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Are already blinking in packs, i emphasize once again without moving the war to the enemys territory when his military economic infrastructure is destroyed, such wars are not won by words, thats why the question is the end of the war what is the exit at the border of 1991 . No, this is not the end of the war. This is the beginning of possible negotiations for this period, now polish in the form of nato. Yes , this is a certain kind of security, but once again i emphasize the lack of opportunities for russia to start a war again, this is the collapse of this empire, this is already final. Victory, then we really need to continue our work and the world must understand that while the soldiers of ukraine are falling, they are still living in the western world, god forbid. Where is the last ukrainian soldier . Everyone understood this very quickly, even finland understood this when it quickly broke into nato , nevertheless, this does not prevent the representatives of the authorities in finland from saying, oh, you know. Well, there is a very high risk of escalation from russia and a nuclear threat. That is, you jumped under the umbrella of nato and now you are starting some kind of incomprehensible dance with a tambourine about the fact that it is necessary to somehow come to an agreement, because maybe putin is cheating on Nuclear Weapons, i have always said and i do not want to incite panic, but i want to say one thing if the russians brought dynamite to the kakhovka hpp, they didnt bring it there to look at it, they were supposed to blow it up and they blew it up, and if the russians brought it to the Zaporizhia Nuclear power plant, they brought dynamite there. In order to look at it and in order to blow it up. Therefore, this may be the next step if the russians from all irons from all televisions from all the right machines 35 that they will use Nuclear Weapons is not an excluded option that they they can do, because what is being done in putins bunker and what is the average temperature of the chamber of those crazy people . We cant measure it, but the western partners. And what to do then, the question is not the proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. How many sides can be talked about . Unfortunately, i emphasize once again that the world is not ukrainiancentric, but many countries and rammstein, by example, have made us all understand that the defeat of ukraine, god forbid, can lead to escalation is already on their territory and of course everyone doesnt want that well, thats all well, since over the past few months , the western press has been actively discussing the pace of the ukrainian counteroffensive and how it is developing today, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the United States of america, mark milli said after the rammstein meeting about the counteroffensive of the armed forces of ukraine, lets listen, russia made the biggest strategic mistake they ever made when they invaded a country that is free and independent and this country has no intention of stopping until it is free and independent again ukraine is achieving gradual and slow success every day is making progress with the support of International Partners but this struggle is not over yet with the approach of winter the ground will become wet then the frosts will come but with conversations i had , the ukrainians have no intention of stopping even in winter, they have a Strategic Initiative and they will continue this until the final goal is achieved, the ukrainians will continue to develop their initiative because the ukrainians have no other way out, that is, the question here is quite simple, that is, either they us or we are right for them ihor well, this is like a stationary war, we have no other options. We cannot fly into space, and the russians will not all fly into space, so this war will continue until russias aggressive policy will continue, and not only putin is to blame, but all of russia, the people. I would also like to recall the words of one of the highranking generals of nato member countries, who was asked on the calm down date, uh, whether they supplied weapons to ukraine. Well, in general, whether are you ukraine, did they continue, they will, they would win, he said yes, the ukrainian would continue the struggle, even if they were to fight with axes and, as they say , with scythes, they would do it, they would simply die, more ukrainians would die, but they would stop their because this is a struggle for survival now there are no options either we are beaten or we fight well that is, we dont have a third option but you know about slowness or not slowness well these these notes even and well and we heard even though it how laudatory speech addressed to ukraine, but notes about slowness. You know, ask it like, well, for me, its like a crazy experiment , well, they say, listen to the people, but you can only fight against the second army of the world, and we are customs and will fight ana try to fight yes, and if we dont give you 300 tanks i asked for a scrappy adamo only 100 you will go to the counteroffensive and of course we will go with us there are no options, we will go anyway yes and you can go to the counterattack without having enough means for demining and we can and you can go on a counteroffensive without aviation support and we can and you can go on a counteroffensive and achieve significant quick successes without a colossal advantage in artillery and we can listen its kind of like a fucked up experiment to me it looks like a fucked up experiment so stop testing our our value, we will still fight in our country. There are no options, but it will be much better for the world if we win faster than us, then more will survive and we will be able to rebuild our country. And here we are they say at the end, you know, but you can , in order to protect democracy during martial law, hold elections without martial law, and here are our leaders like that, oh, you jackpot, we can but it will be unfair, but we can only give 5 billion because we dont have that much money, so give us 5 billion dollars for elections at a time when elections cost 5 billion hryvnias, but first of all, we still want to make money from this. And here is already criticism towards our government. We must defend communal interests. With those forces and means where we are. And now when we are some pseudoexperts of the nato countries, they have seen at least one operation of the nato countries