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The use of leopards by the Ukrainian Military additional training is needed the rosatom corporation, which controls the zaporizhzhia npp since march 2022, was involved in the persecution of the stations workers , the study says a nuclear prison, how rosatom turned europes Largest Nuclear power plant into a prison and how the world can stop it, witnesses told about a whole network of places the illegal detention of people on the island and in energodar, where civilians are subjected to torture and illtreatment, the ship religious africa left the port of chornomorsk in odesa. It is moving towards the bosphorus with three thousand tons of wheat. This was announced by the minister of Community Development of the territory and infrastructure, oleksandr kubrakov, so this is the first of two ships found in the port. Last week, the second ship is currently being loaded with ukrainian grain for egypt. A man died in lviv as a result of a night attack by russian drones. Near zavaliv, another 26yearold boy was injured, he is currently in the hospital, according to preliminary information, the russians launched 18 drones in the lviv region, 15 of which were eliminated by our air Defense Forces recorded three hits in the industrial warehouses of the region in 3 hours, the liquidation of the consequences of the terrible attack on the city of lviv is already underway, these locations are actually warehouses of humanitarian aid, Food Products , chemicals, and the area is approximately up to 10,000 m², there are fires in many places, firefighters are working, the consequences are extremely complex, about 6 this morning , a 26yearold patient came to us. There are fractures, a threebone fracture of the ankle joint and , in addition , a contusion of the lungs in the future. Minister of internal Affairs Ihor Klymenko , the warehouse building caught fire as a result of the attack , rescuers are currently putting out another fire an enemy henchman was kidnapped by the Security Service from a slavic woman spied on the movement of military equipment of the armed forces from the window of her own home, she recorded all the routes in a photo, so she sent data to the Russian Special services on social networks Law Enforcement officers detained an agent, she faces up to 8 years behind bars in the United States, a russian was arrested who transmitted dualpurpose electronics to the Russian Federation the ministry of justice of the country reported that russian citizen Maksym Marchenko is accused of facilitating smuggling, he allegedly helped manage a Procurement Network for obtaining microelectronics that can be used for military purposes, in particular for military sights, night vision devices, thermal imagers and other weapons systems, a third dormitory for displaced persons was opened in krypnytskyi , more than uah 4 million was spent on furnishing from the city budget , furniture and equipment were helped to purchase benefactors , how many people will live in this housing and what conditions are offered to them, lets see serhiy zhuravlyov comes from antonymka in the kherson region a 63yearold man came to kropyvnytskyi last year, in may, the family was advised to flee so that they would not be tortured by the russians, the occupiers stormed the military commissariat, so they had information about the son of a military man. Who are the parents . And we would like to tell you that we had to have volunteers come because they had already given us an Early Warning and left in may. The school, which was converted into housing for immigrants, today moved to a new dormitory where better conditions were arranged in a fivestory residential building. It is located on the first floor with a total area of ​​260 square meters. We have seven rooms here, six rooms for residents and one room for the administration also, our rooms are designed for two, three, four places, people can receive the following social services, this is the provision of shelter this is information, counseling, social support for repairs the dormitory was built within six months, windows and doors were replaced, in addition to the living rooms, a laundry kitchen, a toilet, a shower room and a utility room were installed , Engineering Communications and heating devices were replaced , the porch was ventilated, mr. Completed the decoration work , in total, more than uah 4 million was spent from the city budget, very well. I got one with my hand, and there are shops nearby and a bus stop nearby, he goes where he needs to go, with the support of the red cross for the displaced , they bought furniture, household appliances, dishes, bed linen, well, we now have 49 territorial communities in the region of ee, there are about 90,000 displaced people. Explain 23,000 in the regional center. The swiss red cross has a program aimed at making places of compact living more convenient and comfortable for displaced people. One of these places is the dana hostel, which has been renovated and is attached here. Around uah 380,000 , people will be able to live here free of charge for six months. This term can be extended if necessary. Now this is a social group. In the near future , we will build comfortable housing for them. Residence, not temporarily and not for 180 days, but the whole of life , as much as god has given us in this world, we will live in a comfortable, convenient home in the center of ukraine, free and independent, and ukrainian ukraine. Currently , four families from Kherson Oblast and donetsk oblast live in the dormitory, a total of 19 can be accommodated here people, priority housing is given to single mothers, pregnant people with disabilities, and elderly Homeless People from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel, i remind you of the important collection of the espresso tv channel and the Spring Charity fund are collecting funds for the purchase of