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I always say that if i lived in the United States of america, i would definitely be a republican , but i wouldnt vote for trump, its just a paratrooper said that this is a territorial dispute , the truth is that he was attacked by traditional republicans, he took a step back, but now we see that he has lost a lot positions he in second place. But there is also mr. Vivik, who in general is a person who gives a large amount absolutely without appeal definitions and this is such universal stupidity that you can imagine well, you cant imagine and he was in third place , its a pity that but mr. Oleksandr 5 support for that viva karavasmani you can ignore it at all, i think so, so its just a shame to hope that those, for example , michael bence, the former Vice President , or enika gelli, the permanent representative of the United Nations, but they are not at all tortured in this the republican of the current reality and this is a pity that the real republican views, the region of the human you, they are not in demand now, but the demagogy of the trapelsky type or there are greens or some others, of course and they are gaining momentum now, because they have arguments, and they are absolutely populist when they say for example, it is not necessary to help ukraine, it is necessary to strengthen security we have a war on the southern border well, as if you can stop mexicans and all Latin Americans with heimers abram with other things, i. E. Of course it is pure water demagogy and it is harmful to the interests of the United States, first of all, i am not talking about communist democracy, human rights are also there. Of course, in our conflict, but from the point of view of what will happen to europe, the key allies of the United States and against russia. Yes, he is generally against china and if it will be a danger, this block if it falls apart, nativsky blogger, yes, that is, they do not think about it, they need it. Quickly convince with the demographic arguments of their own , by and large, not very educated elect and come to the authorities and, in principle, by and large to dismantle the democracy that they built because trump has a plan in which way he is going to concentrate the power in his own hands , reducing the influence of the ministers on the government. Go for a few minutes of commercial break , we will meet with you in these few minutes as in the end and with all the viewers who are watching us now, you can make yourself a coffee sandwich rest for a few minutes, although in the end why rest if the conversation is interesting, lets come back in a few minutes. Im oleksandr sklyar. I was born and grew up in kharkiv, in a city that suffers daily from russian weapons. I know that poltava has become a home for tens of thousands of displaced people, and for me its a second hometown, where the best years of my career were spent. Thank you to the armed forces of ukraine for the opportunity to play football vasya vasya vasya whats wrong with you , brother . Antibiotics swallowed , probiz drank an antibiotic in the winter, and lesya is kind of frail. The girls came out the same student of life as as gay after the antibiotic as probiz so no matter what the ukrainians think about, no matter what they talk about the first place is still the war war and our victory only on espresso from monday to monday completely different spheres of human activity sports are healthy the policy of the return of crimea, military analytics, nine presenters, journalists, experts, opinion leaders in real time about the most relevant events through the prism of war in the authors projects on espresso hello, this is freedom, morning informational project radio svoboda top guests every day this is the shipping district of kherson inclusion live we dig out bachmouth we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9 00 a. M. Museum territories of Terror Jewish ghetto of lviv was transformed by the soviet occupiers into a prison with which the path went to the wall a better example of the symbiosis of two totalitarian regimes cannot be found the nazis created this is geta, in order to destroy the Jewish Population of the city, from this place there was only one way to the death camps , the bolsheviks used this experience to send their prisoners, their enemies of the people, too in the death camps in golovy and today, modern ukraine is being attacked by the regime that became the heir to both of these totalitarian dictatorships of both of these people on torture practices the way to auschwitz the way was paved leads to the deer in august 2023 espresso tv channels continue to lead the flow of ukrainian informational tv channels greetings dear tv viewers chas learn about the most important thing according to measurement data viewers choose the ukrainian view from espresso, congratulations friends Mykola Veresen vitaliy portnik autobobrov health to all thank you ukrainians for trusting espresso the world works for you during the war again on the air with me Oleksandr Khara expert on foreign and Security Policy of the center of Defense Strategies diplomat lets continue our conversation mr. Oleksandr i will only say two words to those who watch us on youtube please answer continue to answer the question that we asked does it sound like that to you in the west they started talking more often about negotiations with Russia Ukraine because the west is tired exhausted wants peace with russia your option your option write in the comments oleksandr about russia and we will continue precisely about these negotiations, because recently, at least last week, both putin and lavrov, uh, talked about the fact that we are not against negotiations and never talked about it, although we know very well how many times putin said that we will not sit down at the negotiating table until all the tasks set before the socalled ji of the special military operation are fulfilled, and here putin speaks, lavrov speaks the same way as putin said that we are ready for these negotiations with ukraine, if ukraine, because ukraine is itself refuses these negotiations. Look at these statements from russia, what can they testify about, that putin really feels enormous problems and he needs these negotiations, no, i dont think it s a continuation of the same demology , smoke curtains or other disguises, as they like to do, that is, in