without advantage in a row, desert storm or any other operation, first the arrival of aviation, then the artillery will attack, then the overwhelming number will come in. Well, and then the special forces come in. And as it comes out, first the Russian Aviation beats us, then the artillery, which is superior in number , beats us, overwhelming us in the number of tanks and armor, and then the prisoners of kadirov and the area of ​​the country, which has three times the area, go after us more population and then their spetsnaz comes in and we still manage to win here because we always go into counterbattle , knock out their spetsnaz near kyiv and then we will kill their meat somewhere in the forests near kupyansk or in Donetsk Region or in the south there will be no frost frost in us there are no options, but the attacks will help to speed up the interruption of logistics, and after the attack, if the rightwing missiles from germany also arrive, it will also help us, and you know, today they say that ukraine has given up 10 leopards, but opards arrived that were decommissioned 10 years ago, they were worn out, and we certainly did not accept them because they need repair, this is the story, so i understand that the world is not ukrainiancentric, but once again i emphasize the terrain of peace in europe and in the world, a dash of injustice in the world today protects three ukrainian soldier thank you mr. Igor it was igor lapin major of the armed forces of Ukraine Special forces peoples deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation friends we work live on the espresso tv channel as well as on our youtube platforms and on facebook for those who are now watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video and also take part in our vote, we are asking whether the United Nations will dare to exclude russia from the un security council, yes, no , whatever your choice please leave it under this video. Well, we have another expert in contact, and this is oleksandr musienko, the head of the center for military and legal studies, mr. Oleksandr. I congratulate you. I am glad to see you on our broadcast. Foreign policy day and rammstein. On the 15th, the session of the General Assembly began. Everyone is waiting for zelensky s speech at the un General Assembly. Well, at least in ukraine, and before the speech at the un General Assembly, the president of ukraine made a statement that russia should be excluded from the un General Assembly because of treason. How likely is it now and how much the un General Assembly can do as the league of nations once did with the soviet union when the soviet union attacked finland in 1939 i think it is unlikely to exclude russia to understand, despite the fact that the argumentation is presented, this will not be, well, here it is worth understanding another thing that i want to remind you that the events that happened after the exclusion of the league of nations led russia out of the league of nations, they eventually led to the fact that the league of nations ceased to exist and in 1942 was the washington treaty was signed, which stipulated that it was necessary to defeat nazism and then after that to establish another International Organization and, well, in fact , it became a un with principles that would not start aggressive wars, violate borders and Something Else for today. I think that we should talk about the fact that the un in its current form will eventually cease to exist and be reborn into Something Else, that is, whether or not there will be or will be a similar International Organization. I am almost certain that the world in the end, it is globalized and communicative, but i also think that it will be a completely Different Organization that simply has to appear because it will breathe life into what is dying. I do not see the prospects of these initiatives that are currently being proposed by in particular, the United States about the fact that it is necessary to expand the composition of the permanent members of the un security council, this is nothing more than simply maintaining, you know, on the e apparatus, in fact , well, just artificial artificial Artificial Life support of the organism, everything, but it does not save the situation, it is not some qualitatively new medicines that able to improve health and, lets say, lead to the awakening and first of all of thoughts, clarity of thoughts, and so on, not because i think that in any case we will be waiting for the renewal of the organization itself, not just a reform with the exclusion of russia, but the formation of something qualitatively different. It seems to me that this is simply a historical process, but it is inextricably linked, firstly, with the ongoing war, with the future, and with how the war will end with our victory , and with the fact that it will in any case lead to the transformation of international relations, because everything the world is the same now, and this war demonstrates how the world is divided into blocs of autocracy and blocs of democracy , and it will definitely not be possible to hold on and stay in the middle , it will have to be determined, in any case, it will lead to transformation, like many other processes heres what i see. Heres what im counting on. What im betting on will eventually come to this. But for this, the world must look in particular to the future of russia and not, lets say, not to be afraid of its possible disintegration. In fact , the president of lithuania gitanas na vysed did not speak. Said that we need peace, but not peace, as he said, not at any price , lets hear what he said, we highly appreciate the efforts of the organization of the United Nations general secretary, who are looking for any opportunity to achieve peace, but peace not at any price, peace has to be achieved on the terms that ukraine must put forward and we cannot negotiate on the territorial integrity of ukraine, this is the number one precondition president zelenskyi is actively making diplomatic efforts to convince some skeptical countries , mr. Oleksandr, of what is happening in the world starting from february 24, 2022, doesnt that mean the end of the world that was until now and we are between two holidays, that is , between that architecture that was World Architecture after the Second World War and that architecture that has not yet been built due to the russianukrainian war, because this war , which is currently taking place on our territory, is one of the largest after the Second World War, the