraine, a member of the Verkhovna Rada committee on the organization of state power. Well, we are trying to analyze what is currently trending , so to speak, in the matter of the organization of state power, so, in general, the story of electronic declarations, the president of ukraine intervened, so to speak, in the lawmaking process and said that he would not sign a similar draft law , so to speak, obscured and hidden somewhat for a period of time up to a year, yes, by electronic declarations. Well, the process has started and, most likely, certain amendments olezhe, tell me. Well, as far as i understand, everyone has already voted on this and talked about the fact that the president s proposals will be taken into account and this draft law will be voted on and the declarations will be public, but from my point of view this does not change anything at all, because the same does not disappear, there is no access to even in this form of declaration to the registers and nothing prevents them from checking them, respectively, those who aa declare noncompliance with the legislation or hide their wealth or his wealth does not correspond to ee his income, respectively to impose either administrative fines or immediately to court a criminal offense, i. E. To spread the list of those people who were not obliged to declare themselves. Well, if such an initiative had not appeared, i do not know whether it is formalized in the proper way as a supplement to the amendments. Well, for example, the heads of public organizations so to speak, this story was declared, let me remind you how many 4 or 5 years ago it was already passed, i do not think that this proposal will pass the session hall, nothing personal, why are they not civil servants, they do not receive they receive money from uh, they are not at work, do you understand what this story is about, we understand that there are some or other dishonest public organizations out there that, due to their skill, can quite well siphon off funds from these or that state financial programs , so to speak say well, and then it turns out that accounting , so to speak, does not quite correspond to what is called decency, in this case, lets check geo, which in this sense cooperate with state channels from which they suck , there is no sense, again, lets give an example a commercial organization that engages in contracting, for example any that received a contract from the state well, for example, mining infrastructure when or from ukrzaliznytsia, does the head of this organization have to declare, it is unlikely, because in this case, if we are talking about corruption , it is not the representative of this organization who receives the profit from this corruption he is only an executive, and the one who wrote it out to him in a row is the same for public organizations, if they were written out conditional funding there, although it is very difficult to imagine. If there is corruption there, then the profit is sustained by that official, the state official who prescribes it, accordingly, he must declare, and the others, if they have spent the funds, are involved in corruption , corruption schemes, they must go through criminal proceedings, meet the requirements of the preexisting legislation , what is the purpose of the declaration . Well, we will come to that in general, we will decorate everyone, for example , i am planning you, anton, ready, ready, ready. Thats right, nothing prevents you from declaring today. If you have such a desire, the more it will be at the time of the declaration state process well, i think why a certain person creates additional inconveniences, so to speak, but why not , that is, if we agreed on the maximum amount of money, then already today , legally, not today , we start declaring to the legislation of ukraine before the tax office , so we are with you, or in the First Quarter of the next of the year, i will announce another one, i will publicly declare it. And you say , gentlemen, i will dictate. Yes, we should add to our conversation such a halfhumorous one , i dare say. Well, this is seriously laughter through tears, right, deputy Chairman Committee of the Verkhovna Rada mr. Andrii well, i dont know. Have you heard us here . We are already talking a little bit seriously and not seriously about serious things, but the president vetoed the law 9534, which maintains restrictions on the electronic declaration of officials and deputies. The Verkhovna Rada will vote on specific proposals, and there is an understanding of what exactly these proposals are. And in your opinion , did what we call kopnyak democracy play a role here, perhaps a petition signed by a huge number of people, and whether would save the president the whole story without

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