this in this of course, there is nothing because it is very easy for peace to begin in ukraine. This is the usual stop by russia in this aggression and when the occupiers are taken from our territory or , for example, if it were understood that they would like negotiations, understanding that ukraine is in waves wobbles and is ready to swallow the loss of territory and the limitation of their own sovereignty, and then they could play such a role, you know very often aggressors talk about peace because they want their victim to simply not resist, and that is why this is the case and they give principled arguments in different masks and to others it means either aah lets say yes well lets say yes to a quilter or outspoken russian agents in the west, look what they say to the world and this zelensky is somehow wrong and biden supports him with some of his own political considerations, or zelenskyi is not actually a subject, and you are not surprised at such negotiations. Therefore, it distracted everything. Of course, on the way, putin understands that it is quite difficult for him , or he did not get a threeday victory, and now he has to. To the far east in order to meet with him in a short way in order to ask that soviet model for ammunition well , actually, well, this is the same indicator although of course they understand i am putin and his entourage that they have time to spare, well, that is, after all, it is not a Democratic State who can remove putin from of this position especially since crimea, nazism, he has grown into this lets say this, the support of this war by the vast majority of russians, if they didnt want to Say Something else in the west or russian liberals, eh, thats why he feels quite normal and i think he can survive, but for this he needs more help, even from such uh, uh, to squirm there and take these shells, so i dont think that this is awareness. Moreover, this person who does not use the internet, who is completely secretive in paps , receives information about the worldview of such people, eh who are the heads of Russian Foreign development, one or another special services, he is absolutely clear, that is, the theory from the conditions, this means that we are winning, and in ukraine , mercenaries are fighting, and so on, that is, of course , he has a distorted picture of the world, and within the framework of this stolen picture of the world, he sees that there are problems, but it seems to him that he has the resources to hold on for a while, and then the west will either falter or develop or return to some other conflict, more generally for him, mr. Oleksandr, when answering this question, you said russian liberals, in your opinion, are russian liberals because i, personally, when i talk about them, they call them socalled liberals. Because it seems to me that this is, well, no, well, my personal opinion is that these politicians cannot be called liberals. If they are good, i want to hear your opinion. I can only name one last name is a couple. Of course, he has a chance to come to power in the Russian Federation. In principle, i am not talking about the kremlin, they are equal to minus there is some 100 . Yes, that is, this is a person who remained a person and lets say so assessment of the existing situation, it is not very different from what we say, and of course i am not talking about a massive storm because, well, you see now a new wave of indignation, not by putin, not by an equalkilling war, and by the fact that russians are not given the opportunity to drive cars to the territory of neighboring european states that is, they are compared to putinism, some even started to compare it with the holocaust. Imagine the arrogance of russians who carry the passport of an aggressor country, which means they blame European Countries that help us defend yourself from the ginesadal war, blame, compare them to the nazis, of course, this is beyond any decency and morality, but thats how there are such liberals as they are in the Russian Federation , they have no chance of getting into power, unlike their historical predecessors, i currently they dont teach history to the unscrupulous and the political forces, because in russia you can come to power either by accident or by being ready to drown in blood like the bolsheviks, all liberals dont have a particular program, and they dont have support, that is, they are far from the people, as the classes said, and of course they are not ready to go. We will not say so, take this power with weapons in hand, except, of course, those who are fighting on the side of ukraine in america and other divisions. You are here, i understand people who understand how it is possible to lead in russia bala order and come to power, others well, they ask for silence, i hope that the victory of ukraine opens opportunities well, but where to count the number of russian residents here, as they call it because they are very correct by the way, they say and chose also they call residents not citizens because there is really no consciousness the subjectivity of these people, where are those residents who will vote for navalnoy or Something Else . I just dont see it, and on that, of course, i agree with you. The eyes in quotation marks should be taken for 99 , but there are individual cases where it is possible that command respect, mr. Oleksandr understood well, lets now move on to the main event of the week that is ahead of us, the main world event of the United Nations General Assembly in new york begins tomorrow, the main week of highlevel meetings there is until the 26th , president Volodymyr Zelenskyi is going there to a meeting is already scheduled for wednesday with jobiden for thursday he also has a speech in congress scheduled last week i read several American Media that they call this visit of zelensky to the United States to the un General Assembly a special diplomatic operation how important is this for us, mr. Oleksandr well, i think so extremely important visits there, i divided the following four goals and we already talked about several of them, of course, what is it if we talk about biden, it is to show that we have at that level the relationship is maintained and to enlist the support of biden, it is possible to eventually receive a positive signal about operationaltactical missiles and maybe about f16 , lets hope, but that s the second thing its communication