largest on the european continent. This is exactly the case in this situation. Neither diplomacy nor statements nor condemnation of russia is within the framework of the un General Assembly. Any speeches, they have no influence on the situation, no one can influence putin , and this is also abnormal. Because there is no world policeman who, relatively speaking , will force the st. Petersburg gopnik to come to his senses. Well the fact is that er, i will say that i agree with you regarding the situation when we are in such a transitional period, the world is in such a transitional period , it seems to me that the fundamental thing is that this global confrontation is being imposed now against the west. I will say the western civilizational values ​​that we live by and protect now itself from russian aggression and the east. That is, it is obvious today. That is, this confrontation in one way or another. Well, lets say it is gaining a certain relevance and even greater images, and the real thing is that we now see that china is actively trying to compete to form, lets say, a certain club of states that act with china, the west, in turn, groups together with other states from europe and the east, such as japan, south korea, in support of ukraine , in particular, this confrontation is there and definitely what is the way out of this confrontation it is one way or another entering into some negotiations, in particular, perhaps there with china and other countries about the future, for example, the same russia , which the west does not really want , a paradoxical situation because it is possible that china would now agree to talk about the fact that the far east would fall under chinese influence and other territories and resources that he could get as a result of the future collapse in russia, which may happen, and this is very important, in fact, what are many other points , which are also there, and of course it will end with what i said, that we will come out in a certain period when will there be a reestablishment or rebirth of an International Institution that will be responsible for maintaining this balance in the world . And as for russia, you understand that some politicians in the west still have an approach that in principle russia is even authoritarian. It can be more predicted than russia which will fall apart or there ahah i dont believe lets say democratically well, some kind of parody of democracy or Something Else and it will be easier with them in any case in the end to come to an agreement between reaching with lets say so the changes that may come well, this is an absolutely, lets say, an absurd approach, he did not justify himself , well, today we see putin, who is absolutely stubborn in his madness, aggressive and on whom there is no influence, and this, by the way, to those analysts who very often write in the west about that what is possible ukraine will now find ways to sign some agreements, which are from the armistice, in what way is it possible today. If putin wants war, that is, the assessment constantly keeps even this time and therefore. Of course, in any case , this will all lead to transformation. I think that in this there is no doubt, but it is very important that it is understood in the west that these transformations will be implemented anyway and simply now , in any case, then the project of some russia , which would be a deterrent, but a restraining element of china, simply and thats it finish i think one more representative of the country that was the founder of the United Nations organization, or rather the founder of the un , was the belarusian socialist soviet socialist ee republic. And now it is the republic of belarus, an independent, well , relatively independent state. Lukashenko talks about the fight against the west on the example of ukraine and this everything is happening just these days when this big panorama of the meeting of World Leaders and the exchange of opinions is unfolding, how the world is arranged, what is happening in the world right now, lets listen to what the selfproclaimed president of belarus Oleksandr Lukashenko berries can wait for us ahead if we dont mobilize and dont show them that we wont be seen as big poland lives , including russia well , america stands behind poland, they decided to destroy everything that is here, first of all european the union and the main point of support is poland. In the 20th year, they wanted to join us there so that there were dividing lines between russia east and west. Well, it didnt work out, so we are now paying a lot of attention to the Defense Industry. Now we see the formation of the axis of evil as before it was about the soviet union such a concept of the axis of evil well, the axis of evil, that is, lukashenko, in what way is putin , obviously, iran, obviously, there are some other countries that support putin, but you are not in the advertised form , how much, according to you, is the world capable of breaking allow this axis of evil to happen because putin is talking about the fact that i did not talk to anyone about weapons at all. This is not the same conversation. They say that the weapons that are in north korea will remain there, but it is not only about north korea there and russia in given situations about a whole system of opposition or opposition to the civilized world where north korea will play the role of such a hub for the same chinese that can enter the territory of russia and like belarus, among other things, because belarus has until now played such a food hub when there were certain sanctions against russia, shrimp products there i dont know if something labeled belarusian entered the russian federation, how can the world resist this group of evil, relatively speaking, i think it can and will be resisted. The fact is that the world needs to understand that the west is still stronger and it is very important not to lose this race to, for example, china , what does china seek to directly win in this struggle and unites the alliance these are countries and conducts. Still a strong, insidious opponent who is able to use, in particular, a slander and, lets say, the west itself and its certain vulnerabilities to its advantage, and this is the most important understanding in the usa and in europe in the eu countries this is absolutely and it is obvious and here against this background i i would still like to single out the decisions that have been adopted now by the measure to increase the production of weapons, about what is being