modern drones for our scouts, which would be needed by the 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine, which is fighting in the hot donetsk direction, this is in particular mavik three about three kamikaze drones and accessories for them, our goal is 1 million 900,000 uah, thanks to you, we have already collected almost 700,000 we ask you to actively donate and our defenders report the losses of the enemy. We, the air Reconnaissance Department of the Second Company of the 23rd separate rifle battalion, which is carrying out a combat mission in the territory of the donetsk region, wish you health urgently we need reconnaissance and attack kamikaze drones. Thank you to everyone who participated in fundraising with the help of the Spring Charity fund. Glory to ukraine heroes will have to pay for glory. Israel, he emin netanyaku, a businessman believes that the transition to a Monthly Payment for the use of x is the only way to eliminate the problem of bots, but the specific amount and terms of the innovation mask does not named here what is the matter at this moment i tell you see you very soon read more about important things on our website espresso tv subscribe to our channels in social networks be close and meet Oksana Vysochanska and antin barkovsky on our air thank you manive Melnyk Melnyk thank you news editor well, today , september 19 , the 15th meeting of the Contact Group on the defense of ukraine began at the american base in germany called rammstein. Time is working against putin , the United States minister of defense said at the opening of the meeting lloyd austin promised that the partners will stand by ukraine as long as necessary. Well, an important aspect is the first meeting for rustem umirov, the new minister of defense of ukraine. Internal ukrainian rammstein and its called Donate Donate ee to participate in various collections and this time i urge you to join the collection that we are conducting jointly with the iryna koval charitable foundation, we are collecting on two platforms with turrets that you now see on the screen, they allow you to remotely remove Wounded Soldiers from the battlefield and bring ammunition there, and a special turret turns such a platform into a robot machine gunner, now on the screen you see qrcodes, the card number, all this information is always available on our page or qr the codes remain at the bottom of the screen during our broadcast, we need to buy one ee buy two such platforms and they will cost 1 million and 760,000 uah, as of now , 930,000 and 577 uah and another 80 kopecks have already been collected er, it is on the account, i ask you to join actively so that we can close the assembly as soon as possible, buy platforms and move on to the next assembly, this is extremely important information. Dear tv viewers, if you can, then join, you can see the qr code, we will inform you during todays information day. Now we are joining the marathon of pavel, a peoples military expert , a volunteer, a person who has a good understanding of what is called artillery and counter battery combat, well, thats where well start. Glory to ukraine, mr. Pavel, we congratulate you, good day well, the 72nd separate motorized Rifle Brigade of the russian interventionists was defeated in the direction of bakhmut , and we understand that our artillery may have played an extremely important role, so we understand that the situation has radically changed for the better, if we compare it, for example, with the battles of last year , so we understand that now we have replenishment of our arsenal and at the same time appeared the socalled cluster munitions transferred by our American Partners so what role does artillery now play in particular start being kind from bakhmut x artillery performs a huge number of tasks, it is necessary to understand that archivilia makes approximately 8090 of all fire damage both from our side and from the side of bor , if you say a specific test of khmut on bakhmut well, yes, i had the honor of visiting us on the echart well, you can call him that. Yes, from the answer, adam, yes, we talked to him, a very respectable, very serious person. Well, lets set aside a few centimeters. Er, the task of artillery is first of all. Well, first of all , there are different types of artillery. We have wellestablished artillery of the army level. It is highly accurate. Longrange systems such as there is with this haimars and so on, their task , first of all, is destruction, this is counterbattery combat , the same one you said about, this is a complex of measures and measures, this is reconnaissance, first of all, it is necessary to find this target to search for iodine localities do it in several different ways , it is done as Space Reconnaissance with the help of satellites , there is nothing secret here, these satellites are paid for by the asylum fund, it is done with the help of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles , such as airplanes, such as drones, and so on the enemys artillery, she perfectly understands our capabilities, thats why they hide from extreme ranges its there 810 km from the front line where they can get ee from where they can get it, but the range, for example, himals , and its 84 km if we talk about the range of excalibur its controlled a guided projectile for barrel artillery is 40 km, while a cluster munition, which is also used for contour combat, is 29 km. Every day we destroy approximately 2025 artillery systems and there are 57 enemy jet systems, all this thanks to of the presence of these reconnaissance and longrange damage systems, what specifically happened in the direction of bakhmut . Yes, the enemys artillery was destroyed there, the logistics of the enemy, the assault units were destroyed, they are already occupying specific ee, they are already storming the enemys positions, occupying trenches, delaying there and repelling counterattacks. That