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What is being said . Well, they are probably already drinking champagne. We watched propaganda tv channels today, how they rejoice and talk, well, finally, the poles showed the ukrainians. Well, somewhere in this style, but duda also said that the dispute over grain will not cause a quarrel between ukraine and poland. We will listen. I dont i believe that one political or legal dispute can destroy such capital and the work that we have created. I have no doubts that the dispute about the supply of grain from ukraine to the polish market is an absolutely fragmentary moment of all polishukrainian relations and i dont believe that under normal circumstances he can have a significant influence on them. Poland will also suffer. The head of the polish Foreign Ministry called ukraines policy harmful and offensive. At the same time, the former head of the polish Foreign Ministry sikorski said about the conflict between warsaw and kyiv that he was ashamed of this conflict. That this conflict is unfolding but be that as it may, what is happening now between ukraine and poland can it affect ukraines progress towards the European Union because bloomberg reports that in october the European Commission will recommend starting negotiations on ukraines accession to the eu. You see, i remember how poland started its way to the eu a long time ago, and how polish colleagues told us how difficult it was to progress , including in matters of agriculture, so lets be to be frank and sincere, it will be a difficult and difficult process of adaptation, because no one wants to let someone into their garden and let someone do what they want there, this is objective and it is obvious that our negotiators especially in those directions where we clearly have it will be very, very difficult to gain an advantage over european producers, and all this must be taken into account right away, as they say on this issue, but the positive is that all countries have gone through this, we will pass, and we, uh, i dont think that this grain dispute can really and here i agree with president duda that she can influence the basis that has been laid for a long time , this is a trifle, this is a political consequence of this election campaign. Should not worry too much, although certainly every country will try to protect your market and say that you can only sell so much to my market. There are thousands of tons of wheat or that much and it will be a really difficult job , but lets look at everything from the other side and what do we have besides there is no European Market other than that other countries dont buy our grain and we have no ways to resolve our issues like this thus, that is, i am simply in favor of us looking at these things narrowly lobo excuse me for saying a little bit more widely and understood where we need to insist on something and where should we just look for another market and use the possibilities of the European Union in the future, because it is a powerful economic grouping in the world . So the first question is to join the eu, and the second is to use its opportunities for the benefit of ukraine. To the European Union , mr. Volodymyr, today Jens Stoltenberg hinted that ukraine could join nato in the event of a cessation of hostilities. Are sure that this will really be a stop to the war, this means that being a framework of conditions that would ensure the security and territorial integrity of ukraines borders , unconditional membership in nato is one of the ways to achieve this. Well, considering our progress towards nato and the European Union and well, in fact, we are standing on the threshold of these structures, how quickly he caught a cold, god knows, well, at least turkey has quite a lot of experience, er, it is meant at the time of joining the European Union. What do you think, er, hmm, how will ukraine manage to pass these are all stages which we have to go through even before joining the European Union and in relation to nato. Well, of course, the end of the war is one of the conditions of the North Atlantic Alliance for the cessation of hostilities in ukraine, that is , the end of the war. How much time do you think we will need for this . For how quickly the armed forces of ukraine survived the russian occupier with the ukrainian and no more, that is, it is obvious that after that, and you have already talked about this with you several times , cardinal internal political changes will begin in russia after that, well even if we take the crimea, this is what they called it, the sacred crimea , Something Special for them, something made up once again, and so on. Well, the crimea is really becoming unsuitable for what they made of it namely, this military base, in fact, they turned into a peninsula, it cannot function from there, they either have to leave or have to be developed fiasco, that is, maybe even until the end of all hostilities on all fronts, which we have a fiasco in crimea will mean a fiasco of putins regime, it is not it is possible to rule out, and therefore it is not possible to rule out that those who will remove putin or who will replace him by removing him from the Steering Wheel and so on will think about stopping wars will therefore open up the possibilities that you just talked about when the war officially ends and then the door to the alliance opens for ukraine , of course. This is all after the Ukrainian Armed forces became the Defense Force of ukraine they will show the russian invaders what is called theirs in their language is called pushkins mother, but only after that can something positive and expected for us happen, vladimir, can the North Atlantic Alliance somehow speed up the fiasco putins regime, because we are still watching the members of the North Atlantic Alliance, and we understand that they are afraid of Nuclear Weapons and the capabilities that the Russian Federation currently has, and they do not torpedo or , lets say, speed up this process too much can the finalization of the russianukrainian war be much faster than the same leaders of the g7 predict 67 years, or on the sidelines of the un, bloomberg reported that the leaders of the g7 predict that the war could be 67 years, is it possible somehow can it change, can it be . Yes, it seems to me, well, the same forecasts as that the russian army will defeat ukraine in three days or three weeks. Well, about the same. Well, if you look at the capabilities of russia , what they are as of now both economists and military analysts talk only about a maximum of one and a half to two years, when Everything Else is exhausted. Well, look. The last of the last examples that talk about this, about this trend, is