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17 10 on the tv channel espresso va hello this is freedom morning informational project radio svoboda top guests every day this is the ship district of kherson inclusion live we we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9 00 with you Vitaly Portnikov and we will discuss the main events of this week Vitaly Portnikov and top experts about the most striking events of the last seven days to our the guest will be the generator of companion forces, the former National Security adviser of the president of the United States, donald trump, herbert mcmaster, current topics, pressing questions, authoritative comments and forecasts in the project, an informational marathon with Vitaly Portnikov every sunday at 8 10 p. M. On espresso , vasyl zimas Big Broadcast my name is vasyl zima, two hours of air time two hours of your time, we will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war , it turns out that our broadcast serhiy zhoretska military summaries of the day and how the world lives what is there in yuri fizer will tell the world for two hours to keep up with the Economic News of radio broadcasters oleksandr movchantsi he tells us about the economy during the war and new sports yevhen pastukhov is ready to talk about sports for two hours in the company of his favorite presenters about culture during the war he is ready to talk about the war or even presenters that many people have become strange, maybe the weather will give us some optimism ms. Natalka didenko is ready to tell us, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, we will have Volodymyr Hryshko today , if everything goes well, the events of the day in two hours vasyls Big Broadcast in the winter, a project for smart and caring people in the evening on espresso, the war in ukraine, the main topic for ukrainians, victories and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics, Serhii Rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this, people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future right now, the main and interesting thing in the program is the verdict by Serhiy Rudenko from monday to friday at 8 00 p. M. Repeat at 12 10 p. M. Greetings dear viewers on the air of espresso tv Channel Program studio event analyze will be the most important events, in particular, we are talking about the huge sami and her meetings that took place this week in the United States, without a doubt, window events for our guest today, daniel fried and andriy piontkovskyi , daniel fried , one of the creators of the american sanctions system, excoordinator of the state department for sanctions politicians i congratulate you dear mr. Frit in the studio of the espresso tv channel thank you very much extremely important meetings were now taking place in the United States, we understand that there were several of cases which at the same time we all tried to solve, in particular, it is about an extremely Important Message from president zelenskyi, it is about meetings between our ukrainian political establishment and the american one and , accordingly, key stories this is a serious longterm help to ukraine, but, unfortunately , we did not catch the signal regarding the allocation of longrange Missile Systems etakems, there are two reasons why president zelenskys visit to washington and new york to the Un General Assembly is so important first of all, president zelenskyi wants to strengthen american support for ukraine and its struggle for the use of zelenskyi is doing the right thing, he must convince americans and rightists and leftists and democrats and republicans that what they are doing for ukraine is a just cause and that ukraine can succeed. The second message is because he insists on increasing the provision of weapons in the biden administration, there is an internal debate about the attacks that you mentioned , i hope that soon this issue will be resolved in favor of ukraine, so take action zelenskyi are aimed at ukraine being able to push back the russians and return to its territory dear mr. Ambassador penny pritzker, who will coordinate and control the socalled largescale economic assistance from the United States so we heard about certain signals from the state department and not only the starting side in particular we are talking about the fight against ukrainian corruption, we would really like certain concepts to be mixed up, but in any case, we understand that indepth cooperation jumps and penny appeared pritzker, what will be the interaction strategy . I think that the appointment of a senior experienced american politician, penny pritzker, is very good. She is not a middleranking bureaucrat. So its great that you raise the issue of corruption, so ukraine must fight for its existence and it needs internal transformation to become part of the european family. Ukraine will succeed in both aspects, but it will have to sweetly, it will be difficult in ukraine, but this does not mean that it is impossible. Ukraine knows which way to come. It can adopt the experience of its western neighbor, poland, which began its successful transformation in 1989. And now it is a member of the european union, nato, and a much more prosperous society. So, after the war, ukraine will be need not only physical reconstruction, but also systemic transformation, and i think that penny plitker can support ukraine in both of these tasks , dear mr. Ambassadors, a grain agreement and a very serious mutual political, not only economic misunderstanding between ukraine and poland, we understand that ukraine should sell its grain, this is strategic