is, it is all huge the complex of work of the armed forces of ukraine cannot be said here that only the artillery did it or only the infantry, well, it is such a complex that works as one huge organism, and thanks to this, we achieve our successes we probably dont see the point in counting. As it was a year ago, only rockets remained, because we count, count , and they still have something to shoot at, and recently, what he showed the new one, he didnt show it, he didnt tell about the new ee missile in service with the Russian Federation hbd, they didnt show it. Well, they say that it has already been adopted and that this is the next stage of development after the khas101. The length is 10 m, a little longer. And they say that it will not be able to fit into the tu160 or 195 mmc , and it is even more incredible that they will somehow hang it there eh, and its significantly more difficult, eh, do you actually know about these developments of theirs, to what extent they are real developments and how realistically they can use them later on in ukraine . Well, of course, what quantities can be involved if this is not eh, not some kind of show and not so rustic it was just to tell how things are not good. Unfortunately, the enemy is capable of producing missile weapons. They are not only capable, but they have even increased their production over the last year. We are talking about. We are talking about one five pieces a month if we talk about this particular pd snoring that they are talking about here, it is more lets say that it is actually a simplification of production than some newest rocket, that is, it is about the fact that they are simplifying this khas 101 in order to increase the number production, well, this is such preliminary information. Lets say this is a word from the sources that i see. Well, there is still very little of it here , and thats why. Well, you cant relax, you cant say that the enemy will run out of missiles. They also have Cruise Missiles. They also have ballistic missiles. They have a huge amount of spare parts for s300 s400, which, for example, from belarus can even get enough even to kyiv. Defend yourself from these attacks and dont generate air, thank you for your answer , stay in touch with us , well have a short break now, then well be back , we have a few more questions for you for a few minutes and lets continue our conversation, there are discounts on voltaren forte and Voltaren Emulgel in pharmacies podorozhnyk bam and oschad vasya vasya vasya whats wrong with you , brother, you swallowed antibiotics in the winter probiz drank and lesya is kind of sick gavrilo petrovych youre also sick mmm glory debiotic probizu tummy let it have will give probiz girls and what chilik life how after antibiotic how probiz yes attention total sale from unpacks tv super warm and very comfortable boots alaska style with a discount your perfect solution for the cold season of the year at an affordable price of only uah 699, perfect fit, it is a repellent material and feels warm even at 30 alaska style houses have a universal design and practical black color and will fit both men and women, sizes from 36 to 46, so take two pairs at once to yourself and your husband and whether they are so comfortable and warm, eternal zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg , eco fur insulation perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the top is made of waterproof and wearresistant raincoat fabrics and reinforced eco suede alaska style boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very severe frosts, highquality, light and warm alaska style boots with a discount of only uah 699, call your feet are freezing, wear a few socks, and your feet are still cold enough to freeze thermal socks arctic from unpacking tv thermal socks arctic are designed to keep your feet warm and as comfortable as possible in any climate in any shoes in any season, even in rubber boots, you have already made sure of this thousands of sensors of hunters and fishermen order a set of two pairs of arctic thermal socks for only uah 399, but thats not all , call us while the video is being broadcast , we will send you two more pairs of socks at you have four pairs of socks for the price of two , forget about us through wet feet after a walk in snowy or rainy weather, unlike ordinary socks, in arctic thermal socks your feet will be warm and dry, wait for two pairs of thermal socks for only uah 399 and two more pairs as a gift, call so that ukrainians do not think about so that they said that the war still comes first, the war and our victory is only on espresso from monday to monday, completely different spheres of human activity, health, politics , the return of crimea, military analytics , nine presenters, journalists, experts , opinion leaders in real time about the most relevant events through the prism of the war in authors projects on espresso, a collaborator , a person who knowingly cooperates with the occupation authorities to the detriment of their own country, until recently these people lived nearby, pretended to love ukraine, our home, our school family, our a united ukraine, but in fact we were waiting for the russian peace independence day, this day we celebrate our family, we have traitors in our faces to know to punish, watch the program of the collaborator every wednesday at 17 45 on the espresso tv channel hello, this is freedom, the morning, the informational project of radio svoboda, top guests, every day, this is the ship district of kherson, live inclusion we are in bahmut, we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9 00 a. M. Information day of the espressovu tv channel in full swing 2 22 p. M. Call us pavlo birth military expert volunteer person who does not understand what is called longrange artillery, because you have to understand, well, war, that it is, first of all, that it is logistics , it is