russia, which one american esedator correctly called a gas station country, remains without gasoline and without diesel well, you can imagine a country that produces oil remains without oil and without oil products, now the government of the Russian Federation makes a decision that it actually bans the export of oil and oil products from russia because the prices in the country produces oil flew into space, what safety margin can we talk about in this country 67 years ago, this is under consideration. It seems like political fantasies to me, but if our western partners did not pull this rubber band eh, for too long , we need in the form of the same eh twinguided aviation missiles, not the real number of the same tanks that could break through eh, the procedure was definitely faster. And i dont know what to do with it, and thats why this position is a pushpull one and it continues unfortunately. Thank you, mr. Volodymyr. I wish you good health and we will be waiting for you in the next broadcasts. This was volodymyr ogrysko, politician, diplomat, minister of Foreign Affairs of ukraine in 20072009 , friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel and also on our platforms in on youtube and on facebook, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube, please take part in our survey, this survey sounds like this, do you believe in the existence of good russians , yes, no, and your option, please write under with this video in the comments, we are in touch with a military expert pressing a layer. David served in the israel Defense Forces in 19931997, mr. David. I congratulate you. Thank you for participating in our program. Good evening, sergey. Hello , the war in ukraine may continue for another 67 years ago, this is what the representatives of the big seven say during lunch on the sidelines of the Un General Assembly and they are quoted by bloomberg and how do the representatives of the big seven consider the war, which war started by russia, to be at least until 2030 . What do you think, what are these forecasts related to the mobilization resource that is in russia with the economic capabilities of russia to wage war or with the military military potential of the Russian Federation well, i would say that this is all already not predicted, this is an assumption, this is a possibility for which it is not necessary to prepare. From such options, but i wouldnt say that this is really a perspective that is considered the most real and in general it means looking too far. In these assessments, they proceed from the fact that it is difficult for putin to give up admiration part of the territory of ukraine, since it will then be a personal fiasco for him. Returning even to the starting line of a large scale war is not only a failure for him, but also a threat to his own and his own. That is why he draws happiness, tries to achieve certain results in ukraine, of course everyone remembers iran and iraq war and this war are often compared with the early arab crisis, there are many similarities and it lasted eight years, but i looked far away, but there is one obvious feature. For example, if we consider that from vinnytsia, then for putin, such a limit is the election of the american president , he believes that if the republican candidate comes to power , the approach to helping ukraine will change and the best option for him will change, in general, this calculation is incorrect, but he can only hope for exactly this solution to the situation. And this means for november next year, there are serious chances for the continuation of the war , depending on and depending on the results of the election, it will be decided. Also, we remember about force majeure, who could think of an agreement and probably could not to think about Something Like this, accordingly, force majeure also happens and is not so rare , mr. Sharp, during the last week, we have witnessed how the armed forces of ukraine inflict powerful blows on the military infrastructure of the Russian Federation in the annexed crimea, how do you think the situation in crimea will affect the general the situation on the eastern and southern fronts, and on the political environment in the Russian Federation, because we know that crimea is putins achilles heel and putins special pride, and it is clear that it will hit the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea fleet at the command posts in the territory of crimea increase the chances of the ukrainian state to turn the Crimean Peninsula simply into the island of crimea , the most important aspect is such symbolism for russian society, the strike that took place today on the headquarters of the black sea fleet from a Military Point of view it was probably a smaller black strike than the recent one a blow to the reserve command of the black sea fleet point and the herd of repairmen of the sevastopol plant when a large dessert ship was destroyed and submarine, this gift was demonstrative and this is a problem for the russian authorities, because it shows that they cannot effectively protect the peninsula from the point of view of military influence , precisely on the northern ones, and i will not be such an indirect influence, in any case, i am talking about symbolic moments, reliable and political they are directly related to the military , and the feeling that something is wrong at the front is strengthened thanks to such an attack, and if the ukrainians have more longrange weapons , they can have a permanent effect on the crimea basis and cause serious damage not only of this kind, that is, today it was a common object, but they can strike about the airfield and other objects, i also believe that these strikes also have an intimidating effect on the eve of winter , which says a lot about the fact that russia is ready to restore the destruction of the Ukrainian Energy system, the strikes that have been carried out in crimea in recent days show that there are no absolutely protected targets in crimea , including energy targets, targets related to fuel storage and transport targets and maybe this is a nation to the kremlin about the fact that if you pass these or other red lines at least to crimea, where there is no ban on the use of highprecision western made weapons , we can also achieve a lot. To interrupt successfully because mr. Zelenskyy is speaking to the Canadian Parliament lets see live what the president of ukraine says before starting i want to remind you of one thing this thing where is it about something that is very important to understand ukraine and canada, what we should do, what we should do together , in 1983, the city of edmonton, we know that the history of this city is similar to the history and destiny of