for us, the story is from the other side, we understand that poland would like to somehow protect its own market and there are a lot of different speculations , a lot of different emotions, we understand that these emotions can take us very, very far i see in this a huge colossal danger and at the same time when we talk about the socalled grain deal i would like to ask you why so sluggish and unconvincing and is the ineffectiveness of this European Commission. Yes, we understand that the European Commission could attract its finances and purchase ukrainian grain. Yes, we understand if it is about helping the starving countries of africa, asia, and so on, this is indeed the case in the last two or three days of rhetoric between poland and ukraine she was quite sharp, which could not but please the kremlin, and the polish and ukrainian governments must move away from this and understand that they are allies and that what is happening now is nothing more than a family quarrel , and the tension can be high, but we we all know very well that it is not necessary to take garbage out of the house, it is very important, as far as i know, poland allows ukrainian grain to transit through poland to africa and the middle east. That is, it did not block all ukrainian grain, you can learn about this from some comments in the media, but poland is worried about the sale of ukrainian grain at low prices, because grain prices have fallen due to the Large Russian harvest and russians flooding the market. There is a way out of this situation, and you mentioned it. The European Commission could probably become an intermediary in achieving a certain an understanding that would secure polish farmers and the polish market by giving ukraine access to World Markets via transit through poland, such a solution would be optimal , i cannot give an Expert Opinion on the details, but i think that there would be a way forward today. They want to move forward, so it is about how friends of ukraine can help it solve this issue as soon as possible. I fear that the ukrainianpolish misunderstanding may reach an additional unpleasant emotional level and in your opinion, are there any chances at all to establish this cooperation and return at least to the state that existed before the grain misunderstanding, as the war continues and the ukrainianpolish understanding and the ukrainianpolish union is actually a terrible dream for the kremlin since 1920. Yes, poland and ukraine have a common strategic interest in protecting the eastern flank of europe from russian aggression, the poles know very well that in the 17th century everything would have been different if they had supported the ukrainians and zaporizhia sich in particular , that is, russia always takes advantage when poland and ukraine is quarreling, the poles know how much their country has done for ukraine for humanitarian and strategic reasons, as well as the fact that friendship with ukraine is in their interests, and it really is. It is in our common interests , when the kremlin wants to see poland and ukraine in a state of enmity, friends of poland and ukraine people like me want to see polishukrainian relations at a high level in order to fulfill the hopes of leaders from both sides who understand that together they can be safer than alone last week in a conversation with me matthew bryza, a former adviser to the secretary of state, a mutual acquaintance of yours, said that the grain agreement , in particular, russias attempts to interpret it in its favor, the attempt to distort it, also indirectly indicates another process under the guise of this russian version. They would like to continue the intensification of the supply of russian gas through turkey and bulgaria using the socalled turkish flow and then involve serbia and hungary, and according to ambassador bryza , preparations are currently underway by the European Commission regarding the investigation of this hidden implicit case, he is a wise and experienced person. We have known each other for 30 years and i think that his advice is good. He is right. The task facing all of us is to help ukrainian exports to enter World Markets in the face of russian war and aggression. Such a goal is achievable if transit through poland and romania is provided, and some transported will go through the black sea, recently there were such transportations, however, they will also require pressure on russia, all this is possible and lets not to forget that the ukrainian counteroffensive is still ongoing. It is quite possible that ukraine will win back enough territory to logistically cut off crimea and change the strategic course of the war for wheeled weapons behind the scenes of the big politics that president zelenskyi mentioned during his speech at the Un General Assembly. Certain, so to speak, manifestations of what is called behindthescenes politics when some forces would like to solve the issue of russian aggression at our expense. Ecumenical president zelensky is right and his point point of view is that security cannot be divided, we are dealing with aggression against ukraine, which will not stop just like that. This is a lesson we learned in the 20th century and we must not forget it. Security for ukraine is security for all of us. Under putin, russia returned to the role of a country of the aggressor. We must be realistic about this. Russia is not our friend. Russia is the aggressor who started wars to achieve his imperial goals. This is not only a matter for ukraine and nato, it is a matter for the whole world. Quite strong, and i am impressed that president zelenskyi addressed the world