launched in defense enterprises, about the fact that no one has given up on the idea of ​​actually increasing support now in order to provide these weapons with ammunition in ukraine to fight against russian aggression, and understanding that that in the end it is necessary to support ukraine, it remains despite any skeptical statements that are heard about it from certain politicians of certain countries in the west, that is, the west is really rallying i think that for President Biden of the United States, this is the idea of ​​forming a coalition. Why is it so often . Here we have, including, in our information space, the words aviatsiya tankova coalition are heard, there is another one, because it matters, it is very important to demonstrate that the west is the only west. He acts collectively and that anyone who wants to go, for example , against a european country, against European Values, to deal with the usa in particular. That is, it will be a powerful club of states that is united by common values ​​and will oppose it instead, we see that the east and some other countries are trying to prevent this leadership, this is happening under the leadership of china, which often stays behind the scenes and formally avoids any accusations because the supply of weapons or any other support, for example aggression, trying to demonstrate neutrality , but there is an increasing understanding that they are, after all, interested in russia being in the war because it will be weakened, they will receive cheap resources, this is understandable plus this is an indirect opposition to measures, and therefore, in principle, if we take china as a determining factor, then of course if china deployed certain of its capacities and increased supplies through north korea, or perhaps iran or other countries, and certain, say , ammunition and projectiles, of course it would add it is necessary to understand certain positions of russia , and this would create serious challenges for us here, the understanding is because north korea by itself or iran by itself well, we see the dawn of active interaction with russia for about a year even more with the supply of shaheds, they supplied the same information, there was information about tank shells, and there were artillery shells, but yes , shaheds are a problem for us, from which people in civilian cities suffer, but they did not lead to the fact that russia eventually won victory over ukraine in the same way and now not will lead to the same, and north korea by itself is not capable , cannot give, they cannot give so many weapons, which, well, now they have changed the essential situation there on the front, to save some directions , to patch this up and give russia the opportunity there to defend against our counterattack for a certain period, yes, north korea can do it and it will obviously make it decisive. It seems to me that this position of china is the most important thing that they can be the biggest challenge and be the conductor behind the scenes of these events. Actually, it seems to me too the main challenge that is for the west and to some extent for us, mr. Oleksandr. Over the past few days, we have been witnessing the unfolding of a trade misunderstanding. Lets just say that i dont want to use the word war between countries of the European Union, poland, slovakia, hungary and ukraine regarding the Ukrainian Border of ukrainian grain. Today, the eu government announced that it is ready to introduce a ban on the import of some goods because they do not want to accept ukrainian agricultural products. E European Union and neighboring countries compromise ukraine will introduce control and verification measures for the export of four groups of goods if poland , hungary, slovakia do not agree to the measures agreed with the european commission, then ukraine will introduce mirror or mutual trade restrictions, the most important thing to remember is that we are all on the same side, on the side of European Values ​​and democracy, so we are all on the side of European Values ​​and democracy, but when it comes to markets, about internal markets, and even more so about agricultural markets, we see that even you, during such a war, a bloody and very difficult situation in the south with the export of our grain abroad and not in the countries of the global south, we see that the European Countries are not very happy with us, and you see, we are starting to talk somehow language an ultimatum and the fact that if you and we, well, its something similar. To be honest, to the point that we used to periodically have relations with russia before the great war, remember there was such an era of trade wars when they limited something there, we limited them something not a very good story against the background of a great era , i would say so well, first of all, you have to understand there are certain political moments in poland and in slovakia elections i want to remind slovakia should be held earlier and in poland should be held a little later in october accordingly we we cannot interpret all these events that are happening now and the gaps in the gap from the Election Campaign because one way or another the candidates have to promise support to the farmers one way or the other, the farmers vote and the candidates are fighting for their votes and this is what needs to be understood. Strictly speaking that the decision is made through the prism of the election race, so it seems to me that it should be taken into account with our speed, because we make decisions very quickly and rapidly, whether it also arises raises certain questions, the second well, i would not advise you to forget that there is still a war going on and russian aggression against ukraine, and no matter what, with all due respect to the farmers, with all due respect and to the fact that it gives us economic dividends and brings income to the budget. I understand that the war must also be financed. Well, we just need to approach pragmatically and weigh on the scales what we get logistics. We will get weapons from these countries , we get cooperation. Weapons through third countries, 155 mm projectiles, which we need, which is the nearest country that has cooperation with south korea, lets say its quite tested, its poland , well, that is, the same logistics capacity and the same weapons slovakia and the czech republic, we are now implementing joint projects in the Defense Industry and we will implement slovakia

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