ukraine , as well as the ukrainian canadian community, it was in this place that the first monument was erected, which of the victims of the holodomor, this was the first monument in the world , thank you very much, canada, this monument was erected so that the whole world would remember the genocide of the ukrainian people, the genocide that was provoked by moscow, this was the first monument at the time of the holodomor in the world, ukraine did not have such monuments that would honor the victims of the genocide, because at that time ukraine was under the control of moscow, this fall it will celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the actual commemoration of the victims of the holodomor, a lot has changed since then ukraine gained independence ukraine is restoring its historical memory dozens of other countries, their parliaments , their governments have already recognized the holodomor, recognized it as genocide of the ukrainian people, and this year there were 11 such recognitions, and therefore i am sure that the entire the world recognizes the truth about the holodomor, but there is something that, unfortunately, has not changed in the 40 years since the monument was erected in edmonton, and it has not changed in the 90 years since the holodomor, moscow continues to control ukraine, uses all means to continue the genocide, and this genocide is what the russian occupiers of the uk are doing to ukrainians this is genocide. What kind of suffering are faced by women, men, children, our families, whole cities, we survived the destruction of mariupol, waves of bahmut and every crime from which any ukrainian city or town suffered every crime must be retribution must be punishment life life and justice life and justice must to be above all in ukraine and for all ukrainians, this russian aggression must end with our victory. That is how , in order for russia to never even try to bring genocide to the territory of ukraine again, russia must lose once and forever and she will lose. Dear mr. President , parliamentarians of canada, dear justin, mr. Prime minister, dear representatives of all communities who have gathered here today, all citizens of canada , i am addressing everyone, in my opinion, one of the most outstanding qualities of your country is also that justice is not just an empty sound. A word for canadians, a very important point about you about your people is that you never make any political bets on cruelty, you are always on the bright side of history. Thank you for this. Applause for you during the First World War as well as during the interwar period as well as during the cold war you always defended freedom you always defended justice and therefore i have no doubt that you will choose this side of freedom and justice when russia started a fullscale war against ukraine thank you from me forest nevering up on you but it is never enough to just choose the right side you must show leadership on that side and i am sure that you show an example of great leadership thank you canada so Volodymyr Zelenskyy is speaking in the Canadian Parliament we see that he is quite warmly received in the parliament of canada, the prime ministers of canada are present there, justin trudeau. Well, please tell me if we still have david sharp in contact, we have already started talking about the threat to the Energy Security of ukraine , because it is clear that the Russian Federation will deliver powerful strikes in the fall and winter on the Energy Infrastructure of ukraine. This week there were already 43 cruise missiles, 36 of them were shot down, but some of them still hit critical facilities in ukraine. How is this in israel . The question was resolved because it is clear that there is an iron dome system there, or is it enough to protect against these attacks that are aimed at critically important objects of your state . The fact that israel has for many years paid a lot of attention to antimissile harrows, this low system appears , the americans helped and in most cases the americans financed 80 of various developments , they understand that there is no airtight airtight defense about the best means and in the event of a major war, they also understand that the enemys missiles will hit the targets and there is even such a not so cynical but painful choice that when there is a major war, missiles that go directly to the city will be missed and priority will be given to protecting important objects , such as an airfield how much if there is an effective attack on such objects, the city will not be protected by anyone, the israeli antimissile Defense System is not only for the railway, it is fourlayered and the iron dome wants to be the most famous component, but nevertheless not most importantly, there are other systems aimed at covering various threats, starting with missiles with a range of 5 km to missiles with a range of 2000 km, this is the david arrow system, as well as a host of ground air and many other measures, and most importantly , such a system has been working for decades, huge funds have been invested and aid to say such an ally as the United States and in a short time to solve the question how to repel a serious threat is difficult with this it is necessary to work in the long term quite seriously according to there is no processing strategy and nevertheless no grammatical defense strategy. Thank you, mr. Sharp, for your participation in the program. I hope that we will talk a little more some other time. Sorry, president zelenskyi took us out of the council schedule. I was able to see you on our broadcast. Thank you for participating in the broadcast. Davidsharp, a military expert from israel, friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel , as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please like this video take part in our survey do you believe in the existence of good russians 85 dont believe i dont believe and i put an end to it and wish you all good health take care of yourself and your relatives Goodbye Group of seven from ukraine in the studio in london are already working ferumerov for the next 15 minutes, we are talking about Volodymyr Zelenskyis visit to the United States, why the ukrainian president failed to receive the military aid package that he was counting on. Volodymyr zelenskyi is already in canada after difficult negotiations with the United States, where he is getting assurances of support for the new package help, but without a promise from the american side to provide such longrange attack missiles as needed for the offensive why the ukrainian president did not get everything washington expected analysis of bbc correspondents

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