from the general podium of the un assembly, he is not the first leader to make such statements, but it is obvious that the truth is on his side, we understand that putin is counting on certain supporters of his version, for example , the end of the war, putin hopes that part western summers will put pressure on the ukrainian political stebnyk on the ukrainian government, and will try either to prolong the conflict as long as possible or to freeze it, and the question is how decisive we will be american political elites european political elites in what is called helping ukraine to win as soon as possible putin is clearly counting on a protracted war to exhaust american and european support for ukraine perhaps he is also counting on the elections in the United States next year on the fact that his supporters came to power for example trumps soul gravitates to putin rather than to the cause of freedom , this is exactly what putin is counting on, so the correct policy is to help ukraine now as much as we can so that it could push the russians away, change the strategic course of the war and eventually put the russians on their shoulders, as they say, chinese diplomacy is showing another phase of heightened activity but what will be chinas position now . Will china play in support of russian aggression against ukraine or vice versa . Beijing will try to restrain putin and will convince him in one way or another , to end the aggression. I think that the chinese do not want putin to lose to them, it is inconvenient that he started this war and he doesnt care about anyone, that he took up a cause that he can neither win nor stop it cant, it puts the chinese in a difficult position, they dont want putin to lose, but they also dont want to be involved in his defeat, that is, they dont want to be too closely tied to putin , its not worth expecting a break in relations between china and russia, but chinas enthusiasm for supporting putins war appears to be limited , that is, their partnership does have certain limitations. Lost, as far as im concerned, its not just semantics. The difference is an extremely significant change in the formula. Its important to support and encourage ukraine to succeed to victory. The americans didnt expect that ukraine would be able to show itself so well on the battlefield. The United States government knew that there would be a war, but they thought that russia would be easy. Will cope with ukraine. This is where they were wrong and it took them some time to understand that ukraine can actually succeed in the struggle. The Us Administration does not want to make too many promises. We all hope for the victory of ukraine and i think that it is quite real, and despite this, a lot depends on the course of events on the battlefield, so in my opinion, instead of arguing about semantics, we should provide ukraine with the weapons it needs as soon as possible so that it can confidently approach victory, at one time we hoped that the russian economy by some miracle they managed to stabilize both the Ruble Exchange Rate and the domestic Economic Situation in russia in general , and actually i would like to ask you, maybe there are still some sanctions mechanisms left that would help the russian economy to return to the state it had, for example, at the end of the 80s. Yes, i understand that this process is ongoing, but there is a feeling that sanctions are not fast enough and indeed it is possible to strengthen them, but no sanctions will ever work perfectly , there will always be evasion of sanctions , but this does not mean that sanctions are not imperfect sanctions work, this is a reality, but they can harm the russian economy , which is what they do, so we should increase the pressure of sanctions. Sanctions we must manage these new restrictions on oil even more effectively and also pursue those who supply prohibited technologies to russia, so all this is difficult, imperfect and takes time, but we must do it, we must not forget the experience of the soviet economy, sanctions against the soviet economy were inconsistent and imperfect but the soviet economy still didnt last. We shouldnt forget this experience. But on the other hand, russia can go, you know. Like a lame duck for quite a long time, you know it reminds me of something to knock down a soviet t80 tank, but it drives. It drives, it kills. It moves. You can feel it. Putin is not going to end the war and withdraw his troops. So we understand that president zelenskys formula was accepted at all international platforms. In particular, the key story is the withdrawal of russian troops. Temporarily occupied our territories , on the other hand, we understand that there is putins position and that the mutiny or pseudomutiny is not putins nose. As we all hoped, when the economy is under pressure, the russian political the system is also under pressure, we know this from russian and soviet history , we know that when russia starts wars and does not win them, political pressure increases and then changes occur, we are well aware of this , the defeat of russia in ukraine, the success of ukraine on the battlefield can mean the defeat of putinism and i really hope that the Election Campaign in the United States can affect what is called a consolidated position of republicans and democrats. Democrats are united in supporting ukraine, except for a very small group of extreme left situations. It is more difficult with the republicans. President trump does not support ukraine. He supports putin. Many of his followers in the Republican Party are also against supporting ukraine. There is no mention of the