with the cameramen, and in order to convince them that it is necessary to vote with the help of ukraine, i dont think so that there will be some increase in this aid, but at least at the level requested by the administration, and of course that this is an appeal to american citizens that this war is also important to the americans and is in their interests well, the last priority is, of course, to try to convince the socalled global south to support our peace formula and at least start putting pressure on the Russian Federation. We saw that this is the final communique of the group of 20. Was by and large toothless, of course there were references to sovereignty, territorial integrity, that now is not the era of war this is the phrase of Prime Minister modi, but it is a pity that the assessment of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation as such was absent, unlike of course, zelensky will try to use his charisma with some additional arguments to sway african countries to his side. Well, i think that the further we go, the more understanding there will be in these countries that russia plays an extremely negative role in that region. That is, it supports a violent change of power, it is a destabilizing factor, on the other hand, it cannot bring anything to african countries because it has scarce resources to help these countries, if we are even talking about the same grain, then what they promised russia africa at the time, but it was orders of magnitude lower than the africans could afford to buy from russia and ukraine together. That is, all the handouts do not solve the problem and they are not needed. And that is exactly why it will be an important moment for the president to say that russia driven by a structural factor, the sooner this war ends, the better it is in this world. And the war can end permanently, not on pause , when we achieve a just and lasting peace, based on the statutory norms and principles of international law, mr. Oleksandr well, dont you think that it will be particularly difficult to convince the global south . Its very difficult , especially considering some of the statements that came out of ukraine last week, from mr. Podolyak in particular, towards india or china. And speaking of how he obviously had all other countries understood all the other countries of the global cock. Well, it will be almost impossible to convince you. To be honest, i didnt exaggerate the role of eh , the World History of diplomacy was not far away , i would probably remember such and such a proverb that a diplomat thinks three times before doing nothing i didnt say it, and now i understand when a person says these are generalizations. This is either stupidity or manipulation. I understand that even a diplomat can use such words in order for you to achieve a certain effect. Well, i dont see what positive effect you could achieve. If we put it this way, these words were well, the intention is yes, that is, it was said on purpose, but on the other hand, the question is that the global south is such a clumsy name for a large number of countries that have different interests. Well , for example, the same chinese has not visited the group since the 20th day before was made public a standard map of china, where they drove a little into the territory of india and those countries. Im not saying how unfraternally they wanted to take the South China Sea for themselves, that is, even two such elephants, the dragon of the global rooster. They have contradictions and they treat each other with great suspicion, i am already talking about others. But we can try to appeal to those interests and those. Lets say yes, even the illusions that they consider reality, well, roughly speaking, our war with the Russian Federation has a neocolonial nature, that is, russia accepts us as a territory and not a separate state. And you know, unfortunately, the russian narratives that they are fighting here in ukraine with the american empire, they sit down very well on e lets say this, does not reinforce these conditions of certain politicians, experts on the fire cock because they represent yes at one time, the western powers were colonial powers and they were colonies, but africa, and the soviet union was the force that helped to free itself from this, although it can certainly be argued here, by and large , the atlantic declaration means it was signed between the United States and great britain. It seems to me to be the most important impetus for the British Empire to begin to fall apart, and that means the disappearance of these colonies, including those in that part of the world. Well , the most important thing is that we just have to change and adjust our key messages to those countries that , for some reason, are facing accusations or somehow more support the Russian Federation, of course i understand that some countries depend on the Russian Federation from them, for example, the same wagners and with such military support, but mostly those countries to which their neighbors are becoming careless, we saw as after a recent mirror that the African Union has already prepared for a military action in order to mean that they did not investigate to prevent this from spreading to other states, so it seems to me that it is important in the election of messages, it is important for us, we have limited resources , of course, financial and er, that means organizational. Former imperial states or the west in general, there are some problems there, plus the west neglected the interests of africans for a long time and they say, well, it is completely legitimate, well , now you want us to suffer something there, some sanctions were introduced or pressure was put on the Russian Federation, and where were you when we had problems you ignored us, that is, there are a large number of problems , but they are such, lets say they are, you can collect several baskets well, they are definitely not a global basket of roosters, that is , you can work with them and these problems can to decide i mean ukraine has time, but on the other hand, of course we need it as soon as possible to get everything necessary to defeat russia, but we will not get anywhere after that and we have to live in this globalized world where the socalled global south is gaining momentum and the center the economic demographic is there and we should look for new markets , new