necessary to somehow transport a huge amount of ammunition to the front to the front line, and this is primarily artillery ammunition, we are talking about tens of thousands of tons of ground tracks, they known is the railway, there is one branch it is through the putin bridge to the crimea, then jiancoy dzhankoy this is the whole business is unloaded and it is transported by cars already there to melitopol and further, the Second Branch it is through mariupol, mariupoli is well, it is difficult to say which section the railway reaches, it goes through mariupol volnovakha, further to melitopol to volnovakha , our troops can in principle deliver only longrange and even soviet artillery there, a distance of about 2030 km from this railway branch, then our troops well, that is, with a high probability , this railway does not work and all the supplies that are carried out are carried out from the crimea. Installations, this is our number one priority for our deeppenetrating artillery, and then these are the means of rep. These are the means of air defense and, no wonder , tanker trucks and cars, unfortunately, in the statistics , there is no separation where the truck is, where the tanker truck is, but we can say that industrial quantities will also be destroyed this the trucks that carry the ammunition that, like air , are needed by our enemy, we shoot , well, the number is unknown, but we can say that we fire several thousand shots a day of all calibers of our enemys artillery makes up to the 15th, maybe even up to 20,000 per day, each of these 20,000 must be proven somehow, now there is a noticeable shortage of these ammunitions for the enemy, that is, both the words themselves that we destroy and the ammunitions themselves that do not reach and thats why our offensive became important in principle, because we knocked out all the enemys artillery and now our artillery is cleaning out the enemys trenches, destroying the same battered fortifications , destroying the personnel hiding in these trenches and pits, and after that in the trenches our stormtroopers are coming in. What is happening in the south now in this breach . At first they scored such a narrow clint, it was there 23 km wide. Well, maybe four there at the most, now it has already expanded, it is already about 20 km wide and more than 20 deep there km, he has already entered, that is, i am expanding it now, now they are buying the opportunity to strike from the flanks, and our ukrainian artillery takes a direct part in this. This place they released pavel, have you already seen the article that appeared today in zenirok times . And have you seen about kostyantynivka . Well, then i will briefly talk about it today and it coincided so well. About the fact that there was allegedly a detailed reasoned investigation into the events of september 6 in kostyantynivka, when a Russian Rocket flew into the market there , 16 people were killed, let me remind you , about fifty were injured. They claim that it was not a russian missile, that it was a Ukrainian Missile that was fired from the buka air defense system, that it all flew from a friend, my question is not that it was so, we have our opinion and the ukrainian headquarters and everyone provides information, but in some specific cases, it is also possible to conduct our internal ukrainian investigations and explain and argue for the general public, for western partners, for the world in general, what it was and how it was and whether for example, it could have happened, you know. Was this scenario possible, which is being reported by the new york times, and sometimes the Russian Media write about it . Well, first of all, i understand what kind of materials we are talking about this is an echo. Steam, which they allegedly took from here, this is the video on the video. There is an image of this missile and that the missile is allegedly flying from the side of ukraine. First of all, the missile can change its trajectory if you take a missile, any Cruise Missile is essentially a russian one. The plane, that is, he can fly on any trajectory, he could fly to the ukrainian territory and then turn around and fly towards again. Well, the same konstantin, which or any other point. That is, it does not say anything about the second moment what they say is that this missile allegedly moved from the territory of ukraine, again, based on this video , it is not possible to draw such a conclusion , the probability is that the missile fell vertically downwards, it could have been any kind of missile, which indicates that about what it could be not a pp missile in a ppu missile, but everyone remembers these photos, they are known when they investigated when the russians shot down a boeing in luhansk back in the 14th year, there were 200 such this whole plane, it had such a large number of holes because they fill the ppushni missiles with a huge number of steel balls and these balls scatter in all directions during explosions, here we do not see this effect, such a colander effect, all the cars, they were all pierced in a small spot and it was very clearly visible, no explosions , that is, with a high probability it was a high explosive explosive charge, well, that is, one big explosion without a huge amount of fragments, such as were characteristic of an antiaircraft missile, the final conclusion can be made when our investigators, when they find the fragments of this missile, and they are there, they will definitely find them, because the missile , well, it does not disintegrate, it does not disintegrate , many molecules from it will definitely remain some remnants and then it will be possible to say exactly what it was a specific ee missile is used unfortunately we have to say goodbye or now is the time for news military expert volunteers which spice is implemented on longrange artillery that is exactly why we

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