majority, but their ranks are being replenished and they are very loudly asserting themselves in our politics today, which has caused difficulties in providing a package of aid to ukraine from the President Biden , president zelensky can make corrections , he met with the speaker of the house of representatives, mr. Mccarthy, who is a republican and who can influence general mood i really hope for that, it is necessary to put pressure on russia on the battlefield and we, in turn, should help ukraine because putins achilles heel will be found in any case, thank you for this opportunity to speak on the air of your Ukraine Program glory to the heroes thank you to you dear mr. Ambassadors, i want to remind our tv viewers that daniel fried, the former coordinator of the American State Department on sanctions policy, was working for them on the espresso tv channel. Thank you very much so that ukrainians do not think about the first place still goes to war war and our victory only on espresso from monday to monday completely different spheres of human activity Sports Health politics the return of crimea military analytics nine presenters journalists experts opinion leaders in real time about the most Current Events through the prism of war in authors projects on espresso every day, every hour, every minute, we receive a large amount of information about what is actually happening on the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how do we estimate our International Successes and about what moscow is lying about from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. Analytics, factchecking, expert comments, much more today about important things in simple language, available to all viewers, congratulations, what a week that saturdays at 9 00 p. M. Live from the scene of kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, freedom life, frankly and impartially , draw the most important conclusions vasyl zimas air my name is vasyl zima, two hours of air time, two hours of yours time, we will talk about the most important thing for two hours to learn about the war , serhiy zgoretska joins our broadcast, the military results of the day and what is the world like . What is there in the world, yuriy will tell fizer for two hours to stay up to date with the Economic News of radio operators oleksandr morshchyntsi, he talks about the economy during the war and new sports yevhen pastukhov is ready to talk about sports for two hours in the company of favorite presenters about culture during the war , lena or other presenters are ready to talk, which for many has become almost impossible at least the weather will give us some optimism, mrs. Natalka didenko is ready to tell us, and we will also have a respectable studio hotel today, Volodymyr Hryshko , if everything goes well, the events of the day in two hours vasyls Big Broadcast in the winter, a project for the intelligent and caring in the evening, naispresso, the war in ukraine, the main topic for ukrainians, victories and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics, Serhii Rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this, people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and are creating the future now, the main and interesting thing in the program is the verdict of Serhiy Rudenko from monday to friday at 20 00, repeat at 12 10. Andriy piontkovskyi, a political scientist who is in to washington glory to ukraine andrii andriyovych you are welcome to see heroes glory to the heroes good day president zelenskys visit to the United States of america powerful signals from the administration of the president of the United States at the same time the absence of etechams, well at least in the current official proposal from the United States and the socalled fulton speech of the secretary of state Anthony Blinkin we we understand that such scenarios are unfolding now that change the fate of the whole world september, but bidens thing in the General Assembly and the next day i lie down again Security Issues were no less troubling, ill tell you, well, zelenskyi is a great communicator and he always performed beautifully , but i would even say that we overshadowed biden and damn him, that is, the most emotional and stronger antirussian statements in ukrainian were sounded precisely from the american country, we are ours damn, what a peculiar thing he said that this is the monstrous aggression of russia against ukraine. It does not just challenge the International Son of security, it broke it , we are in a situation of transition from one e to another a warning that is now in the sixth year , eh , i say , i note that the soviet union foresees the countries of Eastern Europe lowering this iron curtain over them with them. Of ukrainian children, if we go to a meeting with him and investigate, allow us to follow ukraine only who of you turns that points to all the representatives there of two hundred states on the safety of who will remain можеt быtь уверных ээ tы tакой rhetoric. And we have never called an american leader last time with you with this security. Damn, why is there something about the war crimes committed by putin in ukraine and there is only one way for all people . The end of that twoyear struggle of the american administration, you and i watched every stage between the external victory of ukraine , the table cannot be, and by the siders , we call it the defeat of ukraine. Healed and it seemed to all of us in june and july that there were seeds of a difficult place in ukraine, that the point of view is taken, fun wins , remember how

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