friends, and so on, so of course this work needs to be done. Well, not only with the squatting on our company for the liberation of the territory in the 24th year, of course, mr. Oleksandr well, and one more thing, john kirby said that the coordinator of Strategic Communications of the Security Council of the white house said that joe biden, the president of the United States of america , intends to propose to the General Assembly of the United Nations to reform the un Security Council, it is meant to make it more inclusive. And for this, add five or six new members, among these five or six new members, there will be germany , india, brazil. How much do you think . I personally think that it can be its just some preelection aa bidens company, when he offers this, hes like that, but its not a viable offer at all, as far as im concerned. Well, you know, kirby said when he was asked about some specific ideas. He said that we want to start a discussion about this. Well, in general terms accounts. How many are there . How many discussions about euroformation are there, and that is correct . Here, but i think here. Yes, of course , there is an element of propaganda, and there is another ideological point, because if we are not talking about a professional system, it is the one that developed after two terrible wars on the territory of global wars on the territory of europe, so these between eh, lets say so , International Relations are regulated by International Organizations by multilateral diplomacy, this is the heart by and large of these liberal eh approaches or idealistic approaches, and therefore i understand why he wants to say that there is a platform where you can solve problems, at least discuss about it, and of course that this is a very positive thing, that the negotiations will give us a new impetus , the expansion of, at least, the un Security Council although i understand how much contradictions will immediately be included. Well, i would also like to see japan, by the way, and korea and china will immediately be included there, against everything, i think that there will be certain nuances and the same in relation to germany. That is, it is a complicated process, but if it is not to discuss, if you dont try to do something, you can destroy this organization, we complain that it is ineffective and it is not effective. So that there were always five countries that could block any decision, so that one power and others, and then there were actually two blocs, computerist and communist it works as it was intended. It just works. The world has changed and we wanted to be able to stop aggression or punish the aggressor, that is, there are none. Well , you know, 140 countries voted for the fact that russia illegally annexed crimea, supported territorial goals, about the same number for aggression and about as much more for the management of the settlement of this war on the basis of ee principles, principles and norms and international law, that is, there is such support, but how it is implemented is a separate issue, and these ee constructs after the Second World War are postwar, they do not work therefore, of course, the discussion is very good and i hope that it will be continued not only after the elections in november of next year. Well, as you say, this discussion can continue for a long time, i mean about the reform of the United Nations organization. Thank you very much for participating in todays program for your thoughts and comments. Oleksandr kare, an expert on foreign and Security Policy at the center for Defense Strategies, a diplomat, was my guest today and answered the questions i presented as a professional. I keep saying voting is not voting, but your answers to the question that we asked , i asked at the beginning of the program. From ukraine with russia, because the west is tired , exhausted, wants peace with russia, your option is so tired, 43 think. Exhausted 7 wants us to disperse 35 . Your option is er 14 i will read your options after i leave the air i didnt have time during an interesting conversation to watch and read so ill see how many of you are watching now 1042 people thank you all very much this is only on a special channel for the world during the war Program Thanks also to those who watch the general espresso channel on youtube. Well, to everyone who watches the status where are we not turned off or in power . Well, for today i have to finish everything due to lack of time, but i will already start preparing for next week, because we meet next monday at the usual time, there will be new guests , there will be new topics, but it will be interesting, as always , my name is yuriy fizer to meetings greetings, we really ask for your help in the search. Here is this boy, his name is maxim, he is 16 years old , and he actually disappeared under rather mysterious circumstances. The boy is with his mother, here is her photo, please look carefully, the name of the woman is karina, the ninth, she is 36 years old , their relatives informed about the disappearance of the mother and her son, they said that mrs. Karina and maksym left kremenchuk, where they lived , it is not known where and without telling anyone about it a lot of time has passed, but unfortunately there is no news about the woman and her son, the relatives of maksym and his mother have no idea where they might be now, what prompted them to take such a step and why they did not inform anyone about it is also not clear at the moment. We are very we hope that everything is okay with maxim, we ask you not to remain indifferent and help in the search. So please share this video in your social networks, because maybe someone you know will recognize the boy and his mother, and in general it is clear that the more people learn about the search child, then there will be all the more chances to find her, and i ask everyone to once again carefully look into the face of maxim the ninth, if you know even something about him or his mother, do not delay and immediately report to our hotline at with the number 116,000, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free, you can also write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, in general , many boys and girls are currently wanted and each of us can really help find them, so please go to the website of the child tracing service

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